Mount Victory Women Cook

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mount victory women cook


Bless my pretty kitchen, Lord And light it with Thy love Help me plan and cook my meals From Thy heavenly home above.

Mrs. Myrtle Predmore in her kitchen


mount victory women cook


The following recipes are ones that the women of Mt. Victory and their families have enjoyed. Many of the women are gone and some are not. Some of these special recipes were carefully recorded in composition books kept by Susie Overshiner. She wrote each recipe and the name of the woman who shared it. Any little story that I or others can remember about each person is recorded also. Peggy Harrison

On the cover: The cover is a collage of a Sunbeam Mixer promotion and photos of the following who are gone but not forgotten: Bottom row cooks left to right Susie Overshiner, Golda Miley, Helen Winder Top row cooks left to right Cora Rizor, Grace Willaur, Mabel Warner, Cecile Thomas


mount victory women cook


From a 1903 cookbook


mount victory women cook

SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Merle Rizor Cosner’s Drop Ginger Cookies 1 c. sugar 1 c. shortening 3 eggs 1 c. molasses 1 c. hot water 5 c. flour 1 T soda 1 T ginger 1 t salt Drop and bake at 400 degrees Merle Cosner’s Quick Mayonnaise (GOOD) 1 T prepared mustard 1/3 c sugar salt 1 small can milk Beat well and add 2 T vinegar, stir and let stand to thicken. Aunt Merle worked in restaurants cooking and was a good Merle Rizor Cozner cook. Women used to try to outdo each other in the kitchen and my mother always said Merle was the better cook because she liked to cook. My Mom did not. My Aunt Merle was a great the drug store which used is now. She used to come evening and we always had


lady. She cooked at to be where Lifeline up to spend the pie.

mount victory women cook

SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Mary Mulligan’s Oatmeal Pie 3/4 c. dark Karo 3/4 c. white sugar 2 eggs beaten 1/2 c. coconut 1/2 c. oleo (1 stick softened) 3/4 c. uncooked oatmeal Put in pie crust and bake 45 min. at 350 degrees I think my mother and Mary met in the VFW Auxilliary. Helen Thompson’s White Cookies 1 2/3 c. white sugar 1/3 c. brown sugar 1 c. Crisco 3 eggs 1 c. sour milk 1 t. soda 1 T. vanilla 1 t. lemon 1 t. salt 4 c. flour 3 t. baking powder Combine soda and sour milk, add liquid ingredients. Combine dry ingredients. Mix together. Drop. Bake at 400 degrees 8 to 10 min.


mount victory women cook

SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Helen Thompson’s Coffee Cake Mix into crumbs: 2 c. brown sugar, not packed 2 c. flour 1/2 c. oleo (1 stick) 1 t. cinnamon 1/2 t. salt Keep 1/2 of this crumbly mixture for topping. Add: 1 egg 1 c. buttermilk 1 t. soda Bake 350 degrees for 35 to 45 min. Helen Thompson’s Butterscotch Cookies 2 c. brown sugar 3 eggs 1 c. margarine 3 c. flour 1 t. cream of tartar 1 t. soda 1 t. vanilla 1/2 t. salt 1 T water Let stand overnight in regrigerator. Drop. Bake 350 for 8 min.


mount victory women cook

SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Helen Thompson’s Oatmeal Cookies 2 c. brown sugar 1 c. shortening 2 eggs 1 t. vanilla 1/2 t. salt 2 c. oats 2 c. unsifted flour 1 t. soda 1 t. baking powder Roll in balls and dip top in powdered sugar. Do not mash down. Bake at 350 degrees 10 min. or until done. Helen and Lloyd Thompson lived in house on corner of Elm and North Streets. On New Year’s Eve my folks and Helen and Lloyd would go outside and fire a shotgun at midnight for good luck. They have all passed away.

Lula McCall’s Mush 1 c. meal 1 c. cold water 1 t. salt Mix together and add to 3 c. boiling water Cook. When thick, cover and cook slowly for 10 to 15 min. Lived next door to Lula and Clyde. Clyde was a town marshall in the 50’s. He took it very seriously. Lula baked great molasses cookies and she let me practice on her piano. I was always fascinated by her pierced ears.


mount victory women cook

SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Sonnie Stephenson’s Fudge 1/2 c. Crisco 2 c. white sugar 2/3 c. milk 1 t. vanilla 1 sq. chocolate Cook and test in water to soft ball, then beat. Sonnie and I borrowed a tent from Dick Winder. He said we could have it until morning. When we woke up in the morning, the tent was gone. We used to eat dill pickles and green tomatoes and walk all over town on stilts. Mayo Hinton’s Pie Crust 4 c. flour 2 c. Crisco 1 egg beaten 1 T vinegar in 1/2 c. water 2 t salt Strawberry Pie, Mayo Mix 1 1/3 c. sugar 4 T level cornstarch 2 c. boiling water Bring to a boil and cook a bit and add 1 pkg. Jello. Add 1 qt. berries. Let cool. Put into 2 baked shells and refrigerate. Top with whip. Mayo’s Custard 2 c. scalded milk, add to: 1/2 c. sugar salt vanilla 3 beaten eggs Bake in oven 350 degrees 45 min. in pan of hot water. 8

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SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET For custard pie: 4 eggs, 1/2 c. sugar, 2 2/3 c. milk. Put in unbaked shell 450 degrees for 15 min., then 350 degrees until done. Test with knife in center. Cappy, Mayo’s husband, was never seen without gum boots. He knew where every ditch in town was and he used to eat pie at the drugstore and come home and tell Mayo how good it was. It made her mad.

Vivian Coulson’s Swedish Pie 1 c. apples (heaped and diced) 1 c. nuts cut fine, or dates 1 c. flour 1 t soda 1 t baking powder Mix all of the above together. Beat two eggs and add 1 c. sugar. 1 t vanilla and 1/2 t salt. Bake 30 to 35 minutes at 350 degrees. Do not grease pan. Vivian and my mother were good friends. They were always in the car going someplace. Mary Coulson, Vivian’s daughter was and is my good friend. Mary, Ruth Ernie & Vivian Coulson (her sister), and I talked our mothers into letting us go to the Coon Chase when it was on the Scott Land east of town. If they had known more about it, they probably wouldn’t have let us go.


mount victory women cook

SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Cecile Thomas’s Salad Dressing 1 small onion chopped fine 1 can tomato soup 1 c. sugar 1/2 c. vinegar 1 T mustard 1 T Worcestershire sauce 1 t salt 1/2 t pepper Mix well and add 1 c. oil--Makes 1 quart. Cecile’s Cheesecake Mix 8 oz. cream cheese with 1/2 c. milk Add to Lemon Instant Cecile Thomas Pudding plus 1 1/2 c. milk. Beat. For the crust: 1 1/4 c. rolled graham crackers 1 T sugar 1 t cinnamon 1/3 c soft oleo Line 9” piepan saving few crumbs for topping. Bake crust about 10 min. at 350 degrees. Cecile’s Cole Slaw Dressing 1/3 c. mayonnaise 4 t. sugar 4 t. vinegar 1/2 t. salt The recipe for Cecile’s Rhubarb Cream Pie got a BLAH! rating from my mother, so I trust her judgment and it is not included. It could have been that she just didn’t like creamed rhubarb. Cecile and my Mom used to go on trips together. They had a ball and made a great pair. 10

mount victory women cook

SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Elizabeth Willauer’s Salad 5 bananas 1 pt. can pineapple drained (save) 12 large marshmallows Cook 2 eggs 1 T flour and juice of pineapple. Cool and mix together. Elizabeth and my mother graduated from Mt. Victory High School in 1919. Mom was valedictorian and Elizabeth and Opal Clapsaddle Fry were co-salutatorians. Elizabeth and Mom and Louisa Koontz worked together at the old Mt. Victory telephone exchange. It occupied the empty space between Elliott’s building and the Methodist parsonage. Mom worked for 18 years and Elizabeth and Louisa worked forever. There was a cot alongside the switchboard for the night operators. That switchboard is now at the Smithsonian. Rosina Fladt’s Nut Bread 3/4 c. sugar 2 T shortening 1 egg Mix together and stir in 1 1/2 c. milk Mix together and add to shortening mixture: 3 c. flour 3 1/2 t baking powder 1 t salt Stir lightly. Blend in 3/4 c. nuts. Put in pan and let stand 20 min. Bake at 350 degrees for 60 to 70 minutes.


mount victory women cook

SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Rosina Fladt’s Coconut Strips Blend 1/4 c. butter 1 c. brown sugar Add 1 well beaten egg 1 t. vanilla Mix together and add 3/4 c. flour 1/3 t. baking powder 1/2 t. salt Bake 8 min. in mod. oven. Cut into strips.

Susie Overshiner & Rosina Fladt

My mother made Rosina and her daughters (Nancy and Marjorie) dresses for Mt. Victory’s Centennial celebration in 1951. They lived where Norman Smiley lives now. Good friends, good neighbors. Emmett owned the Lumber Yard and made the little stoops on the houses on High Street. He was also the stage and stockade builder for the Centennial Celebration. Jonda Anderson was a Fladt and is related to this family. She looks like Marjorie and Nancy, don’t you think?

Cora Rizor’s Strawberry Pie 1 c. berries (crush) 1 c. hot water salt--pinch 1 c. sugar Mix 3 T cornstarch and 3 T cold water Cook all above until clear. Cool. Put fresh berries in baked shell and pour overcooked mixture. Note: Much better than filling made with Jell-o. 12

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SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Cora Rizor’s Strawberry Jam 1 qt. strawberries crushed 2 c. sugar Boil 10 min. Add 1 c. sugar and boil another minute. Let stand until morning and can.


Cora Rizor’s Pineapple/Strawberry Jam 2 c. crushed strawberries 2 c. crushed pineapple 7 c. sugar 1/2 c. Certo Bring berries, pineapple & sugar to a full rolling boil over very hot fire. Stir constantly. Boil hard for 1 min. Remove from fire and stir in Certo. Stir and skim by turns for 5 minutes. Pour and cove with hot paraffin immediately. Cora Rizor’s Salad for Tomorrow 2 c. white cherries 2 c. crushed pineapple 1 c. mandarin oranges 2 c. marshmallows 1/2 c. merachino cherries Mix 1/2 c. sugar, 1/4 c. vinegar, 2 eggs. Cook until thick, add 2 T buttter. When cool, add big package of Dream Whip and mix together.


mount victory women cook

SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET I can remember Aunt Cora cooking the noodles at Church suppers and socials. She and Uncle Jim used to come up in the evenings to watch wrestling. We always had pie. No one had televisions much (we won ours at a drawing in Ridgeway), so people got together to watch the programs. Cory Rizor It was a big deal. TV trays were a must as we did not want to miss anything. Black and white on a 12” screen.

Ruthanna Tobey’s Meringue 3 egg whites 1/4 t. cream of tartar Beat until frothy and slowly add 1/3 c. powdered sugar. Beat in peaks and brown at 325 to 350 degrees. (Use powdered sugar and your meringue will not weep.)

Hattie Tobey’s Grape Honey Use as much sugar as grapes and cook 20 minutes. Seal. Tobey’s were neighbors to Rizor’s on East Marion Street and then Tobey’s moved to where Ruthanna lives now. Old neighbors spent many evenings together. We always made fudge or popcorn. Those were special times. 14

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SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Ruth Ella Winder’s Salad 1 small lemon jello 1 small cream cheese Whip jello and cheese together while hot. 1 can fruit cocktail Ruth Ella’s Divinity 3 c. sugar 1 c. Karo 1/2 c. water salt Boil til hard in water. Pour over 2 stiffly beaten egg whites. Ruth Ella’s Fudge Stir well while cooking: 2 c. sugar 4 T cocoa 1 c. milk Turn fire to low and add a chunk of butter. Don’t stir any more then add 1 t. vanilla Let stand till cool, then beat. Add nuts. Ruth Ella and Mom were neighbors and friends for years. Dick Winder and I grew up together watched over by Minnie and Helen Winder, Marlon Winder who lived at home, Ruth Ella and Carvel and my parents all living next door to each other. Nothing we ever did growing up went unnoticed. During WWII, food was rationed and they shared coupons and recipes for extending the food supply. If one or the other had anything extra, it was shared. When any of our cars went to town, everyone piled in. How to extend hamburger: crumbs.

Add eggs and cracker


mount victory women cook

SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Mable Warner’s Casserole macaroni & cheese tuna onion milk or mushroom soup Bake until brown.

Minnie Winder, Mabel Warner, Kent Stuble, Susie Overshiner, Alice Small, Helen Winder

Mable and my mother both vied for Queen during the Bicentennial celebration in 1976. They were both in their 70’s, but they acted like high school girls. Mom won and Mable was mad. I guess this happens when people vie for crowns of glory.


mount victory women cook

SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Anna Winder’s Ice Cream 2 c. milk scald and cool Mix and cook to custard: 2 eggs 1/2 c. sugar pinch salt flavoring Then add 1 1/2 c. cream and freeze to mush. Beat and return to freezer.

Mrs. Winder’s Salad Combine diced beef or pork, apples, celery. Stir in mayonnaise with some whipped cream added. Mrs. Winder was a good neighbor and I can remember her swinging on her porch swing snapping beans. Most women on our street came out to sit on porches while the kids played up and down the street. They enjoyed visiting until time to prepare supper. Golda Miley’s Cookies Mix 1 c. brown sugar, packed 1/2 c. shortening 1 egg 1/4 c. milk 1 t. vanilla 1 1/2 c. flour 1/2 t salt 1/2 t soda 1 t. baking powder Stir together with dry ingredients. Add 1 c. choc. bits and 1 c. chopped nuts. Spread out in cookie sheet and bake at 400 degrees about 30 min. or less. Makes bar cookies.


mount victory women cook

SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Golda,or Goldie, Miley hired me to help her clean her house when I was about 13. I cleaned wallpaper, bathrooms, and washed windows with ammonia water. Probably why my hands are spotted today. She was my 4-H adviser for Goldie Miley & Susie Overshiner many years and I used her treadle sewing machine sometimes even though we had an electric one at home.

Opal Fry’s Mayonnaise for Bean Salad Cook 1 egg 2 T flour 1 c. water and vinegar mixed salt and pepper Opal Clapsaddle Fry graduated with Elizabeth Willauer and my mother in 1919 from Mt. Victory High School. She was Mabel McCall and Alice Battle’s sister John Hatcher’s Grape Wine Let stand 3 days, then strain--20# grapes, crushed and 6 qt. boiling water. Add 10# sugar and let stand 5 days. Bottle. Watch out Ravenhurst. tasting homebrew?

How many of you remember


mount victory women cook

SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Louisa Koontz’s Carmel Icing Cook 2 c. brown sugar in little water until it forms a soft ball in cold water. Have ready 2 T flour and 2 T butter creamed together. Pour over mixture and beat. This was always my favorite for my chocolate birthday cakes. Mom could make it so that it broke off in chunks. Louisa was our neighbor who was a working woman so she never sat out on the porch during the day. She worked at the telephone office and you could count on knowing everything that was going on in town by just cranking the phone on the wall and asking Louisa. She could tell you who was ailing and where the fires were. Helen Winder’s Old Fashioned Cream Pie Mix with pastry blender until crumbly: 2T flour 1T cornstarch 3/4 c. sugar 1 t. nutmeg or cinnamon Add 1 c. cream or condensed milk 1 c. milk Spread evenly in unbaked pie shell. Pour in milk and cream to fill. Bake at 425 degrees about 10 min. Break filling crust gently and stir carefully. Reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake until filling bubbles up and a light brown crust has formed on top--about 35-45 min. Helen Winder and her sister, Minnie, lived next door to us and Helen was everyone’s teacher. I remember her drying her long hair out back and when she and Minnie were on an exercise kick. They rode bikes and swam at Marysville Swimming Pool. Of course, Dick and I encouraged the 19

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SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET latter because we got to go along. They taught us to swim. Helen played the piano for hours each day. It was quite enjoyable after she got past the finger exercises. My Dad did not enjoy the music. I could write a book about the sisters and Dick and I.

Geneva Foreman & Gertie Whipps’ Cake Mix Cookies Add to cake mix-2 eggs 3 T water 3 T oleo Gertie lived in house where Angela Howard lives now which was next door to my mother after I left home. They did all the neighbor things and enjoyed each other’s company. I remember my mother dressed up as a drunk on Beggar’s Night and went begging at Gertie’s, (totally out of character). She didn’t know who it was for awhile which made my mother’s day. (It might have been another neighbor) Lewis Kerns Ginger Cookies 3 c. brown sugar 1 c. shortening 1 c. sour milk 1 c. baking molasses 2 eggs 1 t. cinnamon 1/2 t. ginger 4 t. soda salt 1 t. baking powder Flour to make soft dough.

Geneva Foreman-Kerns & Lewis Kerns 20

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SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Lewis Kerns was Gertie Whipps son-in-law. He was married to Dick Foreman’s mother, Geneva. Geneva Foreman is Dick Foreman and Betty Stout’s grandmother. Merle Longberry’s Cream Pie Mix 1 c. white sugar 3 T flour, rounded 1 t cornstarch sprinkle of salt 2 c half and half Do not boil, just scald. Then add dry ingredients slowly and cook slowly. Add 2 T oleo, stir and cool. Put in baked crust. Merle Longberry was Louisa’s friend and came to visit often. They graduated from high school together, I think.

Vera Headington’s Salad 1 pkg. cherry jello (dry) 1 No. 2 can crushed pineapple Bring to boil and cool. Then add-1 box small curd cottage cheese 1 9oz. box Cool Whip, nuts if desired. Cool. (Very good)- Mom’s comment Vera was next door neighbor in Gertie Whipps’ house. Lots of people lived in that house after Clyde and Lula McCall died. This was a more recent recipe with the box of Cool Whip--only it hadn’t come to the freezer yet.


mount victory women cook

SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Agnes Wilkins’ Cookies 1/2 c. shortening 1 egg 2/3 c. milk 1 c. sugar 2 1/2 c. flour 4 t. baking powder 1 t. lemon and vanilla salt Bake in hot oven until done. Agnes and Charlie lived where Kurt Creamer lives now. Charlie repaired shoes in building uptown that housed the pool room. It is now gone. I used to eat on their back porch in the summer. We had fried Spam and it was so good. She had a china doll in a rocker in the front room that belonged to her mother. Wonder where that doll is now. We used to go to Kenton shopping with them and Mom and Agnes went to doctor’s office in Kenton for nerve medicine. They both adored Dr. Zeis who used to practice in Mt. Victory in a building no longer here on Main Street.

back: Agnes & Charlie Wilkins, front: Carey & Susie Overshiner 22

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SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Fannie Stough’s Graham Cracker Torte 1 pkg. white cake mix 1 c. crushed graham crackers 2 T sugar 2 egg whites (save yolks for filling) 1 1/4 c water Beat 3 min. Add 1/2 c nuts Pour batter into 2 layer pans, lined with paper. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 min. Cool then split each layer to make 4 thin layers. Spread lemon filling between layers and sprinkle top with powdered sugar. Lemon Cream filling: Combine in saucepan 1 pkg. lemon pudding & pie filling, 1/2 c. sugar, and 1/4 c. water. Add 2 egg yolks and blend well. Add 1 3/4 c water. Cook and stir until mixture comes to a full boil (about 15 min). Remove from heat and chill. Then beat with egg beater until smooth. Whip 1/2 c. cream and fold into filling.

Ernestine Wagner’s Nut Bread 1 c. brown sugar 1 egg 1 pt. milk (2 c.) 4 c. flour 4 t. baking powder 1 t. salt 1 c. nuts Let stand 20 min. Bake slowly for 1 hour. Ernestine Wagner and her son Charles lived where Eddie Gale lives now on North Main Street.


mount victory women cook

SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET NOTE: Oleo might be something some of you are unfamiliar with. I think it began appearing during war times. It was the first margarine. It came in a white block that looked like lard and might have been. A packet of orange coloring came with the block which was mixed in to make it something you would want to put on your bread. I used to mix it, but usually got tired before it was done. Alice Clapsaddle Battles’ Scalloped Corn 1 can corn 17 crackers, rolled 1/3 c. sugar salt butter Add enough milk to make it sloppy. Bake until not sloppy. Alice Battles and her family moved to town from the farm. She was one of the Clapsaddle sisters, Mabel McCall and Opal Fry being the other two. Clapsaddles lived where Marsha Pitts lives now. Alice and Mabel were always on hand to help with the socials and suppers at the Methodist Church. Alice did readings which were requested often for social events.

Friendship Circle: front row, Margaret Gray, Lena Deckard, Mabel McCall, Mary Kattman, Ruth Hickman. Back Row, Alice Battles, Jane Williams, Louise Shears, Martha Lingrel, Mary Robinson

mount victory women cook

SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Evelyn Keller’s Pecan Pickups 3 oz. cream cheese 1 stick oleo 1 c. flour Mix until smooth. Roll into balls and chill. Filling: 3/4 c. brown sugar 1 t. vanilla 1 T melted butter 1 egg slightly beaten 1/2 c. chopped pecans Press balls into tiny muffin tins to form a shell for 1 T filling each one. Makes 24 tiny tarts. Bake at 350 deg. for 25-30 min. Evelyn was Aunt Merle’s eldest daughter. I remember when she used to drive up to our house in this big long Pontiac. She and her husband Chuck and daughter Karen Burrey lived on a farm outside West Mansfield. When they went away we moved in to feed chickens and watch the place. This was the nearest I ever got to living on a farm. We always got together on Christmas and there were always new dishes to try, at least when we went to their house.

Evelyn, Karen, & Chuck Keller 25

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SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Peanut Butter Cookies 1 c. Crisco 1 c. brown sugar 1 c. sugar Cream thoroughly. Add: 1 c. peanut butter 2 eggs 1 1/2 t vanilla Sift together: 3 c. flour 2 t soda Roll into walnut size balls. Put on cookie sheets and press with fork. Bake at 350 degrees 10 minutes. Pineapple Cookies, Caroline Barkley (Belle Center) 1 1/2 c. white sugar 1 1/2 c. brown sugar 5 eggs 2 sticks margarine 10 T Crisco oil 5 c. flour, 3 t soda, 1 t salt (combine and sift) 1 large bag chocolate chips 1 20 oz. can crushed pineapple, drained Drop by spoon. Bake 5 to 6 min. at 425 degrees Caroline’s husband Jim used to go with my Dad (Carey Overshiner) to the cabin in Canada for fishing. Dad built this cabin on his own land near Field, Ontario, and Van Stephenson, Gage Mackey, Fred Kennedy, Sculley Thompson, and others from Mt. Victory, Kenton, Richwood, and Belle Center travelled up there for hunting and fishing expeditions. Expedition is the right word for the experience. The place was so remote that self-reliance came into play while there. 26

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SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Cream Cheese Sauce, Darlene Ankrom Melt 1 c margarine, Add 4 T flour. Cook and stir about 2 min., but don’t brown. Add 3 c. milk, 2 t salt, 2 c. cream cheese. Heat and stir until smooth. Darlene was a member Ladies Aid, Church of Christ and so was mom

Grape Juice, Susie Overshiner Bring strained juice to boiling point and add 1/4 heaping cups of sugar to each quart of juice and boil 5 min. Seal. Cherry Delight 2 c. cherries 1 c. sugar Heat and pour over: Combined 1 c. flour 1 T oleo 1/2 c. sugar 2 t baking powder 1/2 c. milk Bake in 9� pan at 350 degrees for 30 min. Pecan Pie 3 eggs beaten 1 c. dark Karo 1 c. white sugar 1 c. pecans 1/8 t. salt 1 t. vanilla 2 t. butter 3 T flour Mix well and pour into unbaked shells and bake at 350 degrees for 55 min.


mount victory women cook

SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Zucchini Cake Beat together 1 c. oil 2 1/2 c. sugar 3 eggs Add: 1 c. crushed pineapple 2 c. grated zucchini Then add: 3 c. flour 1 t. soda 1 t. salt 1 t. cinnamon 2 t. vanilla Bake 45 min. at 325 degrees in 9x13 pan. Makes heavy, moist cake.

Alma’s Three Bean Salad Drain: 1 can green beans 1 can yellow wax beans 1 can kidney beans Add: 1/2 c. green chopped mango (people used to call green Bell peppers mangoes) 3/4 c. sugar 2/3 c. vinegar 1/3 c. oil 1 t. salt 1 t. pepper Let stand overnight and when ready to serve, drain. Celery and onion can be added, if desired.


mount victory women cook

SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Alma and Clarence, her husband, were my Dad’s cousins. Clarence was a Mississippi River Boat captain and lived in Cape Girado, Mo. When they came to visit, we all were amazed at the way Clarence arranged his dashboard in the car. He had screwed brackets all along the dashboard to hold papers and various supplies that he needed in his car. He could barely see out the windshield. Alma’s Dressing for Slaw, Head Lettuce, Tossed Salad 1 c. vinegar 2/3 c. sugar 1 t. celery seed Heat, but do not boil. Keep in refrigerator. When ready to use, pour over vegetable with 1 t. oil and about 1/5 of vinegar mixture. Salt to taste.

Alma & Clarence Fultz 29

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SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Susie Overshiner’s Ice Box Graham Cracker Roll 1/2 # graham crackers rolled fine 1/2 # marshmallows 1/2 # chopped dates 1/2 c. nuts 1/2 c. milk Mix well and press firmly and roll in wax paper. Let stand overnight in refrigerator. Serve with topping. Susie Overshiner was the first woman to be on council. Mom was head of the sidewalk committee during one of her terms. She went around with a clipboard, assessed the condition of homeowner’s sidewalks and notified residents what part of their sidewalk needed to be replaced at their expense. She was not very popular for awhile, but she proceeded matter of factly. Popcorn Balls Cook: 2 c. Karo (white) 1 3/4 c. sugar 1/2 c. water 1 t. vanilla pinch of salt Makes up 8 qts. popcorn.


mount victory women cook

SUSIE OVERSHINER & HIGH STREET Naomi Jolliff’s Stepping Stones: 1 c. butter 2T cold water 1 c. pecans 1/4 t. vanilla 1/2 c. powdered sugar 2 c. flour 1/2 t. salt Cream butter, add sugar, water, then flour, salt, and vanilla. Roll into balls, size of walnuts. Bake at 300 degrees for 45 min. Roll in powdered sugar when baked. (chill dough before rolling into balls). Naomi Jolliff was the Mayor of Mt. Victory during the time the sewer system was installed. She was the first woman to serve in this office. Spanish Hamburgers, Florence Newman 1 lb. ground beef 1/2 c. chopped green pepper 1 c. chopped celery 1/2 c. chopped onion 1 c. tomato soup 1 T. vinegar 2 T. prepared mustard 1 t. salt 1 1/2 t. Worcestershire sauce Mix all together and cook in oven 350 deg. for 1 hour or until done. Florence’s Banana Cream Pie 3/4 c. sugar 2 T. cornstarch 2 T. flour 1/8 t. salt 2 c. milk 2 to 3 egg yolks 1 t. vanilla Florence Newman Mix all ingredients and cook. Put in pie shell. Top with egg whites and brown 31

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PIONEER Frances McCullough’s Groundhog Stew Cut up animal into 8 pieces. Parboil 15 to 20 min., bone and cube. Sear meat in hot oil. Saute 4 large onions and 1 clove garlic, add to meat and sprinkle on 1/4 c. flour, add 2 c. water, salt to taste, 2 pinches black pepper and 1 pinch of red pepper, 1 t. parsley and 2 T. horseradish. Simmer 20 to 30 min. Skim off the fat and add 2 more cups of water, 6 or 7 carrots, sliced; 6 or 7 potatoes, cubed; 5 stalks of celery, chopped. One or two small turnips or parsnips, cubed can also be added. Simmer 45 minutes or until fork tender. Frances McCullough Add a cup of either corn or peas and simmer until bubbly hot. Serves 6 or 8. After parboiling any game meat return the meat to the broth and add noodles. Simmer until noodles are cooked. Put into baking dish, add fruit on top of noodles. Bake in oven at 350 deg. until bubbly hot. Frances Kelsey McCullough married Clair W. McCullough June 6, 1938. They had four sons: Carl W., C. Bruce, Dean C. and Ken L. She taught school 34 1/2 years. 8 years at York Center School and 26 1/2 years in Kenton City Schools. She always loved to cook and if there 32

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PIONEER were any family dinners, they would be seven course meals. If anyone needed something baked, fried, scalloped, or boiled, the stove was always hot. She fixed for Painter Creek Grange, the church, 4-H bake sales, school functions, or anyone that needed help cooking a meal or for a group gathering, she pitched in. She had a cookbook for each letter of the alphabet from A to Z with recipes. She just loved to cook.

Ham and Tongue Toast Cut the slices of bread rather thick, toast carefully, and butter well on both sides. Chop ham and tongue pretty finely, put into pan with a little butter and pepper, maybe a sprinkle of cayenne (to kick it up a notch, sorry I couldn’t resist adding this line), and a beaten egg for each piece of bread and as soon as the egg is done spread upon the toast and serve at once.

Roast Pigeon Wash, dry absorb all the water you can with a napkin or towel, unless you have plenty of time to drain dry. Truss them, secure the wings and legs to the body by skewers or twine. Mix salt and pepper together and rub them well on the inside and also put a piece of butter into each-size of a large shellbark hickory nut. Lay upon sticks in the dripping pan put in hot water and butter to baste with. Put into a quick oven covering with brown paper if needed to prevent burning. If oven is hot enough, 30 to 45 min. will be done nicely if basted often enough.


mount victory women cook

PIONEER Pawnhaas, Frances McCullough 4 large pigs knuckles 1/2 pound lean pork 3 qts. water 1 T. salt 1 hot red pepper (optional) 1/2 t. freshly ground black pepper 1/2 to 1 t. sage 2 3/4 c. cornmeal 1. Simmer pigs knuckles and pork in water with the salt and red pepper until the meat almost falls from the bone, about 2 1/2 hours. 2. Remove meat from the broth, discard the bones and grind the meat. Strain the broth and skim off the fat. Measure two quarts of broth into a large heavy kettle. Return the meat to the broth and add freshly ground pepper and sage. Bring to a rapid boil. 3. Mix the cornmeal with one quart broth, add to the boiling broth and cook, stirring, until thickened. Place on an asbestos pad over lowest heat and cook covered, stirring often, about thirty minutes longer. Adjust the seasoning. 4. Turn into two large bread pans, cool, cover, and chill overnight. 5. To serve, cut into one-half inch slice, coat with flour and brown over moderately high heat in butter or other fat. (I bet I could do this.)


mount victory women cook

PIONEER Sugar Cure for 200 to 225 lb. hog 2 gal salt 1 1/2 pounds brown sugar 1 T salt peter 10 cents worth of pepper (1/4 lb. in 1930’s, 40’s.) Mix salt, sugar, pepper all together. Then put saltpeter in tin and pour boiling water over and dissolve. Then pour over salt, sugar, and pepper. Then take warm water, enough to make thick paste. Then take a piece at a time. Rub each piece real good for 5 minutes and put some in end at bone. Lay on board to drip if any left on top of meat. Wrap in muslin bag and hang in Smokehouse. Smoke with smoldering hickory wood. Note: This was used from Evangeline Bealer’s Grandpa and Grandma Summers from Civil War Era through the 1940’s.

John & Emma Cramer’s Sugar Cure for 1 Ham Meat 1 pt. salt 1 pinch saltpeter in little water 1 T brown sugar 2 T black pepper Rub meat good and put the cut off end full of cure and wrap in muslin sacks and hang with sawed off end down to drain. *Have sugar cure just moist. Hang in smokehouse over smoldering hickory wood. From Civil War Era.


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PIONEER John and Emma Cramer were first generation USA and were born to emigrants from Germany. Emma was the driving force in the family. There were five surviving children: Iva, Myrtle, Daisy, Leonard, and Howard. Emma was a short, chubby woman. She had her animals, orchard, vineyard, garden, and beehives. She spoke English but did not read or write in English. All counting she did was by 3's. Her girls were trained in gardening, canning, and sewing. John served in the Civil War and was wounded in the Battle of Bull Run. He was a cabinet maker and forger of metal making butcher knives, plow shares, and other metal necessities. Myrtle Cramer Summers’ Lard Soap with Soda, Lime, and Accumulating Grease 6 pounds of grease 6 pounds of salt-soda 3 1/2 pounds of newly burned or good stone lime. 4 gallons of soft water 1/2 pound of borax Put soda, lime, and water into an iron kettle and boil, stir in til soda is dissolved and the lime is all slacked; when it is well settled, pour off clear liquid. Wash out the kettle and put in the liquid grease and borax. Boil til it comes to soap. Pour into a well soaked tub to cool. When hard cut into bars and lay on board to dry. *Must follow the directions exactly. This mixture has been known to catch fire. Note: This recipe was handed down to Myrtle Cramer from her mother, Emma Cramer.


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PIONEER Apple Dumplings, Emma Price Cramer 1 c. milk 2 t. baking powder 2 T. lard 1 c. sugar and 2 c. water (mix and pour over dumplings.) No mention was made of the apples in this recipe, just put some apples in this dish.

Sandwich Filling, Daisy Summers Bealer 12 peppers of mixed colors 4 T flour 4 T butter 4 T prepared mustard 1 c. granulated sugar 2 c. vinegar salt to taste Grind peppers, add flour, mustard, salt, sugar, butter and vinegar. Cook about 20 min. and can.

Escalloped Parsnips Mash 1 pt. of boiled parsnips, add 2 T of butter, 1 t. salt, a little pepper, 2 T of cream or milk. Mix the ingredients. Stir on the fire until mixture bubbles. Then into a buttered dish cover with crumbs dot with butter and brown in the oven.


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PIONEER Katherine Cooper Summers’ Spice Cake 2 c. brown sugar 1/2 c. lard 1 egg pinch salt 2 t. cinnamon 1/2 t. cloves 1/2 t. nutmeg 1/2 t. soda 1 c. sour milk 2 c. flour-maybe a little more 1 t. vanilla icing: 1 c. brown sugar 1/2 c. white sugar 1/2 c. water 1 T butter 1 t. vanilla Grandmother Anderson’s Lemon Cookies 2 c. sugar 2 eggs 5 cents worth baking ammonia 5 cents worth lemon oil enough flour to make a stiff dough. Grandmother Anderson was Charity Mae Biddinger’s grandmother--Cliff Biddinger’s great grandmother. Side Meat 1 gal. water 1 pt. salt 1 c. sugar 1 t. saltpeter Boil and skin, add sliced side meat and boil 10 or 15 min. Put in cans, cover with brine, and seal. (submitted by Medrith Craig. Doesn’t know where it came from.) 38

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PIONEER Brenda Jennings and Mamie Van Atta sent along these recipes which are taken from maternal grandmother’s memorial edition by Dr. A. W. Chase’s 1905 book. He was a household physician. Pancakes or Griddle Cakes with Dry Bread Crumble the bread and soak in milk until soft, then add soda or saleratus and salt, according to amount, and flour to make a batter. With rice: Cold, boiled rice, 1 cup;flour 3 cups; 2 eggs beaten well, salt, 1 t. milk to make a thick batter; baking powder, 1 t., beat well together--hot griddle Rice Waffles cold boiled rice, 1 c.; sweet milk, 2 1/2 c 2 eggs; butter, 2 T; cream of tartar, 1 t; soda, 1/2 t.; use flour to make a thick batter. Bake in waffle irons. Remarks: The rice water poured off is, says the lady, the best kind of starch and is used for that purpose by washermen--men in India doing the washings wholly.


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PIONEER Corn Vinegar Cut off cob 1 pt. of corn, then take 1 pint of brown sugar or molasses to 1 gallon of rain water, add the corn, put into jars or crock and cover with a cloth. Set in the sun and in 3 weeks you will have good vinegar. Celery Vinegar Put 8 ozs. celery seed into quart bottle and fill with good cider vinegar, or white wine vinegar. After a few days it is nice to flavor soups or gravies or to use in place of celery salt on meats, etc. The more seeds used makes a stronger flavor. Diluted alcohol or brandy will suit some persons better than vinegar. Rice Muffins To 1 quart of sour milk, add 3 well beaten eggs, a little salt, 1 t. of soda and enough rice flour or cold mashed rice to thicken to a stiff batter. Bake in rings. Note:These recipes would be good to send along to the contestants of The Survivor TV Show. It would give them some variety in their rice diet and then they could starch their shorts. Corn Oysters Take young sweet corn, cut from the cob into a dish. To 1 pint of corn add 1 well beaten egg, small teacup full of flour, 1/2 gill sweet cream, 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Mix it well. Try like oysters by dropping into hot drippings by spoonfuls about the size of an oyster.


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PIONEER Quince Honey, Daisy Summer Bealer 5 large quinces (For those of you who have never seen one of these old-fashioned fruits--they look like a round pear and make you pucker when you taste them. I haven’t seen a quince tree in years. Ruth Ella Winder used to have one in their yard and Dick and I used to try to eat them.) 5 pounds sugar 1 qt. cold water Stir sugar and water until dissolved. Grate quinces in water until all are grated. Boil 20 minutes. If boiled too long, the honey will be waxy.

Shortcake, Ethel Williams Korns 2 c. flour 4 T. lard 3/4 c. sugar 1 egg 1/2 t. salt 2 t. baking powder 3/4 c. milk As with a lot of old recipes, there were no baking instructions. I guess you did it so much, you just had a feel for how to do it.


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Jerry Fraber & Fern Boyd behind counter at Isaly’s


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IN AND AROUND TOWN Fraber’s Restaurant House Dressing by Gerald Fraber 1 14 oz. bottle catsup 1/4 c. vinegar 1 c. Wesson oil 1 T lemon juice 1 c. brown sugar 1 small onion minced Blend together. This dressing was used at the old Fraber’s Restaurant also known as Isaly’s. Belle Fraber’s Cookies (Grandma Fraber’s Cookies) 5 c. sifted flour 2 c. brown sugar 1 c. shortening, lard, or oil 3 eggs slightly beaten 1 t. soda dissolved in 8T boiling water 1 t. baking powder, sifted with flour 1 t. vanilla Cream sugar and shortening. Add soda water, eggs, vanilla and flour mixture. Chill for several hours. Roll thin and cut out with cookie cutter. Bake at 350 degrees 10 to 12 minutes until lightly brown. This can be sprinkled with sugar before baking or iced after baking. A good Christmas cookie recipe that Grandma refined through the years. Her cookies were a big hit will all her grandchildren. Belle Fraber worked at Blacks Furs. The women there traded recipes and many of them appear in this book.


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IN AND AROUND TOWN Ruth Smith Fraber’s Cottage Pudding 2/3 c. sugar 1/4 c. shortening 1/4 t. salt 1 t. vanilla 1 egg 1 1/2 c. flour 1/2 c. milk 2 t. baking powder Cream shortening and sugar. Add unbeaten egg. Add flavoring. Beat thoroughly. Sift flour. Measure and sift with salt and baking powder. Add alterRuth Fraber nately with milk to creamed shortening and sugar. Pour into well oiled loaf pan. Bake in moderate oven 375 deg. 35 min. Serve with the following sauce: 1 c. sugar 2 T flour 1/4 t. salt 2 c. boiling water 2 eggs 2 T butter 1 t. vanilla Combine sugar, salt, and flour. Add water and beat eggs slowly stirring constantly. Cook over hot water stirring constantly for 8 minutes. Add vanilla and butter. Stir until blended. Ruth Smith Fraber was Gerald Fraber’s wife. She worked at Fraber’s Restaurant and in the kitchen at Memorial Hospital and the Elks. --submitted by Gertie Fraber


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IN AND AROUND TOWN Mary Robinson’s Apricot Jell-o 1 6 oz. apricot Jello 1 8 oz. crushed pineapple 1 8 oz. Phil. Cr. cheese 1 12 oz. Cool Whip 1 c. boiling water in jello. Mix pineapple and cheese in until cheese is smooth. Add 1 c. milk. Let cool a bit then add Cool Whip. Mary Robinson’s Pickles 1 c. white vinegar 2 c. white sugar 1 t. salt Heat but do not boil 3 cucumbers or 6 c. seeded and sliced or chunk 1 mango 1 onion Pour vinegar mixture over and can or put in refrigerator. Bessie Wilson & Mary Robinson’s Broccoli Casserole 2 pkg. broccoli 1 stick oleo 1 roll crackers crushed 8 oz. Velveeta cheese, cubed 1 c. cooked chicken Cook and drain broccoli. Put in greased casserole. Layer cheese and broccoli and chicken. Melt oleo and mix well with crackers. Put on top. Bake 350 deg. 30 min. Frank & Mary Robinson started housekeeping in Delaware where Frank worked in Delaware Co. Bank. He got a job with Don R. Temple and moved to Kenton where Dan was born. In 1955 they were able to purchase Ed and Ellie Wagner’s house where Mary now lives. Ed Wagner built this house and he is pictured in the Centennial Book with Mt. Victory Pioneers. 45

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IN AND AROUND TOWN Cecil Coder’s Custard Pie (Mom’s Custard Pie) 3 eggs slightly beaten 2 c. milk 1/2 c. sugar 1 t. vanilla dash of nutmeg pinch salt Combine in order above. Pour in unbaked crust and bake 35 min. 425 deg. oven. Cecil’s specialty was peach pie. She had peach trees on her property where Dan (her grandson) lives now. Cecile is Dan and Bill Robinson's grandmother

Gail Oates’ Apple Salad 3/4 c. chopped apples 1 c. min. marshmallows 1 c. chopped nuts 1/2 c. diced celery grapes dates pineapple pieces (drained, save) Dressing: 1/2 c. sugar 3 T flour 1 egg, beaten 1 c. pineapple juice 2 T oleo Cook and stir until thick. Cool. Add 8 oz. whipped topping. Combine with apples. Cecil Coder


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IN AND AROUND TOWN This apple salad recipe is a big favorite of everyone that has tasted it. Gail Oates was born in Jackson Township and married Arhl Oates. They lived in Hardin, Wyandot, and Marion Counties on farms. They moved to Hale Township in 1942, then in 1945 they bought their own farm of 130 acres three miles east of Mt. Victory when their son John was just three months old. Their other son, Arhl Jr. was six years old. Arhl died in 1984 and Gail still lives on the farm. Katherine Eliza Leighty Harvey’s Never Fail Pie Crust 3 c. flour 1 c. lard shortening 1/2 c. boiling water 1/2 t. salt Pour boiling water over lard. Let it set until it begins to solidify. Then mix into flour. Do not mix any longer than necessary as it will be tough. Makes enough for two double crust pies. Katherine Harvey was the wife of Russel L. Harvey. She was the mother of Jane (Davis), Anne (Clune), and Kaye (Birkmeier) Harvey. She was born and raised in West Morland County Pennsylvania. She was a school teacher when she met Russell. Katherine and Russell and their three daughters lived in Kenton, Ohio, until Katherine was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and the daughters moved to Mt. Victory to live with grandparents, Marvin and Edna Harvey.


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IN AND AROUND TOWN Edna Louise Harvey Williams Sour Cream Spice Cake 1/2 c. sour cream 1 1/2 c. sugar 1 t. cinnamon 1 t. cloves 1 T cocoa 2 eggs 1 t. soda in cream 1 t. baking powder flour to make med. batter nuts if desired Combine all ingredients and bake in 350 deg. oven until done. This recipe won first prize at the fair. In 1936 it won 2nd prize. Louise Harvey Williams raised three daughters and taught school in Mt. Victory as an English and Music teacher. Later she was an English teacher at Ridgemont.

Grace Willauer’s Red Cake 2-8” pans greased and floured Cream until fluffy: 1/2 c. Crisco 1 1/2 c. sugar Make a paste of: 2 eggs 2 oz. red food coloring (4 bottles) 2 T. cocoa Add to above: 2 1/4 c. sifted cake flour 1/2 t. salt Alternate with 1 c. buttermilk Add 1 t. vanilla Remove from mixer and fold in: 1 t. vinegar--don’t beat Bake 350 deg. for 30 min. or until done. 48

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IN AND AROUND TOWN Grace Willauer always seemed to enjoy cooking. Joan Wagner, her granddaughter, thinks she might have been the originator of stone soup. She would start with nothing and end up with great vegetable soup. Candied Apple Pie 1/4 c. red hots 7 tart apples 1 c. brown sugar 1 c. flour 1/4 t. salt Grace Willauer 1/8 t. nutmeg 1/2 c. butter Fill well greased 9 in. pie plate with sliced apples and red hots. Mix sugar, flour, salt and nutmeg. Work the butter into dry ingredients. Pat this mixture on top of apples. This forms top crust. No bottom crust. Bake at 350 deg. for 45 min. Noodles Whisk 3 egg yolks and 1 whole egg. 1 t. salt, 3 T. water, 2 c. flour Make a well in the flour and add the eggs. Knead together. Roll out on floured surface. Let dry out. Corn Meal Mush, The Plaza Inn 2 1/2 c. water Put in a pan and bring to a boil. 1 1/2 t. salt 1 c. cornmeal 1 c. cold water Combine, stir until smooth. Then gradually add to boiling water, stirring constantly. Cook 10 min. or until thickened. Cover and cook 20 to 25 minutes longer. 49

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IN AND AROUND TOWN Osage Pie, Frances Elliott Beat one egg slightly, add 2/3 c. sugar Sift 3 heaping T. flour, 1 1/2 t. baking powder and pinch salt. Add 1 t. vanilla 1 c. chopped apples 1/2 c. chopped nuts Bake at 350 deg. in 8� pan about 25 to 35 minutes. Angel, Frances Willauer Elliott 9 soda crackers (4 together) rolled fine 1 t. baking powder 1 c. nuts 1/8 t. salt Beat 4 egg whites stiff with 1 c. sugar Fold in dry ingredients and pat into 9� glass baking dish Bake 30 min. 300 deg. Frances Elliott usually fixed fried chicken every Sunday with mashed potatoes and peas. The kids learned years later that she hated peas. Rhubarb Custard Pie 2 eggs beaten Add 1 1/4 c. sugar 2 T flour 1 T water dash nutmeg 3 c. diced rhubarb Bake 400 deg. 15 min. and 350 deg. for 30 min.


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IN AND AROUND TOWN Barbecue Sauce--Frances Willauer Elliott 4 T. minced onion 1 c. tomato puree 3/4 c. water 3 T. vinegar 2 T. Worcestershire sauce 1 T. salt 1 t. paprika 1 t. chili powder 1/2 t. pepper 1/4 t. cinnamon dash ground cloves Combine all ingredients in order listed. Heat to boiling and use.

Josephine Williams Elliott’s Raisin Pie 2 1/2 c. raisins 1 1/2 c. water (boiling) 1/2 c. sugar 2 T. cornstarch 3 T. orange juice 2 T. lemon juice Cook raisins, water, sugar for 5 min. Add juices, cornstarch. Let cool before putting in pastry.


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IN AND AROUND TOWN Pumpkin Pie, Josephine Williams Elliott 2 eggs 3/4 c. white sugar 1/4 c. brown sugar 1/4 t. nutmeg 1/2 t. cinnamon 1/2 t. ginger, scant 1/4 T. flour, level 1 sm. can pumpkin Add milk--not too thin. (Double for large can) Crust: 3 c. flour Big cup shortening salt 6T water Handle as little as possible. Josephine Elliott always made a hickory nut cake with pink icing for all the birthdays in the family. All the grandkids looked forward to her cakes.

Carol Elliott Burrey’s Stepping Stones 1 c. butter 2 T. cold water 1 c. pecans 1/2 c. powdered sugar 1/4 t. salt 2 c. flour 1/4 t. vanilla Cream butter, add sugar, water, then flour, salt, nuts and vanilla. Roll in balls the size of a walnut. Bake at 300 deg. for 45 min. Roll in powdered sugar when done.


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IN AND AROUND TOWN Corn Relish, Mabel McCall Grind coarse: 2 doz. corn 4 med. onions 3 mangoes 1 small cabbage 2 T. ground mustard 2 c. sugar plus 1 c. 1/8 T. celery seed 2 pts. vinegar Cook until tender add 1 t. tumeric Mabel used to work very Mabel McCall hard on the farm, driving tractor and just about everything the men did. Then, she would prepare huge meals for the men that worked on their farm.

Ethel Tapp’s Cherry Salad Drain syrup from 16 or 17 oz. large can sweet dark cherries and a 9 oz. can of crushed pineapple. To this syrup mixture add Coca Cola drink to make 2 cups. Bring to boiling point and dissolve package of cherry jello. Crumble 3 oz. package of cream cheese and sprinkle on jello mixture. Cool until half thick and fold in cherries and pineapple. Chill and serve with salad dressing. Of course, everyone knows a story about Ethel Tapp, but I especially remember her letting me make a puppet show on a side table while “school” was going on. I made Red Riding Hood and the wolf out of scraps of cloth and other supplies that she provided. I thought the whole thing was pretty neat. 53

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IN AND AROUND TOWN Also, she had a hectagraph (early Xerox or ditto). It was a box the size of a piece of paper that was filled with a purple jelly that was stiff enough to press a piece of paper onto to pick up print. Each piece of paper to be printed was rubbed on the jelly and lifted at the corner and carefully put on the pile of papers to be passed out to everyone. When you were finished your hands were purple. Cool. If someone felt especially mean, they would dig into the jelly and we would get a lecture about waste, ruining things, and being mean. Miss Tapp never was sick and she talked about staying well and mind over frailities and sickness. She drank warm water every morning. I tried this for awhile. She also told us that we could talk ourselves out of throwing up. I tried this on the back step for a whole day, and it worked-that is until I smelled bacon frying for supper.

Opal Simpson’s Banana Split Cake 1st layer, or use graham cracker crust Combine 2 c. crushed vanilla wafers and 1 1/2 sticks margarine and press into 9 x 13 pan. 2nd layer: 2 c. powdered sugar and 2 sticks margarine and 2 eggs beat 10 min. with mixer. 3rd layer: 5-6 bananas 4th layer: 2-6oz. cans crushed pineapple, well drained 5th layer: 1 large box Cool Whip 6th layer: Top with finely chopped pecans and dot with chopped cherries. Refrigerate at least 2 hours. Opal Simpson was Isabell Moe McBride’s mother. She used to live across Main Street from Isabelle in the white house with the big porch. 54

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IN AND AROUND TOWN Isabelle McBride’s Sour Cream Cookies 1/4 to 1/2 c. shortening 2 c. brown sugar 2 eggs 2 t. vanilla 1/4 c. flour 1 c. sour cream 1 t. soda 1 t. baking powder 1 c. chopped nuts Mix flour and sugar and nuts together, add all other ingredients. Dough will be stiff. Mix with hands. Pat dough 1/4” thick and cut out. Bake 10 min. 400 deg. These can be dropped. Isabelle McBride’s No Bake Cookies 2 c. white sugar 1/3 c. cocoa 1/2 c. milk 1/2 stick butter Bring to boil one minute. Add: 3 c. Quick rolled oats 1/2 c. peanut butter 1 t. vanilla Drop by spoon on waxed paper. Let cool.


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IN AND AROUND TOWN Beatrice Edson’s Georgia Potato Salad 2 lbs. potatoes 1 c. thinly sliced celery 1 jar or can 4 oz. pimientos (drained) 2 T. finely sliced onion 1/4 c. chopped sweet pickles 1/2 c. mayonnaise 2 or 3 t. mustard 1 T. sweet pickle juice Combine ingredients. Toss with dressing. If moist salad is preferred, double dressing recipe. Bea’s Cheese Dressing 1/2 c. white cream cheese 1/2 c. whipped cream 1/8 t. salt 2/3 c. salad dressing 1 t. fruit juice Cream cheese with a fork. Add rest of ingredients. Mix lightly, chill, and serve on any fruit salad. Bea’s Marshabans 4 bananas lemon juice dash salt large marshmallows Peel and split bananas lengthwise, one for each serving and dip in lemon juice. Place flat side up in baking pan and sprinkle lightly with salt. Top each half with halved marshmallows, 4 halves to a banana. Bake in moderate oven until marshmallows are brown and puffy.


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IN AND AROUND TOWN Hot Slaw, Lulu Alexander 2 eggs 1 T. sugar 1/3 c. vinegar 1 t. butter 1/3 c. water Beat eggs, add sugar, vinegar, and water. Cook until thickened. Pour over, while hot, on shredded cabbage. Add salt to taste.

Lulu’s Butterscotch Pie 1 c. brown sugar 2c. milk 2 T. flour 2 egg yolks 3 T. butter 1/4 t. salt 1 t. vanilla Scald milk in double boiler. Mix sugar and flour. Add to milk. Cook 10 min. Stir until thick. Add butter and salt. Stir in beaten yolks and cook 1 min., add vanilla. Meringue-1 T powdered sugar to egg whites. Beat until stiff and spread over pie. Brown in oven. Lula Alexander was Bea Edson’s mother and they lived across from Church of Christ where House of Yesteryear is now.


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IN AND AROUND TOWN Chicken Loaf, Helen Willauer Shilts 2 eggs 3 c. cooked chicken, diced 1/2 c. chopped celery 1 T. grated onion juice 1/2 lemon 1 c. bread crumbs 1 1/2 t. salt 1 t. Worcestershire sauce 1/2 t. paprika 1 c. milk or chicken broth Beat eggs slightly in bowl. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Pack mixture in greased loaf pan. Bake 1 1/4 hours at 375 deg. Garnish with parsley.

French Silk Pie, Helen Shilts 1/2 c. butter 3/4 c. sugar 1 square chocolate 1 t. vanilla 2 eggs Dream Whip or whipping cream Cream butter well, add sugar gradually creaming well. Blend in cooled melted chocolate. Add vanilla and mix. Add eggs one at a time, beat for 5 min. after each addition at med. speed. Turn into cooled baked pie shell. Chill or freeze 1-2 hours. Top with whipped cream.


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IN AND AROUND TOWN Helen’s Salad Dressing 6 egg beaten 1 c. white sugar 1 c. vinegar 1t. dry mustard 1 t. salt, scant 2 T. flour 1 c. warm water Mix and cook. Add 3 T butter after cooking. Makes 1 qt. Helen Shilts was Mt. Victory postmistress for several years.

Grace Willauer & Helen Shilts


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IN AND AROUND TOWN Cheesecake, Leslie Rockhold’s 1 1/4 c. graham cracker crumbs 1/4 c. oleo melted 8 oz. cream cheese 1/2 t. vanilla 1/2 c. sugar 2 T. lemon juice dash salt 2 eggs Mix graham cracker crumbs and oleo. Line 8� cake pan with mixture. Make filling of rest of ingredients. Beat cheese until fluffy. Blend in sugar, juice, salt, and vanilla. Beat well. Add eggs one at a time and beat well. Pour into crust and bake 25 min. at 325 deg. Remove from oven and add 1 c. of sour cream, 2 T. sugar and 1/2 T. vanilla. Stir together and spoon over top of cake, put back in oven and bake 10 min. more. Chill several hours before serving.

Carl & Leslie Rockhold


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IN AND AROUND TOWN Leslie Rockhold was a frequent passenger on the Senior Bus as was my mother, Susie Overshiner, Irene Fryman, Elizabeth Willauer, Don Ealy, and many other aging citizens. They went to the doctor, got some groceries, ate out, and it was a social event with many funny stories. Date Roll--Crystal Roby Leslie’s Peanut Butter Buckeyes 3 c. powdered sugar 1 c. margarine 2 c. peanut butter Mix and form into balls, makes about 200. Chill overnight. Melt in double boiler: lg. pkg. choc. bits and 2/3 slab parafin Use toothpick to hold ball and lower into chocolate leaving a small area at the top. Place on waxed papered cookie sheets to set up.

Date Roll, Susie Overshiner 1 lb. marshmallows, chopped 1 lb. dates, chopped 1 lb. nuts, chopped 1 lb. graham crackers Box Dream Whip Roll graham crackers fine and put aside in 1 large cup. Mix rest of crumbs with dates, nuts, marshmallows, and mix well. Add whipping cream and work with hands. Make two rolls and roll in the cup of crumbs that were set aside. Refrigerate in wax paper and slice down.


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IN AND AROUND TOWN Lemon Pie, Mrs. P. B. Hart 3 egg yolks 1/2 c. lemon juice 1 c. sugar pinch salt 1 egg 1 T. flour Cook until thick on low heat. pie crust. Add merringue.

Pour into baked

Soft Molasses Cookies, Mrs. Walter Foreman 1 c. shortening 1 c. sugar 1 c. Brer Rabbit molasses 2 eggs, well beaten 1/2 t. baking powder 2 t. soda 1 1/2 t. salt 1/2 t. vinegar 1/2 t. cinnamon 4 1/2 c. flour 1/2 c. sour milk Combine shortening and sugar, beat until fluffy, add baking powder, soda, salt, vinegar, cinnamon, and flour alternately with milk. Mix well. Roll into 1/4� thickness and cut. Bake at 375 deg for about 10 min. Makes about 6 doz. cookies. Mrs. Walter Foreman-Crystal-lived across from the Plaza in the house that was recently torn down. She was Dick Foreman’s aunt. I have cupboard she used to have in my house.


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IN AND AROUND TOWN Cornbread, Jane Roby 1 c. cornmeal 1 c. flour 2 t. baking powder 4 t. sugar 1 c. milk 3/4 t. salt 2 T. melted shortening 2 eggs Mix and sift dry ingred. Beat eggs and milk, melted shortening. Add these to dry ingred. Beat well. Pour into greased shallow pan. Bake in hot oven 425 deg. for 20 min. Many of these recipes were given to me by Millie Parthemore. She came in contact with these women, sharing recipes, when she and DeMoine owned the Drug Store. Coffee Cake, Irene Fryman 1/4 c. butter 1/2 c. sugar 1/4 c. brown sugar 1 egg 1/2 c. sour cream 1/2 t. vanilla 1 c. flour 1/2 c. nuts 3/4 t. baking powder 1/2 t. soda 1/4 t. salt 1 t. cinnamon Millie Parthemore in drugstore 3/4 c. raisins Cream butter and sugar and egg. Add remaining ingred. Bake at 350 deg. 30 to 35 min. Irene Fryman lived at the corner of Main and Marion Streets on the Northwest Corner. She was 63

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IN AND AROUND TOWN Sharon Rapp Woodard’s grandmother. She also worked in the funeral home. Irene Fryman moved to Mt. Victory in the mid 1950’s. She was farm wife who cooked for threshers and made wonderful cherry pies. Penny Cochran Wells sent some of her Grandma Mary Parthemore’s recipes. Mary Parthemore made wedding cakes for many of the area’s brides over the years. Pictured right is a picture of her and one of her famous cakes. Her family said she loved to bake and they use her recipes often. Her cherry pudding recipe appears in her own writing.

Mary Parthemore


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IN AND AROUND TOWN Grandma Carey’s Cookies (Vera Headington’s grandma) 2 c. sugar 1 1/2 c. lard 2 t. baking powder 1 t. soda 3 eggs 1 c. sour milk Enough flour (approx. 4-5 cups) to roll as soft as possible. For flavor, grated lemon rind or lemon extract. Bake 357 deg. on greased cookie sheet until no print left on cookie

Ruby Smith’s Apple Butter 16 gal. cider, boil and skim 18 lbs. sugar 1 1/2 bu. apples peeled and cored Cook in large kettle over open fire. Ruby and Ralph Smith (Gerald Smith’s folks) lived where Ross and Opal Phelps lived across from Craig’s on way to Painter Creek Grange. Ruby and Ralph were friends with Ralph Craig’s parents--Matt and Jenny--and Ruby and Jenny used to stand Ralph and Gerald against the wall before they were walking. They wanted to see which one would take off walking first--Ralph did.

Carl Davis’s Apple Butter 14 gal. cider, boil and skim 7 gal. cored apples 1/2 of 25 lbs. sack of sugar Boil. Makes 8 1/2 gal.


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IN AND AROUND TOWN Carl Davis used to live in the James house at Radcliffe Corners. They later moved to Route 31 across from the old Cavin house. White Floating Soap Into granite kettle put 2 1/2 qts. melted grease. Then stir contents of can of lye which has been previously dissolved in a quart of water (use crock) and allowed to cool until lukewarm. Into the grease add immediately 1 c. ammonia and 2T Borax dissolved in 1/2 c. warm water. Stir 5 min., beat the warm soap until it is too stiff to handle. Put away to cool, cut in bars. Do not use until 4 weeks old. Medrith Craig, daughter of Sam Hair, used to make all of her own soap. She laments that now you can’t even buy lye.

Robinson’s Bakery 66

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IN AND AROUND TOWN Gertie Whipps’ Vinegar Pie 2 c. brown sugar 2 T. vinegar 2 T. flour (heaping) A little cinnamon or nutmeg. Pour in unbaked pie shell, dot with butter and fill pie crust with boiling water. Bake 350 deg. 35 min. Myrtle Thompson’s Pumpkin Pie 2 c. sugar l lg. can pumpkin 3 T. flour 4 eggs 3 t. cinnamon 1/4 t. ginger 4 c. heated milk to which a piece of butter size of walnut is added. Bake 15 min. at 425 deg. then reduce heat to 350 and bake 45 min. Makes 3 pies. Myrtle & Scully lived where Ken & Cheryl France live. Scully worked at the post office.

Minnie Ballinger’s Favorite Rhubarb Pie (fresh) 1 c. sugar 1 egg butter size of walnut 1 t. vanilla Add 2 c. fresh rhubarb, chopped Mix together and put in unbaked pie shell. Bake at 350 deg. 35 to 40 min. Remove from oven and add topping: 1/3 c. oleo 1/2 c. brown sugar 3/4 c. flour Mix all of this good and put on top of pie. Bake 400 deg. for 20 min. longer. 67

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The original five ladies that made cow and horse hide coats at Black’s Furs in Mt. Victory: left to right: Edna Harvey, Belle Fraber, Della Overshiner, Bertha Wagner & Lois Black


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THE FUR LADIES Cranberry Salad, Della Carey Overshiner 1 pound cranberries 1 1/4 c. water (can use part pineapple juice) 2 c. sugar Bring liquid and sugar to a boil, add cranberries and cook until they pop, about 5 minutes. Add 3 small packages of jello immediately. (1 orange plus 2 strawberry or raspberry) Stir until dissolved. When cool, add one #2 can crushed pineapple, drained. 1 c. finely diced celery 2 c. diced apples 1 c. walnuts, chopped Topping, if desired.

New Jersey Rice Pudding, Lois Black’s Grandparents 3/4 c. old fashioned med. grain rice 1 1/2 c. granulated sugar 3 qts. milk and pinch of salt Heat milk in a pan almost to the boiling point. Pour over rice, sugar and salt in crock and stir. Bake in oven 350 deg. for 2 1/2 hours, stirring occasionally. When crust has turned golden brown, about 20 to 30 min., stir it down into the pudding and repeat. This gives it the delicious caramel flavor. If it is soupy, it will thicken as it cools.


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THE FUR LADIES Lois Black’s grandparents, Ralph and Rachel (Quick) Brugler homesteaded in Ohio in 1838. They traveled for 6 weeks from New Jersey in a one horse covered wagon. They carried $800.00 in gold coins hidden beneath the false bottom of Rachel’s sewing basket. They bought 115 acres of land covered in woods for $6.00 per acre in Logan County near Walnut Grove. After clearing land, they built a log cabin and 8 children were born there. Rachel brought this pudding recipe with her which she baked in a stone crock in a wood burning iron range. James and Lois Black moved to Mt. Victory in 1920 and soon began their fur business, which expanded into Black’s Furs and Wool. Their first employee was Mrs. Della Overshiner who was an excellent seamstress. Their first fur work was making red fox scarves, then cowhide coats became very popular and they employed several ladies. Mrs. Overshiner was Carey Overshiner’s mother and Peggy Overshiner Harrison’s grandmother. She had three children: Carey, Dorothy, and Vera.


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THE FUR LADIES Clara Edna Lingo Harvey’s recipe, Grandmother’s Applesauce Cake 1/2 c. shortening 1 c. sugar 1/2 c. unsweetened applesauce 1 T ground cinnamon 1/2 t. ground cloves dash nutmeg 2 1/4 c. sifted flour 1 t. soda 1/4 t. salt 1 c. raisins or dates Cream shortening and sugar. In separate bowl, mix together applesauce, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. Add to shortening mixture. In another bowl, sift together flour, soda, salt, and raisins or dates. Add to first mixture. Bake in 8x8x2” loaf pan. Frost with 1 c. creamy-chunk peanut butter added to powdered sugar and a little milk to make spreading consistency.

Edna Harvey and her husband Marvin raised five children of their own and about the time people think about retiring, they took in three young granddaughters to raise. At the time, Edna was also working at Black’s Furriers making, mending, and altering fur coats. She was also a member of the Mt. Victory Church of Christ and was a Sunday School teacher there. My two sisters, Anne and Kaye, and I were the three grandchildren she raised.--by Jane Harvey Davis


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THE FUR LADIES Mrs. Harvey’s Cake Doughnuts 3 T shortening 1 c. granulated sugar 2 eggs, well beaten 4 c. flour 1/4 t. cinnamon 1/4 t. nutmeg 1 t. salt 4 1/2 t. baking powder 1 c. milk Cream shortening and sugar. Add eggs. Sift 3 1/2 c. flour with dry ingredients. Add to egg mixture alternately with the milk. Beat well. Add enough more flour to make soft dough that can be easily handled. Pat to 1/2 inch fry thickness. Cut in desired shapes. Fry until brown in deep fat, 360 deg.

Gertie Whipps’s Pear Apricot Butter 1 gallon chopped or ground pear (use coarsest knife on grinder) 3 oranges, grated rind from one orange and juice from all 3 1 pound dried apricots, soak overnight and grind. 5 pounds sugar Mix all together and cook until thick. While hot, can in sterilized pint jars. Harry and Gertie Whipps lived at “The Hedges”, a property on East Taylor Street that was surrounded by hedges many years ago. They had three grown children, Geneva Foreman Kerns; Lucille Roberts, and Charles Whipps. Mr. Whipps operated a meat market for several years in Mt. Victory and Gertie Whipps was employed for awhile at Black’s Furs. There were several pear trees in Black’s yard and Gertie gave Lois this delicious recipe. 72

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THE FUR LADIES Mrs. Harvey’s Peanut Cookies 1 c. shortening 2 1/2 c. brown sugar 2 eggs, well beaten 2 c. flour 1 t. baking powder 1 t. soda 1 t. salt 2 c. oatmeal 1 c. Wheaties 1 c. salted peanuts Cream shortening and sugar. Add eggs. In separate bowl, sift together flour, baking powder, salt, and soda. Add to egg mixture. Add oatmeal and Wheaties, then coarsely chopped peanuts. Drop on cookie tin with spoon and press into shape with floured fork. Bake in 350 deg. oven 10 to 12 min.

Belle Fraber’s Chili 1 large can red kidney beans 1 large can tomato juice 2 c. water 1 1/2 lbs. hamburger, browned 1 med. onion diced fine sauteed golden brown 4 to 8 slices bacon, diced and browned 3 t. chili powder 1 T sugar 1/2 t. paprika 1 T vinegar 2 t. salt 3/4 c. chopped celery, optional Brown hamburger, bacon and onion separately. Add to rest of ingredients. Cover and simmer at least 1/2 hour. If you wish it thickened, mix 1 level T cornstarch with a little water and add to the chili. 73

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THE FUR LADIES Clarence and Belle Fraber moved from their farm to West Mansfield in 1920 where they owned and operated a restaurant for several years. They were the parents of three children, Gertrude, Gerald, and Martha. They then moved to Mt. Victory where Clarence went into the trucking business and Belle was employed by Black’s Furs for 25 years, repairing, remodeling, and making new fur garments. All the ladies were excellent cooks and loved to exchange recipes. Belle gave us this delicious chili recipe.

Bertha Thurman Wagner’s Lemon Chiffon Pie 2 rounded T flour 1 T butter 1 c. sugar 2 egg yolks 1 c. milk grated rind and juice of 1 lemon Cream flour, sugar, and butter. Add egg yolks, lemon juice, and grated rind. Beat until smooth. Add milk and stir thoroughly. Beat egg whites until very stiff and fold into the mixture. Turn into med. size pie pan lined with an unbaked crust. Bake in mod. oven 350 deg. for about 45 min. Bertha Thurman graduated from Mt. Victory High School in 1902. Then she was employed as a seamstress by Mrs. Melissa Golden, who was a dressmaker in the late 1890’s and early 1900’s in Mt. Victory. She married Louis Wagner and they had one daughter, Mary Margaret. Bertha Wagner was employed at Black’s Furs and worked there 24 years.


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THE FUR LADIES Mary Margaret Wagner’s Chop Suey 1 lb. ground beef or veal 1 lb. pork, 1” cubed 4 med. onions 1 whole bunch celery (they were much smaller then) 4 1/2 T LaChoy soy sauce 2 cans bean sprouts 2 med. or 3 oz. cans mushrooms chow mein noodles, 2 cans Brown meat in butter. Saute onions separately until golden. Saute celery in butter. Put together and add juice of 1 can bean sprouts. Simmer until meat is tender. Stir in 1 T flour in 1 c. water and add to above. Just before serving, add bean sprouts, mushrooms, and 1 T brown sugar. Serve over rice. Takes about 1 3/4 hours to prepare and serves 8. Sprinkle noodles over top of each serving. Mary Margaret Wagner was appointed assistant to Post Mistress Helen Shilts from 1938-1944. At that time, four mails per day were received and dispatched and thousands of baby chickens passed through this office from Martin’s Hatchery. Mary Margaret’s cousin, Erdine Hathaway, gave her a new recipe. She invited her good friends, Edna, Virginia, and Vivian Black to their first delicious chop suey dinner and she gave us this recipe. Mary Margaret married Merle Kelsey and they had two children, Cheryl and Joel.


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Della Overshiner, seamstress & milliner who was first seamstress hired by Black’s Furs


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BLACKS FURS & ORCHARD Ruth Ansley’s Prune Whip 1/3 lb. prunes 5 egg whites 1/2 c. sugar 1/2 T lemon juice Soak prunes several hours in cold water to cover. Cook in same water until soft, remove stones, put prunes through a strainer, add sugar and cook 5 min. The mixture should be the consistency of marmalade. Beat whites of eggs until stiff, add prune mixture gradually, when cold add lemon juice. Pile lightly in buttered casserole. Bake 20 min. in slow oven. Put boiled custard on top. Custard: 2 c. hot milk yolks of 3 eggs 1/4 c. sugar 1/3 t. salt 1/2 t. vanilla Beats eggs slightly, add sugar and salt. Stir constantly while adding gradually the hot milk. Cook in double boiler, continue stirring until mixture thickens. (A coating is on spoon) Chill and add vanilla. Don’t cook too long or custard will curdle. Eggs should be beaten slightly so it will be thick. To prevent scum, cover with a perforated tin. This is a recipe that Ruth Ansley served at threshing dinners years ago. It was also a favorite for holidays.


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BLACKS FURS & ORCHARD Grace Ansley Black’s Pimento Honey 12 ripe pimentos 2 c. sugar 1 pt. vinegar Grind pimentos. Sprinkle with salt. Let stand about 2 hrs. Drain, then add sugar and vinegar and cook until thick like honey. This recipe was given to Grace Ansley by her mother, Ruth Ansley. It makes a delicious garnish for meats, salads, etc. It keeps well. Grace married Bernard Black and had five children: Nancy, Barbara, Patricia, Joe, and Gene. Bernard was associated with his father in Black’s Furs and Wool and in the taxidermy business. They sold deerskin garments and bought wool from farmers--about 160,000 lbs. per year for 25 years. Grace worked as a homemaker.

Black’s Furs & Wool - left to right: Della Overshiner, Ethel Cox, Belle Fraber, Bertha Wagner, Gertie Whipps, Edna Harvey, Lois Black & Edna Black other notes on back of this photo dated 1942: “R.A. took pic (Ruth Ansley?) Pot luck dinner at Mrs. Whipps home at “The Hedges”, background is old “Needles House” 78

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BLACKS FURS & ORCHARD Kathryn Seiler Black’s Apple Nut Cookies Cream together: 1/3 c. shortening 1 c. brown sugar 2 eggs 1 t. vanilla Add: 1 2/3 c. flour 1/2 t. cinnamon 1/2 t. soda 1/2 t. baking powder 1/2 c. Quick oats 1 c. chopped apples--peeled 1 1/2 c. raisins 1/2 c. nuts broken Bake at 375 deg. 12 to 14 min. This is a delicious apple nut cookie. Grafton and Kathryn Black owned and operated Black’s Shady Knoll Orchard and Salesroom. They are the parents of two children, Janet and James. Kathryn was also employed as bookkeeper at Root Lumber Co. in Kenton from 1966 to 1983. For the last few years they were assisted in the business by son Jim and his wife Karen. Grafton and Kathryn retired from the orchard in 1985.


mount victory women cook

BLACKS FURS & ORCHARD Kathryn Black’s Red Apple Salad 2/3 c. red hots Dissolve in 1 c. boiling water. Add 1 1/4 pkg. lemon Jello Add 1 1/2 c. applesauce and cook a few minutes to become brilliant red. Put 1/2 of mixture in dish to become firm Center layer: 1 8 oz. pkg. Phil. cr. cheese 1/2 c. mayonnaise 1/2 c. chopped celery 1/2 c. chopped nuts Spread over firm jello above. Then top with balance of red jello. Can put in an 8” square Pyrex dish. This Red Apple Salad is a delightful dessert. Grafton and Kathryn Black bought the Homer Harvey farm in 1958 and set out 42 acres of orchard. They operated the Seiler Fruit Farm jointly with their own and changed the name to Black’s Shady Knoll Orchard in 1975. Those were busy days for everyone in the orchard and salesroom.


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BLACKS FURS & ORCHARD Nellie Seiler’s Apple Cake 1 c. Puritan oil or 3/4 c. Mazola oil 2 c. sugar 2 med. eggs 2 1/2 c. unsifted flour 1/2 t. salt 1 t. soda 2 t. baking powder 1 t. vanilla 2 t. cinnamon 3 c. chopped apples with peel 3/4 c. chopped nuts if desired Bake in a 9 x 12 pan 350 deg. for 45 min. This is a very stiff batter so use mixer if you wish. Topping: 1/3 c. sugar 1/2 t. cinnamon 1/3 c. nuts Sprinkle on cake after it is baked and return to oven until sugar is melted. Lawrence and Nellie Seiler owned the Seiler Fruit Farm located 1 mile North of Mt. Victory. They operated a salesroom with their daughter Kathryn and son-in-law Grafton Black. They sold apples, peaches, pears, plums, apple butter, and cider made from their own recipe. This apple cake recipe was sent to Nellie by her friend, Ellen (Fred) Baumunk of Wichita, Kansas. She put it on the bulletin board in the salesroom with a pad and pencil and many customers copied this delicious recipe.


mount victory women cook

BLACKS FURS & ORCHARD Vivian Black Robinson’s Corn Cakes 1 c. cornmeal 1/2 c. flour 2 c. buttermilk 1 t. soda pinch salt Add the soda and salt to the buttermilk and stir thoroughly. Mix cornmeal and flour together and add to the buttermilk. Pour this pancake batter slowly into the skillet so it will spread out and make a thin pancake. Fry in your favorite shortening until golden on both sides. Small to med. size is best. A good homemade pancake or waffle syrup: 1 c. brown sugar, packed 1/4 t. salt 3/4 c. water Bring to a boil and cook for 5 min. Serve hot. For a maple flavor, add extract. Vivian Black from Mt. Victory married LeRoy (Jack) Robinson in Jacksonville, Florida, in 1945. Then she became a busy farm wife. She learned to drive a tractor and helped in the fields in those early days. They have two sons, Jim and Brent. Vivian’s mother-in-law, Ethel Robinson, gave her this corncake recipe which is still their favorite.


mount victory women cook

BLACKS FURS & ORCHARD Vivian Black Robinson’s Lemon Bavarian Cream 1 small box lemon jello-3oz. 1 c. water 1 c. pineapple juice 1/2 c. sugar 1 c. well drained pineapple tidbits 1 c. small marshmallows 1/2 c. chopped English walnuts 1 c. whipping cream (not cool whip) Drain pineapple and add enough water to pineapple juice to make 2 cups liquid. Heat to boiling and stir in jello. Chill jello until it just begins to set. Then stir jello thoroughly and add 1/2 c. sugar and stir again. Then add pineapple tidbits, marshmallows, and walnuts and stir together. Beat whipping cream to soft peaks and fold into the mixture last of all. This recipe may be doubled. Let set overnight for best results. Follow directions and it will not separate or become watery. Vivian Black was born and raised in Mt. Victory and graduated from high school in 1942. This recipe has been in the Robinson Family for many years and their holiday dinners are not complete without it.


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BLACKS FURS & ORCHARD Virginia Black Ellinor’s French Dressing 1 pt. Wesson oil 2 10 1/2 oz. cans Campbell tomato soup 3 T sugar 1/4 c. vinegar 2 cloves garlic, mashed fine Stir all together except oil. Put into mixer. Mix and drizzle oil in slowly and beat until smooth. Can use 2 level t. garlic in place of garlic clove. Virginia Black was employed as an accountant at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton where she worked for 18 years. She met and married Mack Ellinor who graduated from the University of Missouri with a B.S. degree in electrical engineering. He was employed with NASA on the space program and they were sent to Huntsville, Alabama, San Diego, and Houston. Mack died suddenly of a heart attack and Virginia moved back to Mt. Victory in 1971 to live with her mother and sister. This recipe was given to Virginia by Mack’s sister, Martha Okle who lived in Alabama.


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BLACKS FURS & ORCHARD Virginia Black Ellinor’s Salmon Salad 1 large can Sockeye Red Salmon 1 c. diced celery 1 c. diced onion 4 hard boiled eggs, diced 1 pound shell macaroni, cooked in salt water Dressing: 1/4 c. vinegar 2 T sugar celery seed salt to taste l level T salad dressing just enough to hold together James and Lois Black took their five children to cousin Curtis and Lula Gardner’s farm home on threshing day about 1925. It was great fun for all the children to watch the men bringing in the shocks of wheat from the field in horsedrawn wagons. The water boy was busy pumping water from the tank on the water wagon into the boiler of the huge Buffalo Pitts Steam Engine. It powered the Superior Separator that threshed the grain and blew the straw in a high golden stream onto the straw stack. The ladies prepared a delicious dinner. Lula made a salmon salad from a new recipe sent to her by a sister-in-law from St. Louis and we all loved it.


mount victory women cook

BLACKS FURS & ORCHARD Edna Black’s Gingerbread 1/2 c. butter or other shortening 1/2 c. sugar 1 egg beaten 2 1/2 c. flour sifted 1 1/2 t. soda 1 t. cinnamon 1 t. ginger 1/4 t. cloves 1/2 t. salt 1 c. Brer Rabbit molasses 1 c. hot water Cream shortening and sugar, add beaten egg. Measure and sift all dry ingredients together. Combine molasses and hot water. Add dry ingredients to first mixture alternately with the liquid. Bake 350 deg. for 45 min. in 9 x 12 pan. Do not add any extra flour, naturally thin batter. Lemon Sauce for gingerbread Mix together in saucepan-1 c. sugar + 2 T. cornstarch. Stir in gradually 2 c. boiling water. Boil 1 min., stirring constantly. Stir in 4 T butter, 2 T lemon juice and a dash of nutmeg. While gingerbread is warm, but in squares, split each square and spread with softened Phil. Cr. cheese. When ready to serve, top with warm lemon sauce. Edna Black graduated from Mt. Victory High School in 1933. Then she was employed by her parents as housekeeper and worked part time in the sewing room at Black’s Furs. In 1937, she worked full time repairing, remodeling, and selling new fur garments and was the last family member to retire following 51 years in the business. This is my favorite gingerbread recipe. 86

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BLACKS FURS & ORCHARD Lois Black and Ruth Hornbeck, “Spook” yeast potatoes 1 cake compressed yeast water 4 T sugar 1 T salt flour Boil potatoes in unsalted water and pour off 1 pt. of water. Use this lukewarm water with compressed yeast and 2 T sugar. Mix together. Put into a quart glass jar and allow to stand for two days. Then when ready to bake, pour more water into the yeast (or spook, as we call it) using enough to fill the jar. Do this in the morning and allow it to stand until evening. Then in the evening take out half of the yeast and use it to start the bread. Add to it 1 quart of warm water, 2 T sugar, and the salt. Add enough flour to mix the dough stiff. Leave stand overnight and in the morning it is ready to make into loaves. Let rise and bake 450 deg. for 1 hour. The yeast that is kept over in the jar should not have any salt in it, but add 2 T sugar before putting it away. At next baking, proceed as before. Our mother, Lois Black and her neighbor, Ruth (Butler) Hornbeck traded this spook yeast back and forth almost every day, so that kept the yeast very lively. It woeked and would foam, fill the can and run over, so had to be skimmed from the top of the can. James and Lois Black had five children, Edna, Grafton, Bernard, Virginia, and Vivian. Earl and Ruth Hornbeck had two children, Louise and Forest (Buddy). All the yards were fenced in those days so the girls had blankets on each side of the fence and played with dolls, or ran races to the barns and back with the boys. We loved this warm bread with mother’s home made butter and crabapple jelly. 87

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BLACKS FURS & ORCHARD Lois Black’s Apple Dumplings 3 1/2 c. flour 5 level t. baking powder 1/2 t. salt 3 T sugar Mix all together and chop in 4 rounding T shortening Add gradually--1 1/4 to 1 1/2 c. milk to make a soft dough Use another 1/2 c. flour to roll dough out. It will make six dumplings. Peel and quarter 6 med. size apples. Place 4 pcs. of apple on 1 piece of dough, add 2 t. sugar and lump of butter with a sprinkle of nutmeg if you desire. Wet around edges and fold dough together and place in a loaf pan. 9 x 12 Bake 350 deg. for 50 min. A friend gave us a delicious sauce to put over apple dumplings while baking which gives them an altogether different taste. Mix together 1 c. brown sugar, 2 T flour, 1 T butter, 1 t. cinnamon Add 2 c. water and bring to a boil Turn folded sides of apple dumpling down in a long pan and pour 1/2 of this sauce over the dumplings before baking. Do not fill over half full or the sauce will boil out as the dumplings bake and expand. Bake 375 deg. 45 min. to 1 hr. Serve with remaining sauce. We remember these apple dumplings from the time we were kids, and loved them served with milk. Apples were a favorite fruit and in the Winter, they combined with popcorn for snacks. At bedtime we begged, “Daddy, tell us a story.” He always responded, sometimes with rather hair raising tales. Then mother would say, “Now, James, don’t exaggerate too much.” Ha! There were not any radios or TV’s in those days. 88

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BLACKS FURS & ORCHARD Sara Cox’s Pecan Bars 1/2 c. butter 1/4 c. sugar 1 egg, beat in well to butter and sugar 1 1/4 c. flour 1/8 t. salt 1/2 t. vanilla Add dry ingredients in about two parts to butter mixture. Spread dough evenly in a 9 x 12 pan. Bake 15 min. about 325 deg. (do not grease or flour pan) Topping: Combine 2 med. size eggs beaten 1 1/2 c. brown sugar, lightly packed 1 1/2 c. chopped pecans 2 T flour 1/2 t. baking powder 1/2 t. salt 1 t. vanilla Spread over baked part and bake 300 deg. for 20 to 25 min. Cool slightly then cut into bars and leave in pan 2 to 3 hours before removing cookies. Sara Cox was born in Mt. Victory to Ethel and Leonard Cox and graduated from high school in 1939. She graduated from Bowling Green State University and taught school in Kenton one year, then went to Columbus. She was employed at Suburban Motor Freight and became Director in Cargo Claims, working a total of 43 years. Sara was honored to be elected a member of the National Committee of the American Trucking Association. The girls working at Surburban loved to bake and exchange fancy cookies for Christmas and this is Sara’s special recipe.


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BLACKS FURS & ORCHARD Ethel Cox Butler’s Bread Doughnuts 1 c. milk, scalded and cooled 1 c. lukewarm water 2 cakes yeast dissolved in the water Add 1 c. sugar A generous 1/2 c. shortening 1/4 t. nutmeg 1/2 t. salt 2 beaten eggs 7 c. flour or to mix very soft. Let rise until light, roll out and cut doughnuts or make crullers. Let rise on a towel where it is warm for 2 or 3 hours. Handle carefully. Fry 375 deg. and sugar.

Edith Cox’s Celery Seed Dressing 2/3 c. sugar 1 t. dry mustard 1 t. salt 1/2 t. grated onion 5 T vinegar 1 c. vegetable oil 1 1/2 T lemon juice 1/2 T celery seed Combine sugar, mustard, salt, onion, and 2 T vinegar in a blender or mixer and mix at med. speed. When well mixed, add oil very slowly, beating constantly. Add remaining vinegar, never stop beating, add lemon juice and keep beating until dressing is thick. Stir in celery seed. Store, covered in refrigerator. Edith Cox was born in Mt. Victory to Ethel and Leonard Cox. She graduated in 1935. Then she graduated from OSU in 1940. She was a high school teacher in Waldo for several years. Edith sent this recipe to us when celery seed dressings for salads first became popular


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REMEDIES & HINTS Interspersed in this old recipe book were poems, remedies, handy hints, and comments about the recipes recorded. These ranged from a large BLAH!!! up to GOOD! For washing windows, use 1/2 c. cornstarch to one gallon water. The cornstarch absorbs the minute oil film and prevents streaking. When measuring honey or molasses, coat the measuring cup with salad oil. The honey or molasses will come right out. Sprinkle 1 T sugar over top of meringue before baking. It’ll be easier to cut and won’t stick to the knife. To clean bottom of electric skillet, let ammonia soaked rag stay on it all night tied up in a plastic bag. For rheumatism, make a tea of 1 t. alfalfa seed in 1 c. hot water. Steep and drink. To keep meringue from falling--cut as soon as it is taken from oven. Dip thin knife in hot water and cut through just the meringue, not the pie. To get egg whites just right for meringue, have egg whites at room temperature. Use 3 eggs for each pie. After beating egg whites until stiff, but not dry, sprinkle 1/4 t. cream of tartar and dash of salt. Beat lightly. Slowly add 3 level T of sugar for each egg white used, beating constantly. Always have meringue touching edge of pie crust. Place the pie in the middle of the oven. When nearly brown enough, shut off oven and partially open door so that it will cool 91

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REMEDIES & HINTS slowly. This prevents meringue from cracking or splitting. Keep away from drafts. Be sure sugar is completly dissolved in pie filling before putting meringue on. Rub some filling between fingers to see if sugar has dissolved. Beat again, if not as this is what causes weeping. For dry hair: Massage scalp with a handful of mayonnaise (not salad dressing). Wrap around with a towel and leave for 30 min. Then shampoo. To buy flags: Kenneth Lee James Assoc. Colonial Flag Co., P. O. Box 2621, Youngstown, OH 44507 Take in a whiskey glass each morning (I don’t know what for): 1 pt. boiling water, 3 T cream of tartar, 3 T Epsom Salts (level) Marie Baldwin’s recipe for arthritis: Grind 3 oranges, 3 grapefruit, 3 lemons Add 1 qt. boiling water, 3 T cream of tartar, 3 T Epsom Salts. Stir together and let stand overnight, then put in bag and hang to drain. Refrigerate and take 2T each morning. Marie Coy Balswin was my mother’s cousin. They ran around together, double dated, Marion on the trains together. Astringent for facial cleansing: Juice of one lemon Juice of one lime 4 drops of extract of muir, (6 in winter)--no alcohol Blend in blender and keep in refrigerator.


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REMEDIES & HINTS To clean your wood stove: Mix one part grease, one part paraffin and one part kerosene in a coffeecan with lid. Melt slowly, remember all are flammable! Let mixture cool, then apply small amount to the top of your stove. Polish with a paper bag or cloth. PROBABLY BEST NOT TO TRY THIS AS IT IS AN EXAMPLE OF THE NEEDS OF OUR PAST ONLY. Powdered cloves and cucumber peelings will keep ants out of your kitchen. Parsley for stubborn red ants. Cloves, nutmeg, and caraway seeds hung in a bag around your porchlight will keep moths from flying around the light. Dust a little flour or cornstarch on your cake before icing it. It will go on easier. Put a slice of apple in confection to keep it fresh longer. Put two cloves on top of jellies and jams and the top won’t mold. When you don’t have buttermilk or sour milk--put 2T vinegar in sweet milk and it will do. For dropsy: Remove skin from lemon, cut fruit into small slices and cover with honey. To begin take juice of one lemon daily, increasing to juice of 10 taken daily. For rheumatism: Take juice of 1/2 lemon before each meal and before retiring. Apply juice externally also.


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REMEDIES & HINTS Endurance: Take lemon cocktail twice daily for 30 days. Make cocktail with lemon juice, powdered milk, and honey shaken in shaker. For nice hair: Lemon is used for the hair and scalp. A lemon massage may be used and allowed to remain on during the night. Good for scalp infections. For catarrh: 1 t lemon juice and 1 t olive oil, Allow to trickle through each nostril gradually. Use a dropper. Also, put into each ear each week for cleansing and tonic properties. Catarrh? Nasal and throat problems that we call sinus infections now. Remarkable Remedies: Use long boiled eggs (1 hour) for typhoid fever patients. (I don’t know whether it was rubbed on them, or they ate it. Didn’t say.) Here are some more remedies and “helpful” hints submitted by Evangeline Bealer. Evangeline was a teacher in this area for many years plus she became very involved in tracing the history of the Underground Railroad in this area. It takes 6 pounds of rags to make a nice woven rug.-- Mayo Hinton Soak hulls of walnuts in water. Use the mixture to dye hair.-- Lydia Williams Bealer


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REMEDIES & HINTS Cough Medicine--Myrtle Cramer Summer 1/2 pint Old Mr. Boston whiskey 1/4 pint strained honey Mix until smooth. A tablespoon will ease off a bad cough. To remove strong, wild taste from duck or goose, place a turnip in the cavity of the bird just before placing in oven. --Lydia Williams Bealer Sugar Starch--Daisy Summer Bealer 1/3 c. sugar 1 c. water Boil exactly 5 min. Dip doilie or basket in when cool enough to handle. Shape doilie by blocking it. Shape crocheted basket on outside of deep dish same size of the basket. Wallpaper Paste--Lydia Williams Bealer 1 c. Argo Starch 1 c. cold water Mix until smooth. Add 4 c. boiling water to starch mixture and continue stirring. Add 1/4 c. vinegar and 1/4 c. sugar. Stir til properly mixed. (Hope no one serves this for supper. Please read all recipes carefully and choose wisely!)


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REMEDIES & HINTS Paint and Varnish Remover--Evangeline Bealer Equal parts of Argo Starch and Climaline. Mix starch with cold water and then add boiling water until it is a thick paste and then add Climaline and stir thoroughly. Apply with a brush to surface, leave until paint or varnish loosens and then scrape off. Use brush or broom to wash off old paint with water, rub dry with clean cloth. Frances McCullough’s Recipe for House Plants 1 t. liquid ammonia 1 t. soda 1 t. saltpeter 1 t. Epsom salts Add to one gallon of water and use on your plants once a month. Fingerpaint--Frances McCullough 1/2 c. cornstarch 3 T sugar 2 c. water squirt of dishwashing liquid Cook until thick, divide, add food coloring. White liniment: 1/2 pt. pure cider vinegar. Put in a pint bottle with white of an egg. Fill up bottle with turpentine and add 5 cents worth of camphor gum. Shake well before using. Note: 5 cents worth would have been quite a lot. No weights or measures. This came from John and Emma Price Cramer. Civil War Era. Their home was on the Northeast corner of CR 209 and CR 200.


mount victory women cook


Thanks to all who contributed to Mount Victory Women Cook Happy Cooking!

Contents gathered and edited by Peggy Harrison & Evangeline Bealer Design & Production by Kris Harrison 2nd Edition


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