Decades ahead of his time, Father McGivney had a keen sense of the layman’s unique vocation, needs and potential contributions, and he drew his people into the life and activities of the parish. This respect for the laity led Father McGivney to found the Knights of Columbus, a fraternal organization for Catholic men, in 1882.
The young priest designed a way to strengthen the Catholic faith of men and their families while providing financial protection when they suffered the death of the breadwinner. He well knew that keeping families together assisted both temporal and spiritual needs. At the time, without means of financial support, families were often split up, threatening both the integrity of the family and depending on the destination of the various family members their faith as well. His new fraternity was designed to provide Catholic men with an alternative to anti-Catholic secret societies that offered social and employment advancement but drew them away from the faith.
Father McGivney proposed that the new group be named for Christopher Columbus. Universally esteemed at the time as the heroic discoverer of the New World, Columbus would highlight the deep roots of Catholics in America, and the long history of Catholic evangelization in the hemisphere.
On March 29 – a day celebrated annually as Founder’s Day – the Connecticut legislature granted a charter establishing the Knights of Columbus as a legal corporation.
The name “Knights” appealed to the Civil War veterans in the group who saw noble principles of knighthood in the Order’s protection of the faith, family finances and the civil and religious rights of Catholics. A charter
member wrote that Father McGivney was “acclaimed as founder by 24 men with hearts full of joy and thanksgiving; recognizing that without his optimism, his will to succeed, his counsel and advice, they would have failed.”
In a letter to priests of his diocese, Father McGivney said that his first goal in founding the Knights of Columbus was “to prevent people from entering Secret Societies, by offering the same, if not better, advantages to our members.” His second purpose was “to unite the men of our Faith throughout the Diocese of Hartford, that we may thereby gain strength to aid each other in time of sickness; to provide for decent burial, and to render pecuniary assistance to the families of deceased members.”
The Order’s original principles were unity and charity. “Unity in order to gain strength to be charitable to each other in benevolence whilst we live and in bestowing financial aid to those whom we have to mourn,” Father McGivney wrote. Principles of fraternity and patriotism were added later. Knights were led by their founder to take on the many challenges facing Catholic family life poverty, early death, secret societies, anti-Catholicism with the flexibility to take on other duties in the future. With a vision for growth, he asked the pastors in Connecticut to kindly help “in the formation of a council in your parish.”
As an indication of the respect the first Knights had for Father McGivney’s leadership, they moved to elect him
head of the new Order. However, the humble priest insisted that a layman should lead the lay organization. James T. Mullen, a Civil War veteran, was elected the first supreme knight and Father McGivney took up the office of supreme secretary. Two years later, when operations were on a sound footing, Father McGivney resigned his executive post to become supreme chaplain, explaining that his first obligation to the Order was to serve as a priest.
For more information, please check out the Father McGivney Guild
You can play a key role in advancing Father McGivney’s cause by joining the Guild for free and praying for his intercession and canonization. May Father McGivney intercede for you!
The Father Michael J. McGivney Guild serves as a source for information about the life, works and spirituality of Father McGivney. The Guild publishes a quarterly newsletter and offers a weekly Mass for the intentions of members.
Click HERE to Join!
The first twelve days of January fall during the liturgical season known as Christmas which is represented by the liturgical color white (and gold) the color of light, a symbol of joy, purity and innocence (absolute or restored).
The Knights of Columbus empowers Catholic men to live their faith and serve their family, parish, community, and country. Why? Because families need strong husbands and fathers, and the world needs courageous witnesses to Jesus Christ. Through Cor, men will be formed and sharpened as disciples of Jesus, who are committed to serving him and willing to boldly live and share their faith. It is the mandate of every Catholic man to bring Jesus to a broken world. To live his faith and engage in this mission, every Catholic man needs a strong relationship with God that is rooted in prayer and the sacraments. Catholic men need to proactively invest in their ongoing faith formation, to be a part of a dynamic brotherhood that supports, sharpens, and strengthens them to be holy men, husbands, and fathers, and to engage in the mission of the Church.
The mission of Cor is to refocus Catholic men on Jesus Christ and to form and strengthen them in faith and virtue through a brotherhood committed to prayer, formation, and fraternity. The goal of each Cor gathering is to provide the opportunity for men to encounter Christ, to pray together, to be formed in their faith, and to strengthen their bonds of brotherhood, preparing them for courageous leadership and the mission of evangelization for their families and communities.
Before you continue further it is important that you commit to reviewing and applying the following key concepts and principles for Cor. Cor should only be implemented after reviewing this guide and after consulting the pastor for his permission to build Cor for the men of the parish. This will take time, commitment, and prayer but is well worth the investment.
• Cor is a simple concept. It consistently brings men together to refocus on Jesus Christ through shared time of prayer and formation.
• Cor requires dedicated leadership. The Grand Knight is encouraged to appoint a council Evangelization and Faith Formation (EFF) Director to fully oversee the implementation and leadership of Cor.
• Cor must be implemented with the permission of the pastor.
• Frequency is essential and should range from a minimum of monthly, to weekly.
• Cor is open to all men of the council and parish.
• Cor must always have the three key elements of prayer, formation, and fraternity.
• Cor should utilize and collaborate with any existing men’s group or men’s ministry, not compete with, or control it.
• Cor is driven by the fraternal brotherhood, enabling Cor to continually serve as a foundation that answers, “what’s next?” for any time or curriculum bound retreat, ministry, or event.
The Holy Father's Intentions for the Month of January 2025
For the right to an education: Let us pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.
See also https:// www.popesprayer.net/
Happy and Blessed New Year to all of you and your families. May 2025 bring you peace and health.
Cleveland is great shape as we enter the second half of the fraternal year. We are currently at 55% of our growth goal, lead the state in live Exemplifications, almost 100% of our active councils are participating in the state general program, started two new councils, and our forms are being submitted. Thank you very much for all your hard work to ensure that our Order is strong and vibrant here in the Cleveland Diocese.
Now is a great time for council officers to sit down and plan out the remainder of the 20242025 fraternal year. There are things like your council’s free throw, Lenten activities, fish fries, bunny brunches, first communions, confirmation, winter carnivals, and more that we has Knights are there to assist. Please make sure that your activities are submitted by April 15, 2025 to be included in the state convention awards ceremony. You never know if a program will be a state winner or not.
• Owen Lawson (9)
• Benjamin Mazzola (11)
• Rebecca Nauman (10)
• Anna Pitcher (9)
• Ethan Yukich (10) Padua Franciscan
• Amanda Ocilka (10) St. Edward’s
• Thomas Van Oosten (12)
High school scholarships are supported by the Ohio State Council and Ohio Charity Foundation. PSD Robert Collins Jr is the chairman. Applications for the 2025-2026 academic year will
February 2025.
Super Cash Bonanza is coming up. Cashman returns for another exciting adventure to thwart those that try and stop Ohio from raising $1 Million for charity. Last year, Cleveland certainly did their best to stop the Accountant selling over 50,000-tickets. Can you do better this year? Watch your emails for announcement from Cashman next week?
There will be two town hall and training sessions this month. January 18th at Lorain Council 637 and the other on January 25th virtually via Zoom. Registration is required for the January 25th event. Come and ask questions (or be asked questions) for Member Management and Billing, Programs, Growth, and more.
be sent to the schools and made available on the state website in September 2025. Look forward to more applications to help those families with Catholic education here in the diocese.
Congratulations to the Ohio Charity Foundation Scholarship winners for the 2024-2025 academic year. They are from:
Archbishop Hoban
• Jenna Devine (11)
Councils should start planning to attend the 126th Annual Ohio State Council State Convention which is in beautiful downtown Cleveland. There is no reason why your council could not elect its delegates and alternates NOW. Convention specifics are being finalized and should be available in
Finally, join the Greater Cleveland Chapter on Friday, January 31st at the Center for Pastoral Leadership for Clergy Appreciation Night. More information is available here or attend the next Chapter Meeting on January 10 at Garfield. Rosary is at 7:00 PM followed by the meeting.
Again, from Kathy and I to all of you, a very blessed New Year.
Vivat Jesus,
The calendar has flipped and we are now heading to the second half of the fraternal year. Cleveland continues to growth with 22-New Members in December and 145 YTD. That puts Cleveland clearing in second place at 54.60% of our goal with a growth of 1.85% but still trailing Columbus.
Cleveland does continue to lead in reported Exemplifications of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity. Currently, 29 exemplifications have been reported. Keep up the great job of providing opportunities for men to join our Order. Please make sure that your District Deputy is aware of your Exemplification and reports it on the state website. All councils that report live Exemplifications will have an opportunity to win a gift card at the July Tour stop. If your council is not ready yet but still would like a live Exemplification, contact Mike Incoravti and Jim Maslach to make the arrangements.
We continue to work with are newest councils, 18527 Chariots of Fire (St. Elias) and 18565 St. Elizabeth of Hungary. Charter paperwork is being processed and the councils will work toward a July 1 operational structure. Till then, there is training and setup work being done as well as working with the pastors to get the councils integrated with the parishes. University of Akron is slowly coming around but will be hampered by Supreme changing the minimum number of members for a new council from 20 to 30.
Below is the current Exemplification schedule for the Cleveland Diocese. Please register your Exemplification by visiting www.kofcohio.org. If you would like to schedule the Diocesan Exemp Team, please contact Jim Maslach at 440-7859838 or via email at kofcjkm@gmail.com
1/4/2025 8:45 AM 9:00 AM St. Elizabeth Anne Elizabeth 11464 (Columbia Station)
1/8/2025 6:55 PM 7:00 PM State Online via Zoom
1/13/2025 6:15 PM 6:30 PM Fr. Carl Anthony 3213 (Wadsworth)
1/22/2025 6:55 PM 7:00 PM State Online via Zoom
1/28/2025 5:45 PM 6:00 PM Elyria 774 (Elyria)
As of December 28, 2024
Ohio July 1: 55,313
Ohio Growth: 790 (41.29%)
% Growth: 1.43%
Cleveland July 1: 7,831
Cleveland Growth: 145 (54.60%)
% Growth: 1.85%
% Growth is a measure of the YTD gain compared against the July 1st membership number.
YTD Gain against the July 1 Membership Excluding New Councils
1. 2643 Lakewood (8.14%)
2. 14406 Our Lady of Charity (5.62%)
3. 4847 Brunswick (5.29%)
4. 15901 St. Adalbert (4.76%)
5. 2726 Windemere (4.76%)
TOP-5 TOTAL NEW MEMBERS Excluding New Councils
1. 4847 Brunswick (11)
2. 774 Elyria, 2643 Lakewood (7)
3. 3410 South Akron (6)
4. 310 Gilmour, 10936 Fr. Maruskin, 14406 Our Lady of Charity, 14551 St. Hilary, 2726 Windemere (5)
1. DD #22 Jim Maslach (42)
4. DD #21 Patrick Gale (12) Date Candidate Call Start Time Location
2. DD #24 Tom Donovan (14)
3. DD #19 Tom Goodhart, DD #33 George Metz (13)
Worthy DD,
Happy New Year and blessed Christmas Season. On the eve of our semi-annual trip to Columbus and our State District Deputy Meeting, first of all please drive safely.
It is not to early to remind your Councils of the Fraternal Survey (Form 1728) due on January 31st and the semi-annual Audit (Form 1295) due on February 15th. Supreme uses this information from the Fraternal Survey for submission to the IRS which determines our not-for profit status. Emphasize, the information will not be reviewed/audited and use best judgement when tallying the information. It is important this information is reported on time. As for the semi-annual Audit, this is a required and mandatory activity. Timely submission to Supreme goes without saying and is self evident.
If you have not ordered your District Free Throw Medals, please do so now. If you have any spare FT medals, please consider either re-using or donating to another DD in need. Reminder The Diocesan or Regional Free Throw Tournament will be held at Elyria Catholic High School from 1 to 5 PM on Sunday March 2nd. Please disburse the attached Regional Free Throw 2025 hand out to your Councils.
Please remind your Council's to use the correct attached form for the
Council Free Throw. See Attached or State/Supreme website.
On January 18th and 25th there will be Diocesan Officer and Financial Secretary Training (Virtual on the 18th and in person on the 25th). More information to come and will be socialized at the January Meeting.
Diocesan Fraternal Benefit Event (FBE) Night will be held on Tuesday January 21st at 6:30 PM. Sign-ups are located on the State Calendar or here:
https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/ register/tZUqcmpqT8pGtxU0IS82elUoYzBit9BIcwA# /registration
There is no reason a Council should be scrambling to qualify for the Founders Award this year. Reminder, any Council member registered and attends an On-line FBE will count towards a Council FBE.
On February 15th Super Cash Bonanza weekend here in the Cleveland Diocese, distribution locations will be held at St Ladislas #16373, Garfield Council #4130 and South Akron #3410. More information to come and will be socialized at the January Meeting.
Please encourage your Councils to schedule Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity events; grow the order; plan and organize Programs;
Current or Past Grand Knights are you looking for more? Do you feel like you can bring something more to the Order? We are always looking for men to step up and become District Deputies. Being a District Deputy opens your eyes to the world outside of your council allowing you expand your horizons and help councils grow. If you are interested in learning more about being a District Deputy, please talk with your current District Deputy or reach out to Teran Taggart or Jim Maslach. We look forward to future of the Knights here in the Cleveland Diocese with you as a DD!
report those programs on the State website; "Because if we aren't growing; we are dying"
Fraternally yours, Teran Taggart
Worthy Chapter Delegates, Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries and Brother Knights-
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Reminder, Friday January 10th is the first Chapter Meeting of the new year. Also, pre-registration closes for the January 31st Clergy Appreciation Dinner at the Center for Pastoral Leadership.
The cost is $35 per person for Chapter member councils and $40 per person for non-Chapter member councils.
Rather than Councils donating alcohol or spirits as in the past, the Chapter is openly requesting monetary donations to support the open bar. Please send your donation to Jim Maslach.
Nominations for Greater Cleveland Clergy of the Year is now OPEN. This nomination is open to any clergy member whether the council is a chapter member or not. Please use the nomination form linked below and forward nomination to Jim Maslach by January 10, 2025.
https://files.constantcontact.com/be380e1f601/92c982f2-9cc4 -4e51-9fc1-c1eeed426b97.pdf
The Chapter is excited to have this opportunity to show our support and appreciation for all that are priests do for us and provide a visible sign to seminarians that the Order "has their back". If there are any questions, please see feel free to contacting Jim Maslach via phone/text at 440-785-9838 or email at kofcjkm@gmail.com
Fraternally yours, Chapter Management
Teran Taggart Chapter President adm5893@gmail.com 440-665-4078
Jim Maslach Chapter Vice President kofcjkm@gmail.com 440-785-9838
Tom Donovan Chapter Secretary td3430@att.net 216-650-4213
Currently, there are about 20-councils in the Diocese of Cleveland who are members of the Chapter. These councils work together on Diocesan wide events such as Rainbow Camp, The Fest, Columbus Day, Clergy Night, Nuns and Ladies, and more. It is an opportunity to network with other councils throughout the diocese and to learn about special upcoming events.
If you are interested in learning more about the Chapter and how your council can be a part of it, contact one of the officers listed here. We would be more than happy to visit your officers/planning meeting or business meeting to see how we can do more together!
Martin Steward Chapter Treasurer martinasteward@gmail.com
Chapter Meetings
Second Friday of Month 7:00 PM Rosary 7:30 PM Meeting Visit www.kofccleveland.org
A powerful fundraising campaign emerged from Ohio in 2024, where the Knights of Columbus joined forces with Cashman to raise a remarkable $1 million for charity. This initiative reflects the dedication to community service and making a significant impact in the lives of those in need.
Cashman played a critical role in the 2024 campaign by utilizing its expertise in fundraising strategies to maximize outreach and ensure that every effort made a difference. By aligning with the Knights of Columbus, Cashman helped craft an approach that not only engaged
Cleveland gears up to welcome the Ohio Knights of Columbus State Convention in May 2025 at the Cleveland Hilton Downtown, marking a significant return for this cherished event. The excitement around the convention reflects the Knights’ deep roots in Ohio. With hundreds of attendees expected the impact on downtown Cleveland is likely to be beneficial, education, and great time for all in attendance.
The Knights of Columbus has a storied history in Ohio, contributing to local parishes and communities
the community but also educated them about the importance of giving back. With the 2025 campaign thrust upon us, what new enemies will surface trying to ruin Ohio’s efforts to raise $1 Million and send the state into total chaos?
The success of this year’s campaign is not just about hitting a monetary target but to generate awareness for various causes and illustrated our unity for community involvement. The funds raised will support numerous charitable activities, helping those who are less fortunate and promoting a culture of generosity across Ohio.
Look for an email announcing the continued Adventures of Cashman and the upcoming 2025 Charity
through various charitable initiatives. Cleveland has previously hosted successful conventions, fostering connections among members and showcasing the organization’s commitment to service.
The 2025 convention team is putting together a great time for our members and their families. There will be feature speakers from various backgrounds, fraternal lounge and exhibition center, Friday Night Welcome Party, and more. Attendees can look forward to fellowship, presentations and discussions on leadership, faith, and community service highlighted by our Worthy State Deputy, Jeff Kiliany, annual State of the Order in Ohio report.
Campaign Ticket Distribution locations. With your help, Ohio will be able to go back-to-back in raising $1 Million.
Stay tuned for more from Cashman!
The Ohio Knights of Columbus State Convention 2025 in Cleveland promises to be a landmark event. It will provide valuable insights, foster connections, and further our Order’s charitable goals. Registration will open soon! You will want to be a part of this exciting convention and witness the positive impact of the Knights of Columbus in Ohio. The strength of this organization lies in its members, and together, we continue to make a difference in our parishes and communities. Stay tuned for more information via email, USPS, and on our state website (www.kofcohio.org).
God Bless,
Jim Maslach, State Treasurer and 2025 State Convention Chairman
Pancakes with Santa St. Mary of Chardon Council 15942
Well, we had 189 dining with Santa and the Grinch, and afterward, all the leftovers went to Geauga Faith Rescue Mission. Additional tables had to be set up to accommodate the crowds. WOW! THANKS go to all the Knights and spouses who helped and to Santa and the Grinch! A Christmas Truce between the two.
Sharing Tree gift packing went pretty smoothly. Of 617 gift requests there were just 4 or so missing, and I got a call that one was delivered to the giver by Amazon yesterday and comes up today. The gifts going to Job and Family Services are being delivered today by Tom Lippert. I think Geauga Faith Rescue Mission gifts may have gone yesterday with Paul Mysyk. And tomorrow is the big delivery and pickup day from 2 until 6pm. Hoping for good weather and roads for distribution.
Let’s together Save Lives
The Tragedy
3,300 women have abortions every day in America.
The Challenge
60-70% of abortion-minded women who see an ultrasound of their own child – choose LIFE.
Many pro-life crisis pregnancy centers still do not have an ultrasound to provide these exams to change the heart of a pregnant woman.
Donate and help us support the purchase of ultrasound equipment in the Diocese of Cleveland to Health for Her in South Euclid and Womankind in Garfield Hts with a donation that will be 100% matched by Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus in New Haven, CT.
And The How
Contact Bud Tetzlaff, Grand Knight at St Ladislas Council 16373 to discuss options for your council to help save lives with us.
budtetzlaff@aol.com or 216-533-9754
Geauga County Catholic Pro -Life Coalition
The Ohio Safe Haven Law, enacted in 2001, provides a safe haven for a mother in crisis to safely, securely, and anonymously surrender her newborn under 30 days old if she is unable to care for the baby. The law offers a last resort for parents to relinquish their baby without fear of repercussion or prosecution. One of the ways a child can be surrendered is by placing the baby in a newborn safety incubator (also known as a Safe Haven Baby Box-SHBB) located at a fully supervised fire/EMS station that complies with section 2151.3533 of the Ohio revised code.
To see how the SHBB actually works, visit https://youtu.be/pbE3Mpt3z44? si=DIIY2de3KNoYBTCq and https://youtube.com/watch? v=CUDLsJq5sz4&si=RfWFi2YmwRj1 N22q
The Geauga County Catholic Pro-Life Coali�on (H.E.L.P.), representing the eight Catholic Churches serving Geauga County, is looking to place a Safe Haven Baby Box in Geauga County. At this time, Chardon Fire Department is very excited to work with us and to host the SHBB. Their fire/EMS departments appear to meet the criteria set forth by the Ohio statutes that govern the installation
of a Safe Haven Baby Box at their location. Other locations in Geauga County are also being considered at this time.
Why install the SHBB?
1. A woman who is facing a crisis pregnancy is not aware that she can surrender her child if she is unable to care for it. Instead, caught in a web of distress and confusion, she sees abortion as her only choice.
2. SHBB increases the chances of survival of the little one in the womb. We save both the physical and the spiritual lives of the mother and the child, one person at a time.
cious and that abortion is not the only choice one has when facing a crisis pregnancy. The entire laity become ambassadors for life.
3. SHBB provides all of us, especially those doing crisis pregnancy counseling at an abortion mill, with a friend, or with a family member, an answer to the question, "It is easy for you to say don't have an abortion. You don't have to take care of the baby. Are you going to take care of the baby once it is born?"
4. SHBB provides 24-hour crisis services.
5. SHBB is an essential tool used to unite and educate our church, our family, our friends, and our community that human life is pre-
The cost to install and monitor the SHBB is estimated to be between $25$30,000. We are asking all Geauga County Catholic Pro-Life Coalition churches to help support this life saving project. There are three ways to donate to this cause.
Thank you for partnering with us to save the lives of those facing a crisis pregnancy and the little ones waiting to be born. For more information, please visit Safe haven Baby Box – Geauga Co. Catholic Pro-Life Coalition or www.shbb.org or call Mike Hollowell at 440-739-4062.
Fraternal Trainers provide important support for Fraternal Leaders; training can be tailored to meet the needs of both new and seasoned officers, as well as any members who are interested in advancing to officer roles in the future.
Fraternal Trainers provide officer training at both the district and council level, online and in-person. To sign up for training sessions from Supreme, visit the state website (www.kofcohio.org) under FOR MEMBERS and scroll down to Training Opportunities or click the registration links below.
Also, check out the additional training opportunities on the state website under FOR MEMBERS. There is state specific training for eMembership and Member Management and Billing. There is also a link to Supreme’s Fraternal Video Library that is full of answers to your everyday questions.
January 7, 2025 8:00
Lays out key steps in establishing a succession path for your councils, by covering key topics such as: understanding the need for a succession plan; identifying possible successors, and how to approach them; and the best methods for training and onboarding. Succession Planning is one of many tools a council can use to provide longevity and vibrancy for years to come.
January 14, 2025 8:00 PM
Every Council has a story to tell, and the Columbian Award Application is the essential form that councils should submit each fraternal year to tell their programming story. We share best practices for recording the Council's Program activities and discuss how submitting the 10784 Form after each Council program makes this easy. This webcast will dispel the myths often associated with this crucial and easy to complete form.
January 21, 2025 8:00
This training covers the relationship between those officers entrusted with the financial management of the council. Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries, Treasurers and Council Trustees should take this training. We will cover their roles and responsibilities, management of council finances, checks and balances, and the proper flow of money and bills. We will share some practical advice on money management and reporting responsibilities.
January 23, 2025 10:00 PM
A complete walk through on conducting an effective in-person Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity. We will take you through the process step-by-step to show you everything you need to do to put on a great Exemplification.
State Deputy Jeff Kiliany 559 Walnut St Leetonia, OH 44431 jtktg@yahoo.com
Immediate Past State Deputy Support Our Seminarians 2024-2025
Mark Siracusa 15398 Silver Pine Ct Perrysburg, OH 43551 cuzza52@gmail.com
State Secretary State Per Capita Mike Felerski 1580 Gelhot Dr. #234 Fairfield, OH 45014 mfelerski@icloud.com
State Treasurer / DD #22 733, 2643, 2790, 4217, 18527, 18565, Super Cash 2025
Jim Maslach 4927 Autumnwood Ln Brunswick, OH 44212 440-785-9838 kofcjkm@gmail.com
State Advocate Matching Funds 2024 Chris Sarka 7239 Winterbek Ave New Albany, OH 43054 c_sarka@hotmail.com
State Warden Measure Up 2025 Tony Offenberger 15200 Muskingum River Rd Lowell, OH 45744 tonyoffenberger@gmail.com
College Council Coordinator / DD #33 310, 2726, 8320, 15023, 15737 George Metz 440-449-0081 georgegmetz@aol.com
Growth Coordinator / DD #28 Inactive Councils Mike Incorvati 330-671-1490 mbaincorvati@hotmail.com
DD Coordinator / DD #29 Inactive Councils Teran Taggart 440-665-4078 ADM5893@YAHOO.COM
Council Rejuvenation / DD #32 789, 3541, 5506 Robert Walsh 216-533-1134 rewalsh731@aol.com
Past State Deputy (2015-17)
Robert Collins, Jr 216-410-7174 rfcollinsjr@gmail.com
Past State Deputy (2003-05) Roland Bator 330-225-7354 rbator4591@msn.com
General Agent
Jason Staas 800-484-0304 jason.staas@kofc.org
COR Director Cleveland Ty Tyjewski 440-867-4503 TYKNIGHT4847@GMAIL.COM
State Website Director Tom Buehner 216-554-0722 tom.buehner@gmail.com
District Deputy #19 3213, 3410, 4664, 14111, Tom Goodhart 330-773-9379 MLTRG@ATT.NET
District Deputy #20 637, 774, 3269, 4891, 7970, 8369 DeWitt Gober 440-541-3317 DD20GOBER@GMAIL.COM
District Deputy #21 4731, 13984, 14416, 15901, 16373, 16376 Patrick Gale 440-382-1177 FLAGDAY66@WOWWAY.COM
District Deputy #23 947, 3304, 14714, 15942 John Brown 330-610-0308 trouter0523@gmail.com
District Deputy #24 4168, 4847, 10792, 11464, 14769 Tom Donovan 216-650-4213 TD3430@ATT.NET
District Deputy #25 2362, 3529, 5613, 10936, 13517 Mike Rauh
330-256-3038 MIKERAUH58@GMAIL.COM
District Deputy #26 3970, 14406, 15056, 15614, 16137, 16279 Ron Snyder 216-396-1200 SNYDERCRESTON@AOL.CO M
District Deputy #27 2886, 3164, 4498, 4801, 5405, 13755 Tim Daley
District Deputy #30 547, 14054, 14255, 14551 Paul Visnosky
216-486-1298 tdaley1861@aol.com
District Deputy #31 2803, 4130, 4893, 5106, 5559, 11831 Jerry Nowesnick 440-336-0039 nowesnick@gmail.com