OM "Bigger Picture" Overview

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“Almost half the world has still not heard or read the Gospel, and what we do in prayer, in God’s sovereignty and mercy, will be a deciding factor as to whether or not they will.” DEPENDENT ON GOD At its heart, OM is a movement whose DNA is a group of people completely sold out to Jesus Christ and His commands. Moved by the Holy Spirit, we cross boundaries, we push limits. We want OM to remain a movement of God, utterly dependent upon Him and showing that dependence by our commitment to His Word and to waiting upon Him in prayer.


Furthermore, we aim to pioneer and lead initiatives to redeem lives, rebuild communities and restore hope through five areas of activity:



Relief & Development

Working in every region of the world, our aim is to motivate and equip Christians to share God’s love, and to strengthen and plant churches especially in areas where Christ is least known.

Discipleship & Mentoring Justice & Advocacy

OM MISSION Our motivation is to pioneer and lead people to share the knowledge of Jesus and His love with every generation in every nation.

Church Planting

to date


transforming livesOM and communities All photography originates from projects and has OM copyright. If you would like to use any photograph, please email

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For more resources including daily uploads of photography and news.

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“ A t its heart, OM is a movement whose DNA is a group of people completely sold out to Jesus Christ.”

Quotes at top of pages, unless otherwise specified, are attributed to George Verwer, founder of Operation Mobilisation.



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Established in 1957 by visionary, George Verwer, OM is a dynamic, international Christian missions movement. In the OM family of ministries, we have 6,100 workers representing over 113 nations in more than 110 countries and in world port communities, through our ship, Logos Hope.

Today, our work varies hugely from country to country but our focus is always the same. We have One Message - the same message Jesus brought - that is to bring Good News to the poor, to proclaim freedom for prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.

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“ The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for He has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free” Luke 4:18 (NLT)

Focus on Partnership

■ Emerging Mission Movements ■ India ■ Next Generation ■ Ships ■ Europe ■ Pioneering Initiatives ■ Muslim Peoples ■ Relief and Development ■ World Faiths

transforming lives and communities transforming lives and communities




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emerging mission movements

changing the face of mission ‘There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.’ Galatians 3:28


bringing Good News

“Prayer is at the heart of the action and a world-wide prayer movement must run parallel with any kind of world-wide mission movement.” Emerging Mission feature booklet available

Helping fulfil the Great Commission from Anywhere to Everywhere! Until 1980, most mission workers came from Europe or North America. But, the Church in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe has seen tremendous growth over the last decades, and God is raising a new generation of Christian workers from nations that have traditionally received missionaries. In Africa alone, the number of Christians has grown from 7.5 million in 1900 to 504 million in 2010. Believers in these nations have caught the vision for sharing the Good News, and now they are bringing the Gospel to people who have never heard it before.

MOBILISING Today, OM is privileged to walk alongside these believers and help them to find their role in mission. Since the beginning, OM has been committed to mobilising Christians from all nations to fulfil the Great Commission. Today more than ever, we seek to mobilise the Church, train and equip believers, provide opportunities to serve, and send and support more workers around the world. We are empowering and

Currently 98 nations are represented in OM, and over 65 percent are from new sending nations. supporting churches in these regions as they reach their own nations and encouraging them in their participation in world missions. The explosive growth of the Church in China is unlike any in history. China has a young and vibrant church which is excited about the future and taking the Gospel beyond its borders.

“We cannot expect Western churches alone to shoulder the burden of world evangelisation. People from Latin America, Africa and Asia are ready to share in this great mandate God has given us.” LAWRENCE TONG, OM’S INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR

TRAINING AND SUPPORTING Over the last ten years, around 100 students have been trained by OM Mozambique.

Similarly, all over the world– Panama, Brazil, Bangladesh, South Africa, Russia, Moldova, Papua New Guinea, and especially India – we are discipling young men and women to become spiritually mature so that they can lead and disciple others in the faith. As these workers are trained and sent out to plant new churches or support existing ministries, they bring with them zeal and sacrificial perseverance that often characterises the growing Church in these areas. Antonio Nipueda who works with OM Mozambique says, “I want to be a missionary. We are African people. We are black. We have the right to share the Gospel.”

GOD IN ACTION Millions of people today are without the knowledge of Christ because they have never learnt to read. AudiBible is a small solar-powered Bible used by most OM fields in southern Africa. It has generated a tremendous response. “In Mozambique alone we have 86 congregations we want to supply with AudiBibles. In Malawi we want to distribute hundreds of AudiBibles to the new Yao believers.” transforming lives and communities


India Transformed from within

India Update feature booklet available

“Prayer is the Christian’s vital breath: without it you can’t move.”

Dalit Education Centres are the catalyst for transformation





Bringing hope for this life and the future to India’s Dalits

transforming lives and communities 03/09/2013 10:04

A Defining Influence One in three of the world’s poor is Indian. The most vulnerable of all these are the children of India’s 300 million Dalits or ‘Untouchables’. As India embraces a new century amid massive cultural and economic change, OM recognises that India must be transformed from within. We provide leadership in church planting, and, through partner organisations, Dalit education, health initiatives and social justice - the combination of which will bring freedom and empowerment to the poor and oppressed.

EDUCATION At a meeting with Dalit leaders in 2001, our partner organisation, Good Shepherd/OM India (GS/OMI), responded to their request to educate children by promising to start 100 schools. As well as providing high

quality English-medium education, each school aims to be a catalyst of freedom and transformation for the whole community. The GS Schools are at the core of all we are doing amongst the Dalits. Since the first school opened in 2002, there are now 107 schools throughout India, with over 26,000 students! This work is largely funded by our unique education sponsorship programme, Free a Dalit Child.

CHURCH-PLANTING From its work amongst the Dalits, OM has seen the rapid growth of a church movement committed to and working within society and not outside it. We are dedicated to training and equipping national Indian Christian workers as instruments of culturally sensitive, innovative methods of transformation. Across India, Good Shepherd Community Churches encourage congregations to raise support for their

own pastors and the provision of their own church buildings. Pastors participate in prison ministry, feeding programmes, literacy classes and economic initiatives.

ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT Economic empowerment is one of the most effective ways that we can help marginalised and poor people in India. It impacts them spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and economically. GS/OMI facilitates this through Micro-finance projects and LAMP Groups.

ANTI TRAFFICKING India has been deemed a source, destination and transit country for trafficking. The Human Rights Watch puts the number of sex workers in India to be around 15 million; the largest sex industry in Asia. The number of women and child prostitutes has doubled in the last decade, with 35% entering the trade before reaching their

A partner organisation, DFN UK aims to bring freedom, hope and justice to India’s Dalits


bringing Good News

18th birthday. One of the hotspots of HIV and AIDS is the state of Karnataka where 250,000 young girls, ‘Devadasis’ or ‘Joginis’, have been dedicated to religiously sanctioned prostitution. We have several teams throughout the country providing counselling and medical services to these women and girls.

GOD IN ACTION As a Dalit with poor and uneducated parents, it was unlikely Kanchan would would ever escape the life of poverty and discrimination. However, attending a GSS dramatically changed the direction of her life. Crediting GSS for her academic achievements, now top of her college classes, Kanchan says, “I believe that my future success was set in motion the day I joined the Good Shepherd School.”

india For less than 50p a day you can help provide a life changing education to a Dalit child, bringing hope and freedom to someone in real need. Your support will help a child stay in school and escape the cycle of poverty, which puts them at risk of exploitation through bonded labour or trafficking. This is lifetime transformation though education. To sponsor a Dalit child visit

transformed from within ‘The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken hearted...’ Isaiah 61:1 transforming lives and communities


next generation

releasing the power of young faith ‘And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.’ Joel 2:28


bringing Good News

“We are God’s chosen people, not frozen people. Let’s pray for a defrost!” JESUS // PASSION // WORSHIP // FREEDOM // LIFE


TeenStreet Discovered feature booklet available

Right Now

TEENS IN MISSION (age 13-17)

Teens and young people have not just potential but the ‘right now’ energy to transform lives and communities. OM teams work passionately towards releasing the power of young faith. We want the next generation to experience God’s transforming power in and through their lives. One generation of young people had the passion and vision to start OM and today’s world is increasingly younger. OM is committed to helping, supporting and releasing young people to experience life as God intended and to fulfil their calling.

TEENSTREET (age 13-17) Since the first conference in Germany in 1992, TeenStreet has grown into an international event held in many countries around the world, including Europe, Latin America and Asia. And it is still going strong in Germany! Every year, more than 3,500 teens from all over Europe participate in a week of worship, Bible studies, outreach, and more. These programmes have challenged and inspired thousands of young Christians to have a real friendship with Jesus and reflect Him in their world. Find out more at

Teens in Mission (TiM) developed from TeenStreet and it enables teenagers to reach other teens with the Gospel. TiM experiences teach young people how to reflect Jesus by serving and supporting others and by sharing their story. Find out more at

GLOBALkids (age 5-11) If you’re a Sunday School or Primary School Teacher, GLOBALkids is here to serve and resource your church or school. Using Bible based materials, we help children understand mission and excite them about sharing the Good News of God’s love from a young age. As a ministry of OM UK, GLOBALkids has over 10 years’ experience of producing resources that take children on a journey. They will discover real-life examples of what God is doing through the missionary work of OM worldwide.

Next Generation feature booklet available


GOD IN ACTION Global Village is a fully interactive missions simulation experience at TeenStreet. Taking teens on a sensory journey using sight, hearing, smell and touch, participants discover the real needs of this world. Highlighting needs such as poverty, imprisonment and idol worship, it was designed to create awareness and provoke the teens to come up with ideas on how to respond. The response to the simulation was positive: “Planet Harvest was very similar to what is happening on earth right now. To see it with your own eyes, so realistic, was really moving. We know what to do now,” reflected one participant. As a result of this experience, over 200 participants from more than 20 countries requested more information on how they can work in God’s plentiful harvest.

Visit to view and order one of our GLOBALkids packs with a focus on India, Europe and OM’s Ships ministry. Children’s resources with a heart for mission

transforming lives and communities


“It changed my whole outlook on the world” Sherwin, Trinidad and Tobago Ships feature booklet available

New Hope Launched in 1970, OM Ships International has served in over 500 different ports across 150 countries and territories, connecting with more than 42 million visitors. OM Ships work to supply vital literature resources, encourage cross-cultural understanding, train young people for more effective life and service, provide needed relief and share a message of hope in God. With the goal of bringing knowledge, help and hope, the current ship, Logos Hope, has a bookfair with over 5,000 titles providing many visitors with quality educational and Christian resources. Many have left with new hope through the testimony and compassion of the international volunteer crew and staff.


bringing Good News

Watch Online

Bringing KNOWLEDGE In excess of 35 million books have been distributed through the onboard book fair, with many more donated to universities, schools and libraries in some of the world’s most needy nations. An estimated 50 million Bibles and scripture portions have been given out as our goal is to bring knowledge, help and hope to the people of the world. The floating book fair offers over 5,000 titles, providing many visitors their first-ever opportunity to purchase quality educational and Christian literature.

Bringing HELP An international crew and staff of volunteers live and work on the ships. Teams go into surrounding areas to supply aid and community care. In each port, the ship’s crew joins local churches to bring hope

and show love to people whatever their circumstance, culture or background.

Bringing HOPE We do this by supplying vital literature resources, encouraging cross-cultural understanding, training young people for more effective life and service, providing needed relief, and sharing a message of hope in God wherever there is opportunity. Tens of thousands of children have been given copies of ‘The Most Important Story Ever Told’, a book designed to communicate God’s love in a visual and colourful way so that children of any background can understand.



Logos II

Logos Hope

1970 – 1988

1977 – 2010

1989 – 2008

2009 – present

GOD IN ACTION When Logos Hope’s team arrived in Habaraduwa at the Buddhist temple, people already waited at the free eyeglass clinic organised by a local pastor and the village leaders. Aided by a translator, crewmembers tested the vision of around 90 people, 76 of which needed glasses and received the proper strength. Crewmember, Matthew, from the UK, loved seeing people’s faces ‘come alive’ as their vision improved. A water purifier donated to the temple and the eyeglasses bring clean water and clear vision to many in the community now. “Simply by loving people in this practical way is how we can shine Christ’s light,” said Matthew.


bringing knowledge, help and hope ‘For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.’ Habakkuk 2:14

transforming lives and communities



restoring hope ‘Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.’ Isaiah 58:12


bringing Good News

“I hear churches all the time saying about missions, ‘we’re Romanians, we’re too poor!’” explains Rafael, leader of OM Romania. “I tell them my own church has only 25 people, and they are helping to send up to nine missionaries to Romania and the rest of the world”

A Strong Foundation Europe was once the driving force in world mission, even as its cultures drifted from Biblical faith. Today, a new generation of Europeans are seeking – and finding – HOPE. OM teams around Europe serve alongside the local Church to demonstrate and proclaim Jesus to all those making Europe their home. OM workers are making disciples, rebuilding lives and raising up a generation established on a strong foundation filled with hope in Jesus. In the UK, OM Lifehope trains and places international teams with churches in the UK, partnering with them to bring life and hope to their communities, reaching and discipling people from many nations. In London, OM teams facilitate outreach, church planting and training ministry among the UK’s Arabic, Turkic and Iranic speaking communities.

EMPOWERING CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE Our aim is to motivate and equip Christian teenagers to have a real friendship with Jesus, and reflect Him daily in their world. Through

transformational ministries, OM also seeks to meet the emotional, social and spiritual needs of non-churched young people in Europe.

CARING FOR THE MARGINALISED We seek to reach out to those who have been marginalised by society, especially women and children, whilst restoring hope to people who suffer injustice due to gender, race and circumstances of life.

REACHING NEIGHBOURS Our passion is to glorify God by being a catalyst for counter-cultural change, by reaching out to neighbours through churchplanting initiatives, starting in those parts of Europe where there are the greatest need for Bible-believing churches.

PARTNERING WITH THE CHURCH We seek to be a prophetic voice to the Church to help develop a Biblical understanding of what it means to be a missional church, and to restore hope to Europe – and beyond through spiritual transformation.

TRANSFORM Transform, OM’s trans-European evangelism training and outreach programme, begins

Europe feature booklet available

with a week-long conference in Rome before launching into various outreach activities throughout the continent and North Africa. Whatever your gift, whatever your passion, you can join this programme and become a messenger of hope to the European nations.

GOD IN ACTION A group of eager Transform participants left the conference in Rome to join OM Spain on a unique journey. El Camino de Santiago, or the Way of St. James, is a pilgrimage trail attracting people from all over the world. It starts in the Pyrenees and ends at the Cathedral de Santiago de Compostela. The team’s goal wasn’t meditation or merit—it was to bring knowledge of the One who is ‘The Way’ to those on a spiritual journey. They then travelled to Ribadeo, a town that has been on the hearts of the OM leaders for nearly 30 years where they distributed flyers and used surveys to talk to people, with the goal of making contacts for a new church plant.

transforming lives and communities


Pioneering Initiatives feature booklet available

New Places OM’s ministry around the world is characterised by the desire to go where few are willing to go and to identify those who have no opportunity to hear about Jesus. This means reaching out to those of other religions as well as people in remote, inaccessible parts of the world. Planting churches and distributing Bibles and Christian literature play a vital part, ensuring people can learn about Jesus in their own language and cultural setting.

New Ways AIDSLink International Transmitting Hope: AIDSLink’s vision is to see HOPE restored in individuals and communities, as we together overcome the challenges of HIV and AIDS. As we challenge assumptions, work for change and call for involvement we ensure that local people, and foreign workers, are equipped to respond and engage the worldwide HIV

“I believe that God has placed a deep desire in me to use my creativity, artistic talent and passion to build relationships for His glory” Ashley, UK / Canada

and AIDS pandemic with a transformational ministry. We care for the hurting, work for prevention and help children who are affected by HIV and AIDS, bringing HOPE into hopeless situations and seeing lives transformed. Find out more at OM SportsLink Sport is a universal language, played and watched by millions around the world. OM SportsLink is serving through various sports at many levels in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe and the OM Ships ministry. There is a multitude of opportunities to share the love of Christ through sport. Combining skills and knowledge for sport, with a passion for sharing God’s love, has such a positive and transforming impact on the lives of many worldwide. Find out more at OM Arts In a world fascinated by aesthetics, one

of the most effective ways to connect with people is by engaging their imagination. The Arts have already become the universal language through which ‘truth’ is currently being received and embraced in almost all cultures and generations. OM Arts has been raised up for such a time as this, to empower performing, technical, and visual artists to engage their creative gifts in worshipping the One True God, and bringing His Good News to the nations. Find out more at Transformation through Business Poverty is a real issue where many OM teams work. We address this through programmes specifically designed to empower local people. This includes business development initiatives aimed at providing sustainable solutions to communities struggling with poverty. Through these initiatives, we are able to identify people with business acumen, provide them with training and mentoring whilst helping them secure the resources

they need. This enables them to exercise their God-given gifts effectively, resulting in transformation of their lives and communities. Media Today’s technological advances have made the production and distribution of multimedia material more strategic than ever. OM workers welcome and embrace these developments.

GOD IN ACTION During the FIFA World Cup in South Africa, OM SportsLink teams projected matches onto a large screen inside a borrowed tent in one Zambian village, Makwati. Through this event, many became believers and soon considered this tent to be their church. The Mawkwati Community Church was born. “If I had one more soccer ball, and I had one more Bible, I could plant a church next week.” – Muhandu, African Leader of OM SportsLink.


bringing Good News

pioneering initiatives

breaking new ground ‘How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?’ Romans 10:14 transforming lives and communities


muslim peoples

loving neighbours ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ Luke: 10:27


bringing Good News

“God is seeking men and women of reckless faith be reckless in your faith does not mean to be unthinking, but the reverse - concentrated, single-minded in your concern that God should be glorified and souls won.” Muslim Peoples feature booklet available

An Exciting Journey Over 1,000 people working in more than 50 countries, sharing a common passion to make Jesus known to their Muslim friends and neighbours. Over the last five decades, long-term outreaches to Muslim Peoples have been established across North Africa, the Middle East, along the old Silk Road and into South Asia. Ministries have also been set up among Muslim immigrant communities in many Western countries. The story is profound. The journey is exciting. The message is eternal and life-changing. As one of the largest global mission organisations reaching out to Muslims, OM workers are living and working where few others are. The challenge remains overwhelming: less than 0.01% of Turkey’s 75 million people are followers of Christ, poverty blights whole regions of Pakistan and Bangladesh, brutal persecution against Christians continues in Iran and Afghanistan whilst corruption and opposition continue in Central Asia. “Who is sufficient for all these things?”

BUILDING COMMUNITY We are connected – whether it’s spending hours over cups of tea or coffee, hiking through mountainous regions and villages distributing Christian literature, playing football with teens and children, helping women in difficult situations, or visiting friends and neighbours during Ramadan and sharing in their festivals, OM workers are seeing first-hand how the Lord is transforming Muslim lives and communities around the world.

MAKING JESUS KNOWN We are committed – living out our faith through sports, arts, literature and media. Building community - sharing our lives and values wherever we are planted.

COMPASSION IN ACTION We are concerned – demonstrating the love of Christ by working for the “least of these” through relief and development, medical ministry and micro business.

EQUIPPING BELIEVERS We are involved – strengthening local believers and fellowships through training, mobilising, and education.

GOD IN ACTION “I read from (the Gospel of) Luke,” Zenib* said, taking a seat in Megan’s* salon. “I have a few questions.” Pouring two glasses of tea, Megan, a worker living in North Africa, said a silent prayer. Megan suggested they start from the beginning. They had met by chance. Zenib, a university student, sat across from Megan on the bus. Exchanging greetings, they quickly hit it off. A few days later, they began sharing about their lives, families and thoughts on God. “She was listening so closely to everything I shared,” recalls Megan. Discussing the idea that God created us for relationship with Him, Megan shared how she met Jesus. “Do you have an Arabic Bible?” Zenib asked before leaving. Excited about her hunger to discuss and journey further, Megan gave her a New Testament.

We respect, befriend, and serve Muslims with whom we openly share our lives and values

*Names changed transforming lives and communities


“C.S. Lewis said that we have the tendency to think, but not to act and to feel, but not to act. If we go on feeling and thinking, but not acting, then one day we will be unable to act.”

Meeting Urgent Needs Increasingly, God has brought OM’s ministry face-to-face with overwhelming suffering and need, so that He might meet those needs through us. Across the world, people are battling the effects of poverty and disease. Entire communities are left bereaved and desperate following natural disasters.

IMMEDIATE RESPONSE With OM teams serving across the world, when natural disasters strike, our colleagues are never far away. Orphans in Haiti, earthquake victims in South Asia, Pakistan flood victims and communities displaced by conflicts in Syria, have all received much needed assistance through our Mercy Appeal. Crucially, donations made to the Mercy Appeal enable an all-important swift response.

LASTING CHANGE Around the world, our development workers bring about long-term transformation in lives and communities by working to eliminate the causes of poverty, disease and injustice. Educating street children in Sudan; teaching AIDS prevention in Southern Africa; and establishing small businesses in Central Asia are just a few of the projects OM are involved in alongside respected partner organisations - AIDSLink, Operation Mercy and Mercy Teams International.

OPERATION MERCY In the wake of the Gulf War in 1991, Operation Mercy was founded in response to the desperate need of Iraqui Kurds fleeing Saddam Hussein’s forces to the mountains near Turkey. Operation Mercy has expanded and is now recognised, through reputation, as an international relief and development organisation, headquartered in Sweden.

A community of professionals serve the poor and marginalised throughout Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa. This combines a clear vision to work in partnership with others to restore hope, build capacity, and promote community through relief and development initiatives that help transform lives. Find out more at

MTI MTI, a Christian humanitarian organisation, serves in countries throughout South East Asia such as, Singapore (Headquarters), Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos and Philippines. Mercy Teams vision is to be salt and light amongst the poor, ministering into the distress and suffering of children and families at risk. Our volunteers are committed to living and working amongst the poor, with the aim of bringing renewal, hope and justice. MTI strives to reduce suffering and oppression

amongst the poor and needy, by demonstrating love in action. Find out more at

GOD IN ACTION The conflict in Syria has seen human cost and need increasing. OM UK’s Mercy Appeal has supported the relief work in Syria and helped provide over 60,000 Syrian refugees with emergency aid. Within all the neighbouring countries affected by the conflict, OM teams have witnessed several churches spurred into action, with many fellowships stepping out from their boundaries, reaching out to their Muslim neighbours. In a twomonth period, one church connected with OM was able to distribute over 7,000 New Testaments and over 12,000 Gospel related CD/DVDs to Syrian refugees!


bringing Good News

Relief and Development Partner Organisations.

relief and development

mercy in action ‘... faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.’ James 2:17

transforming lives and communities


world faiths

building bridges ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.’ Matthew 5:9


bringing Good News

“…People overreact to extremism and end up in the deep freeze of tradition, judgementalism, legalism, dead orthodoxy and inaction”

Building Bridges There has never been a more important time to be building bridges by demonstrating the love of God with respect and conviction. Ultimately, the heart of the problem is the problem of the heart. Religious tensions dominating the news mask humanity’s search for meaning, significance and relationship with God. OM’s response is one of compassion, not compromise; as we live out transformed lives in the midst of those who have yet to see Christ. We want people of other faiths to encounter Jesus as we live out His mercy, grace and truth. Our international teams are demonstrating His love, reconciliation and truth to people from many different world faiths.

CULTURAL SENSITIVITY In particular, our long term commitment to Muslim peoples has given us an extensive network of teams with wide experience and understanding of Islamic history and beliefs, language skills and cultural sensitivity. Our teams are also serving Hindus, Buddhists and others. We recognise the value of making friends and genuinely sharing our lives with others. Spending time talking over cups of tea can break down barriers and lead to exciting conversations about faith. We are committed to walking alongside individual Christians and fellowships, offering encouragement and support in difficult situations and persecution. We draw new believers together and help rebuild communities of hope and peace. Our vision is to see lives transformed as local believers share Jesus’ love.

GOD IN ACTION “All right! Let’s pray!” Not something you expect a 27-year-old, nominal Buddhist to say before eating dinner. But for Kevin*, a member of the Asia Challenge Team (ACT) in Thailand, this is how every meal with his best local friends begins. Kevin is the first person these men have met that prays before meals, and likely, the only Christian influence they’ve ever had. After praying one day for the opportunity to share his faith with his friends, the mealtime prayer gave him the chance. “The conversation went off after the prayer,” Kevin explains. “He just asked me, ‘So, what is it you believe? I know nothing, so why don’t you just tell me everything?’”

*Names changed Recommended partner resource:

Pray intelligently – visit

transforming lives and communities



mobilising for world missions ‘Therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’ Matthew 28:19 transforming lives and communities


“Before we can blanket the world with the Gospel, we must blanket the church and God’s people with the biblical vision and reality of what this is all about.”




Whether facilitating partnerships with individuals and churches to OM’s ministries worldwide, or reaching out to diverse ethnic communities, OM has a long-established presence in the UK seeking to fulfil a vision of: ‘Mission at the Heart of the Church and the Church at the Heart of the Community.’

• Communications • Development and Fundraising • Recruiting • Church Relations • Financial Management • IT • Personnel services • Administration • Governance

What we do is all about partnership with the church in ministry.

OM’s UK Headquarters has a multinational team serving and resourcing mission around the world. OM UK is an integral part of international ministry – and a critical investment – facilitating partnership, enabling networking, highlighting opportunities, and serving key administrative and operational needs.

Through these areas, OM UK develops and mentors people to transform lives by communicating what the Lord is doing through OM worldwide, facilitating individuals and church groups as they fulfil their role in mission.


PRAY Providing regular information for prayer needs around the world, leading to individuals and groups interceding, making the difference in lives being transformed. GIVE Providing opportunities for people


to give to projects that are transforming lives and communities and ensuring the finance reaches the most needy.

GO Providing the infrastructure for go

churches to send their people to teams and ministries in 110 countries from one week to one lifetime.


bringing Good News

mobilising and supporting this generation for local and global missions in partnership with the UK Church

global operation mobilisation


2014 • Issue No.1

Keeping you in touch with all that God is doing through hrough OM’s OM diverse and creative ministries worldwide. heartbeat Operation Mobilisation prayer diary

Feb-May 2014

In 110 countries through 100 nationalities

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free.” Luke 4:18 (NLT)

transforming lives and



transforming lives and communities





A free magazine featuring stories of OM’s global ministry and insights into international mission.

The OM UK website offers up-to-date news stories, videos from the mission field and information about all the latest short and long-term outreach opportunities.

HEARTBEAT Our regular prayer diary with daily prayer points for the work being done by OM teams around the world.

GO4IT The go4it brochure lists opportunities for short-term missions in locations all over the world.

KEY FOCUS AREAS BOOKLETS Has God spoken to you regarding an area of our ministry? Request a more detailed booklet about this area of ministry.

HEADLINES This weekly email update provides highlights of God at work from the hundred plus countries where OM teams are living out their faith every day.

OM APP OM’s App for smartphones and tablets places the world of mission at your fingertips, with daily prayer points, breaking news from ministry teams across the globe and details of the very latest outreach opportunities.

Social Media

VIDEOS Fully edited movie clips suitable for showing in church services, to youth groups and at prayer meetings are regularly updated and always available. Browse these at or email us to request a download or DVD.

Face to Face with OM Expounding the Biblical call to missions or simply sharing what God is doing around the world, OM’s international speakers provide a fascinating global insight. Having years of international missions experience, their messages can provide new perspectives, ideal for conference occasions, small group meetings or Sunday morning services. Email

“We should pray about mission until it becomes a priority! We may not personally be able to take the Good News abroad, but we can all pray in such a way that regions abroad are affected...Prayer needs no passport, visa or work permit. There is no such thing as a ‘closed country’ as far as prayer is concerned...Much of the history of missions could be written in terms of God moving in response to persistent prayer.”

Find all these resources for prayer at


bringing Good News

Find out more at or by emailing us at

partnership through praying

prayer resources transforming lives and communities


partnership through giving

projects, initiatives and ideas 26

bringing Good News

“I suddenly discovered my true role in the church when I was able to use my personal resources and professional contacts in transforming lives and communities in partnership with OM’s cutting edge ministries.”

Thank You


Many churches and individuals partner with us by supporting a person serving with OM or by supporting a particular project or ministry. These partnerships not only bring great benefit on the field but also provide a real opportunity to be involved in bringing the Good News to some of the poorest people in the world.



Disaster can strike anywhere, any time. Gifts to the Mercy Appeal ensure that OM teams are prepared in an emergency situation – enabled and ready to be a source of practical help in the immediate aftermath of fires, floods, earthquakes and storms. Find out more:

OM SHIPS – FUELLING THE HOPE OM’s ships welcome an average of one million people on board each year and have distributed millions of portions of Scripture and Christian literature. Please support the Fuel Appeal with your prayers and gifts. Your partnership is vital in helping us go from port to port ministering to those in greatest need with the Gospel of Christ. Find out more at

Just another Christmas or a Just Christmas? Just Christmas is an invitation to do Christmas differently, by focusing on giving to others in recognition of the gift of life we have been given through Jesus. Christmas does not have to be driven by greed and materialism, but instead we can use it to bless others in need, such as, India’s Dalits, refugees in East Africa, children in Sudan and the elderly in Eastern Europe. Planning for Christmas is never far away – visit

LEAVE A LEGACY “As for man, his days are like grass, He flourishes like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more. But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children.” Ps 103v15-17 (NIV)

If you have any questions about leaving a gift in your will, please contact the Development Team – by email or by phone on 0141 552 7716.

GOD IN ACTION In celebration of a 25-year partnership with OM’s work in India, Alastair Simmons, retired pastor of Riverside Evangelical Church undertook the challenge of a lifetime. Over a period of 12 days, Alastair, aged 65, cycled 1000 miles across the UK from Land’s End to John O’Groats! Through the help of Stewardships website, Alastair was able to raise more than £16,500 to help sustain a Good Shepherd Church in Kanpur, with funds left over to plant a new church in Varanasi! This longstanding partnership has been fundamental in transforming the work of the existing fellowship in Kanpur – making the Good News of Jesus known.

Leaving the invaluable gift of a legacy to OM simply involves adding a short clause to your will. Legacy gifts enable OM to continue bringing Good News of Jesus to future generations around the world.

Gifts can be a one-off donation or you can download forms at to help you set up a regular ongoing gift. transforming lives and communities


partnership through going

opportunities 28

bringing Good News

“What I really find difficult is when people don’t care.”

GO SHORT-TERM Can you see yourself bringing the Good News of Jesus to children in the Moldova? How about reaching out to the Ifugao tribal communities in the Philippines? If you are looking to serve between one week and six months then a short-term outreach with OM is for you. Meet new friends, learn new skills, serve God. Find out more at

GO LONG-TERM If you have six months to two years to give then why not join one of our teams on a longer-term basis? Share our passion to transform communities around the world materially, socially and spiritually. Be part of a team to bring God’s love to parts of the world that are isolated and have few Christians. Join us in this exciting, challenging and above all, rewarding service. Find out more at

GO GAP Ever thought of taking a year out before or after university? Is it time for that career break you’ve always dreamt of? Whether you wish to take 12 months or less to serve God, we are confident we have an

enriching tailor-made mission opportunity for you either here in the UK or further afield. Find out more at

GO PROFESSIONAL People can also serve in ‘home office’ resource bases or on-field support teams, using their skills in administration, IT, media, recruiting and pastoral care, accountancy, etc. Others, such as professional seamen on the ships or maintenance staff bring essential technical skills and help keep the whole OM ministry functioning effectively. Find out more at

TEENS IN MISSION (TiM) Are you a teenager who would like to meet other Christians your age from around the world? Do you want to make a difference, try out new things, share with other teens at the same time as having fun?! If yes, come and join us at TiM. We have great mission opportunities worldwide for you to get together with other teenage Christians to grow in your relationship with Jesus and serve Him. Let the adventure begin! Find out more at

VISION TRIPS Here in OM UK we are passionate about developing strategic partnerships to further the Kingdom of God. Strategic partnerships with churches, businesses and other organisations often begin with a small group of key leaders visiting one of our fields to catch the vision for what God is doing through our ministries. Vision trips give time and space to listen to what God is saying, allowing a church or organisation an opportunity to discern how they could partner with us in transforming lives and communities whilst bringing the Good News of Jesus. To explore the possibilities for partnership and the prospect of going on a vision trip with us, please contact us by emailing or by calling 0141 552 7716.

Browse through our various opportunities to serve God at Alternatively, ring us on 01691 773388 – we are always happy to chat! transforming lives and communities


OM Around the World

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Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Argentina Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh


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Barbados Belgium Bosnia & Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Cambodia Canada Chad

bringing Good News

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Chile China Colombia Costa Rica Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Ecuador Egypt El Salvador

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Faroe Islands Finland France Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Guatemala Hong Kong Hungary

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India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Japan Jordan Kazakhstan

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Republic of Korea Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Lebanon Libya Macau Macedonia Madagascar

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Malawi Malaysia Mauritania Mexico Moldova Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar

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Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Papua New Guinea

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Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russian Federation Saudi Arabia

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Singapore Slovakia Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Sweden Switzerland

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Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Trinidad & Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Ukraine

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United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe

Map is a general representation of the countries listed.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free.” LUKE 4:18 (NLT)

Even in the remotest parts of the world where Christ is least known, we motivate and equip Christians to share God’s love with the people they meet. God uses ordinary people to reach other ordinary people with this One Message of Good News in over 110 countries and in world port cities through OM Ship Logos Hope. Find out more about how this One Message is transforming lives and communities across the world and how you can get involved.

Instant Messaging. One character at a time.


transforming lives and communities




“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free.� LUKE 4:18 (NLT)

transforming lives and communities

Operation Mobilisation. The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 7LT t: 01691 773388 e: w:

The world of OM is now available direct to your smartphone or tablet device. Download the OM app today.

Registered as a company limited by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales), and SCO40988 (Scotland).

transforming lives and communities

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