Lafayette Council #3970 Supporting Zelie’s Home Mission Grand Knight Randy Katona & Chaplain Fr. John Mullee Present to Erin Hathaway, Executive Director

the name from among several options proposed by a committee of New Haven parishioners. “I will continue to pray for this new parish community and invite all New Haven Catholics to do the same.”
Now serving with two other pastors as the parish’s first moderator, Father Lerner said, “I feel profoundly moved, and so very excited, that our unified parish will be named for and entrusted to the patronal care of Blessed Michael McGivney.”
From a Catholic perspective, New Haven, Conn., is now officially “McGivney City,” and St. Mary’s Church is its vibrant heart. On July 1, 2023, by decree of Hartford Archbishop Leonard Blair, all the churches of New Haven were merged into a single parish that is the first in the world named for Blessed Michael McGivney, who founded the Knights of Columbus at St. Mary’s with a handful of laymen in 1882.
“Blessed [Michael] McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus, was an exemplar of charity and steadfast devotion to Christ, still today inspiring millions of people to action for the common good, in the name of God,” said Archbishop Blair, who selected
In his decree, the archbishop stated, “the new juridic entity will have eight sacred edifices: Saints Aedan and Brendan (formerly Saint Aedan), Saint Anthony, Saint Martin de Porres, Saint Michael, Saint Francis (formerly belonging to Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish), Saint Stanislaus, Saint Mary and Saint Joseph (formerly belonging to Saint Mary Parish) Churches, and the new parish will henceforth be named Blessed Michael McGivney Parish.” Administrative headquarters will be based at St. Mary’s rectory.
Father Ryan Lerner, St. Mary’s pastor since December 2021, announced the change to K of C leaders after Mass June 9 during the Organizational Meeting of State Deputies and State Chaplains Meeting. The news was then shared with New Haven parishioners during weekend Masses.
God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Blessed Michael McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue, may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church.
Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify Blessed Michael McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present (here make your request).
Through Christ our Lord. Amen
Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly highlighted the historic ties between the Knights of Columbus and St. Mary’s, which is the oldest Catholic church in New Haven and the second oldest in Connecticut. “In 1882, in the basement of St. Mary’s, Blessed Michael McGivney gathered young Catholic men seeking ways to unite in their faith and find a means of supporting their families amid a society that frowned upon Catholic immigrants,” he said. “They formed a brotherhood that would allow Knights to work together with their pastors and strengthen their families, parishes and communities. The Knights of Columbus is honored that the new citywide parish has adopted Blessed Michael McGivney’s name.”
Retrieved from: Father McGivney Guild, 2023
You can play a key role in advancing Father McGivney’s cause by joining the Guild for free and praying for his intercession and canonization. May Father McGivney intercede for you!
The Father Michael J. McGivney Guild serves as a source for information about the life, works and spirituality of Father McGivney. The Guild publishes a quarterly newsletter and offers a weekly Mass for the intentions of members.
The entire month falls within the liturgical season of Ordinary Time, which is represented by the liturgical color green. This symbol of hope is the color of the sprouting seed and arouses in the faithful the hope of reaping the eternal harvest of heaven, especially the hope of a glorious resurrection. It is used in the offices and Masses of Ordinary Time.
August is often considered the transitional month in our seasonal calendar. It is the time of the year we begin to wind-down from our summer travels and vacations and prepare for Autumn back to school, fall festivals, harvest time, etc. The Church in her holy wisdom has provided a cycle of events in its liturgical year which allow the faithful to celebrate the major feasts in the life of Christ and Mary.
Most notably, during August, we celebrate the feast of the Transfiguration (August 6) and the feast of the Assumption (August 15). For a complete list of the feast days, visit
The days of summer have provided a welcome change of pace. However, while vacations afford us the time to relax and refresh, the change of habits and routines can also have a negative impact on our spiritual lives. As if to re-ignite us, the Church offers us in the plethora of August feasts vivid examples of the virtue of perseverance: six martyrs two who are named in Canon I of the Mass and two who were martyred during World War II; seven founders of religious congregations, as well as three popes and two kings; the apostle, St. Bartholomew; the great Doctor of the Church, St. Augustine and St. Monica, his mother; the humble patron saint of parish priests, St. John Vianney, and the patron of deacons, St. Lawrence, who joked with his executioners while being roasted alive.
It is never too late to begin as the life of the reformed sinner, St. Augustine teaches us nor too difficult to begin again, as demonstrated by the conversion of the martyr, St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein). We present-day members of the Mystical Body are certain of the reward to which we are called, for Christ's Transfigured body (August 6) is a preview of that glory. Moreover, in the Assumption of his Mother (August 15), Our Lord has demonstrated his fidelity to his promise. Her privilege is "the highest fruit of the Redemption" and "our consoling assurance of the coming of our final hope the glorification which is Christ's" (Enchiridion on Indulgences).
The Blessed Virgin Mary is the most perfect example of Christian perseverance, but she is also our advocate in heaven where she is crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth (August 22). Mary is the "Mother of Perpetual Help", the patroness of the Congregation founded by St. Alphonsus Liguori (August 1). "No one who has fled to her protection is left unaided" is the claim of the Memorare of St. Bernard (August 20). Heretics have returned to the faith by the prayers of her Rosary, first preached by St. Dominic (August 8) in the twelfth Century, and hearts have been converted by the graces received while wearing her Miraculous Medal, promoted by St. Maximillian Kolbe (August 14) and adopted as the "badge" for the Pious Union he founded. Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope!
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The month of August is dedicated to The Immaculate Heart of Mary.
For political leaders: We pray that political leaders be at the service of their own people, working for integral human development and for the common good, especially caring for the poor and those who have lost their jobs. (See also Apostleship of Prayer.)
With Mary Immaculate, let us adore, thank, implore and console the Most Beloved and Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
In the Gospel according to Matthew, “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.”
In each scenario, a great sacrifice is made in pursuit of a single item. Whether a pearl, buried treasure, or something else something that holds deep meaning to you why might we make such a sacrifice?
As leaders in the Knights of Columbus, sacrifice is a word that we toss around a lot. But there is more than just sacrifice for us to be successful in our mission. It takes teamwork, passion, love of Christ, dedication, and patience. When we take the time to actually cherish the time we have with each other, what we are doing, and the love Christ brings to our hearts, there is nothing that can stop us. My prayers for you and your families is that you never lose that love for Christ and that you will always bring it out because that is truly something worth sacrificing for.
July has been a very busy month for all of us. Thank you very much to Brunswick Council #4847 for hosting the State Tour Meeting on Saturday, July 15. Here you had an opportunity to see new State Deputy Jeff Kiliany
and his team and listen to what will be his key for the next two years during his administration. Hopefully, you picked up your Football Crazr Tickets at the end of the meeting. If you did not, the state will be reaching out to you to see if you are interested for this fraternal year. Please take the time to respond when asked.
Council installations are taking place throughout the diocese. If your council has not had your installation yet, please contact your District Deputy. Their contact information can be found on the last page of this directory. Please make those arrangements before September.
Forms are due now for Reporting of the Officers and Service Personnel. State and Supreme need these forms to be able to build our contact directory and safe environment requirements. There is a big push this year from the state team to get the safe environment training done in a timely fashion and it starts now. If you need help with the forms, contact your DD or any one on the diocesan team for assistance.
Measure Up should be wrapping up. Please get your donations to Chris Sarka, State Advocate. He has double duty this year with finishing up Measure Up for 2023 and getting Matching Funds underway. Check out the website for more information and grant forms. Donations from the Cleveland Diocese were down last year. This is our flagship charity that as a state we do so well. Please find the heart to help those with developmental disabilities.
Speaking of Matching Funds, that will be starting here in September. Please help the religious education and evangelization offices right here in
Cleveland with your council, assembly, or personal donation. The first $25,000 donated will be matched by the Ohio Charity Foundation. Those funds can be used right here in the diocese. Checks can be sent to Chris Sarka, State Advocate. If your council does not have the funds, call me. I will give you $20 to donate in your councils name.
If you are looking for something fun to do with your family in 2024, I would like to recommend you check out the Knights of Columbus State Campout. This is the second year that Kathy and I attended. This year, it was held at the Mercer County Fairgrounds in Celina, OH. Yes, it is a 3-hour drive from the Cleveland, but it is a great opportunity to meet other brother Knights and their families from around the state. There is the possibility that the location might change. So, keep an eye here in the newsletter and as well on the state website for any updates.
Finally, Kathy and I are heading out today, Sunday, to the 141st Supreme Convention in Orlando. It is our honor to represent the great members and their families from the Cleveland Diocese at this event. You will be able to watch some of the proceedings on EWTN as well as through the Supreme website. Click on the link in at the state website ( under ACTITIVIES for all of the details.
May the blessings of God come upon all of you and your families. Vivat Jesus!
Jim Maslach State TreasurerWith the first month of the fraternal year wrapping up, we are off to a good start! I have been getting notices of new emembers in the diocese just about every day! Let’s continue our strong efforts to move these guys into councils. With the “Dog Days” of summer upon us the temps are heating up, but so are the opportunities to grow our councils!
The state continues the Quick Start incentive that goes through the end of August. If your council brings in 1 new member and report 4 faith in action activities by August 31, the State Council will add $25 to your SOS (Support Our Seminarians) donation when it’s made. If you bring in 2 new members and report 4 programs, the State will add $50 to your donation. Let’s see how many hundreds of dollars we can get the State Council to give our Cleveland seminarians!
August 18 is the feast day of Blessed Michael McGivney. This is one of the times of the year that we are encouraged to hold our mandatory Church Drive. If there’s not enough time left to plan the drive around his feast day, start now to plan a church drive for October around Columbus Day. If your council represents multiple parishes, think about having separate drives at each parish. You are able to report up to two drives a year, each worth 25 program points.
I was so impressed with the large list of councils in the Cleveland Diocese that made their Supreme membership goal last year! Let’s use the Shining Armor Award to get those new members active and also continue to grow our councils. The Shining Armor Award is given to any new member to do the following in his first year:
• Attend an Exemplification of Charity, Unity, & Fraternity
• Attend 3 Faith in Action activities
• Attend 3 council meetings
• Meet with a field agent or attend a Fraternal Benefits Night
• Sponsor one new member
Finally, the state would like to encourage more councils to host in person CUFDegree ceremonies. The Cleveland Diocese has the most live teams regularly holding degree ceremonies in the state, and we thank all of them for their great work. However, there are not enough. Most teams have ceremonies every other month. It would be nice to have a second team in those districts to host degrees the opposite months, so our candidates don’t have to wait so long. If you would like to host a ceremony but can’t assemble a team, the diocesan team is willing to travel. Be sure to contact your District Deputy when planning a ceremony.
Vivat Jesus, Mike IncorvatiORDER GROWTH
As of July 29, 2023
Ohio July 1: 54,834
Ohio Growth: 87 (4.69%)
% Growth: 0.16%
Cleveland July 1: 8,162
Cleveland Growth: 17 (6.13%)
% Growth: 0.21%%
% Growth is a measure of the YTD gain compared against the July 1st membership number.
YTD Gain against the July 1 Membership Total
1. 10792 St. Francis of Assisi (2.35%)
2. 7970 North Ridgeville (2.16%)
3. 2362 Cuyahoga Falls (1.72%)
4. 4168 Medina (1.65%)
5. 15942 St. Mary of Chardon (1.28%)
1. 10792 St. Francis of Assisi (4)
2. 4168 Medina (3)
3. 7970 North Ridgeville (3)
4. 774 Elyria (2)
5. 2362 Cuyahoga Falls (2)
1. DD #24 Tom Donovan (7)
2. DD #20 DeWitt Gober (5)
3. DD #25 Mike Rauh (2)
4. DD #23 Jim Maslach, DD #19 Tom Goodhart, & DD #32 Bob Walsh (1)
Ah, the start of the new fraternal year. Many councils are looking forward to a successful year of programs, fundraisers, faith growing, and fellowship. There are many new council officers out there as well. There is a lot of planning already underway. But, we cannot forego the required forms from Supreme. These documents are key to making sure your council has up-to-date information from Supreme and State Councils. Time to get out from under all of the paperwork!
The Report of the Officers Chosen (185) and Service Program Personnel Report (365) were due on July 1. Cleveland is doing a great job of getting the 185s into Supreme and State as 75% of the councils have already done that. We are lagging behind in the 365s of which only 55% of the councils have submitted the forms. All of the forms are available on the state website ( under FORMS&EMAILS. However, the best way to submit the forms is via Member Management. The Grand Knight and/or Financial Secretary can log into Officers Online, scroll down till you reach Supporting Applications, and click on Member Management, you find any area called Council Administration. In there, the left side menu allows you to enter the Officers and Program Directors FOR THE CURRENT YEAR. If you need any assistance, contact your District Deputy, Mike Incorvati, Teran Taggart, or Jim Maslach.
ALERT!!! Your council semi-annual audit, Form 1295, is due on August 15th. Please make sure that you email a copy to This email will send Supreme and the State a copy. You will need to include your District Deputy. The contact information for all of the District Deputies is listed on the last page of this newsletter.
#185 Report of Officers Chosen for Term - PDF - Online - due 6/30
#365 Service Program Personnel Report - PDFOnline - due 6/30
#1295-1 Semi-Annual Council Audit - due 8/15
#1728 Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity - PDFOnline - due 1/31
#1728A Survey of Fraternal Activity Individual Member Worksheet - No due date
#1295-2 Semi-Annual Council Audit - due 2/15
#SP-7 Columbian Award Application Requires access to Supreme Website Officers Online due 6/30
The new fraternal year started July 1.
I was watching television the other day and saw an advertisement with the theme “Shop Local.” The ad touted the many benefits of putting your dollars to work with businesses that are owned and operated by those folks who live and work right in your community. In addition to supporting the local neighborhood and community, the ad pointed to the personal service and the unique products one can find locally.
Big box stores are great, they are convenient and provide goods at competitive prices. But many products are uniform; you can get the same thing at many other places. Their service is sometimes wanting; I can remember wandering in a big box retailer looking for help. However, when I shop at some of my favorite local spots, I always get a genuine greeting, personal help and the feeling that they really appreciate me being there and supporting them. All this got me thinking about our local councils.
The Order is doing great things in countries far and wide. We have big ideas, big plans…and they are important and have tremendous impact on making our world better. But on a local level you members are the face of the Knights of Columbus. When our local Catholic community thinks of the Knights of Columbus, I’m sure it is you members who come to mind. Our Catholic community sees all the good works you do locally. They see you volunteering to help at parish events, supporting your pastor in his needs. Local folks see you handing out coats for kids, holding fundraisers to help local families, taking the lead at sacramental events, visiting the homebound.
For the Catholics in the council and in the parish you, my Brother Knights… you, are the Knights of Columbus. You represent all that is good in our Order. When you lead with faith, protect your family, serve others and defend your values, you are a witness inspired by our founding principles.
Our Supreme Convention in Orlando, Florida, highlighted many of the accomplishments from the previous fraternal year. I think we can all be justly proud of the difference the Knights of Columbus makes. Thank you for all you do! I want to congratulate you on your contribution to the Order’s success and especially for the impact you in this council have had on the local Catholic community! Vivat Jesus!
Don't count the daysmake the days count!
Meet Jason Staas, an Investment Advisor Representative helping clients to grow their portfolios responsibly through faithbased investment strategies.
Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors (KoCAA) can help you and your family pursue your financial goals using a wealth of investment products that may suit your life and your faith. With an investment portfolio over $28 billion strong and a commitment to the socially responsible investment guidelines set by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, KoCAA offers clients a variety of investment products designed to assure clients that their personal funds are invested in companies committed to sound ethical, environmental, social, and corporate governance practices. We provide “value with values” by helping clients grow their future with faith-based investing.
Contact Jason at 800-484-0304.
Christopher Winston Knights of Columbus
4401 Rockside Road Suite 201 Independence, OH 44131
(440) 973-8288 - Office
Fraternal Trainers provide important support for Fraternal Leaders; training can be tailored to meet the needs of both new and seasoned officers, as well as any members who are interested in advancing to officer roles in the future.
Fraternal Trainers provide officer training at both the district and council level, online and in-person.
To sign up for training sessions from Supreme, visit the state website ( Under FOR MEMBERS, click on Training Opportunities. All Supreme training is via webinar and computer access is necessary.
There are two live, training sessions setup in the diocese. The first is Saturday, August 12 at Lorain Council 637 starting at 9AM. The second is scheduled for Saturday, September 23 at St. Mary Magdalene in Willowick. The time is yet to be determine. We will be covering council officers, website navigation, growth, programs, safe environment, and more. Contact DeWitt Gober (Lorain), Tim Daley (Willowick), or Jim Maslach for more information.
District Deputy is a critical role to the successful operation of local councils and the order. This webinar will cover the significance of District Deputies and ways to be a successful District Deputy. We will also highlight important issues for this upcoming fraternal year.
This webinar is designed to help you become a successful leader. You will learn duties and responsibilities, how to engage your fellow officers, the method to form your council into a team, tips for working with other councils on larger initiatives, and what it takes to be the “go-to guys” for your pastor. In addition, you will discover what it takes to make charitable works the focus of your council and make it the premier parish organization for all eligible Catholic men to join.
This informative webinar will teach you the basics of planning a council program. We will touch upon the successful Faith in Action model and discuss the tools you will need for each step of the process, including planning, executing the event and followup.
This webinar will show councils how to adopt the current guidelines and learn best practices to host an informative, efficient, and effective Council Meeting. Using ‘The Guidelines for Council Meetings’ we will walk you through the steps and procedures of council and officer planning meetings to give you the confidence to prepare and host council meetings that will benefit your Council and help maintain strong, healthy and engaged membership.
Join us for this webinar where we will cover the basics of the Member Management & Member Billing applications. This training will show you the ins and outs of this online membership management tool. Learn how to use this simple and secure platform to manage your council’s membership and financial records. In addition discover how to use the integrated email system, to easily communicate with your council.
This webinar covers the relationship between those officers entrusted with the financial management of the council. We will cover their roles and responsibilities, management of council finances, checks and balances, and the proper flow of money and bills. We will share some practical advice on money management and reporting responsibilities.
Visit the Fraternal Training page on the Knights of Columbus website to view our complete schedule of training webinars, the archive of On Demand Webinars, the Fraternal "How To" Video Library, Officer Resources, and more.
Thanks to the generosity of the St. Michael Parish community and the Knights of Columbus, we were able to present Erin Hathaway, Zelie's Home Executive Director, with a check for $4,515, with another $400 to come from Supreme, to support their mission, empowering pregnant and parenting women on the road to self-sufficiency. She gave my wife and me a tour of their facilities, currently housing eight women and their children. The physical, emotional, and spiritual support they provide is nothing less than inspiring and impressive. They appreciate all donations monetary and otherwise. View their website (Zelie's Home ( to learn more about their program, how you can help, and what donations they need. Attached are photos of the check presentation with Erin, me, and Fr. John.
Diocese of Cleveland
The “Protect Them Both” Campaign been launched in our diocese to raise the awareness of every Catholic parishioner with the message to VOTE NO on the proposed November Ohio constitutional amendment entitled, “Ohio Right to Make Reproductive Decisions Including Abortion Initiative.”
The primary goal of the initial phase of this campaign is to:
• PRAY ceaselessly
• EDUCATE everyone
Our diocesan plan to OPPOSE the proposed Ohio constitutional amendment that would support legalized abortion beyond the current (albeit not enforced) prohibition beyond the six-week (or heartbeat) marker will continue to increase with voter registrations offered at several parishes and the increased awareness of the essential need to vote “NO” in the November elections. As always, the Catholic church in the Diocese of Cleveland stands ready to assist and accompany all women in unexpected and/or emergent pregnancies through initiatives such as Walking With Moms in Need as well as a multitude of Pregnancy Resource Centers in each of the eight counties within our diocese.
We invite you to browse through the many educational resources and other opportunities that call each one of us, by our baptismal call and as the body of Christ, to help to spearhead legislation to make it easier for mothers (and fathers and families) to be supported so that they can provide a loving and thriving home for their families.
We want to provide multiple resources within our parish communities, schools, and organizations, including all pastors and pastoral staffs, educators, catechists, all those in ministry and all the faithful in our diocese. We hope they will illuminate the issue so that we can defeat the threat to the right to life which is centrifugal to our inherent dignity as human beings made in the image and likeness of God. To this end, EVERY parish will be receiving educational flyers (to be used as bulletin inserts, if you choose) and prayer cards for mass distribution by this first weekend in May. These resources are being provided by the Catholic Conference of Ohio, in collaboration with the Office for Human Life and with the support and approval of all the Bishops of Ohio.
Visit Protect Them Both | Catholic Diocese of Cleveland | Cleveland, OH for more information.
1,2, & 3 141st Supreme Convention (Orlando, FL)
2 State Exemplification CUF (7PM, Zoom)
5 Trinity Council #4217 Golf Outing (Parma)
6 The Fest (Wickliffe)
8 Greater Cleveland Chapter Luncheon Club (Fuji Grille, 2PM)
9 State Exemplification CUF (7PM, Zoom)
11 Cleveland Chapter Meeting (7:00PM) (Garfield)
12 District 20 Training (Lorain, 9AM)
12 Blessed Michael McGivney’s Birthday
15 Blessed Michael McGivney’s Memorial
16 State Exemplification CUF (7PM, Zoom)
19 Knight at the Captain’s Game (5:30PM)
23 State Exemplification CUF (7PM, Zoom)
26 Diocesan Team Meeting (9AM, Zoom)
30 State Exemplification CUF (7PM, Zoom)
For details concerning the events above, please check out either the state calendar or the diocesan calendar. To submit events, visit and click on Events and Exemplifications. Looking for a live, in-person Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity but do not have enough team members for the team. Contact Joe Vallowe at 703-8393591 or via email at to schedule our Diocesan Team to assist. If you are interested in starting a council team, contact your District Deputy or any member of the Diocesan Team to assist.
Dick Russ interviews Logan Church of Catholic Vote about Issue 1 and the November proposed Abortion Amendment to the Ohio Constitution.
Attending to the needs of our community by providing spiritual care to patients, families, and staff through direct and indirect services.
We put people first by caring for their spiritual and emotional needs during the most important moments of their lives. You can help us achieve our mission by participating in our 2023 CP Golf Benefit.
KofC Board Members:
Jim Maslach, Vice-President
Scott Metsch, Secretary
Find out more info by visiting
Click HERE to hear the entire Podcast.