Origin Psychics Connections Magazine Jan 2014

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ISSUE 107 / JANUARY 2014


YOUR PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT EXPERTS! BOOKINGS UK - Free Call 0808 120 9695 BOOKINGS USA - Free Call 1866 892 9216 BOOKINGS Australia - Free Call 1800 620 446 PSYCHIC ADVICE Enjoy our Year’s Tarot Reading for 2014 SOUL HEALING Senior Psychic Merle Hurley points us in the right direction with ‘Life Transitions.’ HOROSCOPES Look at what the planets have in store for you in 2014!

NEW YEAR’S OFFERS Extra free minutes available on all of our readings during January!


Welcome, to the January edition of Connections magazine! I’m writing this first editorial of Connections magazine for 2014 from Australia. Yes, I’m fortunate enough this year to have travelled ‘Down Under’ to visit my family for the Christmas season. Skye Glasgow - London - Hong Kong Sydney - Canberra..... I have to admit that at times during the journey, I felt as though I’d entered some kind of strange twilight zone, where time and space didn’t really exist, and especially so, time. What has become really clear to me though, in the short period I’ve been here, is just how relative time really is. Cer tainly, time periods function to allow us to interact with one another important points of reference so that we meet and keep appointments, and have some kind of order to our days and weeks - minutes ticking by, creating boundaries so that we can function effectively in our terribly busy modern world. But then one starts to think about the reality that one day, we can be in the nor thern hemisphere, dealing with winter storms and

think about what we hope to achieve in the coming year, how we want to direct our life force, our creativity, our love.

As you look forwards to the coming year, I’d suggest being as fluid as you can be. Use those dates, and months, and special occasions as guidelines rather than very dark mornings, and 24 hours deadlines - points of reference to l a t e r, b e i n t h e s o u t h e r n support you in your life. hemisphere, where its’ sunny and warm AND 11 hours later in And make sure you celebrate 2013 time. My own personal clock is before it’s past. Even if it’s been a still ticking away - my biology has difficult year for you personally, had to adapt of course, so that think for a moment about how I’m not waking in the middle of you’ve responded to all that has the night. But I haven’t actually happened in your life. Acknowledge ‘lost’ some hours. Nor will I ‘gain’ your own inner strength and any when I make the return resilience, the very capacity you journey back to the UK. have to choose your response to what happens in your life. You’re So why do we make sure a fuss taking your own ‘inner sun’ of the ‘New Year’, when in fact, forwards with you into the New it’s really just a date like any Year, and that’s certainly a powerful other? ‘firework’ with which to start the year! Well, as I mentioned above, it’s because it’s a wonderful point of reference, like a birthday, or an anniversary, or a day of special spiritual significance. As such, New Ye a r ’ s D a y a l l o w s u s t o acknowledge the year which has passed, the experiences, challenges, blessings, and changes which will have occurred in each and every one of our lives.


And, as one of those amazing gateways we have in life, it also allows us to look forwards, to - Page 2 -


Our 12 month Tarot reading for 2014! by Manisha Godbole, Origin Psychic

As we enter a New Year, it’s always positive - even exciting to look to the cards to see what threads and cycles may be unfolding for us. With that in mind, I’ve done a ‘Year’s Spread’ for us - one card as an overall guide for the trends of the year, and then a card for each month.

Our overall guide for 2014 KING OF PENTACLES This year’s focus is on being more in charge of our environment and circumstances in the material world,

which includes our health, finances, home. This king has his house in order and then some! He encourages us to invest in the long term and set up systems and structures which safeguard longterm security. He is a sign that many of us will begin to take on more responsibility for ourselves and become providers of security, safety, and perhaps even comfor t for other s as well. Any existing relationships, personal or business endeavours, are likely to move to the next level of completion, commitment and establishment. Some of us on the lookout for love may just find ‘a keeper’! - Page 3 -

January: The Chariot So we begin 2014 with the energy of the Chariot. Charged up and raring to go (or not!), this will manifest in our lives asa determination to follow through on goals and resolutions, especially in areas of health and finances. This card sees us breaking away from the past and setting a course for the future, driving forward undeterred by fears or doubts. This would be a good month to prepare for any moves or changes, ensuring all the practicalities are taken care of beforehand. You will have the energy

PSYCHIC INSPIRATION to forge ahead, provided you pace yourself.

February: The Fool February is shaping up to be a time of new beginnings and adventure . Having laid the groundwork in the previous month, many us could take the leap and explore new pastures. Being curious and open to discovery will support us going forward. Now’s not the time for the tried and tested. Stay in the present moment and trust your instincts to guide you. Many of us may find ourselves in unknown territory and on the verge of crossing a major new threshold.

March: Nine of Pentacles This month sees us integrating the experiences gained over the last two months and being in a position to really savour and enjoy what we’ve manifested for ourselves. Any changes will mean greater security, and the need to be more self-sufficient and independent. Together with the King of Pentacles, this would be a good time to look at personal investments, to re-invest in your health or home and bring any long-term projects to completion.

April: The Tower April begins a new cycle and on what a note! I can see that whatever preparations were made in March will stand us in good stead for the sudden changes this month is likely to bring. This is quite a charged energy, almost like a pressure cooker going off. You

may feel the need to break out of any confining situations or mindsets when this energy is around or life may just engineer it for you! This will be a month of wake-up calls, even epiphanies around health and your relationship to money. The King of Pentacles reminds you that no matter what happens, you will be in charge of some aspects of the situation.

endeavours. If you’re not feeling so happy and care-free, this month will be about carving out some “me “ time , enjoying and appreciating yourself. You may want to find ways to incorporate that into your schedule. Together with the King of Pentacles, this could well be a time of indulgence and pleasure, so just watch out for any over-indulgences!

May: Ten of Pentacles

July: The World

The emphasis this month is on family and taking care of one’s family. On a mundane level, this card is about changes or expansion in the familial property and environment which will have an impact in the long-term as well. You may well experience acts of generosity and want to share in your wealth and resources. You may find an increase in family duties or responsibilities and experience a strong sense of belonging, perhaps feeling the need to belong somewhere in particular. In the wake of the previous month, this is a welcome sign of stability and security. Your notion of home and family may be changing so being with your loved ones is likely to be an important priority this month.

One particular area in your life is likely to be reaching completion in July. You may even be feeling a great sense of achievement and fulfilment. New chapters are opening up and you will seek ways to put your energy into something or someone new. There is a sense of having the world at your feet, perhaps even feeling overwhelmed at the thought of a big wide world out there! You may have done all you wanted or could do. This would be a great time to travel if you haven’t done so much before now. I also feel this is a time of synthesis and wholeness, especially at the root level.

June: Nine of Cups What a lovely upbeat energy! June will bring us a sense of personal satisfaction in some way and it will be important to share that with others, to celebrate them too. Overall I am encouraged by this card as many of us will feel joyful and a sense of fullness in any per sonal - Page 4 -

August: King of Swords Two kings together eh! This King encourages us to be decisive and to be more in charge of our thoughts, plans and goals. Getting some legal advice or advice on how to best manage your health a n d fi n a n c e s m ay we l l b e important right now. You may need to get more organised and set some limits or boundaries in these areas of your life. If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed, look at ways to bring more structure

PSYCHIC INSPIRATION into your life, and choose only those that are on your terms. This would also be an excellent time for making some business or health plans.

business relationships may well turn more personal and a deeper level of commitment and emotional security will be experienced by some. Love is in the air!

September: Eight of Cups

December: The Star

September is a good time to look at areas of your life which are draining your energies and resources. Take some time to re-prioritise and if necessary, let go of things or cut your losses in some way. Any actions will involve being emotionally strong and a willingness to walk into an unknown. This is a time of emotional regeneration, which can be difficult initially, but which will have huge benefits in the long-term. You will be moving towards something more meaningful and secure. Taking care of your health and your immediate physical needs will support you this month.

We end the year on a magical high note! The Star indicates feeling the potential of what’s to come and finding inspiration in life. A fresh start is on the cards, one that is solid and real. Relationships will find a new level of authenticity, and you could be more willing to reveal yourself to others. As 2014 draws to a close, look forward to what is on the horizon and to setting new goals based on your deepest desires and wishes. This is an excellent time to inspire and be inspired.

October: Knight of Wands All change! This knight is a messenger, bringing opportunities for change in work or your life in general. New people and attractions are around. You’ll feel more fired up or even a little more impatient than usual, eager to get going and move, quite literally. You may find yourself committing to a course of action or getting more creative. Together with the King of Pentacles, I would suggest exercising caution before jumping from the frying pan into the fire. However, if you have done your groundwork, this should be a great time to dive right in. I also see some of us wanting to challenge the establishment and the way things are. I also see in particular, children or young adults wanting to break free of tradition and paternal security or extreme paternalism. Passions can flare easily this month which could be a good thing, provided they don’t burn out of control!

November: 2 of Cups Getting to know that someone new or re-connecting with an existing someone is in the air this month. You may be feeling more emotionally balanced at this time or feel the need to be more balanced. Co-operation, reconciliation and emotional intimacy are highlighted for November. Together with the King of Pentacles, any

Re-connect to the energy of hope and positivity for there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. In particular, allow yourself to be around people who make you feel good and see you for who you are. Have faith as a new cycle begins in 2015!

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soul healing

Life Transitions... by Merle Hurley, Senior Origin Psychic

‘Helping another soul find its way is never intrusive - it is gentle and always empathic....because a good psychic cannot decide for you, they can only guide your spirit.’ The beginning of a new year is always a great time to start new and exciting dimensions on our personal road in life. The ‘New Year’s Resolution’ offers us hope for change and to better ourselves as individuals. Often throughout our lives, we go through transitional stages, some good and some not so good. The good times are welcoming and it keeps us enthusiastic and full of our zest for life. But as cliche'd as it sounds, life is sometimes no walk in the park, and unfortunate things happen to us that can seem to set us back sometimes days, months and even years at a time.

turning to me for spiritual help without feeling judged, criticised or morally questioned. One of my clients has explained her situation as "you couldn't even make it up to write in a book". I had to smile when she said that because it was so true. It can be a burden carrying such secrets that very few people will understand or want to know about. And that can be a great weight locking anyone down into a negative energy.

Most of us can deal effectively enough with short term issues, but the drain of a long term problem or issue can weigh us down as if there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Most importantly, people need someone to turn to who they can trust and guide them through difficult times. Often family and friends don't have a lot of time to be there for us in the way we want them to, or we have limited time to seek guidance from other We all need to drain negative energy from our lives regularly. And that's professionals. also what I'm here for - to help you Alternatively, seeking a higher source of new age spiritual help is do exactly that! As a psychic, I take something that people often do. That's where I fit in. my clients’ negative energy and channel it into new and positive I have many clients who have unusual problems that are so way ‘out there’, that they find it hard to discuss with others. They feel comfortable energy. I have explored the world - Page 6 -

soul healing through my mind's eye in many ways and there is so much in the universe that is yet to be discovered. But most of all, there is a lot in your own personal universe that can be unlocked through the power of selfawareness. People often ask me about happiness and how to find it when dealing with problems in life. Well it's not so complicated really. ‘Happiness is not something that comes to you, it is something that starts as a seed from within only you can grow that seed.‘ Either you believe you really are the master of your own destiny, or other things and people are the major roadblocks in your life. A quote I once heard: "You become what you believe". I tend to agree, and this year in 2014 I am going to try to attain a new level of this wisdom and to create some change in my own life. I'm definitely looking forward to the challenge! I intend to walk the talk, practice what I preach, so I will let you know how my new level of wisdom has helped me by passing on energy through my readings. Some of my clients know they can pick the phone up, call me and talk any time. I am available for new clients

for short term or long term and ongoing support. I'm only a phone call away. As your psychic I will always put you first, I may not always tell you what you want to hear, but my readings will always give you a straightforward clarity and always with the highest of regard for you as a person and unique individual. Whether you have a relationship, career or financial issue that is dragging on and there seems no end to the situation, no matter what you believe, there is always a solution or a pathway to a solution. It's just sometimes not easy to find or understand where to start. Some problems just take time, or we have to live with them until the transition comes to an end. Either that or you will just get so fed up with it, you just won't put up with it any more. You just have to understand and trust your own abilities and know that you WILL get to where you need to be. You are welcome to have a reading any time with me and we can explore and go on a path of healing opening up your aura to a panoramic view so you can see what needs to be fixed. Helping another soul find its way is never intrusive - it is gentle and always empathic....because a good psychic cannot decide for you, they can only guide your spirit.


Natalie Arkins

Sandy Johnson

Merle Hurley


soul healing

2014’s Celestial Events by Natalie Arkins, Senior Origin Psychic

2014 is shaping up to be an interesting year astrologically. Eclipses can bring about sudden changes, in business, love and friendships. Traditionally, you don’t want to travel, or start new projects during eclipses if you can help it, because there can be disruptive energy present during an eclipse. Eclipses are illuminators, clearing up places inside ourselves that have been hidden, bringing them to the light, shifting our energy and resetting our energy. Solar eclipses occur at the new moons, so they mark new beginnings, and have a period of effect for six months from the eclipse. Lunar eclipses are usually on full moons, and mark endings. I actually see both type of eclipses as bringing both endings and beginnings, and a clearing of unconscious energy (moon) by the sun into conscious energy, and these clearings can be felt at the collective conscious level too. Another way to look at it is that Lunar eclipses are more associated with inner changes, while Solar eclipses are more about outer changes. Full eclipses of both types occur less frequently, but have a stronger effect on people. Everyone will feel the effect of the eclipse in some aspect, but if the eclipse falls on a planet or astrological sign in your natal chart, you will feel the effect of the eclipse more. If the eclipse occurs near your birthday, it marks an important year for you. 2014 will have two consecutive full lunar eclipses, which are called ‘Blood Red Moons’, since from some places on the earth, the moon will appear to turn red. Two more consecutive full lunar eclipses are occurring in 2015, and this phenomenon, called a tetrad, is very special because it does not occur that often. In addition, these four lunar eclipses are falling on holy days in the Jewish calendar. This occurred in 1492/1493 and 1967/1968, only twice in the past 500 years. I feel that these eclipses will bring in the energy needed for change - they are not to be feared, as some people have written.

Lunar Eclipses 2014: 1. Blood Red Moon/Full lunar eclipse, April 15th (Passover): The moon will be in Libra (25 ° Libra 16’ ), during the eclipse, and the Sun is in Aries. If you have Aries or Libra in your natal chart, you will feel the effects of this eclipse more strongly than most people. ‘Sabian symbol: The sight of an autumn leaf brings to a pilgrim the sudden revelation of the mystery of life or death.’ This eclipse will help to bring insight and understanding to your purpose in life. You will also gain insight into what you need to release in your life. 2. Blood Red Moon/Full lunar eclipse, October 8th (Feast of the Tabernacles): The Moon will be in Aries (15 ° Aries 05’), and the Sun in - Page 8 -

Libra. Again, people with Aries or Libra in their charts will feel this eclipse more intensely. ‘Sabian symbol: A snake coiling near a man and woman.’ This eclipse will bring in a personal identity shift, where fiery aspects may erupt, but in a passionate way. This eclipse may bring new romance and passion back into your life, and a strong surge of kundalini energy and awakening.

Solar Eclipses 2014: 1. Annular Solar Eclipse, April 29th , Taurus (08° Taurus 51’). The fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius will feel the effects from this eclipse the strongest. ‘Sabian symbol: A sleigh on land.’ This is a time to pause, and to enjoy what you have manifested recently in your life. Take a rest, sit back and relax, before the next active period. Aspects of your life that were driving you forward, may now take a back seat, as you shift your focus onto other things. 2.Partial Solar Eclipse, October 23rd, Scorpio (00° Scorpio 25’). Again the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius will feel this the most. ‘Sabian symbol: A crowded sightseeing bus in a city street.’ Scorpio has a strong psychic energy, and this eclipse may increase many people’s psychic and intuitive powers, allowing you to see the patterns in your life more clearly. You may be getting insight into group interactions too.




HOROSCOPES Orlando Bloom - Celebrity Capricorn

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAPRICORN YOUR DESTINY IN 2014: The beginning of 2014 is relatively peaceful for you Capricorn, and in fact you may take it upon yourself to seek out a new adventure - especially in the form or travel or learning. Your own personal psychic vision is strengthening day by day and you will find yourself able to make clear and strong decisions, especially around your career and knowing who to trust and which risks to take. All year you will pursue goals that will flower finally during November and December time. So slow and steady wins the race for you this year!

Aries YOUR DESTINY IN 2014: Rams have some exciting adventures lined up for 2014! This year sees you leaving behind some old, well-trodden paths - it just may take until November for the changes to be completed. This is a strong year for inspiration, finding where you belong, even exploring new places, at home and abroad. It’s as if the New Year has blessed you with a renewed sense of adventure! In effect, you’ve been released from the shackles of responsibility and karmic lessons you have been learning for some time. YOUR LOVE LIFE IN 2014: Old and new friends will be coming into your life Aries, boosting the vitality of your social life and at times, challenging you to examine yourself and where your life is going. A lover may float in and out of your life a little, during the early months of the year. If you are in a committed relationship, you may find your partner quite self-absorbed at times. This is an opportunity for you to spread your wings and discover what you want out of life, especially emotionally. Things will settle much more in the latter stages of the year.

Taurus YOUR DESTINY IN 2014: The planets show a lot of change ahead for you in 2014, and some of it flowing in inconsistent ways - you could feel like you are on a rollercoaster at times, so it is important to learn to flow with the changes and not overreact or try to control things. If you do, you will only block out all the gifts the universe has in store for you this year. Some of the things you want to achieve will not come to you directly Taurus you may have to wait or you will achieve them in an unexpected, and even serendipitous way. The key is to trust and continue to focus on your intention, no matter what. This could involve any aspect of your life career, love, children, money.

YOUR LOVE LIFE IN 2014: It is important that you don't try to rescue someone early on in 2014, as you may end up carrying a burden throughout the year. If someone you love is in trouble, help them to help themselves. You are moving to a stronger level of commitment in relationship October is a particularly vibrant month for you, but you will find that a love relationship will steadily grow stronger throughout the YOUR LOVE LIFE IN 2014: Early on in the year - January and February in year. particular - you are likely to find yourself being pushed by a lover or love HAPPY BIRTHDAY! - Page 9 -

PSYCHIC INSPIRATION interest. You may need to hand over control a little and let them run the show for a while, not something you’re likely to find easy. This choice to surrender to someone else's will and timing (which could mean moving much more slowly than you want) will pay off later in the year and you will find around October time that your lover will be ready to move forwards in a more open-hearted and relaxed way.

- they’ll become magnetized by your revitalized sex appeal! Many of the connections you make this year Cancer will have past life links. This may seem to throw your life into disarray, but the opportunity is there for you to grow and experience the richness of life! It will depend on how balanced you are and how well you’re able to keep a cool head about where you take things.


Gemini YOUR DESTINY IN 2014: 2014 kicks off with some great news for Geminis. Even though January may have some mixups and bungled communications, Geminis will use this to their advantage and create some magic for themselves. This year is great for your career, and also in terms of you discovering your true voice. This could be creatively, personally or professionally - you will be speaking out and people will be listening. This all culminates in some financial rewards and stability towards the end of the year. YOUR LOVE LIFE IN 2014: Keeping clear and open lines of communication is essential for you in 2014. Trust issues could arise easily with both friends and lovers if you are too secretive or neglectful of them and conversely, you may find yourself getting suspicious of a lover from time to time (especially around January, May and September). The honesty and openness in your relationships will improve from these hiccups and you have the chance to take the relationship to a deeper level of intimacy during the coming year Gemini.

Cancer YOUR DESTINY IN 2014: A sense of freedom from old restrictions and difficulties comes early on in the year around February. It is your chance to break an old pattern and make a quantum leap into a new emotional and spiritual level. Stay open to your intuitions and watch for signs during this time. You are beginning a new cycle in your life Cancer, so this is your chance to put your life on a new path and uncover a deeper level of your personal destiny. YOUR LOVE LIFE IN 2014: 2014 is a year when you will find yourself attracting people to you in all sorts of arenas

YOUR DESTINY IN 2014: 2014 is a very strong year for you Leo, due to a series of planetary movements, especially in May, July and December. In fact, you will notice changes right from the beginning of the year in January. This is all about reaching out into the world, expanding your social circle and re-discovering your ideals. However you will also be challenged to let go of your ego on some level - so there is a need for you to work together in a team environment and not to simply seek to shine on your own. YOUR LOVE LIFE IN 2014: 2014 is shaping up astrologically to be a year when a lover will bring about great inner change within you Leo - this person could teach you a lot and challenge you to leave an old security net behind you. Leo's don't usually like to follow someone else's lead, but this year you will find yourself being pushed again and again to walk in someone else's world. Take the risk Leo, and step out of your comfort zone.

Virgo YOUR DESTINY IN 2014: There are some par ticular alignments running through 2014 for you Virgo, which will mean you may find that yourself tempted to take on emotional responsibility for others. This will be especially so early on in the year around February. None of this energy is wasted and the efforts you make will pay off later on in the year when you begin to see the signs of a new life all around you. You are gathering a lot of knowledge and wisdom at the moment and this will be used in a creative way in the future. YOUR LOVE LIFE IN 2014: Virgos will find themselves going on a beautiful journey with a lover or partner. This whole year is about a soul-mate connections unfolding. Often this can be challenging but extremely rewarding.

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PSYCHIC INSPIRATION Focussing on communication of your real feelings is very important during this time Virgo, and you will find a lover helps you to heal your past and find your inner freedom again.

Libra YOUR DESTINY IN 2014: Your life path is ready to change during 2014 Libra. All year you may feel you are in limbo, or a transition phase, before things get settled and stable again. This transition phase will bring people in and out of your life and with them, there will be career opportunities and a lot of wisdom to be gained. You are benefiting from some auspicious planetary conjunctions, and your creativity will blossom as a consequence. This is a good time to strike out in your career and go after your dream. YOUR LOVE LIFE IN 2014: 2014 is a year to focus on the way you relate to a partner, or to men or women you are interested in. You are learning a lot and many times during the year you will be facing a mirror where a lover will teach you something about yourself. If you take on this ‘apprenticeship in love’, you will find that your relationships become more balanced, loving and fulfilling for you, as well as for your partner.

Scorpio YOUR DESTINY IN 2014: There are some intense undercurrents building up in your life in 2014 Scorpio. On the surface, it may seem that things are continuing as they always have done but you have a lot of inner power and you will slowly build up to achieve your dreams. Later in the year, you will begin to see the fruits of this period of focus. Although at times during the year you could lose your vision, it is important to stick to your goals. This is a wonderful time to start a course of study or pursue a business idea. YOUR LOVE LIFE IN 2014: Your love life will bring some unexpected and very welcome surprises into your life this year. You have strong connections with a soul mate, so if you are not with the right person then you could find them this year. Your psychic vision is strong and you will find yourself deepening your bond with your lover and helping them to heal the past. This will mean some

difficulty to begin with, but in the long run, a stronger and healthier relationship.

Sagittarius YOUR DESTINY IN 2014: A few unsettling changes could pop up in February, which will make you rethink your future plans. Like all things, this happens for a reason and your horizons will expand into greater frontiers as a result. You have the opportunity this year to put your energies into living a freer and more satisfying life if you are prepared to let go of the past and embrace a new but emotionally risky direction. The universe is particularly smiling on you in May, July and December, so make the most of these months Sagittarius, to really go for what you want and approach others for support. YOUR LOVE LIFE IN 2014: Your challenge in 2014 is to find balance between being true to yourself and compromising for a partner, or creating space for relationship in your life. It will be tempting to simply focus on your goals and dreams without thinking of what your partner might want. If you ignore the warning signs, you could find yourself with a big drama in the latter stages of the year, or you may find yourself feeling a bit lonely. The key is to listen and learn the art of compromise this year.

Aquarius YOUR DESTINY IN 2014: This will be a spectacular year for Aquarians. The planetary conjunctions in May, July and December will bring golden opportunities for you to do what you truly wish to do. 2014 is about following your heart and discovering that it does actually lead somewhere! There are times when you will be challenged by others about your ideals and your plans, but it is important for you to take the lead. Others will follow and appreciate your clear-sighted vision, even if they don't always say so! YOUR LOVE LIFE IN 2014: It is your time to take charge in your relationships Aquarius. You will find that you are particularly attractive to the opposite sex - Aquarians when they are in their element influencing and guiding others always shine the brightest! Take advantage of your new found sex appeal and move a relationship forward

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PSYCHIC INSPIRATION to a deeper level of commitment. Times for commitment are strong around October and November this year.

Pisces YOUR DESTINY IN 2014: With Uranus in your sign you are the unpredictable one! February marks the beginning of your break away from convention and doing what everyone expects of you this year Pisces You will seek freedom and a new lifestyle and it won't be that difficult to find. Pisceans are deeply intuitive and if they deny themselves the right to follow their heart, it often causes enormous emotional imbalances - so do what you feel regardless of what others may say to you this year. You will find this is the right path and things will work out in the end. YOUR LOVE LIFE IN 2014: Love relationships are a strong aspect for you in 2014. You are learning to balance love with following your destiny. You need not sacrifice one for the other Pisces. In fact, you may take on more commitment or even expand your family or close circle this year. You have a lot of inner power and energy, so this year, the more you take on, the better!

January 31st is CHINESE NEW YEAR! Are you born in the Chinese Year of the Horse? The Horse years are 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990 and 2002. (Be sure to check though if you were born in January or February - Chinese Astrology follows a lunar year, so you may fall into the year of the Snake.)

Historically, the Horse is the symbol of power, but there’s much more to a ‘Horse’ person than that. A horse can be quite frank and direct, so don’t be offended if they speak sometimes before they think! Nevertheless, a Horse will make a trust-worthy, open-minded, and cheerful friend. They love company, and you may frequently be on the receiving end of unexpected, even spontaneous invitations. They are clever and kind, and refuse to accept failure in work. The most significant weakness to watch for with a Horse is that they cannot bear being constrained. If you are in a relationship with a Horse, do your best not to limit their independence!

What to expect in the Year of the Horse... This is a year for leaders - for those who want to make a difference in the world. 2014 will be a turning point year for many of us. Do not be discouraged if you feel a sense of indecision and ambiguity around making decisions - this will push you to greater and greater clarity. And with the power and vitality of the Horse year building in the coming months, you’ll soon find yourself propelling forwards. Make sure your thinking and strategic planning has been done, because this will be a year of action! In love, the message of the Horse year is not to be too impulsive! There will be a tendency for even the most cautious and even-tempered of souls to ‘dive in’ to passion this year. That’s fine and wonderful and fun, but not a basis for making long-term commitments. - Page 12 -

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