Willamette Kids and Family Magazine Jan-Feb 2019!

Page 10

The Perfect MORNING ROUTINE ...to ......................... win the day.

If I were to tell you that I squeezed six things into my already busy morning routine and it actually ADDED more goodness to my life, you might think I was crazy... but take a second and hear me out. This really, really works!

His story is a lot more interesting than mine, but his message was one that I found hard to believe: that by ADDING things to my schedule and getting up earlier, I would be able to achieve more, relax more, and be more apt to feel accomplished at the end of the day.

As a single mom and business owner, I am always reading up on ways that I can manage to get everything done that needs to be done and still feel like I am moving forward in my life. It can be such a challenge, and I know that ALL parents are busy and overwhelmed, and most of us want to do better and feel better. My research lead me to a movement based on a book called Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.

So I set out to experiment on my own. The Facebook group I found was full of so many positive people, I was a bit taken aback. How can so many people be THAT excited about the morning? Gross! I lived to roll over and hit snooze. I figured it was time for me to try it out for myself. The premise of this morning routine reminds me of my mom, actually. I remember her saying when we were kids that all she really ever wanted was some time to herself. By implementing these next five steps, I got exactly that: ME TIME. I found that I actually looked forward to it, and in turn, became more patient, more relaxed, and more focused. That makes for a much more fun and happy mom. Before you begin, pick a special place just for your routine. Good try, doing it in bed... but we both know you’re just going to fall back to sleep! Make sure it is comfortable, and makes you feel good: a favorite chair, a sunlit corner, etc.

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