The Arch

Celina - Coldwater - St. Henry - Fort Recovery - Sidney - Versailles - Greenville - Russia
Covington - Wapakoneta - St. Marys - Minster -Russells Point - McCartyville - Springfield
Urbana - Bellefontaine Fairborn
Englewood - Piqua Troy Tipp City
Beavercreek -Centerville
North Bend - Monroe - West Chester - Carthage
Wilmington - Morrow - Mason- Lebanon - Milford
Eaton - Huber Heights - Vandalia
New Carlisle Dayton - Xenia
Kettering - Hamilton - Fairfield - Harrison
Sharonville New Burlington - Norwood - Shandon
Hillsboro - Greenfield - West Union - Waynesville
Loveland - Springfield - Middletown - Miamisburg Franklin - Trenton - Cincinnati - Ripley - Fayetteville
Archdiocese of Cincinnati will be on the forefront of the both corporal and the spiritual works of mercy. For that I am truly thankful for being a part of.
The state officers and team unequivocally believe there is no better exemplification than an in person live Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity. What better way to make an impact on a new member than live and in person. There is practically no reason for a council not to have a teambut if you do not, reach out to the Chapter Degree teams or another council near by..
Hosting live exemplification in your church allows you to invite everyone in your parish to attend and learn what the Knights are all about. Schedule your exemplification, host a Delta Church Drive, and a week later present your exemplification followed by some social time. It’s that easy!
Vivat Jesus!
Michael Felerski - State Secretary
through Member Management.
3. The council must have submitted Form 365 Report of Program Personnel or named program personnel via online Member Management.
4. On the 365 Report*, there must be three different members assigned to:
a. Program Director
b. Community Director
c. Family Director
*Grand Knights may only hold one of the additional director roles listed above.
5. All roles above must complete the Safe Environment training. The Community Director and the Family Director must also provide consent for a background screening (criminal and motor vehicle records).
*the 365 may be resubmitted anytime during the fraternal year if corrections, updates, or re-registration for the SEP is needed.
Worthy Brother Knights of the Arch,
We’re now heading into November, the last three weeks of the year before the Holiday Season begins and distracts everyone from recruiting and growth. Let’s avoid that this year! As I suggested in my last article, the way to accomplish that is to plan growth activities integrated into all the council and parish events in November and December. Growth in the North Region of the Arch has been slow this summer and there’s no point in speculating on the reasons for that. It’s much more important to concentrate on how to change it. To stay focused on growth next month and through the Christmas Season, apply the ideas and methods described in the Fishers of Men initiative.
Hopefully, some of you attended the Fishers of Men webinar presented by Supreme back on October 1. Even if you didn’t, all the materials you need are available online. The basic theme is how your knights can become more effective “Fishers of Men” by renewing our culture of invitation. When asked why they are not a knight, the most common answer is still, “No one asked me to join.” That’s why it’s time build and renew our skills at extending an invitation and making a man understand both the need to put his faith into action and the benefits to him of doing that! Everything you need to know is in the Fishers of Men Guidebook available online.
To get it and all the other materials, go to Supplies Online, log into Officers Online, click on the Supplies Online icon, and then click on the "Fishers of Men: A Culture of Invitation" folder on the home page.
The guidebook provides ideas for council leaders on how to incorporate these new and updated materials into your existing program. The talking points, conversation starts, templates for emails, text messages, pulpit announcements and bulletin inserts are all designed to send a unified message to the men you want in your council.
Use the new Fraternal Benefits for Membership Promotion Card (#11730) to explain the expanded coverage all knights get automatically even without purchasing insurance. It makes becoming a Knight now more valuable than ever, especially to younger men who may not have room in their budget for insurance premiums.
The On Mission invitations (#11732) allow you to personalize the message and tailor it to the needs of your council. The Join Online card (#11689) is similarly customizable.
The Point the World to Jesus Christ brochure (#11586) provides a complete overview of the Knights of Columbus and what we do, from faith formation to financial advice and insurance, building a culture of life, promoting Christian family life and charitable outreach.
The 24 Hours Can Change Your Life brochure (#10099) is being updated but will soon be available in its new form. Use it to stress the flexible nature of membership and how knighthood is designed to fit into a man’s life, not dominate it.
Keep in mind these words of Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly:
Father McGivney created a culture of invitation that we must carry forward So today, I ask every Knight. “Will you extent that invitation, that hand of brotherhood, to the next generation?”
When you implement the Fishers of Men initiative, you still need to apply the three rules I listed in my last article: 1) Recruit the family not just the man, 2) Hold timely exemplifications, and 3) Understand the procedures for former members.
Remember that every council activity is a growth event. Men who see what you do will be inspired to join you! Emphasize that the Knights are a family organization. We need men to help us do our good work, but we can also help them be better husbands and fathers!
Lastly, create, or encourage, a Cor small faith group at your parish or parish family. Leverage an existing men’s prayer group if possible. Cor meetings are the one exception to every event is a growth event rule. Cor is purely a faith life enrichment and faith life journey sharing opportunity. By helping men explore their faith, you lay the foundation for future knighthood. This is a long-term process, but one that will have lasting impact. Cor is the way we show men that our desire to lead them to Christ is real and extends beyond the practical needs of a council. Once a man realizes that, I am convinced he will take the next step and become a knight. It might not happen tomorrow or next week, but it will happen. That’s faith in action!
Keep up the good work!
Vivat Jesus!
Arch Council Growth Status*
#Achieved 100%+ 1 Councils Non Recruiting 46 Councils Recruiting 42 of 89 Councils
*at time of publication
Brothers Vic Lauterbach, Mark Kosobud, and State Secretary Michael Felerski are sponsoring
whereby we will give a winter pizza party to a council that: between Nov 1, 2024 and Dec 31, 2024 recruits 3 eMembers – AND –transfers them into your council* before December 31, 2024 and we’ll even chip in for the drinks!
*new eMember attends CUF Exemplification and appears on your Supreme council roster no later than December 31, 2024
“The Arch” is looking for a semiprofessional videographer to record and edit videos for the remainder of this fraternal year and the upcoming 2025-2027 fraternal years. The position would be voluntary. Please let me know if you are interested or know someone who might be.
There is still time for Ohio Catholic High School students to apply for a scholarship from the Ohio Charity Foundation (supported by the Ohio jurisdiction of the Knights of Columbus). These merit based $1,000 scholarships are awarded each year and the money can be used to cover costs associated with school tuition and activities.
More information can be found on the foundation website:
The 2024 Arch Regional Soccer Challenge was held on Sunday October 13 at 1:30 PM at St. John XXIII school in Middletown. A huge thank you to host council 1610, District Deputy Charlie Gneuhs, and to all the parents who took the time to bring their children to the event. Although we had no 14 year old participants we had one of the best turnouts in recent history which is likely due to hosting the event on a Sunday this year.
Below is the winners list. I encourage all councils in the archdiocese to seriously consider hosting a Soccer Challenge next fall. It is one of the easier events to setup and run. Thank you to all the councils who participated this year.
Jeff Cummons – Assistant General Agent
Chad Muhlenkamp – Assistant General Agent
This time of year, we give thanks for the many blessings in our lives. I’m thankful to call each of you my brother Knight, and I give thanks to God for all he has helped us do in our community this year. Like many of you, I became a Knight out of love for my family. I wanted to join other Catholic men in becoming a better man, husband and father. I wanted to be a better protector of my family.
Knights of Columbus is your capable partner in this pursuit. In addition to helping form members in faith, we also offer a variety of insurance products to help you protect your family financially. One way to protect your family is to start thinking about your family’s future and how an extended care event could make a large impact. Do you know somebody that has experienced an extended care event – if so, how did that impact their family’s situation? I want to take this opportunity to help you prepare for the possibility that you or your spouse may one day need extended care.
November is Long-Term Care Awareness Month. With that in mind, I would like to share a valuable resource available to you and your family and would encourage you to check this out. WhatCareCosts gives you access to view the costs of Skilled Nursing Homes, Home Health Aides and Assisted Living Facilities in your area and across the country. This service is available free of charge to all our members regardless of whether or not you hold an insurance policy with Knights of Columbus. Visit:
and enter sponsor code “KofC” to get started.
We want to help families focus on their time with their loved ones – not the financial cost of caring for them. Now is the time to prepare for your family’s future needs. As your Knights of Columbus agent, I can help you review your financial goals and ensure you have an extended care plan in place.
Thank you for your time, and I wish you and your loved ones a blessed Thanksgiving.
Vivat Jesus!
Jason Staas 20169 9/24
KoCAA IAR’s will not accept trade requests via e-mail or voicemail. Trade requests must be made verbally, either over the phone or in person. We will facilitate the execution of trades as quickly as possible. KoCAA cannot guarantee trades will be executed on the same business day.
Discern a Career with the Knights! or Nominate a Career Candidate
If you would like to reach out to my Supervisor directly with any questions or comments you may do so by writing to our “IAR Supervisor Group. One Columbus Plaza, 19th Floor. New Haven, CT 06510”. Additionally, you may also contact my Supervisor by emailing
Please include the name of your Investment Adviser Representative in your message.
This communication is provided by Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors, LLC (KoCAA) for informational purposes only. Investing involves the risk of loss and investors should be prepared to bear potential losses. No portion of this communication is to be construed as a solicitation to buy or sell a security or the provision of personalized investment, tax, or legal advice.
KoCAA is an SEC registered investment adviser that maintains a principal place of business in the State of Connecticut. For information about KoCAA’s business operations, please consult the Firm’s Form ADV disclosure documents, the most recent versions of which are available on the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website at KoCAA is a wholly owned subsidiary of Knights of Columbus, one of the world’s largest Catholic Lay Organizations. KoCAA’s status as a Registered Investment Adviser does not imply a certain level of skill or training. For additional information visit Investment related information is intended for current or prospective investors in the U.S. only.
Life insurance, annuities, long-term care insurance and disability income insurance products are offered through Knights of Columbus, One Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510. For costs, terms, conditions and complete details regarding these products, please contact your agent directly or the KofC Insurance office at 1-800-380-9995. Products may vary by state. Insurance solutions available to eligible members of the KofC in the U.S. and Canada.
Knights of Columbus representatives are not licensed to provide specific legal and/or tax advice. Before purchasing one of our products or making a withdrawal, surrender, exchange, transfer, or other change to an existing insurance or annuity contract, always consult with your personal legal and/or tax professional to discuss how this will affect your specific financial situation.
An honor to escort our clergy, police, and fire personnel [at St. Peter in Chains] Cathedral Basilica this morning. 2024 Blue Mass. —Tom Montgomery Assembly 814 September 29, 2024
We want to say a big thank you to the Knights of Columbus Archbishop Elder Council #1195 for serving a delicious allyou-can-eat pancake breakfast yesterday morning! Not only was the food tasty, but also your hospitality was incredibly welcoming. We appreciate you! – Saint Gertrude Church October 27, 2024
Congratulations to the following brother Knights who have have earned Ohio State Council 125th Anniversary Medallion from the Ohio State Council “Fast Start Q1” Growth incentive plan running from July 1st to September 30:
Council 3724 19 members
Council 2158 4 members
Council 3730 3 members
Council 3730 2 members
Council 3873 2 members
Council 12359 2 members
Council 1796 2 members
Council 1796 2 members
Council 3724 2 members
Rosary Rally Honor Guard at Emmanuel Catholic Church
Annual Dayton Family Rosary Rally
Oct. 26th, 2024
Emmanuel Catholic Church
149 Franklin St. Dayton, OH 45402
Web Sites…
State Council Website:
Facebook Page:
Dayton Chapter:
Cincinnati Chapter:
Facebook Page: Search for: ArchCincykofc
About The Arch…
A newsletter featuring relevant news and information for Knights in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati published twelve times a year! It can be viewed and downloaded at: Or at > For Members > Diocesan Pages > Cincinnati
To subscribe for delivery directly to your email inbox, please contact Michael Thomas at:
State Deputy
Jeffery Kiliany
559 Walnut Street Leetonia, OH 44431
Matching Funds*
State Advocate Chris Sarka 7239 Winterbek Ave New Albany, OH 43054-9097
Measure Up 2024*
State Warden Tony Offenberger 15200 Muskingum River Rd Lowell OH 45744-7115
Super Cash Bonanza*
State Treasurer Jim Maslach 4927 Autumnwood Ln Brunswick, OH 44212
State Per Capita Payments*
State Secretary Michael Felerski 1580 Gelhot Dr. #234 Fairfield, OH 45014
Still time to send your checks in to support religious education in the Arch
Has concluded for 2024. Thank you for your efforts!
Support Our Seminarians*
Immediate Past State Deputy Mark Siracusa 15398 Silver Pine Court Perrysburg OH 43551-12613
Checks may be sent at any time during the fraternal year however the first turn-in is Dec 15
Cash Man Returns in February 2025!
State Growth Director
Andrew Nuckols
State Program Director
Michael Jordan
State Membership Retention Coordinator
Michael Freil
Archdiocese Growth Team
Vic Lauterbach: North
Mark F. Kosobud: Cincinnati
Please make sure your payments are in - Thank you!
Your Delta Church Drive Experts!
They are ready to help you with your recruitment efforts.
District Deputy Coordinator
John Hoffman
*Make Checks payable to: Ohio State Council Knights of Columbus