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On June 19, 2022, the Catholic Church in the United States launched a very exciting National Eucharistic Revival. The Diocese of Cleveland is joyfully participating in this three-year process. Diocesan Convocations, retreats and webinars are taking place for bishops, priests, diocesan, parish and school staff as they open their hearts to the Holy Spirit’s action during the first Year of Diocesan Revival. Beginning on Thanksgiving Day the Diocesan Eucharistic Revival team will be posting video testimonies from our priests answering the question, “What does the Eucharist mean to me?” A new video will be posted daily through Christmas. Use the hashtag #EucharistCLE to find or share videos on social media. The Diocese will be also featuring a billboard campaign highlighting quotes from the Bible and the saints about the Eucharist in all eight counties of the Diocese.


Beginning in June of 2023 is the Year of the Parish Revival. Parishes and schools across the country and Northeast Ohio have already begun some exceptional grassroots initiatives to foster a deeper Eucharistic devotion in their parishes. The Knights of Columbus are a national partner for the Revival and we encourage every Council and Assembly to support initiatives in your parishes and within your council.

Here are a few things that you can do:

Visit the National Eucharistic Revival website https://www.eucharisticrevival.org/ Visit the Diocese of Cleveland’s Revival Website: https://www.dioceseofcleveland.org/eucharisticrevival/overview

Talk to your pastor to see what ways the Knights can assist, sponsor and support parish initiatives that could include adult faith formation, holy hours, and faith sharing on the Eucharist for all parishioners. Could your council offer to pray for and with all those preparing to receive First Holy Communion this year?

Participate in the Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration and possibly a parish Eucharistic Procession

Learn more about the Eucharist. Visit the Knights of Columbus’ website for resources: https:// www.kofc.org/en/who-we-are/our-faith/eucharist.html

Most importantly tell your story. Answer the question, “What does the Eucharist mean to me?” and share your in your family, at work, at a Council meeting or with friends.

In 2024, there will be National Eucharistic Revival held in Indianapolis with over 80,000 Catholics. The Diocese of Cleveland hopes to have a good representation. Stay tuned for more exciting opportunities in the diocese and our parishes.

Please share the good news of your Council’s activity with the Diocesan Eucharistic Revival Team. You may email me at Gregory Coogan, gcoogan@dioceseofcleveland.org.

Gregory Coogan Secretary for Catechetical Formation Catholic Diocese of Cleveland

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