In November 1884, Father McGivney was named pastor of St. Thomas Church in Thomaston, a factory town more than 30 miles from New Haven named for the clockmaker Seth Thomas. The parish served workingclass parishioners who had few resources beyond their faith. With prayerful acceptance, Father McGivney put his seven years at St. Mary’s behind him and moved from the bustling city of New Haven to the smaller town of Thomaston.
At his last Mass at St. Mary’s, Father McGivney offered a heartfelt farewell to an overflowing flock of parishioners: “For the past seven years I have been with you and toiled with you and no matter where I go the people of St. Mary’s will occupy the best place in my heart. Would that I could express my gratitude for the love and affection you have shown me. If I have offended anyone in the performance of my duty, I beg him to forgive me. People of St. Mary’s whom I leave now, good-bye. I trust that we may meet again in Heaven.” The large church was filled with grateful souls, some openly sobbing and heartbroken over his departure. They felt closer to God through his
ministry and provided a printed testimonial that said that his courtesy, kindness and purity of life, despite burdens and afflictions, had “secured the love and confidence of the people of St. Mary’s, which will follow him in every future field of labor.”
In his six years at St. Thomas, Father McGivney was an admirable pastor who built strong ties with parishioners and cared for their
God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Blessed Michael McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue, may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church.
Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify Blessed Michael McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present (here make your request). Through Christ our Lord. Amen
spiritual and temporal welfare. He also cared for a mission church, driving his horse and carriage to celebrate Sunday Mass in both locations. He continued to serve as supreme chaplain, but like a true “Father” and pastor of souls, he trusted the leaders of the Order in New Haven to carry on the work he began among them, as the Knights of Columbus continued to grow beyond Connecticut.
You can play a key role in advancing Father McGivney’s cause by joining the Guild for free and praying for his intercession and canonization. May Father McGivney intercede for you!
The Father Michael J. McGivney Guild serves as a source for information about the life, works and spirituality of Father McGivney. The Guild publishes a quarterly newsletter and offers a weekly Mass for the intentions of members.
Click HERE to Join!
This year the entire month of February falls during the liturgical season known as Tempus per Annum or Ordinary Time (formerly Time After Epiphany), which is represented by the liturgical color green. Green is a symbol of hope, as it is the color of the sprouting seed and arouses in the faithful the hope of reaping the eternal harvest of heaven, especially the hope of a glorious resurrection. The liturgical color green is worn during prayer of Offices and Masses of Ordinary Time.
This general structure is meant to provide a simple framework for the leadership to fill with appropriate content according to what is previously planned and shared with the pastor/ chaplain. Each gathering must have a designated leader to manage the content flow and timing.
Considering hospitality, if any materials or books are needed for prayer, formation, or fraternity, either provide them or communicate in advance. Ensure that the space is set up to match your predetermined content.
Welcoming & Opening Prayer
The Holy Father's Intentions for the Month of February 2025
For vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Open with a prayer, even if starting with food and social fraternal time. Clergy should be asked to lead the prayer, if present. The opening prayer alone does not satisfy the required “prayer” element.
Introduce Theme or Focus
Make any needed introductions or announcements such as the focus or theme. Use this as an opportunity to transition into the main content or focus for this specific gathering.
Cor Content Prayer, Formation, and Fraternity
Begin the predetermined content structure, either emphasizing the key elements equally or with a specified emphasis. Formation and fraternity usually occur first, concluding. The examples provided above have the content arranged with formation and fraternity occurring first and ending with prayer. If utilizing Into the Breach or another Catholic Information Service® resource such as the Cor Ecclesiae series, here is where it fits.
Always end on time. This honors everyone’s time. Recap any action items, reminder for next Cor, and invite to any upcoming council and/or parish events.
Closing Prayer
Consider using a consistent prayer and asking for prayer intentions that allows for repetition and familiarity. The closing prayer alone does not satisfy the required “prayer” element.
For more information on Cor, please the Cor home page by clicking HERE.
Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life. (See also http:// www.popesprayerusa.net/.)
As we approach the end of January, we need to ask ourselves an important question. How are our New Year’s resolutions going? Personally, we make resolutions to lose weight loss, to exercise, gaining confidence and taking risks, or so on. We do the same thing for our councils. If we just do one more faith activity; can we do another fundraiser; how can we serve the community better? We are also looking to improve upon what we did so that the future looks brighter. Continue to look forward to see what we can do together to further the mission of Jesus Christ through Father McGivney’s vision.
Superbowl Sunday is fast approaching. Many of us will watch the game whether at home or at a watch party. Some of us watch if for the game, some for the halftime entertainment, and others for the commercials. As a Browns fan, I do dream of the day that our Brown and Orange will play in the game. With the way the last 25 years have gone, it is hard to believe in that vision. All I can pray for is an entertaining game and dream…
From a growth perspective, January was lower than I had hoped for. I am happy for the 15 new members that we have and hope and pray that those councils help those new members get active. We still are above where we were last year at this time and are ahead of the game. But we cannot rest on that and “cruise” to the end. Start
planning for your Spring Growth Drives at your parishes. Schedule the drive with your pastors; schedule your Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity; and celebrate the success your council.
Councils should be looking to submit their Fraternal Survey which was due January 31st. This survey helps the Knights of Columbus to maintain their non-profit status. Use the information in that survey at your Spring Drives highlighting all your councils do for parish, members, and community.
The Semi-Annual Audit is due on February 15th. Please make sure that this is completed and emailed to form1295@kofcohio.org. This will guarantee that Supreme and State receive a copy. Include your DD on the email as well. The directory on the last page as their contact info if you cannot find it.
If your council had Free Throw contest, your district should have one during February. Check with your DD so that they are aware you had a free throw and schedule the district. The Diocesan Free Throw includes all the winners from the district free throw contests, is on March 2nd at Elyria Catholic High School. Information will be provided to the district winners and runner ups. The State Championship is on Saturday, March 15th at Bishop Ready High School. Information will be available the Diocesan winners and runner ups. Good Luck to all the participants.
Will Ca$hman be making an
appearance in the CLE? When we last left him, there was an explosion at the DD Meeting in January and no one
has seen him since. You will need to attend to see if he survived and has a plan to raise $1 Million for charity again. Check the locations later on in this newsletter or on the state website.
Convention planning continues. There are some developments that we need to work through but we should be on target to get the information out to the councils by March. By the way, councils can go ahead and elect their delegates and alternates now. That way, you do not need to cram it in at the last minute.
Being the shortest month, February will fly by especially how busy we are going to be. With all of that, Lent is coming up and that means Fish Fries! If your council would like to advertise your fish fries or other Lenten activities, please send me the information by February 25th for the March newsletter.
Finally, thank you to all of the councils that came out to the Greater Cleveland Chapter Clergy Appreciation Dinner on January 31st. It was great to speak to some of you and if I missed you, I am sorry. We can always do coffee!
Thank you for all that you do. It is always a great pleasure for me to talk about what you all are doing to promote our Faith and our Order. May God continue to bless you all!
Vivat Jesus, Jim
We are closing in on 50% of our goal of 2,000 new Brother Knights. We are currently ahead of last fraternal year with membership Growth. We need a strong Growth in February and March. We are about one month away from the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday, March 5. This is a perfect time to ask the men to become Knights. Our world needs more men to step “Into the Breach” and be leaders and to help all those in need. Our Parishes need more men to help and take part in role of the Church. Brothers it is now more important than ever that we bring men into the Knights of Columbus, to help fille those roles in our parishes. I know that our Pastors and Priests would love to have more men step up and be apart of the Church and take a more active role in the Parish. If your Council has not started COR yet, Lent can be an exciting time to start. Now is the time to collaborate with your Pastor and plan out how your council will help the parish during Lent.
For us to be successful we all must invite men at every parish opportunity, fish fries, Lenten soup dinners, Catholic Men’s Conference, Lenten retreat / day of renewal.
Please do not forget about our two Incentives, $1,000 for Third Quarter Incentive and E-Membership Church Bulletin Incentive
Below is the current Exemplification schedule for the Cleveland Diocese. Please register your Exemplification by visiting www.kofcohio.org. If you would like to schedule the Diocesan Exemp Team, please contact Jim Maslach at 440-7859838 or via email at kofcjkm@gmail.com
Feb 1
8:30 AM 9:00 AM St. Elizabeth Ann Seton #11464
Feb 12 6:55 PM 7:00 PM Ohio State Council (Zoom)
Feb 20 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Fr. Maruskin #10936
Feb 25 5:45 PM 6:00 PM Elyria #774
Feb 26 6:55 PM 7:00 PM Ohio State Council (Zoom)
ORDER GROWTH As of February 1, 2025
Ohio July 1: 55,345
Ohio Growth: 956 (49.97%)
% Growth: 1.73%
Cleveland July 1: 7,863
Cleveland Growth: 160 (60.25%)
% Growth: 2.03%
% Growth is a measure of the YTD gain compared against the July 1st membership number.
YTD Gain against the July 1 Membership Excluding New Councils
1. 2643 Lakewood (10.47%)
2. 2726 Windemere (5.71%)
3. 14406 Our Lady of Charity (5.62%)
4. 4847 Brunswick (5.29%)
5. 16373 St. Ladislas (5.26%)
TOP-5 TOTAL NEW MEMBERS Excluding New Councils
1. 4847 Brunswick (11)
2. 774 Elyria (10)
3. 2643 Lakewood (9)
4. 3213 Fr. Carl Anthony (7)
5. 2726 Windemere (6)
1. DD #22 Jim Maslach (45)
2. DD #19 Tom Goodhart (16)
3. DD #24 Tom Donovan (15)
4. DD #20 DeWitt Gober , DD #33 George Metz (14)
• That is right, State Deputy Jeff Kiliany has opened the treasury giving away $1,000 in cash for the Third Quarter Incentive. The incentive runs from January 1st until March 31st. No reporting necessary, just bring in new Brother Knights into Ohio.
• Councils Bring in Two (2) members in Q3, Council placed in drawing for winning $200.
• Councils Bring in Three (3) members in Q3, Council placed in drawing for winning $300.
• Councils Bring in Four (4) or More members in Q3, Council placed in drawing for winning $500.
• $1,000 in cash up for grabs, new Brother Knights must be on the council roster by Monday March 31st
From December 1, 2024, until Monday March 31, 2025, your council will have a chance to win a $200 Amazon Gift Card!
Councils that recruit new members via E-Membership using one of the Ohio State Council Parish Bulletin Blurbs entered a drawing for a chance to win a $200 Amazon Gift Card.
The more eMembers you recruit, the bigger chance you have! The total of Three (3) winners for the entire state.
For councils to qualify for the incentive, they must submit the names of the E-Members recruited and a copy of their parish bulletin to State E-Membership Coordinator Greg Singlar via email gsing50@gmail.com This can be a link to their parish bulletin or a PDF attachment of their bulletin.
All recruited E-Members must be on the council’s Prospect Tab or roster by Monday March 31, 2025.
Please check the Ohio State Council’s Monthly editions for the Beacon for Greg’s bulletin blurbs or go to kofcohio.org/membership for the bulletin blurbs. You can use any of them for any month!
Council with the highest percentage of growth from now till the end of the fraternal year will receive a $50 gift card to host a party for your members.
We are introducing the Gresko Growth Award to be given to councils in the Cleveland Diocese that achieve 100% of their Supreme Quota and a $25 gift card.
Host a live Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity and be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift cards to Walmart. The Exemplification MUST be on the state website and a State Form 450 completed by your District Deputy to be eligible.
District Deputies whose district makes their growth quota will receive a $25 gift card.
Joshua 24:15 states “But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” The Knights of Columbus promote a family first household that will serve the Lord in everything we do. Do you want to continue on that journey with us and be a part of that? Go to kofcohio.org and click on Join Us. For more information contact Grand Knight (name, phone, email here).
By becoming a member of the Knights of Columbus and giving just 24 hours a year, a man can be a better Catholic, father, and husband and make a difference in the Church and his community. It’s not a lot of time, but it is time well spent. It’s rewarding. It’s life changing. Want to join us on our journey? Go to kofcohio.org and click on Join Us. For more information contact Grand Knight (name, phone, email here).
What does charity mean to you? Does this mean going to volunteer your time for a local organization? Does this mean volunteering your time and talents to your local Catholic Church? Does it mean supporting the local veterans who gave their lives to our country? Or does it mean all of that and more?
The Knights of Columbus can help you with continuing to fulfill that journey. Want to be a part of that? Go to kofcohio.org and click on Join Us. For more information contact Grand Knight (name, phone, email here).
For more bulletin blurbs, visit our webpage by clicking HERE
What a dramatic turn of events that unfolded at the District Deputy Meeting in January? Ca$hman, our caped crusader for charity here in Ohio, running out the door to only here an explosion!!!! There was no sign of Ca$hman afterward. Is he OK? How can Ohio raise $1 Million for charity and repeat for the first time in 37 years? What are we to do?
You will need to attend one of the Super Ca$h Bonanza Roadshow going on throughout the state of Ohio to find out if Ca$hman is OK and what the plan is to raise $1 Million, again! You can visit one of these locations on Saturday February 15, 2025, starting at 1:00 PM. A small lunch is being offered at each location starting at 12:00 Noon.
310, 733, 947, 2726, 2790, 2803, 2886, 3164, 3304, 3970, 4130, 4217, 4498, 4801, 5405, 5559, 8320, 11831, 13755, 14406, 14714, 15023, 15056, 15614, 15737, 15942, 16137, 16279, 18527, 18565
637, 774, 2643, 3269, 4168, 4731, 4847, 4891, 7970, 8369, 10792, 11464, 13984, 14416, 14769, 15901, 16373, 16376
547, 789, 2362, 3213, 3410, 3529, 3541, 4664, 4893, 5506, 5613, 10936, 13517, 14054, 14111, 14255, 14551
Spread devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and pray for Our Lord to make his heart our own, so that we may see and love in others what he sees and loves in us.
Through the Pilgrim Icon Program, councils organize a Sacred Heart Holy Hour featuring an icon depicting the most famous image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, painted in 1767 by Pompeo Batoni and now venerated in the Church of the Gesù in Rome. The reproduction bears the blessing of Pope Francis, through the Papal Almoner, and is one of more than 300 icons traveling across the world, from council to council, for veneration and use in prayer services.
The Sacred Heart Holy Hour includes readings from Sacred Scripture and reflections from Pope Francis on the Sacred Heart, as well as the Divine Mercy Chaplet, prayers to the Sacred Heart and time for silent prayer.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament may also be included. Following the holy hour, families are encouraged to enthrone the Sacred Heart in their homes by placing an image of the Sacred Heart in a place of honor and conducting an enthronement ceremony.
Since the first traveling pilgrim icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe in 1979, more than 191,000 council and parish prayer services with some 23 million participants have been held.
Each district will have the opportunity to host the icon for 6-week periods per the schedule. Councils interested should contact their District Deputy to make arrangements.
Booklets and prayer cards will be
July 3 to July 6, 2025
Share the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe and promote respect for life by participating in this meaningful pilgrimage. The Silver Rose program demonstrates the unity between Knights of Columbus in Canada, the United States and Mexico, through a series of prayer services promoting the dignity of all human life and honoring Our Lady.
Each year, from early March through mid-December, Silver Roses are stewarded by Knights of Columbus councils along routes from Canada to Mexico. Every stop the Silver Rose makes throughout the pilgrimage is a rosary-centered occasion for Knights, parishioners and community members to pray for respect for life, for the spiritual renewal of each nation, and for the advancement of the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
included with the icon. These items MUST be returned so that the next group will have them available.
For more information on the Pilgrim Icon and Resources available, visit our webpage by clicking HERE.
Please check the state website for available dates as this activity fills up fast. Consider working together with other councils in the area to put on a large event. Contact State Warden, Tony Offenberger, to make arrangements.
For more information on the Silver Rose and Resources available, visit our webpage by clicking HERE.
Worthy District Deputy-
Once again more and more members are showing non-compliant on the Safe Environment report. Please highlight this to your respective councils so they won't be scrambling in May or June.
Fraternal Survey is now due, please ensure your Councils file. Also remind your Councils, February 15 semi annual audit is due for July 1 to December 31, 2024 time frame.
SCB weekend is Saturday February 15th; distribution locations are Garfield Council; St Ladislas and South Akron. Attendance is mandatory unless otherwise excused.
March 2nd is the Regional Free Throw Tournament at Elyria Catholic High
School. District Deputies are required to attend and responsible for bringing their District winners score sheets unless otherwise made arrangements. Please pass on the attached handout or at least provide my contact information to your District winners.
As previously noted Silver Rose signups have begun. Cleveland only has two open slots. Please see State Website for details. Reminder, the Council should contact the State Warden directly and if a Council hosted last year please allow other Councils to host this year.
Finally, there are still a number of District Deputies missing visitation reports. Please enter these as this is the only way we know what is happening at the Council level.
Thank you, Teran Taggart 440-665-4078
• Every council to submit the Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (#1728) by January 31, 2025. Form #1728 can be completed digitally by grand knights and financial secretaries. This short training video explains the simple process of online submission.
• Remind your councils that the Semiannual Council Audit Report (#1295) is due by Feb. 15.
• If you have not held your district midyear meeting, now is the time to gather your council leaders and share plans for the spring, using our recommended agenda and notes as a guide.
• Meet with your pastor to discuss how the council can support the parish during the coming months.
• Complete and submit the Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (#1728) by January 31, 2025.
• Meet with your officers and directors to discuss your progress toward earning the Star Council Award. Work with your district deputy and field agent on membership goals and Fraternal Benefits Events.
• Every council must submit the Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (#1728) by January 31, 2025. Form #1728 can be completed digitally by grand knights and financial secretaries. This short training video explains the simple process of online submission.
• Review the Prospect Tab Walkthrough so you are familiar with the easy steps to process online members joining your council.
Worthy Chapter Delegates, Grand Knight, Financial Secretary and Fraternal Leaders of the Diocese of Cleveland-
On Friday January 31st, the Greater Cleveland Chapter sponsored the Annual Clergy Appreciation dinner out at the Center for Pastoral Leadership. Both Bishop Malesic and Bishop Woost; State Deputy Jeff Kiliany; State Secretary Mike Felerski and Ohio District 1: District Master Brandon Robinson were in attendance.
Congratulations to Fr. Mark Latcovich, Pastor at St. Ladislas in Westlake, as being named the Clergy of the Year. Another Great evening of Fraternal friendship; meeting new seminarians and catching up with old friends and colleagues. Chapter is already planning for the January 2026 event.
Teran Taggart Chapter President adm5893@gmail.com 440-665-4078
Our monthly chapter meeting will be held on Friday February 14, 2025 starting at 7:00 PM with rosary. This will be fully Virtual. See below for connection information below. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84841438076?pwd=9gY9FyHeAbaEmZDqPEfubYrE87ohoz.1
Meeting ID 848 4143 8076 Passcode 977496
Dial by your location
• +1 646 931 3860 US
• +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
January Minutes along with final Clergy Appreciation report will be sent out at a later date.
The Chapter has begun planning for our Annual Nun's and Ladies Dinner which will be held on Sunday April 27th. More information to come but we encourage attendees to RSVP here: https://fs22.formsite.com/stambrose/qk5pqokysp/index.
Finally, if you have not considered, the 2025 Cleveland State Convention Planning Committee is still looking for volunteers. Let's help our very own State Officer and Chapter Vice President out to make the State Convention a huge Success. If interested, please Contact Jim or any of the Chapter officers.
Jim Maslach Chapter Vice President kofcjkm@gmail.com 440-785-9838
Tom Donovan Chapter Secretary td3430@att.net 216-650-4213
Martin Steward Chapter Treasurer martinasteward@gmail.com
Chapter Meetings Second Friday of Month 7:00 PM Rosary 7:30 PM Meeting Visit www.kofccleveland.org
It feels like the new year just began, and yet we’re already here in February! Maybe you’ve set resolutions and goals for the year. Are financial goals on that list? Every year, at a minimum, I recommend reviewing your finances. There are four things to include in your review.
First, have you experienced any major life events in the last year? Things like getting married, welcoming a baby, changing careers or purchasing a home are good reasons to consider life insurance. If you already have insurance, make sure your policy matches your current financial goals and responsibilities. Consider, too, that if your policy is dependent on your current employer, you could be underinsured.
Second, review your retirement goals. Do you know how much money you’ll need to retire comfortably? And if so, are you on track?
Third, the new year is a good time to review your will or trust. Have you experienced a recent life event that would make you want or need to make adjustments? Now is the time to check.
Finally, consider if you’re missing an opportunity to grow your assets. With faithbased investment options through our affiliate, Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors (“KoCAA”), you can pursue your financial goals with products that adhere to Catholic investment guidelines. Our Agency can connect you with one of our team members that is registered to offer you investment options through KoCAA.
It’s not too late to make a resolution to review your finances! We would love to sit down with you, discuss your goals and conduct a complimentary needs analysis. If you have any questions, please chat with myself, your Assistant General Agents, or your council’s field agent and we can schedule a time to meet.
Vivat Jesus, Jason Staas, General Agent
Fr. Maruskin Council #10936
Holy Family Free Throw Winners and Volunteer Group 1015
Rudy Breglia, Fr. Ragan Council #3269
In case you haven't seen, I wanted to call your attention the new bipartisan HB 3 School Bus Safety Act* sponsored Rep. B. Willis (R-74) and Rep C. Thomas (D-25). This Bill essentially provides a funding mechanism to support each school districts' school bus safety needs. See summary below. This voluntary grant Program allows for the selection of seat belts as an option and will undoubtedly prevent injuries and save children's lives. Thanks. Bless you. "Seat Belts Save Lives" Rudy Breglia
The Ohio School Bus Safety Act* (HB 3) was recently introduced in the 136th General Assembly by Rep. B. Willis (R-74) and Rep C. Thomas (D25) with 14 bipartisan cosponsors**. HB 3 increases the penalties for drivers
passing a stopped school bus and establishes a $25 million School Bus Safety Fund. The Ohio Dept. of Education would award grants on a competitive basis to eligible applicants, e.g. Board of Education of a city school district. The grants would fund the purchase and installation of safety equipment on school buses according to the expressed needs of each school district.
The selected safety equipment would include lap-shoulder seat belts, illuminated signage, cameras and electronic stability control but only seat belts would have saved 11 year-old Aidan Clark’s life by preventing his ejection on August 22, 2023 when his school bus rolled over on his first day of school. About 1200 school bus crashes occur every year in Ohio and the next
serious Ohio school bus crash is not a question of “if” but of “when”. Note: grant funds are not needed for new Blue Bird buses since seat belts are standard equipment without additional cost.
https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/ legislation/136/hb3
Fraternal Trainers provide important support for Fraternal Leaders; training can be tailored to meet the needs of both new and seasoned officers, as well as any members who are interested in advancing to officer roles in the future.
Fraternal Trainers provide officer training at both the district and council level, online and in-person. To sign up for training sessions from Supreme, visit the state website (www.kofcohio.org) under FOR MEMBERS and scroll down to Training Opportunities or click the registration links below.
Also, check out the additional training opportunities on the state website under FOR MEMBERS. There is state specific training for eMembership and Member Management and Billing. There is also a link to Supreme’s Fraternal Video Library that is full of answers to your everyday questions.
February 3, 2025 8:00 PM | Financial Secretary
This training covers the responsibilities of a Financial Secretary. We will go over procedures, reporting and how he interacts with the other officers of the council, and also review the resources available for him to use and learn. This is an introduction to the position, and we will show it is not as difficult as some may believe. Join us for an inside look at this important Council role.
February 6, 2025 8:00 PM | Becoming an
A special webinar just for district deputies. The second half of the fraternal year is the perfect time to evaluate your district and ensure you are in line for Star District. Here we will touch on each requirement so you can conduct a proper review of your district’s status. Whether struggling or thriving, this webinar will pack your arsenal full of the resources you need to finish strong.
February 10, 2025 8:00 PM | Working
We discuss the relationship between the Pastor and the Council. One of the identities we hold as Knights of Columbus is the ‘Strong right arm of the Church.’ This speaks to the necessity of building strong relationships with our pastors, so that we can assist them in strengthening and growing parish communities. In this session we will examine why we need each other, how to work together towards common goals, and how to build strong communication.
February 13, 2025 10:00 PM
Join us as we discuss a new and streamlined way for councils to host a church drive, and an easier way for councils to host a Church Recruitment Drive. Membership Growth is a critical aspect of every council. What does successful recruitment look like? This session on Church Drives will guide your council down the path to creating a culture of sustainable growth and development.
February 25, 2025 8:00 PM
The Knights of Columbus offers Officers and Members a variety of online resources to assist them in managing and administrating council duties. The kofc.org website houses all the guides, forms and information any officer or member needs to make their council successful. Join us as we breakdown and analyze the Officers Online and For Members portals found at the kofc.org website.
State Deputy Jeff Kiliany 559 Walnut St Leetonia, OH 44431 jtktg@yahoo.com
Immediate Past State Deputy Support Our Seminarians 2024-2025
Mark Siracusa 15398 Silver Pine Ct Perrysburg, OH 43551 cuzza52@gmail.com
State Secretary State Per Capita Mike Felerski 1580 Gelhot Dr. #234 Fairfield, OH 45014 mfelerski@icloud.com
State Treasurer / DD #22 733, 2643, 2790, 4217, 18527, 18565, Super Cash 2025
Jim Maslach 4927 Autumnwood Ln Brunswick, OH 44212 440-785-9838 kofcjkm@gmail.com
State Advocate Matching Funds 2024 Chris Sarka 7239 Winterbek Ave New Albany, OH 43054 c_sarka@hotmail.com
State Warden Measure Up 2025 Tony Offenberger 15200 Muskingum River Rd Lowell, OH 45744 tonyoffenberger@gmail.com
College Council Coordinator / DD #33 310, 2726, 8320, 15023, 15737 George Metz 440-449-0081 georgegmetz@aol.com
Growth Coordinator / DD #28 Inactive Councils Mike Incorvati 330-671-1490 mbaincorvati@hotmail.com
DD Coordinator / DD #29 Inactive Councils Teran Taggart 440-665-4078 ADM5893@YAHOO.COM
Council Rejuvenation / DD #32 789, 3541, 5506 Robert Walsh 216-533-1134 rewalsh731@aol.com
Past State Deputy (2015-17)
Robert Collins, Jr 216-410-7174 rfcollinsjr@gmail.com
Past State Deputy (2003-05) Roland Bator 330-225-7354 rbator4591@msn.com
General Agent
Jason Staas 800-484-0304 jason.staas@kofc.org
COR Director Cleveland Ty Tyjewski 440-867-4503 TYKNIGHT4847@GMAIL.COM
State Website Director Tom Buehner 216-554-0722 tom.buehner@gmail.com
District Deputy #19 3213, 3410, 4664, 14111, Tom Goodhart 330-773-9379 MLTRG@ATT.NET
District Deputy #20 637, 774, 3269, 4891, 7970, 8369 DeWitt Gober 440-541-3317 DD20GOBER@GMAIL.COM
District Deputy #21 4731, 13984, 14416, 15901, 16373, 16376 Patrick Gale 440-382-1177 FLAGDAY66@WOWWAY.COM
District Deputy #23 947, 3304, 14714, 15942 John Brown 330-610-0308 trouter0523@gmail.com
District Deputy #24 4168, 4847, 10792, 11464, 14769 Tom Donovan 216-650-4213 TD3430@ATT.NET
District Deputy #25 2362, 3529, 5613, 10936, 13517 Mike Rauh
330-256-3038 MIKERAUH58@GMAIL.COM
District Deputy #26 3970, 14406, 15056, 15614, 16137, 16279 Ron Snyder 216-396-1200 SNYDERCRESTON@AOL.CO M
District Deputy #27 2886, 3164, 4498, 4801, 5405, 13755 Tim Daley
District Deputy #30 547, 14054, 14255, 14551 Paul Visnosky
216-486-1298 tdaley1861@aol.com
District Deputy #31 2803, 4130, 4893, 5106, 5559, 11831 Jerry Nowesnick 440-336-0039 nowesnick@gmail.com