Psychic Connections Magazine - March 2014

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PSYCHIC ADVICE Tarot of the Month - Eight of Cups. SOUL HEALING Spring Clean Your Life! HOROSCOPES Happy Birthday Pisces!

MARCH OFFERS FREE MINUTES on all 20 and 30 minute readings this month!


Welcome, to the March edition of Connections magazine!

unfolding in our lives. There’s such an incredible intricacy in a simple symbol such as this, an archetypal symbol which reflects the intricacy of our own lives. So take some time this month if you can to consider the symbols you see around you in your everyday world - what meaning do they have for you at this stage of your life. Accept that synchronicity and serendipity really do exist. Unpick those symbols if you can there’s never any limit to the meaning they hold.

This little image of the heart shaped cloud really appealed to me this month. I kept going back to it again and again, but it took a little while before it really dawned on me why.

watch as the clouds form different shapes. Imagine a heart shaped cloud such as this, but 10, 100, 1000 times larger, stretching right across the countr y, and the message that would bring!

We hear so much about ‘the cloud’ these days - that virtual space which holds such an incredible amount of data that it becomes a little daunting to really contemplate it!

A psychologist might say that the images we see in clouds take on the meaning which we project Meta-data indeed!! into them. Have a great month...

But this little heart-shaped cloud speaks volumes without any words, bytes, or anything remotely technical going on at all. Talk about meta-data!! As I gaze at it, I wonder if perhaps it’s not only a heart but a set of angels’ wings? Certainly it holds layers upon layers of meaning, and as angels do, spreads a powerful message, or a subtle message, or multiple messages, according to our need. Imagine sitting on a summer’s day, just giving yourself the time to

Yes, that’s true. But I also feel that it’s true that this kind of image may just have occurred naturally, and it’s sending a message out loud and clear of the closeness of love in the wo r l d ; t h e grace and serendipity which exist in the universe; to reassure us that there is a myster y - Page 2 -


heart therapy

TAROT OF THE MONTH The Eight of Cups by Senior Reader, Cathy Cox One of the most challenging situations we encounter in life is how to handle the feelings involved when it’s time to let go of something or someone who has been important to us. This is the message of the Eight of Cups. If you’re physically with your reader, or doing a tarot reading for yourself, this is one of those cards which can spark, at the very least, deep feelings of sadness. The imagery used in most decks is evocative, to say the least! This is why I’ve chosen this particular version to share with you this month. There’s a particular aspect to this visual message which is extremely important, and sadly, often missed! Eight cards in the minor arcana do have a sense of completion about them - at the least, completing a phase of a cycle. In the Eight of Cups, something has run its course, something which once held emotional meaning for us.

But rather than turning ourselves inside out trying to detach, the Eight of Cups is softly telling us to take small steps to lift ourselves slowly out of our feelings of loss. It’s not easy, but there’s also no necessity for struggle. Slowly, step by step, we put our focus into things other than our own despair. I’m certainly not over-simplifying! And there’s a subtle discernment required, being willing to hear the call which invariably comes when we simply ‘know’ that putting more energy into the focus of our concerns will not bring it back to life, at least not in the way we previously had. But just as we ‘know’ who or what we love, we also, if we’re honest, ‘know’ when something has run its course. It’s important too to realize that this message of the Eight of Cups is NOT all about loss! An image of the Moon is almost always included - Page 3 -

The Eight of Cups - from ‘The DruidCraft Tarot’ by Philip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm

in this card - its presence reminds us that even though we may not know consciously where we are heading, we are being guided by the gentle nudgings of our own deepest heart through the voice of our intuition. There is hope! And the hope lies in the reality that often in this kind of situation, we are answering a call for something more meaningful in our life. And as is so often the case, it’s the internal world where this card has its most potent impact! It’s not really in the letting go of external things and people that we find its gift - it’s in accepting that something which served us or perhaps even inspired us, no

heart therapy longer does so. And so we focus our attention on seeking something more meaningful. There is a message too in the flow of the cards in a broader sense - the Nine of Cups is sometimes called ‘the Wish Card’. And this is what so often happens - in being willing to shift our focus into understand what we really seek in the depths of our heart, we do find that meaning! Try the following visualization to help you with the process of moving forwards, if you’re in a situation such as the Eight of Cups reflects...

MIND SPACE... Slow your breathing down and close your eyes. Ensure that you take as long as you need to relax your body and calm your mind. Keep your feet on the floor, and spend a few minutes focusing on your connection with the earth - imagine roots going down deep into the ground. It is very important! When you feel ready to do so, take your awareness to your heart, and imagine a slowly moving spiral there, as you breathe gently in and out. This is a very gentle energy; it emits soft silvery light. Imagine now that light flowing down through your body to your feet and the earth in front of you. The light begins to glow softly, and you see a path forming. You may not be able to see much about it to begin with - just know that the path is there and forming and becoming clear enough for you to follow when you’re ready to do so. You may see your path leading off after a while. That’s OK - you can take steps on your path when you’re ready to find your way. When you’re ready to do so, slowly bring your attention back to where you are, take so deep breaths, dig your heels into the floor, and open your eyes.

Relationship difficulties? Relationship breakup? Torn between two lovers? Can’t forget an old flame? Unrequited love?

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soul healing

Spring Clean your Life! by Natalie Arkins, Senior Origin Psychic It’s that time of year again. After the winter season, when everything has slowed down, we are coming out of hibernation. Spring cleaning is a wisdom found in many traditions, from Feng Shui to old wives’ tales. And there is a good reason for it too. It does help to clear the energy within you and around you. It may seem kind of silly, that objects that we have should have such an effect on our life, but this simple task of cleaning out what you no longer need has a vibrational and cascade effect on your life. By doing a clearing of clutter, you are making the space available for the new to enter your life. Do you feel stuck in your job? Do you feel stuck in a relationship or are you feeling frustrated about not meeting anyone new? Then its very important for you to de-clutter your home and your mind.

emails, files, programs you are no longer using. Electronic clutter still does affect you. If there are files or photos that you want to keep, look to put them into an online storage facility such as dropbox or google drive. There are plenty of free storage spaces on the internet. For the mobile phone, delete numbers that you no longer use or need and messages. ✴ Electronic devices: First the big things, any old

electronic devices, hoovers, toasters, computers, phones, need to be taken out and taken to your local recycling center. If you have multiple items of the same thing, but hesitate because it is still useable, then either donate it to a charity shop, give it away or recycle. ✴ Damaged items: We all have those items that are

The following tips are from Feng Shui traditions, and will help you to clear clutter from your mind, energy and home. ✴ Computer / Mobile Phone: This is a new one for

many people, since computers are a more recent presence in our homes. You need to clear out old

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damaged but still useable. If you still haven’t repaired it and you have had it more than a year, it is time to let it go. Again, you can donate it, sell it, give it away or recycle it. This can include chairs, toys, electronic items, anything that is damaged. By keeping something that is broken and not fixing it, is a metaphor for the things in your life that you are not fixing. You do not need a reminder of them in your life, let them go.

soul healing not hold on to them. Try and use up some of the canned goods you already have, before buying new ones.

✴ Clothes: If you have not worn it in a year, then

get rid of it. It is okay to keep winter/summer items in storage when not in use. In Feng Shui, they say that we utilize only 20% of our wardrobe. Also get rid of things that do not fit you right now. If its too big, get rid of it, if its too small, even if its really nice, get rid of it.

✴ Doors: In Feng Shui, its not advocated to hang

stuff behind doors. Feng Shui says it blocks the flow of energy and new doors opening to you. ✴ Storage spaces/junk drawers: Okay, so you have

✴ Make up/Soaps/perfumes/personal care items:

Most of these products have a time limit on them, with how many months you must keep them. If its past its time limit, throw it away. Mascara lasts only 3 months. If you have multiple soaps, shampoos etc, try to use what you have and only keep one extra in supply. Same with medicines and the medicine cabinet. Clear out all out of date items.

the christmas items, holiday/camping gear, suitcases etc that need to be stored. But having things in the attic or stored that you do not ever use, will limit your potential for growth. Go through these areas, release what no longer serves you and keep what is still useful for you. ✴ Mind: Get rid of thoughts that clutter your mind.

As you clear your home of energy that is not serving you, you will also find it easier to think clearly and positively. One of the easiest ways that I have found to clear mental clutter is to say an affirmation after I have a thought that I do not want to manifest, but is repeatedly going through my mind “ Universe, I do not want to manifest this thought. Delete that thought”

✴ Fridge/Freezer/kitchen cupboards: For food

items, again if it’s out of date, throw it away. If you have chipped, broken, cracked cups or plates, do

✴ Friends: Yes, this is the hard one. We all have

those connections to people that are no longer positive. We may hold onto them because we feel guilty, we don’t want to hurt them or have a fight. In reality, it is not serving you or the other person to maintain a friendship which is not mutually positive. Some further advice - if you have a lot of clearing to do, don’t try and do it all at once! Pick a room and start there. You may also want an “Not sure” box for things that you are not sure if you want to keep or get rid of. You will find as you do this clearing, that it feels so good, you will be doing it more than once a year.

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YOUR MARCH HOROSCOPES Aries - Celebrity Pisces

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PISCES Well Pisces, what a very interesting month it’s going to be for you in your birthday month, as transiting Mercury has just come out of retrograde motion. This will have sparked off some confusion, as you’ve also been experiencing some deep periods of contemplation. But March will not be a time of reflection for you - it’s time for some major action! Get some movement happening on your desires and goals - take those first steps now and you’ll begin to reap the rewards very soon. Financially, it’s unlikely that there will be rapid or sudden changes, but some gradual improvement over the next couple of months. Your love life is one particular area to put your words and promises into action - you’ll certainly be reaping the rewards there! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Hello Aries, you may find this month a little challenging, as there are going to be a number of important decisions you must make about your future goals. You may be a bit hesitant to come to any clear decision, but once you do, nothing will stop you - your nature is very determined and there’s some much needed planetary support! This is a month of action and strength. Time to get in touch with your individual power. Financially, don’t make any major decisions this month. In regards to love, there are some tantalizing new adventures coming your way, so enjoy yourself!

Taurus Well Taurus, March will be a month of very good changes for you. The lessons you experience this month, will be all about personal growth, and this growth will lead to a very positive cycle over the next few months. You will no longer get stuck in doing everything in the same old, tired way. This month is all about changing, and about you being totally open to these changes. Financially, you will see an upswing in your earning abilities during the month. And in regards to romance, singles will find a new positive love coming into your life, so now is the time to accept it with open arms!

Gemini Welcome to March Gemini, and the relief you’ll feel now that transiting Mercury is finally out of retrograde motion. Now it is a time for you to get on with life and enjoy the ride, because it’s always an interesting ride for you! Pick a flower, sing a song, write a poem! Financially, you may actually see a bit of an upswing this month, what fun. Try to resist the temptation to spend it all in one - Page 7 -

PSYCHIC INSPIRATION place though Gemini! In regards to love - choices, choices and more choices! Take your time here also, and choose wisely, for it will be a case of ‘all that glitters, is not GOLD’ this month.

Cancer Have finally stopped all that worrying now Cancer? The month of March will actually turn out better than you could possibly have expected. Slow down a little, once more, stop worrying, and look at the bigger picture this month. You have known for some time that you needed to make some direction changes. Now that transiting Mercury is no longer retrograde, this is the perfect time to chart your plans, and put them into action. Financially, not all is as it appears to be, but your monies will be on the upswing by the end of March. In regards to love, stay with what is working for you just now.

Leo Well Leo, you know what makes you really happy, and March is the perfect month for you to go after all that you may have been holding back on. This is not the month for you to put things off for another time. You have a quick and fertile mind that you don’t always entirely use. Try this month not to fit into what everyone else expects of you, and you will be pleasantly surprised with the results. Financially, take your time in the spending arena, as there may be some unexpected expenditures. In regards to love, you have always been the hopeless romantic, and will continue do so this month!

Virgo It appears that the transiting Mercury retrograde may have affected you more than you would have expected Virgo. But now it is over and you achieved more than you realize. In the long run, you will actually flourish in

what projects and goals you endeavor to do this month.You may not feel this way at first, but just “hang in there”! You already know how much you can achieve, once you set your mind to it. Financially, this will be more of a month of rebuilding and letting go of old habits, and ways of thinking about money. On the love front, enjoy what you have during March - nourish those you love.

Libra There are many changes for you this month Libra. There is so much going on that you almost want to take a breather. Sorry, but there’s no time for that now this month is about change for you, and accepting all that comes with it. As best you can welcome and enjoy all that is coming your way right now, and know that all you need is there for the taking. Financially, this month you will not have any worries, as all that you need will be there for you when you need it. In regards to love, there will be some surprises, mostly that you have never dreamt of!

Scorpio March is here Scorpio, and you are ready to go! It’s likely that there’s so much on your mind that you may not be absolutely sure what goals and projects that you want to start on first. And actually, it really doesn’t matter what project you start with, but that you start with something, and keep your long-range goals in mind. You are very good at setting your mind on what you want, and being totally focused achieving it. And the month of March will not be any different for you. Financially, use last month's retrograde Mercury to your advantage, and get all your monies in order. In regards to love, there seems to be a new romance on the horizon for single Scorpions, and a refreshing cycle for those already committed.

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PSYCHIC INSPIRATION Sagittarius March is going to be an interesting time for you Sagittarius! You will have many oppor tunities that you had not expected. It would be wise to consider all that is being offered to you this month, but make a decision on only one or two offers. There is no need to worry about whether one decision is better than another. Make a firm decision, and then take it from there, and you will be pleasantly surprised at how everything turns out. Financially ‘hang in there’, and maintain your monies as you have been for now. There’s a slow build up of energy. In regards to love, you will be surprised at the good that is there waiting for you in the coming weeks!

Capricorn You’re going to be met with some impor tant choices this month Capricorn, both in your work place, and in your personal life. There may be some sudden endings in the area of work, but the new beginnings in this area will be well worth it. Your own intuition has probably been telling

you that there were going to be some changes coming your way. You just did n’t know when. Now it is important that you know you have the strength to handle it all. Financially, towards the end of March, you will see an increase in your monies. In regards to love, hang on for the ride; you may just have more than one love interest this month, or at the very least, the closeness of an important friend as well as a lover.

Aquarius March is going to be a much better month than you may have expected. First of all, it is important that you take a ‘one-day at a time’ approach to everything in March. There appear to be some false starts in some areas and projects you are involved with. But all of these issues will be cleared up by the latter stages of the month. So ‘hang in there’ and relax as best you can when there are delays or frustrations, and let go of some of the control! Financially, keep your spending and your output to a minimum. In regards to love and romance, there’s certainly some romance awaiting you in March, and something special for singles.

THE UNSEEN ‘ Well, Elizabeth Anne, it isn’t only what you can see that’s important. Sometimes it’s the unseen that makes the seen worth living.’ (Manilla Maude Longan, Irish Mother) How can we live our lives so that we are open to the gifts of the unseen? We want so much to know. Yet often it’s the honouring of what we don’t know that has the greatest influence upon us. In fact, most of what influences our lives is unknown to us. So we know when the sun will shine? Not really. Do we know how long our spouse will love us? Not really. Do we know what effect our ancestors have had upon us? Not really. Living comfortably with unseen forces may be our greatest challenge. Letting go of the illusion of control may be our greatest help! (From ‘Native Wisdom for White Minds’, by Anne Wilson Schaef. One World Books, 1995.) - Page 9 -


PISCES - Ruler of the Depths! by Sandy Johnson The planet Neptune is the ruler of the sign of Pisces. The symbol for Neptune is Poseidon’s three-pronged spear. This spear is considered to be the cross of matter breaking through the crescent of one’s personality. Hence, setting it free to manifest itself at a higher level than one’s own personal ego. In regard to Neptune, “The brightest light casts the deepest shadow”, which means that Neptune can reach the highest levels, and the lowest depths. It rules the astral plane, the next dimensions, and finds it difficult to remain planted in the earth and material level of consciousness. Neptune dissolves matter, rather than building it. When this planet is strong in the astrological chart, the individual will be extremely sensitive, possibly also secretive, and have a difficult time dealing with the harshness of the material world. These individuals can be very creative and in touch with a higher sense of reality. They can be very wise, poetic, intuitive, literary and musical. In these areas of creativity, they can often be considered to have a touch of genius. The sign of Pisces is in effect from February 21st to March 21st. The keyword for Pisces is “I believe”. It is dualistic in nature, and is represented by the two fish swimming in different directions. This is because one fish is considered to be swimming downstream, which represents the individual’s personality, and the other fish swimming upstream representing the soul. The Pisces person may appear to be confused and somewhat nebulous at times. But they are in fact considering the situation from both the material and spiritual levels. Pisces people often need a lot of time in solitude, in order to maintain their balance. They can be very kind and compassionate people, and can suffer from being too sensitive sometimes. They are sometimes also considered the “old man of the zodiac”, and possess a wisdom beyond their years. This can bring a daunting responsibility that only a Pisces can handle, in their own special way.

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Merle Hurley

Natalie Arkins

Sandy Johnson

Manisha Godbole

Sheila Jones

Amy Adams


Charli Haines

Linda McCarthy


Did you know that all of the readers on the Origin Psychic Line must complete a formal interview, as well as complete a reading for one of the leading psychics on our line, before they are considered?

PSYCHIC INSPIRATION Each of our readers has years of professional experience, and must exhibit qualities of warmth, compassion, and a genuine care for our clients, as well as being skilled in the Psychic Arts.

Victoria Eastburn

Marisa Muratore

Jill Morris

Charles Russell

YOUR VIP SPECIAL OFFERS FOR MARCH... This month have an extra 5 minutes for free on a 20 minute reading AND, our most popular reading: Have a 40 minute reading for the price of 30 minutes! These discounts are valid with any reader, and you can use each of them once during the month. Valid to March 31st, 2014. UK Free Call: 0808 120 9695 AUSTRALIA Free Call: 1800 620 446 USA Free Call: 1866 892 9216 - Page 12 -

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