E-Catalogue Agung Ivan

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A Par t Of the Jour ney S o l o E x h i b i t i o n by AG U N G I VA N

Matter’ s Statement

June 30 th - July 28 th 2019

www.orbitalda go.com

Ma#er’s Statement: A Part of the Journey Solo Exhibi*on by Agung Ivan June 30th – July 28th 2019 Opening : Sunday , June 30th 2019. At 7 PM This exhibi*on will be inaugurated by Arif Yudi (Ja*wangi Art Factory) Text by RiQy Effendy Orbital Dago Jl. Rancakendal Luhur No.7 Bandung 40191 Indonesia www.orbitaldago.com

Besar di lingkungan keluarga Bali yang kental dengan kultur keseniannya, Agung Ivan (lahir di Bali, tahun 1974) telah terbiasa melihat karya kakek buyutnya, seorang ahli ukir, yang bekerja mengolah banyak material seper* kayu,batu dan emas. Tahun 1997 Ivan meneruskan pendidikan formalnya dengan fokus jurusan keramik di Box Hill TAFE, Melbourne, Australia (1997 – 99), yang membekalinya ilmu menjadi Team Leader di Departement Research Analyses and Development di Jenggala Keramik sekembalinya ia ke Bali , mulai 2000 hingga 2005. Kemudian Ivan memulai usaha studio keramiknya sendiri di Tuban – Kuta , dengan produksi karya seni yang terinspirasi dari seniman kontemporer seper* Akio Takamori, Jun Kaneko,Igor Mitoraj dan mo*f ba*k Indonesia. Ma^er’s Statement : A Part of the Journey merupakan pameran Tunggal Agung Ivan pertama, yang menampilkan penjelajahan bentuk dan juga proses lanjut patung keramik. Menghadirkan torso – torso manusia yang seolah tersayat –sayat , wajah-­‐wajah manusia dan patung – patung kuda dengan menggunakan irisan lembaran tanah liat atau teknik slab yang disusun sedemikian rupa, dan menggunakan metoda cetak tekan serta menoreh. Dengan pewarnaan tanah stoneware maupun pewarna oksida yang bercampur cairan tanah (slip) yang ditutupi glasir lalu dibakar hingga suhu 1260 derajat selsius (cone 10) dengan proses reduksi dari pengaturan tungku pembakaran. Sehingga menghasilkan berbagai efek yang banyak kejutan dan memperkaya tekstur guratan, mo*f hiasan serta warna pada permukaan keramiknya akibat reaksi fisikawi serta kimiawi didalam tungku. Dengan kepekaannya pada berbagai materi dan proses keramik, Ivan mampu mengangkat se*ap potensi berbagai bahan dasar dalam mengeluarkan karakternya secara khas , seolah memberikan ruh kepada se*ap obyek-­‐obyeknya. Karya-­‐karya keramik Ivan mengingatkan pada hasil karya keramikus

Indonesia , Alm. Suyatna (1957 -­‐ 2004). Yang cenderung karya-­‐ karyanya lebih dekat dengan tradisi po^ery, namun secara teknis memutar dan pengglasiran (proses pewarnaan) karya po^ery Suyatna lebih ekspresif dalam ar*an mengadaptasi teknis dan metoda keramik tradisi Jepang seper* keramikus legendaris Shaoji Hamada. Perilaku ini baginya menjadi proses yang individual, dari mulai mengolah tanah lempung, bahan glazir dan tungkunya. Agung Ivan lebih jauh berekplorasi kearah bentuk patung dan obyek *ga dimensional lainnya, pun untuk obyek-­‐ obyek kriyanya. Karya-­‐karya Agung Ivan dalam pameran ini memberikan warna bagi perkembangan seni – maupun kriya keramik Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan materi lokal olahan sendiri maupun bahan pabrikan atau industrial. Ia mampu menggabungkan berbagai karakter keramik , baik dari tradisional *mur (Jepang) maupun dengan ekplorasi bentuk yang bebas dan individual seper* para seniman keramik modern di barat. Agung Ivan telah mengiku* berbagai pameran , seper* Jakarta Contemporary Ceramics Biennale (JCCB) pertama tahun 2009 di North Art Space , Ancol – Jakarta, dan JCCB ke-­‐3 di Galeri Nasional – Jakarta tahun 2014. Selain itu studionya di Kuta menjadi host JCCB ke-­‐4 tahun 2017. Tahun yang sama ia berkolaborasi dengan seniman keramik Courtney Mafson ( USA), di BPPT,Jenggala Keramik, bersama seniman keramik lokal lainnya untuk karya instalasi di Coral Triangle Center Sanur-­‐ Bali project yang dipamerkan kemudian pada bulan Oktober 2018 . Pada Desember 2018 ia berpar*sipasi dalam paeran ART_UNLTD : XYZ Bandung. Karya kriyanya menyebar di Bali seper*: Biasa Art Space Gallery, Seminyak, Jenggala Keramik ,Jimbaran, The Damar Living, Sanur.

Grew up with his family in Bali, was enriched with ar6s6c culture, Agung Ivan ( born in Bali, 1974) has already used to see his great grandfather’s works, a sculptor who has worked many kinds of material such as wood, stone and gold. In 1997, Ivan then con6nued his formal educa6on majoring in ceramic at Box Hill TAFE, Melbourne, Australia (1997 – 99 ) which gave him a knowledge to became a Team Leader at Jenggala Keramik’s Department Research Analyses and Development when he returned to Bali from 2000 un6l 2005. AVer that, Ivan started his own ceramic studio in Tuban – Kuta with his own produced artworks that is inspired by contemporary ar6st like Akio Takamori, Jun Kaneko, Igor Mitoraj and also Indonesia’s ba6k mo6ves. MaWer’s Statement : A Part of the Journey is Agung Ivan’s first solo exhibi6on that shows the explora6on of form and also further process of ceramic sculpture. Presen6ng human’s torsos as if they were incised, human’s faces and sculptures of horse using sliced of clay or slab technique that is arranged as it is and using some methods such as pressed molding and incising. By stoneware’s clay or oxide that is then combined with slip (liquid coloured clay ), it is then covered with glaze and goes into the kiln for firing process to 1260˚C ( cone 10 ). With reducing process that is adjusted the kiln, later gives the poWery variety kind of surprising effects, richens the strokes’ texture, decora6on mo6ves and color of its surface because of physical and chemical reac6on inside the kiln. With his sensi6vity towards materials and ceramic process, Ivan could bring every base of material’s poten6al while giving his own peculiar character, as if he were giving life to every objects he made. Ivan’s artworks remind us of the late Indonesian

ceramic ar6st’s works, Suyatna ( 1957 – 2004 ) whom his artworks were closer to the poWery tradi6on. But, from the technique of throwing and glazing Suyatna’s poWery is more expressive which means he was adap6ng Japanese method and technique tradi6on like legendary ceramic ar6st Shaoji Hamada. This behavior for him becoming an individual process, from processing the clay, glazing un6l the firing process in the kiln. Agung Ivan is more likely exploring to the form of sculpture and other three – dimensional ( 3D ) objects for his own craV objects. Agung Ivan’s works in this exhibi6on give colors to the development of art – or even the craV of poWery in Indonesia. By using his own processed local materials, or even from manufactory or industrial materials, Ivan can combines every character of ceramics, starts from the East tradi6on ( Japan ) un6l the independent and individual explora6on of form like western modern ceramic ar6sts. Agung Ivan has been par6cipated in many exhibi6ons such as; the first Jakarta Contemporary Ceramics Biennale ( JCCB ) in 2009 that took place in North Art Space, Ancol – Jakarta, and the third JCCB located in Galeri Nasional ( Na6onal Gallery ) – Jakarta in 2014. His studio in Kuta also became the fourth JCCB’s residency’s host in 2017. In the same year, he was collabora6ng with Courney Mafson’s ( USA ) ceramic ar6st at BPPT, Jenggala Keramik with other local ceramic ar6st for an installa6on artwork at Coral Triangle Center Sanur – Bali project that is later exhibited in October 2018. In December 2018, he is par6cipated in ART_UNLTD : XYZ, an exhibi6on in Bandung. His artworks and craVs are spreading in Bali like: Biasa Art Space Gallery, Seminyak, Jenggala Keramik , Jimbaran, The Damar Living, Sanur.

"Head and Torso" Stoneware.Slab form,rope

impressed,cut and torn.Blue,Yellow and Clear glazes.Reduc*on Cone 10. 2019

Blue"Flows" Face and Torso

Stoneware.Slab form,flower and rope impressed,stamp,cut and torn.Yellow,Blue and Clear glazes .Reduc*on Cone 10. 2019

"Torso" Black Yellow Stoneware.Slab form,flower and rope impressed,stamp,cut and torn.Yellow,Blue and Clear glazes .Reduc*on Cone 10 2019

”Blue Flower" Torso Stoneware.Slab form,flower and rope impressed,stamp,cut and torn.Yellow,Blue and Clear glazes .Reduc*on Cone 10 2019

"Waterfall" Yellow Blue Torso Stoneware.Slab form,rope impressed,paddle,cut and torn.Yellow,Blue and Clear glazes .Reduc*on Cone 10 2019

"Scars" Stoneware.Slab form,rope impressed,paddle,cut and torn.Yellow,Blue and Clear glazes .Reduc*on Cone 10 2019

”Sleep" Black Stoneware.Slab form,paddle,cut and torn.Slips .Reduc*on Cone 10. 2018

”Face" Black Stoneware.Slab form,paddle,cut and torn.Slips .Reduc*on Cone 10. 2018

"Coral Bleaching" Pla^er Stoneware.Slab form and Hand building.Oribe,Clear,Yellow,Celadon and White Shino.Reduc*on on seashell,Cone 10 2019

"Sculptural" Face Cup Stoneware.Pinch

altered,paddle,stamp and combed.Clear,Yellow,Blue,Oribe glazes and slip.Reduc*on on seashell,Cone 10 2019

Small Plates Stoneware.Slab,rope

impressed,stamp,cut torn and combed.Blue,Oribe,Yellow Celadon glaze and slip.Reduc*on fired on seashell Cone 10 2019

"Silence "Face Installa*on

Stoneware.Slab,rope impressed,and stamp.Oribe,Red,Yellow,Black,Blue, Yellow glazes and Slip.Reduc*on Cone 10 2016 -­‐2019

"Face" series Installa*on Stoneware.Slab,rope impressed,stamp.paddle and combed.Yellow,Clear,Oribe,Blue Celadon glaze and slip.Reduc*on Cone 10 2019

CERAMIC"ART" Installa*on Stoneware.Slab and extruded,rope impressed and, stamp.Clear,Yellow,Blue glazes and Slip.Reduc*on on seashell,Cone 10 2019

Terima Kasih / Acknowledgment Agung Ivan dan Keluarga, Anjar Tanjung, Gudang Garam, Arif Yudi Dan pihak-­‐pihak yang *dak bisa disebutkan satu persatu

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