1 minute read
Regional Training Directors are a resource for councils in the United States and Canada. Regional Training Directors provide training for council and district leaders, both in person and online. Jon Olson is the Associate Regional Growth & Training Director for the Midwest Region.
All training below is currently being held via GoToWebinar. Click the date to register. GoToWebinar will send back to the email address YOU provide the meeting link.
Presented by Jon Olson, Associate Regional Growth & Training Director
Phone: 203-506-4120 | Email: jon.olson@kofc.org
Supreme Training Videos Delta Church Drive Council Growth
Supreme offers a wide variety of training opportunities online for you. Some of the topics that are available include:
• Member Management
• Member Billing
• Communications
Click HERE to Visit Supreme Training
Come learn how to do the Delta Church drive method. this highly effective process of growth through communication will help you go from prospects to members and answer the why of growth. Click the date to Register.
Tuesday 2/7/23 @ 8PM
The presentation will help Fraternal leaders resolve to leave councils, parish, and community better than how they found it. Leader should also learn how to develop a simple, specific, year-round plan in place for growing council membership, that involves participation from the whole council. Attendees should commit to work with their pastor(s), field agent, and DD to accomplish their goals. Leaders should understand the importance of hosting regular ceremonials, incorporating recruitment into every event, and running membership drives
Wednesday 2/15/23 @ 7PM
Understand the council’s perception by fellow parishioners, particularly that of inactive members and future potential members and develop programs to advance your council. Click the date to register.
Monday 2/13/23 @ 8PM
Many councils and District Deputies have been struggling with where and how to fill out the forms on the Supreme website. Where do we find them? How do we fill them out? Who can fill out the online forms? Who has access? Lots of questions to go through and we will get the answers together.
Tuesday 2/21/23 @ 7PM
Visit the State Website Training Opportunities page listed under FOR MEMBERS to register for any of the courses listed above (Training Opportunities | Ohio State Council (kofcohio.org) )