Editor’s Perspective 7 Breaking into the defense industry By John M. McHale III
Update 8 AFRL Commander’s Challenge tasks competitors to counter high-altitude aerial threats By Lisa Daigle
Tech Insider
9 A new model for COTS collaboration By Jason Shields Guest Blog
42 Addressing supply-chain risk and obsolescence in defense By Katie Fisher and Andrew Bice, STC, an Arcfield company
44 Deploying AI at the edge: Enhancing military readiness and response By Stan Crow, EdgeCortix
10 By Dan Taylor
Editor’s Choice Products 44 By Military Embedded Systems Staff
with Military Embedded 46 By Lisa Daigle
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SPECIAL REPORT: Leveraging RF and microwave tech for 5G applications
14 Riding the waves: How RF tech is supercharging military 5G By Dan Taylor, Technology Editor
18 U.S. military moves to implement 5G: key considerations By David Richard, Intel and Bob Haag, Trenton Systems
MIL TECH TRENDS: Spectrum management for military applications
22 Overcoming spectrum-management tech challenges By John M. McHale III, Editorial Director
26 The evolution and modernization of military command posts By Dominic Perez, Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions
INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT: SOSA Technical Standard 1.0: Impact on EW designs
30 SOSA’s impact on electronic warfare solutions By Ian Beavers, Analog Devices, Inc.
34 SOSA approach using VITA form factors in ATR, SAVE, or rackmount enclosures: The MOSA strategy in support of U.S. warfighters By Bill Pilaud, LCR Embedded Systems
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For the U.S. military and its allies, domination of the electromagnetic spectrum will be how future battles are won. Enabling this superiority will revolve around how well these forces manage spectrum-sharing and foster innovation in RF [radio frequency], signal-processing, and testing solutions. (Stock image.)
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GROUP EDITORIAL DIRECTOR John McHale john.mchale@opensysmedia.com
ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR Lisa Daigle lisa.daigle@opensysmedia.com
TECHNOLOGY EDITOR – WASHINGTON BUREAU Dan Taylor dan.taylor@opensysmedia.com
CREATIVE DIRECTOR Stephanie Sweet stephanie.sweet@opensysmedia.com
WEB DEVELOPER Paul Nelson paul.nelson@opensysmedia.com
We’re heading into the autumn defense trade show season: I’m looking forward to seeing many familiar faces, lots of gray hair like mine, and hopefully new friends too. For commercial technology firms, breaking into the defense industry has never been easy, but I’m starting to see new companies getting attention and design wins in military-electronics applications.
Most of the new ones are focused on artificial intelligence/ machine learning (AI/ML) and autonomous systems applications. In fact, at SOF Week (for which we produce the Official Show Daily), the last two years’ largest-growing industry representation has been companies focused on AI/ML and uncrewed innovations.
But it’s still not easy. Defense-acquisition executives are cautious folks by nature and want to ensure that the companies they are doing business with can be trusted and will be around for a program's duration. For that reason, this is the era of the trusted supply chain. The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) needs the ability to trace the history of each processor chip and RF [radiofrequency] component to prevent tampering by adversaries.
The upshot: Being able to claim “made in the USA” can be a big advantage. But even then you have speak the DoD procurement language and be patient with what can be a painfully slow acquisition process. Often, companies look to hire retired miliary officers who speak the lingo and have strong DoD contacts to ensure their tech gets a look.
Finding the right general, colonel, or major is not easy, and you have to hope their former staff really misses them or else you might get shut out from the beginning. The whole process is complex, but progress is being made and is getting support from the DoD directly.
Recently I saw some commentary from integrators on LinkedIn on how they were pleased to see the DoD actively encouraging working with commercial suppliers, specifically regarding a memo about the “Treatment of Nontraditional Defense Contractors” from the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Acquisition and Sustainment.
The memo, written by John M. Tenaglia, Principal Director, Defense Pricing and Contracting, states that “To encourage continued participation in the defense innovation and industrial base by NDCs [Nontraditional Defense Contractors], this memo reminds Contracting Officers (COs) that contractors may make an NDC determination about their suppliers and subcontractors, so long as the suppliers and subcontractors meet the definition of an NDC, as defined in 10 United States Code (U.S.C) § 3014.”
Such encouragement for NDCs is a positive reinforcement of efforts and initiatives that already exist. The first one that comes to mind is the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU), which seeks out new commercially developed solutions for areas like small uncrewed aircraft systems (UASs).
Another such organization is the SOFWERX platform, a partnership between DefenseWerx and the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) that works with industry to provide rapid prototyping of new technology. According to the SOFWERX website (www.sofwerx.org) the organization also sponsors science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) efforts at universities.
During a press briefing in 2022, Jim Smith – then the Acquisition Executive for USSOCOM – told me that while DIU is more of a technology scout, finding opportunities for government investment and emerging tech, SOFWERX is more about bringing ideas into USSOCOM, for the rest of SOF to do some of what DIU does. “We are reaching out to nontraditional companies at SOFWERX [those who are not a typical defense contractor],” he said then.
Another area for NDCs to enter the military business is with different modular open systems approach (MOSA) initiatives like the Sensor Open Systems Architecture, or SOSA, Consortium and the Future Airborne Capability Environment, or FACE, Consortium. Membership of both consortia are focused on enabling open architectures in avionics, electronic warfare, communications, radar, and more. The membership consists not only of prime contractors and military laboratories, but also is open to universities, commercial processor suppliers like Intel and NVIDIA, and many small businesses that fit the mold of an NDC.
The glacial defense-acquisition process is a roadblock to both traditional companies and NDCs, but the examples I mention above and the support that you see from memos like Tenaglia’s show a real path for companies to break into defense. Unfortunately the only way to speed up the process is to create new avenues, as the old roadblocks are near-immovable.
The success of rapidly deployed drones on the Ukraine battlefield is a recent win that demands the U.S. speed things up. As Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said during his keynote at SOF Week this year, “We’ve got to ... get capability in the hands of the warfighters much faster than we do today.” Ultimately, DoD wants to get to a point where operators tell industry, “This is it, go” and then build it as quickly as possible, he said.
AFRL Commander’s Challenge tasks competitors to counter high-altitude aerial threats
By Lisa Daigle, Assistant Managing Editor
The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) reports that two teams have been chosen to compete in the 2024 AFRL Commander’s Challenge, which seeks solutions to the threats to troops posed by slowmoving, high-altitude, aerial adversaries.
The challenge – open to junior officers, enlisted military members, and U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) civilians from across Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) – initially fielded six teams that created and demonstrated workable prototype systems and solutions in response to the 2024 challenge topic.
During the current second stage of the challenge, 19 people representing eight of AFRL’s functional and technical directorates and the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) are serving on two teams in response to AFRL Commander Maj. Gen. Scott A. Cain’s March 2024 call for contenders. All competitors have committed to participating in this year’s challenge as their primary duty post until the end of 2024.
At the end of the challenge period, the teams will participate in a head-to-head competition at a facility where each team will demonstrate the proposed solutions and share plans for the future military use of their tools.
According to information from the AFRL, the Commander’s Challenge is a longstanding AFRL tradition that is conducted to amplify service culture, strengthen teams to collaborate on delivering integrated capabilities that address crucial national-defense needs, and support the yearly AFMC Strategic Plan.
Operating within fixed budgets and limited time frames, teams learn to work together on rapid innovation, develop cutting-edge warfighting technologies, and produce fieldable solutions. The challenge – sponsored each year by AFRL’s Center for Rapid Innovation (CRI)
with support from the Wright Brothers Institute (WBI) – returned for the first time since 2019 after a forced five-year hiatus due to COVID-19 cancellations.
AFRL reports that a total of 14 junior force competitors – supported by five seasoned mentors, many of whom are also past Commander’s Challenge contenders – represent AFRL’s Aerospace Systems, Directed Energy, Headquarters, Materials and Manufacturing, Munitions, Plans and Programs and Sensors directorates, AFRL’s 711th Human Performance Wing, and AFLCMC in the 2024 Commander’s Challenge.
The two teams – one made up of personnel from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (Ohio) and the other a mix of people serving at Eglin Air Force Base (Florida) and Kirtland Air Force Base (New Mexico) –are now working, say AFRL officials, on leveraging their diverse skills to fulfill the challenge brief: to create affordable solutions to further enhance the DAF’s current portfolio of technologies used to intercept and defeat high-altitude balloons (HABs). (Figure 1.)
Engineer Anthony Ligouri, a former AFRL Commander’s Challenge participant whose team was named a winner in 2019 for developing autonomous advanced rescue craft and combat vision technologies, is serving as program manager for the 2024 competition.
“Having observed the two teams just over the past couple of days, it’s clear to me that both of them are very strong,” Ligouri asserts in an AFRL report on the challenge. “They all bring diverse skill sets and abilities to the table. It’s going to be really interesting to watch them leverage those talents and to see what they come up with.
“These teams are being asked to come up with tangible solutions that are also affordable. We want them to use cost-
appropriate systems and methodologies that effectively eliminate the risks posed by HABs.”
The AFRL reports that competitors are expected to work within both a restrained budget and a tight timeline of just six months, imposed limitations that give the challenge a sense of urgency. “We know that with the short time frame and the low budget we give the teams –it requires them to innovate quickly,” Ligouri says. “We do that for a reason.”
Working with a maximum budget of $75,000 each, the two teams must purchase all supplies, materials, and lab gear required to build their prototype; cover any Challenge-related travel expenses; and pick up the tab for outside contracting or consulting needs that may arise throughout the duration of the competition, Ligouri notes. Team members are permitted to augment those funds by utilizing AFRL’s preexisting lab equipment, tools, maker-hub spaces and other resources.
AFRL says that in mid-December 2024, the two teams will test and demonstrate their projects in front of a panel of judges. Winning Commander’s Challenge teams have the chance to see their novel technologies transition to established programs of record at CRI, the commercial and industrial markets, or other branches of the U.S. military.
Figure 1 | Members of the Wright-Patterson team complete a brainstorming exercise at the Commander’s Challenge kickoff event. U.S. Air Force photo/Gail L. Forbes.
A new model for COTS collaboration
By Jason Shields
Here’s how it usually goes: Faced with the need to upgrade an older platform or design a new one, a prime contractor will select – where it makes most sense in terms of risk, cost, and time – a mix of COTS [commercial off-the-shelf] suppliers and system integrators to function as subcontractors that will develop and build the various subsystems their program demands, for example, the mission computers, displays, and data concentrators. The prime contractor, making strategic build-versus-buy decisions about what tasks to keep in-house, will focus on those that have the most value, for example the platform itself or the application layer software.
Rather than build modules or subsystems from the ground up and reinvent the wheel, the prime goes out to industry to select solutions from vendors who have already developed or can modify an existing product that meets their requirements. After, the prime must manage, say, ten different vendors and ten different subsystems, all developed in a silo. If something goes wrong, the prime has to investigate which subsystem is at fault and act like a general contractor to facilitate the investigation. More often than not, the various COTS vendors will try to make the case that the problem lies with one of the other suppliers.
One alternative to this scenario arises when a single COTS vendor offers to supply, for instance, six of the subsystems to the prime, while managing one or more other COTS vendors to supply the remaining four. The downside in this case comes from the higher costs to the prime and – ultimately – the taxpayer that result from marginstacking. The first COTS supplier, essentially taking on the role of contractor, needs to be compensated for taking on the extra risk, burden, and responsibility of managing the other suppliers.
There’s a better, more innovative way – a new model of working with other COTS suppliers that eliminates finger-pointing when there’s a problem and eliminates higher costs driven by margin-stacking. More importantly, this approach provides the prime with a faster turnkey solution.
The breakthrough approach is to form a small consortium, or alliance, between two or more COTS suppliers, based on a formal Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), on a program-by-program basis. The MOA defines each COTS supplier’s areas of responsibility and their intellectual property (IP). The real game-changer is that if a problem arises, the proper party identifies the issue, takes responsibility, and works together with the other parties to resolve it. No time or money is wasted in blame-passing.
Another innovation, one that provides a powerful motivation for all the parties to work collaboratively, is that IP is shared between the COTS suppliers so that supplier A uses a module developed by supplier B in their subsystem, and vice versa. Not only does this reduce NRE [non-recurring engineering] costs and speed development by leveraging existing technology, but it also fosters a long-term healthy “codependence” between the COTS suppliers that drives cooperation over the life of the program. Each of the suppliers has the incentive to maintain good relationships with the other suppliers.
This model also drives additional advantages. When COTS suppliers act together as a small consortium and understand their common interest and goal, they can design together and share resources, resulting in component, software, and test software commonality. Working in alignment, the COTS suppliers can share insights into proposal write-ups and, at the design level, the various bills of material can be
Figure 1 | Shown: An example of a CurtissWright rugged multiplatform management computer leveraging COTS technology to meet modern multifaceted mission-computing and display-processing needs.
compared to reduce total device count across all the various subsystems. Each party pays for their own NRE, but all benefit from lower costs.
What’s more, collaboration between suppliers can extend to Black Hat (or competitive) reviews, best practices, and testing and validation processes. Test software can be developed in collaboration so that common test stands/devices can be used across all of the various subsystems. This approach helps mitigate device obsolescence as well, because shared designs can mean a reduction in the total number of unique components. (Figure 1.)
In terms of flexibility, this approach means that COTS suppliers can come together on a program-by-program basis, with a different mix of consortium members aligned to tackle each new program. This disruptive new model for collaboration between trusted partners, where responsibilities and unique strengths in value and experience are shared, ultimately benefits the taxpayers, providing the warfighter with the capabilities they need more quickly and less expensively.
Jason Shields is Business Capture Manager, Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions.
Electra tests hybrid ultra short takeoff/landing aircraft for U.S. military
Electric aviation company Electra conducted flight demonstrations of its hybrid-electric ultra short takeoff and landing prototype for U.S. military stakeholders at Marine Corps Air Facility Quantico and Felker Army Airfield at Joint Base Langley-Eustis. According to the company’s statement, the demonstrations were intended to showcase the aircraft’s dual-use capabilities, particularly its ability to take off and land in extremely short distances from minimally prepared areas. This capability is geared toward logistics operations in contested environments where traditional airstrips may be compromised. The flight tests included takeoffs and landings from grass fields.
During the demonstrations, Electra also showcased the aircraft’s ability to generate mobile power, providing 600 kW of continuous power and 1 MW for short bursts, the company says. This feature is intended to help with tactical insertions and medical evacuations, with operational energy advantages including lower fuel consumption compared to helicopters performing similar missions.
U.S. Navy IFF digital interrogator contract won by BAE Systems
BAE Systems won a $19 million contract from the U.S. Navy to design and implement UPX-24 target data-processor capabilities into a single digital interrogator (DI) identification friend or foe (IFF) solution, which is intended to optimize data collection and processing to enable timely insights to enhance decision-making on Navy ships. The BAE Systems announcement describes digital interrogator systems as systems enabling operators to identify nearby forces and make informed decisions that reduce friendly-fire incidents and support mission success.
By combining these capabilities into a single processor, the new systems will support reduced size, weight, power, and cost (SWaP-C) objectives and enable upgrades. The DI collects the data by emitting an “ask” radio signal at one frequency, prompting an IFF transponder to emit a reply signal at a different frequency, indicating that an approaching platform is “friendly.”
Initial flight of UK’s E-7 Wedgetail completed
Boeing completed the first flight of the U.K.’s E-7 Wedgetail aircraft, marking a milestone in the Royal Air Force (RAF) test and evaluation phase. The Boeing statement said that the functional check flight, conducted by a Boeing test crew, took place at Birmingham Airport in the U.K. and is part of the broader effort to modify three 737 NG [Next-Generation] aircraft in Birmingham for the RAF. The modification work is being carried out by a team of more than 100 people at STS Aviation Services, Boeing said.
The E-7 Wedgetail, which will provide the RAF with airborne early warning and control capabilities, features the Multi-role Electronically Scanned Array (MESA) sensor, enabling it to detect and track multiple airborne and maritime threats simultaneously, the company noted. The aircraft is expected to enter service from RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland.
Figure 1 | Image via Electra.
Figure 2 | Image via Boeing.
Laser weapon system for maritime defense being developed by Rheinmetall, MBDA
Rheinmetall and MBDA Deutschland have agreed to continue their collaboration on laser weapon technology, aiming to develop a joint maritime product in the coming years, the companies announced in a statement. According to the companies, their aim is to bring a joint maritime product to the market within the next five to six years, which opens up new possibilities, particularly in relation to drone defense on ships: “Both companies are convinced that their complementary skills in the field of laser weapon technology will enable them to successfully develop a military laser weapon system.”
A recent milestone in the companies’ partnership was the integration of a laser weapon demonstrator on the German Navy’s frigate Sachsen. The demonstrator underwent an extensive trial period from June 2022 to September 2023, during which it completed more than 100 test shots.
GDIT to support Pentagon network infrastructure
General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT) won a $299 million contract to continue supporting the Pentagon’s network infrastructure. In its award announcement, the company said that the contract – awarded by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) through the Joint Service Provider Enterprise Transport Management-Next Generation (JSP ETM-NG) program –includes a one-year base period with two additional sixmonth options.
GDIT will be responsible for operating and maintaining the network infrastructure for the Pentagon and the National Capital Region, which serves over 55,000 users. The company is also tasked with optimizing the IT environment to enhance the speed, security, and reliability of the network.
MQ-4C Triton navigation systems demonstrated over Arctic Ocean
Northrop Grumman demonstrated the MQ-4C Triton uncrewed aerial system’s (UAS's) navigation capabilities in the Arctic region, according to a company statement. The test flight, conducted from Deadhorse, Alaska, and reaching within 100 miles of the North Pole, showcased the Triton’s ability to operate at high latitudes and altitudes above 50,000 feet, the statement reads. During the five-hour flight, the Triton collected navigation data while remaining within U.S. and Canadian airspace.
This demonstration was also intended to validate the groundbased GPS alignment and initialization procedures necessary for operations from runways above 70 degrees north latitude, according to the statement. The MQ-4C Triton was developed for the U.S. Navy and the Royal Australian air force and is used for missions such as maritime patrol and signals intelligence.
B-21 Raider progresses in flight test and production phases
Northrop Grumman’s B-21 Raider program is advancing through its flight test campaign and entering production, the company announced. The B-21 Raider, developed in collaboration with the U.S. Air Force, is undergoing testing at Edwards Air Force Base. The Combined Test Force (CTF), consisting of Northrop Grumman and Air Force personnel, is responsible for evaluating various aspects of the aircraft, including flight performance, mission systems, and software integration.
In addition to flight tests, Northrop Grumman said that it completed static ground testing to verify the structural design of the B-21 and has initiated fatigue testing to simulate long-term flight conditions on the aircraft structure.
Figure 4 | Image via Northrop Grumman.
Figure 3 | Image via Rheinmetall.
Air Force TPY-4 radar completes risk reduction tests
Lockheed Martin and the U.S. Air Force completed risk reduction testing for the TPY-4 radar, a key component of the Three-Dimensional Expeditionary Long Range Radar (3DELRR) program, Lockheed Martin announced. The tests evaluated the radar’s performance in various conditions, marking a milestone in advancing the 3DELRR program toward operational deployment.
The tests, according to the announcement, are intended to improve the radar system, which is expected to enhance air surveillance and homeland defense capabilities. The collected data will play a role in optimizing performance of the system, bringing it one step closer to a fielded capability for the warfighter, says Chandra Marshall, vice president of Lockheed Martin Radar and Sensor Systems. The statement described the TPY-4 radar as part of ongoing efforts to provide advanced situational awareness and integrated air and missile defense solutions for the U.S. military and allied forces worldwide.
Anduril small UAS headed for U.S. Army deployment
The U.S. Army chose the Anduril Industries Ghost-X small uncrewed aircraft system (sUAS) for the Company Level Small Unmanned Aircraft System Directed Requirement (DR), the company announced. The Army’s choice of the Ghost-X follows a procurement process that included aircraft and payload flight testing. Anduril said that the Ghost-X is slated to be fielded to operational units later this year to enhance the Army’s Medium Range Reconnaissance (MRR) program, which aims to equip maneuver companies with multimission robotic capabilities for large-scale combat operations in contested environments.
The Ghost-X is designed for surveillance, targeting, and communications relay across various terrains and operates on Anduril’s Lattice command and control software. Anduril reports that a single operator to manage multiple Ghost-X units, which have 90 minutes of cruise endurance and a range of 25 km.
U.S. Air Force getting video data link technology
L3Harris Technologies won a $182 million contract from the U.S. Air Force to provide advanced situational awareness capabilities via video data link technology, the company announced. Under the contract, L3Harris will supply video data link (VDL) systems, including the ROVER 6S and Tactical Network ROVER (TNR) 2 handheld transceivers, which are designed to enhance real-time surveillance and data transmission capabilities for air, surface, and maritime operations. These systems will support situational awareness and other missions requiring live video feeds.
This is the third consecutive five-year VDL contract awarded to L3Harris under the program, the company said, calling it the latest involvement by L3Harris in the Air Force’s broader modernization efforts, which include the Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS) and other command-and-control initiatives.
Teledyne FLIR will supply U.S. with uncrewed ground systems
Teledyne FLIR Defense won contracts from the U.S. Army Contracting Command with a combined potential value of up to $47 million to provide a range of uncrewed ground systems to the U.S. government, the company announced. The first contract, valued at up to $32 million, covers the sustainment of the Man-Transportable Robotic System (MTRS) and Common Robotic SystemsHeavy (CRS-H) robots.
The second contract, worth up to $15 million, supports the sustainment of various FLIR Defense ground robots, including the FirstLook 110, SUGV 310, PackBot, and Kobra 725 systems. This contract is available to all U.S. government agencies and includes the purchase of robotic systems and training, as well as support for foreign military sales, the company says.
Figure 5 | Image via Lockheed Martin.
Figure 6 | Image via L3Harris.
Military cybersecurity market to grow by $17.9 billion through 2028: report
The global military cybersecurity market will grow by $17.9 billion between 2024 and 2028, driven by the increasing adoption of cloud-based services and artificial intelligence (AI), according to a new market report from Technavio. The research team estimates a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.53%, with AI and machine learning identified as key growth drivers, particularly in developed countries with advanced infrastructure. The report authors said that these technologies are being integrated to improve cybersecurity by reducing human error and enhancing threat detection.
Challenges to the market, noted the study authors, include system integration and interoperability issues within military IT infrastructures, particularly as defense agencies implement new technologies. The report highlights key players in the market, including Airbus SE, Lockheed Martin Corp., Northrop Grumman Corp., and Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp.
Exolaunch, U-Space team up to launch satellites on SpaceX Transporter-13 mission
Launch and deployment systems provider Exolaunch signed a launch services agreement (LSA) with French satellite manufacturer U-Space to deploy two 12U cube sats on SpaceX’s Transporter-13 Rideshare mission, planned for 2025, Exolaunch announced. Exolaunch will provide mission management, integration, and satellite-deployment services using its EXOpod Nova deployer, which is designed for larger 12U and 16U payloads and intended to ensure reliable deployment and high safety standards for the smaller satellites, dubbed SOAP and PANDORE.
The SOAP satellite marks U-Space’s first fully designed, built, and operated space system, while the PANDORE mission will test new technologies in orbit, Exolaunch said, adding that it has participated in every SpaceX Transporter mission since the program’s inception, supporting satellite manufacturers with launch and deployment.
Electronic countermeasures systems to be provided to U.S. Navy by Northrop Grumman Northrop Grumman won a contract valued at $161 million from the U.S. Navy for the production of Joint Counter Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Electronic Warfare (JCREW)/Drone Restricted Access Using Known EW (DRAKE) 2.0 systems. The contract announcement added that the contract includes the production and delivery of both dismounted and mounted versions of the JCREW/DRAKE 2.0 systems, which are designed to counter improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and uncrewed aerial systems (UASs). The updated systems will feature enhanced signal processing, a broader frequency range, and an improved user interface, according to the Northrop Grumman statement.
JCREW/DRAKE 2.0 systems offer 360-degree protection by using intelligent jamming technology to neutralize threats without disrupting communications, the company says.
Saab delivers artillery-hunting radars to British army
Saab has delivered five Arthur systems, designated as TAIPAN by the British army, which will provide advanced weapon locating radar capabilities, the company announced. The new TAIPAN systems, which are replacing the British forces’ MAMBA radars, were delivered to and accepted by the 5th Regiment Royal Artillery as of mid-July 2024.
Saab described TAIPAN as a radar system designed for rapid deployment, improved mobility, and enhanced precision in counter-battery operations, enabling longer-range target detection with a reduced electronic warfare (EW) signature.
The systems are set to be supported by Saab’s Centre of Radar Excellence in Fareham on England’s south coast as part of a broader strategy to strengthen its industrial footprint in the U.K. Saab’s Arthur system is currently in service with 12 other countries, including six NATO members and South Korea.
Figure 7 | Stock image.
Figure 8 | Image via Saab.
Leveraging RF and microwave tech for 5G applications
Riding the waves: How RF tech is supercharging military 5G
By Dan Taylor
In the near future, soldiers tap smartwatches to summon 3D maps, drone swarms execute perfect reconnaissance missions, and autonomous vehicle fleets navigate treacherous terrain in perfect sync. This is the promise of 5G technology: boosting military communications with unprecedented speed, capacity, and reliability.
In order for the battlefield 5G revolution to happen, it needs to realize rapid advancement of radio frequency (RF) and microwave technologies. From miniature antennas that bend signals like light to power amplifiers that pack a lot of equipment into a featherweight package, these RF innovations are the unsung heroes of the 5G era.
Yet questions abound: How can engineers fit more power into increasingly smaller RF components? How do they ensure these tightly packed components
work well together under tough conditions? And how can the industry push the boundaries of power amplifier technology to meet the ever-growing demands of the military?
RF and microwave: The invisible force behind 5G RF and microwave technologies make it possible to send messages across the globe on a 5G network. These technologies act as the invisible highways that carry vast amounts of data at unprecedented speeds and with minimal delay, enabling everything from real-time video streaming to remote robotic movements.
5G networks rely on electromagnetic (EM) signals from about 450 MHz to higher than 50 GHz in order to communicate voice, data, images, and videos across significant distances without wires, says Art Aguayo, technical business development executive at Benchmark (Tempe, Arizona).
U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Ethan Isaacs, 23rd Air Expeditionary Wing expeditionary communications journeyman, tests communication signals during Exercise Agile Flag 24-3. U.S. Air Force photo by 2nd Lt. Benjamin Williams.
armed forces in areas with access to 5G infrastructure or cells.” (Figure 1.)
5G networks can send and receive much more information at once, and do it faster and more securely – like upgrading from a country road to a superhighway with express lanes. This supercharged network isn’t just one big antenna, however; it’s a complex web of different-sized cells working together.
“Macro base stations can talk directly to the user equipment cell phones or can talk to the small cells, which talk to the user equipment mobile device providing the last-mile connectivity,” says Baljit Chandhoke, product manager of RF products at Microchip Technology (Chandler, Arizona).
In some ways, it’s like a relay race: The macro base station hands off the data to smaller cells that carry it the final stretch to a device. These smaller cells come in different types: Femtocells are like personal mini-towers for an individual location, while picocells cover up to 300 meters and can support 100 users, Chandhoke notes.
This technology isn’t just theoretical –it’s being used today, says Kerem Ok, product line director at Analog Devices (Wilmington, Massachusetts).
Operators are “taking advantage of improvements in RF linearity and power efficiency to increase the range and throughput of their radios while reducing the cost of installation, maintenance, and running the network,” he says.
doing right now, Aguayo says. “Military electronic applications have stressed the need for solutions with smaller size, weight, and power (SWaP) for enhanced mobility and portability,” he notes.
Scientists are also tapping into higher frequency bands, which is like opening up a new lane on a crowded highway.
“Development of affordable millimeterwave components is simplifying extension of 5G networks into the millimeterwave frequency spectrum with its wide available bandwidths,” Aguayo says.
These new millimeter-wave 5G communications solutions are “substantially increasing how much information can be shared in support of real-time decisionmaking,” Chandhoke says.
There are many applications for these solutions as well. “5G enables a variety of smart-warehouse, telemedicine, command-and-control data gathering, augmented-reality displays, virtual-reality solutions for remote vehicle operation in air, land, and sea missions,” he says.
Engineers are not just improving existing tech – they’re completely rethinking how it’s built, Ok says. He predicts big changes in how these systems are designed over the next few years. (Figure 2.)
Even large defense contractors that do not directly make 5G parts are getting in on this technology. Raytheon, for example, is working on related technologies like advanced antennas and power amplifiers.
“Since 5G networks employ wider instantaneous bandwidths compared to previous wireless cellular network generations, they can send and receive more information securely and simultaneously, at higher data rates and lower latency than earlier cellular generations,” he continues. “The technology is wellsuited for critical communications for
The result is a flexible, powerful network that can provide lightning-fast communication whether you’re in the heart of a city or the middle of nowhere. For the military, this means unprecedented connectivity and data-sharing capabilities, potentially changing everything from logistics to battlefield tactics.
Advancements in RF and microwave tech
Imagine shrinking a bulky radio into something that fits in your pocket, but works even better. That’s what industry is
Figure 1 | Benchmark Lark Technology mmW-STL bandpass filters can be customized for frequency bands as high as 40 GHz in a SWaP-optimized package.
Figure 2 | Analog Devices’ ADAR4000 2 to 18 GHz transmit unit with true time delay and digital step attenuator, offering 31.8 dB gain adjustment and 508 ps time delay for precise beamforming in phased-array systems.
“There are some commonalities between RF components that are used in commercial deployments and defense systems that Raytheon manufactures,” the company said in a statement. “In general, these include phased-array systems that are enabled by silicon beamformer technology, high-power and high-efficiency GaN [gallium nitride] power amplifiers, advanced packaging, and thermal management.”
Designing 5G RF components
When designing RF components for 5G systems, engineers are essentially trying to build a microscopic city with perfect traffic flow in the middle of an earthquake. As the industry pushes into higher and higher frequency ranges, a whole new set of issues can arise. In particular, the military wants industry to find ways to cram more power into tinier spaces, Aguayo says.
“As 5G expands its use of frequency spectrum into the millimeter-wave range, some of the main challenges include providing increased functionality and performance in smaller packages, such as integrated circuits (ICs) and densely packed printed circuit boards (PCBs),” he adds.
But it’s not just about making things smaller. These components also need to work with each other in tough conditions, Aguayo continues. “Because of such close placement, components and devices must be carefully specified for electrical, mechanical, and thermal compatibility over extended operating periods and under hostile environmental conditions.”
Another problem is that higher-frequency signals don’t travel far and struggle to get through walls, Aguayo notes. This means 5G networks need more base stations, especially in built-up areas.
Also when designing phased arrays, a key part of 5G systems, it is difficult to get them to work in sync, Ok says. “Phased arrays are notoriously difficult to get right, especially for larger array sizes that need to transmit complex waveforms like 64/256QAM,” he says.
When designing RF components for 5G systems, engineers are essentially trying to build a microscopic city with perfect traffic flow in the middle of an earthquake.
"A multivendor approach exposes engineers to additional testing and qualification demands as key pieces of IP need to work in harmony to get the best performance possible in these complex systems," Ok says.
Power amplifiers: boosting 5G performance
Improving 5G performance means more power, accomplishing that without bulky power equipment is difficult. That’s the challenge facing engineers working on power amplifiers (PAs) for 5G systems. These tiny powerhouses are the muscle that makes 5G signals strong enough to move across vast distances, and they’re a major focus for engineers.
“Because military users seek reduced SWaP, power amplifiers for 5G networks
Beamforming is a technique that focuses a wireless signal towards a specific receiving device, rather than broadcasting to a wide area. It enables 5G networks to focus signals in specific directions for better performance.
RF and microwave technologies play a big role in making such focus possible. “Beamforming technologies enable the use of many microminiature antenna elements linked together in place of a much larger single antenna for design flexibility,” says Art Aguayo, technical business development executive at Benchmark (Tempe, Arizona).
This approach not only saves space but also improves signal security and range.
“Each element contributes to the antenna pattern and supports low probability of intercept and low probability of detection [LPI/LPD] communications that can be programmed to thwart jammers and interceptors,” Aguayo adds.
Baljit Chandhoke, product manager of RF products at Microchip Technology (Chandler, Arizona), describes two main types of beamforming: traditional phased-array beamforming and metamaterial beamforming. Traditional phased-array beamforming uses active components for each antenna element, while metamaterial beamforming uses passive, more energy-efficient components to steer the beam.
Beamforming helps overcome the issues involved with the use of high-frequency 5G signals, says Kerem Ok, product line director at Analog Devices (Wilmington, Massachusetts).
“Beamforming allows focusing the desired signal energy in the direction of the intended channel to maximize range and overcome the inherent propagation difficulties at the high frequencies involved in mmWave 5G,” he says.
To make beamforming work effectively, Ok says that very precise RF components are needed: “Having an accurate means to form and steer the beam relies on highly precise RF signal-chain components with performance that can be reproduced reliably over many millions of pieces of integrated circuits delivered,” he says. Leveraging RF and microwave tech for 5G
must be designed with increased power density – providing increased gain and output power from smaller packages,” Aguayo says.
But it’s not just about raw power; amplifiers need to be smart, too.
“Higher efficiency is also a key requirement since 5G PAs are needed to boost often low-level signals, such as from a phased-array antenna, under what may be hostile or degraded operating conditions,” he says.
The secret is gallium nitride on silicon carbide (GaN on SiC). This super-material is how these amplifiers achieve much more power than their small size suggests, Chandhoke says. (Figure 3.)
GaN on SiC power amplifiers can operate at high frequencies in the Ka-, Ku-band from 12 GHz to 40 GHz and have broad bandwidths, he explains. This setup results in “high gain with better thermal properties meeting the requirements of 5G applications,” Chandhoke adds.
As with any cutting-edge tech, there are hurdles. Ok points out that as chips shrink to pack in more features, it gets harder to maintain performance – like trying to fit a V-8 engine into a go-kart.
To cope with the smaller package sizes, researchers are coming up with new designs to squeeze every ounce of efficiency out of these amplifiers. Ok says he believes these innovations are key to building 5G systems that can compete on the global stage. MES
Figure 3 | Microchip’s ICP2840 GaN on SiC power amplifier operating in the Ka-band used in satellite communications and 5G mmWave.
Leveraging RF and microwave tech for 5G applications
U.S. military moves to implement 5G: key considerations
By David Richard and Bob Haag
The United States Congress wants to see the Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) plans to upgrade to wireless communication on military bases – a step toward getting all personnel and Pentagon-owned assets on advanced networks tailored to their military-security needs. The move is another piece of the strategy of leveraging the advanced wireless technologies of commercial telecommunications while enabling extensions that will fit mission needs around the world. These innovations are yet another connectivity advancement that will ultimately support making the Combined Joint All-Domain Command and Control (CJADC2) initiative a reality.
Leaders in the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) have a clear vision of their communications requirements in defense systems around the globe. All the technology on the battlefield – sensors, weapons, vehicles, warfighters and commands – should seamlessly talk to each other regardless of whether they’re operating in land, sea, air, space, or cyber domains. Communications is a critical component necessary to achieve the Combined Joint All-Domain Command and Control (CJADC2) vision, which is based on the idea of achieving asymmetric capability and decision advantage across the globe for U.S. national defense.
The ambitious CJADC2 initiative requires immense coordination between services and allies to ensure interoperability for critical programs and overcome technical hurdles like accessing the necessary spectrum resources. This involves tactical edge systems
using wireless connectivity to communicate with other tactical edge systems as well as core cloud environments such a s that offered through the Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability (JWCC).
An additional hurdle is that these emerging edge-to-core global communications systems must enable advanced computing capabilities for decision advantage in degraded or denied operating environments.
The latest (2024) National Defense Authorization Act 1 (NDAA) requires defense leaders to present plans for upgrading aging networks at military bases and installations around the globe to private 5G wireless networks. Successful transitions will modernize base communications and support near-ubiquitous connectivity for the department’s growing inventory of devices. Before these transitions can be completed, however, military planners must navigate complex deployments, supply chains rife with geopolitical concerns, and security vulnerabilities.
Harnessing the power of 5G
Taking advantage of 5G communications requires a new network architecture. The result is an easier-to-upgrade software-defined infrastructure with traffic capacity as much as 100 times greater than previous wireless generations like 4G. Faster speeds and data response times as low as 1 millisecond support emerging technologies with time-sensitive applications and immediate data-processing needs, including internet of things (IoT) devices, edge computing, and unmanned or autonomous systems. Unlike in hardware-based networks, upgrades, optimizations, and new features can be only a download away.
Tech teams also can tap advanced network-management options through the software layer, similar to configuring data centers today. Network slicing, a key 5G feature, enables teams to create many virtual networks tailored to specific use cases. For example, one slice could be reserved for machine-to-machine communications while another can be dedicated to command post operations and training. Slicing also enables teams to prioritize mission-critical applications, dynamically allocate resources based on real-time demand, or prohibit unauthorized devices from connecting.
What Congress wants 5G isn’t new for the DoD: Since the 2020 release of the 5G Strategy Implementation Plan 2, the department has invested $1.85 billion in roughly a dozen military testbeds to focus on different 5G use cases, ranging from pier-to-ship projects to on-base smart warehousing efforts.
Through the 2024 NDAA, Congress is encouraging military 5G use to shift from pilots to include broad, base-wide adoption for operations and those who work and live on facilities. Lawmakers earmarked $179 million for research into 5G and next-generation communications and required DoD officials to create a single department-wide process for military, civil and contractor personnel to access commercial subscriber services. Coming up with one system is no small feat considering the wide variety of bases the department operates. Installations range from housing a handful of people to hundreds of thousands of personnel, at locations as varied as cities, remote locations, and everywhere in between.
The NDAA also mandates the department eschew the market-dominating proprietary 5G equipment in favor of open radio access network (ORAN) architecture. ORAN supports interoperability between hardware and software from different suppliers, enabling military leaders to mix and match components and avoid vendor lock-in. While the ability to shop competitively potentially drives down equipment costs, it also means considerable research before building a new network.
What a base needs
5G networks can be challenging to deploy because integrating software-defined networking, edge computing, and advanced radio technologies is time-consuming and error-prone. However, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions and open-source software can make it easier for organizations to combine the software, hardware, and radio layers for their bespoke requirements.
Many “5G-in-a-box” offerings can be deployed as a single unit or expanded into a multiserver architecture to bring connectivity anywhere, including in vehicles or austere environments without other terrestrial infrastructure. On bases, they can extend communications to outdoor spaces such as training grounds, flight-line operations, or other areas where it’s too expensive to install Wi-Fi or local area networks. These mobile solutions can often connect with satellite communications or other legacy protocols, depending on configurations.
Unlike a 5G testbed with a specific, controlled operating environment, modernizing military-base communications requires understanding the entire community of potential users. Planners must thoroughly map out the base’s indoor, outdoor, and remote coverage needs while accommodating Pentagon-owned assets and civilian services like on-base businesses, banking, and schools. The military families on base will also want access for their daily activities, like streaming and gaming.
The congressional nudge for bases to adopt private 5G networks aligns with what many other organizations are considering. According to a 2023 survey from the Enterprise Strategy Group, 95% of organizations across different business sectors are looking into private 5G networks. However, half of the respondents expect 5G to complement existing Wi-Fi rather than replace it.
Defense doesn’t drive the 5G market
Some providers of 5G technology prioritize commercial demands from large telecommunications and internet companies over defense standards, a stance that poses significant challenges for military officials seeking to minimize supply-chain vulnerabilities.
The U.S. national-security community has long warned that 5G equipment built outside of the U.S. could lead to espionage, surveillance, or intellectual-property theft. Adversaries could potentially inject backdoors or malicious or counterfeit components to compromise critical systems. In 2020, the U.S. government banned 5G equipment from Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE, and it continues to ramp up supply-chain transparency initiatives for information communications and technology.
To ensure the integrity of their 5G networks, defense officials must partner strategically with trusted U.S. or allied companies, and work to develop a robust domestic 5G ecosystem. Defense leaders should prioritize products that adhere to global standards
set by organizations like the 3rd Generation Partnership Project and U.S. government standards from agencies such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Other government security-certifications programs like FedRAMP and Trusted Internet Connections 3.0 can provide additional layers of trust.
Fortifying the future
Beyond supply-chain concerns, DoD’s adoption of 5G networks requires comprehensive strategies to ensure the security of its communications backbone.
Part of 5G’s appeal – expanded capacity for devices – also increases the department’s attack surface. DoD must implement end-to-end encryption protocols, authentication mechanisms, and intrusion detection systems to protect sensitive data and communications from cyber threats and unauthorized access. Advanced analytics and machine learning (ML) can also help detect threats. Network slicing enables tech teams to set up independent, isolated networks with security protocols that match the sensitivity of operations.
Security plans must also account for mobile base stations and edge-computing devices that operate outside the physical confines of data centers and buildings. Software should meet zero-trust principles, continuously validating every access request, regardless of whether the user or device is inside or outside the network perimeter. Officials should consider hardware with built-in security to minimize that damage that can be done if physical control is lost.
A new class of private 5G base stations, such as the Intel and Trenton Systems’ IES.5G, enables advanced high-performance computing capabilities in a nearly plug-and-play solution. Setup requires attaching a power source and an antenna. The network can quickly connect to devices with properly configured SIM cards. (Figure 1.)
Solutions like IES.5G feature hardware that creates trusted execution environments, protects and encrypts data, and uses artificial intelligence to detect threats. Layering security features can help DoD leverage 5G technology while safeguarding critical defense assets.
Private 5G networks can pave the way for military bases and installations to embrace the DoD’s vision of connected operations. With a strategic approach to supply-chain and security planning, officials can harness the power of this software-defined infrastructure to scale, adapt seamlessly to the exponential increase in data traffic, and stay ahead of the curve with emerging technologies. MES
1 H.R.2670 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024, https://www.congress.gov/bill/118thcongress/house-bill/2670
2 U.S. Department of Defense, https://www.cto.mil/wp-content/ uploads/2020/12/DOD-5G-StrategyImplementation-Plan.pdf
David Richards, Technical Director, Intel Defense and National Security Group, has more than 25 years of experience serving government, defense, and civilian markets, including critical infrastructure across industrial, financial, healthcare, and telecom. Dave's early career as a computer and electrical engineer was with the Navy’s Bettis Atomic Power Lab and Wyle Design Services. In 2000, Dave joined Altera Corporation which was acquired by Intel in December 2015. David was instrumental in shaping Intel’s Programmable Solutions government strategy prior to joining the Intel Public Sector Team.
Bob Haag, Trenton Systems’ Chief Commercial Officer, is responsible for working across the company to help position it for accelerated business growth. Formerly Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Crystal Group, General Manager of Rockwell Collins’ military business, and President and General Manager of Wabtec Corporation, Bob brings decades of business management, sales, strategy development, and marketing experience to Trenton. He is a graduate of Iowa State University, where he earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in computer engineering.
Intel https://www.intel.com/ Trenton Systems
Figure 1 | The IES.5G base station layers security features – hardware plus AI-enabled threat detection – in a single case.
Spectrum management for military applications
Overcoming spectrum-management tech challenges
By John M. McHale III
For the U.S. military and its allies, domination of the electromagnetic spectrum will be how future battles are won. Enabling this superiority will revolve around how well these forces manage spectrum-sharing and foster innovation in RF [radio frequency], signal-processing, and testing solutions.
Battlefields take many forms – land warfare with tanks and troops, air warfare with fighter jets and bombers, space warfare with missiles, sea battles with submarines and ship-to-ship battles, even on the internet with cyber warriors. But perhaps the most critical field of battle for the U.S. today is the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum.
Success for the U.S and its allies in those more traditional domains will be based on how well they manage the spectrum and to what extent they can leverage technology to stay ahead of complex adversarial threats.
“We are seeing an increased push for integrators to build systems that can operate in highly dense and dynamic EM environments against threats that are known and unknown,” says Haydn Nelson, Business Development Manager – Radar, EW, EOIR, and SDR Solutions at NI, Emerson’s Test & Measurement Business
(Austin, Texas). “The problem is one of the unknown threats and changing environments: Will a system operate in a specific dense environment, urban vs naval engagement? And do we need to reprogram the system to adapt to new threats?”
Overcoming electromagnetic spectrum management challenges isn’t just an electronic warfare (EW) problem.
“[It] will impact any system that uses spectrum, whether for communications, spectrum analysis, signals intelligence/ EW, particularly systems that use or monitor any bands that proceed with spectrum-sharing,” says Manuel Uhm, Director, Silicon Marketing, AMD (San Jose, California) and Chair of the Board of Directors, Wireless Innovation Forum (WInnForum – Beaverton, Oregon). “Increased usage also results in increased noise which can pose technical challenges for comms or monitoring.”
Complex adversarial threats are also driving requirements and innovation. “Current threats such as low probability of intercept (POI), noise radars, and wideband frequency-agile emitters are pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the design of monitoring receivers and antenna technologies,” says Tim Fountain, Global Market Segment Manager, EMSO, Radar & EW, Aerospace & Defense Market Segment, Rohde & Schwarz France (Meudon, France). “In addition, the desire to stand off from in-theatre threats and control your own spectral footprint are driving the need for low-size, weight, power, and cost (SWaP-C) solutions that can be networked and automated.”
In the U.S., the wider government – and not just the Department of Defense (DoD) – is emphasizing a spectrum strategy.
“There is a lot going on in the world of spectrum management these days starting with the NTIA’s U.S. National Spectrum Strategy which broadly outlined four key pillars to ensure U.S. leadership in maintaining a spectrum pipeline and spectrum innovation,” Uhm
says. [This strategy] will drive a number of initiatives from spectrum studies, multistakeholder groups, dynamic spectrum access [research and development], and workforce development.”
According to the NTIA strategy, those four pillars are:
› Pillar One: A Spectrum Pipeline to Ensure U.S. Leadership in Advanced and Emerging Technologies
› Pillar Two: Collaborative Long-Term Planning to Support the Nation’s Evolving Spectrum Needs
› Pillar Three: Unprecedented Spectrum Innovation, Access, and Management through Technology Development
› Pillar Four: Expanded Spectrum Expertise and Elevated National Awareness:
To read more on the NTIA strategy, visit https://www.ntia.gov/sites/default/files/ publications/national_spectrum_strategy_final.pdf.
Uhm’s organization, the WInnForum, focuses heavily on spectrum-sharing as the standards bearer for CBRS (Citizen’s Broadband Radio Service), the first deployment of spectrum-sharing technology.
“We have been actively driving the development of AFC [Automated Frequency Coordination] frameworks and systems to enable spectrum-sharing in the 6 GHz band,” Uhm says. “Both scenarios required WInnForum to bring together multiple disparate stakeholder communities from the commercial and defense industries,” Uhm says. “In addition, we have now launched a Highly Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (HDSS) task group that has begun investigations into sharing in other bands such as the 3.1 GHz and 7/8 GHz bands. Naturally, each band comes with its own set of challenges, reinforcing the need to bring together all the impacted stakeholders.”
Sharing the spectrum
The spectrum is not the sole purview of the military. Many entities in the commercial and civilian government world make use of it, so proper sharing of the spectrum is critical.
“WInnForum has proven that different technology approaches can be used successfully to manage shared spectrum,” Uhm says. “This was proven first with CBRS’s Environmental Sensing Capability, which uses a network of sensors across the U.S. coastline to identify when incumbent Navy radars are active and, based on our approved propagation model, shut down or relocate in spectrum any CBRS devices (CBSDs) that have the potential to interfere with those radars. It was then proven again with 6 GHz’s Automated Frequency Coordination system, which depends on incumbent users informing where the spectrum will be in use that could cause interference.”
Each player using the spectrum has different goals and user methods, much like nations have different interests, but they need to find a way to coexist.
“The key is that different spectrum bands have different stakeholders with different use cases, so flexibility is critical,” Uhm explains. “For example, the 3.1 GHz band faces far more challenging shared-spectrum scenarios given that it needs to support incumbent airborne systems that are on the move (as well as shipborne and groundbased systems), which introduces new challenges beyond CBRS and 6 GHz. So new technologies and approaches will be required to support spectrum-sharing without interference to incumbent DoD users. It’s worth noting that those users would prefer sharing the band with commercial users rather than relocate to a different band, which would be very costly and take a long time.”
Technology backbone
Sharing the spectrum while enabling the military to pursue dominance will in the end be enabled by technology innovation, not by policy. Some of that technology already exists: “The reality is that the hardware technology to enable spectrum sharing has been available for quite some time,” Uhm says. “The regulatory environment and policies were more of a gating issue and then the system software needs to be developed to enable spectrum-sharing systems.”
The technology backbone of spectrum management dwells in the realm of RF and microwave technology and in the processing power of commercial processors and FPGAs [field-programmable gate arrays].
“All of these systems and solutions for spectrum-sharing and management rely heavily on embedded processors and RF solutions,” Uhm says. “Some rely on discrete analog components coupled with embedded processors such as FPGAs, CPUs and GPUs, but some also benefit from the smaller SWaP [size, weight, and power] of a single-chip analog and digital processor, such as the AMD Zynq Ultrascale RFSoC.”
System designers are also leveraging higher-sampling-rate ADCs [analog-to-digital converters], with direct conversion for some bands and integrated FPGA/DSP [digital signal processor], for example RFSoC [RF system-on-chip], Fountain notes. “Also GaN [gallium nitride]-based power amplifiers are enabling low-SWaP systems.” (Figure 1.)
“The need to do digital streaming at high data rates is pushing the boundaries,” Fountain continues. “It’s now possible to completely saturate a PCIe bus with highspeed ADCs and DACs [digital-to-analog converters].”
To solve the riddles of the spectrum, RF solutions cannot be one-trick ponies; they must be able to handle different tasks for different applications in the spectrum.
“Many [electromagnetic] systems are being designed to be multifunction, adaptable, and affordable,” Nelson says. Being multifunction means a system can operate as an electronic support asset and then perhaps as a communication system or a sensor.
“Being adaptable allows for new capability to be re-programmed to meet mission requirements after the system is delivered,” he continues. “Systems that are adaptable on short mission timelines are quite disruptive to the way systems were used and designed in the past – gone are the days of boxed/fixed solutions.”
MOSA and the electromagnetic spectrum
For faster deployments of spectrum solutions that leverage commercial processing innovations, open architecture designs will be critical. “The solution comes down to two words: modularity, and easy reprogrammability,” Nelson says. “There are many standardization initiatives such as the U.S. Department of Defense modular open systems approach (MOSA) being proposed to solve the
Figure 1 | The Rohde & Schwarz CEPTOR aggregates key capabilities into one cohesive software platform. It provides electronic warfare specialists, signals-intelligence analysts, and spectrum managers both online and offline operational capabilities to help them understand and characterize the electromagnetic spectrum. Image courtesy Rohde & Schwarz.
Figure 2 | The PXIe-5842 from NI (now part of Emerson) is a vector signal transceiver (VS), which combines a vector signal generator and vector signal analyzer into a single four-slot PXI Express instrument. Image courtesy NI, Emerson’s Test & Measurement Business.
need for affordability and adaptability.
“The notion that a system can be reprogrammed, or a module swapped to bring new capability, is obviously attractive and disruptive,” he adds.
Adding new capability at the expense of cost, however, can be a roadblock in today’s DoD. “RF and DSP technologies are constantly evolving and it’s always fun to talk about the latest RF and DSP device or capability,” Nelson says. “However, not every system requires the most advanced RF and DSP technology.
The highest performance comes at a cost, he notes. “The solution is using the right tool for the job in a modular costeffective way. The test-and-measurement industry underwent a similar move from boxes to modules decades ago.”
The MOSA strategy enables military systems to keep pace with commercial technology innovation while smartly integrating tech for battlefield environments.
“Military embedded systems have many unique challenges such as ruggedization and harsh environmental constraints,” Nelson says. “Modularity allows engineers to scale the solution in a standard way to meet requirements, control cost, and rapidly adapt.”
Testing spectrum solutions
Spectrum-management solutions rely heavily on accurate test-and-measurement systems to verify each component in a system.
“If systems are to meet this vision of being rapidly adaptable, test is a critical part of that process,” Nelson says.
Testing is not just at the system level but also down to the level of testing of individual components and boards.
“Test is broken down into component test, such as a mixer or amplifier, board-level functional test, and finally system-level verification,” Fountain explains. “Each level of the test has different requirements, from parametric verification through functional test to system interoperability and compliance test.”
NI’s Nelson says that he goes back his two questions above when speaking to testing spectrum solutions – on environment and the unknown threat – “Will a system operate in a specific dense environment? And do we need to reprogram the system to adapt to new threats?
“Many labs and integrators are looking to solve two things as it relates to test,” Nelson explains. “How I can deliver a system that provides validated capability today and adapt with validated capability against unknown threats in the future.”
Test systems must also be future-oriented and modular in nature. (Figure 2.) “The challenge of test is designing for the future adaptation: If the delivery embedded system is reprogrammable on the time scale of days, the test gear must similarly be adaptable,” Nelson notes. “It’s more than just test scenarios; as electromagnetic environments get denser, we need to test against those evolving scenarios. A solution that adds another box per emitter can get out of hand in terms of cost very quick.” MES
Software-defined radio (SDR) technology – initially spurred by the long-gone but not forgotten Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) program – has become a critical tool for spectrum management.
“SDR technology is a key piece on both the deployed embeddedsystem side as well as the systems designed to test those deployed systems,” says Haydn Nelson, Business Development Manager –Radar, EW, EOIR, and SDR Solutions at NI, Emerson’s Test & Measurement Business. “SDR is one of the key solutions to meet the rapid adaptation requirements to future threats, as softwaredefined radio is inherently reprogrammable.
“For example, many counter-UAS [uncrewed aerial system] [platforms] deployed today in Ukraine are based on SDR technology,” he continues. “We hear stories of an [electromagnetic spectrum] technique working one week and not the next. Operational teams
must take real-time intel and rapidly build a counter-technique, test it, and deploy it [in just] days.
“This is only possible because SDR is by its nature software-defined and thus rapidly reprogrammable,” Nelson adds.
SDR approaches have also become a key part of spectrum test systems.
Nelson notes that SDRs are use also as a test asset to validate a deployed EMS embedded system. “Some systems require the highest-performance RF and require fully calibrated instrumentgrade gear to validate performance and tests under the most rigorous conditions,” he explains. “However, some systems can live with uncalibrated performance found in SDR technology. As systems scale in channel count, SDRs become an attractive alternative to instrument-grade gear; however, you have to consider calibration and RF performance as part of the project.”
The evolution and modernization of military command posts
By Dominic Perez
The need to enable rapid deployment capabilities for the warfighter is driving increased demand for resilient and secure communication systems in dynamic environments. Recent conflicts in Ukraine and elsewhere have reinforced what U.S. 39Department of Defense leaders have known for several years: that command posts have to be mobile to be survivable. They must be distributed over different areas and be able to set up rapidly for information-sharing and decision support without putting the post in jeopardy as an easily identifiable target on a map. The opportunity now: fielding turnkey, easy-to-use unified network operations that operate optimally on the move in the toughest deployment environments.
In the future, while there will certainly still be some larger fixed-infrastructure command posts, they won’t be located in close proximity to the tactical edge as they were in previous operations. The U.S. military needs to move beyond building and architecting a network that is fixed and must instead build mobile networks. The U.S. Army has been deploying mobile network systems, integrating them into vehicle platforms, and testing and validating their operation on the move, not just on legacy platforms, but on modern and planned platforms as well.
New mobile command posts at the tactical edge will deliver numerous benefits, such as eliminating the need to construct buildings, temporary structures, and tents. Beyond their use on ground-vehicle platforms, the mobile network will work on aviation, naval, and soldier-carried platforms to enable communication, networking, and data
processing at the tactical edge while on the move. No longer will command posts need to remain static.
No matter how low the probability of intercept and detection (LPI/LPD), powering electronics up in a static location is like sending up a flare to sophisticated opponents. While adversaries may not be able to decrypt data traffic, they can zero in on the electronic signature from a static command post.
Tactical radios are the driving force behind the Integrated Tactical Network (ITN) suite of communications and networking hardware and software that provides voice and data communication capabilities to tactical units. Photo credit: U.S. Army/Sam Brooks.
A key impediment of mobility, the rapid setup and teardown of command centers, is cabling. It’s almost a universal law that any network with more than 10 network cables will quickly descend into chaos. While most people have seen pictures of sterile data centers with miles of neatly zip-tied cabling, the secret is that those data centers don’t need to move. At a static data center, when equipment needs to be upgraded or added, it’s done with careful planning and change-control procedures, which is not always possible or practical in less sterile environments.
In deployed operations it’s critical to be able to deal with change rapidly. One example: It’s not unusual at the tactical edge for a commanding officer to order the network operators to get a new system connected ASAP. Unfortunately, changing equipment that is cabled together can rapidly end up with a big tangle of wiring.
This problem is mitigated by using wireless networks. RF-based transport
technologies can range from commercial technologies such as 5G and Wi-Fi, to defense-focused technologies like MANET [mobile ad hoc network], microwave, and TRILOS [the Army’s Terrestrial Transmission Line Of Sight radio form factor], or emerging technologies such as 60 GHz. Additionally, wireless technologies can be integrated into a larger software-defined network to create a more resilient network than any single technology could provide on its own.
One of the significant technologies now used to help the U.S. Army and other customers avoid running miles of cabling is by taking advantage of the NSA [National Security Agency] Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) program, which is approved to transmit classified information over two layers of commercial encryption. CSfC enables classified information to be transmitted over trusted wired, wireless, and even public networks, which isn’t practical using Type 1 communications security (COMSEC).
In the past, the only option for encryption at the edge was to use expensive and controlled military-grade COMSEC equipment, such as KG-250s and other black-box cryptography. CSfC enables the use of two different commercial encryption solutions, for example, a Cisco VPN that has an Aruba VPN tunneled inside it. CSfC makes it possible to get large numbers of end-user devices up and connected to the network simultaneously – literally in minutes – because numerous hours don’t have to be spent running and terminating cabling. Also, because CSfC uses commercial equipment, coalition partners are able access these networks without using COMSEC equipment. (Figure 1.)
CSfC also simplifies encryption key management, since it is designed around PKI [Public Key Encryption] where the “public” half of the encryption key (often called a certificate) doesn’t have to be protected and the “private” half of the encryption key can easily be remotely revoked in the event of compromise. Long past are the days of reading out preshared keys over Type 1 radios.
CSfC solutions can even incorporate quantum resistant algorithms from CNSA 2.0, such as CRYSTALS-Kyber, CRYSTALS-Dilithium, and others. Moreover, because it uses commercial equipment, CSfC can reduce equipment costs. It can also, in some cases, support virtualized network devices, which eliminates the need for costly and proprietary government off-the-shelf (GOTS)-only equipment. Lastly, because CSfC hardware isn’t COMSEC, it requires far less handling and fewer security procedures.
Figure 1 | Uniformed and civilian cyber and military intelligence specialists monitor Army networks in the Cyber Mission Unit’s Cyber Operations Center at Fort Gordon. U.S. Department of Defense photo/Michael L. Lewis.
When designing networks for mobility, it’s critical to consider size, weight, and power (SWaP) and ruggedization requirements. All equipment that will be fielded for networks on the move at the tactical edge must have some level of ruggedization. It’s also essential to evaluate the environments the equipment will be subjected to and spec things out appropriately. Land, sea, air, space, and personnel-carried equipment all
have unique environmental challenges; designing for the worst-case scenario will burden other platforms with additional size and weight.
Platforms subjected to higher levels of vibration and shock, or with the need for watertight equipment, need to ensure modules and chassis are designed to meet the most demanding levels of shock, vibration, and temperature extremes. This extremely rugged hardware is designed for use in demanding environments, such as attack helicopters and ground vehicles that carry munitions, and also includes hardware designed for use in space, where sealing and potential radiation exposure must be considered.
Deploying the right hardware is only the start. That’s because every piece of communications equipment that gets introduced into a system, whether software or hardware, will likely have a different interface. Learning and managing
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Figure 2 | IQ-Core Software network-management tool shown with a user’s custom dashboard highlighting critical device and network status.
those interfaces can be too much of a burden for the typical soldier. Even in the network-communications industry it’s uncommon to find personnel with experience of more than two or three of these different interfaces.
IQ-Core Software is a simple application that functions as a single pane of glass meant for the soldier to operate in front of daily. The application is completely configurable and uses dashboards that can visualize monitored data in a variety of ways. This network-management tool provides a hierarchical network opera tions center-type view that enables the user to efficiently manage all network nodes while giving edge operators the local control they require. This paradigm is different than most enterprise tools that manage all assets directly without regard to the amount of bandwidth being used. (Figure 2.)
Network management is also important for keeping track of and continuously monitoring network security. Fielding and registering a CSfC solution with the NSA can encounter many com plexities, especially with managing certificate generation and use. With network-management tools, users can automate the certificate-management process and keep track of certificate expiration dates; an endpoint configuration assistant guides the network manager through the process of generating certificates on end-user devices to fully meet NSA requirements. Additionally, tools simplify for the user the process of managing VPNs to ensure they are configured to NSA standards. Automating this process eliminates the need to configure a VPN using the command line or a web interface, which can be a difficult and error-prone task.
Dominic Perez, CISSP, is the Chief Technical Officer at Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions and a Curtiss-Wright Technical Fellow. He has been with Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions for 16 years. Prior to Curtiss-Wright/PacStar, Dominic worked for Biamp where he created automated testing infrastructure for the hardware, firmware, and software powering their network distributed audio, teleconferencing, and paging systems. Dominic studied mechanical engineering and computer science at Oregon State University. He currently holds multiple professional certifications from VMware in Data Center Administration; Cisco in Design, Security, and Routing/Switching; and EC Council and ISC2 in Security.
Accelerate Development to Deliver Performance to the Warfighter
The goal is to build seamless solutions that can be used without a high level of network expertise and can be operated using reliable, battlefield-proven hardware. The opportunity is to field turnkey, easy-to-use unified network operations that operate optimally on the move in the toughest deployment environments. The future of the command post at the edge is mobility. MES
SOSA’s impact on electronic warfare solutions
By Ian Beavers
The Sensor Open Systems Architecture, or SOSA, Technical Standard has made deployment of new electronic warfare (EW) solutions faster and more modular now that a standardized chassis hardware framework has been established. No longer will the entire EW system need to be captive to a single supplier. The latest technology can now be released into the field without the need for new program specifications. EW integrators and their suppliers can focus on their specific area of expertise among the major system component blocks: radio-frequency (RF) front end, digital processing, and algorithms. Platform re-use can be accomplished with one or more of these three major components upgraded to a new solution. Integrators can now provide focused refresh upgrades in a more timely fashion based on the advancements in just one of these areas, without waiting for a revision through an entirely new program.
As the Sensor Open Systems Architecture, or SOSA approach, moves development away from a dedicated approach for a targeted electronic warfare (EW) or communications system, its modular approach enables updates of piecewise sections. Under this approach, open system architectures enable for repurposing for new use cases, while fixed radio configurations for radio-frequency (RF) bandwidths and postprocessing can now process different bands. For example, a system upgrade can now change the RF front-end module and keep the other incumbent hardware in place. Another example: A system that supported only a fixed observable X-band can now be fitted for a wide 2-GHz to 18-GHz observation, along with digital filtering and frequency-hopping to stare at selectable swaths up to 4 GHz of bandwidth.
With only an RF front-end modification, an entirely new system capability can be achieved with only partial discrete changes. Integrators can also add incremental secondary feature sets like low-latency loopback paths, fractional sample-rate precision,
and linear signal correction as part of the RF updates. The SOSA approach now enables EW providers to innovate at the speed of silicon advancements in incremental fashion with rapid deployments to the field.
Before: New requirements called for new systems
Historically, the specifics of an RF system would need a new system if new requirements emerged. A heterodyne architecture for an X-band radio would require fixed band filtering and amplifiers,
a defined local oscillator, and dedicated processing within an 8-GHz to 12-GHz spectrum. When an updated requirement for a more agile EW system observing 2 GHz to 18 Ghz is established, this legacy system would need to be replaced in its entirety, as it would not be flexible enough to support other wider frequency bands.
Targeted upgrades of technology were not easily accomplished, as the inplace system components could not be swapped with another vendor’s using different instruction sets, connectors, and standards. This situation created unwanted complexity for field teams that wanted to adapt or upgrade their intelligence, as the ability to adapt components would have provided faster operational readiness to defend against evolving threats.
SOSA approach enables easier updates
As the SOSA approach enables modular hardware plug-in card profiles (PICPs), let’s modify this example: Instead of requiring a new full system of RF front end, digital processing, and algorithms, only the RF section needs to be replaced.
Narrowband (<1GHz)
High Perf (70+ SFDR)
High Ch density
Ch. Density
Module configurability within this area
Wideband (4+GHz)
Med Perf (55+ SFDR)
High Ch density
Med BW (1GHz+)
High Perf (70+ dB SFDR)
Low Ch density
Moreover, this update can be performed in the field without sending the original unit back to its manufacturing location. A 3U VPX module supporting a wideband 2-GHz to 18-GHz radio can be used as the upgrade impetus for the new solution. A wideband direct-RF softwaredefined radio (SDR) could enable even more flexibility as an alternate solution for the 3U VPX module to change RF configurations.
An SDR solution further enables full configurability for unique custom frequency bands of interest across a wide 2-GHz to 18-GHz range. A programmable filter within the RF signal chain allows for custom on-the-fly updates, while digital downconversion (DDC) in the digital domain provides further targeted filtering of noise. By targeting smaller bandwidths with digital filtering of wideband noise, the dynamic range is expanded approximately +6dB for each reduction in the bandwidth by a multiple of 4. A configurable SDR in the field realizes channel, dynamic range, and instantaneousbandwidth performance tradeoff options that might not have been possible with legacy closed systems. (Figure 1.)
By leveraging a companion numerically controlled oscillator (NCO) within the DDC block, an effective digital local oscillator (LO) provides further sampling power. The NCO enables tuning of the decimated bandwidth to the specific frequency of interest using precise frequency-tuning words, while
multiple banks of preset filter coefficients allow for fast frequency hopping (FFH) between observable bandwidths. Rapidly changing NCO tuning words essentially permits observable bandwidths on demand. Digital-to-analog converter (DAC) transmit paths use the inverse digital up-conversion method, respectively, to achieve the same effect. Observation of multiple bands simultaneously within the SDR can be achieved using DDC filtering and NCO tuning. (Figure 2.)
The OpenVPX (VITA 65) and VPX (VITA 46) standards are fundamental to the technical success of both the U.S. Army’s Modular Open Radio Frequency Architecture (MORA) and the SOSA approach. The VITA standards provide a high-performance computing
Figure 1 | The observation of multiple bands within a wideband SDR using DDCs and NCO tuning.
*for given SWAP
Figure 2 | The observation of multiple bands within a wideband SDR using DDCs and NCO tuning.
architecture that can handle the demanding data-processing requirements of modern EW systems. The switchedfabric architecture of VPX also enables data transfer at higher rates and wider scalability when compared to incumbent bus-based systems of the past. This common framework is imperative for processing the large quantities of data generated in real time by EW RF sensors and their respective algorithms.
A module that conforms to the MORA 2.4 compliance standard – defined for SDR, tuner, and radiohead payloads – will be compatible in a VPX chassis. MORA creates a standard for the controlling aspects of the VPX RF payloads like bandwidth, gain, and frequency; without it, each piece of hardware would have a unique identifying aspect that would require custom hardware configuration.
With MORA compliant modules, the new SDR hardware can conveniently be controlled through a standard instruction set, as standardization enables rapid RF
payload integration. System upgrades are also streamlined as new technology becomes available for installation. Deployment of many similar upgraded systems enables a common proliferation of instructions to field teams.
At the speed of progress
The slow-update limitations of legacy closed EW systems appear to be fading. The SOSA Technical Standard and MORA framework enable faster technology updates at the speed of progress, rather than at the slow rate of closedsystem programs. These approaches enable new pathways of flexible RF front-end changes for EW systems of the future. A wideband direct-RF SDR offers several alternate RF processing solutions for the 3U VPX module to change RF configurations. Practically, real-world modules such as the ADSY1100 carry a wideband multichannel RF digitizer in a 3U VPX SOSA aligned format, featuring DAC sample rates up to 28 GS/sec and analog-to-digital (ADC) sample rates up to 20 GS/sec. RF personality cards
customize the signal path observations. With the help of standardization through the SOSA approach, MORA, and other compliance efforts, new EW capabilities will be able to catapult defense systems into the next generation. MES
Ian Beavers is a Field Applications Engineer and Customer Labs manager for the Aerospace and Defense Systems team at Analog Devices in Durham, North Carolina. He has worked for the company since 1996 and has more than 30 years of experience in the semiconductor industry. Ian earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from North Carolina State University and an MBA from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Readers may reach the author at Ian.Beavers@analog.com.
Analog Devices, Inc. https://www.analog.com
All Sy s tems
LCR products enable the fullest capabilities of the best aspects of VPX and SOSA aligned system architectures. Integrated systems, chassis, backplanes and development platforms that help streamline the journey from early development to deployment.
L ook to LCR to realize what’s possible in demanding environments across a wide range of defense applications.
SOSA approach using VITA form factors in ATR, SAVE, or rackmount enclosures: The MOSA strategy in support of U.S. warfighters
By Bill Pilaud
When designing integrated systems in ATR [air transport rack], SAVE [standardized A-kit vehicle envelope], and 19-inch rackmount enclosures using VITA form factors within the Sensor Open Systems Architecture, or SOSA, framework, the Air Force, Army, and Navy benefit from a superior electronics form factor for all platforms across the U.S. arsenal. The VITA ecosystem offers a wide range of vendors providing CPU, switch, FPGA [field-programmable gate array], GPGPU [general-purpose graphics processing unit], power, RF digitizers, and up-/down-converter solutions. This approach enables systems integrators to develop any C5ISR [command, control, communications, computers, cyber, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance] system by selecting off-the-shelf VITA plug-in cards (PICs) and pairing them with the appropriate enclosure for deployment on military platforms. This flexibility makes SOSA/VITA subsystems the optimal choice for implementing MOSA – the modular open systems approach.
Soldiers assigned to the Task Force Orion, 27th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, New York Army National Guard, conduct driver training and maintenance checks on mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicles. Photo courtesy U.S. Department of Defense/Army Staff Sgt. Jordan Sivayavirojna, New York National Guard.
The Open Group’s Sensor Open Systems Architecture, or SOSA, consortium was formed in 2017 as a collaboration of U.S. armed service, tier-one defense primes, academia, and open systems providers with the charter of developing a consensus-based, company-neutral open standard. The SOSA Technical Standard (ratified in fall 2021) was bolstered by the 2019 Tri-Service memorandum on the modular open systems approach (MOSA), in which the secretaries of the Navy, Army, and Air Force Service Acquisition Executive and Program Executive Officers mandated MOSA as a requirement for all future weapons systems for warfighters’ success1
For the last 40 years, VITA ecosystem providers have been developing components that have increasingly been deployed in embedded systems with a solid track
record of performance with optimized size, weight, and power (SWaP). The ecosystem is so pervasive that nearly every platform in the U.S. arsenal has VITA subsystems in one form or another. The SOSA approach, which leverages open standards including VITA form factors, is enabled by enclosure types like SAVE [standardized A-kit vehicle envelope] for Army ground mobile platforms; ATR [air transport rack] for Air Force, Navy, and Army airborne platforms; and 19-inch rackmount for Navy ships and subs.
SOSA or VITA plug-in cards (PICs) are available that meet the operational requirements of any C5ISR application and are intended for these enclosure variants which fit into existing equipment bays. The result is that SOSA/VITA PIC combinations are the optimal logistics solution and offer the best time-to-theater for the U.S. arsenal. Therefore, the SOSA/VITA combination is the best strategy to deploy MOSA electronic subsystems.
What Is SOSA?
The SOSA Consortium is made up of industry and U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) representatives tasked with providing the best open standard to meet the mission needs of the warfighter with the quickest time-to-theater. By leveraging existing standards like MIL-STD, VITA, VICTORY [Vehicular Integration for C5ISR/EW Interoperability], and the Future Airborne Capability Environment, or FACE, Technical Standard, the SOSA Consortium downselects PIC profiles to expedite source selection of plug-in cards. The SOSA approach further improves system-to-sensor or system-tosystem communications by defining MIL-STD-1560 connectors, as well as defining pin definition to further improve system integration.
The SOSA Consortium’s vision is to solve a common challenge faced by military platforms: the difficulty of integrating electronic systems that currently rely on different architectures. These challenges include high costs, complex maintenance, and limited industry-wide support for stovepiped solutions. In keeping with MOSA, the SOSA approach seeks to ensure upgradability, interoperability, and interchangeability across all branches of the DoD.
Each single electronic subsystem function – including crew display, APNT [assured positioning, navigation, and timing], and 360-degree situational awareness – is a different electronics subsystem and a potentially different base architecture type. Similarly, the communication radios and the electronic warfare (EW) protection subsystems using similar antenna or sensor arrays cannot swap components and are then single points of failure. Even if these subsystems have the same mount points to the equipment bay, the field-replaceable units (FRUs) in each subsystem are rarely interchangeable. For example, power supplies from one system can never be used in another, so therefore the logistics depot must stock individual systems and FRUs to maintain the platform.
The SOSA approach has standardized on an electronics form factor that has the capability to move electronics subsystem mission into a single or combination of VITA PICs. These VITA PICs are generic but are adapted to mission based on software load.
Therefore, an APNT subsystem can be hosted in a single VITA APNT PIC and cabled to other subsystems based on SOSA defined interfaces. A combination of PICs can be hosted on a backplane to SWaP-optimize electronics deployment. (Figure 1.)
SAVE chassis
Eventually, for Army platforms, the system integrator can host all electronic subsystems functions of the platform in SAVE, and the system is not only SWaP-optimized but also cost-effective due to minimal logistics cost. SAVE defines the size, weight, power, environmental requirements, connector requirements, and electrical interfaces for C5ISR systems installed in ground combat vehicles.
The SOSA Technical Standard is, however, an 80% specification. Not all innovations, sensors, or deployed systems can be implemented with 100% SOSA aligned components. An example of components not SOSA aligned are backplanes, which can have more than 8 million permutations. The bulk of backplane interconnects, however, such as PIC-to-PIC (slot-to-slot) communication paths are defined via backplane channels such as the data plane, expansion plane and control plane. System-to-system (chassis-to-chassis) connectivity is accomplished via SOSA defined 38999 connectors and pinouts.
The SOSA Consortium has selected three different form factors from VITA: 3U and 6U VPX (VITA 46) and VNX (VITA 90). Moreover, the consortium is looking to new VITA standards to better support next-generation technologies.
What is VITA/VPX?
VITA (VMEbus International Trade Association, https://www.vita.com/) was created in 1984 as the VMEbus industry trade association. The VME standard is a form factor adopted by markets including military, aviation, telecommunications, medical, and industrial manufacturing. VITA would then accredit its standards into the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). In 2003, VPX (VITA 46, 48, 65, 66, and 67) was initiated with the advent of serialized or point-to-point (not bused) technologies. VPX helped define architectures to implement serial fabrics such as RapidIO, PCI Express, and Ethernet as board-to-board communications paths between PICs. VPX quickly became one of the more popular open form factors for military applications, with the result that many major C5ISR subsystems for the Navy, Army, and Air Force use the VPX form factor today.
The reason the system integrators chose VPX over any other open standard was the quick time-to-theater it promised and the fact that the systems were built with ruggedization in mind. REDI [Ruggedized Enhanced Design Implementation, or VITA 48.0] defined mechanical standards for air cooling (48.1), conduction cooling (48.2), airflow-through (48.8), and air-flow-by (48.7, sealed air cooling). Perhaps even more innovative is that VPX also defined liquid-flow-through cooling in VITA 48.4.
Perhaps the most compelling arguments for VPX are the service features: By combining the different mechanical form factors to adapt the PICs to different platforms, the cards can be built to Level 2 maintenance capability, meaning that these modules can be serviced with protective gloves in the field rather than transported to a maintenance depot. If a module fails, the brigade or platform could maintain a few generic PIC spares
Figure 1 | A combination of PICs can be hosted on a backplane (center) to optimize SWaP in electronics deployment. Images courtesy LCR Embedded Computing, Wolf Advanced Technology, and U.S. Army.
to replace failed PICs in-theater. In short, with VPX the subsystem mission electronics can be easily maintained while large, heavy enclosures remain in place.
Repair/replace service time savings is substantial. For example, the time required to service the F-18 radar would go from approximately 18 hours for repair-depot servicing down to 1 hour to perform the service in the field.
Moreover, under VPX there exists an electronics PIC for every mission function. VPX providers have built SBCs [singleboard computers], DSPs [digital signal processors], GPGPUs [general-purpose graphics processing units], FPGAs [fieldprogrammable gate arrays], RFSOC [radio-frequency system on a chip], RF upand down-converters, Ethernet switches, and a multitude of input/output (I/O) carriers. Every processing capability, analog digitization, signal processing, storage, or human-machine interface has a VPX PIC from multiple vendors.
Further improving RF serviceability is in the adoption of blind-mate VITA 66/67 backplane connections that enable easier servicing of analog backplane interconnects. These backplane-cabled connections eliminate front-panel cabling which can otherwise complicate PIC removal and insertion.
The SOSA Consortium has additionally improved PIC logistics by settling on subsets of the VITA specification with select 3U and 6U PIC profiles. (See https://www. opengroup.org/sosa.) This reduction in the number of PIC profiles is intended to simplify backplane interconnect options without reducing system design options. The 8 million variants of backplane choices number somewhat less now.
The SOSA Technical Standard has also defined a subset of VNX (VITA 90) for similar reasons. VNX – currently in the early stages of definition and ecosystem availability – is targeted to be the form factor for cubesats, manpacks, and smalldiameter aerial and other platforms.
Enclosures for SOSA/VPX
SAVE: Standard A Kit Enclosure (SAVE)2 describes the size and shape for a standard mounting location and physical interfaces for C5ISR equipment
specifically for ground mobile vehicles. SAVE is a subset of the overall PEO GCS common infrastructure architecture.
SAVE enclosures enable the deployment of systems adhering to the VICTORY standard: SAVE specifies the enclosure envelope to be 9.3 inches high (H) by 15.9 inches wide by 16.1 inches deep inclusive of mounting trays, handles, and connectors. LCR has adapted SAVE to host VPX, which makes SWaP-optimized, VICTORY-enabled CMOSS [C5ISR/ Electronic Warfare Modular Open Suite of Standards] subsystems possible. SAVE defines and adapts mounting bolt patterns for mounting equipment into existing Army platforms.
Airborne Transport Rack (ATR): Aeronautical Radio Incorporated (ARINC) was established in 1929 and later sold to Collins Aerospace, which is now part of Raytheon. The ATR ARINC 404 standard3 establishes a method of mounting enclosures on to airframes and has nomenclature defining ½ (4.88-inch), ¾ (7.5-inch) and full (10.12-inch) as well as long (19.53-inch) and short (12.52-inch) lengths at a standard (7.62-inch) or tall (10.625-inch) height. Because of the I/O, fan, and electronics bay mounting, an ATR is ideal for most airborne platforms, although many airborne systems tweak dimensions due to pod or nose cone constraints. The mounting subsystems are maintained to improve system serviceability. Nearly all new and emerging systems intended for ATR chassis are designed using the SOSA/VPX architecture. (Figure 2.)
Rackmount: Rackmount systems, a standard 19 inches, have long been the chassis/packaging-level solution for defense, data centers, industrial control centers, broadcasting, enterprise IT, and other applications. Rackmount systems protect electronics from harsh environments and are deployed in most U.S. naval applications. Rackmount systems are comprised of interconnected individual 19-inch chassis, each of which is often based on different electronics system architectures. This setup can lead to a disparate array of electronic systems that are difficult to maintain.
If the U.S. Navy were to standardize on 6U or 3U VPX SOSA systems, these
19-inch rack systems could be SWaPoptimized to maximize processing and sensor digitization as well as reduce the Navy’s logistics costs. In short, the benefits of the SOSA/VPX modular architecture would carry over to rackmount systems. The sister division of LCR Embedded, Electromet, designs and manufactures rugged 19-inch rack mount enclosures.
VPX backplane common to all platforms
What ties all these enclosure form factors together? The VPX backplane is the communications component for optimal PIC-to-PIC communication. Currently, VPX is capable of 100 Gbit/ sec communications in the dataplane designation of the VPX PIC profile. With pulse amplitude modulation 4 (PAM4), SERDES [serializer/deserializer] backplane bandwidth could be improved to 200 Gbit/sec. Perhaps with PAM8 this could be pushed to 800Gbit/sec. The standard is evolving with VPX100 where pin density doubles as well as baud rate, making 1.6 Tb/sec backplanes possible. This capability would set up current and existing SOSA aligned VPX PIC enclosures for many future system upgrades with next-generation technology. Combining the VPX backplane with the platform-specified enclosure makes SOSA/VPX the most compelling and cost-effective architecture for deployment to the system integrator. There is a PIC or combination of PICs that can do most any C5ISR electronic function. (Figure 3.)
Why SOSA VITA? Logistics!
According to the Congressional Research Service, the U.S. government employs
Figure 2 | Shown: A 10-slot/8-PIC slot/ 2-power supply ATR.
80,000 people and spends $35 billion per year to repair and maintain equipment, but the condition of facilities and equipment is described as “fair to poor.”4 The number of different types of electronics subassemblies and the sheer amount of aging or poorly maintained equipment will exacerbate the national problem of defense and what technologies come next. Many of these platforms are unable to succeed in-theater due to obsolescence in components and technology and are unable to host the latest commercially developed software. Standardizing on one type of electronic form factor like SOSA/VPX for all of the platforms in the national arsenal would greatly improve this situation. In short, subsystems used in U.S. Navy platforms can be adapted for Army platforms by simply changing the software because the PICs are essentially the same for EW, electronic attack (EA), radar, or surveillance systems.
Another example: Artificial intelligence (AI) compute systems hosted in an Air Force uncrewed aerial system (UAS) could be repurposed for Army communication, EW,
surveillance, weapons control, navigation, and other systems needed in the field, using the most current silicon systems at the time of need.
The U.S. warfighter need not go into the fight with 20- or 30-year-old electronic components because the backplane interface is standardized; as long as the PIC is backwards-compatible, the new systems can be changed at deployment time. If there ever was a time for the U.S. military to migrate to the MOSA approach using the latest technology, it is now, as the global threat level continues to increase. MES
1 R.Spencer, M. Esper, H. Wilson, https:// www.dsp.dla.mil/Portals/26/Documents/ PolicyAndGuidance/Memo-Modular_Open_ Systems_Approach.pdf, January 7, 2019.
2 PEO GCS, PL CTPI Detroit Arsenal, MI https://www.highergov.com/document/saveidd-distroa-v1-0final-22-2-22-pdf-a08c96/, February 22, 2022.
4 Congressional Research Service Defense Primer: Department of Defense Maintenance Depots, https://crsreports.congress.gov/ product/pdf/IF/IF11466, December 30, 2022.
• Large range of Ethernet Switches
• 1U enclosure, 3U & 6U VPX
• Managed Layer 2+/3 switches
• 1/10/25/40/100 Gigabit Ethernet
• Aligned with the SOSA™ Technical Standard
• Air-cooled, conduction-cooled, AFT grades
Bill Pilaud, Chief Technologist at LCR Embedded Systems, has 35 years of experience in the embedded computing industry and is a recognized expert in open architecture systems design. He has worked in variety of roles at Mercury, Motorola, CurtissWright, Concurrent, Vicor, and Abaco. During his career, Bill has held positions as a line engineer and field applications engineer as well as roles in sales, product marketing management, product line management, and general management. Bill holds a BS in computer engineering from Clemson University (S.C.) and an MBA from Northeastern University in Boston.
LCR Embedded Systems www.lcrembeddedsystems.com/
Figure 3 | Shown: A VPX backplane – used for PIC-to-PIC communication.
Military Embedded Systems focuses on embedded electronics – hardware and software – for military applications through technical coverage of all parts of the design process. The website, Resource Guide, e-mags, newsletters, podcasts, webcasts, and print editions provide insight on embedded tools and strategies including technology insertion, obsolescence management, standards adoption, and many other military-specific technical subjects.
Coverage areas include the latest innovative products, technology, and market trends driving military embedded applications such as radar, electronic warfare, unmanned systems, cybersecurity, AI and machine learning, avionics, and more. Each issue is full of the information readers need to stay connected to the pulse of embedded technology in the military and aerospace industries. militaryembedded.com
Addressing supply-chain risk and obsolescence in defense
By Katie Fisher and Andrew Bice, STC, an Arcfield company
The defense industry stands at a critical juncture, tasked with confronting increased challenges in terms of sustaining operational efficiency and national security amid evolving threats and technological advancements. Central to these situations are supply-chain vulnerabilities and component obsolescence, both of which can undermine mission readiness. To counter these risks, advanced defense software solutions can offer innovative approaches to manage and mitigate supply-chain disruptions and ensure the longevity and effectiveness of defense systems.
Managing supply chains in the defense sector is a formidable task due to the long life cycle of defense equipment and the critical nature of their functions. Composed of complex, costly machinery and advanced technologies, defense systems must be maintained over many years to ensure defense operations remain smooth and investments continue to pay off.
Leading defense software companies are at the forefront of developing solutions that address challenges across several key areas. These include aggregating and analyzing disparate data, often fragmented across different sources or platforms. Advanced software solutions, particularly those leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), are crucial in harmonizing and analyzing this data to predict and mitigate supply chain issues. By integrating product life cycle management (PLM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems with mission-critical software featuring predictive analytics, defense organizations can create an interconnected ecosystem. Such an ecosystem enables comprehensive analysis across engineering disciplines and life cycles, ensuring that systems remain operational and effective over time.
Strengthening defense supply
To strengthen defense supply chains for mission success, the industry is moving beyond commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products, which are often adapted to meet U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) needs. While COTS solutions offer some customization, they fall short in addressing the longevity and high availability demands of defense systems.
The focus is now on developing specialized solutions that better optimize and enhance the defense supply chain, ensuring mission success. Advanced defense software empowers organizations to comply swiftly with essential defense-specific regulatory mandates, such as the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS).
These software tools facilitate supply-chain audits, risk assessments, and life cycle management, ensuring that all components used in defense systems meet stringent regulatory standards while reinforcing supply-chain practices to maintain the readiness and reliability of critical defense infrastructure.
Continuous availability and reliability of components is a critical piece of supply-chain management. Usable software solutions must emphasize the use of modular design and queryable data to enable ongoing monitoring and analysis of alternatives. These solutions drive a crucial shift from traditional document-based logistics to dynamic digital logistics. This transformation is vital to ensure that critical components remain available and reliable over the long term, directly impacting mission success.
In the defense sector, any supply-chain disruption can have serious consequences. To stay prepared, defense organizations can turn to technologies such as digital twins and predictive analytics. Digital twins – which are virtual models of physical systems – enable real-time monitoring and analysis of operational data. This technology enables defense organizations to predict and prevent failures before they occur, markedly enhancing system reliability. A 2023 McKinsey analysis reported that digital twins can reduce development times by as much as 50% and decrease the need for costly physical prototypes, leading to a 25% reduction in quality issues during production.
The importance of software tools that complement digital twins cannot be overstated: These tools analyze data to identify and address vulnerabilities, playing a critical role in ensuring mission success. By enabling the testing of materials before deployment, they ensure that mission-critical systems remain operational despite supply-chain challenges.
Reducing costs, ensuring resilience
Modernizing defense software capabilities, mainly through AI and ML, is also critical in reducing overall costs and ensuring the sustainability of defense operations. These technologies enhance confidence in decision-making data, enabling defense organizations to forecast potential issues and design systems that mitigate these risks effectively.
Digital engineering is pivotal in reducing costs and ensuring resilience in defense systems. By creating authoritative source models, defense organizations can apply and validate changes before implementation, ensuring software components remain current and effective. This comprehensive understanding of defense systems across all disciplines enables companies to procure the right parts and avoid costly failures.
Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) significantly enhances this approach by supporting the creation of digital twins and the implementation of condition-based maintenance strategies. It provides the necessary infrastructure to predict, test, and mitigate supply-chain issues. By enabling rapid prototyping and testing of replacement components in a digital environment, defense organizations can ensure that the eventual physical components remain operational and secure. These systems also can enable more accurate prediction of component failure so that users can plan for proactive design and ongoing maintenance strategies. Additionally, MBSE enables validation of software updates before rollout, ensuring that software systems remain current and effective.
Combating obsolescence
As the defense industry advances, it faces the dual challenge of driving innovation while continuing to sustain critical legacy systems essential to national security. These legacy systems, often operational for decades, provide valuable operational data and design insights that engineering teams can leverage to develop more advanced systems.
Creating digital representations of legacy systems enables defense organizations to trace design decisions, analyze historical test results, and use this data to innovate. Modernizing these systems through digitization is not just about preservation: By addressing obsolescence issues and supply chain vulnerabilities through digital engineering, defense organizations can reduce costs and enhance the performance of future systems.
Emerging trends – including the increased adoption of AI and ML, the standardization of data points, the integration of cloud computing, and the development of predictive algorithms – are set to transform supply-chain management and strategies for managing the life cycle of outdated components over the next decade. To navigate these changes effectively, modernizing outdated provisioning processes and incorporating model-based capabilities into their PLM will address current and upcoming supply-chain vulnerabilities.
Ensuring system longevity
Advanced defense software plays a crucial role in predicting when parts or systems may become obsolete. For instance, if adversaries’ technological advancements compromise a system’s security, a robust digital engineering environment enables rapid updates and deployment of enhanced capabilities. This approach not only strengthens system performance but also ensures that systems remain secure against evolving threats.
Adopting a comprehensive strategy that integrates advanced technologies, MBSE, and interoperable data is essential to effectively mitigate obsolescence in defense systems. MBSE and digital engineering support this approach by providing a structured framework for capturing, analyzing, and managing system data throughout its life cycle. By leveraging these advanced methodologies, defense organizations can enhance system longevity, improve performance, and maintain operational readiness. By storing complete data instances, such as those provided by quality information framework (QIF) documents, within product line engineering (PLE) libraries, defense organizations can ensure rapid system updates in response to evolving threats. This approach leverages MBSE and digital engineering to modernize provisioning processes and embrace model-based capabilities.
The path forward involves embracing innovation while strategically managing legacy systems, ensuring the defense sector remains agile and prepared for future challenges. This approach will enable the industry to maintain its edge and effectively respond to evolving threats.
Katie Fisher is the Chief Engineer, Model-Based Systems Engineering and Software Integrations, for STC, an Arcfield company. Andrew Bice is the Director, Logistics Programs, for STC, an Arcfield company.
STC, an Arcfield company · https://stc.arcfield.com/
The McHale Report, by mil-embedded.com
Editorial Director John McHale, covers technology and procurement trends in the defense electronics community.
Deploying AI at the edge: Enhancing military readiness and response
By Stan Crow, EdgeCortix
There is a lot of talk about terms like the military edge and artificial intelligence (AI) and their impact on military capability. Many of these conversations start with questions like “What is the edge?” “What is artificial intelligence?” and “What do edge computing and AI imply for embedded systems in the defense market?” Edge computing and AI are two powerful technologies that, when combined, significantly enhance operational capabilities.
Edge computing is the processing of data closer to the source rather than in centralized data centers or cloud environments. An example of edge computing is real-time data analytics on the battlefield, such as soldier-worn sensors processing data locally to make immediate decisions. The term “tactical edge” further emphasizes characteristics of this environment, including right on the front lines or in remote and disconnected locations where time-sensitive computation is needed and communications may be intermittent.
Historically, data collection and analysis have relied heavily on human interpretation. Implementing AI into military systems drastically increases operational capability, delivering faster, more intelligent decisions at the edge. AI also enables more efficient resource use and greater autonomy in constrained edge environments.
An example is the ability for satellites and aircraft to collect more data than they can transmit to the ground for processing. Onboard these platforms, AI image recognition and classification can process imagery immediately and pass along only the most pertinent information to users, reducing latency and required communication bandwidth.
The industry is witnessing increasing trends toward deploying AI at the edge,
with the moves now informing major U.S. defense programs. The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) “Replicator” program and the Air Force’s Collaborative Combat Aircraft program are aiming to create uncrewed wingmen or even fleets that would operate autonomously without constant control by ground-based command centers.
Cybersecurity tools can use edge AI to help spot probing patterns before full-scale attacks develop. Once an attack begins, AI close to the point of the cyberattack can guide system and network responses to mitigate
damage faster than human personnel can respond.
There are several advantages to AI inference at the edge in military operations. Some examples include:
› Advanced autonomous systems: AI-enabled drones or autonomous vehicles capture and process data during complex missions without delays or central processing. This level of autonomy limits the risk to human lives while preserving real-time access to intelligent information.
› Data privacy and improved security: Processing sensitive data locally limits the potential for data breaches during data transmission. Cybersecurity tools can use edge AI to help spot probing patterns before full-scale attacks develop. Once an attack begins, AI close to the point of the cyberattack can guide system and network responses to mitigate damage faster than human personnel can respond.
› Greater reach and operational flexibility: Without the need for constant connectivity to data centers or cloud access, soldiers can process and analyze data even in the most remote locations.
› Improved surveillance: While on the battlefield, personnel can process intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) data locally with smarter, faster decision-making.
› Real-time data processing and reduced latency: On the battlefield, speed and accuracy is critical when it comes to making lifesaving decisions. Every second counts in these situations: Edge delivers real-time processing without unwanted delays of sending data to and from an off-site location.
However, deploying AI at the edge does bring some challenges, including platform size, weight, and power (SWaP) constraints plus the need for cooling equipment. These issues are further heightened by the increased computational demand in modern generative AI workloads. For these combined technologies to enhance military readiness and response, defense systems need to leverage highly efficient, edge AI coprocessors that can handle both general AI and generative AI workloads at the edge. Such systems enable high-performance compute architectures to meet the demanding workload requirements of current and future battlefields while performing within the operational limits of tactical-edge platforms.
Stanley Crow is Vice President of Defense & Space Technology at EdgeCortix.
EdgeCortix • https://www.edgecortix.com/en/
Military Embedded Systems focuses on embedded electronics – hardware and software – for military applications through technical coverage of all parts of the design process. The website, e-mags, newsletters, podcasts, virtual events, annual Resource Guide, and print editions cover topics including radar and electronic warfare, artificial intelligence/machine learning, uncrewed systems, C5ISR, avionics, and cybersecurity. Don’t miss any of it!
Military Embedded Systems is also the largest source for coverage of the Sensor Open Systems Architecture, or SOSA, Technical Standard and the Future Airborne Capability Environment, or FACE, Technical Standard. We exclusively produce the once-yearly SOSA Special Edition and FACE Special Edition. militaryembedded.com
Gooseneck or flexible antennas for RF and microwave
Pasternack’s gooseneck omni antennas are designed for various applications in RF and microwave systems, both fixed and mobile. The antennas feature a gooseneck-shaped mounting base that enables users to bend and reposition the antenna at any angle to ensure optimal signal transmission. Constructed from durable materials like fiberglass and metal, these antennas are built to withstand shock, vibration, and harsh environmental conditions, ensuring reliability in the field. They are available across a wide range of frequencies and radiation patterns.
The gooseneck omni antennas are lightweight and compact, making them easy to transport and deploy. This combination of flexibility, durability, and portability aims them at use in systems requiring adaptable signal solutions and enhanced RF and microwave system performance in dynamic environments, including military, aerospace, and commercial applications.
Pasternack | www.pasternack.com
Small-form-factor embedded board
AIM has introduced a new small-form-factor (SFF) embedded board that adheres to MIL-STD-1553 (which defines the characteristics of a serial data bus), offering rugged embedded applications in a compact 2260 M.2 form factor. The board is designed for rugged computer systems, providing compatibility with commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) and modified off-the-shelf (MOTS) technology. This SFF enables designers to create lightweight avionics systems with reduced development and life cycle costs, while still adhering to MIL-STD-1553. The new two-channel M.2 board offers such features as extended temperature range, rugged locking connectors, and dual-redundant channels, enabling it for use in demanding environments.
The 2260 M.2 board is equipped with dual-redundant MIL-STD-1553/1760 channels, avionics discrete inputs and outputs, trigger inputs and outputs, and an IRIG-B (time protocol) input for synchronization purposes. Its small size and universal compatibility through B + M keying enable it to be integrated into existing systems. The rugged design ensures reliable operation in temperature ranges from -40 °C to +85 °C. The board’s low power consumption further enhances its usability for space-constrained and energyefficient applications in military and aerospace systems.
Pocket-sized aerial reconnaissance nano drone
The Trace nano drone from Vantage Robotics is a pocket-sized uncrewed aerial system (UAS) designed for covert aerial reconnaissance and critical infrastructure inspections. Weighing just 153 grams (less than half a pound), Trace is below the FAA’s safety threshold while still offering flight and camera performance comparable to larger UASs. Its compact design, coupled with low noise emissions, enables discreet operation in both indoor and outdoor environments. The nano UAS features gimbal-stabilized, highresolution visible light and thermal cameras, which provide 24-time zoom capabilities for detailed surveillance in various lighting conditions.
The Trace UAS has a folding airframe constructed from titanium and carbon fiber. It is also fitted with the company’s Poplar radio, which extends its operational range as far as 2 kilometers. In addition to its technical capabilities, Trace features intuitive controls that enable operators to quickly deploy and maneuver the drone in dynamic environments. Its low power consumption and ability to operate on multiple frequency bands ensure reliable communication, even in contested or signal-degraded areas. Its portable and packable nature enables rapid and stealthy deployment in tactical scenarios where time, mobility, and covert use are important.
Vantage Robotics | www.vantagerobotics.com
Analog and digital I/O board can handle DAQ tasks
The DNx-MF-102 from United Electronic Industries (UEI) is a multifunction analog and digital I/O board designed to support a variety of data-acquisition and -control applications across such industries as defense, aerospace, and high-level industrial processes, as well as research and development environments. The solution is equipped with 34 analog and digital I/O channels, two CAN 2.0 ports, and one RS-232/422/485 port, making it compatible with all UEI I/O chassis systems. These functions mean the board can handle multiple signal types and real-time data acquisition (DAQ) tasks, which are essential for testing, monitoring, and control across diverse platforms.
The DNx-MF-102 features 16 analog channels with software-selectable analog/digital ranges from ±80 V to ±0.156 V, and sports 18-bit resolution for precise measurements. The broad voltage range makes this board potentially well-suited for applications in aerospace and power generation, in which high-voltage input is often required. Additionally, it includes 16 configurable digital I/O channels with programmable voltage thresholds and pull-up/down resistors, enabling effective monitoring and control in complex systems.
Current measuring system for military communications
Kaman Measuring, a division of Kaman Precision Products, Inc., offers precision differential noncontact eddy current measuring systems designed for free space optical communication. These systems are widely used in commercial and military imaging, communications satellites, interplanetary exploration, and optical-stabilization technologies. The Kaman differential measurement systems enable reliable high-resolution position feedback, ensuring precise laser targeting over vast distances. The systems include the company’s KD-5100+ high-reliability displacement measurement tool, the DIT5200L differential impedance transducer, and the KD-5600 digital differential measuring system, all designed to meet the rigorous demands of these advanced applications.
The KD-5100+ is tailored for laser communication systems and directed energy platforms. Its compact size (2 inches by 2.12 inches by 0.75 inches) and low power consumption make it useful in space-based systems, especially those in which size, weight, power, and cost (SWaP-C) are critical. The 5100+ is built to MIL-PRF-38534 Class H standards – which denotes parts that can maintain high reliability in harsh or space-based environments. The KD-5600’s high-accuracy digital design integrates custom sensors and signal processing to enable high bandwidth and linearity with fast data transfer via its advanced communication bus. The DIT5200L transducer offers designers an economical solution with subnanometer resolution, high sensitivity, and accurate linearity.
Kaman | www.kaman.com
Real-time video encoding platform for real-time streaming
Reticulate Micro, Inc. offers VAST, a software-based video encoding platform designed for ultra-efficient real-time video streaming in low-bandwidth environments. VAST is optimized for military, security, and enterprise users that require high-quality video transmission over constrained communication channels. The platform is available in two main configurations: VAST Air, designed for embedding in vehicles or aircraft; and VAST Tactical, a portable or wearable solution built for rugged use. Both options are offered in multiple models, including the single-stream Model N, three-stream Model S, and – for tactical use – the eight-video-stream Model M.
The VAST platform leverages the latest advancements in video compression to deliver high-definition video streams at bit rates below 10 kilobits per second, useful during on-the-move tactical operations where bandwidth is limited. Designed to run on a variety of hardware architectures, including x86 and Arm, the software can even operate on a Raspberry Pi 5, giving users flexibility across a wide range of devices. Reticulate Micro has validated VAST’s performance across multiple military and commercial networks, including Iridium Certus 100 and Inmarsat L-TAC, demonstrating an ability to transmit video over narrowband communication systems like UHF and HF networks.
Reticulate Micro | www.reticulate.io
By Editorial Staff
Each issue, the editorial staff of Military Embedded Systems will highlight a different organization that benefits the military, veterans, and their families. We are honored to cover the technology that protects those who protect us every day.
This issue we are highlighting Operation Healing Forces (OHF), a nonprofit organization started by retired business executive Gary Markel in 2015 with the stated mission of serving the needs of wounded, ill, injured, and fallen U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF) service members, veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors. The 501(c)(3) provides assistance through a suite of programs intended to promote long-term mental, physical, emotional, and fiscal well-being.
OHF’s programs are specifically designed to enable these operators and veterans to openly discuss their battlefield and personal hardships and provide them and their families with needed support. The OHF staff is comprised of former operators, SOF spouses, and personnel who have served the SOF community for many years. Programs include support groups, help with immediate financial and travel needs, financial planning, employment assistance, legal aid, and help with medical situations.
One of the major programs is Creating Bonds that Cure, in which injured Special Forces veterans and their spouses are able to go on a retreat designed to mend relationships damaged by the call of duty and the hardship of injury. For this program, donors lend Merkel and the organization their vacation homes to enable the SOF family to get away and repair their bonds. As of 2023, OHF has sent more than 1,100 special operators and their partners on relationship-repairing retreats.
In addition, the organization says that once an operator or SOF family becomes involved with OHF, they remain part of the charity and are able to access help and resources whenever needed. For additional information, visit https://operationhealingforces.org/.
CJADC2 At The Edge Virtual Summit
Sponsored by Abaco, Aitech, Curtiss-Wright, Elma, Mercury, RTI, & Wind River
The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Combined Joint All-Domain Command and Control (CJADC2) strategy was described as a strategy “intended to produce the warfighting capability to sense, make sense, and act at all levels and phases of war, across all domains, and with partners, to deliver information advantage at the speed of relevance,” according to the DoD’s 2022 CJADC2 Executive Summary. CJADC2 will modernize the DoD’s command-and-control (C2) systems with an integrated network that links sensors and target data from the tactical edge to C2 systems across multiple domains.
Powered by Military Embedded Systems, the CJADC2 At The Edge Virtual Summit is designed to drive awareness and thought leadership around CJADC2 concepts and requirements.
Keynote: Chris Bishop, Chief Growth Officer, Ultra Intelligence & Communications.
(This is an archived event.)
Watch this webcast: https://tinyurl.com/ycaewe8z
Watch more webcasts: https://militaryembedded.com/webcasts/
7 Tenets of Layered Security in Embedded Design
Sponsored by Star Lab
Securing a mission-critical system is no longer as simple as preventing entry –one must assume that the attacker is already in. When tasked with securing an embedded system, the designer/defender must be prepared to protect against every possible vulnerability. Overlook a single opening and the attacker may find it, take control, steal secrets, and create an exploit for others to use anytime, anywhere.
This white paper covers the most important security-design principles that, if adhered to, give the designer a fighting chance against any attacker who seeks to gain unauthorized access, reverse-engineer, steal sensitive information, or otherwise tamper with the embedded system. These seven tenets can be layered together into a cohesive set of countermeasures that achieve a multiplicative effect, making device exploitation far more difficult and costly for the attacker.
Read this white paper: https://tinyurl.com/339kxb4e
Read more white papers: https://militaryembedded.com/whitepapers
Military Embedded Systems focuses on embedded electronics – hardware and software – for military applications through technical coverage of all parts of the design process. The website, Resource Guide, e-mags, newsletters, podcasts, webcasts, and print editions provide insight on embedded tools and strategies including technology insertion, obsolescence management, standards adoption, and many other military-specific technical subjects.
Coverage areas include the latest innovative products, technology, and market trends driving military embedded applications such as radar, electronic warfare, unmanned systems, cybersecurity, AI and machine learning, avionics, and more. Each issue is full of the information readers need to stay connected to the pulse of embedded technology in the military and aerospace industries.