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Did your Council file the Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (form #1728) on January 31? If not, easiest way to file is by doing online by the GK or FS visiting PUBS&RESOURCES (https://kofcohio.org/ forms/) on the state website (https://www.kofc.org/un/en/forms/spa/ invite.html?lang=en&form=1728C.01). Also the semiannual council audit (Form #1295) is due on February 15.


Life (Chris Bercaw): If your council participated in March for Life, either in Washington DC or locally, please make sure the submit the Fraternal Program (#10784) report for this Life activity. For those councils that want to host the Silver Rose in July 6 to 9th time-frame, please see contact State Warden Chris Sarka, more information found at https://kofcohio.org/pilgrim-icon-program/ .

Faith (Tony Offenberger): Are you prepared for Lent? Ash Wednesday is Wednesday February 22. Lent is a great time to work with your Pastor and schedule "Into the Breach" program at your parish. Is your council attending the Men's Conference on March 18 at St. Albert the Great Parish. Now is good time to get a group together to attend the conference that could be reported under the Spiritual Reflection program.

February this year is a month that has two different kinds of feeling. We begin with the feeling of love for our family and friends as we celebrate St Valentine’s day. Then we turn our feelings to sorrow on the 22nd when we start 40 days of lent. Let’s all have a wonderful start to the Lenten season as we look forward to the resurrection of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Family (Joe Hartle): Lent is great time for "Food for Families" program, also make sure you are promoting family Good Friday promotion in your parish bulletin during lent. Good Friday is April 7th.

Community (Duane Bassett): Did you council participate in Free Throw contest? Don't forget to file the Fraternal Program (#10784) report under the Community activity.

Andrew Nuckols State General Program Director

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