Michael Joseph McGivney was born in Waterbury, Conn., on August 12, 1852, the first child of Patrick and Mary (Lynch) McGivney. His parents came to the United States in the great 19thcentury wave of Irish immigration and were married in Waterbury. Patrick was a molder in the heat and noxious fumes of a brass mill. Mary gave birth to 13 children, six of whom died young, leaving Michael with four living sisters and two brothers. Life was not easy, especially for Catholic immigrant families who often faced prejudice, social exclusion, and financial and social disadvantages. Young Michael thus experienced from an early age grief, anti-Catholic bigotry and poverty. But his faith sustained him. At home and in church, he learned and embraced love, faith, fortitude, prayer and putting love of God above any earthly rewards.
work in the spoon-making department of a brass factory to provide a few more dollars for his family.
Michael attended the public schools of Waterbury’s working-class neighborhoods. A good student, he was noted for “Excellent deportment and proficiency in his studies.” At age 13, shortly after the Civil War, he graduated three years early and began
In 1868, 16year-old Michael left home to pursue God’s call to the priesthood. His formation as a seminarian was rich and diverse, spanning two countries, four seminaries and instruction by three religious orders the charity-oriented Vincentians, the academically rigorous Jesuits, and the experienced formers of diocesan clergy, the Sulpicians.
Throughout his formation, his personal virtues, concern for others and use of God-given intellectual talents shone forth. At the College of St. Hyacinthe in Quebec, Canada, he received an award for his studious dedication. He also stood out academically at Our Lady of Angels Seminary in Niagara Falls, N.Y., and St. Mary’s Seminary in Montreal.
In June 1873, tragedy struck with the death of his father, nearly upending 20 -year-old Michael’s vocation. He returned to Waterbury for the funeral,
God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Blessed Michael McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue, may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church.
Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify Blessed Michael McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present (here make your request). Through Christ our Lord. Amen
unsure whether he would need to leave seminary and return to factory work to support the family. By God’s grace, the bishop of Hartford intervened. Seeing Michael’s great priestly potential, he provided financial support for him to enter St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore. There, Michael was appointed sacristan, a responsibility that underscored his reputation for piety and orderliness. Holiness did not make him aloof, and he was remembered for his sense of humor as well as for his enthusiasm for the relatively new game of baseball.
After four years of study, Michael was ordained by Archbishop (later Cardinal) James Gibbons on Dec. 22, 1877, in Baltimore’s historic Cathedral of the Assumption, the nation’s first cathedral. A few days later, with his widowed mother present, Father Michael J. McGivney celebrated his first public Mass at Immaculate Conception Church in Waterbury, beginning his life as a priest a busy and difficult vocation which then had a life expectancy of only about 40 years.
Reprinted from Fr. McGivney Guild
You can play a key role in advancing Father McGivney’s cause by joining the Guild for free and praying for his intercession and canonization. May Father McGivney intercede for you!
The Father Michael J. McGivney Guild serves as a source for information about the life, works and spirituality of Father McGivney. The Guild publishes a quarterly newsletter and offers a weekly Mass for the intentions of members.
Click HERE to Join!
The entire month of November falls during the liturgical season known as Tempus per Annum or Ordinary Time (formerly Time After Pentecost), which is represented by the liturgical color green. Green is a symbol of hope, as it is the color of the sprouting seed and arouses in the faithful the hope of reaping the eternal harvest of heaven, especially the hope of a glorious resurrection. The liturgical color green is worn during the praying of Offices and celebration of Masses of Ordinary Time. The last portion of the liturgical year represents the time of our pilgrimage to heaven during which we hope for reward.
During November, as in all of Ordinary Time (Time After Pentecost), the Liturgy signifies and expresses the regenerated life from the coming of the Holy Spirit, which is to be spent on the model of Christ's Life and under the direction of His Spirit. As we come to the end of the Church year we are asked to consider the end times, our own as well as the world's. The culmination of the liturgical year is the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. "This feast asserts the supreme authority of Christ over human beings and their institutions.... Beyond it we see Advent dawning with its perspective of the Lord's coming in glory." The Liturgy and Time, A.G. Mortimort
The Knights of Columbus empowers Catholic men to live their faith and serve their family, parish, community, and country.
Why? Because families need strong husbands and fathers, and the world needs courageous witnesses to Jesus Christ. Through Cor, men will be formed and sharpened as disciples of Jesus, who are committed to serving him and willing to boldly live and share their faith. It is the mandate of every Catholic man to bring Jesus to a broken world. To live his faith and engage in this mission, every Catholic man needs a strong relationship with God that is rooted in prayer and the sacraments. Catholic men need to proactively invest in their ongoing faith formation, to be a part of a dynamic brotherhood that supports, sharpens, and strengthens them to be holy men, husbands, and fathers, and to engage in the mission of the Church.
The mission of Cor is to refocus Catholic men on Jesus Christ and to form and strengthen them in faith and virtue through a brotherhood committed to prayer, formation, and fraternity. The goal of each Cor gathering is to provide the opportunity for men to encounter Christ, to pray together, to be formed in their faith, and to strengthen their bonds of brotherhood, preparing them for courageous leadership and the mission of evangelization for their families and communities.
The Holy Father's Intentions for the Month of November 2024
For anyone who has lost a child: We pray that all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find support in their community and receive peace and consolation from the Holy Spirit.
(See also http:// www.popesprayerusa.net/)
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine.
Just the other day, I received an email from Sister Alicia Torres who is the Managing Editor for the Heart of the Revival newsletter. In the email, she discusses the uncertainty that we deal with dayin and day out. She states “We all experience it, and none of us is particularly fond of it. There is the everyday uncertainty of rain or shine, or the oscillating moods of family members or co-workers. Some of us experience long-term uncertainties around health or financial stability. Then there is the uncertainty of the upcoming election.”
She continues to provide us with comfort stating “In the midst of all this, one thing is certain: the enduring love of God. Indeed, no greater love is there than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends (Jn 15:13) which Jesus did for you and for me a love that we experience in a profound and mysterious way at every Mass and in our times of Eucharistic adoration.”
On Tuesday, each of us will have the opportunity to go out and help provide a direction for our country for the next four years. You have heard the discussions from both of the major political party candidates and various media news outlets. As Knights, we are called to be an informed voter. Please, take the time, review the issues and candidates before you click that box or pull that lever. And it never hurts to say a little prayer asking God for guidance and strength.
November is here at it is time to make sure that you flip your clocks back one hour. I remember during my youth, that my parents would tease my brother and I to get up at 2:00 AM and change the clocks. Today, our internet and cell phone carriers change the clocks for us.
October has been another banner month for the Knights here in the Cleveland Diocese. We started another council. Welcome to Council 18565 St. Elizabeth of Hungary in Cleveland. They will be in District 22. Together, we brought in 38-new members, forms are being completed, programs submitted, Exemplifications presented, and so on. Our Faith is truly alive and vibrant. I am so proud of all the work you all are doing. Please keep the stories coming and send me some pictures. I would love to show others what you are doing here in the CLE.
Thank you to the DDs throughout the CLE for taking the time to deliver Priesthood Sunday literature for the Vocations Office. This is a great and very appreciated service we provide. Thank you Mike Rauh, Ron Snyder, Pat Gale, and Tom Goodhart for helping package everything together. It is not too early to plan for Saturday, October 12, 2025.
Convention planning continues. We can still use a few more members on the planning team to help show off the CLE. If you are interested, please let me know.
Are planning to do a Free Throw contest? If so, please make sure that your Safe Environment Training is up-to-date. That means your Form 365 MUST be filed with Supreme.
Soon we will be dealing with the cold and snow of winter in NE Ohio. Please make sure that your older (and wiser) members are taken care of. Reach out to them and see if they need any assistance. It is a great time for brothers to help brothers.
Many of you might remember FDD Mike Kalal who passed away a couple of years ago. His widow, Amy Kalal, has started two charities MCK Heart of Gold and Gods Tiny Miracles. The latter is working with the police and fire departments in Geauga county to install Safe Haven Baby Boxes. You can contact Amy or donate directly to this cause by visiting www.godstinymiracles.org.
On behalf of Kathy and our family, we want to wish all of you a blessed Thanksgiving. May the time you have with your families be cherished. Let us thank God for that time whenever we can.
Vivat Jesus,
Growth continues here in the Cleveland Diocese as we added 38-new members and started another council. Thank you to Nick Holoman for getting the ball rolling at 18565 St. Elizabeth of Hungary in Cleveland. Welcome and congratulations. We are also in the process of finalizing the University of Akron new council. They have 26 new members, mostly eMembers sitting out there, that will be coming before the end of November.
Thank you to the 26 councils that have recruited one (1) new member so far this fraternal year. We have a way to go to get to where we were last year. So, please continue your efforts to ask men to join our Order and schedule, on the state website, your Exemplifications. You never know when another council may show up with candidates.
We need to continue to grow the Order and help men and their families back to Christ. If you need help, please reach out to your DD, DGC Mike Incorvati, DDC Teran Taggart, or State Officer Jim Maslach. We are here to help you succeed.
Finally, look for the email from our State Growth Director Andrew Nuckols. There are a lot of incentives out there for you and your councils.
ORDER GROWTH As of November 2, 2024
Ohio July 1: 55,313
Ohio Growth: 559 (29.22%)
% Growth: 1.01%
Cleveland July 1: 7,831
Cleveland Growth: 98 (36.90%)
% Growth: 1.25%
% Growth is a measure of the YTD gain compared against the July 1st membership number.
TOP-5 % GROWTH YTD Gain against the July 1 Membership Excluding New Councils
1. 2643 Lakewood (6.98%)
2. 15901 St. Adalbert (4.76%)
3. 4847 Brunswick (4.33%)
4. 2726 Windermere (3.81%)
5. 3304 Geauga (3.20%)
TOP-5 TOTAL NEW MEMBERS Excluding New Councils
1. 4847 Brunswick (9)
2. 2643 Lakewood (6)
3. 774 Elyria (5)
4. 3410 South Akron, 3304 Geauga, 14551 St. Hilary, 2726 Windermere (4)
1. DD #22 Jim Maslach (35)
2. DD #24 Tom Donovan (11)
3. DD #19 Tom Goodhart (9)
4. DD #21 Patrick Gale (8)
5. DD #33 George Metz (7)
Worthy District Deputy,
Please find attached the latest OSC Score Card. Please thank your Councils, once again, Cleveland continues to lead or at the top of the pack in State Program reporting (only two active councils have yet to participate); scheduling/ hosting CUF Exemplifications (Lead the state in scheduled CUF); submission of forms.
Continue to encourage your Councils if they have not yet submitted their Form 365 or Service Directors the Council needs to name the five required directors, once, and the Council will no longer be reported as missing their 365. There is NO further automated validation by Supreme of this requirement. I KNOW this is for a FACT.
Further, if a Council has not submitted
their form 365, if the Council hosts an event where children are present the individuals would assume all liability if an unfortunate event may occur. Someone present MUST be Virtus Trained (Diocesan CYP program).
As we head into the Christmas season, please ensure your Councils use the correct Keep Christ in Christmas or Form 5025, attached or may be downloaded via State or Supreme websites. Please bring your Council winners to the January DD meeting.
Also, you should have secured your District Free Throw location or should be finalizing the location. There are no restrictions to when you may host the District or Council Free Throw. A Council could host their free throw now or in December prior to the New Year.
As DD it's your responsibility to hold a District Free Throw and all forms are
completed correctly. With that said, you may team up with another DD to host a joint District Free Throw if the location is geographically close. Keep in mind you will need to ensure each district participants are separated during the competition. Make sure each of your Councils are using the most current form, see attached. The Form 1598 Score sheet may be downloaded from either State or Supreme websites.
https://www.kofc.org/en/what-we-do/ faith-in-action-programs/resources/ index.html?1tab=1tab0&icon-tabs=3
Finally, SAVE the DATE, the semiannual District Deputy meeting will be held January 3,4, and 5th 2025 in Columbus. More information to follow.
Thank you,
Worthy Chapter Delegates, Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries and Fraternal Brothers-
On November 8th at 6 PM the annual Memorial Mass will be held at St Therese Parish 5276 E 105th St Cleveland 44125. The Celebrant will be Fr John Mullee, 2023 Chapter Clergy of the Year.
The Chapter requests from each Council in the Diocese any deceased Brother Knights or immediate family who have passed away since last November. Please send a list of names, relationship if any, and Council (including Assembly) number to Teran at adm5893@yahoo.com.
At the conclusion of Mass, there will be some brief Chapter announcements and attendees are free to leave. There will be no meeting after the Mass.
Further, On December 13 at 7 PM, the Chapter will host the annual Christmas get together at the 4130 Hall with our wives or spouses. A short meeting will start before the dinner. For those attending we ask you to sign up here along with bringing any desert or Hors d'oeuvres to share. We need the Count to be able to order the correct amount of food for the attendees.
If you have any further questions, feel free in reaching out to any of the Chapter Officers.
Thank you,
The Management.
Teran Taggart Chapter President adm5893@gmail.com 440-665-4078
Jim Maslach Chapter Vice President kofcjkm@gmail.com 440-785-9838
Tom Donovan Chapter Secretary td3430@att.net 216-650-4213
Martin Steward
Chapter Treasurer martinasteward@gmail.com
Chapter Meetings
Second Friday of Month 7:00 PM Rosary 7:30 PM Meeting Visit www.kofccleveland.org Columbus
Fraternal Trainers provide important support for Fraternal Leaders; training can be tailored to meet the needs of both new and seasoned officers, as well as any members who are interested in advancing to officer roles in the future.
Fraternal Trainers provide officer training at both the district and council level, online and in-person. To sign up for training sessions from Supreme, visit the state website (www.kofcohio.org) under FOR MEMBERS and scroll down to Training Opportunities or click the registration links below.
Also, check out the additional training opportunities on the state website under FOR MEMBERS. There is state specific training for eMembership and Member Management and Billing. There is also a link to Supreme’s Fraternal Video Library that is full of answers to your everyday questions.
November 4, 2024 8:00 PM
Public Relations can be a very useful communications tool to let people know what the Knights of Columbus is about and the good works that our members do. From tips on social media posts to composing a press release. This webinar will offer some essential tools needed to carry out a successful public relations program.
November 7, 2024 8:00 PM
The activity of a council is what makes that council a visible part of the Church, Family and Community. Activities also make councils attractive to prospective members. This training reviews the ways every activity can be a part of your council’s journey to grow and be sustainable, including how members can interact with attendees to share your council’s story and encourage them to become part of your council.
November 13, 2024 10:00
Shows councils how to adopt the current guidelines and learn best practices to host an informative, efficient, and effective Council Meeting that will help maintain strong, healthy and engaged membership. Using ‘The Guidelines for Council Meetings’ we will walk you through the steps and procedures of council and officer planning meetings. By highlighting best practices for preparing for and conducting these meetings, this webinar will give you the skills, knowledge, and confidence to prepare and host effective and timely council meetings that will benefit your Council and its members.
November 19, 2024 8:00 PM
Is your council roster still growing? It should be, and if it isn't then this webinar is for you. Recruitment is a neverending process. This webinar will provide members with proven sustainable strategies for inviting men to join the Knights of Columbus.
State Deputy Jeff Kiliany 559 Walnut St Leetonia, OH 44431 jtktg@yahoo.com
Immediate Past State Deputy Support Our Seminarians 2024-2025
Mark Siracusa 15398 Silver Pine Ct Perrysburg, OH 43551 cuzza52@gmail.com
State Secretary State Per Capita Mike Felerski 1580 Gelhot Dr. #234 Fairfield, OH 45014 mfelerski@icloud.com
State Treasurer / DD #22 733, 2643, 2790, 4217, 18527, 18565, Super Cash 2025
Jim Maslach 4927 Autumnwood Ln Brunswick, OH 44212 440-785-9838 kofcjkm@gmail.com
State Advocate Matching Funds 2024 Chris Sarka 7239 Winterbek Ave New Albany, OH 43054 c_sarka@hotmail.com
State Warden Measure Up 2025 Tony Offenberger 15200 Muskingum River Rd Lowell, OH 45744 tonyoffenberger@gmail.com
College Council Coordinator / DD #33 310, 2726, 8320, 15023, 15737 George Metz 440-449-0081 georgegmetz@aol.com
Growth Coordinator / DD #28 Inactive Councils Mike Incorvati 330-671-1490 mbaincorvati@hotmail.com
DD Coordinator / DD #29 Inactive Councils Teran Taggart 440-665-4078 ADM5893@YAHOO.COM
Council Rejuvenation / DD #32 789, 3541, 5506 Robert Walsh 216-533-1134 rewalsh731@aol.com
Past State Deputy (2015-17)
Past State Deputy (2003-05)
General Agent
COR Director Cleveland
State Website Director
Robert Collins, Jr 216-410-7174 rfcollinsjr@gmail.com
Roland Bator 330-225-7354 rbator4591@msn.com
Jason Staas
800-484-0304 jason.staas@kofc.org
Ty Tyjewski 440-867-4503 TYKNIGHT4847@GMAIL.COM
Tom Buehner
District Deputy #19 3213, 3410, 4664, 14111, Tom Goodhart
District Deputy #20 637, 774, 3269, 4891, 7970, 8369
District Deputy #21 4731, 13984, 14416, 15901, 16373, 16376
District Deputy #23 947, 3304, 14714, 15942
District Deputy #24 4168, 4847, 10792, 11464, 14769
DeWitt Gober
Patrick Gale
John Brown
Tom Donovan
District Deputy #25 2362, 3529, 5613, 10936, 13517 Mike Rauh
District Deputy #26 3970, 14406, 15056, 15614, 16137, 16279 Ron Snyder
District Deputy #27 2886, 3164, 4498, 4801, 5405, 13755
Tim Daley
District Deputy #30 547, 14054, 14255, 14551 Paul Visnosky
District Deputy #31 2803, 4130, 4893, 5106, 5559, 11831
Jerry Nowesnick
216-554-0722 tom.buehner@gmail.com
330-773-9379 MLTRG@ATT.NET
440-541-3317 DD20GOBER@GMAIL.COM
440-382-1177 FLAGDAY66@WOWWAY.COM
330-610-0308 trouter0523@gmail.com
216-650-4213 TD3430@ATT.NET
330-256-3038 MIKERAUH58@GMAIL.COM
216-486-1298 tdaley1861@aol.com
440-336-0039 nowesnick@gmail.com