TeenStreet purpose statement:
“We work with the Church to motivate, equip and walk alongside Christian teens from all across Europe to have a real friendship with Jesus and reflect Him daily in their world. �
What that really means: “ with the church” We are committed to working with churches and youth groups. There is no point in creating a 1 week ‘retreat’ for teens without giving them a positive community to be part of throughout the year. We are especially concerned with the smaller, under-resourced churches and youth groups that will really benefit from the training, resourcing and connecting that happens at TeenStreet. This is possibly one of the main differences between TeenStreet and other youth events in that the aim of TeenStreet is not just for teens but also for their leaders, equipping them to serve their teens well after the event has finished.
“...motivate, equip, AND walk alongside” At TeenStreet we are not interested in talking at the teens... telling them what to believe. Rather we attempt to talk with them, helping them to make decisions based on convictions they have truly reached themselves. We have learnt that this generation needs to ‘experience’ something to regard it as truth. Standing at the front and telling people what they should believe is really not effective. The programme is an important part of TeenStreet, but the people up front connect
with the teens by explaining the message through stories and interaction. Of course the experience does not end during the main sessions. It continues in various small group contexts throughout each day. We would almost be wasting our time motivating if we are not also equipping! To reflect Jesus, the teens don’t need to have a theological degree, but they do need practical and real ways to go back into their world prepared. Through seminars and workshops we help them understand and use the gifts they have been given.
“...Christian Teens” We often get asked whether non-Christian or nominal Christian teens can come along. We are really focused on building up Christians. Trying to please everybody can water-down TeenStreet’s effectiveness. Having said that, if there is someone that is not quite sure about their Christian faith and you believe that TeenStreet would benefit them, we are willing to look at each person individually, by talking with their leaders, and seeking to find the most appropriate group for them to join.
“We desire to see Teens reflecting Jesus in their world.” “...real friendship with Jesus”
“...reflect Him daily in their world”
Many young people leave the church when they leave school. We believe that one of the key reasons for this is that they do not have a faith of their own. In fact many young people have been carrying someone else’s relationship with Jesus. They have been told that ‘this’ is how to live and ‘that’ is what Christ means to you. We seek to create an environment and communicate with the Teens in such a way as to help them make decisions based on convictions they have truly reached themselves.
We desire to see teens reflecting Jesus in their world. This process begins at TeenStreet with the TeenStreet Outreach and the Raise and Give [RAG] Project, and can continue through Teens in Mission.
The TeenStreet Outreach is a major highlight of our week together and helps us to share the love of God in the city. Each small group has the opportunity to choose from many creative ideas things you can easily do back at home with your youth group or church friends.
THE RAG PROJECT: The RAG project is our way of making a practical impact on youth in Europe in need. Each year we aim to raise funds for a project in Europe that will directly affect youth. This will happen through a sponsored race at TeenStreet, but can also be done
through the year in a variety of creative ways. Those who raise the most money get the opportunity to visit the project and experience life in another part of Europe.
Teens in Mission: We have outreaches specifically for Teens directly before or after TeenStreet. Teens can also apply for other outreaches if they come with a responsible adult. For more information visit Contact us to take your youth group on a customised outreach, at
We focus on three connected areas in order to fulfil our purpose statement:
Impact, Relationships and Empowerment Impact: We want to make a lasting impact in the lives of teenagers. Small groups and personal study are a vital part of helping teens to apply the teaching to their own lives. At the same time the small groups build trust between adults and teens, enabling adults to play an important role in helping teens develop their relationship with Christ.
Relationship: We want teens to have a real relationship with God and healthy relationships with other people. We aim to love God and love each other at TeenStreet. We will provide
opportunities for teens to develop their friendship with Jesus, their relationships with other teens and their relationships with trusted adults.
Empowerment: We want to raise up a generation of people who trust God to use them now, not just in the future. We want teenagers to be able to serve God in many different ways, using their own gifting and passions. This is about doing things together with God and for a hurting world! We aim to find ways in which to reflect Jesus daily, at TeenStreet and throughout the year.
There are so many other youth camps available.
Why should we attend TeenStreet? The TeenStreet model has proven to be effective at: Challenging young people to find their own relationship with Jesus Training and resourcing Youth Leaders in practical ways Breaking down barriers between cultures, denominations and generations Preparing young people to invest in and more be involved in their local Church 5
a typical day at teenstreet 06:30 - 07:55 WAKE UP Roll out of ‘bed’ (your air mattress or sleeping mat) and struggle out of your sleeping bag. Queue for the shower and then head over to the dining room. 08:00 BREAKFAST Use your TeenStreet mug to grab a coffee. Queue up for cereal & bread and find a space on one of the famous TS benches! You might share breakfast with someone from Russia, Poland, France or the Faroe Islands. 09:30 MAIN MEETING Join around 4,000 people in the Main Hall to dig deeper into this year‘s theme. Great Bible teaching, videos, dramas, games and more... the morning meetings will really make you think about your relationship with Jesus. 11:00 SHHH TIME Sounds crazy, right? 4,000 people CAN be quiet for 30 minutes! This is YOUR time. Time to be at peace and rest. Time to hang out with God and hear Him speaking to you. Time to be still and ‘pause’ from all the noise that surrounds you. 11:45 NET GROUP Meet with a small group of teens from your country led by your ‘coach’ (group leader). This is a time to study the Bible, ask questions, share your doubts or worries and spend time with God together. This is a place to be real and find support in the challenges you are facing back home. The NET group time also includes the “Big Adventure” - a short time for you to be alone with God and look at what the Bible is saying to you today.
13:00 -14:00 LUNCH The main meal of the day. Our chefs perform miracles everyday as they prepare excellent food for thousands of people! 14:15 - 18:00 INTERACTION TIME The afternoons are YOUR choice - chill out, play sports, go into town, attend a workshop, create something amazing in the ArtZone, make a new friend and much, much more... 18.00 SUPPER & NET2 Time to eat again, after a busy afternoon. This is also time for you to reconnect with your Net group before the evening session. 19.30 THRONE ROOM Join 4,000 people from across Europe and worship God together. In the evenings we focus on Jesus, led by the TeenStreet worship band. There are many ways to express your worship: singing, art, dancing or just being still. There are also opportunities to have someone pray with you about something specific. 21.00 INTERACTION TIME Time to relax, enjoy the TeenStreet Fun Food (pizza, chips and much, much more,) listen to a band, and hang out with some of your new friends. 23.30 NET GROUP Head back to your accommodation by 23:00 and get ready for bed. Then you have a last chance to meet with your small group to talk and pray about your day before the lights go out at midnight.
me o H UK e h t g n i c u introd es v i t a t n e s e r p e r Office
Every year at TeenStreet we have a dedicated team of Home Office Representatives to look after all of the participants from the UK. This team will be your point of contact before, during and after the event. They will be available to support you as much as possible and will answer your question, pray for you, send you all the information you need and ensure you get the most out of your TeenStreet experience. 8
Introducing: The Youth Devotional from OM United Kingdom This weekly emailed mission resource for teens is produced by our TeenStreet team, and is designed to provide you with a thought for a week, a challenge to prayer, and some helpful resources for your journey.
Sign up at
who’s who at teenstreet teens: Teens are at the heart of TeenStreet. We exist to work with the Church to motivate and equip Christian teens to have a real friendship with Jesus so that they reflect Him daily in their world. Attendees should be aged between 13 and 17, love Jesus and be ready to be challenged.
service team: TeenStreet as an event will not happen without the generous and sacrificial support of the ‘Service Team’. This team is made up of all those who help behind the scenes. This includes cooking, cleaning, running workshops, doing AV or security, setting up tents, organising sports, driving, shopping, working with graphics or communication, setting up the kitchen, helping in the admin office, organising teams in the months beforehand.... the list goes on. The Service Team will also be placed into NET groups, and will have the opportunity to work through the Bible study based on this year’s theme. We appreciate the work they do, and would like to build into their lives at the same time. Some teens have come away from a week at TeenStreet and been most impacted by the people sacrificing their time to clean up after them!
coaches: Teenagers need a caring adult as a friend, example, authority figure and challenge giver. Each Coach is responsible for the teens in one NET group which consists of up to 6 teenagers of the same sex. Coaches are responsible for leading the NET times, meeting with their group in free time, keeping their teens accountable, spending personal time with each teen and being a friend. Each Coach will meet with their Ministry & Mentoring couple (M&M) each day, and will have access to training, and other resources. Coaches must be over 20, love Jesus and be ready for an INTENSE adventure! We really need and appreciate a wide range of ages. Contrary to what many people believe, this generation of teens desires to connect with people that have some experience in life. This can be missing in their home life, as some don’t have good adult role models. Coaches are a vital part of TeenStreet’s purpose. TeenStreet aims to build up Churches by providing a positive community for teens to be part of throughout the year , and this is done through the youth leaders. TeenStreet provides a unique opportunity for youth leaders to really interact with their youth, to build friendships and develop a trusting relationship. We want the interaction between teens and their leaders to continue after the event, as part of our year-round vision.
Prayer & Counselling (Fountain) Team: Without these teams, TeenStreet cannot have the same valuable impact. The Prayer team is organised into shifts which cover 24 hours every day. They pray for TeenStreet as a whole, and for Jesus to work in the lives of individuals. During the day, members of this team will be available to talk and pray with anyone attending TeenStreet. Because TeenStreet is such an intense time of personal exploration & discovery, sometimes issues come up that need experienced and expert counsellors to work through. Someone from the Fountain (counselling) team will always be available to help a teen with any issues they would
like to discuss, (with the support of their coach whenever appropriate), and to ensure that TeenStreet is a positive and lasting experience. Members of these teams will make a commitment to serve under the leaders assigned to them and to act according to our guidelines. They need to have a balanced understanding of the use of Biblical truth, psychology and experience in a holistic approach adapted into each individual situation. If additional follow up is needed after TeenStreet, the counsellor may make a recommendation.
M&M (Ministry & Mentoring) Couples: M&M = MINISTRY AND MENTORING
The M&M pair will look after several coaches. Their role is to minister to, mentor and support the Coaches under their care. M&M couples meet daily with their coaches. They are available to supervise or counsel their assigned coaches and teens. They also support the coaches in the area of boundaries/ consequences.
• People who love teenagers.
WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE AN M&M? A man and a woman (this doesn‘t have to be a married couple. Any two adults can be paired together for the week of TeenStreet) who can work together with the coaches in their group.
• Interested in mentoring and assisting the coaches. • Committed to staying in touch with coaches through the year. • Mature adults who are a good judge of character and situations. Additionally, • Experience in counselling and/or pastoral care is preferred but not required.
• Have been Christians for a longer time [not new believers.] 13
Frequently asked questions WHO IS TEENSTREET AFFILIATED WITH? TeenStreet is presented by Operation Mobilisation. OM’s role in the Church is to mobilise people to share the knowledge of Jesus and His love with every generation in every nation. OM pioneers and leads initiatives to redeem lives, rebuild communities and restore hope in over 110 countries and onboard OM’s ship, the Logos Hope.
WHY IS A MISSION ORGANISATION RUNNING A YOUTH EVENT FOR CHRISTIANS? TeenStreet started in Germany as an event for the children of Missionary families already serving with OM. It grew quickly, drawing Christian teens from right across Europe, and has now become an important part of OM’s mission. OM does not want to start up a church, or create an event that will ‘attract the crowds’. We instead seek to build up members of the local church to the point that their friendship with Jesus is alive and causing them to impact their world. Working with, and building into, the church is far more effective than trying to do this on our own.
DO GROUPS NEED TO BRING A LEADER? Our desire is to partner with the church’s youth group as a whole. Individuals or groups without leaders are certainly welcome at TeenStreet, but we believe that the time can be more effective if the teens and leaders go through the same experience.
IS IT POSSIBLE TO COME FOR JUST A COUPLE OF DAYS? Teens must be present and staying on site for the entire time. TeenStreet is a big commitment for leaders, volunteers and teens. Teens are required to sign the Community Lifestyle Statement before attending TeenStreet, which includes the agreement that they will be present at all main programmes and NET times. Please contact us if you have further questions about the TeenStreet schedule.
HOW ARE NET GROUPS PUT TOGETHER? NET groups (small groups) contain up to 6 teens and one leader of the same gender. We will be prayerfully putting together NET groups and are open to suggestions from the youth leaders. If a teen would like to be in a group with a particular friend, they should put this on their registration form, and we will attempt to make this possible. Youth groups will be kept together.
CAN I BRING MY FAMILY? Families are very welcome at TeenStreet! We run a programme called ‘KidStreet’ for the children, which follows the same theme each year as the teens, but includes activities appropriate for the age of the children. The children at TeenStreet come from just as many 14
different countries as the teens, so even the children are able to make new friends from a variety of countries! Please contact the UK Homeoffice Team for more information about bringing your family to TeenStreet
HOW ARE THE TEENS SUPPORTED AND CARED FOR DURING THE WEEK? Teens are in NET groups of up to 6 teens and 1 coach. The coach is responsible for caring for the teens. Sometimes the coach is not experienced enough to handle a particular situation. In this case they have the experience of their M&M and Home Office representatives to call on. The entire week is covered in prayer, and the prayer and counselling team is always available for the teenagers. The TeenStreet leadership team and Board have oversight of all the staff and participants at TeenStreet.
HOW DO WE GET OUR YOUTH TO TEENSTREET? We at OM UK organise for adults we know and trust to travel from different regions of the UK to TeenStreet as travel chaperones. These chaperones are responsible to OM UK and ensure the teens in their care get to TeenStreet safely. If connections are changed or missed, the chaperone will inform the UK TeenStreet team of their new itinerary, and an OM rep will contact you with the details. We book the adult(s) on the cheapest flight we can find, at reasonable times, and then send you the flight & bus/train details to book. It’s also a great way for teens to get to know each other during the travel. We try to link up everyone travelling together from the different parts of the UK at the airport in Germany and then book a bus for their travel onward to the site. For more details or to find your nearest travel chaperone please contact us. We can also suggest the best airports to fly to and nearest train station for adults travelling to TeenStreet earlier.
HOW DO YOU ADDRESS SAFETY AT SUCH A LARGE EVENT? The safety of your teenagers is a top priority for our TeenStreet leadership team. We have 24-hour security on site for the whole week. Teens are not allowed off site alone—they must always travel in groups of 3 or more. The medical team is available 24-hrs a day, and they must be made aware of any prior medical conditions.
WHAT ABOUT CHILD PROTECTION? All of the coaches who apply through the UK must have a DBS check through OM. All adults at TeenStreet are required to sign and follow the TeenStreet guidelines regarding their interaction with teens. For more detailed information about our child protection policies, please contact us.
HOW DO I COMMUNICATE WITH MY TEEN DURING TEENSTREET? While mobiles are welcome at TeenStreet, please keep in mind that it is a very busy schedule. Parents should phone only during the free periods. If you need to contact the OM staff during the week for whatever reason, there will be an emergency number available, and there is a 24-hour number that can be called at TeenStreet. All of these details will be provided before the event. We will also send an email when all the teens have arrived safely on the first day. 15
Contact Us OM UNITED KINGDOM - TEENSTREET OFFICE The Quinta, Weston Rhyn Oswestry SY10 7LT PHONE 01691 773388 E-MAIL For more information, or to register for TeenStreet, please visit: WWW.UK.OM.ORG/TEENSTREET WWW.TWITTER.COM/TEENSTREET WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/TEENSTREET Operation Mobilisation is registered as a company limited by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales), and SCO40988 (Scotland)
transforming lives and communities