THE CORONA NINJA Luca Marino 3rd Grade • Immaculate Conception
Once upon a time there lived a group of bats called the Darkness Bats who ruled over Darkness Island, a place of hatred and anger. The Darkness Bats were as evil as Lex Luthor or the terrifying, creepy, Joker. The Darkness Bats wanted to take over the world with the Coronavirus. But the bats couldn’t do it themselves, so they went to earth, and looked for someone that could be evil enough to send misery to the world and they chose a guy named Nick. “He’s perfectly evil!” said the leader bat. ”Take him here and we will turn him into the great evil Nick!” Nick was now taken to the darkness island and gave the powers of the corona master listed below: ● The sneeze machine ● The corona breath bomb ● Corona karate ● Dirty viral hands So Nick started to deliver the coronavirus to countries, towns, and cities. Nick had gotten several people the covid 19 Soon, thousands of people had it. “Ahh!” screamed the mailman. Poof! Pow! Everyone had it. A week later schools, jobs, stores and restaurants started