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A Word About Council Growth

Every Knight of Columbus gets tired of hearing about council growth. It’s a never ending barrage from Supreme, from the State Council, from your District Deputy and from your Membership Director. Everybody is talking growth! There is a reason you’re inundated with this message:


If your council isn’t growing – it’s dying.

It’s a sad, but accurate commentary. Without new, fresh blood, your council is likely to wither and die. It probably won’t happen quickly, but it most likely will. If the same guys are the only ones doing anything in your council, it’s in trouble. The more brothers involved in programs and recruiting – the better the chances of growing not only in numbers, but also in service to our Church, our community and our Brother Knights.

So, what are we asking you to do? We are not asking you to be a super salesman for the Knights of Columbus. We are not asking you to stand outside the Church and browbeat men into submission. We are asking you to talk with men. We are asking you to invite them to help with a program. In short, we’re asking that you be an example of what a Catholic man can become.

Introduce yourself and your family to that guy you see at Mass every week.

Mention your next program and ask if he and his family are willing to give a hand. If he says no this time, tell him when the next program comes along and ask him and his family for assistance again. When you ask that way, you’re not putting any pressure on him. Let him and his family see what we are all about.

As St. Francis of Assisi is quoted: “Preach the gospel at all times. Use words only when necessary.” Actions do speak much louder than words. Let the actions of all of us speak loud and clear.

John Brown Assistant Membership Director Ohio State Council

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