Origin Psychics Connections Magazine Oct 2013

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ISSUE 104 / OCTOBER 2013


BOOKINGS UK - Free Call 0808 120 9695 BOOKINGS USA - Free Call 1866 892 9216 BOOKINGS Australia - Free Call 1800 620 446 PSYCHIC ADVICE Tarot of the Month - the Ancestor. RELATIONSHIPS Is romantic love just a beautiful myth? HOROSCOPES Happy Birthday Libra!

OCTOBER OFFERS Extra 10 minutes for free on your next 30 minute reading


Welcome, to the October edition of Connections magazine! ‘What’s going to happen? When will it happen? Will I be OK if / when it happens? What will I do if it doesn’t happen?....’ Questions we all will have wrestled with at some point or another in our lives. And questions which, quite naturally, feed their way into psychic readings all the time. Seeing into, and helping to unravel the mysteries - that’s the stuff a good reading is all about. But in my opinion, one of the greatest mysteries of all in this process, is the impact of our own involvement, in working with, and one could say, weaving, the intricate strands of mystery which flow through all of our lives. This can’t be explained away simply as ‘FREE WILL’, as so many people will flippantly exclaim. Over and over again, through working with others, and in my own life, I’m reminded of just how much we co-create our lives. We certainly can’t control everything,

can imagine could be possible, even if our current practical circumstances don’t seem to allow them at all. This isn’t day-dreaming. This is, as Victor Hugo understood, creating the future.

It’s a mysterious process, and there are, of course, many factors operating. But let yourself dream a nor ‘make’ things happen. Yet little, and you’re starting to move intention is a very powerful thing into that realm. I have no doubt about that. And courage; and commitment; and Have a great October! support; and hope; and on and on.


But today, I’d like to add IMAGINATION to the list, and to share a quote from Victor Hugo to add a little punch:

‘There is nothing like a dream to create the future...’ To dream of possibilities not yet encountered - to drift into visions in our own very personal, private, and intimate inner worlds - this is an incredibly powerful experience! Not only are there no boundaries in those inner worlds, but they operate as a kind of gateway to a place where only the laws of the universal divine operate, a place where we can safely share our deepest desires, hopes and dreams, and visions of what we

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heart therapy

Is romantic love just a beautiful myth? by Merle Hurley, Senior Origin Psychic Love throughout the ages and in modern history has been romanticized, there’s no doubt about it. Even though love has a universal meaning, the concept of love between romantic partners takes on a whole new perspective. Love occurs when two people connect in mind, body, and soul and develop the desire to form a bond. Bonds can be developed between friends and family, and with, and between, animals. Love is something we all know exists, because we feel it for our families and friends and yes, even our pets. But for love to be maintained between two entities over a period of time, certain elements must be contributed by those who participate in the act of love. We reciprocate to those we love because of the common bond and desire to dedicate ourselves to those who mirror our cause in life. But love does not always run smoothly, and often things go wrong in relationships, a broken heart cries out “what is love, what does it mean?” The question is, do we strive too hard in love?

simple concept - it’s just that we tend to complicate it. Stenberg’s triangular theory of love points out three simple elements that form the act of real love. ✴ Passion – the drives that lead to romance, physical

attraction, sexual consummation, and related phenomena ✴ Intimacy – closeness, connectedness, and bonding.

Are we driven by too many ideals about what love should be?

✴ Commitment - Ongoing Intimacy and passion lead

to the commitment to maintain love.

Is the way we were raised having an impact on how we understand love? People often enter relationships not knowing what it really takes to maintain a lasting and loving relationship. All we need to do is learn until we get it right. Robert J, Stenberg’s theory of love takes the mystery out of “the meaning of love”. Love in actual fact is a

Of course there are always dire circumstances which prevent us from being with those who we truly love, like sickness or war. EIGHT KINDS OF LOVE: ...non-love, liking, infatuation, empty love, romantic love, compassionate love, fatuous love, and consummate

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heart therapy love. Consummate love is the only love that holds all three elements which makes love a true success over time. The other seven only hold one or two of the three key elements of love. For example, fatuous love may hold passion and commitment, but no real intimacy. Commitment cannot take place if intimacy and passion are weak on one side of the partnership, such as a casual sexual relationship. The lack of intimacy and passion for the other person causes a lot of relationship breakdowns, and the commitment levels are not constantly maintained and the foundations of love become rocky and not easy to repair. After the damage has been done, intimacy and passion are affected and commitment is much more difficult to reach. For example if you are in love with a married man, the level of intimacy and passion are affected dramatically and over time, commitment can become almost too difficult to obtain. The road to love is ultimately painful, and sometimes unsuccessful. Reciprocation in relationship is important. To compensate in relationships, some women who are strong givers unconsciously may pick a man who lacks giving skills. But if your energy in giving and waiting for a man outweighs that which you receive, then you may be contributing to a lot of your own relationship breakdowns. Aristotle said, “the good life is the balanced life” so balance out your giving and take more when you should. The point is people in relationships need to give and take, to keep it functioning in a healthy way. Next time you aim to fall in love, keep in mind the points below... Many women in society struggle with finding love and commitment, and often wonder why. What needs to be understood is that women are often socialized and raised to be giving and nurturing and it often affects our expectations and goals in achieving in achieving a balanced relationship. If we learn to recognize these things then we can work hard on balancing our personalities so that we can mirror any soul potential that comes into our lives without too much drama. Self-awareness is the key. But the real key to finding love is to develop a sense of genuine self love. This means really caring for the human being inside. Not conceited or vain. To be able to love yourself first, hold yourself in the highest regard and have a passion for yourself as a person, this will lead to a sense of your own commitment to become a whole and centered person who doesn’t have to work for love, but attracts it without effort.

Merle Hurley

Merle is a highly intuitive c l a i r voy a n t a n d a c a r i n g empathic psychic reader. She provides psychic counseling and spiritual motivation, will give deep insight and clarity to your life, and will help you to unblock your mind and spirit. Merle will empower your thoughts with positive energy and help you find the answers your looking for. You’ll feel peaceful but uplifted after your reading.

Are you looking for love? Take some time to reflect a little on these questions.... What sort of partner am I looking to love? You need to have an idea of what you want. Does this person possess the same ideas about love, life, and relationships as you?

Are we a good match? There’s not point in becoming involved with someone who is not available to be in your life right now.

Love is a choice, between two people who have developed a determined sense of reciprocity, and a mirrored cause.






Do I love or give too much without even realizing it? There is no rule in the universe which says that you must compensate for someone else’s lack of reciprocity.

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Wisdom Oracle

Samhain meditation PHOENIX RISING. from ‘The Wiccan Year’ , by Judy Ann Nock published by Provenance Press As we honour the dead on Samhain, it is important to acknowledge the intensity of emotion that comes with confronting death. Use this meditation if you are confronting grief or another emotional situation that requires insight and compassion. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Ground and centre your energy. Breathe rhythmically as you imagine yourself in a topiary garden, standing among tall hedges. ✦Beneath your feet is the soft earth, blanketed with the tender green of lush grass. You wander among carefully trimmed bushes with leaves so dense that you cannot see through the hedges. They are unusually tall, and you cannot see over them. You cannot tell where one ends and another begins. It is as if living walls surround you. ✦You take cautious steps along a turning path that does not seem to end. Time feels suspended. Each step could be a hundred steps, and you feel as though you have been wandering far too long. If you have made any progress at all, finding your way out, it is indiscernible. ✦You feel lost and confused, each new direction looking exactly like the turn that preceded it. You being to feel that you will never leave this garden. Although it is beautiful, it is too overwhelming because your feelings of uncertainty and loss are dominant. ✦Suddenly, above your head, you feel a cool breeze that gradually begins to strengthen in intensity. Your heart begins to pound, so loud that it seems to be outside of yourself. You then realize that the sound is not coming from within your own body, but rather from the wind that you feel above your head.

✦You turn your gaze upwards and are amazed to learn that the sound and the wind are the beating of powerful wings. Above you flies the form of a creature, the likes of which you have never seen. It is a bird! A fantastic bird, so large that the gigantic hedge seems no more than a tiny perch beneath the great expanse of its wings. ✦From its majestic wingspan, the mighty flight feathers project with a multitude of shining opalescent hues. You see brilliant blues iridescent with shades of rose and violet. Your eyes follow this amazing display of colour to the soft down feathers at the base of the wings. They appear velvety and are a deep royal purple. Elegant curling plumage like that of a bird or paradise extends

to the scarlet tail feathers. ✦Your jaw drops, and the creature alights on the top of the hedge and cranes its graceful neck, folding in its wings and bringing its face very close to yours. In its golden beak, you see the radiance of the sun itself. The metallic colour blends in with the delicate feathers of its face that range from shimmering gold to a shining yellow. On its crest, you can see deep reds that change to bright orange and rosy pinks. But you are most struck by the eye of the phoenix. It looks at you so intently with eyes the colour of the sea; the irises are clear bright blue and watery, the pupils, only a slightly darker blue. ✦You are awestruck and mesmerized by its eyes. You begin to see reflections - Page 5 -

appear, and you know it is because this gentle creature is feeling the uncertainty in your soul, and reflecting this back to you with kindness and compassion. ✦You see familiar images, as if you are gazing into a pool of blessed water. Faces of loved ones. People who have helped you in the past. Tender memories that you had once forgotten now come alive. The phoenix meets your gaze and sheds a glistening tear. The tear falls over you and you are bathed in a fragrant aspersion of comforting empathy. You realize that the phoenix is feeling what you feel. ✦On some level, in your distress you have summoned the phoenix to come to your aid, and indeed it has. Carefully, it lifts you on to its mighty back and spreads its shimmering wings. Together, you soar upwards through the clear blue sky, the winds of change touching your face causing tears of joy and release to stream from your eyes. You turn your head to look down. ✦Beneath you, you see the labyrinth that you previously stumbled through, only now from your lofty vantage, you can easily see the way out. You are free of the maze and its resolution is obvious. ✦Unexpectedly and without warning, you are standing in the garden once again. THe phoenix is high overhead and you squint your eyes against the glare of the sun. It becomes more and more difficult to see as the sun seems to shine brighter and brighter until the fantastic bird is no longer discernible at all. ✦You can barely see its outline against the sun when suddenly it seems to erupt in a fireball so large and bright that it makes the light of the accompanying sun seem pale in comparison. You shield your eyes and turn away, but the image seems burned into your retinas. Every time you blink, you see the phoenix. ✦The sensation begins to fade a little, and you take your first steps. You are confident and assured now. Every few steps, you see the light of the phoenix behind your eyes. You understand that this light is leading you along the pathway out of the labyrinth. You simply follow it. You are on your way home. ✦


YOUR OCTOBER HOROSCOPES Kate Winslet - Celebrity Libran

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIBRA! Even though you may be facing some mixed messages and a little confusion this month Libra, in general you’ll find that things are falling into place for you at last. What a great thing for your birthday month! Some long standing issues that have been draining your energy will finally have the chance to balance themselves out. Watch out for opportunities to turn things around in your favour, and be as honest as you can be about your needs, especially with yourself! This will add substance to how you then communicate those needs to others, and set those oh so difficult boundaries. In fact, October will be a good time for that relationship ‘deep and meaningful’ conversation. It isn’t likely to turn into a confrontation, so bite the bullet Libra, and you’ll feel much better for it. Be clear about your position and hold it - don’t assume people understand you completely, just because you’ve spoken! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Aries Getting what you want may not be quite the simple thing you’d like this month Aries. Instead, you’ll have to learn to be more flexible and not necessarily work in straight lines - your preferred method after all! Don’t worry - there is a purpose to it all. The hurdles that may appear to be in your way are there to strengthen your intention, especially when it comes to your relationships. If there is someone you are currently chasing, or who you’re in love with, then the strength of your love could be tested in October. Stand firm in what you want and be patient if you can, not always the easiest goal for an Aries.

Taurus The latter stages of October will bring many of the things you’ve been awaiting for such a long time now Taurus. This is a time for new beginnings, but of course, also some endings. This is your chance to let go of people and work situations that have been holding you back - the the chance for you to really embrace change in your life. Being a tenacious Taurus does have its advantages, and you’ll find that a lot of your hard work will pay off this month when it comes to convincing someone else to see things your way. Be persuasive Taurus, and who knows what you’ll achieve.

Gemini You will be the proverbial, ever youthful ‘Alice in Wonderland’ in October Gemini. With Mercury, your ruler, going retrograde in the latter stages of the month, you can expect some chaos, just to add some spice to your life. So until then, you have time to rethink your game plan and work out what you really want deep in your heart. This may be a little threatening to your cool Gemini psyche, but when you’ve found your answer, there’ll be no turning back. You’ll use your well developed ‘mindmagic’ to make it happen. Just focus, focus, focus! Even you might be surprised at what you achieve. - Page 6 -



Mars and Venus will be there to bring you a renewed sense of energy and vitality this month Cancer, and with it, revitalized sex appeal! Enjoy these two planets, as they will bring people dancing into your life this month. October has the potential to be a great month for you socially, and it’s a time for you to make those extra special acquaintances, and the kind of nights you do like to remember! Let your romantic streak rule the day Cancer, and let yourself be spontaneous. Someone has to get the party started after all! Mars will give you the drive, Venus will give you the charm - the rest will be up to you!

The Full Moon in Taurus (your opposite) and the Sun moving into your sign a few days later will bring a little magic into your life this month Scorpio. You’ll be able to leave some old battles well and truly behind as you move onto a simpler but far more satisfying life path. It is important for you to reflect over the past and to weigh up your relationships this month. Have you been doing too much for others lately Scorpio? Is there somewhere else you’d rather be? Now is the time to go there! The opportunity will present itself. Don’t hesitate - you know how much you hate regrets.


All sorts of people will be looking to you for answers and guidance in October Sagittarius. It’s time for you to make your mark and work out just where you fit into the bigger scheme of things. This could be to do with work, your family, or your social circle. You’ve been hiding in the background lately, and in some ways, just going with the flow. Well that isn’t really your nature. So now is your time to take charge and to show your true colours. Are you a little anxious of the responsibility it may bring? Don’t be shy Saggie! You’ll be fine, and you might just enjoy the process too.

October might well be a month of extremes, highs and lows, and mixed emotions for Lions. One minute you’ll be the party animal, enjoying your position at the centre of the social stage - just where you like it! But the next, you’re likely to be dealing with strong, intense and deep emotions. Don’t let this worry you Leo - some of these emotions may not even be your own. It could be that something that brings joy to you will bring pain to someone else. The key for you this month will be for you to move with balance as much as you can, and to take things one step at a time. I’m sure you can do it Leo!

Virgo This year hasn’t exactly been the easiest for you Virgo - the planets may have seemed to be conspiring against you at times!. Naturally you’ve been bearing it well, and by now you’ll find that your inner strength and resilience will be beginning to pay off. Thankfully though, a change is in the air for you in October Virgo, and many of the things you’ve been shouldering yourself will begin to be taken on by others. This will leave you free to focus on your goals, and more importantly, on yourself. You deserve it Virgo, so have some fun! You might even find the motivation to indulge yourself a little.


Capricorn This is certainly an important year for acknowledgement and success for you Capricorn – you can thank Jupiter for that one! If this hasn’t happened for you as yet, October is the time for you to get in and say what it is that you want. With Venus starting the month in Scorpio, this brings you that extra charisma and zing, you will have enormous inner power to get others to see your true value. This is not a time for you to be lukewarm or guarded. You may feel a little nervous about letting go and being open for a change. But this is the best possible time for you to make a strong statement others will remember!

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You’re spreading your wings and you’re almost there this month Aquarius, but you’re not quite flying yet. A lot of the connections you’ve been building in the past year will begin to come together, and many new opportunities are ready to be born and to blossom for you. You must though be strong and passionate about what you want, or there is a danger that people won’t hear you. Persevere! October will be a great time to make a strong impression on someone you admire. Put aside your cool detachment for a change Aquarius, and your charm will have a chance to shine.

The Full Moon falls in Taurus this month Pisces, and that, along with Jupiter’s continued sojourn in your house of love, could push you to new romantic heights this month! This is very significant for you, with some sudden and spontaneous moments bubbling up in the latter stages of the month. The psychic part of your mind will be sparkling with dreams and intuitions about your direction – this is the time to really listen to your heart Pisces, no matter how crazy or extreme it may seem – and follow what it tells you. October is a time for divine inspiration, radical change, and deep commitments.

THE KNIGHT’S REST by Christina Griffiths Weary-worn and heart-troubled Madam Knight can move on, no more. No fights to fight, no fights to excite, winning makes no sense at all. Good guys, bad guys, are they not all the same? How can I move forward, when I don't know from whence I came? 'Home is where the heart is', a forest sprite whispered, from atop a tree. 'It's the space where peace and belonging call to thee'. 'But how can I hear that calling, little forest sprite?' 'I've been searching and searching with all of my might!' 'Oh Madam Knight, how silly you are. Don't you know that you haven't to travel that far!' Sit still by this tree and I'll show you the key. Come now, it's time to rest and just be. Madam Knight tussled and rustled and fought with herself. Until she finally gave in and so did her health! The sprite did her work, and mended the heart of dear Madam Knight, Who awoke to find herself filled with such delight. Cried dear Madam Knight, 'What have you done to me?' I feel light, uplifted and wonderfully free'. 'There was no magic here', said the friendly tree sprite ' I just showed you that part of yourself that was plain out of sight'. So the moral of this tale, to all those who are heart worn, Is not to despair, feel trapped or to be torn. Just spend some time alone, by your own inner tree. Then soon enough your whole heart will then set you free. - Page 8 -

soul healing

Are you up to breaking through your barriers? by Senior Psychic, Natalie Arkins I just love hearing from my clients that they have overcome a barrier in their personal life, whether it is deciding to go for that new job they didn’t think they could do, start a relationship or leave one, or just change the way they live their lives. Breaking through the limitations we have set ourselves is always empowering, allowing us to realize we can do something we previously thought was impossible. This is a return of power to the individual, and starts us on the path of opening and exploring our world, until we reach the next barrier. Barriers are everywhere in our life, and of course, some are needed for safety’s sake, and are reasonable for living in this world. Other barriers are there that we have put in place, whether told to us by our parents, teachers, peers, or some that are simply self-imposed.

the speed of light barrier, thought to be unbreakable. That was what Einstein was all about- questioning the world, not believing in what was taught in school as “written in stone”, never to be changed. School teaches us the current theories that rule our world, but these are not absolute truths, and in some way can block real learning, because we are taught this is how it is, and you must accept this as fact. This type of education is memory based, instead of real learning, where new ideas and advances can occur.

‘Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway.‘ May Kay Ash

‘The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing’. As the quote above from Einstein states, we have to be curious and questioning about the world around us, or we may just become complacent and accept limitations, even when they are obstructing our growth or are detrimental to our quality of life. Curiosity is a blessing for us, to look at the world with new eyes. Recently, a huge discovery occurred in science that has the ability to turn all our previous knowledge and theories of the world on its proverbial head. This is the discovery of neutrino’s moving faster than the speed of light in experiments with CERN and San Grasso laboratories. If replicated and proven, this is what science calls a “paradigm shift”- a shift in the theories that rule science. And they are just theories- working hypotheses until someone proves otherwise or breaks that barrier. I believe that if Einstein was alive today, he would be absolutely chuffed that scientist’s had broken

‘The only really valuable thing is intuition.’ Albert Einstein These two quotes are interconnected, because the bumblebee does not know about aerodynamics, it just feels in its body that it can fly, and so it does it. This is intuition - a feeling in your gut, third eye, even your heart, that tells you something that your mind would disregard or tell you that you can’t do. Intuition is indefinable really, but naturally occurring in everyone, and should be utilized and valued more by modern society. Unfortunately, even though most scientists will admit that intuition and imagination were the key to certain discoveries, the modern world still values logic and the mental processes over intuition. Interestingly, the finding of subatomic particles breaking the light barrier would also help to explain intuition and psychic phenomena. How can we know, before

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soul healing something has happened, that it will happen? How can some people see ghosts or connect with spirits that have passed over, when they are no longer in the same “time” frame or dimension as us? If this new finding is proven correct, it would explain this because causality - cause and effect would not happen, and things would occur outside of the property of time. I am looking forward to hearing the new theories that will come out of this. I would also add that imagination is important too, and that imagination is a component of intuition. It is where we dream of the future possibilities, and that is the first step in manifesting what you want in life. Vision boards, vision quests, daydreaming are vital to expanding our horizons. It is how we create our future, although we have to be careful here, since sometimes we are imagining negative or bad outcomes instead of positive and expanding outcomes.

‘I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something.’ Richard P Fynman ‘The only source of knowledge is experience.’ Albert Einstein These quotes remind me of what the Buddha said to his followers. Basically he told them not to believe what he said about the world, but to experience it themselves and then decide. Being told something is true, but not having experienced it means we take on someone else’s viewpoint - both positive and negative, without discovering if this is true for ourselves. The Toltec Naguals (shamans from the area of Mexico) use the metaphor of the universe as an eagle. We are but one feather of that eagle, and even the most developed, conscious being here can only know or understand that one feather. To get close to our barriers, we must explore our world that we have created, mentally and physically and experience life in all of its complexity. Yes, sometimes, that means having negative experiences too, but that teaches us to what avoid in the future. Once we realize where the barriers are, we can use curiosity, intuition and imagination to overcome those barriers. But that is not the final step, it is an eternal circle, ever expanding and widening, just as our universe is physically expanding into new space. There will always be more limitations to overcome, more empowerment to be had by crossing our barriers. Einstein was always questioning even his own theories, coming up with counter-arguments, always willing to learn and expand. This reality is multilayered - different dimensions, different realities for each individual that experience life on this earth. Mathematical laws do not circumscribe our reality, they can only describe what we know so far. The only constant thing is change - everything is changing, with or without our help.

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Some Guidelines to use in discovering and overcoming your barriers... Be curious, explore your limitations and be open to discovering what is your truth.

Experience is vital; knowing something because someone told you is not enough.

Use your intuition - these are the gut feelings, insights and inner knowing that will guide you.

Imagination is important for expanding your boundaries of what you think is possible.

Everything is constantly changing. By accepting change, it can occur without any effort on your part.

Most of all enjoy the journey and avoid those who don’t want to experience change. ✴


Your TAROT of the month by Cathy Cox accessing the connections we all have with those we’ve loved, but also with those who have gone before in our own personal story - the family lineage, our spirit guardians and guides, some of whom we know by name, others by conscious encounter. But with this card, there’s another, more subtle level to this process as well. The Ancestor - from ‘The Wild Wood Tarot’ by Mark Ryan & John Matthews, Illustrated by Will Worthington

I’ve re-visited the Wildwood Tarot this month, with a view to sharing the wisdom of ‘The Ancestor’. This card is John Matthews and Mark Ryan’s expression of ‘The Heirophant‘ - the archetype of spiritual authority and learned wisdom in traditional decks. But I’ve chosen The Ancestor because of the feelings she stirs in me at this time of the year. We are edging ever closer to Samhain - the Feast of All Souls and All Saints in the Christian calendar, or Halloween for many others. The associations of these festivals (and others) with remembering loved ones who have passed are well known. Connecting with our Ancestors in this context makes sense. There is enormous wisdom and guidance to be found by

Look at the face of this Ancestor; listen for her drum. Follow her as she guides you through the gateway into a new cycle - heralded by the end of the cycle of the year at Samhain. She is the voice of that ancient part of your soul, the part which will guide you and reassure you as you find your way along the new paths this cycle will offer you. She is the voice which is like a mirror, reflecting your own deep, personal wisdom and authority to your conscious awareness. There is nothing to fear - she is your voice of ancient memory, of your own personal lineage - she guides you with dreams and images, stories and symbols - all which feels known and familiar, and which resonates deep in your heart in a way that you just simply ‘know’. Close your eyes, and let your mind walk confidently through the gateway, lit only by the New Moon. This kind of light is subtle but incredibly powerful when you allow yourself to step into this world a world you see with the eyes of your heart. The Ancestor is ‘the guardian of the sacred heart of the land and she summons you by beating the drum to the heartbeat of the Earth.’ Listen now for that heartbeat. Listen for it through the soles of your feet. It’s gentle but insistent. This wisdom will not speak in words - it uses a language of feelings, subtle, gentle, mysterious perhaps, but unerring and insistent. And it’s this voice which allows you to enter the new phase of life, stirring deep in the earth at this dark time of the year. - Page 11 -

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