“ The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free.” LUKE 4:18 (NLT)
Sharing the love of Christ among the least reached
IN THIS ISSUE no.2 2019 On the cover:
OM in South Sudan Photo Credit: Justin Lovett
3 4
World News Africa
Spreading the Gospel
Central Asia
First Fruit in the mountains
1,000 Muslim background missionaries
Prayer and share in Turkey
10 12
A community transformed
OM Ships
10 years of Logos Hope
OM Blog
A Church without walls
Every last apricot
Operation Mobilisation Registered office The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 7LT. t: 01691 773388 e: info.uk@om.org w: www.uk.om.org Scotland 210 Kennedy Street, Glasgow, G4 0BQ. Northern Ireland The Lodge Studio, 2 Bridge End Road, Templepatrick BT39 0DB. Registered as a company limited by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales), and SCO40988 (Scotland).
LUKE 4:18
“ The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to proclaim Good News to the poor.”
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18–20 (NIV) A recent survey* from the USA suggests that Christians in Western churches are increasingly unfamiliar with the Great Commission that Jesus gave to His disciples. The survey found that around half of all churchgoers in the US are unaware of Jesus’ command to go and make disciples of all peoples. As I interact with Christians here in the UK I fear that these statistics may, to an extent, reflect this reality in our own country also. Is it possible that these findings highlight that we, as Christians, are focusing on our own needs and problems rather than recognising that around 40% of the people with whom we share the planet (around 3 billion people) have never heard the Good News of Jesus Christ and live in communities or regions where there is no Christian witness? I wonder if, especially in recent years, there is a growing tendency for us as individual Christians, maybe also for some of our churches, to be so focused on our needs, our country, our political situation, our lives and our problems, that perhaps we are in danger of losing sight of the bigger picture. That perhaps the spiritual needs of people in our local communities and also in many parts of the world where Christ is least known, are becoming less of a priority. We have this extraordinary situation where 2000 years after Jesus gave that Great Commission, it has never in all of history been easier to travel and communicate the message, “to the ends of the earth” and yet, the number of people being added to the 3 billion who are yet to hear the Gospel, is estimated to be 57,000. Yes, that is around 57,000 new people being born every day in areas of the world where there is no witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ. The task of making Christ known is growing bigger and bigger and the need for us to remind ourselves and others of Jesus’ Great Commission has never been greater! We, as OM, remain as passionate and committed as ever to do everything possible, whilst serving in partnership with churches and other mission agencies, to make the wonderful and life transforming power of God known to all peoples. Thank you for your continued partnership with us as we, together, take seriously Jesus’ Great Commission. Yours in Christ
Editor: Cortney Alexandra Lee Stories and images: OM International © Global magazine 2019. No part of this magazine may be copied or reproduced in any form without written approval from the publishers. Country file information taken from Operation World, 21st Century edition.
Matthew Skirton, UK Director *Barna Group US
Panoramic shots and pressing prayer updates, keep up to date and in touch via social media. facebook.com/OMUnitedKingdom
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” Matthew 28:19
by Liam James
WORLD NEWS Solar-powered evangelism
n OM team in South Asia is using the sun to help share the Good News with people who have never heard it.
In this region, there are many isolated villages scattered about the mountains, disconnected from the rest of society. This results in a lack of education and illiteracy for many. To reach people, OM has been sending teams with solar-powered audio Bibles to these villages. Many have limited electricity or none at all, so having solar-powered audio Bibles is essential. On a recent outreach to one village, a team met a woman named Eliza* who had received an audio Bible a few months before.
As she listened to the words of scripture, she learnt more about Jesus and understood that He is, “the way and the truth and the life.” John 14:6 (NIV) Eliza shared this Good News with her husband, Rikash*, and they both began to share it with their whole village. “We believe that everyone should hear this message at least once before they die,” they proclaimed. Pray for Eliza and her husband as they continue to share the Gospel in these remote and isolated villages. Give thanks for solar-powered evangelism and pray for the fruit of salvation.
Cyclone Kenneth—the strongest tropical storm ever to hit Mozambique— has caused further devastation as the country, along with Malawi and Zimbabwe, are still recovering from the destruction caused by Cylone Idai which hit the region in March. Communities have been deeply affected by the widespread destruction resulting in the displacement of thousands and the loss of life for many. OM teams are assessing the situation and are making plans to expand the response. The primary focus continues to be providing relief assistance by working towards rebuilding shelters and by assisting with water sanitation and hygiene needs. We want to show the love of God through our support of the communities affected— physically through aid and spiritually through prayer. If you’d like to help OM respond to disasters like this, you can respond through our Mercy Fund: www.uk.om.org/mercy
*names changed
for God to guide and direct OM teams and their partners, as they seek to pray Pray assist and provide help for those facing great hardship caused by disaster.
by Rebecca Rempel
Siniore desires for her family and friends to know Christ’s love as she does. After some training with OM she took what she learnt and put it into practice.
rom the beginning, the OM team in Ambovombe, Madagascar, wanted to see villages reaching villages: spreading the Gospel across the region. The first step was to identify the village, then cover it in prayer before going and preaching the Good News. After a small core group was established in the nearby village of Taviramongy, the OM team encouraged the members to look beyond their own community and start reaching out to others citing 2 Timothy 2:2: “And the things
you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others” (NIV). A small group researched where to go and organised half-day outreaches to other villages. The group from Taviramongy visited the village of Tanantsoa, home to Siniore, aged 16 at the time. Siniore was touched after hearing a believer share her testimony of how she had experienced Jesus’ love and been set free from witchcraft.
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5
Returning to her home, Siniore kept thinking about what she had heard and felt like she needed to do something but was unsure exactly what. When another small core group was started in her village, Siniore attended, eager to learn more. At the time she was wearing a charm from the witchdoctor but decided to take it off. “It was like there had been a dark, dark thing covering me, it left me and there was light,” Siniore remembered about taking the charm off. “I could see things properly. Not just in my eyes—but in how I felt… I was always worried about everything before that, but from that time I had peace.” Siniore was the first in her village to become a Christian.
While some people accepted her new faith, others did not. Her husband divorced her, so she returned to live with her parents. Siniore desired for her family and friends to know Christ’s love as she did. Hearing about training offered by the OM team in Ambovombe that focused on discipleship and evangelism, she signed up. After the training, she took what she learnt and put it into practice by starting a prayer meeting every Friday in her village. Attendance varied from 10–40 people and four new believers were baptised in late 2018. Just like in Taviramongy, the believers of Tanantsoa were encouraged to spread the
Good News from the start. In pairs, they preached the Gospel in other villages, returning to start more small core groups when they felt the time was right. By the end of 2018, they had gone to eight villages that had previously never heard the Gospel. “Siniore has a passion,” said Hanitra, the OM Field Leader in Madagascar. “She really realises how much God loves her; she sees the other people who are really lost, and she has the passion to go, go, go.”
such as cooking, sewing and tailoring—that will enable them to become self-sufficient. Siniore can now earn money with these newly acquired skills as a result of this training. Praise God for the work being done in the Androy region. Praise Him for the new believers and those who have been baptised. Pray for boldness in sharing the Gospel and for people to respond.
LEARNING NEW SKILLS In 2018, Siniore completed Perla. Perla (meaning pearl) is an OM project that equips vulnerable women with skills—
Are you interested in hearing more about sharing the Gospel with the least reached? See www.uk.om.org/go
by Nicole James
“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life.” John 6:47
FIRST FRUIT IN THE MOUNTAINS After years of living among a remote unreached people group, OM workers witness God draw the first local believers to Himself. When they moved to the mountains, Edward* and Catherine* didn’t know of any believers among the people group. 10 years later, they’ve heard of around 15 individuals who have come to faith!
PASSING THE BATON Encouraged by the handful of local believers they’d already connected with through Edward and Catherine, another couple of long-term OM workers, David* and
Ellen*, have recently taken over team leadership. “The goal of our team is to see culturally relevant, locally-led house groups,” Ellen shared. Currently, a few men meet to study the Bible and pray but their wives are not believers. The women who do follow Jesus are married to Muslims, geographically isolated and struggle to grow spiritually. Since the language spoken by the people group isn’t written, David and Ellen also continue to study spiritual vocabulary by telling Bible stories to their language helpers and working out the best ways to explain Gospel themes.
LOCALS SHARING THE GOOD NEWS Eliza*, one of the local believing women, hired two local girls as apprentices.
She taught them her craft and slowly started telling them about Jesus. “Why didn’t anyone tell us this before?” one of them wondered. “We’ve grown up our whole lives and not known about Jesus.” Eliza said she believed both young women decided to follow Jesus. “They’re some of the first people we know of that have actually heard from a local person and have come to faith,” Ellen stressed. For many of these believers, the biggest issue is extreme isolation. While Ellen, David and other OM workers are
able to meet with some of the believers in town, others live even more remotely—some hundreds of miles away— from the nearest believer. “These guys, they really have to trust Jesus. They’re the only ones there,” Edward emphasised. “They give me a different picture of what it looks like to trust God when it’s hard.” Pray for the OM team and their reliance on God’s provision. Pray in thanks for the fruit of their labour. Pray that family groups would come to faith to provide community for isolated individuals. *names changed
by Nicole James
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
1,000 MUSLIM BACKGROUND MISSIONARIES Algeria could transform missions in the Middle East, with a new ministry seeking to send 1,000 Algerian missionaries by 2025. “I’m so excited that God is working mightily in Algeria. You might have heard about the revival; but when you see for yourself, then you are reminded that God is so powerful,” Hee Tee said. In 1988, she and her husband, Youssef, OM Field Leader for Algeria, returned to his native country to pioneer church planting and discipleship ministry there.
Algerians for Missions, Youssef and Hee Tee’s ministry, aims to send out 1,000 Algerians for missions by 2025. At the end of 2018,130 Algerians had already been sent on short-term trips. Youssef and Hee Tee have also fundraised for the building of a new missions training centre: The Timothy Mission School. “That building, as far as I know, is the first in the
whole Middle East and North Africa that recruits Muslimbackground believers, trains them and sends them out for missions,” Youssef stated. With 18 rooms and three apartments the building can accommodate about 72 students. The space has already been a blessing to the community. People use the centre for prayer and pastoral care throughout the week, culminating with prayer and fasting every Friday. “Prayer and deliverance are a huge ministry,” Youssef explained. “One of the greatest needs is a safe place where people can come and feel that the trust is there.” In 2019, Algerian short-term teams are preparing to go to places such as Mauritania, Tunisia, Lebanon and Niger. Several workers will also go to Tunisia to serve long-term. One Algerian believer has joined the Near East field’s Arab internship programme, designed to equip people to serve in the
least-reached places on the field, which includes Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Iraq. Praise God for the many doors He is opening for Algerians in missions. Please pray that He would provide financial support for the Timothy Mission School and for the Algerian brothers and sisters willing to serve in other countries.
for the Timothy Mission School and that God would continue to grow His ministry there. pray Pray Pray for many to come to know Jesus as a result.
by Daniel Bates
PRAYER AND SHARE IN TURKEY “If we don’t go, then maybe no one will reach them,” concludes Michael*, after telling stories from his time on a short-term outreach trip in Turkey. Michael and his wife, Rebecca*, spent 10 days in various towns and cities across Turkey meeting with many of the local people, building friendships and showing them God’s love.
n one village, as the couple were walking along the main street, praying in their hearts, a man called Hayri* approached them and asked, “Are you tourists?” Michael told him that they were visiting the area to which Hayri said, “Come with me. I will be your tour guide!” After taking the team to visit a museum and to view old architecture of the village, Hayri invited them to his home for some food where they spent time chatting with his family. They discovered that his 80-year-old father was sick in bed with a fractured hip bone. “Haryi’s mother was sad and very worried about her husband,” Michael remembers.
The team had the opportunity to share the Gospel with the family and Michael shared a testimony, then they prayed for Haryi’s father and mother. “They were so impressed by the care from us, especially as non-Turks,” tells Michael. After dinner, Hayri took the team to visit a ruined Armenian church, where the team prayed and sang worship songs in Turkish. “This was for Hayri’s benefit, so he would clearly hear the Gospel message,” shares Michael. They praised God that the Holy Spirit had led this man to them, “We don’t know what we can do in the future, but the Holy Spirit will show us the way and fulfil everything.”
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” Romans 10:4
Michael tells another story of their experience in one small city in Turkey. The central area of the city is home to many restaurants and shops. Part of the Turkish lifestyle is to visit this place to talk and drink tea, chatting with friends and meeting new people. “We sat down at a table and looked for opportunities to reach people,” tells Michael. “Many of the people were interested in talking with people from other countries, so they could practice their English.” One man, Asan*, fell into conversation with one of our English team members. The
team member talked with he and his brother, Mazhar*, about the Gospel and they spent many hours discussing the differences between Christianity and Islam. “The discussion never ended,” tells Michael. “The next day was Mazhar’s birthday, so we were invited back. In the end we spent three nights in the café with these people!” Throughout that time Michael, Rebecca and the team had discussions with numerous people. “We made lot of new friends,” says Michael. “Many were introduced to us by this one person—Asan! God gave
us an open area to share the Good News.” When the time came to move on, the team invited Asan to come to a Sunday service in the city the group were visiting next. “God showed us the different spiritual needs in Turkey,” tells Michael. “Someone has to go to them. Otherwise what chance do they have to hear the Gospel?” Pray for the people of Turkey to be open to the Gospel. Pray for those seeking Christ to discover what it means to follow Jesus. Pray for people to go to Turkey, both long-term and short-term, to serve the Turkish people and meet their needs.
*names changed
Could you feel called to serve God in Turkey? Take a look at OM’s short-term and long-term opportunities online at: www.uk.om.org/go
by Sara Butler
A COMMUNITY TRANSFORMED Last year, we appealed to you with our Just Christmas campaign to partner with our hopes and prayers of reaching the least reached in Pakistan with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
n 2018 there was close to 10 million men, women and children, labouring in brickkilns throughout the country. They are among the poorest of the poor, earning less than ÂŁ1 per day. Whole families continue to be trapped and enslaved by poverty and greed. We set out to support over 500 brickkiln workers and their children by providing: primary education, adult literacy, vocational training, cricket coaching and to share the truth about Jesus and the freedom that comes through following Him. There is hope. Your gifts, through the Just Christmas appeal have supported teams in delivering these programmes which are currently uplifting these communities socially and economically, and providing a way to share the Gospel. Today, we are so encouraged by what God has done and
is continuing to do through your partnership with us to set the captives of the brickkiln industry free in Pakistan. Our vision is to bring justice and righteousness, and to share the love of Jesus as we support the brickkiln community. Your response and great generosity continue to allow OM in Pakistan to carry out this Kingdom work: providing a way out and a future for these families. The long-term hope is that we would see these families’ lives changed, now, and for generations to come. We pray that as they choose to follow Jesus with their whole hearts and reach out to their Muslim neighbours, entire communities in Pakistan will be transformed with the Gospel. Thank you for your prayer and financial gifts as we strive to support this community of brickkiln workers.
PEOPLE IMPACTED As a result of your generous gifts to the Just Christmas appeal, during December 2018 to March 2019, we have been able to impact:
through the primary school
WOMEN through the literacy programme
cricket coaching
through skills training programmes
“For I know the plans I have for you.” Declares the LORD, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
LITERACY LESSONS Literacy training is helping many to avoid being exploited by corrupt employers, keeping track of their own brick count and the wages they’re due. Sajida* is 38 years old and a participant in adult literacy lessons, “I have been married for 15 years and have four children. The daily routines of household and brickkiln work made me feel that my life had reached a standstill point. I joined the
adult literacy programme after the push of a fellow brickkiln worker. I now feel there is plenty to accomplish in life. Every day, I am learning new things; learning how to count and write are my favourites. I am able to read the Bible as well, I am learning Bible stories in the centre and am now able to tell the Bible stories to my children, too. I am amazingly thankful to God for providing me the opportunity of learning at this age and getting to know a whole new world to me.”
SKILLS TRAINING Training in skills like sewing, basic accounting and computing for adults and youth, is helping to cultivate employment possibilities and earn with dignity.
PRIMARY SCHOOL The provision of a school is giving children new options for ongoing education. Rasheed* is father to three children enrolled in OM’s school, “I have found that the children are loving school. A year ago, it was big struggle for us to send them to school. Muslim peer pupils were teasing them and were not treating them well. They remained discouraged and didn’t want to continue studies. Since they have joined this school, I see them excitedly getting up in the morning and returning from school with joy.”
Adeel* was unable to find work until he enrolled in OM’s computer course, “The trainer not only helped us to learn about computing but equipped us in such way that I started to feel I could train others, too. I requested the trainer to help me become a trainer like him and to my surprise he accepted the request wholeheartedly. I completed my course with distinction and gained confidence to train others in computing. I applied to a local school as a computer trainer and, praise God, I got the opportunity. Now, I am earning sufficiently to support my family.”
John* is eight years old and attend the school, “I really enjoy coming to school, I am loved here. The teachers do not use sticks for punishments but discipline us respectfully. I now do not fear my teachers.”
2019 GOALS
through the primary school
through the literacy programme
YOUNG MEN through cricket coaching
200 WOMEN & YOUTH through skills training programmes
*names changed
pray Join us in praying for the increased impact of our brickkiln ministry.
by Julie Knox
OM’s current vessel, Logos Hope, has been in active service for the Gospel in port communities around the world for 10 years. We want to express our gratitude for the faithful prayer and financial partnership that keeps this ministry afloat. Its impact is not only on those the crewmembers share knowledge, help and hope with—the adventure of serving also changes volunteers’ lives and often moulds their future. Global caught up with two former Logos Hope crewmembers whose time on board transformed and prepared them for future ministry and mission...
“May the God of hope fill you all with joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13
PAULINE SCOTT In 2004, Pauline Scott responded to an announcement in her church in Edinburgh for volunteers to travel to Copenhagen, Denmark, to renovate the newly purchased Logos Hope. Now, 15 years on, she is a missionary in Liberia, West Africa. Here’s her story: “For several weeks, I dismantled passenger cabins, removed rust and washed oily boiler suits in the laundry. I became excited about seeing the potential of this ship in ministry, so, in 2007 I took a career break from the Scottish Government and joined OM. Life is never the same after ministry training on board Logos Hope and the onshore opportunities you get. As the vessel sailed into ministry in 2009, I had been praying that God would show me somewhere to do development work. Being part of the new Help Ministries team, I was asked to go to Guyana to prepare for the work we would do when the ship got there. Logos Hope’s second ‘help port’ was in Liberia, where I have been working for the past eight years. I’m responsible for administration for a small Christian charity which built the Beulah Mission School. We’ve established a church and formed relationships with the community in surrounding villages. It is wonderful to see adults and children accepting Jesus as their Saviour. Logos Hope led me to Liberia. Lining up ports, I had worked with government officials. Living on board with people from more than 60 nationalities, I could understand different cultures. The Ship Ministry is an amazing experience: sometimes wonderful, sometimes challenging, but it has all equipped and enabled me to live and work in mission and to see God working in the lives of Liberian people.”
IN HER DECADE OF MINISTRY LOGOS HOPE HAS: • welcomed 8 million visitors • sailed more than 100,000 nautical miles • made over 155 port calls in 70 countries and territories • had more than 8 million books purchased on board, almost 2.5 million of which have been Christian books and Bibles • trained more than 2,000 Christian crewmembers for future life and service
If you feel called to this adventure of faith on board Logos Hope, there are vacancies for our next volunteer crew intake as well as short-term needs for skilled project workers. Find out more at omships.org/go
MARTHA STRINGER Martha Stringer served on Logos Hope from 2011 to 2013 and worked in the engine room. Now, aged 26, she is the youth development worker at Sidcup Baptist Church in South East London. “When the ship was in Cambodia, I was part of a team sent ashore for a week to paint a school. I remember talking to young people from the village about life and things. That was the moment I decided to become a youth minister. I came back to the ship and searched online for youth ministry in London and found the degree course I went on to study. I’ve been a youth minister for nearly six years now. It all started on that day in Cambodia. Leaders on board helped me to become a better speaker and leader. The vessel went through a long maintenance period with several setbacks—even that time in the engine room has helped me keep my cool when ministry gets hard and I need to stay strong for my young people. It’s great to have such wonderful experiences to draw on—handy when you need to come up with a talk at a moment’s notice. I’m so thankful for those two years, which definitely shaped me into the youth worker I am today.”
pray Join us in giving thanks for all that God has done over the past 10 years through Logos Hope.
by Nicole James
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.” Jeremiah 17:7-8
A CHURCH WITHOUT WALLS God uses a bold husband and wife team to be His witness among Somali people, everywhere.
orn in Mogadishu, into the Muslim faith, Casho (M)* and Caaisho (F)* are, today, followers of Jesus—and they want everyone, especially Somalis, to know. “God has given us a desire and passion to share the Good News,” Casho commented. At an OM conference last year, the couple spent their breaks with earbuds plugged in, huddled over their phones, responding to the dozens of messages they receive, daily, from Somalis interested in the Gospel. Over the past couple of years, Casho and Caaisho have created a database of Christian Somali resources on their website, ‘jidka janada’ (way to heaven). They film videos about various topics and questions that often come up in their discipleship conversations, and then post them online. “We always answer the questions from the Bible. We never talk about Islam; we just share the love of Christ and the Word of God. Faith comes by hearing the Word of Jesus,” Caaisho explained.
PREPARE FOR PERSECUTION For those living in Muslim countries or Somalia itself, “We are their church,” Casho explained. “We disciple them through Skype, WhatsApp and email. I say, ‘We have a church without walls.’”
The same tools Casho and Caaisho use to disciple new believers—social media, messaging apps, the internet—are also used to threaten and intimidate them. “Sometimes you don’t feel [persecution] physically, but psychologically you feel it. If you open Facebook or Messenger, people often use it to threaten us,” Casho said. In Somalia, “if you become a Christian: the sentence is death,” Casho said. “Anyone who sees you can kill you because of your choice to follow Jesus.” Although Casho and Caaisho now live in the West, having immigrated from Somalia with their families in the 90s, Somali religious authorities have issued orders to shut them down.
Since 2015, Casho and Caaisho have partnered with OM to reach Somalis around the world. Everywhere they go they have enemies, but they also find Somali believers. “This is a historical time we live in. Jesus is building His Church among Somalis.” Pray for Somali believers’ protection as they grow in faith and boldly share truth with their families and communities. Pray for unity and love among Somali believers. Pray that God would raise more workers to share the Good News with the Somalis. *names changed
by Nicole
“…always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5:20
BLOG.OM.ORG An excerpt from our OM International blog, written by OM workers describing mission from their perspective. Visit blog.om.org to read more.
t the end of a week-long ministry trip in Central Asia, my husband and I walked along the rocky shore of a large lake when a group of women sitting together called us over. They’d noticed we were foreigners and, as we approached, they unscrewed a large glass jar of dried apricots. One of the women emptied a plastic grocery bag and poured half of the jar’s contents into it. Then she handed us the bag, along with a packet of crisps, and smiled. After sitting with them for a while and attempting to communicate through various hand motions and a mobile app, we eventually stood up to leave. Before we could walk away though the women picked up the jar of dried apricots, dumping every last apricot into another plastic bag. We tried to protest, wanting them to keep some of their treats for themselves, but they refused, sending us away with the second bag.
That act of generosity has stuck with me. We were strangers, but they still called us over to bless us. They didn’t have to give us anything—let alone everything—but they did it with smiles on their faces. They didn’t know us, they didn’t expect anything in return: they just gave. What a beautiful picture of generosity, the kind of overflowing abundance God delights in bestowing on His children. As support-raising missionaries, my husband and I know all about asking others to be generous and rejoicing in the resulting
gifts they invest into God’s Kingdom through the ministry God has entrusted to us. The ladies on the beach challenged me to more—not only giving with an eye to what’s budgeted or left-over; but turning the jar upside down and shaking it out for the benefit of others. Let’s go beyond giving to those we love and instead look for ways to bless strangers, to go out of our way to welcome people we don’t know. Have you ever experienced extravagant generosity from a stranger? What ideas do you have to bless others?
pray Pray for God to create opportunities for you to bless others through His spirit of generosity.
GIVE TO MUSTARD AS YOUR HARVEST OFFERING OM ministries around the world are sowing seeds of finance, vocational skill and God’s Word, in the lives of the lost, the poor and the broken. How your gift could be used
The MUSTARD FUND seeks to provide seed money to projects that can become self-sustaining. Initiatives that can grow dramatically from feeding a family each day, to transforming the whole community for many generations.
When we combine activities like these in least reached communities, with intentional witness and discipleship, we see how it becomes possible to establish vibrant communities of Jesus followers through the ministry of business.
or £8 a month, could help buy equipment to run a business.
How your financial gifts will bless this Kingdom work
or £15 a month, could enable a woman in Africa to be supported and empowered by a Self-Help Group.
With your support, many mustard seeds can be planted as OM teams share God’s Word; impart vocational skills; form Self-Help Groups and empower the start-up of small businesses through micro-loans. By God’s grace, these seeds will grow and bring life to many. We would love it if your church would partner with OM financially this Harvest, to support this powerful project enabling these seeds to grow and bring life to many. Please contact our Church Partnership Team, partnership.uk@om.org. Thank you for considering partnering with us in this way.
Find out more at www.uk.om.org/mustard
£500 or £40 a month, could provide a four-month tailoring skills programme for vulnerable women.
£1,000 or £80 a month, could provide micro-loans and business training to small enterprises, helping people break free from poverty forever.
Registered office The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 7LT. Registered as a company limited by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales), and SCO40988 (Scotland).