TTM 2018 | International Travel Trade Show of Maldives

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Offical Guide


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Akhmeem Abdul Razzaq





Fraath Mohamed



Ibrahim Areef


Mohamed Khoorsheed

DESIGN & ART DIRECTION CREATIVE TUNA Moothi Zayana Ahmed Zeina Shareef


MARKETING & PUBLIC RELATIONS Aminath Reesha Fathmath Maisaan Ismail Mushaan Adnan Isha Musthafa Mohamed Roshan



Copyright c 2018 Maldives Getaways Pvt. Ltd. Male’, Maldives, All rights reserved throughout the world. Reproduction in any manner is prohibited. Opinions expressed in the articles are of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the editor or publishers. While the editors do their utmost to verify information published they do not accept responsibility for its absolute accuracy. Materials in this publication may not be reproduced, whether in part or in whole, without the consent of Maldives Getaways Pvt. Ltd.



ORGANIZER’S NOTE Maldives is undoubtedly among the most famous and popular luxury holiday destinations in the world. Famous for its tropical islands with the crystal clear waters, pristine beaches and unparalleled underwater beauty since tourism was introduced to the country in the 70s, Maldives has continuously topped the best holiday destination lists all across the globe and regularly wins accolades and awards at all major international travel fairs. Estimated figures for 2020 indicate that Maldives will achieve well over 50,000 in bed capacity and tourist arrivals will reach 2 million per year. The ongoing airport development projects at Velana International Airport will ensure that the airport will be ready to cater to over 7 million passengers per year. Travel Trade Maldives (TTM), launched in 2017 as a spectacularly successful venture unlike anything the country has ever seen before, is the crucial step that will ensure that the country reaches the estimated targets. TTM is the first and largest annual travel trade show in the Maldives. It is also the first show of its kind to be held simultaneously at multiple venues across the country, including at a resort and the capital city of Male. TTM 2018 is the 2nd edition of the show and will easily connect the travel trade community of the Maldives to the global network of travel professionals as it did the previous year. Using the handy Connect software, registered users can pre-schedule face-to-face meetings with the most powerful decision makers in the industry. This year, the multi-event trade show will include the Hotelier Summit, TTM prescheduled meetings, Gala Night, Career Fair, and the first ever Maldives Supplier Expo. The Hotelier Summit is a solution-oriented platform that will allow industry professionals and decision makers to discuss the opportunities for future development through international alliance and collaboration. The heart of TTM is the pre-scheduled meetings where exhibitors and visitors alike will have the opportunity to meet face-to-face. More than 100 hoteliers held over 4,000 meetings with 150 agents and tour operators from across the globe during TTM 2017. The Maldives Supplier Expo is an invited

O rg a n i z e r ’s N o t e

only event, where exhibiting companies can expect to meet key decision makers, engineering directors and procurement managers from all over the Maldives. A total of 1000+ key decision makers and purchasing chiefs from over 150 resorts plus leading companies of Maldives will visit and network with the exhibitors. Exhibitors can pre-schedule up to 50 meetings with industry stakeholders prior to the event via a special software. The TTM Gala Night will be held at the luxury resort Adaaran Select Hudhuranfushi as a Closing Event for VIPs. The event features a classy dinner, live music and over 3000 visitors are expected to attend. The Tourism Career Fair is a great opportunity for students/professionals to meet and network with tourism industry representatives in the Maldives. As successful as TTM 2017 was, we at Team Getaways have done everything to ensure TTM 2018 will be better and more rewarding for the participants in every aspect. All this would not have been possible without the incredible support of our partners and industry stakeholders. We would like to thank them all for their unwavering commitment and the trust they placed in us to ensure TTM 2018 will be an even bigger success. Here’s wishing all the best and a successful event for all participants of TTM 2018.

Cheers! Team Getaways



Organizer’s Note


Maldives and Tourism Industry


Associate Partners of TTM 2018


Why TTM?


Events and Facilities


Highlights of TTM 2017


Exhibitors Profiles


MALDIVES AND TOURISM INDUSTRY Maldives has a GDP total of $4.539 billion according to 2018’s estimates while the GDP per capita, nominally placed is $12,648.

150 +

red registe s resort

Photo credits: Dynamyst The Maldivian archipelago consists of roughly 1,200 tropical islands scattered across the Indian Ocean – or more precisely 1,192 islands grouped in a double chain of 26 atolls, along the north-south direction, spread over approximately 90,000 square kilometers – making the country one of the world’s most dispersed countries. The country lies between 1°S 8°N in Latitude and 72° 74°E in Longitude. Among the 1200 islands, approximately 200 are inhabited and the population totaled up to 417,492 based on 2017 estimates. Maldives has a GDP total of $4.539 billion according to 2018’s estimates while the GDP per capita, nominally placed is $12,648. Historically speaking, the Maldives was colonized by travelers from the Indian subcontinent – who originated from Indo Saxons or Indo Aryans. The earliest written history of the Maldives were marked by the arrival of Sinhalese people in Sri Lanka and Maldives (Mahiladvipika) circa 543 to 483 BC, stated in Mahavansa.


The country experienced a colonial period back in 1558 when the Portuguese established a garrison with a Viador (Viyazoru) – or roughly translated as an overseer of a factory (trading post). Somewhere in mid-17th Century the Dutch made a move to Maldives, by establishing hegemony over Maldives without directly inflicting themselves in internal affairs. They were dispersed off by the British back in 1796 which resulted in Maldives becoming a part of British protected areas. The Maldives ancestral pedigree is rooted from Buddhism carried across the Indian subcontinent and made its way in Maldives along with its first settlers. However, in 1193 Maldives embraced the religion of Islam – an incident which is attached to the Moroccan traveler Abu al Barakat (stemming either from the Maghreb, as per Ibn Battutah, from the Somalian port of Berbera or from the Persian town of Tabriz.) Following the transition from Buddhism to Islam, the Buddhist King Dhovemi, after converting to Islam, adopted the title of Sultan Muhammad al Adil and was responsible for initiating a series of six Islamic dynasties, which lasted until 1932 when the sultanate became elective. One interesting fact regarding the early sultans of Maldives was their adopted title or the Sultan’s formal title, which was Sultan of Land and Sea, Lord of the Twelve-thousands islands and Sultan of the Maldives and carried credibility until 1965. Photo credits: National Archives

M a l d i v e s a n d To u r i s m I n d u s t r y

Blessed with a rich culture dating back to ancestral or to the time of the first settlers, Maldives is survived by many traditional garbs and garments and rituals that can be witnessed even today as part of cultural or heritage practices – however it was more of their livelihood in ancient times, which had now been

Maldives is blessed with a rich culture dating back to ancestral time

simply regarded tradition. One of the most prominent practices of ancestral rituals would be the Boduberu Dance, which had since witnessed a significant change in its core values and practice as it transitioned to modern times according to the relevance of era. Some folklores indicate the early Boduberu Dances were a part of blood-rituals with dancers flocking about in erratic movements that were a part of a sacrificial tribute to their then gods – ergo, when Maldivians had practiced Buddhism. The credibility of this has yet to be validated. Maldives is also renowned for having expert craftsmen, who practice and promote unique and purely Maldivian original lacquer work as well as souvenir crafting. Lacquer crafting is normally practiced on wood, being spun at excessive speed on a hand-made motor - like equipment. Sharp edged knives are used to precisely ink in and carve out designs and patterns on them. Anyone wishing to get some tasteful idea of the ancient Maldivian civilization can experience it from

Maldives is survived by many traditional garbs and garments and rituals that can be witnessed even today as part of heritage or cultural practice


Kurumba Maldives was etched into the pages of history when it became the first resort to be opened in the nation.

Photo credits: Dynamyst the National Museum situated in the capital city Male’. A country that had boomed into progress through fishing and agriculture back in yesteryear period witnessed a paradigm shift and a drastic increase in its journey towards modernism when Maldives was introduced to the field of tourism. Tourism in Maldives was incepted back in 1972, and Kurumba Maldives was etched into the pages of history when it became the first resort to be opened in the nation. An initiative led by the then President, Mr. Ibrahim Nasir. The second resort to be opened in Maldives was Bandos, and both resorts have since then gone to become landmarks or pinnacles of Maldivian Tourism industry and are still in operation. When the industry started, the country had just two

ives w a

today, approximately 150+ registered resorts are operating in Maldives while dozens more are in developmental phases. Apart from the lineage of resorts, Maldives also caters to the tourism industry in the form guesthouses which sprung up first back


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resorts with a capacity of roughly 280 beds. However,

ris m i n M

in 2009, through a smart move in the regulations that finally allowed tourists to stay among local populations. The new amendment to the Maldivian constitution, which was ratified in 2009 stated the permission to enact and establish hotels or guesthouses in locally

M a l d i v e s a n d To u r i s m I n d u s t r y


bet f o



scuba d

Liveaboard cruise around the atolls







Voyages - Gurahali

M a l d i v e s a n d To u r i s m I n d u s t r y

inhabited islands – allowing tourists to visit and stay in

comes in the form of a symposium converging on the

islands where locals lived.

importance of a travel-trade directive of the country –

A new breed of thrill seeking and adventurous tourists

titled the Travel Trade Maldives.

were attracted through various expos held nationally

Travel Trade Maldives (TTM) is the annually staged

and internationally, which saw the participation of

platform that connects the travel trade community of

many entrepreneurs handling or owning guesthouses.

Maldives to the global network of travel agents easily

Such networking expos and symposiums allowed to boost the tourist across countries that had middle to luxury class tourists visiting Maldives to a larger demographic of tourists – ergo allowing more flexibility and hospitality options for visitors to experience. Liveaboards, also known in the Maldives as ‘safari boats’, are another attraction for tourists to Maldives. These vessels, which cruise around the atolls on scheduled itineraries; usually lasting a week or sometimes two, are the best bet for die-hard scuba divers who want do at least three dives per day as well as see as much of the Maldives as possible. The

and instantly. It is a vibrant and must-attend businessto-business event catering a diverse range of hoteliers to local and international travel professionals. TTM’s motive is to facilitate the tourism industry of Maldives to reach the ultimate goal of 2 million tourists with over $3.5 billion in receipts by the end of 2020. Such a grand event comes with the promise of boosting the possibility and probability of a larger developmental phase in the tourism industry and a global outreach for Maldivian hoteliers in their quest to expand and build tourism brands and franchises across the globe.

rich variety of experiences available includes diving

TTM would benefit in connecting interested business

with large pelagics, drift diving, wreck diving, channel

parties in establishing various, new and innovative

diving, and exploring thilas, caves and remote reefs.

business ventures in Maldives which would go on to

The vessels move to new spots every day and the

contribute in the growth of the Maldivian economy in

route usually encompasses more than one atoll.

the long run.

According to 2017 statistics, the country is frequented

Truly, a brilliant concept in expanding and exposure

mostly by Chinese demographics, with a head count

and outreach, the Travel Trade Maldives initiative is a

of 325,000+ while Germany placed 2nd with a head

promising venture that would help many entrepreneurs

count of 105,000+ and United Kingdom came in

in incepting relevant and robust ideas and ventures

3rd with a tourist head count of 100,000+. These

that would benefit the tourism industry wholly – as well

numbers have since increased last year, while the final

as benefit in the boom of the economical foreground

verdict for 2018 has yet to be released.

of Maldives.

With the current government emphasizing a focus on development and the attraction of foreign investment to boost the Maldivian tourism industry, the nation had seen prosperous changes in tourism industry’s infrastructure and caliber. Now, the next phase in the development and progression of the Maldivian Tourism Industry



Privatization and Corporatization Board The Privatization and Corporatization Board (PCB) was established in 2013, under the Privatization act 3/2013 as Maldives’ centralized SOE ownership entity. Since its establishment, PCB has progressively assumed SOE ownership functions including the development of SOE policies, the review SOE board nominations, the initiation of performance agreements within the SOE’s, Monitoring and advising of SOE financial information and assisting in SOE’s strategic plans. PCB consists of a 7-member Board reporting to the President of the Republic and Parliament and is supported by Secretariat body under Ministry of Finance Treasury

Maldives Association of Tourism Industry The Maldives Association of Tourism Industry (MATI) is a nongovernmental, non-profit organization formed in 1982, for the purpose of promoting tourism in the Maldives.

Associate Par tners of T TM 2018

Maldives Marketing & PR Corporation The Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) is the national tourism office of Maldives. MMPRC is the flagship organization of Maldives responsible for promoting and selling Maldives as the most favored island destination in the world.

Association of Travel Agents Maldives Founded in October 2014 ATA Maldives represents the interests of travel agencies and tour operators in Maldives. Main purpose of ATA Maldives is to serve the tourism industry and to ensure a better future for travel agents in Maldives and to strengthen the travel industry. The Association is managed by a highly experienced and ambitious group of Travel Agents.



Exclusively Maldives

Online Presence

The ONLY travel trade show in

Complete your company profile

the world exclusively dedicated to

for buyers and travel professionals

selling Maldives.

to view, including images, videos and press releases.

USD 2.5 Billion Industry

Vision 2020

Over USD 2.5 billion tourism

2 million tourists annually with

receipts annually in Maldives with

annual receipts of USD 3.5 billion

over 1.2 million tourists arrivals.

by 2020

Why TTM?

Over 100 Exhibitors

Over 150 Buyers

TTM hosts over 100 exhibitors, including




airlines and other key stakeholders of the tourism industry.

TTM attracts over 150 buyers, which includes top tour operators, DMCs and OTAs across the globe

Search, Connect & Arrange Meetings with Buyers before TTM This tool allows you to message and



with buyers, visitors and other exhibitors

PR Exposure

Meet the Media/ Bloggers

Work with TTM’s PR team to

Journalists and editors exclusively

increase the coverage of your

from top travel and tourism media

messages and stories, targeting


your key markets.






Hotelier Summit TTM Hotelier Summit-TTM would see over 150 tourism professionals confirmed to attend including resort and hotel general managers, resident managers, key hotel owners, International Trade Stakeholders and travel industry professionals. The summit is aimed to act as a platform whereby stakeholders of the industry would meet in one place to discuss the future of Tourism in the Maldives.

Maldives Supplier Expo Maldives Supplier Expo is an invited only event, where exhibiting companies can expect to meet key decision makers, engineering directors and procurement manager from all over the Maldives. Indeed, a total of 1000+ key decision makers and purchasing chiefs from over 150 resorts plus leading companies of Maldives are expected to pass through the doors of Maldives Supplier Expo to visit and network with the exhibitors of Maldives Suppliers Expo.

E v e n t s a n d Fa c i l i t i e s

TTM Gala Night

TTM Magazine

The Gala Event features a classy dinner with rich and

The official magazine of TTM, published in English, will

exotic Maldivian tastes, live music by leading artists,

be freely distributed at the event & other international

and of course the opportunity to network with the

travel trade shows. This magazine includes exhibitor

highest executives, decision makers, and market

profiles, visitor profiles, and partner profiles.The

shapers of the industry.

magazine also have other important information regarding the Maldives as a tourism destination.

Over 3000 Meetings worth $1 billion contracts

Tourism Career Fair

TTM will see over 3000 pre scheduled meetings

The career fair is a great opportunity for students/

between exhibitors and trade visitors. Over $1 billion

professionals to meet and network with tourism

worth of contracts will be discussed.

industry representatives in Maldives.



Highlights of TTM 2017


Highlights of TTM 2017

TTM 2017 Hightlights from BML Hotelier Summit 2017 / Pre-Sheduled meetings / Gala Night / Tourism Career Fair

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Travel Agents & Tour Operators


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Emerald Maldives Resort

Angiri Resorts

& Spa

Bandos Maldives

Fihalhohi Island Resort

Crown and Champa Resorts

Furaveri Island Resort & Spa

Villa Hotels and Resorts

Fushifaru Maldives

AAA Hotels & Resorts

Gili Lankanfushi

Airport Beach Hotel

Holiday Inn Resort -

Amari Havodda Maldives


Amaya Kuda Rah

Hotel Jen

Anantara Dhigu Maldives

Hulhule Island Hotel


Huvafen Fushi Maldives

Arena Beach Hotel

Intal Hotels


Jupiter Sunrise Lodge

Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru

Kaimoo Resorts and Hotel

Blue Horizon

Kandima Maldives

Cheval Blanc Randheli

Kanuhura Maldives

Conrad Maldives Rangali

Kihaa Maldives


Lets Go Maldives

Crown Tours Maldives

Lily Hotels

Crystal Sands

Liyela Retreat

Dhigufaru Island Resort

Lui Holidays

DMC Maldives

Make Plans Holidays

E x h i b i t o r s P ro f i l e s

Malahini Kuda Bandos

Sunland Hotels

Maldives Airports Company

Taj Maldives Resorts


The Somerset Hotel


The St. Regis Maldives

Mercure Maldives Kooddoo

Vommuli Resort

MO Hotels & Resorts

Trans Maldivian Airways

Outrigger Konotta Maldives

Surfview Raalhugandu Hotel


Traveler MV

Park Hyatt Maldives

UI Maldives

Plumeria Hotels & Resorts

Universal Resorts

Raffles Maldives Meradhoo

Vakkaru Maldives

Rashu Hiyaa

Velaa Private Island

Reethi Beach Resort

Veli Vilaa

Reveries Diving Village

Villa Air - Flyme

Robinson Maldives

Voyages Maldives

Season Paradise Serene Sky Guesthouse Shallow Lagoon Rasdhoo Shangri-la’s Villigili Resort & Spa Maldives Soneva Maldives Sun Siyam Resorts


Luxury boutique wellness resorts offering a perfect blend of lavishness and comfort, Adaaran Resorts in the Maldives presents unparalleled luxury with a touch of tradition. Nestled in blissful seclusion, each of our Maldives resorts offer a unique set of defining characteristics attracting guests from all over the world. Featuring plush accommodation in the lap of paradise, our efforts are focused on providing guests a holiday to be treasured. Choose the perfect Maldives resort that will best suit your holiday spent on these inviting islands, giving new meaning to an exotic tropical getaway. Heritance Aarah is woven into the tropical tapestry of the Maldives’, drawing inspiration from the heritage and essence of its culture.


Angiri Resorts refers to the beautiful resort islands, Angaga, Thulhagiri, Safari & Dreamland. Owned & operated by a highly experienced management team, this quardrivial boasts of luxury resorts located in South Ari Atoll, North Male’ Atoll, North Ari Atoll, and Baa Atoll respectively. Each unique island is designed around the one island - one resort concept, and offers guests a taste of tropical paradise. Natural beauty paired with excellent customer service, luxurious accommodation & amenities prove to be the perfect recipe, whether guests are visiting for business or pleasure. Guests can be guaranteed to achieve the full Maldivian experience; a piece of paradise on earth by opting to stay at any one of the Angiri Resorts.


Located just 7 km from the capital, Bandos has a total of 215 rooms. 4 Restaurants and 3 Bars where you can choose from and a Spa where everyday stresses will melt away as you are transported to a haven of pure calm and serenity. A perfect setting for a romantic, family getaway or peaceful escape. Also in Bandos, enjoy the benefit of our Dive Center with professional staff who will guide you on an exploration of the spectacular underwater world of the Maldives and our Medical Clinic with a decompression chamber for complete peace of mind. To help you discover the magic of Maldives, exciting range of experiences await you at Bandos Maldives.


Crown & Champa Resorts (CCR) offers guests 40 years of expertise in the hospitality industry. One is spoilt by choice with over several unique resorts in the Maldives. Guests can choose the perfect island getaway filled with memorable experiences, exceptional service and value. This year CCR will expand its offering with the inclusion of the much anticipated Kudadoo Maldives Private Island, an unrivalled luxury experience in an intimate tropical paradise, as well as Innahura Maldives Resort, here, life is easy, a space where an unpretentious approach to all aspects of the holiday ensures a truly relaxing escape.Pause, Breath, Maldives with Crown & Champa Resorts.


Welcome to Villa Hotels & Resorts, The Premier Choice for Maldives Hotel Resort Accommodation. The mission of Villa Hotels is to make the Maldives an unsurpassed holiday haven for lovers of nature, adventure, family time, or romance. Tropical Island resorts ranging from three-five stars, with the highest number of bungalows in the country. Embrace the unique spirit of our gorgeous island properties, and enhance your holiday with the fabulous dinning experience, unlimited water sports, and personalized services of Villa Hotels.


AAA Hotels & Resorts is a hotel chain in the Maldives and has been in operation for over two decades. AAA Hotels and Resorts have expanded its business to incorporate 4 resorts under its umbrella. These resorts are located in the most pristine atolls of the Maldives rich in colorful marine life and vibrant corals. Our portfolio consists of Bathala Island Resort, Filitheyo Island Resort, Medhufushi Island Resort and the newly opened Hondaafushi Island Resort. We, at AAA Hotels & Resorts strive to offer authentic Maldivian hospitality to all of our guests.


The Airport Beach Hotel is prominently located right in front of the sensational beach of Hulhumale’ island, and only minutes from Velana International Airport. The hotel has been designed to exceed guests’ expectations with a total of 11 luxury rooms in 5 categories, and a spacious lobby on each floor, ideal for business retreats or holiday groups. The recreation area on the rooftop with its pool, Jacuzzi and in-house spa offering body and beauty treatments invites guests to rest and relax. The experienced in-house chef treats his guests with mouthwatering Asian and western flavors at the Piquente Haute Cuisine Restaurant.


Designed within a theme of “natural simplicity”, Amari Havodda Maldives’ public areas and villas depict subtle elements from local island culture with carefully selected artwork, fitting and textures inspired by contemporary Maldivian motifs. Comprising of 120 elegant and spacious villas, on the beach or overwater, each villa features an oversized open-air bathroom equipped with an outdoor shower. Reflective of Amari’s warmth and energy of an evolving modern Asia the resort is also home to the signature market-style Amaya Food Gallery, one of four food and beverage options at the resort, the Breeze Spa and contemporary spaces. Other recreational facilities also include an infinity pool, a fitness centre, a Kids Club, a Watersports and Dive Centre.


Experience the perfect getaway at Amaya Kuda Rah Maldives! This boutique luxury island resort is situated at the heart of South Ari Atoll, accessible via 25-minute seaplane or domestic flight and 10 to 20-minute transfer via boat. It has two restaurants, one bar and 51 villas, each with its own plunge pool, perfect for either a romantic escape or a memorable family getaway. Other facilities to enhance your holiday includes the infinity pool bar, game room, beach volleyball area, underground discotheque, souvenir shop, medical clinic, fitness center, watersports and diving center, Nemo Club for kids and Amaya Spa by Mandara.


Anantara Dhigu provides a harmonious combination of both romance, adventure and family fun. On the island meaning “Long� in Dhivehi, indulge in everything from surfing to scuba diving or just hide away from the world with lazy days in a shaded hammock. Anantara Dhigu is the relaxed island that entertains the whole family.


Arena Private Limited is one of the leading hotel management companies in the Maldives, with three hotel proper ties successfully operating under its management and a four th proper ty due to open soon. From humble beginnings of running several small souvenir shops under the “Arena� banner in Kaafu atoll Maafushi prior to 2011, the family-owned company has within the span of a few years become one of the most successful and popular guesthouse operators in the island, earning accolades and awards from OTAs and local travel associations. Our mission is to continuously improve all aspects of tourism and hospitality business by making it an affordable product.


AxisRooms, a complete suite of products for the hospitality industry. AxisRooms is a proven platform with around 6500+ hotels transact bookings of 250k+ room nights per month at more than 178 locations across the globe, exceeding $8 Millions worth of transactions each month. Along with the above, they also provide high-quality support which helps them never lose sight of their customers. AxisRooms has six major products namely Channel Manager, Booking Engine, Central reservation system, Revenue management system, Premium rate shopper and Hotel Exchange. They have collaborated with Airbnb to enable hotels to list themselves through AxisRooms channel manager. They are also introducing a new product for vacation rental homes.


Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru opened its doors in 1995, the first international chain in the Maldives, offering unparalleled luxury, a sense of romance, and a relaxing retreat. Surrounded by one of the most vibrant and well preserved house reefs in the Maldives, Angsana Ihuru is also home to the world renowned dive spot, the Rannaamaari Wreck. Take a scenic seaplane journey to Angsana Velavaru. With 113 private retreats on land and over water, the resort offers the best of both worlds. Angsana Velavaru offers 101 Activities, from Watersports to diving and snorkelling for the adventurous, amazing destination dining experiences, and SPA treatments for those who seek relaxation.


BLUE HORIZON, the multiple award winner, specializes in environmentally friendly holidays in Maldives with repeat customers. From action to leisure holidays, we cater to all needs. Based on the period, itineraries are customized for scuba divers, surfers, sailors & snorkelers. In addition, land based accommodation is also offered to unwind. At present the company currently operates 2 motorized yachts, namely the Horizon-3, the Ocean Oasis and Horizon II, and two sailing catamarans namely S/Y Sun Kissed and S/Y White Sand. Moreover, we operate a landbased Dive Centre in Vaavu Thinadhoo Island and water sports and excursion center in Hulhumale’.


Set in the pristine Noonu Atoll, Cheval Blanc Randheli is an intimate and contemporary haven, a 40-minute journey north of Male. The Maison offers an experience of exclusive privacy with 46 villas set between lush vegetation and turquoise waters, including the four-bedroom Cheval Blanc Randheli Private Island. A delectable stay awaits with 5 restaurants, 4 bars and the Cheval Blanc Spa on its own dedicated island featuring Guerlain rituals. For unforgettable memories, watersports, a PADI dive centre, tennis, multiple fitness offerings, as well as Le Carrousel and Le Paddock kids’ and teen’s clubs await, while a team of Alchemists tailors activities according to guests’ individual desires.


For those who journey to discover inspiration, the award-winning Conrad Maldives Rangali Island is the quintessence of resort destinations, inspiring travellers to lose themselves in a sanctuary of bliss and live their passionate selves. Set in an idyllic sanctuary, get wonderfully lost navigating aquatic gardens, discover rare marine life, swim with whale sharks and manta rays, relish award-winning dining above and below the ocean and immerse in a curated collection of locally inspired experiences designed to connect adults and children with the charm of Maldivian culture. Conrad Maldives Rangali Island is an inspirational backdrop featuring intuitive service, infinite connections and a distinctive mix of once-in-a-lifetime experiences.


As a local Maldivian DMC, Crown Tours Maldives, is privileged to be at the top, providing a variety of different kinds of holidays. Established in 1985, our years of experience, organizing trips to the Maldives and our wide network of partners enable us to get you the best deal in the Maldives. Our top-notch customer service starts by our professional airport handling team who will meet and assist you on your arrival and departure. We put special emphasis on our clients and our 24/7 on-call travel consultants attends our guests requests before, during and even after their Maldives holidays.


Crystal Sands majestically stands at the beach front of Maafushi Island. An 18 room property famous for its eclectic design and unique service. Crystal Sands abides with the concept of “Simply Exotic�, where all our guests experience an outlandish traditional feel of being in the local island without compromising the comfort of modern interior. Watch the sun set down the sea of liquid gold at the convenience of your room. Shading in the densely grown trees is our 18 room cozy guest house. All 18 elegantly appointed guest rooms offer a unique decor with a queen sized bed, complete with an extensive private furnished balcony. All our rooms overlook the breathtaking island gardens or ocean, feature a minimum size of 40 square meters.


Dhigufaru Island Resort is an 5 Star Deluxe Boutique Resort opened in 2016, located in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve of Baa Atoll, Maldives. Set on the 35000 square meters of Dhigufaruvinagan’du Island, amenities include an indulgent specialty restaurant, pool bar, and a main restaurant with wine cellar offering worldwide cuisines, an extensive Spa with reflexology center to treatment rooms, as well as a kid’s club, a 5 Star PADI Licensed Dive School and a range of water sports. Each of the total 40 Exclusive Villas (10 Semi-Water Villas, 8 Beach Villa Boaku “Sunrise” and 22 Beach Villa Veli “Sunset”) are beautifully designed, furnished with style for comfort and provides maximum privacy. Welcome to Dhigufaru - Life of adventure & discovery!


DMC MALDIVES’ is a destination management company that provides exceptional travel management services within maldives. Over the years we have earned reputation as one of the premier receptive Maldives operators. We are based in India but we have connections across the world. We work through a widespread professional association with the most excellent resorts chains.Bound to a wholesaler agreement, we retail only to travel agencies/tour operators, surpassing our partners in business, with the additional benefit of our dedicated service to follow. Our aim is to subsist ourselves as the most trusted travel partner in industry & frolic travel.


The Emerald Maldives Resort & Spa is a new 5 star deluxe Resort, a proud member of The Leading Hotels of the World. The Resort is located in Raa Atoll, Republic of Maldives, and is surrounded by 1.5 km of white sandy beach on a 20 hectares private island, and it boasts 120 luxurious Villas with both contemporary and tropical design, divided into 60 beach villas and 60 overwater villas. Each villa features: two flat satellite TVs (room and bathroom), direct dial phone, king size bed or interconnecting room, modern air-conditioned bathrooms with walk-in shower, outdoor “under the stars� shower, bath tub for two, separate WC and bidet, dressing room and walk-in closet, luggage rack, bathrobes, personal safe, tea and coffee making facilities, daily refreshed minibar, etc.


Come to a place where a captivating view of the Indian Ocean and the natural tropical beauty of the island is a constant setting. Fihalhohi Island Resort in South Male’ Atoll is the absolute paradise isalnd escape. Surrounded by a stunning house reef teeming with abundant marine life, you find a truly idyllic spot where mind and body are reinvigorated.


Furaveri Island Resort & Spa offers a truly Maldivian holiday for our guests. It is the perfect getaway offering an unmatched experience for individuals, couples, and families. Whether you are an adventurer seeking the underwater experience, an explorer looking for a remote exotic island, or a fishing enthusiast ready for the big catch. If you would like to indulge in our rejuvenating spa treatments, simply seek to sunbathe on the soft white sandy beach or take a swim in the crystal clear lagoon, Furaveri Island Resort & Spa is the ideal place to be on your holiday. Please visit us at


On the far North East border of Lhaviyani Atoll sits the brand new exquisite little island of Fushifaru Maldives only a 35 minute breath-taking seaplane flight away from the international airport. Nestled between a national Marine Protected Area and three of the Maldives’ most iconic dive sites, Fushifaru Maldives is a boutique Maldivian chic resort with an endless promise of adventure, excitement, discovery and serenity all in one diverse landscape. An extraordinary experience of weddings, picnics and desert island getaways is available at the resort’s very own private sandbank just metres away in a crystal clear turquoise lagoon.


Set on the private island of Lankanfushi in the North Malé Atoll, Gili Lankanfushi™, Maldives, is an intimate coral island in a sparkling lagoon, with jetties of spacious overwater villa accommodation threading across turquoise waters, where ultimate privacy can be found. This luxury resort is just a 20-minute speedboat ride from the International Airport at Malé, the capital of the Republic of Maldives. Here your idyllic personal hideaway is one of our 45 spacious, rustic overwater villas crafted from natural wood and glass. The open design allows you the freedom to be yourself. No noise, no distraction and a private, exclusive home that has to be seen to be believed.


Located in the South Male Atoll, a mere 40 minutes by speedboat, Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives is a 32 acre property housing 160 contemporary, comfortable and chic beach and over water villas. The Kandoo Kids Club – one of the larger children’s facilities in the Maldives with an outdoor splash pool and daily activities coupled with the “Kids Stay & Eat Free” program makes this the perfect retreat for family travelers. The Kandooma Spa by COMO Shambhala, the proximity to world class diving and surf spots guided by the onsite PADI 5 star dive center and surf school and “The Marquee” - a fully-fledged indoor event space catering up to 180 attendees mean that there is something for everyone here at Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives.


Hotel Jen MalĂŠ, Maldives by Shangri-la; The only International business hotel in the Maldives, mere minutes from the airport, and ideally located in the commercial district of the capital city MalĂŠ, making it the preferred stay for business travel and leisure transit. 114 rooms including a Deluxe Suite, a mini Gym with 24 hour access, an infinity pool and a spa with 3 Food and beverage outlets.


Hulhule Island Hotel has the distinction of being the only Five Star Hotel on the island where international airport is located. It is less than 5 minutes travel by surface from the airport. The hotel is conveniently located on the island having the airport for seaplane transfers, international and domestic flights. MalĂŠ, which is just a 10 minutes boat ride away has attractions like the cultural sites, the lively and buzzing fish market and local markets - making it easier for guests to get acquainted with the Maldivian way of life. Surrounded by the unblemished natural exquisiteness of the Maldives, Hulhule Island Hotel has a wide range of guest facilities on offer whilst maintaining extremely high standards for the comfort of international traveller.


Huvafen Fushi Maldives, located in North Malé Atoll, is a 30 minute Speedboat ride from Velana International Airport. The luxury resort features 44 ‘naturally modern’ bungalows and pavilions, each showcasing its own distinctive design, and is also home to the world’s first underwater Spa. Couples visit for one core reason; to spend time with each other and share sensuous experiences in a seductive island embrace. Huvafen Fushi will remain to forge a presence that is bold, sexy and sophisticated – a fashionable global icon. Huvafen Fushi unveils The Playpen, an exquisite architectural hymn to pleasure, weaving fluid New York loft-style living spaces with a nostalgic neo-Parisian penchant for vintage pieces, and an eclectic collection of handpicked furniture.


Luxury on a budget - NOVINA is the perfect choice for guests who want to experience the finest Maldivian hospitality but at amazingly affordable rates. With easy access to all the main commercial areas, it is also an ideal location for guests who are in Maldives on business or for a short stay. THE AVENUE & SPA is located few steps away from the attractive white beach of the beautiful island of Hulhumale’, the youth city situated just a 10 min ride from the Velaana International Airport. Our boutique style property offers guests warmth and relaxation, complete with spacious rooms located a few steps away from the beach.


Jupiter Sunrise Lodge is a Guesthouse located on the Island of Keyodhoo, established according to European standards with the necessary luxury you need for an unforgetable holiday in the Maldives.Keyodhoo is a typical fishing island in Vaavu Atoll, 80 km away from the capital. Vaavu Atoll is one of the most sparsely populated atolls in the Maldives and is little used for tourism. You will find wonderful sandbanks, desert islands and great reefs for snorkeling, visits to which can be arranged via a traditional Maldivian Dhoni. Immerse yourself in the carefree and friendly atmosphere of our beloved island.



Founded in 1979, Kaimoo Resorts and Hotels is a leading tourism company in the Maldives that focuses on the ownership, operation and management of resort and hotels. We manage 3 resorts, Summer Island Maldives, Embudu Village, Equator Village, and 3 Male’ Hotels (Mookai Hotel, Kam Hotel and Mookai Suites).


FORGET NORMAL, the mundane. Out with the everyday, the expected. Kandima Maldives is much more than just a holiday, it’s a lifestyle! Experience an island (desti)nation with extraordinary restaurants and bars and plenty of on-site activities and events to choose from. This lifestyle resort caters for guests of all ages; families, couples, groups of friends and of course honeymooners. Whether you seek relaxation, adventure, wellbeing, sport, spa experiences or just family time, Kandima Maldives has something for you. Discover barefoot luxury, time out for adults and plenty of fun for children, not to mention island-living at its best.


Encompassing three private islands—two deserted neighbouring islands and Kanuhura itself—our sublime hotel is the ultimate luxury retreat for free-spirited adventurers. Discover a new realm of bohemian elegance, surrounded by tropical gardens, and bordered by stretches of pristine beaches that fade into scintillating tropical waters; where alluring private islands provide the perfect hideaway for wild-hearted world travellers. The definition of utopia, Kanuhura balances laid-back barefoot luxury with natural sophistication, complemented by the mesmerizing beauty of the Maldives.


“Kihaa Maldives” is a newly rebranded resort property by Coral Island Resorts Maldives. KIHAA, meaning ‘young coconut island’, is named traditionally in the local Dhivehi language. With a beach length of approximately 1200 meters around the Island, offering 124 spacious private villas, and whole range of simple and natural facilities, Kihaa is a haven of peace, tranquility, and serenity. Kihaa has two restaurants and three bars offering sumptuous international and local cuisine. Simplicity and Nature blends harmoniously together at Kihaa. The entire Island and lagoon is in the exclusive and private domain set just across the Hanifaru Bay, which is a Marine Protected Area (MPA) biosphere reserve announced by UNESCO where whale sharks and manta rays meet seasonally.



Lets Go Maldives is the proud two-time recipient of the World Travel Award for Indian Ocean’s Leading Luxury Tour Operator as well as Maldives Leading Luxury Tour Operator, and as of the year 2017, it is also the recipient of the Seven Star Luxury Hospitality and Lifestyle Award.We offer the widest variety of services: planning quality custom-made packages at the best prices; arranging domestic transportation in the Maldives; organizing luxury holidays for VIP clients; representing travel agents and more.In 2018 Lets Go Maldives is opening RNB Boutique Hotel in Hulhumale city, next to Velana International Airport.


Lily Beach Resort & Spa: The award winning 5* all inclusive resort in the Maldives. Lily Beach Resort & Spa opened in 2009 as the first 5 star all-inclusive Platinum Plan Resort in the Maldives. The island enjoys a great worldwide reputation for its pristine beaches, lush tropical vegetation, and the exotic house-reef just few meters away from the shore. Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa: Villas at Hideaway epitomise comfort and luxury. Opened in 2005, space and privacy is a hallmark at Hideaway which has some of the largest beachfront villas in the Maldives. Our 103 villas are located amidst the islands coconut groves, lush vegetation, or raised over the surrounding blue lagoon, each offering uncompromised privacy for all our guests.


Liyela Retreat, where the traditions are embraced and tranquility absorbed. A boutique hotel on the vibrant island of Maafushi inspired by the rustic charm and raw beauty of the Maldivian island, comes to life inviting you to share our passionate appreciation of the eloquent art and culture of the Maldives. Liyela represents the convergence of traditional Maldivian culture and a new contemporary vision of guest house hospitality: in design and service. Embark on a journey of discovery, of yourself and local island-life.


Lui Holidays - Holidays made Affordable, is a travel & tour operator located in the capital city of Maldives, Male’ City. Lui Holidays was founded in Aug 2016, and specializes in high quality travel to its customers. “LUI” means “light in weight” derived from the local language, Dhivehi. In today’s world, budget travelling is becoming more and more of a necessity. Keeping costs low while traveling is important, which is why Lui Holidays offers a range of customized holiday packages to all kinds of travelers from around the world.Whether you’re looking for last-minute deals, honeymoon packages, or a break from your daily chores, our selection of holiday packages will have a price tag tailored to your budget!


Established in 2007 by Mr. Dharmaraj Ashar, Make Plans Holidays is based in Mumbai, India. Since our inception, the volume of business generated and positive annual growth allows us to command a strong buying power among independent resort chains alike.Being Specialist Tour Operators for the Maldives allows us to dedicate time and energy to each booking and guarantees commitment to our partners. Passion for what we do has helped us build partnerships based on mutual understanding and trust with our employees, clients, partner resorts and other travel operators.


#atMalahini we strive to create a casual environment where both our travellers and crew feel a sense of belonging. Located just 10 minutes away from Velana International Airport, the design concept of Malahini Kuda Bandos radiates a sense of spaciousness and simplicity blending in all the natural vibes the Maldives is acclaimed for. Our travellers can choose from our Beach Villa’s, Deluxe, Superior Garden, or Classic Rooms. With Vibrant crew ready to go the extra mile to make Malahini the ideal place for good vibes, we are always on the lookout for quirky and creative ideas that makes us everyone’s happy place.


Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL), the operator of Velana International Airport (VIA), is a 100% government owned Limited Liability Company governed by Board of Directors. MACL has embarked on the largest development project in the history of Maldives by investing a billion dollars to revolutionize VIA, the main gateway to the Maldives. This transformation will increase the passenger-handling capacity and improve operational efficiency of the airport enabling to meet the increased passenger traffic. The master plan unveiled in April 2017 includes a new runway, passenger terminal building, fuel farm, cargo terminal and a seaplane terminal.


Island Aviation Services Limited, established in 2000, is wholly owned by the Government of the Maldives, and is based in the capital Male’. Our brand Maldivian is the national airline of the country, and operates inter-island services – serving 150+ sectors daily within the county as well as international services to India, Bangladesh, Thailand, and China from its main hub at Velana International Airport. With a name like Maldivian, we are the obvious choice when the idea of a beach vacation comes to mind. We ensure our guests discover the unique beauty of Maldives through the Maldivian Experience Hospitality.


Bringing stylish mid-scale accommodation to the pristine south of the Maldives, Mercure Maldives Kooddoo Resort provides one of the best value options for travellers. With 68 villas including 43 located over water and 25 scattered along the white sandy beach. The resort is built using local materials, bright colours, stylish furniture, and interiors designs to reflect the Maldivian culture and the spirit of travel.


Spread over 2 islands and encompassing 28 hectares in total, Rahaa will be home to 1600 guests once complete. Rahaa will begin its operations in 2018, opening 100 rooms to travelers as a taste of the exciting things to come. The resort will boast a main restaurant seating up to 280 guests and offering Ă la carte and buffet menus. 2 bars, one in the main complex and one by the pool, will service guests along with a 24-hour cafĂŠ for those late-night diners.


Outrigger Konotta Maldives Resort rests within the crystal waters of Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll. The Resort is located less than 50 kilometers north of the equator, 340 kilometres to the south of Male and conveniently accessible via a 55-minute flight to Kaadedhdhoo Airport, followed by a scenic 20-minute journey on a private speedboat.Comprising 29 Beach Villa with Private Pool, 21 Over water villa with Private Pool, 2 Lagoon Villas and a Presidential Villa, the resort offers a range of facilities including new and innovative dining concepts, a reef adventure centre, Outrigger Navasana spa and a boutique retail outlet.This secluded, yet seamlessly accessible destination offers a sense of complete isolation, privacy and remote luxury, surrounded by unmatched natural beauty.


Park Hyatt Maldives Hadahaa is a barefoot luxury resort, evoking a remote, untouched paradise. Tucked away within North Huvadhoo, the deepest atoll in the Maldives, its unique location, away from the teeming atolls of the north, blesses its guests with a pure Maldivian experience, providing the perfect place to rest, relax, and recharge.


Be mesmerised by the unspoilt tropical beauty of Plumeria Maldives. Set in an inhabited island surrounded by pristine coral and a lush barrier reef, this holiday retreat in Thinadhoo Island delights travellers who seek blissful escape from the usual. Plumeria Maldives has a total of 64 exquisitely designed accomodations of various categories; 19 Deluxe Rooms, 29 Super Deluxe Rooms, and 16 Beach Villas. The hotel has a Diving and Water Sports Center, Boutique Restaurant, Seaview Restaurant, Beach Restaurant, Beach Juice Bar, Terrace Coffee Shop, Spa, and Transport System. These well-thought facilities are ultimately designed to provide a memorable Indian Ocean experience.


Nestled at the south end of the Maldives in the heart of the Indian Ocean, Raffles Maldives Meradhoo was created for life’s tranquil pleasures. Stretched across two islands, our enchanting hideaway offers everything you need to get away from it all. Lush foliage, crystal blue waters, and stretches of white sandy beach create a sanctuary. It is no exaggeration to call this paradise. Guests have access to an array of choices that focus on fun, diversity, and celebration of the ultimate island resort getaway. For the love of fitness and well-being, set time aside to visit the Health Spa and Gym. Wander along sea-facing trails of unsurpassed beauty; immerse yourself in the sea with snorkeling, canoeing, windsurfing, and diving in some of the world’s rarest coral reefs.


Rashu Hiyaa Guest House is located in Dhiffushi (Maldives) where you will find an ideal place for complete relaxation. The guest house features 18 beautiful Rooms where you can experience contemporary luxury in a local island for a soothing and memorable vacation. Each room here will provide you with a TV, air conditioning and a balcony. Complete with a refrigerator, the dining area also has an electric kettle and a dining table. Featuring a spa bath, private bathroom also comes with a shower and a bath. You can enjoy garden view from the room. Extras include a patio, a minibar and a seating area.


Reethi Beach Resort - Enjoy a stunning underwater paradise, and relax in an eco-friendly Island Resort. Reethi Beach Resort is an idyllic private island escape, only a scenic 35-minute seaplane flight from Male’. We are an eco-friendly, Maldivian style, 4 Star Superior Island Resort, situated in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserves of Baa Atoll, the Maldives. Reethi Faru Resort - The new holiday escape in the Indian Ocean - a 4 Star Superior Resort is the newest addition to our portfolio, opened in December 2017. The island measures 600 x 350m and its stunning house reef is just 30 to 80 meters from shore. From the international airport, Reethi Faru can be reached by a scenic 45 minutes sea plane flight.


The Reveries Diving Village is the first and only Hotel with full Resort facilities to open in the Maldives paradise. Located on the inhabited island of Gan in the Laamu Atoll, Reveries Diving Village offers a tranquil and calming holiday experience with its vibrant, untouched coral reefs and pristine white sandy beaches. The Maldivian island life and serenity of Gan with unique features, such as a mystical freshwater Lake or an old Buddhist Temple ruins, adds distinctive value for any traveler to the Reveries Diving Village. We do provide wide range of excursion activities which are perfectly customized to every individual need. Your travel dreams are made at Reveries Diving Village, Surf & Spa - come and enjoy your stay with us!


ROBINSON is Germany’s market leader for premium club style holidays. Our 25 ROBINSON CLUB resorts not only meet high standards in terms of natural sustainability but also offer an extensive range of top- quality sports, health and fitness activities for couples, single travellers and families. A ROBINSON holiday means time for emotion. Because ROBINSON surprises and delights: with passion and the latest trends. With moments of indulgence and time just for you, experience the perfect combination of action and relaxation with your nearest and dearest and other interesting people.


True Maldivian island hotel quintessential for guests who seek adventure, honeymoon, family beach vacation or a business retreat amid tropical sun, sand and sea.Season Paradise is a newly opened 48 room hotel, highlighting rooftop Infinity swimming pool, Wellness Centre, Gym, Conference hall, Restaurant & Grill, Gift shop. Conveniently located 20 minutes away from Velana international airport, Thulusdhoo island offers an avenue to some of the best surf breaks, diving spots, fishing, water sports, local culture, white sandy beaches and crystal clear waters the Maldives acclaim.The Hotel features 48 tastefully furnished rooms and spacious suites, with modern conveniences and private balconies with a spectacular panoramic view of the ocean and island. Accommodations are categorized into Seaview rooms, Deluxe rooms, and Executive suites.


Established in 2013, Serene Sky has maintained a good reputation since it has been opened as a first guesthouse in gorgeous AA.Thoddoo Island, Maldives. Over four years of living and working in this beautiful destination has provided Serene Sky with valuable insight, local knowledge, and cultural sensitivities that we share with all our guests through genuine connections in the community.


Offering quality accommodations in the romance, sports, beaches district of Maldives Islands, Shallow Lagoon Rasdhoo is a popular pick for both business and leisure travelers. From here, guests can enjoy easy access to all that the lively city has to offer. With its convenient location, the hotel offers easy access to the city’s must-see destinations.The ambiance of Shallow Lagoon Rasdhoo is reflected in every guestroom. television LCD/plasma screen, towels, air conditioning, mini bar, fan are just some of the facilities that can be found throughout the property. Besides, the hotel’s host of recreational offerings ensures you have plenty to do during your stay. Enjoy unparalleled services and a truly prestigious address at the Shallow Lagoon Rasdhoo.


Treat yourself to paradise at Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort & Spa, Maldives. In a world of its own, Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort & Spa is luxury found, where all experiences are bespoke and tailored to suit your passions. Retreat in one of our private villas perched atop the emerald green jungle, or strung along the turquoise shoreline. The luxury of space and utmost privacy make them a perfect haven for couples and families alike. Memorable experiences await in the heart of extraordinary physical beauty. Indulge in tranquility at CHI, The Spa, explore the luscious tropical forest, play at the only 9-hole golf course in the Maldives, embark on an ocean adventure with multiple water sport activities, or get a unique insight into the local culture with the visit of neighboring islands and farms.


Soneva is a world leading award-winning sustainable luxury resort operator that owns and manages Soneva Fushi and Soneva Jani in the Maldives, as well as Soneva Kiri in Thailand. Soneva in Aqua, an ultra luxurious yacht offering an experiential travel experience, was launched in the Maldives in 2015.Soneva is committed to leading the hospitality industry in environmentally responsible tourism. Annual environmental performance improvements are in place with the ultimate goal of decarbonising completely.An additional 2% charge of room revenue is added to each guest’s stay. The proceeds are given to Soneva Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation founded by Sonu and Eva Shivdasani.


Sun Siyam Resorts is a collection of hotel & resort brands born from the inspiration of Mr. Ahmed Siyam Mohamed. Led by his passion for creating a difference in the Maldives tourism industry that transforms the luxury hospitality experience. Sun Siyam Resorts has an esteemed portfolio of boutique luxury resorts. The flagship property The Sun Siyam Iru Fushi Maldives is set within 52 acres of white sands and exotic flora where guests are immersed in a timeless culture, Olhuveli Beach & Spa famed for its beautiful beaches and abundant sandbanks, Sun Aqua Vilu Reef a stunning beautiful bite-sized gem found in the heart of South Nilandhe Atoll. Sun Aqua Pasikudah, Sri Lanka is where Maldivian hospitality meets with Sri Lankan charm.


Coco Collection specializes in creating true boutique luxury on some of the most beautiful islands in the Maldives. We are from here – our authenticity is innate. Our corner of the world is our everlasting muse, and our care for and contribution to our ecology and community is genuine. Three islands comprise our brand. Coco PrivÊ Private Island offers guests the chance to escape to an entirely private island. Coco Bodu Hithi translates island life into contemporary sophistication. Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu is dedicated to the inspiring beauty and natural wonder of the Maldives.


Surfview Raalhugandu Hotel is a space not only proferring Maldivian hospitality, but provides the best of rooms to stay for a day, a week or for any kind of long duration. With all kind of rooms, starting from Deluxe, Economy to Suites; Surfview has an amazing view of the beaches right across. The plush comforts in the rooms are embellished with luxurious touches and is an epitome of privacy for every and all kind of discerning travellers. The hotel staff adheres to all international standards in terms of hospitality and services. And, the kind of guests recommendations we get throughout the year is the biggest testimonial to all that and more.


Taj Exotica Resort & Spa and Vivanta by Taj - Coral Reef offer quintessential Taj hospitality, incomparable accommodation; bespoke dining; authentic Jiva spa; amazing water sports, diving and recreation experiences. Taj Exotica Resort & Spa is globally renowned for its exquisite lagoon, remarkable culinary options, romantic location, impeccable butler service and the distinguished Jiva Grande’ Spa. On the other hand, Vivanta by Taj - Coral Reef, a hip, luxurious yet affordable solution to holidaying in the Maldives is best known for its Premium All Inclusive, superb and innovative F&B, dine-around option, magnificent house-reef, private shipwreck and signature service philosophy of Vivanta Motifs.


THE SOMERSET HOTEL: The Somerset Hotel is refreshingly hip, designed with islandsophistication in mind, and proudly personalized in both service and style. The hotel is tucked away on a quiet street, yet conveniently located within walking distance to the boat jetties, local markets, cultural sights and vibrant restaurant and shopping scenes. SOMERSET INN: Under the same management as The Somerset Hotel, we take pride in offering the city’s best value at budget rates. Our pared-back modern rooms pack a cost-conscious punch yet don’t scrimp on the necessities: free Wi-Fi, in room tea and Nespresso coffee, great inclusive breakfasts and 24-hour service from a team that, quite simply, ‘gets it’.


Nestled between verdant rainforest and white-sand beaches on a private island, The St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort overlooks the alluring waves of the Indian Ocean. Boasting refined furnishings and island-inspired design, each of the 33 on-land and 44 overwater villas promise picturesque ocean or garden views from private terraces and pools. Explore the tropical beauty and rich marine life of this peaceful, eco-conscious setting. Savor sophisticated cuisine in any of six restaurants and bars. Set to redefine ‘Barefoot Luxury’, guests’ personal St. Regis Butlers ensure that unique preferences are known and understood in great detail. No request is too small or unattainable to fulfill at any hour.


Trans Maldivian Airways is the world’s largest seaplane operator with a fleet of 49 twin otter aircraft and transfers close to one million passengers a year. TMA is the oldest and in many ways, the most experienced Air transfer operator in the Maldives. It pioneered the use of seaplanes to transport tourists to island-based resorts. In doing so, it has made a significant contribution to the development of tourism to the Maldives, which in turn has resulted in major benefits to the national economy. Today, TMA has become the backbone of tourism infrastructure in Maldives.

TRAVELER.MV | is the leading online seller of hotels & experiences, providing access to various tours, attractions and activities in the islands of Maldives. offers travelers a one-stop shop to plan, research and book trip activities online and supplementing the tour information with reviews and photos from purchasing customers.


UI Hotels offers contented accommodation, friendly service, local cuisine & wide range of Excursions under one roof. We are located in Hulhumale Island which is only 5.5km from airport by a connecting road. We are specialized in Holiday packages for Honeymoon, Family & MISE groups. Maldives Travel Award winning Hotel maintain top ranking in Tripadvisor ranking. Our dedicated team will be always available for your service & make your holiday pleasant & memorable. We have daily trips to Resort Islands, Adventure Trips, Snokerling, Fishing, Sandbank Trips, Island Hopping etc available in our Trip Desk.


Eight secluded, pristine island resorts on the deep blue oceans of the Maldives. Powder white beaches, swaying coconut palms, exotic frangipani and hibiscus. “Escape to paradise”.Universal Resorts is Universal Enterprises’ flagship company and leading developer of Maldives resorts, owning and operating the largest resort collection in the country.Universal Resorts continually upgrades and re-conceives its resort properties, anticipating the evolving needs of holidaymakers in order to meet and exceed their expectations.


Within the UNESCO BIOSPHERE RESERVE of Baa Atoll in the Republic of the Maldives lies a reef island composed entirely of sediment produced on the surrounding coral “faru� (or reefs), 85% it is thought, by parrotfish. An extensive selection of accommodation with 125 beach and over water villas and suites catering for couples and families as well as indulgent dining choices from across the world, guests will enjoy sampling flavours from Europe to Asia in four restaurants and two bars. Let the timeless allure of the Maldives welcome you in as you discover the warmth and affection of its people in this idyllic island retreat.


Velaa Private Island, covered with azure skies and adjacent to the pristine Indian Ocean, was developed to embody the best of the Maldivian archipelago. Comprised of 43 private villas, houses and 4 four-bedroom residences, Velaa Private Island offers 18 villas stationed over the water. With three restaurants, two bars and a wine cellar, Velaa Private Island offers an extensive selection of outlets available for guests. Working alongside the distinguished brand My Bland by Clarins, Velaa Private Island counts itself amongst only a handful of retreats throughout the world. Other features which are uniquely Velaa are the largest wine cellar on Maldives, Golf Academy by Olazabal, the largest kid’s aqua park on Maldives, and a semi submarine.


Nestling amongst the many coconut palms of Dhiffushi Island is this gorgeous and luxurious Veli Vilaa designed and built on the concept of a family/friends home away from home. It is a 4-bedroomed bungalow built on the beachfront with its own private beach and compound. The rooms are well furnished with twin beds and other amenities needed for the guest’s comfort and enjoyment. Each room has its own en suite bathroom and the rooms are large enough for a third bed which can be readily made available on request for 3 of the 4 rooms. The sun deck at Veli Vilaa is ideal for sun bathing and in the evenings, it’s a place to relax with friends or family with no other outsider to intrude.


Flyme: the One Stop Transfer Solution in Maldives, operated by Villa Air, which is part of the Villa Group of companies registered in the Republic of Maldives. Flyme has successfully grown during the past 6 years by carrying over a million passengers and continuously changing the way travelers experience air transfers in the country. As a privately owned airline, Flyme has the freedom to develop products and services to suit the market requirements. With new airports coming into service every year, even the most far-flung atolls can now be reached direct from MLE airport; fast, comfortably and efficiently.


Voyages Maldives is your one stop shop for all your travel needs to the Maldives, whether you are a tour operator, airline operator or and individual traveler visiting the Maldives. Although specializing in ‘Dhoni’ Safari programs, which include Cruising, Diving and Surfing Safaris amongst the different options offered, Voyages Maldives also provide Ground Handling services to Tour Operators, Supervision & Representation for airlines and travel solutions to/from anywhere in the world. Voyages Maldives also has a highly qualified and esteemed team working to provide you the best tour option here in the Maldives. We work very closely with all the resorts in the Maldives, making Voyages Maldives the perfect choice for your next holiday in these beautiful islands.

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We are a full service design studio based in the ever sunny Maldives. Our passion for design begins with our aspiration to merge creativity with functionality. Beauty with purpose, and value. We care about how your brand expresses itself visually; about building stronger brands that tell unique stories. Equipped with years of knowledge and our passion for creative work, we are ready to tackle any and all creative challenges, across all forms of media – irrespective of scale or complexity. Say to work with us. w




















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Hei Events is a premium event-management agency catering to the world’s leading brands or elite individuals seeking exceptional, end-to-end event planning service in Maldives.

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Mahaa Jarraafu is designed with a slender hull for increased speed and low fuel consumption. The dredger is equipped with a dynamic positioning system that helps to navigate through narrow passages to protect the coral reefs around the Maldivian coast. Mahaa Jarraafu will revolutionize the Maldivian dredging industry. It will be deployed for reclamation and beach nourishment projects, stimulating further investment in the Maldivian tourism industry.

mtcc. mv

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