Gifts of Hope 15/16 Catalogue edition

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2015/16 Gift Catalogue | 3


Sunday, 1 November - Nepal Pray for everyone impacted by the devastating earthquakes that caused widespread destruction in Nepal. Pray that lives and churches can be re-established. Monday, 2 November - Bangladesh Pray for the ‘Light and Salt’ training course beginning today and running till the 4th. This training is for MBB^ youth and is the third module in the course. Tuesday, 3 November - Sri Lanka Last April, president Sirisena proposed to ban hate speech in the country with regards to ethnicity and religion. Praise God that the proposal has already gained cabinet approval. Wednesday, 4 November - Sri Lanka Sri Lankan Buddhist leaders have recently met with Indian Buddhist leaders to strengthen International ties. Please pray that this meeting would not exacerbate Buddhist extremists in Sri Lanka. Thursday, 5 November - Laos Laos is one of the five remaining Communist countries in the world. Pray for God to strengthen the persecuted Christians who make up approximately 3% of the population. Friday, 6 November - Laos Internet access in Laos is heavily monitored and restricted. People who post disparaging remarks about the government are prosecuted. Pray that Christians would be salt and light online. Saturday, 7 November - Vietnam Islamic missionaries are making significant inroads

in Buddhist areas of Vietnam. Pray that the Christians also living in these areas would be protected from this targeted evangelism. Sunday, 8 November - Vietnam Many local officials think it’s a badge of honour to say there are no Christians in their village. Pray for the Lord’s protection to be with Christians in Vietnam. Monday, 9 November - Indonesia Please pray for the Christian youth of Indonesia. Past sectarian conflicts have left many scars. Pray that they will grow into strong witnesses for Christ. Tuesday, 10 November - Bangladesh Beginning today, an all-in meeting between denomination and church leaders will be held, running till the 12th. Pray that this would be a step towards unity in the church in Bangladesh. Wednesday, 11 November - Indonesia Prayer for an Open Doors youth retreat in Aceh province. Aceh is one of the hardest places for Christian youths to live out their faith as Sharia law is enforced by the provincial government. Thursday, 12 November - Central African Republic Pray that the church in Central African Republic will bring hope to their communities, despite their continued suffering as they are still targeted by remnants of the rebellion, which started back in 2012. Friday, 13 November - Syria Pray that the Syrian church will continue to stand as a beacon of light and show the way to Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Saturday, 14 November - Brunei Pray for the delicate situation in Brunei where it is illegal to directly evangelise and Sharia law is imposed. Pray for believers to be wise and bold in their evangelism. Sunday, 15 November - Maldives Praise God that Maldivians are coming to Christ and opening their hearts to the gospel. Pray for this breakthrough to continue and that many more would give their lives to Him. Monday, 16 November - Maldives A supreme court decision in June ruled that a human rights group in the country was operating illegally. Pray the government would not use this to further tighten controls, particularly on religion. Tuesday, 17 November - Bangladesh Pray for SSTS~ training running with tribal believers in restricted areas of the country. Pray for the safety of participants travelling to and from the event, as well as for the usefulness of materials. Wednesday, 18 November - Southern Philippines MBBs^ continue to fear backlash from their conversion and the introduction of BBL#. Pray for comfort and strength in this difficult situation. Thursday, 19 November - Southern Philippines Fifteen MBB^ youth are partaking in intensive discipleship training. Pray they would stay strong and keep their eyes on Jesus even though they are often mocked and ignored by former friends. Friday, 20 November - Bhutan Pray for the Bhutanese church as often new believers are placed into leadership positions out of necessity. Pray for the discipleship of these leaders. Saturday, 21 November - Bhutan Pray for King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk and Queen Jetsun Pema, leaders of Bhutan. Pray they will have an opportunity to hear the Gospel and their hearts would be open. Sunday, 22 November - Myanmar Pray for the construction of Pastor Kyaw’s* church. The construction needs to proceed quickly

in order to house the many people fleeing persecution. Monday, 23 November - Myanmar Praise God for the couples training program for Chin people in Myanmar. Many of the men have pledged loyalty and gentleness to their wives as a result. Tuesday, 24 November - China Thank God for Brother Arthur* who after a month’s rest is now returning to his home town to plant a MBB church. Pray for protection and the development of the church. Wednesday, 25 November - China Pray for church leader Brother Paul*. Due to the demanding nature of his ministry, he was often called away from family duties and his son is now rebelling. Pray for this relationship to be mended. Thursday, 26 November - China Pray for Brother Yusuf - after coming to Christ his wife and daughter left him and his friends have abandoned him. Pray for God’s comfort and clear direction for his life. Friday, 27 November - North Korea A secret church leader told us, “When I think about all those people praying for us and supporting us financially, I cannot stop crying.” Continue upholding North Korean Christians in prayer. Saturday, 28 November - North Korea Several people have recently been kidnapped. Pray that despite being tortured they would continue being a godly witness and be able to withhold information on Christian networks. Sunday, 29 November - North Korea One of the worst droughts in history is impacting on food availability. Pray that the church would not be severely impacted by this and would be able to continue functioning. Monday, 30 November - Kyrgyzstan Pray for Eric* who recently came to Christ. After sharing this with his family, they beat him and are pressuring him to return to Islam.

Tuesday, 1 December - Tajikistan Recently the church has been targeted nationwide by the SNB^^ and is under intense scrutiny with pastors being followed. Pray that people will not be intimidated or deterred. Wednesday, 2 December - Turkmenistan Alimjon*, who evangelises to people in his taxi, was one day fined by a secret service agent he witnessed to. Pray for Alimjon and his family as they are being watched closely by authorities. Thursday, 3 December - Libya Pray for local believers who fear being identified as Christians for their safety. Pray also for nonLibyans who are ministering in the country. Friday, 4 December - Libya Pray for Christians living in IS## territories that God would provide for their daily needs and be keeping them safe. Saturday, 5 December - Iraq Violence in Iraq is rampant with people being killed every day. Pray that this violence would not be celebrated and that Iraq would soon see peace. Sunday, 6 December - Iraq Thank God for the presence of the church in Iraq and the church leaders serving there. Praise God for the work the church has been doing with displaced people. Monday, 7 December - Syria Thank God that despite the continuing exodus of Christians, the church in Syria still remains. Pray for the work God is doing through His church. Tuesday, 8 December - Syria There is no one clear option for the people currently living in Syria. Pray for a peaceful solution

to the destructive civil war now in its fourth year. Wednesday, 9 December - Syria Pray for the word of God to take root in the hearts of many Syrian’s, that they would know the peace of God amidst great turmoil. Thursday, 10 December - Lebanon The government has closed their border with Syria for the first time. Pray for the church assisting Syrian refugees, that they would continue to be generous in showing God’s love. Friday, 11 December - Lebanon Continue praying for Christian television stations who reach those that might not have the opportunity to hear the message of Christ any other way. Saturday, 12 December - Lebanon Pray for people who came to know the Lord or recommitted to Him during the many summer camps and conferences. Pray especially for those now considering giving their lives to Christ. Sunday, 13 December - Arabian Peninsula Pray for the kings, princes, sheiks, emirs, and presidents of the Arabian Peninsula. Pray that each of them will have the chance to hear the gospel. Monday, 14 December - Arabian Peninsula Pray that local believers will have the strength to pray for their persecutors. Pray that they would receive comfort from God as they do this. Tuesday, 15 December - Arabian Peninsula Pray that IS## would be repelled from the Arabian Peninsula, finding little traction with local Muslims. Pray that the actions of IS## would cause many to question Islam and find Christ.

Wednesday, 16 December - Yemen Most people have been impacted by the civil war in Yemen. Pray that believers would be salt and light amidst the suffering and have opportunity to evangelise in a country where it is illegal.

Friday, 25 December - Worldwide Remember and pray for a blessed Christmas for our persecuted brothers and sisters, wherever they may be and whatever circumstance they’re going through right now.

Thursday, 17 December - Qatar Pray that God would break the apathy of those in the country who are materially wealthy. Pray that the Holy Spirit would work mightily in many people’s hearts.

Saturday, 26 December - Morocco Praise God for the recent growth in the church in Morocco, pray that as the church goes forward now it works with the mentality of one body in Christ.

Friday, 18 December - Qatar Pray that God would provide opportunities for foreign Christian visitors to be able to share with locals about Jesus.

Sunday, 27 December - Morocco Pray for a believer who recently lost his job because he is a Christian. He has successfully completed the first stage of appeal but must continue to pay for his legal fees.

Saturday, 19 December - Iran Praise God for the many converts who have come to Christ through Christian television. Pray for leaders to able to disciple them. Sunday, 20 December - Iran Pastor Victor* has been charged with illegal evangelism and cannot find a lawyer willing to defend him. Pray for God’s provision for appropriate council and for a favourable outcome. Monday, 21 December - Israel and Palestinian Territories Open Doors is partnering with NGO Musalaha who are dedicated to building reconciliation between Arabic Christians and Messianic Jews. Pray for participants in a recent youth program. Tuesday, 22 December - Egypt Through acts of violence the Muslim Brotherhood are continuing to cause instability in Egypt. Pray God would bring peace and stop them from causing further problems. Wednesday, 23 December - Egypt Still very much in transition with governments, pray for wisdom for decision makers in all aspects of the country’s governance. Thursday, 24 December - Mauritania “When it rains, grass grows and cows give milk” – one of the most quoted metaphors for heaven in Mauritanian culture. Pray for both rain and true nourishment from Heaven.

Monday, 28 December - Algeria God is working in Algeria and wonderful things are happening in the midst of pressure and problems. Pray for more freedom for Christians. Tuesday, 29 December - Algeria Church leaders are struggling to continue to find energy for their work. Pray that leaders would be encouraged and bible study groups would continue meeting. Wednesday, 30 December - Tunisia Pray for Muslims who have been asking questions about God since Ramadan. Pray that they would come to know Christ and that they would be protected. Thursday, 31 December - Tunisia Pray for a believer in southern Tunisia who has been unable to find fellowship as there are few believers. Pray for strength in Spirit and God’s grace to rest upon her. * Name has been changed for security purposes ^ MBB = Muslim Background Believer ^^ SNB = Secret Police # BBL = Bangsamoro Basic Law - negotiated Sharia law allowed for only the state of Bangsamoro in the Philippines ## IS = The self-proclaimed Islamic State (formerly ISIS & ISIL) ~ SSTS = Standing Strong through the Storm

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