2 minute read
We are moving forward into the 2nd half of our Fraternal year. At this point, we just reached 50% of our Goal for Circle of Honor. There is no doubt in my mind that we can reach our Goal by June28th. You need to continually ask men to join our Order. Every mass, every function at Church is an opportunity to ASK Men to JOIN. Because as I have told you many times before, If you do not ask them to join, more than likely they will not.
Membership Program Points
Many of you have filled out the 10728 form for Program reporting, and have listed your Membership Programs on the Ohio State web site. I have reviewed and graded everyone of them As of 1/31/2023 there are 19 programs on there that I have reviewed and left notes on for you to supply additional information, and I will gladly give you the Points once you resubmit with the required information. Go back into the site, and see if your program was approved or reviewed. If it is under review, you need to submit more information. Please do so, as I want to give you the program points…I want your council to succeed.
As of 1/31/2023, there are 205 Councils in the State that have NOT reported 1 new member for this year. Please make an effort to recruit at least 1 new member. If you can, try to recruit 5 or 6, then you will meet the minimum required amount necessary. Every church function, every mass is an opportunity to recruit. I know for fact, that there are several Priests in our State that do not want any recruiting done in their parishes. We have to abide by their wishes. However, that is not to say that you cannot recruit one a man to man basis in church. If you are one of these Councils where the Priest does not want a Membership Drive ..let me know, and I will make arrangements for you to receive credit for a Membership Drive…As long as you recruit someone new.
in order to claim the membership incentives email to mcfreil2019@gmail.com the name(s) of the new member as soon as possible .
MICHAEL FREIL, State Membership Director
As of January 27, 2023
Ohio July 1: 54,710
Ohio Growth: 836 (47.77%)
% Growth: 1.53%
Cleveland July 1: 8,612
Cleveland Growth: 163 (51.09%)
% Growth: 1.89%
% Growth is a measure of the YTD gain compared against the July 1st membership number.
YTD Gain against the July 1 Membership Total
1. 8320 John Carroll (16.67%)
2. 15056 Holy Family Parma (8.82%)
3. 16373 Westlake (7.50%)
4. 11464 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (6.90%)
5. 2726 Windermere (6.80%)
6. 14111 Prince of Peace (6.10%)
1. 3410 South Akron (17)
2. 774 Elyria (13)
3. 4847 Brunswick (11)
4. 10792 St. Francis of Assisi (9)
5. 2726 Windermere (7)
1. DD #19 Tom Goodheart (26)
2. DD #24 Tom Donovan (22)
3. DD #20 DeWitt Gober (20)
4. DD #21 Patrick Gale (19)
5. DD #33 George Metz (17)
Can you crack the TOP-5 and take home the top prize this year? Grow and find out!