Origin Psychic Connections Magazine - November 2013

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PSYCHIC ADVICE Tarot of the Month - the Hooded Man. SOUL HEALING Fireworks and Firelight - Reignite your passion for life! HOROSCOPES Happy Birthday Scorpio!

NOVEMBER OFFERS Extra 10 minutes for free on your next 30 minute reading


Welcome, to the November edition of Connections magazine! Well we’ve come to one of my favourite times of the year - and not just simply because my inner child enjoys the playfulness of fireworks, and another chance to be allowed to be silly on Halloween! In all seriousness, I love this time of year because more than at any other time, the inner realms, and the mysteries of life, seem to come to the fore in the collective consciousness. Nature seems to slow down, especially once the leaves have fallen - they seem to absorb some of the noise which is ever present in our world. And although we have long, dark, nights ahead, at least there’s the comfort of being able to gaze meditatively into a fire when the nights close in.

almost a case of simply allowing your mind to wander for a little while, until it can settle and focus on the quiet.

depending on where you live. But certainly do try it. I can remember when I realized there was a significant difference between being aware of the quiet of night, and being aware of the stillness - it’s breathtakingly beautiful. Let it seep into your bones. And if you’re fortunate enough to do so on a clear night, with a full, or almost full moon, the experience will be even more profound. I’m sure you’ll experience something incredibly peaceful and nourishing - just what we all need towards the end of another busy year.

And in the quiet is where you’ll find the stillness! I’m not mixing up my words - I’m suggesting that you consciously focus on the stillness of the ear th, and especially so at night time, during Have a great month! the coming season. You might need to wait until it’s quite late,


Do you ever have the luxury of just listening to the stillness? Try if you can to do so this month. It’s an amazing exper ience . Be prepared - at first, you’re likely to find your mind jumping all over the place. But persevere! This isn’t the same as meditating - it’s - Page 2 -

soul healing

Fireworks & Firelight by Manisha Godbole Origin Psychic

I’ve been in Hawaii for a number of months now but as warm as it is here, I cannot help but fantasise about a cold autumnal November in the UK, full of fireworks and firelight. Woody, spicy scents, roasted chestnuts, warmth of a bonfire, exploding colours against the night-sky, the whizz and whee of a catherine wheel. In the Tarot, I not only work with cards but I also work with the elements. The above visualisation captures the essence of fire. Fire symbolises our inner spiritual light and our passion. It represents our ability to activate, our drive to create and the power of transformation. Fire is our life force - our sexual energy. It burns, produces heat, energises. Think of the act of burning a log, throwing it in the fire and watching it crack and sizzle before finally being reduced to ashes. Fire changes its form. We can use the element of fire literally or metaphorically, to help us change or activate something. It is what moves us in our lives. It is interesting and important to gauge how the element of fire is at work in someone’s life e.g. if someone is feeling sluggish or stuck, it could be that their fire element is inhibited. If someone is feeling constantly angry or enraged or if they are nearing exhaustion, it could be a sign of excessive fire energy

within them. We can then work with that knowledge and perhaps other elements to transform the situation.

I find fire gazing quite meditative and soothing, comforting and releasing and it somehow tunes me into my own inner fire; reminds me that I actually have an energy source within. When staring into a candle flame or a roaring fire, I always feel a sense of being hypnotised. It seems to stimulate my third eye and takes me into that space where I could visualise and imagine. That’s one step of the process of change: actually seeing a different possibility, playing with different scenarios and then seeing which one pops out, inspires and energises you. You may get a sense of wanting to take it further. Does it excite and motivate you? Do you feel more alive? That is the fire energy at work within you. It’s indicating where you want and need to channel your energy.

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soul healing Does your inner fire need stoking or does it feel like it’s raging out of control? Visualising your inner light and seeing what symbols, images or physical sensations come up shows you the quality and power of your inner flame. Once you’ve visualised or felt it, do you like it? Do you want to tweak or change the image? Right now as I close my eyes, i can see two candles, fused together within a metal candle holder. The white candles are slightly blackened and wax is dripping down the sides. I also see wings flapping either side of the candles and they are hard at work. I feel that it’s exhausting trying to keep these two flames burning. These images and sensations depict the quality of my inner fire. Internal imagery is a very personal thing - this kind of image could mean many different things for different people. For me, at this time, it is a sign that I’m finding it hard to keep my energy going, that it is being channelled in at least two ways and that perhaps I need to refocus my energy into one area. I would like to change the image. The one which comes to mind is a big flame coming from the earth. There are no candles, just pure fire atop earth. All I’m doing is playing with images and letting my imagination run free. The more alive the visualisation is, the more powerful its effect. Let it engage all your senses. There are no rules. This process of creative visualisation is open to each one of us and the beauty of it is that you can visualise about any aspect of your life, not just about your inner flame.

Manisha Godbole

M a n i s h a ’s r e a d i n g s a r e founded on her psychic gifts o f Ta r o t , C h a n n e l i n g , Clairsentience and a deep sense of Empathy. She will offer you acute and intelligent insight into your life, but coupled with a sensitivity that will leave you feeling uplifted, empowered, and more in touch with yourself and your situation.

INNER SPACE - FIRE MEDITATION This is a simple relaxation and meditation to connect with your ‘inner fire’. It’s most effective if you have an actual candle or can sit in front of a fire of some sort. Take a few moments to relax down, slow your breathing, and simply gaze into the fire. Let your focus go soft - you don’t need to concentrate or work hard. As your breathing becomes relaxed and regular, imagine the warmth of the fire reaching out to you, touching your skin, and sinking in to your body. The warmth from the fire can touch each and every cell in your body, enlivening it with fresh, vital energy. You might like to see the firelight becoming brighter as you breathe in, and

then easing as you breathe out. Let your imagination show you what you need from your fire. Take your time. When you feel ready, take a few moments to come back to the room, dig your heels into the floor and take a deep breath. If you’ve been using a candle, snuff it out.

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Wisdom Oracle

The Pianist in the Shopping Mall from ‘Like the Flowing River’ , by Paolo Coelho published by Harper Collins

extremely gifted violinist and is listening with tears in her eyes. I remember going into a chapel once and seeing a young woman playing for God, but that was in a chapel and made some kind of sense. Here, though, no one is listening, possibly not even God. That’s a lie! God is listening.

I am wandering distractedly through a shopping mall with my violinist friend, Ursula, who was born in Hungary and is now a leading fi g u r e i n t w o i n t e r n a t i o n a l orchestras. Suddenly, she grips my arm: ‘Listen!’ I listen. I hear the voices of adults, a child screaming, the noise from televisions in the shops selling electrical appliances, high heels clicking over the tiled floor, and the inevitable music that is played in every shopping mall in the world. ‘Isn’t it wonderful?’ I say that I can’t hear anything wonderful or unusual. ‘The piano!’ she says, looking at me with an air of disappointment. ‘The pianist is marvellous!’ ‘It must be a recording.’ ‘Don’t be silly.’ When I listen more intently, it is clear that the music is, indeed, live. The person is playing a sonata by Chopin, and now that I can concentrate, the notes seem to hide all the other sounds surrounding us. We walk along the walkways crowded with people , shops, bargains, and with things which, according to the announcements, everyone has, except me and you. We reach the food hall, where

people are eating, talking, arguing, reading newspapers, and where there is one of those special attractions that all malls try to offer their customers. In this case, it is a piano and a pianist. The pianist plays two more Chopin sonatas, then pieces by Schubert and Mozart. He must be around thirty. A notice beside the stage explains that he is a famous musician from Georgia, one of the ex-Soviet republics. He must have looked for work, found all doors closed, despaired, given up, and now here he is in this mall. Except that I’m not sure he is really here: his eyes are fixed on the magical world where the music was composed; his hands share with us all his love, his soul, his enthusiasm, the very best of himself, all his years o f s t u d y, c o n c e n t r a t i o n , a n d discipline. The one thing he appears not to have understood is that no one, absolutely no one, has gone there to listen to him; they have gone there to buy, to eat, to pass the time, to window-shop, or to meet friends. A couple of people stop beside us, talking loudly, and then move on. The pianist does not notice - he is still conversing with Mozart’s angels. Nor has he noticed that he has an audience of two, one of whom is an - Page 5 -

God is in the soul, and in the hands of this man, because he is giving the very best of himself, regardless of whether or not he is noticed, regardless of the money he gets paid. He is playing as if he were at the Scala in Milan, or the Opera in Paris. He is playing because that is his fate, his joy, his reason for living.

I am filled by a profound sense of reverence and respect for a man who is, at that moment, reminding me of a very important lesson: that we each of us have our personal legend to fulfill, and that is all. It doesn’t matter if other people support us or criticize us, or ignore us, or put up with us - we are doing it because that is our destiny on this earth, and the fount of all joy. The pianist ends with another piece by Mozart and, for the first time, he notices our presence. He gives us a discreet, polite nod, and we do the same. Then he returns to his paradise, and it is best to leave him there, untouched by the world, or even by our timid applause. He is serving as an example to us. Whenever we feel that no one is paying any attention to what we are doing, let us think of that pianist. He was talking to God through his work, and nothing else mattered.

YOUR PSYCHIC EXPERTS Did you know that all of the readers on the Origin Psychic Line must complete a formal interview, as well as complete a reading for one of the leading psychics on our line, before they are considered?


Merle Hurley

Natalie Arkins

Manisha Godbole

Amy Adams

Sheila Jones


Sandy Johnson

Marisa Muratore

Charli Haynes

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Being a psychic Shaman


Senior Psychic, Natalie Arkins, answers some ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ about how shamanism impacts on her readings... Basically Shaman’s (or Shamanka if you are female) are people who can go into alternate realities (called journeying), the spirit world, different dimensions, to bring healing or insight for people. Each culture has its own word for this type of work, but Shaman (a Siberian word) has become a universal word to describe this type of work. This is an ancient technique and every civilization around the world has it’s own shamanic practices, and it is becoming more popular again! Typically this journey into the other realms is done with drumming ( a steady rhythmic drumming of 4.5 (hertz) cycles per second that induce trance theta wave brain states), rattling or singing, and the Shaman has their own guides and power animals, who help them on the journey and offer protection to the Shaman during the journey. The shaman must be very grounded to do this work, because you are going into the unknown, but must come back to this world to be able to relay the messages and insights. In my own work as a Shamanka, I do not need drumming or rattling to journey. So, during a reading I do not need to drum to journey to get information. Some people may say that this is a already a psychic process. I added “Psychic” Shaman to distinguish this type of journeying for gathering or finding information and insights for people, rather than a healing type of journey.

How does it work? This is really difficult to answer, because there are many theories and interpretations of how it works. Science has shown that the theta waves induced by the drumming or music, lead to a trance state, which allows deeper comprehension, beyond normal consciousness. Because this process is working with unseen worlds and energies, it is hard to give a good answer to this question. What I personally believe, is that the shaman can channel their energies and connect to these unseen

worlds by using the consciousness (brain) and psychic intuitive (subconscious) part of the brain to journey. Imagination seems to be the key ingredient, similar also to daydreaming, and many people probably journey themselves when they are daydreaming, and do not realize the power that they are accessing by doing this.

How does it affect your readings? Tarot readings already use the psychic and intuitive abilities. I see the cards as doorways and signposts there is always a deeper meaning that can be accessed through the cards. As a shamanka, when I am doing a reading, I can connect to different energies that help the client. For example, crystals may come up as part of the reading to the help you with what is happening, a power animal may appear in the reading that wants to connect to the client. Spirit guides may provide me with information that I would not be able to access usually, such as past life issues, ancestral issues, feminine or masculine energies. When I do a chakra reading, I tune into your chakras and use the Tarot as a guide to the energies, but I also use my shamanic ability to see how to balance a chakra, to get insight into why the chakra became unbalanced in the first place. People who have crossed over may also connect with me during the journey, somewhat similar to mediumship. Because journeying is a powerful technique, it expands and helps the reading, bringing it to a new level of insight.

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Your TAROT of the Month by Cathy Cox the way inwards - the Hermit, or in the Wildwood Tarot, the Hooded Man. Don’t be fooled into associating popular 21st century cultural images with this archetype - this is no smelly old person with cats! He, or she, is wisdom personified! The Hooded Man - from ‘The Wild Wood Tarot’ by Mark Ryan & John Matthews, Illustrated by Will

Right from my first encounters with the Tarot, I’ve found it to be an incredibly rich and mysterious tool. Whilst it can be used for a myriad of purposes, I find its most powerful use is as a way to engage in a dialogue with our own inner world. This is, of course, especially so at this time of the year - a time which calls to us to be still and quiet, to turn inwards, to nourish and heal and replenish our own personal resources. There is one card in the Tarot which, in itself, embodies the archetype we need to call upon for this process, to confidently navigate our inner world the being who brings a light to guide

Quieten your mind; slow your breathing; notice how straight away some of the tension you’re probably carrying begins to ebb away. Imaging that you, too, are rugged up - cloaked against the cold of your own anxieties and doubts; you, too are carrying a light which cannot ever be extinguished, even when you’re asleep, or, just like now, as you slip into a different state of consciousness. I find myself moving forwards in my imagination, as I gaze at the image. There is a softer light coming from the door in the tree, and it casts a soft glow on the snow before my feet. It does seem to be quite inviting - so I take my lantern and walk towards the haven of the tree. There is indeed a fire within this space; it’s warm, and still, and completely safe. There are rugs on the floor, and a cosy chair. I feel completely at ease in this space. Its definitely still got the feeling of a tree, but unlike any tree I have encountered before. There is every shade of green, from rich moss colours to an almost steel greygreen; and there are golden browns, rich russet tones - every possible colour of autumn. It’s as if the life force of the tree itself is spread out before me, sharing itself, seeping into my very marrow.

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PSYCHIC INSPIRATION As I relax more and more, I feel myself sinking into my chair. I’m certainly not asleep, but I am very, very relaxed, and moving into yet another layer of consciousness. And so I gaze into the fire, and simply allow myself to be here, in this beautiful and nourishing place. The warmth of the tree’s life force itself is seeping into my heart. There is a gentle hum - I couldn’t say that I can actually hear it; rather I can feel it, through the soles of my feet. I can only say that it feels like the spirit of the tree itself. And then it begins to make sense. This tree is of course a sentient being - it has its own spirit, its own knowledge and wisdom, born of eons of experience. I can seek its wisdom, and it will share it with me, willingly.... even lovingly, if I listen and trust that the language it uses is known to me. It’s known to all of us - that language of the eternal - it shapes itself in symbols, in images and music, poetry and stories, rather than in the letters of our everyday language. And it’s this language with which the spirit of the tree sings to me. It’s difficult to describe how reassuring this experience is. In a way, it’s reminding me of things I know that I know, deep down. It’s even reminding me of who I am, and on what I can rely. It’s a mysterious experience, but completely secure too.

enormous lake, a hut on the top of a mountain, or a cave at the bottom of the ocean. The point with the Hooded Man (or the Hermit if you prefer) is that you take the light of your own consciousness with you - to lead you to a source of infinite wisdom and guidance, and that exists anywhere which feels ‘right’ for you, according to your paradigm. I’ve chosen this card in particular because I’ve found that so many people are looking for nourishment at this time of the year - to replenish their depleted resources after a busy year. Do take yourself to a quiet and still place, both in your outer world, but more particularly, in your inner world. Simply allow yourself to be in a safe and warm place, and see what comes to you - it may not be words. In fact, it’s more than likely that it won’t be words. Just be certain to come back slowly, and to take some time to connect again with your physical location. Dig your heels into the floor and take some slow, deep, breaths. Walk around when you’re ready to, and have a drink of water. And know that you’ve met someone deeply significant in your life.

If you wish to, you, too, can travel into the heart of the tree, or for that matter, into any space which speaks to you as a source of wisdom. You may wish to meet ‘The Hooded Man’ himself, as a being who speaks to you, and of whom you can ask questions. You may wish to visit an ancient library, or an old house, another civilization on another planet, an island in the middle of an

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YOUR NOVEMBER HOROSCOPES Aries Leonardo di Caprio - Celebrity Scorpio

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCORPIO! Yo u r h a b i t u a l d e s i r e f o r investigations this month might just uncover more than you expect Scorpio! You do though have a chance to resolve past hurts and to start again, this time, with a clean slate. This is a great time to re-unite with a past lover or to revive a current love affair. Your magnetic appeal will be at its height at the very beginning of the month. And your focus and determination will be given a great boost by the Solar eclipse and its relationship to Saturn on November 3rd. Take some risks and say what you desire, especially at this time the response you receive might just surprise you – but pleasantly so. This will be especially so if you allow Venus’ move into Sagittarius to lighten your mood. All in all, it’s a great month for you Scorpio, and a time when you’ll really push ahead. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Changes are happening so quickly in your life now Aries that you’ll be kept running all month. This won’t be bad news to you, as this is a state you love being in! But by the middle of the month, you will find yourself facing a new and inspiring path. This will be part-adventure, part-destiny! Whatever way you look at it Aries, you are being called away from anything humdrum and routine in your life. This is at least partly to do with Saturn and its relationship to the solar eclipse early in the month you’ll need to be determined and focused, but really this is something you thrive on! You might also find yourself becoming more serious about what you really desire in your life.

Taurus This November Taurus, your world will be shaken with the unexpected and the magical. The full moon will be in your sign on the 17th this month. This, along with the other planetary movements at the end of the month are key points for you, but this spontaneous element could happen at any time. Do your best to go with the flow and trust the universe because you won’t be able to control the events unfolding before you. Remember this though Taurus - there will be a sense of magic and especially new love coming into your life this month, so flow with it as best you can.

Gemini The cosmos seems to be conspiring to get you moving this month Gemini - cliches about ‘new brooms’ seem to fit! The truth about your life, your relationships, and your future will be hitting you right on the head! Naturally this isn’t such a bad thing really, as this is the best way to get your attention. You will be seeing the direction of your life with such clarity, it will be as if it were for the first time. This inspiring clarity will help you to make some really important decisions towards the end of the month and early in December Gemini. Your motto this month ‘Expect the unexpected.’ - Page 10 -



A secret love will begin to quietly grow this month Cancer. Even if there is chaos all around you, you will find yourself maintaining a sense of equilibrium, and will remain quite untouched by the stresses of other people. Being in your own little world will definitely have its advantages this month, especially as you discover those special and sweet feelings for someone else growing deeply in your heart. The end of the month may bring a few surprises for you - but I can’t tell you about that or else it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it!

It will be important for you to clear your mind and focus on what you want to create in your world this month Libra. November is a time for your dreams to come true - so make sure your dreams are in touch with what you really want. After the 17th in particular, you will find opportunities appearing right before your eyes so you can pursue these dreams. As you begin to take steps on your destiny path, you’ll find yourself letting go of the past far more easily and naturally, and this will be especially so with old relationships that have been draining you.



Wow Leo – you’re are in for a magical roller-coaster r ide in November. You’ll go from deep introspection and hidden feelings to wild and passionate expressions from deep within your heart. November will be quite a mixed bag of positive but also challenging events, but through it all, you have the chance to be more spontaneous than ever in your response. You will surprise a lover with your hidden side, and you might just win them over for good! Life is a game, and never more so than this month Leo – so play and really show us all what your fire is all about!

November will be a month of fulfillment for you Sagittarius - with the planets aligning in your sign, you are at a critical turning point in your life. November will be the time to reach out for what you want, even if you think you can’t possibly achieve it immediately. Focus your determination and your goals will come. It is important to make a statement about your personal truth at this time. Your free spiritedness needs some room to breathe, especially when it comes to your relationships. So let yourself go and have some real fun this month!


You have been reflecting on your love life for quite some time now Capricorn, and with the Solar eclipse, a s we l l a s a N e w M o o n o n November 3rd, you’ll have some fantastic planetary support to get things started in the right direction, and put your plans into action at last. The end of the month will be a great time for spicing up your love life! You’ll be feeling more passionate and intense than ever. Just let go of your old need to stay in control and this can really be a wonderful time for you as we head towards the end of the calendar year, and your birthday season.

November has the potential to be a really interesting time for Virgos things that you have been trying to hold on to may slip right through your fingers. Relax Virgo - the outcome will be good, I assure you! You need to let go of some control and responsibility, and the only way that this can happen is for someone or something to take it from you. Enjoy your freedom - live your life and let the future take care of itself. It won’t be that difficult you know, and you might just end the month on quite a high.


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The wheels are in motion and things are really moving now Aquarius, and in the direction that you want too! This is the time for you to open up new avenues in your career and your social life. You’ve wanted these changes for a long time but have been frustrated about how to make things happen. November brings you some answers at last, well at least some damn good suggestions! Don’t stand back now Aquarius - take this on and enjoy the feeling of change and progress you can access right now. Apply your determination, and things will gain momentum.

Things are moving in your sign in November Pisces, awakening within you the desire for some much needed change and freedom. You’ll need to be determined, as Saturn is still keeping you a little pinned down. But you’ve really been focused on directing your energy towards achieving your long term goals recently, and in lots of ways, you have done exactly that. But this month is your time to break out – it’s a wonderful time to recognize what you’ve been missing in your life and to re-discover other parts of yourself you’ve maybe been denying in the last few months.

THIS MONTH... November 1st: All Hallows!

November 17th: Full Moon in Taurus

A time to honour those loved ones who have passed, and perhaps, to turn our minds to the spiritual part of our lives.

Today’s a fantastic day to really indulge yourself - have a bubble bath; eat as much chocolate as you desire (or any other food you really enjoy). The key is to be selfindulgent, even if just for a day.

November 3rd: Diwali! New Moon in Scorpio AND a solar eclipse. The focus is well and truly on light! At some point in the day, why not light some candles; maybe see if you can be a ‘light’ for someone else today.

November 22nd: Sun moves into Sagittarius. Yes, you archers, your time of year is here at last. Have you something appropriately celebratory organized?

November 5th: Guy Fawkes Day Set off some firewor ks , either actually, or metaphorically! In any case, fire up your inner child, and enjoy yourself! Get rid of things you no longer need from your wardrobe, your cupboards, or your psyche! And burn them from this world.

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