Origin Psychics Magazine

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PSYCHIC ADVICE The Tarot guide to your Love Life. SOUL HEALING Which animal spirit is guiding you? HOROSCOPES Happy Birthday Aquarius!

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Welcome, to the February edition of Connections magazine!

of life which keep our hearts buzzing - those things alive with the life force, which our particular hear t recognizes. It might be music, comedy, trees - I’m not just talking about interests or hobbies these are those things which we need to keep our deepest hearts singing. So in the lead up to Valentine’s Day this year, why not try taking a little time to really listen to your heart. Find some quiet time , walk somewhere you love, just for yourself. We all know WHO we love - that part is usually easy to identify.

I recently revisited a movie of a beautiful love stor y. Yes, it contained a romance, but just as significantly, the plot wove together threads of relationships, centering on two sisters, who shared a tragedy from early childhood. One sister had been old enough at the time to remember the specifics of this tragedy, the other hadn’t.

and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

I won’t go into the details of the plot layers - yes, there was indeed a bit of a ‘fairy tale’ wedding at the end of the movie. But for me, the most moving part of the story was when, at said fairy tale wedding, the younger sister read a poem (by e e cummings) for her sister and new husband. Here are the last few lines:

decorations everywhere prompts me to search for what is hidden in Have a wonderful month, and a their symbolism. Red hearts are very Happy Valentine’s Day! everywhere at this time of the year, it seems. And yes, there is indeed a particular celebration of romantic love expressed on this special day.

here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)

This moment was as much an expression of the love between the two sisters, as it was a gift for the couple taking their wedding But this year on Valentine’s Day, let’s take some time to find out vows. what else is being carried in our Seeing all the ‘Valentine’s Day’ hearts, and celebrate that as well.


B u t wo u l d n ’ t i t b e wonderful if we could widen the scope of this festival - to really celebrate love in all its forms. To acknowledge all those whom we carry in our hear ts. And perhaps even to celebrate those aspects

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valentine’s day feature

Your relationship in the cards... by Manisha Godbole Origin Psychic

Many of our clients have their own tarot cards, and like to seek understandings for themselves - not surprising given that our clients are people who know and trust their intuition deeply! In celebration of Valentine’s Day, Manisha Godbole, one of our most insightful psychic readers, has shared some of her own interpretations of the tarot cards which are most likely to appear in readings about relationships. Whilst it’s always important to trust more than anything else, your own instincts about your life, and the intuitions you have about your own cards, here are some insights to help you along the way... The Star

3 of Cups

The Star encourages us to renew our vision of what we want in relationships. Don’t be afraid to set new goals and be inspired by fresh starts. If you have been going through a hard time, the Star is a welcome sign that things can turn a corner and it’s important to tap into a positivity and hope. For new relationships, the Star is a sign of deep potential and that both people are able to be their authentic selves in the relationship. The Star in love feels inspired, renewed and refreshed!

The 3 of Cups can mean such joy in a committed and trusting relationship. Love is expansive and is inclusive not just between two people. Perhaps you need to share or celebr ate your relationship with friends and loved ones or expand/symbolise your commitment to one another. In some scenarios however this card can also mean three is a crowd! The 3 of Cups in love feels joyful, expansive and connected! From ‘The Wild Wood Tarot’ by Mark Ryan & John Matthews, Illustrated by Will Worthington

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valentine’s day feature 2 of Cups Two hearts meet! This could be the ultimate “falling in love” card but what it also means is that two people trust enough to really open up to another. This is how emotional connections are made. The message here is about sharing feelings, becoming more intimate and letting someone in to your inner world; guards come down which allows you to get to know the other person. On the other hand you could find yourself getting wrapped up in a person or wanting to be around them all the time which is where the next card comes in! The 2 of Cups in love is simply just that!

to our relationships, enjoy each other and express our unconditional love in a myriad of ways. She asks “what do you want to create together?” Perhaps you want to move in together, have a baby, create a joint business or do something you both love. The Empress in love is committed, gives and receives love freely and knows she is loved no matter what! The Devil

3 of Cups The 3 of Cups can mean such joy in a committed and trusting relationship. Love is expansive and is inclusive not just between two people. Perhaps you need to share or celebrate your relationship with friends and loved ones or expand/symbolise your commitment to one another. In some scenarios however this card can also mean three is a crowd! The 3 of Cups in love feels joyful, expansive and connected!

From ‘The Wild Wood Tarot’ by Mark Ryan & John Matthews, Illustrated by Will Worthington

The Empress The Empress is love personified. She underlines the importance of growth, nurture and commitment in a relationship. Without these elements, a relationship can stagnate, no longer thrive or fall by the wayside. Love between two people is deep and in full flow when this lady is around. She reminds us to attend

Think about whether you’re projecting any of your beliefs, ideas or character traits on to a certain special someone. You may need to look in the mirror before casting the first stone! Sometimes it’s a sign we’re taking a relationship too seriously or not seeing it for what it really is. When this card pops up, we could be tempted into making relationship choices from a place of fear, need or addiction. This could be a sign to take up your power and break free from any limiting situations. Recognising you are in an unhealthy situation is the first step! The Devil in love needs the other or needs power over the other! The Lovers

This card used to be known as “The Choice”. When it pops up in a reading, it advises us that we need to make a heart-felt choice in our relationship. Perhaps you need to choose between two people or make a value-based decision. At its best, the Lovers energy signifies a deep fulfilling sexual partnership; the ultimate union of two people. In order to inject some of this energy into your relationship, you may need to make more

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valentine’s day feature decisions in partnership or spend more time doing things together. Don’t be afraid to spice things up!! The Lovers in love feel united, equal and together! The Hermit In contrast, the Hermit signifies a time for personal retreat or time–out in a relationship. Being on your own and having alone time is part of a healthy ebb and flow in relationship. There is a time to connect and time to withdraw. It could be that you need to regularly set aside some time for yourself in the day or week and make it part of your routine. On occasion, you may need longer to heal and deal with some personal issues, so a time-out from relationships may be necessary. Either way, the Hermit says that before connecting more deeply with another, you may need to connect more deeply with yourself first. The Hermit in love is alone (not necessarily lonely), withdrawn and detached! Temperance Temperance in love is a sign of two people in sync with one another. They know each other’s rhythms and are able to go with the flow. A relationship with this energy at its core is a strong and flexible one. When this card pops up, the aim is to find a middle ground. A bit of give and take is what is needed and letting go of how the relationship needs to be. It’s also about recognising that the connection is healing or re-balancing you in some way. Temperance in love feels alive in the midst of change and happy to go with the flow!

HEART MAGIC... No matter where we’re at in our love lives, some quiet time nourishing our inner selves will support the relationships most important to us. Try this simple meditation... Give yourself five or ten minutes to centre yourself. Sit quietly and focus on your breath to become calm and relaxed. In that relaxation, imagine an inner light coming from your solar plexus (just above your belly). This is your own inner self shining out into the world. Take a moment to get a feeling of your inner energy flowing into the world. What is the feeling of this energy? Is there a particular colour, sound, movement or even picture you associate with this energy? Rest in the inner light for a few more minutes. Then let your awareness expand beyond your own body to feel all the different sensations and feelings around you. Recognize that all these feelings, sensations, perceptions represent different paths that you can choose to focus your awareness on. Contained within every second is a multitude of various options for you to choose to take. Wait until you feel a pull in a certain direction, a tendency for your awareness to focus on one particular feeling or sound and sit with that feeling for a few moments. Allow any thoughts, images or associations to come through your mind - don’t edit or try to interpret what you feel - simply let the images or feelings move through your mind. When you feel ready, bring your awareness back into your body and slowly come back into your normal waking mind. - Page 5 -

valentine’s day feature

In honour of Valentine’s Day, Senior Reader Cathy Cox shares a channeling, from the Celtic Goddess Guinevere... To really open your heart to another, you must first restore your faith in its wisdom. Be still, be quiet – listen to what comes to you from the depths of your own heart. It really does know what it is doing. When you look with your inner eye, you’ll find there is always a light there. Light and warmth. These never ever die out – your heart always remains connected, the divine can never be snuffed out. That light, however soft, is eternal. When you really remember this, when you really know it, in your very marrow, the tenderness in your heart will feel secure, and your heart will be confident to stay open - to connect with others, and at the same time, be true to itself. Feelings of risk will dissolve and true constancy found. That light, that soft presence of the eternal divine is in the hearts of others too. The Valentine’s festival honours the connections we make in the tender places in our hearts. You have nothing to fear. Make a commitment this year to restore faith in the infinite wisdom embedded in your heart of hearts - that kind of wisdom can only be found in those still, quiet places.


Did you know... The popular medieval folk belief that birds choose their mates on February 14 made doves a favorite symbol for Valentine cards. The dove was sacred to Venus and other love deities and was known for choosing a lifelong mate. ✴

The symbol of the ribbon, which often adorns modern-day Valentines, is rooted in the Middle Ages. When knights competed in tournaments, their sweethearts often gave them ribbons for good luck. ✴

Lace is also often used on Valentine decorations - the word “lace” comes from the Latin laques, meaning “to ✴

snare or net,” as in to catch a person’s heart.

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Wisdom Oracle

IMBOLC - First light in the dark of winter by Judy Ann Nock The first stirrings of new life are felt as the great wheel turns from winter to spring. Water begins to move beneath the ice. We notice the lengthening of days. Dreams conceived on the winter solstice begin to take root. Although the weather is still wintry, there is no turning back on the journey to the sun’s return. Winter’s darkness begins to loosen its grip, and new beginnings are seen all around as spring approaches. This is a time for rebirth and healing, sacred to Brighid, goddess of poetry and arcane learning. Brighid is quite unique among the Celtic pantheon. While the majority of Celtic deities were associated with features of the land and a specific geographical area, the worship of Brighid was, in contrast, very widespread. The Festival of Imbolc commences on January 31st and usually concludes on February 2nd. Referred to as ‘the first light’, the observance of Imbolc was marked by the traditional lighting of candles - symbols of purification, inspiration, and growing light. Fire is also representative of the goddess Brighid in her aspect of patroness of smith-craft. In the fires of the forge, physical transformations occur. These changes are metaphoric, to symbolize the strengthening of the soul. Another symbol of Brighid is the well. On Imbolc, processions were made to her sacred wells, which were typically adorned with greenery at this time, signifying the imminent return of spring. Another translation of Imbolc is ‘in the belly’, referring to intra-uterine fetal movement, also known as ‘quickening’. Imbolc is characterized by the preparation for birth. With its theme of preparation for birth, it is appropriate that Imbolc has evolved into an auspicious day for rituals of rebirth as well. (Excerpt from ‘The Wiccan Year’ by Judy Ann Nock. Provenance Press. 2007)

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Which animal spirit is guiding you? by Natalie Arkins, Senior Origin Psychic Animal Spirit Guides help us all the time, even if we are not realizing it. You don’t have to journey to find your Animal Spirit Guide. Look at the list of animals below, take a few moments to relax and then when you’re ready, choose the animal that you are drawn to right now. The essence of that Animal Spirit Guide is helping you right now.

Choose from the list below, and then read what the Animal Spirit Guide you picked is helping you with at this stage of your life.

Owl Shark Bear Squirrel Dragonfly Snake Owl Spirit Guide: With Owl as your guide, you are able to see deception around you, and when you are being deceived. You are able to see what is hidden on going on underneath the surface, and this can be very unsettling for those who are deceiving you, and you may be feeling that you are not popular or well liked. This is the energy of the Owl clearing out deceptive people from your

own energy field. Owl may also be asking you to listen to your internal voice and guidance rather than what others are saying for you to do. Your dreams at night will be very vivid, and you should try and take note of what is happening in your dreams, they will have some relevance for what is happening to you in your life at the moment. You sense of hearing or clairaudience may be heightened.

Shark Spirit Guide: Not just a predator, Shark has many gifts as a animal guide. Shark brings great health, strength and determination to achieve your goals. Shar k swims the emotional waters with fierceness, and is helping you to tackle heavy emotional energy that you may be facing. Shark can be a loner, and be easily aggravated, so you may experience that energy too

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PSYCHIC INSPIRATION while being guided by Shark. With Shark as a guide, you will have good luck, fortune and achieve your goals, but don’t bite off more than you can chew! Your sense of smell may be extra strong at this time.

Bear Spirit Guide: Bear as a Spirit guide indicates a time of deep healing for you. Through this healing, you will be very grounded. While you may usually have a lot of energy and strength, Bear as a guide will indicate a more quiet and healing time, gaining inner strength rather than focusing on outward strength. You may want to get some healing for yourself, or be able to tap into a healing energy that will help yourself and others. Bear usually comes after a time of adversity, when you have been feeling low and ungrounded, and helps to increase your inner reserves, give you strength before the next period of outward activity. Your intuition may be stronger than usual at this time. Squirrel Spirit Guide: Squirrel as a Spirit Guide will help you to bring playfulness and fun into your wor k and life . Squirrel enjoys gathering and collecting, but it is always done joyfully, and playfully. Squirrel will guide you to reserve some of your energy, but don’t get too involved in storing up or gathering energy, take what you need and reserve some for a rainy day. Finances and saving money will go easily and smoothly with Squirrel by your side. The key to Squirrel is balance- work and play are intermixed to create a joyful balance. Your sense of

balance and movement will be improved with Squirrel. D r a g o n fl y S p i r i t Guide: If you have been feeling stuck in your life, Dragonfly is Animal Spirit Guide for you. Dragonflies are able to move and fly with great accuracy, determination and for a long period of time. Connecting to dragonfly means that you are getting ready to detach from the issues that have been bothering you and navigate swiftly and masterfully away from them. This is a time of transformation for you, leaving behind stuck energy to move effortlessly into the new. You may be questioning things that you thought were “set in stone” about your life, and discover a new found freedom to let these limiting ideas go. Colours may be especially vibrant to you right now.

Snake Spirit Guide: Snake as an Animal Spirit Guide brings a number of different qualities for you. Meditation is ver y impor tant with Snake as a guide. If you are not meditating, it is a good time to start a meditation practice. While you may be feeling that you are lazy with Snake, this is usually a phase before a transformation. You may need to rest and look inward before a transformation. So don’t be hard on yourself if you are feeling lazy, use this energy to meditate and look within, see what you need to release in your life with the help of snake. You may be very sensitive to vibrations with this animal guide, take note of what is happening around you. Snake also provides a protective energy, the venom, when you are in danger or feel threatened.

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YOUR FEBRUARY HOROSCOPES Aries Robbie Williams - Celebrity Aquarius

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AQUARIUS Wow Aquarius - the m o m e n t u m t h a t ’s been building in your life in the last few months will really begin to manifest into some concrete reality during February! It’s likely to be a really hectic time for you on all fronts. But amongst the chaos and busyness, you’ll find yourself taking charge of your life more and more, and the changes you’ve been working towards will actually be coming to fruition. This is par ticularly so in your love life Aquarius. Stay as grounded as you can don’t want you going off into flights of fancy (and fantasy!) in this all important part of your life. If you manage to flow with things as best you can this month, and enjoy where the waters are taking you, you just might find yourself starting a whole new cycle of contentment and joy in your life! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

February heralds a major time of change for Rams! Everything that used to be stable, seems to be shifting just now. Career, friends, old relationships - you might even find it difficult to keep up! With this very special time of year, you are more than likely going to be focused on pursuing your heart’s desire, rather than worrying endlessly about the past. This really is the time for you to step into a new world Aries, so find that spirit of adventure embedded in your soul, and go for it this month.

Taurus You are likely to be given a lot to think about early on in February Taurus. In some ways, you’re facing a crossroads in all aspects of your life - career, love, destiny. There is no rush, nor any need to do anything rash, which is just as well because it’s not particularly Taurean anyway. Take your time to meditate this month, and to consciously choose the best path for you at this time. This is especially so with regards to new relationships. By taking some time, you will show the other person you are serious about your commitments.

Gemini This will be a particularly social month for Geminis! You’re back ‘on form’ and will take on your favourite position as the life and soul of the party once more. Even though you may feel like you’re in a whirlwind sometimes, Geminis create their greatest magic in the midst of chaos - so just let yourself go and enjoy these spontaneous interactions with others. At the end of the month, there is a time for you to quieten down a little, to reflect, and to examine all the various options you have drawn to yourself. But until then, suspend judgement and contemplation, and simply have fun! - Page 10 -



February is shaping up to be a d e e p ly i n t u i t i ve m o n t h fo r Cancerians. In a way, you’ve been a coiled spring, waiting to jump into action. But it hasn’t been the right time - you’ve been forced to hold back for month after month recently. February represents a change here, as the lessons that life, through the planets, has been trying to teach you about your future path finally become clearer to you. From the 19th onwards, your life will take on some of its usual flow again, and you’ll find yourself feeling very happy indeed!

February finally offers you a time to be still and peaceful whilst you watch the changes and dramas happening to ‘other people’ out there! Of course you’ll be tempted to intervene Libra, but why ruin your own sensation of bliss? Glimpses of love and future happiness will begin to shine through in your life this month, so make sure you’re around and alert to pick them up. You’re beginning to move into a strong creative cycle this month Libra, which will lead to success for your future in all sorts of ways.

Scorpio Leo The full moon falls in Leo on Valentine’s Day this month, and this represents a balancing time for lions. In fact, all month, the planets will be reminding you to go beyond yourself and step into other people’s feelings - other people’s worlds! You are the observer this month, and the support for those you love will come from you learning to simply be present, rather than to take charge or try to fix things. In a way, this will be a huge burden off your shoulders! It will leave room for you to be open to receive the gift of love from someone else.

Virgo February is looking to be a magical month for you Virgo, but there is a bit of a catch. To experience the magic, you’ll need to let go of some of the stress you’ve been carrying in recent months, especially when it comes to manifesting. You’ll find yourself being strongly affected by others this month Virgo - go with that feeling, and you’ll unlock the secrets laying quietly behind the mysteries in your relationships. This will be the real path of love for you in the coming months.

Scorpios are really ready for action this month, but you need to be careful not to miss the boat! If you’re too busy watching life rather than jumping in, the chances offered to you will pass you by. Early on in the month is a great time for your career, both long and short term. This is particularly the area where you need to be ‘on the ball’. You will have some choices about your love life too, which simply can’t be postponed. Go with your heart Scorpio, and trust your acute inner knowing.

Sagittarius What a great month February is shaping up to be for you Sagittarius! You have an amazingly strong fire alignment in your chart this month, which will lead you to love, if you are prepared to play your part. You could easily sit February out, pondering on the greater mysteries of life.... however if you let yourself be drawn into the drama that is life instead of pondering about it, you will find it is much more interesting! And you will learn a lot more too. Let go of any cynicism you may be feeling Saggie, and become the romantic this month.

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February for you Capricorn will be about letting go of trying to make things happen in your life. You will be rising in your own personal power over the next few years. But it is important for you not to get too ambitious or even hung up on your goals. This applies equally to career, love and family. The magical thing you’ll discover as you let go and get on with life, is that towards the end of this month and early in March, many things will come to you effortlessly. Remember - if you love something, set it free.......

February is shaping up to be a quietly reflective time for fishes. The core of your romantic nature has the chance to shine amongst the hearts and flowers of Valentine’s Day. But more than that, your ability to deeply connect with the energies of love and beauty can help you to overcome any obstacles you’ve been coming to in your relationships. Later in the month, you’ll find yourself reflecting and re-examining your life, and within this, looking at your inner self. Stay as fluid as you can in this process Pisces, and you’ll emerge reinvigorated!



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