FAMILY IS A WARM FEELING Ruby Miller 6th Grade • National Teachers Academy
I want you to know that everybody including friends are always family. No matter what, through tough times support them as best you can. My family is my school and my team. I learn from them and they learn from me. They never hurt me and I won’t do it to them. I believe in them to help me through these tough times. Although it may seem like they are far away, I hold them in my heart so they won’t fade away. I love my friends but they aren’t friends, they are my family. We all go together no matter our differences. They are very supportive and love me. No matter where you come from, always trust your family. Objects are nothing compared to them. Objects emit no light nor give you that warm feeling that family does. Family is the one thing you hold in your heart not your hands. Family is something to never let go Always hold it close to your heart Stand up for your family Visit them often to never get lonely Family will comfort you You will stay strong You will never give up As long as you never let them go