Gourmet News • August 2023

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Painterland Sisters


Square Roots Takes Fresh A pproach to Farming

C o n s u m e r s w a n t t o k n o w

w h e re t h e f o o d t h e y e a t c o m e s

f ro m C o n s u m e r s w a n t t o k n o w

t h a t t h e f a r m s a n d c o m p a n i e s

w h o p ro d u c e t h e f o o d h a v e done so responsibly Consumers

a l s o w a n t f re s h f o o d w h e n t h e y

w a n t i t

C o m p a n i e s l i k e S q u a re R o o t s , f o u n d e d i n 2 0 1 6 b y t e c h n o l o g y


• ProAmpac Unveils Fiber-Based, Shelf-Stable Packaging for To-Go Sandwiches, Wraps


• Hyfé Raises $9 Million for Future Feedstocks for Biomanufacturing, Clean Water


• Consumers Rely on Frozen Food to Reduce Food Waste, 2 New Studies Indicate PAGE 18

• Featured Products PAGE 19

• Advertiser Index

a n d i m p a c t e n t re p re n e u r s Tob i a s P e g g s a n d K i m b a l M u s k , a re a n s w e r i n g t h e s e d e m a n d s with innovative ways of produci n g f o o d

“People all over the world want food from all over the world,” Peggs said “The current food system does a good job of getting food to them ”

In 2019, the most desired food in Pegg’s homeland, the United Kingdom, was bananas

“Whilst I love the U K , ” Pegg said, “I don’t love the climate Bananas don’t grow there ”

Bananas do grow in the United States, which exports them to countries including the United Kingdom, in a lengthy and costly process

“In all that travel, what you find out is that almost 40 percent of food is wasted along the way, ” Peggs said, “and that doesn’t take into account all the environmental impacts from shipping food all

over the place ”

W h a t i f , P e g g s a n d M u s k a s k e d t h e m s e l v e s , i n s t e a d o f

SweetLeaf CEO Carries Forward Family Tradition

Michael May had a front seat to the arrival of stevia to the U S marketplace

He watched as his father, James May, brought the sweet leaf from Paraguay in the 1980s, determined to find a way to use it as a natural and healthier alternative to sugar

s h i p p i n g p ro d u c e a ro u n d t h e w o r l d , t h e y “ s h i p p e d ” c l i m a t e data to somewhere the produce could be grown?

Continued on PAGE 16

Solula Tostones Chip a Niche in Snack Market

Plantains remain an important commodity in the global market, thanks to their prominence as a staple in Latin American, African and Asian cultures Yet the United States continues to be the world’s largest importer of plan-

tains, accounting for about a third of all plantain exports

While plantains are consumed in many ways around the world, Americans are likely most familiar with the nutrient-dense tropical fruit as a chip

Florida-based Solula is betting U S consumers will flip for a new kind of plantain chip: tostones

“This is not your grandmom’s plantain chip,” Solula CEO and founder Danny Pollak said “It’s a new and improved snack ”

Simply put, tostones are plantain slices that are smashed and

usually fried twice in oil They’re a popular treat in the Caribbean Solula’s tostones, which come in four flavors (Pacific Sea Salt, Caribbean Lime, Roasted Garlic and Tropical Habanero), are fried in sunflower oil and small-batch kettle cooked

“Our cut is thicker, we fr y it and then after we take it out from fr ying, smash it,” Pollak said “What happens when you smash it, the fibers of the plantain offer more surface area

Continued on PAGE 16

The result was SweetLeaf Stevia Sweetener Now, Michael May is the second-generation CEO of the Arizona-based company

“I have to first and foremost stay true to who we are and what got us here,” May said “My father really wanted to help people live better lives and have better quality lives ”

James May, who built a career as a hospital administrator, saw dialysis patients and wished they had ways to have a better quality of life As the company grew, Michael May’s mother, Carol, took on a larger role in the company and ran it with Michael after James died

“The first thing is staying true to who we are in this company that was started by my father and built upon by my mother,” May said

“I’m also ver y cognizant of changing tastes, changing consumer behaviors and improving

Continued on PAGE 17

Beenome 100 Project Hoped to Save Endangered Bumble Bee

A detailed, high-resolution map of the rusty patched bumble bee’s genome has been released by the U S Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Ser vice and U S Fish and Wildlife Ser vice scientists, offering approaches for bringing the native pollinator back from the danger of extinction

Putting together the rusty patched bumble bee genome is part of the Beenome 100 project, a first-of-its-kind effort to create a librar y of high-

quality, highly detailed genome maps of 100 or more diverse bee species found in the United

States Beenome 100 is a collaborative undertaking of ARS and the University of Illinois

The expectation is that this library will help researchers answer the big questions about bees such as what genetic differences make a bee species more vulnerable to climate change or whether a bee species is likely to be more susceptible to a pesticide

The rusty patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis) is an important pollinator of bergamot (Monarda fistu-

losa), milkweed and other wildflowers, as well as crops such as cranberries, plums, apples and alfalfa But in the last 20 years or so, its population is estimated to have declined by 87 percent

In 2017, the species was listed as endangered Where rusty patched bumble bees were once common across the Upper Midwest and Northeast in 28 states and two Canadian provinces, now their range is down to disconnected spots in 13 states and one Canadian province Among

Continued on PAGE 18

VOLUME 88 • NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2023 • $7.00
SEE PAGE 20 www gourmetnews com
French Farm
LorAnn Oils
USDA Approves
Cultivated Meat Sales in United States
IDTechEx Examines What’s Expected Next for the Cultured Meat Industr y in the US
Albertsons Unites Signature Family of Brands Under Signature SELECT Master Brand


Has everyone recovered from the glorious Summer Fancy Food Show? I think I have

One night, I attended a dinner thrown by the Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium to announce a new marketing plan to show Americans how versatile Parmigiano Reggiano can be To prove the point, the consortium presented a familystyle, eight-course meal:

Croquetas: Wild ramps, Russet potatoes, chervil, peperoncino, 18-month Parmigiano Reggiano

Fave: Fava beans, Windfall Farms greens, lemon, espelette, 18month-old Parmigiano Reggiano

Cavolonero: Tuscan black kale, filone croutons, garlic/anchovy/lemon vinaigrette, 24-month-old Parmigiano Reggiano

Botifarra: House-made Ibérico pork, Txakoli sausage, sugar snap peas, salsa rossa, 36-month-old Parmigiano Reggiano

It’s always interesting going through airport security after a food show The TSA agent dug into my carryon and pulled out an object: a chunk of Parmigiano Reggiano that I’d been given

“Is it different from parmesan?” he asked

I gave him an early glimpse of the consortium’s campaign and explained how Parmigiano Reggiano is not parmesan

“I never knew!” he said

At the show, I was visiting Natalie’s Orchard Juice Company’s booth when a couple walked up who said they were big fans and had some Natalie’s orange juice that morning at home

“Once you ’ ve tasted Natalie’s, you won’t go back,” the man proclaimed

There’s a roundup of the show in this month’s issue There was

so much to see – and taste – at the Summer show that we ’ re going to have another roundup next month, too

I’ve known about SweetLeaf Stevia Sweetener for about 20 years now I usually have a bottle of SweetLeaf SteviaClear Sweet Drops in my purse for iced tea and other beverages outside my home

So it was great to be able to talk to Michael May, the second-generation CEO of the company, which is “just up the road” from our Arizona offices

SweetLeaf is one of those companies that didn’t have to stop doing harmful practices It’s been a natural product from the getgo Read about May’s vision for the company on our front page I grew up in the tropics and knew plantains as the not-so-fun version of a banana I was intrigued when I heard about Solula Tostones (Being in the Southwest, when I saw the word “tostones,” my brain pronounced it as “tos-TON-es ” But I think it’s actually “TOE-stones ”) Then I tasted them In our cover story, Solula founder Danny Pallak warns that they’re addictive He’s right They’re going to be rolling out more flavors as the Solula Tostones catch on in the U S market I hope they make a BBQ flavor

Also on the front page, I spoke to Square Roots co-founder Tobias Peggs about the innovative produce farming company that uses shipping containers to grow quality produce all year long in ideal conditions for the particular crops I couldn’t help but think that with a recirculating hydroponic system that uses 95 percent less water, we could use a few of those Square Roots farms in our thirsty, drought-stricken state

Until next time, take care and stay safe! GN


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$300M to Boost Underser ved Producers’ Access to Land, Capital, Market

The U S Department of Agriculture announced its selection of 50 projects for potential award, totaling approximately $300 million These innovative projects will help improve access to land, capital and markets for underserved farmers, ranchers and forest landowners The Increasing Land, Capital, and Market Access Program, which is funded by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, works to increase access to farm ownership opportunities, improve results for those with heirs’ property or fractionated land, increase access to markets and capital that affect the ability to access land and improve land ownership, land succession and agricultural business planning

“Land access, market access and capital are critical to the success of the hardworking producers who keep agriculture thriving,” said Agriculture Secretar y Tom Vilsack “Underserved producers have not had access to the amount of specialized technical support that would increase opportunities to access and capital and benefit the launch, growth, resilience and success of their agricultural enterprises

“The Increasing Land Access Program is part of the Biden-Harris administration’s commitment to advancing equity for all,

including people who have been underser ved, marginalized and adversely affected by inequality, by providing the resources, tools and technical support needed to directly help local farmers and ensure we have a strong agricultural system across the country ”

Community Development Corporation of Oregon will work to provide long term and sustainable land access to disadvantaged refugee and immigrant beginning farmers in Oregon’s east Multnomah and Clackamas counties A few of the goals of the project are to purchase the currently rented farm, reduce the net cost of the land through a conservation or working lands easement, and provide an equitable and engaging process of education and training about cooperative land ownership, finance concepts and related USDA programs

The Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin will work to establish an equity capital fund to provide support for Tribal producers’ land, equipment, and operational needs This project will work to provide targeted technical assistance to Tribal producers in developing comprehensive farm and food business plans, including conser vation plans to support expanded

production and access to the full suite of USDA and other support resources

Workin’ Rootz will work to increase access to land and capacity-building at five urban farms/community market gardens in Detroit, which include Workin’ Roots Farm, Love n ’ Labor, Foster Patch Community Garden, Love Earth Herbal and Urban Bush

Sistahs These farms will serve as resource hubs by sharing infrastructure (tiller, lawn tractor, wash and pack, cooler storage, etc ) with other urban farmers and gardeners in their prospective neighborhoods

Maine Farmland Trust will work with low-income farmers on access to low-interest capital for land purchase or business operations, farm upgrades and infrastructure investments that promote viability, technical assistance in the areas of real estate and business planning and more

Alabama A&M University, in collaboration with four other 1890 land grant universities (Southern University, Alcorn State University, Fort Valley State University and Tennessee State University) and many other local organizations, will provide deliver y of technical assistance to underserved farm populations in chronically and economically depressed communities of

Alabama, Tennessee and Mississippi to ensure the success of existing farmers and ranchers and to rapidly increase the numbers of small farm operators in the targeted communities

The tentative selectees include national, regional and local projects that cover 40 states and territories including Washington D C , Puerto Rico and the U S Virgin Islands USDA will work with the selected applicants to finalize the scope and funding levels in the coming months

These projects will likely result in the purchase of land, construction of farm infrastructure and other activities that could have potential impacts on environmental resources USDA has developed a Programmatic Environmental Assessment for the Increasing Land Access Program to evaluate the program ’ s overarching environmental impacts as they relate to the National Environmental Policy Act

The Increasing Land Access Program was announced in August 2022 as part of a broader investment to help ensure underser ved producers have the resources, tools, programs and technical support they need to succeed It is funded by the Inflation Reduction Act GN

Plant Based World Expo to Examine State of the Market, Products, Trends

At Plant Based World Expo, attendees will see all of the latest, greatest and tastiest products and learn about the trends and consumer preferences behind them There’s no better place to discover what matters to your customers now than the only retail and foodservice event dedicated to plant-based products

Attendees will hear experts discuss the current state of the market, dig into the

hottest topics and build the knowledge needed to make more informed, profit-driving purchasing decisions

For example, sessions from the Plant Based World Executive Summit include “The Path to Profitability,” moderated by Elysabeth Alfano of VegTech with speakers

Danny O’Malley of Before the Butcher and Nicole Sopko of Upton’s Naturals

“Planting Seeds Around the World – A

Global Plant-Based Movement Update” will be presented by moderator Michelle Adelman of Infinite Foods with speakers

Albert Tseng of Dao Foods and Tawanda

Muzhingi of PBFI

A s e s s i o n f ro m t h e B u y e r E d u c a t i o n

T h e a t e r, w h i c h i s i n c l u d e d f o r f re e w i t h

a n E x p o P a s s , w i l l i n c l u d e “ G e n Z ! T h e

E a t e r s o f t h e F u t u re a n d W h a t E x c i t e s

T h e m ” w i t h m o d e r a t o r J o n a t h a n

Deutsch of Drexel Food Labs with speakers Jennifer DiFrancesco of Sodexo Camp u s a n d R a c h e l S h e r m a n o f D re x e l F o o d L a b s

“Power of Plant-Based Food and Beverages 2023” will feature Steven Markson of Food Marketing Institute

P l a n t B a s e d Wo r l d E x p o i s s e t f o r S e p t 7 - 8 a t t h e J a v i t s C e n t e r i n N e w Yo r k C i t y G N

No Brand Burger Launches Better Burger

All Plant-Based Patty in Franchises

Shinsegae Food Inc ’ s No Brand Burger has released the Better Burger made with 100 percent plant-based ingredients for the first time among burger franchises across the globe

No Brand Burger’s Better Burger is the first whose four major ingredients are all plant based, including Better Bun, a 100 percent plant-based burger bun developed by Shinsegae Food by leveraging its unique food technology competency, a patty made with Better Meat, a plant-based alternative meat and recently developed veggie cheese and sauce

Among burger franchises around the world, No Brand Burger’s Better Burger is

the first burger whose cheese is also plantbased, according to the company Better Burger has enriched its meat flavor with a patty made with Better Meat, a plantbased alternative meat of Shinsegae Food, as well as Bolognese sauce with plant-based ground meat for consumers

o b a l e n v i ro n m e n t

a n d a n i m a l w e l f a re

w h i l e p ro v i d i n g a

p o s i t i v e e x p e r i e n c e

f o r a l t e r n a t i v e f o o d s

b y c o n t i n u o u s l y i n -

t ro d u c i n g v a r i o u s

p l a n t - b a s e d m e n u s t h ro u g h i t s B e t t e r

C h o i c e , a l o w - c a r-

w i l l c o i n c i d e w i t h t h e l a u n c h o f B e t t e r B u rg e r B e t t e r N u g g e t , w h i c h u s e s 1 0 0 p e rc e n t p l a n t - b a s e d i n g re d i e n t s t o e nh a n c e t h e t a s t e o f c h i c k e n n u g g e t s , w a s l a u n c h e d i n J u n e

A company official said No Brand Burger released the Better Burger containing plant-based ingredients developed by its own food tech capabilities with the aim of providing more tasty and healthy burgers to generation MZ consumers who prioritize value-conscious consumption

The company plans to launch more menus to expand consumers ’ menu choices and publicize the social value of alternative foods GN

enjoy meat N o B r a n d B u rg e r p l a n s t o s p re a d s oc i a l v a l u e s s u c h a s h u m a n h e a l t h , g l
b o n h e a l t h y m e n u g ro u p w h o s e s e r v i c e

Sold-Out Summer Fancy Food Show Impresses

Even before the first exhibitor crossed the threshold of the Jacobs Javits Center for the 67th Summer Fancy Food Show, it was a success More than 30,000 specialty food and beverage professionals registered for the sold-out event, marking a 20 percent increase over 2022, according to the Specialty Food Association

The show also achieved year-over-year increases in all key qualified buyer categories – a 21 percent increase in retailers, 20 percent increase in foodservice and 12 percent increase in distributors, according to the SFA

Exhibit space sold out in mid-May with more than 2,200 domestic and international companies across more than 40 specialty food and beverage categories represented, according to the SFA

“As a not-for-profit membership trade association, the Specialty Food Association operates the Fancy Food Shows as a service to our more than 3,000 member companies,” SFA President Bill Lynch said “The Fancy Food Shows were created to help facilitate the growth of the specialty food industr y, and they are the premiere destination for those who want to see, taste and experience the incredible breadth of specialty products available today Specialty food and beverage makers are innovators and trendsetters, and that was on full display during this year ’ s Summer Fancy Food Show ”

Sales of specialty foods and beverages are projected to reach $207 billion in 2023, according to data from the 2023-24 State of the Specialty Food Industry Report Specialty products make up nearly 22 percent of food sales, up from less than 14 percent a decade ago

Morocco was the official partner country with the Specialty Food Association for this year ’ s show, but it was the Italians who did a superb job of reaching out to drive attention to their booths Lioni Latticini invited friends to its booth for Una Spahettata Per Onorificare on the occasion of Guiseppe and Salvatore Salzarulo being inducted to the SFA Hall of Fame featuring Chef Riccardo Orfino, executive chef of the West Village restaurants Alice and Osteria 57

The Salzarulos are celebrating more than 30 years in the specialty food industr y, making an authentic specialty cheese product known as “the Mozzarella ” As dedicated masters in the fresh mozzarella business, their passion is derived from family roots deeply tied to Lioni, Italy, an extraordinary work ethic, and an intense commitment to their craft

Over at the Carbone booth, the celebration was for the upcoming launch of its Spicy Vodka pasta sauce line The sauce answers demand from consumers for the vaunted Spicy Rigatoni ser ved at the West Village restaurant The sauce was designed so that it tastes great right out of the jar, but for foodies, they can add

their own cream and butter to make it like the Spicy Ravioli from the restaurant

In an ancillary event, the members of Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium invited media guests to a private dinner at Il Buco restaurant to introduce themselves and break some news

The consortium was formed to promote Parmigiano Reggiano, the top-selling Protected Designation of Origin product globally, which is produced in a small, specific area in northern Italy In recent years, the consortium has fought against the use of the term “ parmesan ” for the hard cheese millions of people sprinkle on their pasta

Consortium President Nicola Berinelli declared that the war was over The consortium knows that Americans, especially, will never give up their beloved parmesan cheese

The consortium’s goal now is to educate Americans on the delights of Parmigiano Reggiano made using 1,000-year-old methods that must follow strict specifications for the PDO cheese and how it’s superior to imitation and “counterfeit” cheeses, such as parmesan The consortium cheeses will carry the black-and-gold Parmigiano Reggiano logo, which the consortium will closely monitor in case any imposters use it

Not only that, the consortium wants to introduce Americans to the benefits of having PDO designations Berinelli has spoken to the Italian government about working with American dair y farmers in states such as Vermont and Wisconsin to get similar designations While Americans don’t pay much attention to PDOs, Europeans do, Berinelli said, which means American cheesemakers can capitalize on the European market with such designations

Berinelli said the consortium stands ready to help the U S dairy industry create PDOs

The consortium also wants to let Americans know how versatile Parmigiano Reggiano can be To prove the point, the consortium presented a family-style, eightcourse meal that featured 18-month-old Parmigiano Reggiano, 24-month-old Parmigiano Reggiano and 36-month-old

Parmigiano Reggiano

Gourmet News spoke with Scott Ketchum, co-founder of Sfoglini, at its booth While many consumers might not

be familiar with Sfoglini pasta, many respected chefs across the country are Sfoglini sources its pasta ingredients from North American organic grains and uses traditional Italian pasta-making techniques to produce pasta with a more complex flavor and satisfying texture than mainstream brands

Based in Hudson Valley, N Y , Sfoglini keeps all aspects of production local and uses grains grown and milled in North America

New to the pasta line is Cascatelli, a new pasta shape invented with “The Sporkful” food podcast host Dan Pashman Introduced last year, the shape went viral and was named one of the Best Inventions of the Year by Time magazine

Another new pasta shape, Quattrotini, also was made with Pashman Historically in Italy, the pasta is served once a year during carnival, in one area of Sicily The traditional shape is four tubes connected in a four-sided, rectangular shape

What makes the Sfoglini Quattrotini innovative is the ridges that were added to the tubes, which Ketchum explained helps make the sauce cling to the pasta

Sfoglini and Pashman also created the Vesuvio pasta, named for Mount Vesuvius for its volcano shape – short and round with a large base that spirals into a thinner tip, which allows sauce to sink into the spirals The shape is common in towns around Mount Vesuvius, but relatively unknown in the United States

Molino Dallagiovanna brought awardwinning pizza Chef Andrea Clemente to the show to demonstrate the strengths of the premium Italian flour that has been produced for 190 years

Venerated extra virgin olive oil Manni Oil made its Summer Fancy Food Show debut Founder Armando Manni gave introductions to his award-winning Grand Cru oils, The Oil of Life and White Truffle Extra Virgin Olive Oil Condiment, which is an experience in itself

Manni Oil’s newest product, MOP

ManniOlivePowder, is an organic superantioxidant olive powder that is certified organic and Kosher Manni is the

first olive mill in the world that operates in a fully circular economy, generating zero waste in the production process Manni uses olives from trees grown in the nutrient-rich volcanic soils of Mount Amiata for its premium EVOO, then uses the by-product for the powder

The powder helps fight free radical damage and aging because of its high content of antioxidant polyphenols of hydroxytyrosol and its derivatives (certified by the University of Florence and in the quantity demanded by the Health Claim by the European Food Safety Authority)

One of Armando Manni’s good friends is renowned Chef Thomas Keller, who says Manni oils are essential in his kitchen, including the famed French Laundr y Together, the men have created candies made with 70 percent dark chocolate from Carenero, Venezuela, and Manni olive oil

Of course, there were hundreds of booths serving non-Italian fare!

The good folks at Runamok brought a delicious dark maple syrup to the show, created in response to consumer demand, along with a new, limited release Vermont Saffron Infused American Honey Who knew saffron could grow in Vermont?

Runamok is building on its mocktail/cocktail mixer line with Maple Tonic and Maple Grenadine Unlike your parents’/grandparents’ grenadine,

Runamok’s is made with Vermont maple syrup (of course), pomegranate and lime juices and no artificial ingredients There’s also a new Sparkle Tonic that’s refreshing and fun

Then there’s the surprisingly delightful Pineapple Upside Down maple syrup, the result of Runamok’s popular consumers ’ choice flavor They weren’t sure about it either at first, but it’s delicious


For those who love the taste of red wine but who can’t tolerate the tannins or want a no-alcohol version, startup Seraphim debuted its “wellness tonic” Seraphim social beverage made with botanical ingredients The beverage’s pure, botanical ingredients put the focus on wellness with a red wine taste

Nearby in the Rutgers Food Innovation Center was Five Star Montauk and its first

It isn’t a Fancy Food Show without a visit to Olivia’s Croutons booth to chat with Francie Caccavo, who proudly shared samples of the new Gluten Free Sea Salted croutons As with all of the croutons, they’re made in small batches from handsized loaves made by the company so the croutons have just the right crunch The croutons are seasoned just enough to carry the flavor through

Natalie’s Orchard Juice Company debuted delicious Tangerine Pineapple with sweet basil, Orange Juice and Aloe And there’s a new Tomato Juice that’s great on its own but also would make a great Bloody Mary

Aw a r d - w i n n i n g

m i x o l o g i s t K a r l F r a n z Wi l l i a m s , f o u n d e r a n d c rea t o r o f U n c l e Wa i t h l e y ’ s Vi n c y

s h o w T h e b re w i s n a m e d

a f t e r Wi l l i a m s ’ g r a n d f a -

t h e r a n d f a t h e r, b o t h

n a m e d Wa i t h l e y, b u t t h e

re c i p e i s a l l Wi l l i a m s ’ c re -

a t i o n , i n s p i re d b y t h e f l a -

v o r s o f t h e C a r i b b e a n I t ’ s g i n g e r y a s e x p e c t e d b u t t h e S c o t c h B o n n e t f l a v o r m a k e s i t s t a n d o u t a s a g i n g e r b e e r

For some calm in the storm that is the Summer Fancy Food Show, the A y u r S o m e Foods booth offered soothing relief

Founder Divya introduced her products, all made (as the name implies in the Ayervida tradition) including stress-menot tea, calm-in-a-teacup, deconges tea, cup-it-cool tea, ccf (cumin, coriander, fennel) tea and the sofi Award-winning control sugar delete tea

and CEO of Global Teas LLC, stood eager to introduce the show crowd to his new “super-drink,” ChocolaTea As he says, ChocolaTea is not coffee, tea or hot chocolate

“It’s a delicious hybrid with a rich, dark chocolate flavor that has hints of fruit, caramel and nuts in ever y sip,” Eisenberg said “And there’s no bitter aftertaste!”

C h o c o l a Te a i s m a d e b y r o a s t i n g o rg a n i c c a c a o b e a n s – t h e r a w, u n re f i n e d v e r s i o n o f t h e c o c o a b e a n s u s e d t o m a k e c h o c o l a t e I t h a s t h e s a m e a n t i o x i d a n t s a n d h e a l t h b e n e f i t s o f p u re , d a r k c h o c ol a t e , w i t h o u t t h e s u g a r o r c a l o r i e s I t ’ s a l s o f re e f ro m d a i r y, s o y a n d g l u t e n

two products, Scotch Chipotle Glazing

Butter and Mezcal Habanero Glazing Butter Founder Jeff Kudrick served them on shrimp and scallops to showcase the tastes Kudrick also has a book coming out this

B re w, b ro u g h t h i s n o n - a l c o h o l i c c a r-

b o n a t e d g i n g e r b e e r w i t h a S c o t c h

B o n n e t b i t e t o t h e

Before she mixes each blend, Divya meditates, which she believes helps infuse the teas with calm

It’s brewed as you would tea None of the blends are sweetened, though consumers may choose to add their own sweetener

More sights and delights from the Summer Fancy Food Show will be in the September issue GN

Southeastern Grocers Seeks Applications From Nonprofits for Diversity Grants

Southeastern Grocers Inc , parent company and home of Fresco y Más, Harveys Supermarket and Winn-Dixie grocer y stores, together with the SEG Gives Foundation, is accepting applications from nonprofits throughout the Southeast for its 2023 Romay Davis Belonging, Inclusion and Diversity Grant The grant supports organizations that work to address racial disparities in health care, food insecurity and education, while building a more inclusive and equitable future for all

Nonprofit organizations with missions to elevate underser ved communities throughout Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi are encouraged to apply online through Sept 30 to be considered for a Romay Davis Belonging, Inclusion and Diversity Grant ranging from $5,000 to $25,000

to celebrating differences and amplifying the voices of individuals of all backgrounds Her ser vice to her customers, community and country encourages us to use our resources to combat social injustices and bridge the gap of inequities faced by many marginalized groups in our communities

“We invite organizations who share our vision to apply for the grant opportunities to further their missions as they lift up our neighbors in need ”

Last year, SEG presented a total of $300,000 to 30 organizations through the Romay Davis Belonging, Inclusion and Diversity Grant The program provides recipients – such as Start the Adventure in Reading in New Orleans and Schoolyard Roots in Tuscaloosa, Ala – with vital funds to fuel their impactful work within the five states the grocer serves

STAIR believes second grade is a critical turning point in a child’s educational development and utilized its funding from the grant to ser ve 189 elementar yaged students The grant allowed STAIR to provide more than 2,000 hours of tutoring and place nearly 2,500 high-quality, engaging books in the hands of young readers

dens and engages its communities through food and nature to inspire, delight and bring classroom concepts to life

SEG’s Romay Davis Belonging, Inclusion and Diversity Grant has provided more than $685,000 in funding to deser ving community organizations since its inception in 2020 The grant program reaffirms SEG’s steadfast commitment to racial equity and social justice by offering qualified nonprofits opportunities to receive financial support to help level the playing field for individuals of all backgrounds

age 80, Davis started her career with Winn-Dixie in Montgomery, Ala , to stay active and engaged; she continues to motivate others through her story and enduring dedication

“We know our communities are only as strong as their people,” said Raymond Rhee, chief people officer, “and Ms Romay ser ves as a constant inspiration for our diligent work as we grow our commitment

Schoolyard Roots brings garden education to diverse elementar y school students who face economic and nutritional uncertainty, empowering healthy living and academic success The organization cultivates curiosity and connections through hands-on learning gar-

The Romay Davis Belonging, Inclusion and Diversity Grant is named for the trailblazing 103-yearold Winn-Dixie associate Romay Davis, whose dedication to inclusivity and unwavering commitment to diversity and empowerment inspired the grant program aimed at elevating underser ved and underrepresented communities In an era marked by restricted rights for women and people of color, Davis consistently shattered glass ceilings by challenging society’s limited beliefs with her unfathomable accomplishments

Davis is a World War II U S Army veteran, NYU multi-degree scholar, New York fashion designer and model, Taekwondo Black Belt and community advocate At

I n 2 0 2 2 , T h e N a t i o n a l W W I I M u s e u m i n N e w O r l e a n s re c o gn i z e d D a v i s f o r h e r c o n t r i b utions as a veteran of the U S Army 6 8 8 8 t h C e n t r a l P o s t a l D i re c t o r y B a t t a l i o n a n d p re s e n t e d h e r w i t h t h e S i l v e r S e r v i c e M e d a ll i o n f o r h e r e xe m p l a r y m i l i t a r y s e r v i c e a n d e xc e p t i o n a l l e a d e rship The 6888th was the only allB l a c k Wo m e n Army Corps unit deployed overseas during World War II, a n d w a s a s s i g n e d t h e m o m e n t o u s a n d critical task to clear more than two years ’ worth of backlogged mail

Davis’ unit was given six months to sort 18 million pieces of mail, which they completed in three months By restoring the timely flow of mail between the front lines and the Home Front, Davis and the women of the 6888th significantly raised the morale that sustained troops through the final months of the war GN


USDA Approves GOOD Meat Chicken For Cultivated Meat Sales in United States

GOOD Meat, the cultivated meat division of food technology company Eat Just, Inc , has received approval from the U S Department of Agriculture for its first poultry product, cultivated chicken, to enter interstate commerce This landmark clearance means the firm’s chicken, which is made directly from animal cells, can now be sold to American consumers

The watershed moment for the burgeoning cultivated meat, poultr y and seafood sector and for the global food industr y, came on the heels of the USDA’s approval of GOOD Meat’s label – and four months after the company received its “ no questions” letter from the U S Food and Drug Administration, which indicated the FDA accepted the company ’ s conclusion that its cultivated chicken is safe to eat and allowed the USDA to begin its part of the regulator y process outlined in a 2019 agreement between the agencies

“This announcement that we ’ re now able to produce and sell cultivated meat in the United States is a major moment for our company, the industr y and the food system,” said Josh Tetrick, co-founder and CEO of GOOD Meat and Eat Just “We have been the only company selling cultivated meat anywhere in the world since we launched in Singapore in 2020, and now it’s approved to sell to consumers in the world’s largest economy

“We appreciate the rigor and thoughtfulness that both the FDA and USDA have applied during this historic two-agency regulatory process ”

A select group of diners in the nation’s capital sat down to a historic meal of charcoal-grilled cultivated chicken on July 5, marking the first sale of GOOD Meat in the United States The landmark dinner at China Chilcano by José Andrés honored the late Willem van Eelen, who is widely known as the “godfather of cultivated meat” and would have celebrated his 100th birthday on July 4

Among the diners enjoying Andrés’ mouthwatering new dish, “Anticuchos de Pollo,” were van Eelen’s daughter Ira and his grandson, Kick Willem was a Dutch researcher, entrepreneur and prisoner of war who made it his life’s mission to realize

the promise of safe, sustainable meat production from cells instead of live animals After his passing, Ira became a friend and advisor to GOOD Meat

The dinner of cultivated chicken marinated with anticucho sauce, native potatoes and ají Amarillo chimichurri, came two weeks after GOOD Meat, the cultivated meat division of food technology company Eat Just, Inc , received full U S regulatory approval to sell its chicken to American consumers The event preceded China Chilcano’s official menu debut of the dish, which will be ser ved weekly in limited quantities, by reservation only, beginning later this summer

“I am proud that GOOD Meat is launching with José Andrés, beginning a new tradition of how Americans will eat meat in the many decades ahead,” Tetrick said “I am also humbled that our company can honor Willem van Eelen’s lasting legacy at this centennial celebration ”

“The big day is here, the chicken is here, and people are going to be talking,” said Andrés as he prepared China Chilcano’s new chicken dish in his test kitchen on June 30 “This is a first for the history of humanity ”

Andrés said he selected his award-winning Peruvian concept as the first to offer GOOD Meat because “Peru is a country of many civilizations at once ”

“I am grateful that a promise my father made decades ago has come true,” said Ira van Eelen, who has continued in her father’s footsteps as a global champion for cultivated meat “I’m so happy we can stop talking about it and go eat it, because tasting is believing This is the meat we love and trust, just made in a better way ”

GOOD Meat won multiple regulator y approvals for its chicken in Singapore in 2020 and 2021 and in January received a key clearance that paves the way for greater scalability, lower manufacturing costs and a more sustainable product Since its Singapore launch, the company ’ s chicken has been featured on menus at fine dining establishments, popular hawker stalls, via the foodpanda delivery platform and most recently by reservation at Huber’s Butchery, one of Singapore’s pre-

mier producers and suppliers of high-quality meats

In the United States, under the Federal Meat Inspection Act and Poultry Products Inspection Act, all meat and poultry sold commercially must pass inspection to en-

their FDA colleagues and the GOOD Meat team to reach this significant regulator y milestone (This) approval demonstrates that the United States is a global leader in the promising alternative protein space while also continuing to support family farmers’ efforts to feed the world through conventional food and agriculture techniques ”

sure that it is safe, wholesome and properly labeled To accomplish this, USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service places inspectors in slaughterhouses and processing plants and – for the first time in history – will assign inspectors to GOOD Meat and other cultivated meat and poultry facilities that follow

As part of the USDA’s approval, GOOD Meat received a grant of inspection for its demonstration plant in Alameda, Calif , as has its contract manufacturing partner, JOINN Biologics The comprehensive vetting includes facilities and equipment; standard operating procedure for sanitation; and the systematic approach to identification, evaluation and control of food safety hazards known as HACCP

Immediately after receiving the grant of inspection, production started for the first batch of cultivated chicken that will be sold to celebrated restaurateur and humanitarian Andrés

“Serving as U S Secretary of Agriculture afforded me the opportunity to work with countless individuals at the USDA who were committed to accelerating agricultural innovation and economic opportunity as well as promoting initiatives to better nourish Americans and feed people around the globe,” said Dan Glickman, GOOD Meat Advisor y Board member, former U S Secretar y of Agriculture and member of the U S House of Representatives “I commend the agency’s current leadership for working collaboratively with

“Today’s groundbreaking announcement marks a pivotal moment in our journey towards building a safer, more efficient food system,” said Bruce Friedrich, president, The Good Food Institute “GFI applauds U S regulatory agencies and GOOD Meat for their strong collaboration throughout this rigorous process “American consumers are now closer than ever to eating the real meat they love, that uses far less land and water than conventionally produced meat,” Friedrich said “By undergoing a comprehensive facility review process and meeting the highest regulator y standards, cultivated meat will provide consumers with a safe and trusted source of protein

“As we navigate a future with increasing global demand for meat, it is crucial that governments worldwide prioritize cultivated meat as a solution that satisfies consumer preferences, supports climate goals and ensures food security for generations to come, ” Friedrich said R o b e r t R a n k i n , e x e c u t i v e d i re c t o r o f t h e A s s o c i a t i o n o f M e a t , P o u l t r y, a n d S e a f o o d I n n o v a t i o n , s a i d , “ G O O D M e a t ’ s g r a n t o f i n s p e c t i o n i s a h i s t o r i c m o m e n t f o r t h e g l o b a l f o o d i n d u s t r y a s w e p rep a re f o r t h e f i r s t c e l l - c u l t u re d / c u l t i v a t e d c h i c k e n p r o d u c t s t o b e s o l d i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , f o l l o w i n g r i g o r o u s a n d s c i e n c e - b a s e d e v a l u a t i o n s b y t h e F D A a n d U S D A A M P S I n n o v a t i o n m e m b e r s c o n t i n u e t o m a k e g ro u n d - b re a k i n g a dv a n c e m e n t s t h a t w i l l , i n p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h t h e e n t i re f o o d a n d a g r i c u l t u re s e ct o r, h e l p m e e t i n c re a s e d d e m a n d f o r p rot e i n a s t h e w o r l d ’ s p o p u l a t i o n c o n t i n u e s t o g ro w ” G N


IDTechEx Examines What’s Expected Next For the Cultured Meat Industr y in the US

The cultured meat industry passed a key milestone in June 2023 – two companies, GOOD Meat and UPSIDE Foods, received approval to begin the commercialization of their cultivated chicken products in the United States Cultivated meat, or cultured meat, refers to meat products produced from lab-grown animal cells and is proposed as a solution for some of the environmental and ethical issues associated with meat consumption IDTechEx has been following the cultured meat industry for the past four years, and in its most recent report, “Cultured Meat 2023-2043,” forecasts the market to exceed $13 billion by the year 2043 So, with this key milestone of U S regulatory approval achieved, what is next for the industry over the next few years?

To start, both GOOD Meat and UPSIDE Foods are looking at small-scale launches in the United States GOOD Meat has partnered with Chef José Andrés, who will first

be ser ving up GOOD Meat’s cultivated chicken in Washington, D C UPSIDE

Foods has similarly partnered with threeMichelin-star chef Dominique Crenn and will be launching in San Francisco

This echoes GOOD Meat’s launch in Singapore, where cultured meat has been approved and commercialized since December 2020 In Singapore, GOOD Meat launched with a hybrid product (a blend of plant-based and cultured protein) which was available at a single restaurant, the 1880 Members Club By 2023, the company has scaled up the amount of cultured meat in its products and featured them at various restaurants While availability remains limited, the company is on its way to scaling up production further on the island

IDTechEx predicts that the availability of cultured meat will continue to be limited in the next two years On the production side, companies are still scaling up their manufacturing capabilities and are yet unable to supply large amounts to the

market On the demand side, it is unclear how much of a premium customers are willing to pay for cultivated meat vs conventional meat Launching cultured meat at high-end restaurants has been the main strategy companies have used to address this price differential

With the approval by the USDA in June, the United States joins Singapore as the only other country where cultured meat is approved and commercialized Looking to the horizon, IDTechEx predicts that the next country to approve cultured meat will be in Asia, with South Korea and China being the key contenders

Despite the Netherlands being the home of the world’s first cultured beef burger in 2013, regulatory approval in Europe is unlikely to be next While tasting cultured meat products is allowed in select European countries, companies will need to secure regulator y approval at the EU level first for commercialization This is a long and lengthy process

Further work is required by the cultured

meat industry and its entire supply chain to address the problem of scaling up production A key component for producing cultured meat, the growth media, is currently the main contributor to its high cost Today, companies use high-end ingredients meant for the pharmaceutical industr y, where quantities are small and products are extremely high-value

Work is underway from multiple angles to address this issue, including decreasing the amounts required for meat production, creating food-grade ingredients at lower cost and designing new bioreactors, allowing for a higher density of cells per volume of growth media

It will be a long road for the cultured meat industry to take substantial market share from conventional meat, with the recent approval in the US being just the first step IDTechEx sees the cultured meat market accelerating by the start of the next decade as more and more startups receive regulatory approval and commercialization over the next few years GN

Farmers Business Network Now Offering

3-Day Deliver y on Small Business Orders

Farmers Business Network, the global agtech platform and farmer-to-farmer network, is offering three-day delivery or less on the majority of member orders

This development is made possible by FBN’s logistics network, which features 30 logistics centers across North America

More than 84 percent of growing acreage in the United States is within a 250-mile radius of a FBN logistics center In Canada, 97 percent of growing acreage is within that same 250-mile radius of a FBN logistics center

“Every day, we ’ re working to ensure our farmer members get what they need, when they need it,” said Jack Cox, VP of Global Fulfillment and Logistics “Our expanding network now powers deliveries of three

days or less on the majority of orders That speed, transparency and reliability is especially critical now, as growers need inputs rapidly during the in-season period ”

FBN is addressing farmers’ in-season needs for predictable, rapid delivery by delivering products to the farmer’s doorstep within three days or fewer, even during the busiest times This means farmers can take advantage of competitive pricing and have the peace of mind that comes from knowing when their orders will arrive – giving them a tool to plan accordingly and optimize their operations

“We’ve recently deployed breakthroughs in our delivery optimization intelligence,” Cox said “Our systems now are aware of all our inventor y positions, in real time,

running millions of data points of scenario analysis each and ever y time a deliver y time is shown to a farmer

“What this means is that our system automatically finds farmers the fastest alternative possible from throughout our entire network, not just their closest location ”

In 2022 alone, FBN successfully completed more than 28,000 deliveries The company also provides growers with the flexibility to pick up their order at designated sites, providing further options based on member needs By offering optimized and transparent deliver y options, FBN aims to revolutionize the way farmers access their essential supplies, making it more convenient and efficient than ever before

“ I f w e r u n o u t o f s o m e t h i n g o r w e r u n into a situation where we need a different p ro d u c t , I c a n g o t o F B N t h a t e v e n i n g , m a k e a p u rc h a s e , a n d t h e p ro d u c t i s u s ua l l y t h e re w i t h i n 3 6 t o 4 8 h o u r s , ” s a i d E r i c M c K e e , a n I l l i n o i s f a r m e r a n d F B N m e m b e r “ T h a t ’ s w h a t I l i k e a b o u t F B N D i re c t ”

The announcement also brings farmers the new option of accessing financing at checkout, providing additional flexibility in managing their cash flows Once an order is completed online, FBN’s online tracking system enables farmers to monitor the progress of these orders in real time, allowing them to plan with certainty as they know precisely when their products will arrive at their farm GN

Videojet Technologies Launches Non-CMR

For Codes on Food & Beverage Packaging

Videojet Technologies has launched V4278 and V4240 inks globally for use in Videojet continuous inkjet printers As more local regulations and manufacturers restrict ink formulations for printing codes on food and beverage packaging, Videojet said it is offering these two inks that are free of carcinogens, mutagens and reproductive toxins

Ideal for high-speed food canning applications where retort evidence is desired, non-MEK (methyl ethyl ketone) V4278

ink is engineered for printing on food cans prior to the retort process with current Videojet continuous inkjet printers Thermochromic V4278 ink is formulated to change color from dark red to light red during the retort process This process uses steam to cook cans at high temperatures to preser ve vegetables, fruit, soup, sauce, baby food, meat, fish, ready-to-eat meals and pet food

Videojet V4278 has been designated as a Videojet iQMark ink, indicating that it is

engineered to help users meet their safety, sustainability and social responsibility goals

p p l i c a t i o n s T h i s i n k i s i d e a l f o r u s e o n b e v e r a g e b o t t l e s

a n d c a n s r u n n i n g o n h i g h - s p e e d p ro d u ct i o n l i n e s w i t h m o i s t u re p re s e n t d u e t o

c o l d f i l l i n g , re f r i g e r a t i o n o r f re e z i n g , a s w e l l a s i n h o t a n d h u m i d e n v i ro n m e n t s


I t c a n p e n e t r a t e a t h i n l a y e r o f c o n d e n s at i o n , s u r v i v e re t o r t a n d p a s t e u r i z a t i o n a n d a d h e re t o g l a s s , a l u m i n u m , s t a i n l e s s s t e e l a c r y l o n i t r i l e b u t a d i e n e s t y re n e , p o l y s t y re n e , p o l y c a r b o n a t e , p o l y e s t e r, P E T, p o l y o l e f i n a n d n y l o n B o t h i n k s a r e e n g i n e e r e d t o r u n i n q u a l i f i e d Vi d e o j e t C I J p r i n t e r s , i n c l u di n g t h e Vi d e o j e t 1 8 8 0 , t o p r i n t h i g hq u a l i t y t e x t , c o d e s , d a t e s , l o g o s a n d b a r c o d e s i n c o n t i n u o u s p r o d u c t i o n e n v iro n m e n t s G N

A b l a c k n o n - e t h a n o l M E K - b a s e d i n k , V 4 2 4 0 i s d e s i g n e d t o re s i s t t h e c o n d e nsation formation that is common in coldf i l l f o o d a n d b e v e r a g e a

Albertsons Unites Signature Family of Brands

Under Signature SELECT Master Brand

Albertsons Companies, Inc is rebranding its Signature Farms, Signature Care and Signature Cafe products under one master brand, Signature SELECT, which features a refreshed, modern logo, bold packaging and a new marketing campaign designed to build an emotional connection with customers The transition to Signature SELECT is under way across stores including Albertsons, Safeway, Vons, Jewel-Osco, Shaw’s and more, and is expected to be complete in early 2024

“Signature SELECT is our flagship brand offering shoppers an incomparable assortment of quality products at an incredible value,” said Jennifer Saenz, EVP and chief merchandising officer at Albertsons Cos “We are incredibly proud of our Signature family of brands and by bringing these sub-brands together under one name, we are building greater brand recognition, driving brand loyalty and creating customers for life ”

Signature SELECT is already the largest brand in the company ’ s Own Brands portfolio boasting over 8,000 products including packaged salads, ice cream, frozen pizza, coffee, paper goods, pasta, snacks, canned vegetables and fruit as well as

ground beef, pork and chicken

Following the consolidation of Signa-

The Signature family of brands was introduced to the Albertsons portfolio of stores in 2016 following the merger of Albertsons and Safeway However, the S branding dates back as far as the 1960s when Safeway sold products under the S brand including milk, bread, ice cream, coffee, jellies, soft drinks, lunch meat, canned fruits and vegetables, frozen foods and paper products The S brand remained a key private label for Safeway until 2012 when the company retired its namesake brand and merged its products under the Safeway Kitchens, Safeway Farms, Safeway Home and Safeway Care brands, which ultimately became the Signature family of brands

that better taste was a factor when choosing a private label brand

To celebrate Signature SELECT, the company debuted a summer campaign appearing in print, social, online and streaming channels From family cookouts, backyard brunches, summer treats and more, the creative highlights in-the-moment imagery of how Signature SELECT elevates everyday life with convenient, affordable alternatives to national brands in every aisle – without sacrificing taste or quality

ture Farms’ fresh poultry and produce, Signature Cafe’s deli items and Signature Care’s line of personal and baby products, the master brand will feature the modern Signature SELECT logo with a unified package design across its broad assortment of product categories so shoppers can easily identify the brand throughout the store To reinforce the quality associated with every Own Brand item, Signature SELECT guarantees 100 percent customer satisfaction or they can receive a full refund of the purchase price

The Signature SELECT consolidation and rebranding follows recent updates to the company ’ s Own Brands portfolio including the evolution of the O Organics brand and redesign of Open Nature

These brand innovations are supported by a recent sur vey commissioned by Albertsons Cos revealing that consumer demand for private labels continues to grow with 93 percent of Americans embracing and expanding their purchases of store brands Respondents cited price, quality and availability as the main drivers of these purchases with a large number writing in

“When developing the marketing campaign to accompany our expanded Signature SELECT flagship brand, we knew we wanted to celebrate the brand’s virtues of quality, taste, value and convenience,” said Brandon Brown, SVP of Own Brands at Albertsons Cos “Our Signature creative showcases warm, welcoming scenes that puts the Signature SELECT brand at the center of life’s moments We’re creating an emotional connection with our customer and showing her how everyday occasions can have their own signature flavor and style ”

Signature SELECT is part of the Own Brands portfolio, which includes trusted household names such as O Organics, Lucerne, Open Nature, Primo Taglio, debi lilly design, waterfront BISTRO, Soleil and Value Corner GN

ProAmpac Unveils Fiber-Based, Shelf-Stable Packaging for To-Go Sandwiches, Wraps

ProAmpac has introduced its fiber-based Modified Atmosphere Packaging RAP

Sandwich Wedge to the North American market Designed for sandwiches and wraps, this groundbreaking package introduces the concept of modified atmosphere packaging to a fiber-based format

By combining the benefits of modified atmosphere packaging with sustainable fiber materials, ProAmpac addresses the demand for reduced food spoilage, environmentally friendly packaging and an enhanced consumer experience in the food-to-go market

With the capability to keep a fresh sandwich

or wrap preserved for up to 28 days, ProAmpac ’ s RAP Sandwich wedge is a pioneering approach that sets a new standard for freshness and sustainability in on-the-go meals

“Sustainability lies at the heart of ProAmpac ’ s business strategy, and we are thrilled to unveil the fiber-based Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) RAP Sandwich Wedge,” said Irma Randles, market manager for Fresh Food To-Go “Our packaging solution represents a more sustainable alternative to conventional plastic sandwich packs while reducing food spoilage costs ”

ProAmpac’s RAP Sandwich Wedge in-

corporates a carton board structure with a thin film lining to optimize product preservation and visibility Engineered for hermeticity, this innovative solution utilizes high barrier technology to extend product shelf-life, especially when incorporated with gas-flush filling technology

The RAP Sandwich Wedge enables longer transit and selling time, enhancing sales potential while minimizing food waste

“The RAP Sandwich Wedge boasts wide recyclability,” said Kevin Vyse, head of technical “Consumers can peel away the film liner, and the carton board is easily re-

cycled in paper streams

“Crafted from responsibly sourced fiber and utilizing less plastic packaging than conventional rigid containers, the RAP Sandwich Wedge significantly reduces packaging waste ”

With custom graphics and branding printed directly on the pack, the RAP Sandwich Wedge elevates the grab-and-go sandwich or wrap into a premium option Food retailers gain operational efficiencies when sandwiches are packed upstream using MA technology and can maximize onsite labor GN

Upcycled Oat Protein Cereal Combats Food Waste

SunOpta, a U S -based, global pioneer fueling the future of sustainable plant-based and fruit-based food and beverages has formed a partnership with Seven Sundays, a planet-for ward breakfast company known for ser ving up better breakfast items made with only real ingredients

Seven Sundays launched the first-ever Oat Protein Cereal made with SunOpta’s OatGold, a nutrient-rich upcycled oat protein powder, which is a byproduct of oat milk production Through this partnership, Seven Sundays grew its product of-

ferings with an upcycled oat protein ingredient manufactured by SunOpta

The new product is available nationwide at major retailers including Whole Foods Market, Sprouts, Amazon and ordered directly from the Seven Sundays’ website

Upcycling is a zero-waste philosophy dedicated to creatively using byproducts and their nutrients from agriculture and food manufacturing to unlock their highest value Upcycled foods use ingredients that otherwise would not have gone to

human consumption, are procured and produced using verifiable supply chains and

The Seven Sundays Oat Protein cereal comes in four flavors – Simply Honey, Super Fruity, Maple Cinnamon and Chocolate Sea Salt – and contains 5 grams of upcycled plant-based protein per serving, no artificial or natural flavors, or high-intensity sweeteners, and is lightly sweetened with natural sources such as dates and organic maple syrup The new line is also gluten free and NonGMO Project Verified GN

have a positive impact on the environment

Hyfé Raises $9 Million for Future Feedstocks For Biomanufacturing, Clean Water

Hyfé, a company transforming food processing wastewater into feedstocks for biomanufacturing and clean water, received an oversubscribed $9 million seed investment led by Synthesis Capital Additional participating investors include The Engine, Refactor Capital, Supply Change Capital, Overwater Ventures, X Factor Ventures and Alumni Ventures The company ’ s funding to date is $11 million, which includes an oversubscribed preseed round led by The Engine in April 2022

Hyfé will use the new capital to advance select commercial partnerships, double its employee headcount and progress toward pilot scale technology demonstration Rosie Wardle, co-founder and partner at Synthesis Capital, will also join the company ’ s board of directors

Biomanufacturing offers a path to decarbonize key industrial sectors such as foods, fuels, materials and chemicals, and is forecasted to mitigate at least 3 GT of carbon emissions annually by 2030 However, it’s difficult for the sector to compete

with incumbent processes that depend on fossil resources, animal agriculture and deforestation

Cost and supply of sugar feedstocks used to power bioprocesses is a major obstacle towards achieving price parity and the glucose needs of the bioeconomy are forecasted to outpace supply over the next 10 to 20 years It is critical for the feedstocks that will power that growth to come from underutilized waste carbon streams that are cost effective, non-competitive with food and avoid disruption of agricultural systems

“Biomanufacturing has the potential to solve some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity, but first it needs to be made economically viable,” said Michelle Ruiz, co-founder and CEO of Hyfé “We are building a solution that addresses a fundamental bottleneck for the bioeconomy just as it’s reaching an inflection point This historic moment is as pivotal as the invention of the steam engine, the age of science and mass production, and the rise of digital technology ” While other companies are working to convert solid food and agricultural waste

into fermentation feedstocks, Hyfé is leveraging its extensive experience in wastewater treatment and fermentation-enabled waste valorization to develop feedstocks from food processing wastewater, an abundant and untapped source of carbon, enabling:

• Food and beverage manufacturers to dramatically reduce wastewater treatment costs and increase water reuse, thereby improving water resiliency and overall operating expenses

• Biomanufacturers to access more sustainable, affordable feedstocks, which account for the majority of fermentation operating expenses and are vulnerable to supply chain disruptions

• The planet to benefit from increasingly carbon negative manufacturing all along the supply chain, starting with diverting organic loads entering traditional wastewater treatment – a process that accounts for up to 1 5 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions in the form of methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides

Hyfé’s technology processes nutrient building blocks from wastewater into easyto-metabolize feedstocks for bioprocesses They are engineering solutions to key bottlenecks in alternative feedstock development: compositional variability, availability and lack of data

“The future bioeconomy will be worth at least $4 trillion, and up to $30 trillion

globally,” said Rosie Wardle, co-founder and partner at Synthesis Capital “We have a timely opportunity to propel this growth through the development of cost-efficient and sustainable feedstocks We’re thrilled to support Hyfé, a leader in the biomanufacturing revolution, in their next phase of growth, applying their technology to power the development of more sustainable products across sectors through bioproduction This is something the world desperately needs to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, revitalize the manufacturing sector, strengthen our supply chains and improve our health and environment ”

Hyfé creates the future feedstocks of biomanufacturing from nutrients lost in trillions of gallons of food processing wastewater Its technology enables water reuse and lowers the cost of wastewater and water management at food manufacturing facilities while enabling abundant and underutilized waste streams to fuel the growth of the bioeconomy

The company was founded by ExxonMobil and LanzaTech engineers in 2021 and is backed by investors including Synthesis Capital, The Engine, Refactor Capital, Supply Change Capital, among others

The company secured a grant from Chain Reaction Innovations, the entrepreneurship program at Argonne National laboratory supported by the U S Department of Energy GN

Global Game-Changers Join Forces to Boost

Consumption of Beans Across the World

Global food awareness organization

ProVeg International has joined forces with Google, the Bezos Earth Fund and more than 40 other organizations to campaign for a doubling of global bean, pea, pulse, lentil and legume consumption by 2028

The ambitious “Beans is How” campaign will promote the value of incorporating beans into meals as part of a strategy to remove greenhouse gas emissions from the food system Beans release 90 percent less harmful greenhouse gasses than some animal-based foods, contain protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals and, when dried, cost an average of $1 per 500 grams,

making them an excellent alternative to meat

“Beans really do tick all the boxes when it comes to providing nutritious, affordable and climate-friendly meals for countries all over the world,” said Jasmijn de Boo, CEO of ProVeg International

“We urgently need to scale up efforts to encourage greater consumption of beans over animal-based foods if we are to have a chance to slow climate change and prevent ecosystem collapse,” de Boo said

There are thousands of varieties of beans, peas, pulses and lentils around the world that present a simple and affordable solution to the health, climate and cost-of-

living crises, according to the campaign

“Beans is How” is encouraging people t o e a t m o re b e a n s b y p u b l i s h i n g t a s t y recipes with beans, showing people how to grow beans themselves, and through a m e n u c h a l l e n g e t h a t e n c o u r a g e s re s t a ur a n t s , c a t e re r s , c a f e s , s c h o o l s a n d o t h e r f o o d p ro v i d e r s t o i n c l u d e # b e a n s o n t h emenu

ProVeg is joined in the coalition by a range of other global organizations including Google, The World Bean Council, the Bezos Earth Fund, the United Nations Foundation and the Kraft Heinz Company

ProVeg is an international food awareness organization working to transform

the global food system by replacing conventional animal-based products with plant-based and cultivated alternatives

ProVeg works with international decisionmaking bodies, governments, food producers, investors, the media and the general public to help the world transition to a society and economy that are less dependent on animal agriculture and more sustainable for humans, animals and the planet

ProVeg has permanent-obser ver status with the UNFCCC, is accredited for UNEA and has received the United Nations’ Momentum for Change Award ProVeg also has Observer Status at the IPCC GN

Talitha Coffee Empowers Survivors of Trafficking

Talitha Coffee, a specialty coffee roaster headquartered in San Diego, has launched with a mission to produce high-quality, locally roasted coffee at an accessible price point, making an impact by providing employment opportunities, training and support networks for sur vivors of sex trafficking as they build hopeful futures

Talitha’s focus is on being more than a coffee brand – it’s a people-first coffee roasting company that is building a community committed to creating change together Each bag of coffee supports this collaborative endeavor, directly contributing to a journey of healing, empowerment and shared triumph

Witnessing the devastating intergenera-

tional impact of trafficking from a young age, co-founders Jenny Barber and her husband, Robert, recognized the need for a sustainable solution Combining their commitment and dedication to advocating for survivors with their passion for craft coffee, Talitha empowers these individuals to take back their power and write their own story

The coffee roasting company has created “Talitha Survivor Support Network,” made up of a team of experts and organization leaders in the field of anti-trafficking Through this network of collaboration, the company looks to further bolster its effectiveness in facilitating reintegration, reentry and restoration for survivors GN


August Celebrates Chocolate Cookies, Beverages, Great Grilling, Condiments

What better way to start a month than with a chocolate holiday? That’s what I’m thinking

the shelves this summer at many retailers including Walmart, Target, Meijer, Publix and Casey’s

Flavors sure to please the kiddos include Raspberry Lemonade and Orange

u r i n g g l o b a l s u p e r s t a r a n d b r a n d p a r tn e r J e n n i f e r L o p e z

Aug 4 is National Chocolate Cookie Day To celebrate, Mightylicious offers its Double Dutch Chocolate Chip and six other varieties of gluten-free, healthy and tasty cookies: Brown Butter Chocolate Chip, Brown Butter Shortbread, Oatmeal Raisin, Grandma Arline’s Oatmeal Coconut, Salted Peanut Butter and Vegan Chocolate Chip

Carolyn Haeler, who has celiac disease, spent years looking for gluten-free cookie brands, finding none that satisfied her So she created a gluten-free, clean-ingredient cookie that satisfies everyone

These cookies are 100 percent free of gluten, wheat, r ye, barley and rBST The entire line is made from all-natural, nonGMO ingredients

The Mightylicious cookies are sold online and in retail outlets including Walmart (231 outlets nationwide), Whole Foods, Costco, King’s, Price Chopper and more

When you think of Langers, you think of orange juice or perhaps lemonade Now Langers, a family-owned Juice Company, Inc , has launched Langers 5 Calorie Pineapple

Langers is the only juice of its kind available in a variety with only five calories and 2 grams of carbs per serving and 80 percent the daily value of Vitamin C in just one cup Langers

Pineapple Juice is full of vitamins and minerals for a refreshing drink that also helps boost the immune system, keep bones healthy and improve vision

Each glass contains vitamins C, B6 and A as well as thiamine, copper, manganese and beta carotene No sugar added

The beverage and snack brand for kids good2grow has introduced Bigger, a larger, 10-ounce size of its popular juice that is compatible with its hundreds of collectible licensed character tops Bigger is hitting

Mango Bigger juices contain vitamin C, zinc and calcium with no added sugar and no artificial colors or flavors The bottles feature good2grow’s signature spill-proof tops featuring more than 350 characters from kids’ favorite shows and movies

BodyArmor Sports Nutrition has launched its first rapid rehydration beverage, BodyArmor Flash I V Designed to deliver the latest in active hydration and functionality for consumers without compromising on taste, BodyArmor Flash I V is scientifically formulated to ensure the perfect balance of carbohydrates and electrolytes for faster absorption and replenishment

Developed with the same coconut water base as its Sports Drink, BodyArmor Flash I V offers consumers the ability to refuel, replenish and recover with more electrolytes than the competition, added functionality with zinc, vitamins B and C to support a healthy immune system with no artificial flavors, sweeteners or dyes

BodyArmor Flash I V comes in a 20ounce, square bottle and contains more than 2,200 mg of electrolytes – more than traditional sports drinks – for rapid and sustained rehydration for quick recover y BodyArmor Flash I V launched in four flavors: Grape, Strawberr y Kiwi, Orange and Tropical Punch Packaging features vibrant flavor colors and highlights key functional benefits to create an eye-catching lineup at retail

Launched in retail stores regionally in May, BodyArmor Flash I V will be available in stores nationwide and online via Amazon nationally in 2024 The brand will feature BodyArmor Flash I V in a variety of social media extensions, out-of-home media, retail activations and sampling events in local markets across the United States

Teas are hot now Except when they’re cold Bigelow has launched a bunch of new products, including two additional botanical cold water infusions, Blood Orange

Tangerine and Pineapple Coconut Mango

Each Bigelow Botanicals Cold Water Infusion is crafted with ingredients that slowly create a lightly infused botanical water Different from iced tea that is made by steeping tea bags in hot water and then letting it cool, Bigelow Botanicals create a gentle herbal infusion by using real fruit and herbs steeped in cold water in order to extract each blend’s light and delicious flavor

The botanicals are a great way to stay hydrated throughout the day, adding flavor and offering a healthy alternative to sugar y drinks The botanicals have no calories, caffeine or artificial ingredients

“We know that staying hydrated is essential for overall health and well being,” said Cindi Bigelow, president and CEO of the familyowned company “In support of our consumers who are focusing on living a healthy lifestyle, we created these two new beautiful cold water infusion flavors to enhance each wellness routine These exceptional flavors are truly a new way to love your water and help each of us reach our daily hydration goals ”

Other flavors in the line are Peach

around the corner and Bigelow has added Throat Defense Ginger y Honey Lemon Herbal Tea to its wellness teas It’s a caffeine-free, non-GMO project verified, throat-calming tea featuring immune-support ingredients, including spicy ginger and bright lemon with the soothing sweet flavor of honey Each cup has a blend of sweet honey and lemon combined with licorice root and marshmallow root, long known for their ability to help provide soothing comfort

“Over the past few years, we ’ ve seen a tremendous demand and expansion for products that support a healthy lifestyle,” Bigelow said “We created, as a wellness solution for ever y day, a soothing cup of herbal tea that features the sweet flavor of honey, superfood ginger plus essential ingredient lemon, and other familiar everyday herbs and ingredients, a perfect addition to our masterfully blended range of Bigelow Benefits wellness teas Healthy never tasted so good!”

Who knew someone could create a light, tasty wine with no sugar? Introducing Lifevine, a California rosé sourced from select growers in the Sierra Nevada bench lands east of the San Francisco Delta The local climate is warm and the soils are a well-drained combination of decomposed granite, sandy loam and clay The focus is on making minimal inter vention wines that are fresh and flavorful and can be consumed without the worry that they contain any harmful chemicals, toxins or pesticides

Lifevine is one of the first wines to list both serving facts and ingredients on the bottle With an alcohol content of 12 percent, similar to other rosés, it offers a balance between a crisp white and light red The rich pink color is more incandescent than the ver y pale rosés from southern France

m o re e l e c t ro l y t e s t h a n t h e c o mp e t i t i o n I n M a rc h , B o d y A r m o r Ly t e l a u n c h e d t h e b r a n d ’ s l a rg e s t m a r k e t i n g


, ” f e a -

Lemonade Acai, Watermelon Cucumber Mint, Blackberr y Raspberr y Hibiscus, Cranberr y Lime Honeysuckle, Blueberr y Citrus Basil and Strawberry Lemon Orange Blossom

Bigelow Tea also has introduced three flavors in the popular Signature Line: Peak Energy Black Tea plus extra L-Theanine and Caffeine, Whispering Wildflowers Herbal Tea plus L-Theanine, and Ginger Honey Herbal Tea plus Zinc

The newly launched teas from the Bigelow Signature line are available for purchase in stores and online from the Bigelow Tea company website and other select online retailers

But wait! There’s more!

Another cold and flu season is just

For a bigger kick, Chopin, the familyrun Polish luxur y vodka brand, has released Bartender’s Choice, a 119 5 proof (59 8 percent ABV) rye vodka to its portfolio The product was inspired by bartenders and mixologists in search of a way to make spirit-for ward cocktails and hedge against vodka dilution in the glass that happens when adding ice or other mixers

Due to its high proof, Bartender’s Choice vodka offers a fuller flavor profile, resulting in a pronounced presence when used in cocktails

“I am on a mission to change the general per-

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ception that vodka is a tasteless, odorless spirit to a spirit that should be sipped and savored,” said Tad Dorda, founder and CEO “We created Bartender’s Choice to further that exact mission, ensuring that the flavor from ingredient-for ward vodkas doesn’t become diluted in your glass We want vodka to take a front seat in cocktails, not get lost in the mix ”

Small batch and hand crafted, Bartender’s Choice is a variation of Chopin’s award-winning rye vodka and is made from three ingredients – rye, water and yeast – that results in a nose that is smoky, herbaceous and mineral forward, a flavor profile that is expressive and robust with layers of piquant black pepper, mountain ash and a hit of sloe berry as well as a long finish with bitter-sweet notes of almond, apricot and raisin

Well, it is grilling season, isn’t it? There are new products to put between the buns This summer, Impossible Foods has launched Indulgent Burger, a bigger, premium version of the original Impossible Foods Burger patty that’s juicier and (relatively speaking) meatier

Not only did the Indulgent Burger get raves for its taste, but consumers were impressed because the burgers don’t shrink as much on the grill as hamburger from cows

“Our burger put us on the map and it’s the core of our business,” said Peter McGuinness, president and CEO “But we ’ ve heard from our fans they’d like something bigger and even juicier, so we –of course – said yes

“Not only do we have our original beef products for versatile ever yday cooking, but we launched Beef Lite earlier this year for more nutrition-conscious consumers who want an even leaner alternative to animal beef Our Indulgent Burger is the perfect addition, giving consumers more options and ways to try and buy Impossible Creating a more differentiated portfolio allows us to better meet consumers where they are ”

Impossible Indulgent Burger

Patties are excellent sources of protein and have no cholesterol

They also contain none of the animal hormones or animal antibiotics associated with animal meat and are a better choice for the planet –amounting to a fraction of the land use, water consumption and greenhouse gas emissions

In addition to the new burger patties, Impossible Foods is betting big on this year ’ s summer grilling season with the launch of a major brand advertising effort,

including two campaigns Created under the leadership of Impossible’s new chief marketing & creative officer, Leslie Sims, the ads aim to introduce consumers across the countr y to the plant-based meat categor y and educate them about the benefits of Impossible’s brand and products

The seasonal marketing program employs lighthearted humor and entertainment to transcend the brand’s fervent fan base and welcome more flexitarian and meat-eating consumers to try Impossible

Select retailers will also begin carrying the Impossible Indulgent Burger Patties this summer, with wider nationwide availability to follow

California-based Dog Haus, maker of award-winning, all-beef hot dogs, handcrafted Haus sausages and burgers, is expanding into Alabama, thanks to a deal with Bhawesh and Shivani Malhotra that includes three Dog Haus Biergarten restaurants

Ever y Dog Haus features a menu of gourmet hot dogs and sausages free of all added nitrates and nitrites, 100 percent black Angus that is certified humanely raised, no hormones, no antibiotics and 100 percent all-natural chicken breast with no hormones and no antibiotics, all served on grilled King’s Hawaiian rolls

“The Southeast is a new territory for us, but one that is a fantastic fit for our sense of food, fun and hospitality,” said Erik Hartung, EVP of Dog Haus franchise development “We’re known nationally as a great place to get over-the-top food items, great beer and watch a game, so it is a perfect fit for SEC Country ”

Do you want fries with that? How about veggie fries?

Dr Praeger’s Sensible Foods has launched Veggie Fries, which it says are the only frozen fries that are packed with a full ser ving of vegetables Because they are vegetables!

According to the company, nearly three-quarters of Americans wish they ate more vegetables a day than they do And the average American eats nearly 30 pounds of fries each year

“Our consumers trust Dr Praeger’s delivers delicious products made with clean ingredients and real vegetables,” said Joe Wilbeck, brand marketing director “With the launch of Veggie Fries, we are excited to be the first and only frozen fry in the market that offers consumers a full serving of vegetables ”

Dr Praeger’s new California Veggie Fries and Cauliflower Broccoli Veggie Fries are

Kosher, certified vegan, certified gluten free and Non-GMO Project Verified

They’re available at select Target stores nationwide as well as Giant Foods, Hannaford, Albertsons and Giant Eagle

This fall, there will be a new option to your grilled delights and snacking Daily Crunch is preparing to launch Dill Pickle

Pepitas Sprouted Nut Medley The dill pickle flavor delivers a savory, tangy taste with mouthwatering zesty spices and infused with apple cider vinegar The pickles and pickle juice are sourced from Cleveland Kitchen, which is collaborating with Daily Crunch to present what they call a “massive PR push” for the launch

Created with Daily Crunch’s signature, patent-pending sprout and dehydrate process that turns ordinar y nuts into a crunchy snack that is easier to digest, Daily Crunch snacks feature clean ingredients for elevated flavors There is minimal to no oil or sugar without additives or preservatives while offering a hunger-crushing combination of protein, fiber and healthy fat The on-the-go snacks are vegan, keto, gluten free, and Non-GMO Project Verified

Daily Crunch snacks are sold online and in more than 1,000 retail locations and growing, including Meijer, Rouses, Raley’s, Central Market, Foxtrot, Bristol Farms, Erewhon, Harmon’s, CVS and Metropolitan Market

And there are new condiments to add to the grilled delights

Kraft Real Mayo has launched into the spicy sauce space with its Buffalo Style Dressing

In celebration, the brand unveiled a fun way to enjoy its newest offering by launching the latest must-have “beauty” staple: Buffalo Balm, an on-the-go balm tube filled with Buffalo Style Dressing, perfect for mayo freaks and buffalo sauce fans looking to get a quick hit of flavor whenever and wherever the craving strikes

Inspired by the thousands of people who profess carrying buffalo sauce in their bags, according to the company, Buffalo Balm is perfectly pocket sized It

comes in a convenient container that most people never leave the house without: a lip balm tube

Buffalo Balm is available exclusively on Amazon for $14 99, while supplies last It comes with a bottle of Kraft Mayo Buffalo Style Dressing, reusable balm tube, a custom bottle spout attachment and step-bystep instructions to make prepping Buffalo Balm as easy as applying it

Kraft Mayo Buffalo Style Dressing, available at major retailers nationwide, is made with cayenne pepper puree, butter, vinegar and, of course, Kraft Real Mayo

Meantime, Heinz is delivering six limitedtime sauces to restaurants nationwide: Heinz Sauce Drops in Yuzu Wasabi, Black Garlic Ranch, Creamy Chimichurri, Brewer y Mustard, Hatch Chili Ranch and

“As a consumer-obsessed brand at the forefront of food culture, we want to hijack fans’ behavior as they seek out new and unique flavors at their favorite restaurants,” said Diane Mays Doty, associate brand manager, Heinz Away from Home “Taking a page from the popular ‘drop culture,’ these Sauce Drops allow us to push portfolio boundaries with explorative flavors, while also allowing us to receive realtime fan feedback to inform what we bring to shelves nationwide ”

The launch of the Limited-Time Sauces Drops comes on the heels of Heinz Remix, the first customizable digital sauce dispenser, and the brand’s new global creative platform “It Has to be Heinz ”

I t w o n ’t b e l o n g u n t i l p a re n t s a c ro s s t h e c o u n t r y s t a r t p a c k i n g l u n c h e s f o r t h e i r s c h o o l - b o u n d c h i l d r e n B u m b l e B e e S e a f o o d s h a s e x p a n d e d i t s a w a r d - w i nn i n g l i n e o f c a n n e d , p o u c h e d a n d k i tb a s e d h i g h - q u a l i t y t u n a p r o d u c t s w i t h 1 2 a d d i t i o n s t o r e t a i l s t o r e s h e l v e s M a n y o f t h e n e w p ro d u c t s o r l i n e e x t e ns i o n s w i l l b e n a t i o n a l l y a v a i l a b l e a t l e a di n g re t a i l e r s

The new SKUs include: Prime Yellowfin in Extra Virgin Olive Oil in three flavors: Lemon & Pepper, Balsamic & Herb and Basil Pesto & Roasted Garlic; Snack on the Run! Tuna Salad & Crackers Kit in Ranch Flavor; Chunk Light Tuna, available in Oil and in Water; Pouched Wild-Caught Tuna in Teriyaki Flavor with MSC certified tuna; Pouched Wild-Caught Light Tuna in Water; and Solid White Albacore Cans, Low-Sodium

Products designated with the MSC blue fish icon indicate that the seafood is from an MSC-certified sustainable fishery

This month, Arizona-based Sprouts Farmers Markets continues its launch of exclusive products that it started in July The natural grocer prioritizes seasonal, innovative and organic products and works with small businesses to launch their foods to the communities where Sprouts stores are located

The new products are marked with “New for You” product icons throughout the store

Already launched are Sprouts Shrimp Fajitas, Sprouts Chicken Fajitas, Cosmic Bliss Gooey Caramel Pecan Pie Ice Cream and Chia Smash Strawberry Squeezables, Superfood Jam

A u g u s t l a u n c h e s i n c l u d e Va n L e e u w e n T h r e e E x c l u s i v e I c e C r e a m S a n d w i c h e s , J o l l y L l a m a T h r e e E x c l us i v e Yo g u r t B a r s a n d F o rc e o f N a t u r e

i s o n R i b e y e G N


Square Roots

Continued from PAGE 1

For example, Peggs said, Genovese basil, grown in northwestern Italy, is considered the best quality basil A study matched the peak basil-growing season to climate conditions in Genoa

“We could recreate that climate, where we could get food to people from all over the world and completely eliminate the transport ”

An indoor farm, to be specific, would work, where the crop could grow year round in the same conditions where it grows best

“It’s always peak basil growing season even in Februar y, ”

Peggs said “You can bring the supply chain down to tens of miles for fresh food delivered the same day it’s har vested, a high-quality product hugely more efficient for carbon emissions ”

A system of indoor farms situated near cities would, in essence, bring the farms to the people who want farm-fresh food Eliminating the time it would have taken to ship the produce means Square Roots products have a longer shelf life Rather


Continued from PAGE 1

“We kettle cook the plantains in small batches Every batch is slightly different These are not Ruffles or Pringles where the size and shape are the same Our tostones have different shapes, different curvatures

That’s what gives them their crispy crunchiness ”

Kettle cooking the tostones is labor intensive, because each of the 10-pound batches has to be agitated by hand with close attention to temperature and timing

unlike larger automated plantain chip operations

Solula sources its plantains from local farmers in Ecuador and Guatemala – offering supply chain redundancy for the company, which operates two facilities to produce the tostones

“You never know what will happen,” Pollak said “If there’s civil unrest or a new president, it can shut a country down for weeks at a time Or there may be an earthquake or hurricane ”

Solula prides itself on producing the tostones from the freshest har vested plantains within 48 hours

“Like any other fruit or vegetable, the minute you cut and har vest the fruit, it’s going into survival mode,” Pollak said “It starts breaking down the nutrients to keep alive The faster you get it from the harvest into the final stage, that’s how you keep the natural flavor and nutritional quality ”

Solula Tostones also cut food waste from the company ’ s other operations The bruised or misshapen plantains that aren’t suitable to send to market on their own are

than a few days, Square Roots produce has a shelf life of weeks

Peggs and Musk bought a shipping container – wouldn’t it be great if it used to ship produce between countries? – and set it up in Brooklyn, N Y Square Roots, a play on the boxes the produce is grown in and the founders’ background in mathematics, is operating indoor farms in Grand Rapids, Mich ; Kenosha, Wis ; Springfield, Ohio; and Shepherdsville, Ky

Each time Square Roots set up shop, its founders took advantage of emerging technology to make improvements

“Every new farm got even better,” Peggs said “The newest one in Kentucky is fully automated Har vesting in the earlier facilities has to be done by hand It’s taken a long time to understand the hand-harvesting process, but do it in a way that maintains the length of the stem, the leaf, the cut of the stem that maintains the plant quality ”

To help gauge the quality of the produce, in addition to its technological standards, Square Roots enlists chefs for tasting panels

“The taste test is most important,” Peggs said “If it doesn’t taste good, nobody cares what science you ’ ve done Number one is,

used to make the tostones

This system also benefits the farmers and their communities, Pollak said, because they can sell more of their crop to the company and earn more money

Solula employs an agronomist to help teach the farmers techniques to keep the soil fertile and guarantees the farmers a place to sell their products to

Solula also instituted an Employee Benefit Package to support its workers, their families and their communities

“Every situation is different It’s how we help people who are loyal to us, ” he said “If it means buying a bicycle so someone isn’t walking three miles to work or if we need to do something with their house, we can help with that as well One employee had a son who was very, very sick and needed surgery We took care of that ”

Solula donated four pallets of equipment from hoses to jackets to boots for one Guatemalan fire department

While Solula hadn’t launched during the pandemic, the company ’ s other operations exporting produce were affected by packing materials shortages and delays in shipping and transporting

Solula’s decision to use sunflower oil has been affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the world’s largest exporter of sunflower oil

“At the time we made these decisions –testing, packaging, all the fun stuff – sunflower oil was the way to go,” Pollak said “It has a lot of advantages over other oils

does it taste good?

We’re proud of our quality ”

Since the farms are hydroponic, no pesticides are ever used, which also means the produce is easier to wash Square Roots uses a closed-loop recirculating system in which nutrients are added to the water and fed to the plants Because the water is recirculated, Peggs said, the system uses 95 percent less water

The downside of growing hydroponically, Peggs said, is that the company can’t get certified organic, since it depends on soil health But the upsides of the Square Roots farming greatly outweigh any disadvantage like that

Partnering with a large food distributor means the produce can go straight from the farms into trucks and into the hands of chefs within hours

Thanks to Peggs’ background in AI, the company uses technology to decide which crops are most efficient and feasible to grow For instance, it’s more economic to produce a lot of leafy greens for salads than a turnip that sucks up more energy

Square Roots uses a smart-farm technology to control the climates within the container farms, from temperatures to LED lighting The company allows customers

It has no aftertaste like coconut oil It has a lot more health benefits than palm oil

“After the war started in Ukraine, the cost of sunflower oil went up 500 percent,” he said “But we ’ re still sticking with sunflower oil because it’s the best quality oil on the market As long as we keep giving our customers the best eating experience, we ’ re going to be successful ”

to trace the produce “from seed to shelf,” through its website

Square Roots products include basil, cilantro, dill, parsley and salad mixes: Arugula, Crispy Leaf, Super Mix and Spring Mix

“More people are asking the question of where their food is coming from,” Peggs said “Starting about 10 years ago, the idea of ‘local food is real food’ became a mega trend It’s not a hipster thing, it’s a national megatrend

“We think of our customers as being one of two types,” he said “One is a supermarket shopper and the other is a chef What they both really love is surety of supply ” Whether it’s a pandemic breaking the supply chain or a hailstorm that wipes out a crop, Square Roots has eliminated such threats to its supply chain and claims “industry-leading transparency ”

“God forbid there’s a problem,” he said, “customers can literally scan to see all the way back what happened ”

In the end, Peggs said Square Roots wants its customers happy with the quality of the food and its employees happy with what they are doing

“We have a wonderful team,” he said “What I love about it, we have technologists, farmers and financial modelers all getting into a room to solve a particular problem ” GN

value the company ’ s histor y of helping farmers and communities in poorer countries, in addition to enjoying the eating experience

“It’s been a year and a half of developing connections,” Pollak said, “and interest is growing There’s a lot more interest, a lot more knowledge, but we have a long way to go for education

“But the demand is there,” he said “If you give people a great eating experience, something new and different, and the best quality flavor, they will be there ”

Solula Tostones check all the boxes for consumer demands for nutrition: certified non-GMO, gluten free, Kosher, vegan, paleo friendly with no added sugar and simple ingredients – plantains, oil and natural flavoring

By the end of the year, Solula will launch a jalapeño-flavored tostone

“It’s got a nice, spicy kick,” Pollak said

When it comes to marketing Solula Tostones, Pollak said retailers, buyers and store managers are familiar enough with plantains, so it’s not necessary to educate them on the product base

“What is different between a plantain chip and a tostone is the eating experience, ” Pollak said “Once they tr y the product – it’s addictive! I remember growing up as a kid eating plantain chips and thinking, ‘This is not a memorable cracker ’ But now there is This product is different It jumps off the shelves because of its crispy crunch and deliciousness ” Pollak believes U S consumers will

As consumers get more acquainted with Solula Tostones, the company expects to roll out more flavors

“Getting consumers educated on the product is the biggest hurdle,” he said “We want them to understand that plantain chips and tostones are different, just like with apples, Granny Smith is different from Red Delicious ”

While Solula Tostones are tasty enough to snack on alone, Pollak said it’s great with dips and salsas

“They hold up, ” he said “They don’t get soggy like corn-based or wheat-based chips ” GN


Network of Giving, Chicago Food Depositor y Form Partnership to End Food Insecurity

The Network of Giving and Greater Chicago Food Depository have formed a strategic partnership in the Chicago market

The Network of Giving is a powerful, hyper-local digital platform enabled by financial services that fosters a communityminded movement through the connection of local consumers and merchants to community organizations while creating efficiencies in digital fundraising

With digital commerce and merchant defined & funded micro-donations, the Network of Giving allows local merchants to have the digital tools to grow their business, while providing consumers an outlet to support local organizations, and it all benefits the community where they live –at no cost to the consumer

“The Greater Chicago Food Depository is excited to be part of the Network of Giving in Chicago, which will benefit our

community, nonprofit charities, local businesses and residents Through our participation the Network of Giving will enhance and strengthen our mission to end hunger,” said Jim Conwell, VP of marketing and communications at the Food Depository “The Network of Giving enables us to increase our daily impact for those who face hunger in Chicago and across Cook County We look for ward to our partnership with the Network of Giving so that more Chicagoans can play a role in our mission ”

“The Network of Giving is thrilled to assist the Greater Chicago Food Depository,” said David Saalfrank, chief evangelist of the Network of Giving “The DNA of the Network of Giving is the core principles of service, accountability, and innovation to better the lives of those in the community Its purpose is to drive impactful change

and support important community organizations, like the Greater Chicago Food Depository

“With the Network of Giving, likeminded merchants and consumers are brought together through digital commerce enabled financial institutions,” Saalfrank said “The Food Depository and the Network of Giving enable a digital solution that puts neighbors first and unites them in working together to advance solutions that end hunger and its root causes ”

The Greater Chicago Food Depository, Chicago’s food bank, is at the center of a network of more than 800 partner organizations and programs – food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, mobile distributions and other partners – working to bring food and hope to our neighbors across Chicago and Cook County The Food Depositor y addresses the root causes of hunger with

job training, advocacy and other innovative solutions

The Network of Giving is committed to providing financial and social empowerment to drive positive change in communities and the world The Network of Giving SaaS platform utilizes digital commerce and is enabled by financial institutions, connecting local consumers, merchants, and non-profit community organizations This connection empowers consumers to shop at local businesses triggering merchant-funded micro-donations that impact their communities – at no cost to the consumer

The Network of Giving platform is powered by SMB4 0, which delivers marketing guidance for local businesses to enhance customer acquisition and retention, while driving business decisions through key analytics and real-time actionable insights GN

Food Manufacturing Injuries Declining

The total number of injur y claims from food manufacturers saw an overall decrease in the United States following the pandemic, according to AmTrust Financial Ser vices, Inc , a global specialty property casualty insurer and the nation’s thirdlargest provider of workers compensation insurance

The total number of workers’ comp claims declined by 13 percent from preCOVID to post-pandemic, based on the AmTrust 2023 Food Manufacturing Report, AmTrust’s analysis of 15,000 claims


Continued from PAGE 1

technologies,” he said “What we can do with natural sweeteners couldn’t be done 20 or 30 years ago But even with new science, we have to stay true to who we are

“When I was a kid, when I grew up, you could taste sugar in ever ything People who are now in their 20s and 30s grew up with artificial sweeteners trying to match the sugar sweetening taste profile,” he said

“When my father introduced stevia into the marketplace, he did it with the best

during the period 2018 to 2022

“Post-pandemic has been a very volatile time for the food manufacturing industry due to labor shortages, supply chain issues and inflationary costs In general, though, workplace injuries were down in 2020, 2021 and 2022 compared to 2019,” said Matt Zender, SVP, workers compensation product manager

The most common injuries – and the most expensive injuries to treat – are strains More than one quarter (28 percent) of all injuries were caused by strains

the leaves As other companies cropped up to mass produce stevia, they often used chemicals to extract the sweetness, leading to the bitter taste many associate with stevia as a sweetener

“We make sure we ’ re offering the ver y best stevia to consumers with premium taste,” May said

The Mays realized early on that they couldn’t help wean people off sugar and improve their lives by sacrificing taste

As a company now in its fifth decade, SweetLeaf didn’t have to change its business model to incorporate transparency, sustainability and corporate responsibility

“We were sustainable before sustainability was a thing,” May said “Before SweetLeaf Stevia was established, my father sold a lot of different herbal and natural products, so we were sustainable and transparent before people talked about doing that

and almost a third (31 percent) of the most expensive workers compensation claims were for strains according to AmTrust’s claims analysis

Lower back injuries were the third most common and second most expensive claims

AmTrust recommends workplace safety measures for food manufacturers to address those common injuries, including guard rails around elevated platforms and non-slip closed-toe shoes

“Food manufacturing involves various

and people who were our sources around the world, helping all of those delivering raw materials to us and giving back to them ”

SweetLeaf continues to innovate, with five products launched in July, including the new Indulge line of zero-calorie, allpurpose sweetener that blends stevia and monk fruit

“Consumers want zero-calorie baking products to use every day, in cakes, in beverages, whatever,” May said “Monk fruit browns like sugar, tastes like sugar and acts like sugar ”

forms of manual material handling which could involve lifting and moving objects, and pushing and pulling equipment – all actions that could lead to musculoskeletal disorders and strain/sprain injuries,” said Woody Dwyer, director of Loss Control for AmTrust and a certified professional ergonomist

“We are working with food companies who are testing occupational exoskeletons which could take the strain off the body, and we ’ re pleased to see the progress in that area, ” Dwyer said GN

cludes Monk Fruit Organic Sweetener in a variety of flavors

SweetLeaf does have a private label division and welcomes opportunities for B2B, the core of the company is in the consumer marketplace

“My goal as head of the company is to engage consumers at the best level that we can, ” May said

technology at the time,” May said “But it’s still an all-natural process ”

From the beginning, SweetLeaf used water to extract the steviol glycosides from

“He brought jobs and manufacturing to Paraguay, brought the products here and put it back into the economy there,” May said “He did it because it was the good thing, the right thing to do and the right thing for the business

“My father always wanted to make sure we were helping all of the communities

Combining the sharper sweetness of stevia with the mellower sweetness of monk fruit proved to be a winner, May said

“It hits all the notes ”

Monk fruit is not new to SweetLeaf, either

“We actually developed one of the first, if not the first, monk fruit sweetener 20 years ago,” May said

Those early monk fruit products were discontinued, but SweetLeaf ’ s portfolio in-

One of May’s favorite things to do as CEO is hear from consumers about products they’d like SweetLeaf to develop, to make their lives better

“We can continue on that promise created 40 years ago to help people live better quality lives,” he said

“It’s ver y much all about choice,” May said “Consumers need to have choices They need to see options out there You don’t have to do sugar You don’t have to do artificial sweeteners There’s something natural, something better for you that tastes great ” GN


Consumers Rely on Frozen Food to Reduce Food Waste, 2 New Studies Indicate

With almost 40 percent of all food in the United States going uneaten, food waste is an important and relevant concern for many shoppers Now, two new studies reveal that consumers turn to frozen food to help reduce their food waste footprint at home Publications from the Cornell University Dyson School of Business and market research firm 210 Analytics cast light on the lower waste rates of frozen food and how consumers are utilizing frozen food to fight back against waste, respectively

“As shoppers and policymakers alike look for ways to reduce food waste, new data show that freezing is an important solution,” said AFFI President and CEO Alison Bodor “Freezing is nature’s pause button – preserving foods so families can

benefit from the longer shelf-life made possible Whether enjoying frozen fruits and vegetables, pre-portioned meals and appetizers, or other meal ingredients, consumers rely on frozen food to provide flexibility in meal planning and a convenient way to reduce their food waste ”

A literature review conducted by Cornell University explored the rate of waste among frozen foods in grocery stores and households This analysis of multiple studies affirmed that, in general, frozen foods are wasted less than their fresh counterparts at both the retail and consumer levels While the rates of food waste var y among different types of food, among the fruits and vegetables studied, the frozen products are typically much less likely to

be discarded than the fresh equivalent

The study also reported that, when refrigerated foods are discarded, it is commonly due to concerns about spoilage or excess leftovers Freezing food can help to address these challenges by extending the shelf life of products and allowing families to prepare exactly what they need

Adding to the library on food waste is a survey by 210 Analytics of more than 1,500 U S consumers exploring concerns, attitudes and behavior related to wasting food and the value of buying frozen products or freezing food at home Eighty-three percent of survey respondents agreed that buying frozen food is a good solution to limit the amount of food waste in their household

Consumers largely reported benefiting

from the ability to prepare what they need with frozen food, and 79 percent of survey respondents reported that the ability to prepare exact portions is a purchase driver Consumers also reported that frozen ingredients provided additional meal flexibility, with 9 in 10 frozen food consumers agreeing that frozen food allows having a backup plan without the risk of spoilage

In addition to the environmental impact of wasting food, many shoppers acknowledge the financial impact Among households eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, 86 percent indicated that they cannot financially afford to waste food and that frozen food ingredients help them save money because they are able to use the food over time GN

Varroa Mites, Virus Make Honey Bees Susceptible to Insecticides, Study Says

Controlling for Varroa mites, the parasitic mites that feed on honey bees and serve as vectors for viral diseases such deformed wing virus, can help with improving honeybee populations and make bees less susceptible to harmful insecticides, according to a recent study published in Environmental Pollution

Foraging honey bees may be directly exposed to toxic insecticide sprays in the field or exposure may come from honeybees collecting and bringing pesticide-contaminated pollen and nectar back to their hives to feed lar vae and young bees The presence of insecticides, along with other environmental stressors in agricultural areas, can be a factor leading to issues like colony loss – something beekeepers from around the world are trying to overcome

“Previous research has shown how chemicals like pesticides make bees more susceptible to mites,” said Yu-Cheng Zhu, a research entomologist at Agricultural Research Service’s Pollinator Health in Southern Crop Ecosystems Research Unit in


Continued from PAGE 1

the few places they are still regularly found is around the Minneapolis-St Paul area of Minnesota and in Wisconsin

“With the amount of detailed information that we and other researchers now have access to in this newly sequenced genome, we have an opportunity to find a whole different approach to strengthening rusty patched bumble bee populations,” said research entomologist Jonathan B Uhaud Koch with the ARS Pollinating Insect-Biology, Management, Systematics Research Unit in Logan, Utah

Koch explained that some of the factors contributing to the decline of rusty

Stoneville, Miss “In our study, we wanted to see if mites and viral infestations make bees more susceptible to insecticides ”

In a study, researchers with the U S Department of Agriculture’s ARS applied the miticide amitraz Apivar, a product commonly used for treating Varroa mites, offlabel to four bee hives and left the other four hives untreated They monitored the mite population density monthly and DWV density in early, middle and late season

Researchers collected bees from miticide-treated and untreated hives, and quantified gene expressions of four immune genes and two physiology-related genes They also tested bees’ sensitivity to five representative insecticides In addition, bees’ natural mortalities were recorded during three seasons

“Miticide treatment led to minor or undetectable mite and DWV infestations during the whole bee season, while untreated colonies had substantially higher mite and DWV infestations,” said Zhu

The data analyses showed that Varroa

patched bumble bees are already known: loss of habitat, reduced variety of nectar sources, climate change, exposure to pesticides and more pathogens and pests

While scientists have known the widespread presence of the fungal pathogen Varimorpha bombi (formerly called Nosema bombi) has a detrimental impact on many rusty patched bumble bee populations, Koch said he was a bit surprised by how much Varimorpha genetic material he found in the bumble bee sample that was used to develop the genome map

“We used a small piece of abdominal tissue from a single male collected from a nest in Minnesota, which, given the endangered status of the rusty patched bumble bee, seemed like a ver y good idea,” Koch said “It’s only with the most cutting-

mite population irregularly fluctuated over the bee season and mite population density was not dynamically or closely correlated with the seasonal shift of honey bee natural mortality Unlike mites, DWV density in untreated colonies progressively increased over the bee season The density was highly correlated with the seasonal increase in honey bee natural mortality

“In the untreated hives, the increased DWV infestations resulted in decreased physiological and immunity-related functions in late-season honey bees, making the bees more susceptible to insecticides and increasing natural mortality rates during the season, ” said Zhu Varroa mites, also known as Varroa destructor, can reduce fat body and body fluids that contain important detoxification enzymes and immune proteins in honey bees,” Zhu said As a result, bees have impaired immune, detoxification/defense systems and other essential processes Coupling those impairments with exposure to insecticides can be detrimental to

edge equipment that you could resolve an entire genome of 15,252 genes and 18 chromosomes from a tiny bit of one bumble bee ”

It turns out about 4 5 percent of the DNA the researchers sequenced came from Microsporidia, the fungal group that includes Varimorpha bombi

“That’s a massive amount of genetic information from the bee tissue sample to be associated with Varimorpha bombi It demonstrates how pervasive the pathogen is,” Koch said

“Having this high-quality genome will support the identification of genetic differences between rusty patched bumble bee populations that appear to be doing well versus where they are in decline,” Koch said “This may give us a handle on identi-

bee populations

“Having impaired immunity, especially later in the season with fewer food sources, can be challenging for honey bees,” said Zhu Zhu, whose work focuses on the toxicological impact of pesticides on beneficial insects in the Mississippi Delta Area, said that the study’s results indicated the importance of studying the bottom-up effects of mite infestations on the overall health of honey bees in real-world contexts

“Chemical control is still a major method in preventing crop loss and controlling insect pest populations,” said Zhu “It is important to study the effects of chemical control in honey bee populations so we can find best practices for protecting the health of bees ”

The Agricultural Research Service is the USDA’s chief scientific in-house research agency ARS focuses on solutions to agricultural problems affecting America Each dollar invested in U S agricultural research results in $20 of economic impact GN

fying the genes that give the more capable population its flexibility to deal with its environment We may also gain a better understanding of the genetic basis of bumble bee behavior, physiology and adaptation to changing environmental conditions ”

Once the more successful genes for a particular type of local condition are identified, researchers will be able to give a population a boost in the right direction when it comes to restoring the rusty patched bumble bee to an area through captive breeding programs

This research was funded by ARS and USFWS The research was published in the journal G3: Genes | Genomes | Genetics and the genome is available on the National Center for Biotechnology Information website GN


s featured

GOURMET NEWS T H E B U S I N E S S N E W S P A P E R F O R T H E G O U R M E T I N D U S T R Y ® S U P P L E M E N T T O A U G U S T 2 0 2 3

Urb an Accents Meatless Mixes

Your Culinary Wingman® has arrived Designed to help home cooks spice up their ever yday lives, the bold products from Urban Accents are created for busy weeknights Featuring eight appetizing meatless mixes in a range of styles, the expansive line of plant-based meals is no exception Gluten free and made with USA-sourced soy that delivers 7 to 11 grams of protein per serving, these are great for vegetarians, flexitarians and anyone looking to eat less meat

Kicking the week off with options for Taco Tuesdays, the brand’s Plant Based Street Taco Meatless Mix is sure to become

Crave Brothers Marinated Fresh Mozzarella Ciliegine

Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese, including its Marinated Fresh Mozzarella Ciliegine, is made with hours-old milk on its dairy farm and cheese factory in Waterloo, Wis Crave Brothers uses renewable energy to produce its awardwinning cheeses with energy produced from its on-site anaerobic methane digester

Crave Brothers is a carbon negative company It produces enough electricity to power the cheese factory, farm and over 300 area homes in its community Crave Brothers includes a “produced with renewable energy” logo on its packaging to share its sustainability story with con-

a kitchen staple Fire-roasted chipotle peppers, garlic and cumin provide a spicy kick that pairs perfectly with Stonewall Kitchen’s Guacamole Starter and fresh avocados For an Asian-inspired twist, customers can tr y the Plant Based Korean BBQ Meatless Mix, which boasts sweet and savory umami flavors from sesame seeds, soy sauce, garlic, onion and a pinch of brown sugar Wrapped in a tortilla or spooned into lettuce cups, these quickand-easy mixes are the real deal

Midweek pasta night is just as easy with the Plant Based Red Sauce Meatless Mix Embodying the spirit of Italian cuisine, it

brings together basil, oregano, thyme and garlic for a hearty meal

Your customers need only to add tomato sauce, onion, green pepper and a bit of oil to create a B o l o g n e s e - l i k e topping for spaghetti and penne By the end of the week, there’s nothing better than toasting a Brioche bun and filling it

sumers Did you know that Crave Brothers includes a recipe on the inside of the lids on its retail cups? WOW! The company shares easy and fun uses for the variety of shapes and sizes Are you interested in carrying Crave Brothers’ products in your store? Check out the website or call for more information

Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese


www cravecheese com

Legal S ea Fo o ds S campi S auce

Known for its ocean-fresh fare and New England-inspired menu, Legal Sea Foods proudly partnered with the specialty food experts at Stonewall Kitchen in 2018 to bring signature sauces, condiments and more to your customers’ tables Today, its Scampi Sauce makes it a breeze to prepare the classic seafood dish with restaurant-quality results

Featuring just the right amount of butter, garlic and shallots, this sauce is finished with a splash of crisp white wine and a squeeze of lemon juice for balance

It’s “reely” delicious simmered with shrimp and then tossed with spaghetti or fettuccine and a pinch of parsley Bright, zesty and bursting with fresh flavors, it

takes taste buds on a vacation down to the seashore with every bite

Perfectly suited to cooking in galleys and home kitchens alike, this product is sure to become a pantry essential for quick after-work meals and cozy gatherings

Shrimpy the best!

Stonewall Kitchen www stonewallkitchen com

Cedar’s Fo o ds Organic Golden Hour Hommus

Cedar’s Foods, the leading Mediterranean food brand in the natural and organic space, has launched its Organic Grecian Golden Hour Hommus

The zesty hommus, which is available at select Whole Foods stores nationwide, consists of a lemon and oregano

base, with a chickpea, herb and red pepper topping The hints of oregano throughout are packed with flavor and really add an extra Mediterranean kick It’s the perfect addition to a charcuterie board or picnic spread

Cedar’s Foods www.cedarsfoods.com

with the Plant Based Sloppy Joe Meatless Mix Chipotle chili peppers and a hint of smokiness provide a straight-from-the-barbecue zing and a touch of honey hits the ideal sweet spot Popular with chefs and average Joes alike, it’s also great with some tortilla chips and shredded quesadilla cheese for finger-licking good nachos

Easily prepared in just 20 minutes or less, they’re great for getting dinner quickly on the table, packing as a nourishing hiking meal or adding some delicious fun to Meatless Mondays

For more information, visit www stonewallkitchen com GN

L’Epicurien’s Rhub arb & Raspb erry Jam

Introducing the delectable Rhubarb & Raspberry with Madagascar Vanilla Preserves created by L’Epicurien, now available through The French Farm

This outstanding jam combines the tanginess of rhubarb, the sweetness of raspberry and a touch of exquisite Madagascar vanilla It is a true culinary masterpiece that will captivate your customers’ taste buds and add a touch of sophistication to their dishes

This new L’Epicurien jam is a versatile addition to any gourmet selection From pancakes and cakes to mousses and more, this delightful jam will elevate a variety of culinary creations It also pairs wonderfully with yogurt, ice cream and cheesecake – providing a

burst of fruity flavors and a hint of luxurious vanilla

Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this 11 3-ounce jar of preserves embodies L’Epicurien’s commitment to delivering exceptional quality Only the finest fruits and premium ingredients are used, ensuring a truly remarkable taste experience for your discer ning customers

Indulge in culinary excellence

Choose L’Epicurien preserves, available through The French Farm All L’Epicurien items are imported directly from France The full line is available at The French Farm

The French Farm www thefrenchfarm com/brands/lepicurien

LorAnn Oils Vanilla Po wder

LorAnn, a leader in supplying professional flavors and specialty ingredients for the baking and confectionery industry, has launched a new clean-label vanilla powder for adding natural vanilla flavoring without the addition of alcohol Vanilla powder is ideal for high-heat baking applications, liquid/color sensitive recipes or recipes where you want to visually showcase gorgeous vanilla bean flecks

This rich, and ethically sourced vanilla powder is conveniently packaged in a shaker bottle for both foodservice and home consumers Unlike many vanillin extracts, the new vanilla powder contains no artificial flavors, alcohols, sugars or other additives It is non-GMO, Kosher certified, halal friendly, gluten free, vegan friendly and keto friendly Popular applications with vanilla powder include pavlovas, meringues, macarons, frostings, ice cream and more

“Our vanilla powder contains a

single ingredient: Ground vanilla beans, and yields a deliciously creamy and robust flavor perfect for all your culinary creations,” said Marketing

C o m m u n i c a t i o n s

Manager Mandy

Robbins “Since it is naturally grown and packaged in its purest form, this vanilla is rich in flavor and aroma and will add a bolder and more complex vanilla flavor to your baking applications For best results, use half the amount of vanilla powder in recipes calling for vanilla extract ”

LorAnn Oils


Yerb aé Lemonade and Yuzu Lime

Arizona-based Yerbaé Brands Corp has released two flavors that are on trend: Lemonade and Yuzu Lime

Lemonade is a classic summer favorite, while Yuzu Lime brings a unique, refreshing citrus twist to the line of beverages

Yerbaé’s plant-based functional beverages are designed to be simple, clean and delicious with minimal ingredients that provide a boost of energy and a refreshing

taste In addition to Lemonade and Yuzu Lime, Yerbaé offers a range of other flavors, including Black Cherry Pineapple and Mango Passionfruit

Yerbaé www yerbae com


Teflon Platinum Plus Nonstick

Teflon™ nonstick coating systems last longer than pans with ceramic or silicone coatings and are dishwasher and metal utensil safe Chemours ensures durability by providing a nonstick coating that is not only abrasion and scratch resistant, but also helps protect against adhesion and corrosion It’s this balance of properties that keeps these nonstick coatings performing like new, year after year, so there’s little erosion to the wallet That’s because high-quality Teflon coatings have been perfected over 50 years Teflon nonstick coatings are the finest nonstick, with a variety of products to meet the variety of cooking needs All Teflon products are quality tested to live up to the Teflon brand promise: easier cooking and

Fall River Wild Rice

Interest in plants and grains is soaring, as shoppers look for new ways to eat healthy High in protein and fiber, nutty and with a striking visual appeal, wild rice is one of the healthiest grains available It was a staple food of several Native American tribes, who called it “manoomin,” or “precious grain ”

Fall River Wild Rice brings this culinary gem to your store shelf This naturally cultivated wild rice is great in salads, soups and stir fries However, it also works well in mixes for pancakes and muffins and even in chocolate and desserts Fall River’s Fully Cooked Wild Rice is high-

Ho ward Wax-It-All

Howard Wax-It-All is a food-grade paste wax that is safe for any surface where food contact may occur This thick, smooth blend of beeswax, car nauba wax and food-grade mineral oil helps to revive, seal and protect surfaces in and around your home Use Wax-ItAll on butcher block, concrete, stainless steel, granite, marble, soapstone, slate and laminate countertop surfaces; metal, plastic fur niture and painted cabinets

Features and benefits:

• Enhances the beauty and protects surfaces to make them look better and last longer

• Easy to use – simply rub the wax on, let

BeBOLD Energy Bars

Trivia: What’s the hottest new womanowned, plant-based product launched by Stacy of Stacy’s Pita Chips? Refrigerated BeBOLD energy bars! Not only delish and created with the same integrity as the pita chips, but they’re gluten and dairy free, plant-based and a simple combination of nuts, nut butters, oats, chia, wildflower honey and maple Soooo good! They

Jasp er Ranch Churro Pop corn

cleanup, time after time Teflon Platinum Plus nonstick is the most scratch- and abrasion-resistant Teflon branded nonstick finish to date

The Chemours Company


www chemours com

Starting with the finest Califor nia almonds from the company’s own orchards, Jasper Ranch creates exceptional snacks and mouthwatering confections Churro Popcor n is a top-selling product within the Jasper Ranch brand It is carefully created in small batches to maintain quality and freshness The handcrafted rich caramel is generously coated on jumbo mushroom popcor n and tossed with cinnamon and sugar Sold in an 8-ounce kraft zipper pouch, this item is a great addition to any gift basket or store shelf Not to mention, it makes the perfect sweet treat for snack lovers!

Jasper Ranch is a proud brand of Jasper Specialty Foods, a multi-generational family-run operation headquartered in Newman, Califor nia, specializing in the

production of unique almond related food snacks, c o n f e c t i o n s and other treats for the s p e c i a l t y food market

Please contact Jasper S p e c i a l t y Foods for more information on this product by calling, visiting the website or by emailing Jasper Specialty Foods 800 255 1641


Urb an Accents Smoky Bro wn Sugar Veggie Ro aster S easoning

protein goodness in seconds

The only cereal grain native to North America, wild rice is not even a rice at all It is the seed of Zizania palustris, a tall, blooming water grass that prospers in the Great Lakes region, as well as in the fruitful valley in the shadows of the Sierra Nevadas and the Rockies Fall River Wild Rice is a small grower-owned cooperative in the Fall River Valley, a rural mountain valley nestled between the Cascade and Sierra Nevada ranges

Fall River Wild Rice

800 626 4366 www.fallriverwildrice.com

it absorb and buff off any excess

• Safe for indoor and outdoor countertop surfaces

• Helps delay tarnishing and oxidation of bronze, copper, brass and even wrought iron

• Gives finishes a soft sheen and a smooth feel

• Locks in the oils and waxes after using Howard’s other food-grade products

• Great for woodworkers who need a hard, car nauba wax finish

• Made in the USA with food-grade ingredients under strict quality controls

Howard Products

800.266.9545 www.howardproducts.com

come in two flavors: Chocolate Chip Almond Butter and Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter

BeBOLD 855 623 2653

www beboldbars com

An integral member of Stonewall Kitchen’s family of brands, Urban Accents is embracing flavor in a bold way with its Smoky Brown Sugar Veggie Roaster Seasoning Blend Blending sugary sweetness and smoky heat, it creates veggie favorites that enliven the palate

The rich goodness of brown sugar is taken to the next level with smoked paprika, salt, pepper and thyme in this gluten-free mix Batches are crafted in small quantities to maintain quality and consistency – and it certainly shows Tossed and roasted with root veggies such as carrots, tur nips and sweet potatoes, the result is a caramelized glaze that

CK Mondavi Family S elect

From the up-and-coming fourth generation of the C Mondavi & Family company comes CK Mondavi Family Select, an elegant offering expertly crafted by Winemaker Angelina Mondavi This is the first release from the celebrated vintner under the CK Mondavi and Family banner, a name synonymous with high-quality, easy-to-enjoy wines for over 75 years

The 2022 CK Mondavi Family Select Chardonnay and 2019 CK Mondavi Family Select Caber net Sauvignon launched in select markets this spring

An accomplished winemaker with extensive experience at many highly regarded wineries, the Family Select offerings are the first wines Mondavi has

is simply irresistible

Great for fall grilling and winter roasting, this convenient blend is one your customers will reach for again and again to warm up during the chilly months

Stonewall Kitchen www.stonewallkitchen.com

made for the CK Mondavi and Family line As with the classic line, CK Mondavi Family Select wines o v e r d e l i v e r, with a keen attention to detail that’s evident in every sip CK Mondavi www ckmondavi com

Painterland Sisters Organic Skyr Yo gur t

Skyr (pronounced “skeer”) is a thicker, creamier Icelandicstyle organic yogurt that is lactose-free, rich in probiotics, high in protein and contains 13 essential nutrients Produced in Pennsylvania, the skyr is made from organic whole milk and sweetened naturally using fruits and cane sugar

Painterland Sisters Organic Skyr Yogurt is available in 5 3 ounces in five flavors:

Plain, Blueberry Lemon, Strawberry, Vanilla Bean and Meadow Berry, as well as 24-ounce containers in Vanilla and Plain

Within a year of launching, Painterland Sisters has sold more than $1 million in skyr and plans to continue expansion nationwide It is sold in over 45 states nearing 1,500 locations

Painterland Sisters www painterlandsisters com


Rotzinger Group to Showcase Robot at PACK EXPO

Rotzinger Group, a leading provider of automation solutions, is launching its highly advanced Robot with an Integrated Buffer and its Hygienic Conveyor for dry cleaning The technologies will be showcased at PACK EXPO Las Vegas, at booth SU-7113 from Sept 11-13

Leveraging decades of expertise in pick and place delta robots, buffering and conveying, the new integrated solution from Rotzinger combines flexibility, compactness and ease of operation to boost uptime and reduce total cost of ownership Designed for confectionery and bakery products, the hygienic conveyor is optimized for dry cleaning, ensuring compliance with stringent food safety regulations in U S manufacturing

“Our Robot with an Integrated Buffer and Hygienic Conveyor have been specifically designed to tackle the escalating concerns regarding labor shortages, space limitations and heightened sanitar y requirements in food production,” said Nicolas Garcia, vice president and general manager, Rotzinger Group, North America “With intuitive controls and a streamlined design, these solutions enhance productivity and optimize operations ”

According to a recent PMMI report, 60 percent of consumer-packaged goods respondents highlighted a lack of available labor as a significant factor driving interest in automated solutions Surprisingly, nearly 70 percent of American CPG companies still rely on highly manual or semiautomated production processes

To help overcome these workforce challenges, Rotzinger has developed the Robot with an Integrated Buffer, capable of efficiently picking and placing both unpacked and packed products into various packaging formats, such as cartons, cases, thermoforms, flow-wrappers and cartoning machines

With its modular design and flexibility, this integrated solution combines delta robots, buffers and conveyors in one cell with reduced footprint, enabling greater efficiency, productivity and cost effectiveness The use of a single controller and a unified setup philosophy enables hasslefree maintenance and straightforward operation, eliminating the need for complex programming or extensive training

The Robot with an Integrated Buffer can be operated by a sole operator, offering simple changeovers facilitated by recipe se-


(dates sub ect to change)

Oct. 11-13

Food Automation and Manufacturing Symposium and Expo Bonita Springs, Forida

www foodengineeringmag com

Oct. 16-19

IDF World Dairy Summit Chicago, Illinois www idfwds2023 com

Jan. 21-23


Winter Fancy Food Show Las Vegas, Nevada www specialtyfood com

lection, which automatically adjusts the necessar y parameters with just a few clicks

Equipped with vision-guided highspeed robots, this innovative machine accurately identifies incoming products on the conveyor belt and precisely places them in the feeding process It utilizes optimal counterflow or co-flow techniques, providing versatile solutions to meet diverse production requirements By consolidating these capabilities within a single solution, manufacturers can optimize their production lines and achieve early production startup The integrated buffering capabilities increase line efficiency and eliminate the need for additional linking conveyors, resulting in cost savings and optimized layout

According to PMMI, one practical barrier to automation lies in the fact that many CPGs are based in older buildings with small and awkward layouts In fact, nearly half of CPGs in the United States say limited floorspace is hindering automation initiatives

To address this issue, Rotzinger has developed the Robot with an Integrated Buffer, which features a compact design and a narrow footprint This solution helps U S producers maximize space efficiency, enabling them to make additional investments in their plants and achieve higher profitability Moreover, the modular design of the Robot with an Integrated Buffer allows for customization, making it suitable for even the most challenging factory layouts Whether implemented in existing facilities or new plant investments, this solution offers optimal adaptability and performance

packaging lines

Rotzinger has developed a Hygienic Conveyor for dry cleaning specifically designed to address food safety concerns and adhere to the highest hygienic standards

This conveyor incorporates an intelligent cleaning design, featuring a foldable belt and beveled or rounded horizontal surfaces that prevent the accumulation of dirt

Sept 11


Las Vegas, Nevada

www packexpolasvegas com

Sept 20-23

Natural Products Expo East Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

www expoeast com

Mar 12-16

Natural Products Expo West Anaheim, California www expowest com

May 13-16

Sweets and Snacks Expo Indianapolis, Indiana www sweetsandsnacks com

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 128,000 people in the United States suffer from foodborne illnesses each year, resulting in 3,000 deaths To mitigate the risk of contamination and bacterial buildup, it is crucial for U S food producers to maintain clean conveyors along their processing and

particles and crumbs Additionally, it offers easy accessibility for efficient cleaning and maintenance The conveyor ’ s stainlesssteel construction ensures durability and long-lasting performance

The Hygienic Conveyor provides flexibility in size range, accommodating a wide range of requirements It offers width options ranging from 5 9 to 70 inches and length options from 15 to 1377 inches, allowing it to meet the most challenging layout requirements with ease

Rotzinger combines profound knowledge and experience in robotics, buffering and conveying from Demaurex, Rotzinger and Transver, resulting in efficient systems or even new integrated products based on proven solutions North American food producers can benefit from local ser vice support, as well as the proprietary Gemini 5 0 hardware and software platform

Gemini 5 0 offers a user-friendly virtual machine display on the Human Machine Interface, enabling real-time 3D visualization As a result, operators can optimize pick and place patterns and zones, maximizing efficiency and uptime

The offline simulation mode allows for testing without physical products, reducing waste, setup time and overall total cost of ownership GN

Ariston Specialties 22 www aristonspecialties com Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese 5 www cravecheese com Fall River Wild Rice 5 www frwr com Jasper Specialty Foods 5 www jakesnutroasters com LorAnn Oils 24 www lorannoils com Stonewall Kitchen 2,4,7 www stonewallkitchen com The Chemours Company 3 www chemours com ADVERTISER PAGE WEBSITE ADVERTISER INDEX
August 28-30 Western Foodservice & Hospitality Expo Los Angeles, California www westernfoodexpo com Sept. 7-8 Plant Based World Expo North America New York City, New York www plantbasedworldexpo com Sept. 10 Emerging Brands Summit Las Vegas, Nevada www emergingbrandssummit
G O U R M E T M A R K E T P L A C E A S p e c i a l A d v e r t i s i n g S e c t i o n Ariston’s
Extra Virgin Olive
Ariston Specialties 860 263 8498 • www aristonspecialties com
newest arrival from Greece combines our flagstaff multi-award-winning
Oil in our newest gi bottle
extra virgin olive oil just won
at Dubai's
Taste Awards We are proud to produce this product and we would like to share a piece of our heritage with you

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