Father McGivney was assigned as curate (assistant) of St. Mary's Church, the first Catholic parish in the busy port city of New Haven. There he faced challenges related to a priest shortage, parish debt, illnesses, and hostility toward Catholics. The church became a lightning rod for antiCatholic derision, expressed in a New York Times headline, “How an Aristocratic Avenue Was Blemished by a Roman Church Edifice.” Against this backdrop, Father McGivney navigated relationships with non-Catholics gracefully, while striving to prevent the culture’s hostility from eroding the faith of his people.
Sought out for his wise counsel, and instrumental in a number of conversions to Catholicism, Father McGivney had a gift for touching hearts and leading souls to God.
In a notable case that gained widespread press coverage, he ministered to James “Chip” Smith, a 21-year-old Catholic
who was on death row for shooting and killing a police officer while drunk. Father McGivney visited the condemned man daily to offer guidance, prayer and Mass in the city jail over many months, with a profound effect. The young man’s change of heart was so marked that local newspapers hailed Father McGivney’s ministry.
After Mass on execution day, the priest's grief was profound. Smith comforted him, saying, “Father, your saintly ministrations have enabled me to meet death without a tremor. Do not fear for me, I must not break down now.”
Father McGivney walked with him to the end, leading him in prayer and blessing him at the scaffold.
For more information, please check out the Father McGivney Guild
God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Blessed Michael McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue, may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church.
Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify Blessed Michael McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present (here make your request). Through Christ our Lord. Amen
You can play a key role in advancing Father McGivney’s cause by joining the Guild for free and praying for his intercession and canonization. May Father McGivney intercede for you!
The Father Michael J. McGivney Guild serves as a source for information about the life, works and spirituality of Father McGivney. The Guild publishes a quarterly newsletter and offers a weekly Mass for the intentions of members.
Click HERE to Join!
The first 24 days of December fall during the liturgical season known as of Advent and are represented by the liturgical color purple a symbol of penance, mortification and the sorrow of a contrite heart. The remaining days of December mark the beginning of the Christmas season. The liturgical color changes to white or gold a symbol of joy, purity and innocence.
The month of December is filled with expectation and celebration. Preparation is the key word for the first 24 days of December. Everyone is getting ready for Christmas shopping and decorating, baking and cleaning. Too often, however, we are so busy with the material preparations that we lose sight of the real reason for our activity.
Christmas is a Christian feast and we must reclaim it as such! In the same way that a family eagerly prepares for a baby, so in Advent should we prepare for the coming of the Christ Child. We should keep Advent as a season of waiting and longing, of conversion and of hope and keep our thoughts on the incredible love and humility of our God in taking on the flesh of the Virgin Mary. Let us not forget to prepare a peaceful place in our hearts wherein our Savior may come to dwell.
The best person we can turn to for help during Advent is Mary, Christ's and our Mother. She awaited the day of His birth with more eagerness than any other human being. Her preparation was complete in every respect. Let's crown our preparation and borrow something of Mary's prayerfulness, her purity and whole-hearted submission to God's will.
Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly addressed the annual plenary assembly of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Baltimore Nov. 13, offering the Order’s assistance in the bishops’ evangelization efforts and asking for their support of the Cor initiative.
Amid the “modern crisis of isolation that comes from ruptured relationships,” Supreme Knight Kelly said, “Catholics need places to grow in friendship with God and one another places where they can commit together to answer our Lord’s call to evangelize. This is the insight that led us to create the Cor initiative.”
The Holy Father's Intentions for the Month of December 2024
For Pilgrims of Hope: We pray that this Jubilee Year strengthens our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in our daily lives and that it may transform us into pilgrims of Christian hope (See also http:// www.popesprayerusa.net/)
“Men of all ages are hungry for spiritual community. And we know many priests want to set up small groups to meet that need, but they can’t quite do it on their own. Cor is the solution,” the supreme knight told the bishops. “It enables priests to draw on the structure and resources of the Knights of Columbus, getting small groups off the ground quickly, and importantly sustaining them over time.” The supreme knight asked the bishops for their help spreading the word about Cor in the dioceses and among their priests, and promised that the Knights will continue to carry out Blessed Michael McGivney’s mission in support of the Church and the family. For more information, click HERE
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.
I have sat down and started this article at least a dozen times. Nothing that I seem to write makes much sense, but now it is crunch time and I need to go to print.
The sadness of the passing of Brother Nick Gresko has it me hard. I have known Nick for almost 15 years. Nick was that person that could drive you nuts, but he made sense. Even if it was just a little warped. Nick was the one that nominated me at the 2019 State Convention for State Warden. He, along with his fellow brothers, Stew and Matt, made up the henchman for Cashman last year. They came back this year and were ready to be the henchman again. We filmed just a couple of weeks ago. Now, heaven as gained a dedicated Browns fan that will be pushing for some divine intervention. God knows we need it. To Alicia, our hearts go out to you and, in true KofC fashion, we are always here for you. Nick, thank you for everything. Your and Alicia’s friendship means a lot to Kathy and I. You will be missed.
Yes, Advent is here and we start the new liturgical year. Every year, Advent puts us on a journey that leads us to the birth of our Savior, Lord Jesus Christ. We can open our hearts to accept Him in our lives. One of the best parts of Advent in our house is the Advent
wreath. Although we do not light the candles, we do put each in the wreath as the weeks progress. It provides a visual to keep our eyes on the birth of Christ.
Councils throughout the diocese are hosting their Christmas Parties. What a great time to get together with friends old and new and have some laughs. Plus, you never know when Santa may stop by for the kids. From Kathy and I to all of you, have a blessed Advent and Christmas Season.
Free throw contests should be getting ready to run here in January. If your council is hosting a contest, please make sure that your Youth Protection is up-to-date and, if you are at diocesan location, someone has Virtus training. Sorry, it is required.
Last year, Ca$hman burst into your lives. Together, we were able to raise over $1 Million for our charities and defeat the Accountant. I am sure that the Adventures of Ca$hman are not over yet. Who knows what villains are out there looking to stop Ohio KofC members from raising $1 Million again? Be prepared.
We are looking for locations to host the West, East, and South side ticket distributions. If your council is interested, please contact Jim.
State Convention plans are starting to come together. Each of our teams are planning to put together an event that will showcase Cleveland and the surrounding area as well as provide great time for fellowship and fun. You and your councils are welcome to join in the fun. Several councils have already stated that they are “All In.” If you or your councils are interested, give me a call, text, or email. We would love to have you!
Cleveland is in a great position. We have councils recruiting, we are starting new councils, many of you are putting your faith into action, and COR gives us the chance to grow in our faith. This is a great time to be a member of the KofC. Ask a friend to join today. You never know where your Experience of Lifetime will come from.
Finally, as we get set to turn the calendar to 2025, let us remember all of those that have gone home to the Lord this year. Let the peace of Christ help us through these times until we meet again!
Have a Blessed Advent and Merry Christmas! God Bless,
Cleveland continues to move forward with recruiting new members into the Order. Currently, there are 123-New Members YTD with a growth percentage of 1.57%. That puts Cleveland clearly in second place behind Columbus.
Here are a couple of incentives to get your recruitment engines fired up:
• Council with the highest percentage of growth from now till the end of the fraternal year will receive a $50 gift card to host a party for your members.
• We are introducing the Gresko Memorial Award to be given to councils in the Cleveland Diocese that achieve 100% of their Supreme Quota and a $25 gift card.
• Host a live Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity and be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift cards to Walmart. The Exemplification MUST be on the state website and a State Form 450 completed by your District Deputy to be eligible.
• District Deputies whose district makes their growth quota will receive a $25 gift card.
Let us continue to invite men and their families to join our Order so that we can continue serving our church, grow in faith, and make the world a better place.
Below is the current Exemplification schedule for the Cleveland Diocese. Please register your Exemplification by visiting www.kofcohio.org. If you would like to schedule the Diocesan Exemp Team, please contact Jim Maslach at 440-7859838 or via email at kofcjkm@gmail.com
12/11/2024 6:55 PM 7:00 PM State Online via Zoom 12/19/2024 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Fr. Maruskin Council 10936 (Stow)
As of November 30, 2024
Ohio July 1: 55,313
Ohio Growth: 673 (33.65%)
% Growth: 1.22%
Cleveland July 1: 7,831
Cleveland Growth: 123 (46.31%)
% Growth: 1.57%
% Growth is a measure of the YTD gain compared against the July 1st membership number.
YTD Gain against the July 1 Membership Excluding New Councils
1. 2643 Lakewood (6.98%)
2. 14406 Our Lady of Charity (5.62%)
3. 4847 Brunswick (5.29%)
4. 8320 John Carroll (5.13%)
5. 15901 St. Adalbert (4.76%)
TOP-5 TOTAL NEW MEMBERS Excluding New Councils
1. 4847 Brunswick (11)
2. 774 Elyria, 2643 Lakewood (6)
3. 14551 St. Hilary, 14406 Our Lady of Charity (5)
1. DD #22 Jim Maslach (35)
2. DD #24 Tom Donovan (13)
3. DD #19 Tom Goodhart (11)
4. DD #21 Patrick Gale (10)
5. DD #33 George Metz (9)
Thank you for your continued service to our church and Order. Here are some upcoming events that may requiring your action or response.
Registration for January 3-5 DD meeting in Columbus. Attendance is mandatory unless otherwise excused; in either event please register by visiting the District Deputy Meeting page on the state website.
The State District Deputy Director has requested survey information from each of your Councils within your district. See attached document. Note items 3 - 6 in the attached form for each Council the following:
The information is requested: (3). Council Number (4). Date(s) the Drive is scheduled (5). Do they need assistance in conducting the Church Drive? (6). The name and contact info for the Grand Knight, Membership Director, or Chairman leading the event.
Once completed, forward the survey information to me. The intent is to have all the survey information completed and submitted PRIOR to the January Meeting.
There are a few Councils missing visitation reports. Please enter them if you have not. Also, if you have not visited a Council yet, you have only December. The requirement is one Council visit per quarter and reports must be entered within seven days of your visit.
Please remind your Council's to use the correct forms for both Keep Christ in Christmas and Council Free Throw. See Attached or State/Supreme website. I am requesting you bring
your District Award winning Keep Christ in Christmas entrants to the January meeting if at all humanly possible.
Please remind your councils if they need more rulers for Measure up, please specify how many packs they will need and forward request to me by December 20th as they will be distributed to you at the January meeting.
Please begin thinking about when you would like to meet with Jim and me for our 10 minute one-on-one in January at the DD meeting. As of right now we will have six slots immediately after Friday evening training session normally starting at 9:30 or 10 PM and the remaining slots on Saturday. Please respond with your preference.
The Diocesan or Regional Free Throw Tournament will be held at Elyria Catholic High School from 1 to 5 PM on Sunday March 2nd. Please disburse the Regional Free Throw 2025 hand out to your Councils. I would like to personally thank DeWitt Gober for coordinating with Elyria Catholic High School to host this event.
I know April 30, 2025 sounds so far ahead in the Future but trust me it will be here before we know it and I am sure I will be reminding you of the date soon enough.
As we prepare for next year's administration and the following two years, Jim and I are requesting you prayerfully discern your future intentions on serving as District Deputy in 2025 - 2027. We cannot promise you, you will have the same District due to potential retirements and re-assignments but will do the best we can to keep you in your current District.
As you discern and eventually make a decision, feel free in notifying either myself or Jim directly. Jim will be scheduling 1-on-1 discussions in early April. Stay tuned for more information.
Thank you for all that you do and God Bless.
Teran 440-665-4078
Worthy Chapter Delegates, Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries and Brother Knights-
On December 13 at 7 PM, the Chapter will host the annual Christmas get together at the 4130 Hall with our wives or spouses. A short meeting will start before the dinner. For those attending, we ask you to sign up at the following URL, along with bringing any desert or Hors d'oeuvres to be shared. We need an accurate Count to be able to order the correct amount of food for those attending.
Also, It is our pleasure to invite you, your council members, to come out and show our appreciation for our seminarians, deacons, priests, and bishops at the 2025 Clergy Appreciation Dinner on Friday, January 31, 2025.
This year we are planning a great event to show that the Knights of Columbus here in the Cleveland Diocese continue to support our clergy and thank them for answering their call to serve our Lord and Church.
The event will be in the Founders Room with the doors opening at 5:00 PM. There will be a prayer service at 5:45 PM followed by a social, dinner, and brief program. Seating is limited.
The event is PRE-REGISTRATION ONLY. No walk-ins, please. Pre-registration will close on Friday, January 10, 2025 at the Chapter Meeting. The cost is $35 per person for Chapter member councils and $40 per person for non-Chapter member councils. There is eight (8) per a table. Please invite your deacons and priests. Click here to reserve your seat or use the QR code to the right.
We are openly requesting monetary donations to support the open bar. Please send your donation to Jim Maslach.
Nominations for Greater Cleveland Clergy of the Year is now OPEN. The nomination form is available by contacting Jim Maslach. The form is both MS Word document and fillable PDF. Please forward nomination to Jim Maslach by January 1, 2025.
We are excited to have this opportunity to show our show our support and appreciation for all that are priests do for us. Please come out and join us. If there are any questions, please see the flyer below or feel free to contact Jim Maslach via phone/text at 440-7859838 or email at kofcjkm@gmail.com.
Thank you, Greater Cleveland Chapter
Teran Taggart Chapter President adm5893@gmail.com 440-665-4078
Jim Maslach Chapter Vice President kofcjkm@gmail.com 440-785-9838
Tom Donovan Chapter Secretary td3430@att.net 216-650-4213
Martin Steward
Chapter Treasurer martinasteward@gmail.com
Chapter Meetings
Second Friday of Month 7:00 PM Rosary 7:30 PM Meeting Visit www.kofccleveland.org
Brunswick Council 4847
Brunswick Knights of Columbus Council 4847 teamed up with Project Warmth at St. Ambrose Parish in Brunswick, Oh and St. Colette Parish in Brunswick, Ohio. In August the Knights of Columbus ordered two Cases of Coats from Knight Gear. Our Council also held a Coat Collection in September at St. Colette Catholic Church in Brunswick. In all the Council purchased and collected around 200 coats for School Age Children.
Our Council took the coats we purchased and collected and combined them with the coats collected by Project Warmth. Of the 1300 Coats total collected 200 of them came from the Knights of Columbus. On November 14th and 15th Knights including Grand Knight Dave Heilman helped sort and bag Coats and load the truck up for Distribution on November 18th and 19th. On November 18th Knights SK Denny Broadway, GK/SK Dave Heilman, Mike Izzo, and SK Shawn Lipp helped distribute coats at One Hope NEO on Fulton Ave. on Cleveland's West side. They were joined by Project Warmth Volunteers Linda Knight, Kim Harrington, and Kate Vento. On November 19th SK Anthony Comella, PFN Joined Linda, Kim, Kate, and students from St. Ambrose on the second night of distribution at One Hope NEO.
On Saturday, November 23, 2024 Knights GK Dave Heilman, SK Mark Kesslem, SK Shawn Lipp, and SK Anthony Comella helped finish bagging and up the remaining coats for distribution Next Week.
AKRON, Ohio (WOIO) - The Peter Maurin Center is not only feeding the homeless, but trying to keep them warm this winter. They’re asking for donations during the month November, in hopes of replenishing a depleting stock.
In order to help them do that, six neighboring towns are setting up donation boxes in their city halls.
“This is truly needed in every community, not just Akron,” said Stow Mayor John Pribonic. You can donate now through Dec. 15. Or, you can go to one of the drive up distribution days. If you live in Stow, Silver Lake or Tallmadge, you can drop your donations off at city hall on Saturday, Dec. 7.
If you live in Cuyahoga Falls, Munroe or Hudson, you can bring your donations to city hall on Saturday, Dec. 14. On these days, you can drop off donations between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Once donations are collected, the Peter Maurin Center steps in. “Men and women go out to the campsites and check in with the homeless individuals and say what do you need, assess them individually and give them what they need,” said Mike Rauh.
These donations will also help out neighboring cities, all they have to do is call. “They’ll send a representative out, talk to this person, ask them some questions, no pressure,” said Pribonic.
(Aria Janel. (2024, November 12). These Northeast Ohio cities are collecting winter essentials for the homeless: How to donate. Https://Www.cleveland19.com; Cleveland 19 News. https://www.cleveland19.com/2024/11/12/these-northeast -ohio-cities-are-collecting-winter-essentials-homeless-how-donate/)
Fraternal Trainers provide important support for Fraternal Leaders; training can be tailored to meet the needs of both new and seasoned officers, as well as any members who are interested in advancing to officer roles in the future.
Fraternal Trainers provide officer training at both the district and council level, online and in-person. To sign up for training sessions from Supreme, visit the state website (www.kofcohio.org) under FOR MEMBERS and scroll down to Training Opportunities or click the registration links below.
Also, check out the additional training opportunities on the state website under FOR MEMBERS. There is state specific training for eMembership and Member Management and Billing. There is also a link to Supreme’s Fraternal Video Library that is full of answers to your everyday questions.
Completing council forms should be one of the easiest tasks for a council officer. However, due to the number of forms available it can be quite challenging. In this webinar we will look at the most common council forms, highlighting how and where to find them, how to complete them, how to submit them, and how to make corrections or additions.
December 10, 2024
You have done some successful recruitment. You have prospects wanting to join. What do you do next? In this webinar we will discuss transitioning those prospects to members and finally to your Council. Covered will be processes for both the Prospect and Candidate tabs. We will take you step by step, for both e-members and for the members you gather from the events you do.
December 11, 2024
Grand Knight Advanced Training builds off the "Hard Skills" of council leadership taught in the 3-part Grand Knight Training. The Advanced Training aims to enhance the "Soft Skills" of council leadership by integrating the core virtues of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity into our identity and interpersonal relationships as Knights of Columbus leaders.
December 17, 2024 8:00 PM
Retention of members is an ongoing challenge that many councils struggle to meet. Retention is much more than collecting dues and attending meetings. Retention is about engagement. Properly engaged members will develop into strong leaders and members for life. Please join us for some thoughts and suggestions on membership engagement and retention.
State Deputy Jeff Kiliany 559 Walnut St Leetonia, OH 44431 jtktg@yahoo.com
Immediate Past State Deputy Support Our Seminarians 2024-2025
Mark Siracusa 15398 Silver Pine Ct Perrysburg, OH 43551 cuzza52@gmail.com
State Secretary State Per Capita Mike Felerski 1580 Gelhot Dr. #234 Fairfield, OH 45014 mfelerski@icloud.com
State Treasurer / DD #22 733, 2643, 2790, 4217, 18527, 18565, Super Cash 2025
Jim Maslach 4927 Autumnwood Ln Brunswick, OH 44212 440-785-9838 kofcjkm@gmail.com
State Advocate Matching Funds 2024 Chris Sarka 7239 Winterbek Ave New Albany, OH 43054 c_sarka@hotmail.com
State Warden Measure Up 2025 Tony Offenberger 15200 Muskingum River Rd Lowell, OH 45744 tonyoffenberger@gmail.com
College Council Coordinator / DD #33 310, 2726, 8320, 15023, 15737 George Metz 440-449-0081 georgegmetz@aol.com
Growth Coordinator / DD #28 Inactive Councils Mike Incorvati 330-671-1490 mbaincorvati@hotmail.com
DD Coordinator / DD #29 Inactive Councils Teran Taggart 440-665-4078 ADM5893@YAHOO.COM
Council Rejuvenation / DD #32 789, 3541, 5506 Robert Walsh 216-533-1134 rewalsh731@aol.com
Past State Deputy (2015-17) Robert Collins, Jr 216-410-7174 rfcollinsjr@gmail.com
Past State Deputy (2003-05) Roland Bator 330-225-7354 rbator4591@msn.com
General Agent Jason Staas 800-484-0304 jason.staas@kofc.org
COR Director Cleveland Ty Tyjewski 440-867-4503 TYKNIGHT4847@GMAIL.COM
State Website Director Tom Buehner 216-554-0722 tom.buehner@gmail.com
District Deputy #19 3213, 3410, 4664, 14111, Tom Goodhart 330-773-9379 MLTRG@ATT.NET
District Deputy #20 637, 774, 3269, 4891, 7970, 8369 DeWitt Gober 440-541-3317 DD20GOBER@GMAIL.COM
District Deputy #21 4731, 13984, 14416, 15901, 16373, 16376
Patrick Gale 440-382-1177 FLAGDAY66@WOWWAY.COM
District Deputy #23 947, 3304, 14714, 15942 John Brown 330-610-0308 trouter0523@gmail.com
District Deputy #24 4168, 4847, 10792, 11464, 14769 Tom Donovan 216-650-4213 TD3430@ATT.NET
District Deputy #25 2362, 3529, 5613, 10936, 13517 Mike Rauh 330-256-3038 MIKERAUH58@GMAIL.COM
District Deputy #26 3970, 14406, 15056, 15614, 16137, 16279 Ron Snyder 216-396-1200 SNYDERCRESTON@AOL.CO M
District Deputy #27 2886, 3164, 4498, 4801, 5405, 13755 Tim Daley 216-486-1298 tdaley1861@aol.com
District Deputy #30 547, 14054, 14255, 14551 Paul Visnosky
District Deputy #31 2803, 4130, 4893, 5106, 5559, 11831 Jerry Nowesnick 440-336-0039 nowesnick@gmail.com