3 minute read
Luca Marino
3rd Grade • Immaculate Conception
Once upon a time there lived a group of bats called the Darkness Bats who ruled over Darkness Island, a place of hatred and anger. The Darkness Bats were as evil as Lex Luthor or the terrifying, creepy, Joker.
The Darkness Bats wanted to take over the world with the Coronavirus. But the bats couldn’t do it themselves, so they went to earth, and looked for someone that could be evil enough to send misery to the world and they chose a guy named Nick. “He’s perfectly evil!” said the leader bat. ”Take him here and we will turn him into the great evil Nick!”
Nick was now taken to the darkness island and gave the powers of the corona master listed below:
● The sneeze machine ● The corona breath bomb ● Corona karate ● Dirty viral hands
So Nick started to deliver the coronavirus to countries, towns, and cities. Nick had gotten several people the covid 19 Soon, thousands of people had it. “Ahh!” screamed the mailman. Poof! Pow! Everyone had it.
A week later schools, jobs, stores and restaurants started
shutting down. What a horrible sickness! Everyone stayed close side by side in a family. People started washing their hands 24/7. The COVID-19 still didn’t affect families. It even brought families closer during the quarantine. “Reporting from Chicago Illinois, there are now over 10,000 cases. What are we going to do? What will stop this mess?” said the news. But one thing that was good about this horrible mess is that the families grew closer to one another and they realized that family is more important than the jobs, school, and money.
Then the corona ninja jumped out of the corona mobile at Lincoln park where the last case was discovered. The corona ninja found evil Nick. “Stop in the name of the law!” screamed the corona ninja to Nick. “What are you gonna do? Pour a can of water on me?” said Nick in a teasing voice.
“Maybe I will,” said the corona ninja seriously. Then the corona ninja got his soap bomb and threw it at him. Then it blew up like a dolphin blasting out of the water. “Everyone, duck!” said the ninja as Nick tried to use his corona karate. “Help!” said a person going for a run on the street. Nick blasted his sneeze machine at the corona ninja. The corona ninja fell to the ground in a heartbeat. “You’ll never beat me!” said Nick with an evil laugh.
Nick strikes again. He gave another innocent person the dreaded virus. The ninja got up, brought super soap and squirted him. It hit Nick like a cheetah chasing an antelope. Nick froze immediately by the super soap and during that one minute the ninja got out his porto-sink and put Nick’s hand in it. Scrub, scrub, scrub, the corona ninja washed Nick’s hands really good until all of Nick’s hatred, stress, and anger came out of him and he became the good and innocent guy that he was meant to be.
“What happened?” Nick asked.
The corona ninja chuckled.
Soon, everyone was free from the hard, scary, quarantine. Families were stronger and now free to come out of their home and connect. The world was once again a happy place and Nick lived a happy, new life.
How to stay healthy and save lives:
1. Wash your hands for 20 seconds 2. Stay inside your home 3. Follow the social distance guidelines
About the COVID-19: Out of the whole world there are about 1,681,964. in the U.S., there are about 498,563 in the U.S. and in Illinois, there are 16,422. The corona can be as simple as a cold or as harsh as a death.
The COVID-19 can cause a cough, a fever and difficulty breathing. The coronavirus was believed to have started from bats, and the chinese ate them, and then the COVID-19 started.
How to get the virus: to get the coronavirus you have to touch someone or something that has it and if the object or person you touch has it and you touch your face then you will get it. But if you wash your hands before you touch your face, then the virus will come off.