Short Term Mission Preparation Manual

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Operation Mobilisation transforming lives and communities

Welcome to OM!


Who is OM?


A Few Things to Keep in Mind




Some Biblical Principles


Biblical Basis for Teamwork


Before You Go


Child Protection


What to Bring


Travel Information


Passport & Visas


Medical & Travel Insurance


Money Matters


How to Raise Finances for Your OM Placement


Short Term Mission Training & Orientation


Witnessing Through Your Actions When You Come Home The Future And Finally

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WELCOME TO OM! It’s great that you have decided to join us for a short term placement. Please do take the time to familiarise yourself with the contents of this booklet. The rest of this pack is full of information so you know what to bring and how to prepare for your placement. We’re really excited that you are going to join us. May the Lord bless and encourage you as you serve Him.

Di, Ginny, Deejay, Fiona & Meg SHORT TERM MISSIONS TEAM


WHO IS OM? Right now, you may be wondering what you have got yourself into, so let us tell you a bit more about Operation Mobilisation.

TRANSFORMING LIVES AND COMMUNITIES Established in 1957 by visionary, George Verwer, OM is a dynamic, international Christian missions movement. In the OM family of ministries, we have 6,100 workers representing over 113 nations in more than 110 countries and in world port communities, through our ship, Logos Hope. Today, our work varies hugely from country to country but our focus is always the same. We have One Message - the same message Jesus brought - that is to bring Good News to the poor, to proclaim freedom for prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour. Our short term outreaches and placements provide opportunities for sharing this Good News in many different and exciting ways. In 2014, OM UK sent over 200 people on short-term placements to join with international teams across the globe. We love that OM’s outreaches give you the opportunity to work with a multicultural team and not just the culture you’re going to work with. English will be the team language. Although we are not always able to communicate verbally because of the lack of a common language, we aim to be a visible testimony to the fact that people from different cultures and denominations can have fun and enjoy one another through our desire to bring glory to God. Maybe you will not witness anyone accept Jesus personally but the Lord knows how many hearts you may have touched. Don’t forget that one of the hearts God wants to touch is yours. George Verwer started what became OM by taking some friends from university to distribute literature in Mexico. Spreading the Good News has always been an important part of OM’s ministry. It is also important that we grow as disciples as well as making disciples. We’ve therefore sent you a book as well which we hope will be inspiring for you.



A FEW THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND As an international and interdenominational organisation, OM team members vary in their approach to certain theological and cultural issues. The kingdom of God is beautiful in its variety and diversity while retaining its essential unity in Christ Jesus. This unity is not easily maintained in an atmosphere of great cultural differences therefore, we suggest some guidelines where you can help preserve and develop a loving atmosphere.

CULTURAL DIFFERENCES Try not to crush people! Avoid ethnic jokes and unnecessary generalisations. Sensitivity, kindness and tolerance go a long way.


OM is committed to the growth of local churches. It is therefore important that you see your time with OM as preparation for your ongoing active membership of a local church. It is disheartening to hear of unhelpful comparisons between OM and local congregations from participants returning from outreaches. Our desire is to honour and esteem local leadership; please be considerate in this area.


THEOLOGICAL ISSUES There are varying perspectives on issues ranging from Church Government to Baptism, the Holy Spirit and more. OM is neither pro, nor anti charismatic. We have chosen to take the middle ground and accept participants from all branches of the church on the following basis:

We unite around the essentials of the person of our Lord Jesus Christ, the authority of Scripture and salvation by grace through faith.

We can agree to disagree and still love and accept each other.

We do not accept strong imposition of one view upon another person, whether regarding mode of Baptism, filling with the Holy Spirit, or other issues.

We esteem those with different views from our own while on an outreach and allow the privilege and freedom to differ.

We will work with sound evangelical churches that may have a different perspective than ours on some of these secondary issues, without criticism or being judgemental.

We ask you to put strong denominational convictions behind you and, during this time in OM, be willing to work with churches of other denominations.

CONCERNING SPEAKING IN TONGUES Realising the differences in opinions surrounding this gift, we are happy with your private practice in devotions to include the use of tongues, but would discourage public expression or pressure upon others to receive or exercise this gift. The key principles in maintaining unity are consideration, acceptance and acknowledging that mine is not the only way of doing or seeing things. This also applies very much to the differing practices of public prayer and worship.



THE ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT Within OM we have chosen to work with churches who hold to the Bible as God’s authoritative word and who see it as the basis of faith and practice. Although there is pressure to unite at times with a wider range of groups professing Christendom, we believe this is not possible in the light of our views regarding God, salvation, faith, the Church and other issues. We realise this will not be acceptable to all, but is necessary, in light of our call to mission and our stand on Scripture.

PERSONALITY DIFFERENCES As we are all aware, people come in all shapes and sizes, styles, attitudes and ways of doing things. Tolerance is hard to develop; yet understanding is essential. Your team members may be untidy, loud, unconventional, stubborn, who knows! What can you do? Be forgiving, open and honest, gentle and communicative and, most of all, be kind and loving. Remember we are all in the process of growth; love contributes more than criticism.

SOCIAL ISSUES / OM SOCIAL POLICY (SP) For the duration of the outreach/placement, developing or initiating a relationship of a romantic nature is not permitted. We encourage developing brotherly and sisterly friendships with all on the team, however, the purpose of joining this outreach is to give your time wholeheartedly to the Lord, in serving and in reaching others with the Gospel. After the outreach is over, you can develop a relationship further should you wish to. Please be honest in this area and if doubts or questions arise, consult your team or country leader.

ATTITUDES TO ALCOHOL AND SMOKING Just a reminder that smoking and drinking alcohol are not permitted during your outreach/placement. You may be asked to leave at any time should this be an issue. In all things we seek to expand the opportunities for Gospel witness, therefore we must be willing to lay aside anything that will hinder. Grace is the key to all things!



PRAYER SO WHY A SECTION ON PRAYER? Surely prayer is, well, not quite wasting precious time, but not very exciting and not really achieving very much?! Prayer is something for elderly ladies back home who can’t travel or communicate in trendy ways to people. You probably don’t really think like that but at times we are all tempted to. Frequently we behave as if our noble efforts really will achieve much more than our humble petitions. But actually, you can’t have one without the other.

TAKE NEHEMIAH. HE WAS A MAN OF ACTION In just 52 days he led a team of unskilled labourers in rebuilding the walls of an entire city! That’s impressive by anybody’s standards. Nehemiah was no stay-at-home wimp. Nehemiah was a man whose effective action flowed out of costly prayer. He was someone who lived with the prospect of death every day of his life. He was the wine taster to a foreign king. This could have been a good job if it wasn’t for the fact that he tasted the wine for poison! I presume that his proximity to death kept Nehemiah rather



close to God. When he heard about the destruction of Jerusalem’s walls, he immediately understood what this meant for God’s honour and reputation among the nations. Somehow, he takes time off work and spends days crying to God that He would vindicate His name before a watching world. Nehemiah pours his whole being into his praying. It is prayer involving personal sacrifice. How different some of us are. We tend to pray when we need God to help us out of a tight situation. We are much less moved by a concern for His glory and honour. Our prayer life often consists of the moments left over after everything else has been done. We invest little time or effort into finding out what is happening in God’s world so as to pray more effectively.

PRAYER HAS BECOME CHEAP! After several days, Nehemiah concludes his praying by consciously joining his prayers to those of others with the same burden. In spite of his days of costly personal prayer, he recognises - anticipating the words of Jesus in Matthew 18:19-20 - that it is in agreement as believers that we co-operate in the purposes of God. God not only calls you to costly, personal prayer, but also calls you to seek His face with others. What Jesus has to say about agreement in prayer in Matthew 18 is set in the context of teaching about unity in the body of Christ. As we kneel together at the feet of our Father, we hear His voice and grow in the sense of our shared purpose. As we pray with others, we are more likely to persevere. Together we can withstand the onslaught of the enemy whose favourite tactic is to divide us even more than prayerful individuals who persevere alone. God wants a praying community of believers. Nehemiah knew a thing or two! Those of us raised in the rational education systems of Western Europe struggle to appreciate this. His first reaction to the bad news was not to use his position and rush off to recruit builders or go to it himself, his inbuilt natural response was to turn to the living God in prayer. He understood that what we see, hear, touch and smell is not everything there is. Reality lies behind and beyond the material. Though professing faith in God, we have been raised in a culture that is fundamentally materialistic. When Nehemiah ended his praying, he knew all that was necessary had been done. He could return to work. He was content to leave the results to God, although he was also willing to be used as an answer to the very prayers that he had prayed.


PRAYER - COSTLY, BELIEVING, UNITED AND EXPECTANT MEANS, TO DEAL WITH THE TRUE SPIRITUAL REALITIES BEFORE SEEKING TO TAMPER WITH THE TEMPORAL, PASSING PHYSICAL EXPRESSIONS. PRAYER IS FOUNDATIONAL. As you join OM for a placement, God calls you to be someone who enters the battle for the world, first and foremost in the spiritual realm. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities and powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6 v.12 The most effective and lasting ministries flow out of costly intercession. It does not replace the need for sacrifice and hard work, but prayer should be the priority of every person who wants to be effective in action. During your placement, you are going to face bad, tough and frustrating days, stretching assignments and apathetic people. In the midst of these situations, God invites you to talk and walk with Him, every step of the way.

HERE IS THE CHALLENGE God desires that you be men and women of ACTION, but that action needs to be intertwined with prayer. God expects your action within your placement to be an extension of the prayers which you have already invested in the task. God expects you to be linked in prayer with other Christians which is vital for you as you enter spiritual warfare. Prayer for the work is not an optional extra. God teaches us that prayer is the work and that in prayer, our circumstances surrounding the work can be totally transformed. God chooses to move in answer to the cries of his children. This is the spiritual weapon that affects the unseen spiritual reality. God longs that you would constantly share with Him and seek His purposes in every situation throughout the day. If we truly love the world, we’ll start praying earnestly, energetically and urgently!


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We would like to share some Biblical principles for missions. This is to help you understand that it is not a bad thing to ask Christian brothers and sisters to begin praying for you. Not only while you raise the money you need to go, but also to pray for God’s protection while you are serving the Lord in your chosen mission field. Please read these verses and meditate on them.

NUMBERS 18:21 THE LEVI PEOPLE WERE SUPPORTED BY THE OTHER TRIBES. And, behold, I have given the children of Levi all the tithes in Israel for an inheritance, in return for the work they do while serving at the tent of meeting (the tabernacle).

LUKE 8:1-3 JESUS WAS SUPPORTED BY OTHERS. (v3) Joanna the wife of Cuza, the manager of Herod’s household; and many others. These women were helping support them out of their own means.


Don’t take along any gold or silver, or copper in your belts. Take no bag for your journey, or extra tunic, or sandals or staff: For the worker is worthy of his keep.


1 COR 9:1-6 THE RIGHTS TO BE SUPPORTED BY BELIEVERS 1 COR 9:7 THE APPEAL TO LOGIC 1 COR 9:8 THE APPEAL TO SCRIPTURE. 1 COR 9:14 MAKING NEEDS KNOWN. In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel.

COL. 3:17 DO ALL IN THE NAME OF THE LORD. And whatever you do, whether in word or in deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the Father through him.


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BIBLICAL BASIS FOR TEAMWORK WHY WORK IN TEAMS? Paul, during his missionary trips, never worked alone. He did not singlehandedly “convert” vast sections of Southern Europe to Jesus. He had a large, international team with which he worked: Paul was a native of Tarsus, Timothy was from Lystra, Barnabas from Cyprus, Apollos from Alexandria in Egypt and Priscilla and Aquila from Pontus - all different provinces or colonies of the Roman Empire, each with their own history, culture and in some cases language. (Acts 15:39, 16:1, 18:2 & 24 and 22:3). Even Jesus, although he easily could have worked alone, chose not to. It is evidently biblical to work in teams. It has proved to be a practical way in which to create a setting for two vital and constant processes. Firstly, to continue the advancement of the Kingdom of God by prayer and witnessing. Secondly, and just as importantly, to allow God to work in team members lives, deepening their relationships with Him and each other, and moulding them into the image of His son Jesus.

TEAM LIFE After personal time alone with God, the team meets together with the Lord each morning to prepare for the days’ evangelism. Worship, prayer and Bible study are all essential preparations for what lies ahead. Team life provides a marvellous opportunity to be a blessing to others. Where would David have been without the steadfast encouragement of Jonathan? When David discovered that Saul wanted to kill him, “Saul’s son Jonathan went to David at Horesh and helped him to find strength in God.” (1 Sam 23:16)

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Where would Paul have been without Barnabas? “When Paul came to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he really was a disciple. But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and how the Lord had spoken to him and how in Damascus he had preached fearlessly in the name of Jesus. So Saul stayed with them...” (Acts 9:26-28)

TEAM EVANGELISM Working in teams is an excellent way to do evangelism. As individuals we have only a certain number of gifts and abilities; we have weaknesses which can be complemented by the strengths of others. Consider Paul’s words in Romans 12:4-5. “Just as each of us has one body with many members and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body and each member belongs to all the others.” As we saw earlier, Paul’s team was made up of individuals with various gifts, and your team will be too. If every team member were the same, then team life would be narrow, its outreach very limited. Paul also wrote: “It was He (Jesus) who gave some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” It is when we operate together, complementing one another, that the whole world begins to catch a glimpse of our infinitely varied and wonderful God. When leading teams, it is easy to have the feeling of “being watched”. After a couple of days of observing us, out pour the questions. “How did you all come together? How long have you known each other? How long can you go without an argument?” People are amazed to see our international teams living and working in harmony together. It is such a testimony to the power and greatness of God. Team life requires a lot of hard work - but it’s worth it. Any evangelism is powerless if it is not united, so beware of Satan’s schemes to divide. Pray that God will enable you to see things from His perspective, e.g. don’t see the person who ‘drives you up the wall’ as a barrier to your happiness and the success of the team, but as one of God’s ways of making you more like Jesus.

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PRAYING FOR THEM IS THE KEY It is very hard to keep on disliking a person who you regularly bring to Jesus in prayer, especially when you are asking Him to bless them!

BE ACCOUNTABLE TO ONE ANOTHER. If you are really struggling in an area, then tell at least one of your team members and pray about it together. Allowing room for sin in your life will weaken your evangelistic thrust, so be honest as you share and pray for and with one another.

WALK IN THE LIGHT WITH YOUR TEAM. If you offend someone or they offend you, speak privately to them and pray together. This may be hard to do at the time, but is vital and should be a normal part of Christian life. We need to be like the fighting men of the tribe of Zebulun who, “could keep rank: they were not of double heart.” Keep short accounts! 1 Chronicles12:33. Such unity is acquired through openness, honesty and a desire to put aside other things as unimportant in the face of the ultimate goal: to know God and to make Him known. On your evangelistic team, expect God to work through you in great and varied ways. One on one, in small groups, and even as you wash the dishes! God can use absolutely any situation. As a team, determine to be hospitable and show real love and compassion the world is full of hurting, lonely, rejected people. God is longing to use you to bring his love into their lives. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

TEAM LEADERS Every year capable leaders are needed for our teams – team leaders, assistant leaders and fellowship group leaders. You don’t necessarily need to have been on an OM team before to be able to take on a leadership role. In some countries that are particularly sensitive, the leaders will be someone working for OM. However, some of you may be in for a surprise when you reach the conference. Your OM leader may ask you to lead a team. Obviously we like to be able to let you know in advance, but it is not always possible to know beforehand who the best leaders will be for each team.

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Each team has a leader and an assistant. Both jobs are equally important as they work and find out together the best ways of using team gifts and skills and learn with the rest of the team how to live and work together to bring glory and honour to God.


Open for God to use you in any and every situation.

Bold in this spiritual battle like David, using your gifts to God’s glory.

A vital encourager, like Jonathan or Barnabas, used to bless and spur on those around you.

A good team evangelist, like Paul, seeking to reflect the radiance of God Himself through your life together.

Honest with the Father. Be open with one another, praying for one another and those around you.

Supportive of those who are leading your teams.


“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit - fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. This my command: Love each other.” John 15: 16-17

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BEFORE YOU GO Expectations: Sometimes people return from an outreach having been beaten up by a crowd of people angry at the message, others have been arrested and held in jail for a few hours or days, others have faced physical illness, dog bites and fears they never expected. We can guarantee there will be unexpected experiences. We cannot guarantee that you will be safe – any more than you can guarantee your own personal safety as you drive your car to work every day. We want to be careful and prepare as well as possible. In OM we make every effort to do that, BUT, accidents happen, plans change, things go wrong, life isn’t fair! How are you going to respond? Are you prepared for battle? This is not a picnic or a tour where you only stay on the sidelines and observe – you are thrust into battle! God wants to use you and He will!

Communication: Make sure that you share with your church, friends and family what your preparation experiences are like and what you’re expecting once you get there. Take the time to write a short newsletter or make ‘Please pray for me cards’ with a few points on it. If you email home while you’re away don’t forget to copy us in too! Although you want to let them know how you’re doing try not to use emotive language that shows the country you’re visiting in a negative light. Try to include positive things that you’ve learnt from your team and the culture. Security – make sure you don’t put yourself or the team at risk by mentioning names and places in emails about, or from, sensitive countries. If you’re not sure ask us first.

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Priorities during the outreach

“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.” Acts 20:24


To see one person come to faith in Jesus? Maybe to be involved in seeing a church planted or an existing church really excited and encouraged due to your team’s work?

Put the most into it! PREPARE. Take some time to pray, and then put down on paper a few of your

personal goals for this time. At the very least we all want to grow personally in faith, love, prayer, worship and learn more of a radical New Testament lifestyle. A reality that is not just for the conference and the teams, but should be the continued cutting edge of our lives.

PRIORITISE. Make it a priority to be a servant to the existing church

in the areas where we are placed, through fellowship, prayer for them, encouragement from the Word of God and working together to reach out to the lost in their nation, through all types of evangelism.

PARTICIPATE. Go to all the training sessions. Give your heart, mind and will

to the Lord in the worship times. Commit yourself to the spiritual battle in the prayer meetings.

PERSONAL LIFE. Don’t rely on the conference or the teams to carry you.

Cultivate a constant walk with the Lord. Take opportunities to relax, spend time alone with the Lord and have fun with friends.

AVOID! FEELINGS OF CULTURAL SUPERIORITY - the idea that your national background

has a monopoly on the best way of doing things. This attitude really grieves the heart of the Lord.

SELF PITY - the feeling that nobody cares about you and that your problems are always worse than others.

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DISTRACTION FROM GOD’S WORD TO YOUR HEART - Satan will use a whole host of things (sometimes good in themselves) to divert your attention from the particular things the Lord wants to communicate with you.

INSTEAD SEEK THESE CHARACTERISTICS: BE FLEXIBLE. By His grace, we can learn to be adaptable to the changes in our circumstances.

HAVE A HEART HUNGRY FOR THE LORD, for His truth and for His ways. This prayer is quick to be answered by Him - you will be filled!

REACH OUT TO OTHERS during the day. Be an encourager. Share the

goodness of the Lord - it’s not just during the meetings that you can pray with others and worship together.

TRUST GOD IN EVERYTHING. He does all things well - you don’t need to worry or have an anxious spirit!


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During the time you serve with OM, it is more than likely that you will be involved in working with children. Here in the UK, there is legislation in place to protect children. OM UK has a Child Protection policy in place governing the way children are dealt with by OM workers in the UK. You may well be working in another country where attitudes towards child protection issues are not as strict and where there is no effective legislation in place. However, in OM we want to follow best practice in child protection, wherever we are, so that we demonstrate the best possible care for children. The Top 10 tips on the next page are applicable in any situation working with children, whether in the UK or abroad. The advice ‘What if you are concerned about a child’ is also applicable abroad, although you will not have access to the CCPAS (The Churches Child Protection Advisory Service) and local social services may be inadequate or indifferent. But you should certainly report any concerns to the senior OM leader locally or to the appropriate church leader, who should know what to do in the local situation. Keep the ‘Top 10 Tips’ on file so that you can refer to them where necessary when working with children. Children are of special concern to the Lord (Matthew 18.10; 19.14 We want to ensure that they are cared for in the best possible way.


Child Protection - Top 10 practical tips 1. NEVER put yourself in a situation where you are alone with a child. Everything – prayer, conversations, discipline, medical help - must be done in a public place 2. If a child needs to be taken to the toilet, take another child or leader 3. Do not initiate or prolong physical contact with a child 4. If a child hugs you, hug them back and move on 5. If a child sits on your lap, move them or stand up 6. Don’t get involved in tickling or play fighting 7. Physical or emotional discipline of any kind is not permitted 8. Do not take photos or video of any children unless you have permission from the church, school or parents. Don’t take photos of individual children. Do not put images on the internet. 9. If a child wants to tell you a secret, you cannot promise to keep it confidential 10. If you are concerned about a child or an adult you MUST tell someone responsible

WHAT IF YOU ARE CONCERNED ABOUT A CHILD? • Sometimes something may cause you to be concerned about a particular child. This may include unusual or frequent injuries, inappropriate sexual language or behaviour, physical neglect, or something a child has said • If you are concerned that a child is at risk or being abused, you MUST report it. Saying something is always better than saying nothing • As soon as possible make written notes of why you are concerned and the details of anything that has been said, done or observed • Take your concerns directly to the person who is responsible for child protection issues in the church, school or organisation you are working with • If this is not possible, speak to the OM leader who is responsible for child protection issues or contact CCPAS directly on +44 (0)845 120 4550 • In an emergency contact police or social services • Do not discuss your concerns with the parents or other adults • If a child tells you they are being abused – listen and show acceptance of what they say – try not to panic or act shocked

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– do not ask questions or push for information – explain you will have to tell others, but only those who need to know – make detailed notes as soon as possible – ensure the child’s immediate safety – inform the child protection person or authority without delay

WHAT TO BRING BIBLE [no need to explain this one!] STATIONERY A notebook and pen for making notes during the conference, and an address book so you can send postcards home!


See the section on Money Matters

TOILETRIES Soap, shampoo and toothpaste etc. Make sure to bring enough to last you for the duration of the outreach. You will need to bring your own towels.

MEDICATION If you’re taking prescription drugs, take recent prescriptions scripts in your hand-luggage, as border agencies may request proof that your drugs are legal ;-) Take enough medication for your trip, plus a few days extra... just in case...! Mosquito repellent is a must in most countries as is a cream for when you’re bitten. Some meds to treat upset stomach, headaches etc. are also good to have to hand if you don’t know how easy it will be to get medication where you’re going.


MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS If you bring an instrument with you, please make sure it has a good case to avoid breakage during travelling. All instruments are brought at the owner’s risk, so remember to insure it!

CAMERA Photos are a great way of showing people at home what you have been up to during your time away.

MISCELLANEOUS Other useful items include – alarm clock, a torch - especially if you need to get up in the night!! A small amount of washing powder (a tube of travel wash is available in Boots which is handy for travelling) if you need to wash your clothes – especially important for the longer outreaches!

LUGGAGE Please bring only what you are able to carry, remember that all your luggage has to fit onto public or OM transport. You will probably also find it useful to have a small rucksack or bag which is handy during the outreach for carrying literature, suntan lotion, bible etc.

IF YOU BRING ANYTHING ELECTRICAL, REMEMBER TO BRING A SUITABLE ADAPTER! Many outreaches give you a specific packing list so that will be more accurate and up to date so please use that. Do refer to the outreach info to check to see if they ask you to bring bedding and/or a sleeping mat.

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TRAVEL INFORMATION For most places you need to make your own travel arrangements. is a good place to start. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t travel with others going to the same conference. Let us know your details as soon as you have them and we will endeavour to inform other participants of your travel plans so that they can get the same flight. Unless otherwise stated you should aim to arrive sometime during the morning of the first day of the placement. If relevant, transport from the conference to the outreach is arranged for you and is either covered in the initial cost or covered through travel supplements unless otherwise stated. You will normally be brought to the pick-up point you arrived at, either a railway station or airport, following your outreach. Return travel should normally be organised for the afternoon/evening of the last day to give time to get from the outreach town to the pick-up point or airport.

Passport & Visas If you hold a British passport, make sure that your passport is still valid for at least 6 months after the date you will return from your outreach. (If visiting EEA/EU countries, it is not a problem to have less than 6 months left on your passport). Passport applications and renewals should be done as soon as possible especially for the summer outreaches. If you do not have a British passport, please check with your own embassy. It is important that we have your passport details. If you didn’t put them on your application form, please notify us as soon as you know them. It is also your responsibility to obtain the right visas for the country of your


choice. The visa costs are in addition to the outreach cost unless stated otherwise. If you are at all unsure whether you require a visa for a specific country, please contact your respective embassy for help as well contacting the STM dept.

Medical & Travel Insurance Alongside this guide you should have received a booklet entitled “Health Advice for Travellers” (if you didn’t please telephone us for one). It is produced by the ‘Department of Health’. If you are doing an outreach in Europe, we insist that you apply through this leaflet for a European Heath Insurance Card which entitles you to receive health care in any EU country. You will find the form at the back of the leaflet; some other countries are covered as well. Please fill in BOTH forms and take them to your nearest Post Office or apply online. For those going to Switzerland please remember that they are not part of the EU. OM cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage of your personal possessions; we would ask you to consider obtaining your own travel insurance cover. In addition, we strongly advise that you obtain travel & medical insurance if you’re going abroad. Operation Mobilisation uses Salt Insurance Services Ltd who offer competitive rates for people travelling with us. They also cover manual labour and places off the beaten track that some of the other tourist companies may exclude. Children and students not travelling with family on their parent’s insurance are probably not covered. Working with children can now be excluded by a lot of insurers too. CHECK THE SMALL PRINT. If in doubt ask. You must be adequately insured to go. There should have been an application form with your acceptance letter. Further medical information relating to overseas travel can be found at: or


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Money Matters

Please begin sending in your short term placement finances as soon as possible. We enclose a payment slip to help you keep track of your payments to us and to help spread them out over a period of time. Please ensure that all your money reaches us at least two months before the start of the event. If you’re applying later than that please send us the full amount straight away. If you are having real difficulty in raising the money, in some circumstances OM UK may be able to extend the deadline for payment. Please phone us for details.

WHAT THE FEE COVERS Food, accommodation and training materials and usually local transport are included in the cost of the outreach.

SO HOW MUCH MONEY SHOULD I TAKE? You will need to ensure that you carry sufficient money to cover your personal needs e.g. confectionary, drinks, phone calls, books, souvenirs and toiletries, and getting home from the drop off point in the UK. We do not tell you how much to take, but ask you to bear in mind that there will be people on your team from many different countries having different standards of living. Uncontrolled spending can provoke judgmentalism and jealousy, and we want to develop a biblical perspective towards giving and sharing.

CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS If your circumstances change and you are unable to come, please inform us in writing as soon as possible. Booked travel, flight and coach tickets are not normally refundable (which is why you need travel Insurance). Concerning the conference and outreach fees, we will normally be able to give you a refund (minus the ÂŁ35 deposit). However, as the events draw nearer we incur costs on your behalf regardless of whether you actually attend or not. In such cases we will not be able to refund all of your money, but will come to an appropriate agreement.



HOW TO SEND IN THE MONEY RAISED FOR YOUR COSTS + You or your supporters can phone up to donate directly by credit/debit card on 01691 773388. You/they just need to say your full name and that you’re on a Short Term outreach. + Cheques need to be made payable to ‘Operation Mobilisation’ with ‘Short Term and your full name’ written on the back. Please send them to the Short Term Missions department, OM UK, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 7LT + Pay online at We cannot claim Gift Aid to cover the cost of your placement. You can give the link to supporters but if you’re doing a sponsored event and want to track how much you’ve raised please get in touch with the OM Finance Department. If people want to donate specifically to the country and not your costs they’re welcome to do this through the give tab on the OM UK website.

WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT SUPPORT RAISING? Asking for money for an outreach can be intimidating. Have a look at what the Bible says on this topic, and keep this in mind as you begin to raise your support.

NEHEMIAH 1:1-2:9 After hearing what had become of the city of Jerusalem, Nehemiah fasted, prayed and mourned. Then Nehemiah asked King Artaxerxes for financial help in restoring the walls of Jerusalem.

PHILIPPIANS 4:10-20 Paul developed a great partnership with the Philippian church. They chose to give sacrificially to the believers in Jerusalem, who were needier than them. They loved Paul and believed in his mission and calling.

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2 CORINTHIANS 8:1-9:15 In the previous example, the Philippian church gave out of a lack. The Corinthians, on the other hand, were experiencing a time of plenty. Paul wanted them to see that this was an opportunity for them to meet the needs of others - and that when they experienced need, others would be there to help them. He also reminds them that giving generously benefits the one who gives as much as the one who receives.

RAISING THE FUNDS HOW TO RAISE FINANCES FOR YOUR OM PLACEMENT First, let your church know what you are thinking of doing. They may help take on the task of raising money for you, but more importantly, they will pray for you. Then jump into action. Don’t be shy. Provide literature to promote your mission outreach. There are many different ways to raise the profile of your plans and also the funds.

YOU COULD DO A NUMBER OF DIFFERENT THINGS TO RAISE SUPPORT, SUCH AS: + A PANCAKE SUPPER: Pancakes are fairly easy and cheap to make and very

popular to eat! So... make up a few hundred and invite friends and family and anyone else that might want a pancake over for a pancake supper. You can either charge for each pancake, sell tickets for the evening or ask for donations.

+ PUT ON A DINNER, which has a flavour of the place you are going to and

charge a ticket price for that evening. When people realise why you are having this evening they will no doubt be willing to support it.


+ OFFER YOURSELF AS A SERVANT To people over a certain period of time,

doing any odd jobs that need doing and charge a fair price for the work, or even do it on a donation basis. If you advertise this in your church, people will know why you are doing it then they may give more than they usually would for small jobs.

+ DO A SPONSORED EVENT.... Bike ride, run, read, walk, pancake tossing, dance, fast etc. Use your imagination!

+ HAVE A CAKE SALE. Ask people in the church who are really good at making cakes to donate cakes to you and sell them on to those who like eating them.

+ ‘SMARTIES TUBES’! Give out tubes of Smarties at church. Encourage

people to return the tube to you when they had finished the chocolates, with money in!


TRAINING AND ORIENTATION Many organised outreaches with OM will begin with orientation and training where many nationalities will come together. You will find it a rich blend of practical training, orientation and Bible studies, all aimed at equipping you for the task to follow. The training lasts for between one to five days, usually depending on the length of the outreach.

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These are some things that you can expect: + A team of excellent speakers who will provide teaching. We are privileged to also have experienced musicians to assist us. Meetings will usually be in English or translated into English. + Practical training in different forms of evangelism, appropriate to your outreach. These may include sketchboard, drama & mime, one-to-one sharing and Muslim evangelism.

+ At large scale conferences, fellowship groups ensure no one feels lost at the conference and gives you a chance to get to know a few people better, share your feelings and expectations, and discuss topics relevant to your outreach. + The outreach orientation will give you cultural orientation as well as the opportunity to get to know the other members of your outreach team. + A unique opportunity to enjoy the fellowship of Christians from around the world. The conference has two main purposes: for you to meet with God, and for you to learn. As you go through the time at the conference listen to His voice and seek Him. You need to prepare yourself through prayer for the evangelism that you and your team will be involved in. We want everyone there to unite their hearts in the praise and worship that He deserves as we come together for this united effort to spread the Gospel. On top of this, the conferences offer a great opportunity for practical training: To learn new evangelism skills, to discover more about the country we are going to, and to prepare as a team. Sometimes the orientation conference is held where you’ll stay for the duration, and other times your team will travel by bus, van, train, ferry or plane to your outreach area. Team accommodation will vary considerably. In previous years teams have been in churches, tents, hostels, schools, people’s homes and cheap B&B’s.

PRESSURES: Strange food, a long queue for the shower, challenging team-

mates or the hardness of the floor upon which you sleep may cause you to question what you are doing! Remind yourself why you are there, and think how hard it must be to put together a conference and placement on a low budget! AND, GOD IS ALSO THERE TO MEET WITH YOU. As Paul says in 2 Tim. 2:3, sometimes we do have to “endure hardship, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus” but we also want to meet with the Lord in such a significant way that the problems fade in comparison.


Witnessing Through Your Actions While on the teams (especially in other cultures) some may get frustrated because they do not speak the local language very well. However, by showing Christ’s love to one another, we are witnesses that can influence people without our knowing it. It is not always easy living in a team situation but if Christ is in the centre of the group and everyone makes an effort to esteem one another, you will all receive many blessings and can then be a blessing to those you are trying to reach.


The Future It is important that you, with the support of your home church, spend time reflecting on the experience and how it may benefit you in the long term. To maximise the benefit of a short-term experience, we suggest you do the following:

+ Debrief yourself by completing the questions on the next page + Talk through your struggles and highlights with your mentor/referee + Keep informed about the work you have been involved with + Ask God about how you should respond to what you have learned + Don’t keep what you’ve learned to yourself – talk to friends, family, the youth group, whole church about your mission + Go deeper into mission—go again, but for longer or possibly to a harder location + Should you be thinking about longer-term Christian service?

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THE INFORMATION BELOW IS TAKEN FROM GLOBAL CONNECTIONS RE-ENTRY HANDBOOK, WHICH WE SEND TO YOUR SUPPORTING CHURCH. + How did you feel about the work going on in the project or town/city before you arrived? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ + In what ways did you have a sense of fulfilment through your involvement? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

THE EXPERIENCE + What value could you see personally in your experience? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ + For others on the team? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ + For the church or group you joined? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________


+ What were the highlights and lowlights of your experience? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

THE TEAM + How did the team get on with each other? The locals? Within the Christian fellowship overseas? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

THE LESSONS + What were your original expectations? In what ways were these fulfilled? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

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+ How did God show you areas in yourself that need to change? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ + What is the most significant lesson you learned? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ + What is the biggest challenge you face now you are at home? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

AND FINALLY … These short term outreaches will be over all too quickly and we trust and pray that, after your team has returned home, hundreds of people will be changed and sense that God loves them. Even now as you prepare to go, pray that the Lord will lead the right people to the team, so you will be able to share the Gospel and the Love of Christ with them!



transforming lives and communities

Operation Mobilisation The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 7LT

t: 01691 773388 w: e:

Registered as a company limited by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales), and SCO40988 (Scotland).

transforming lives and communities

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