Gourmet News • Summer Fancy Food 2023

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O Olive Oil & Vinegar®, California’s prem i e r a r t i s a n o l i v e o i l a n d v i n e g a r m a k e r , announces the

r e l e a s e o f i t s first batch of O

C a l i f o r n i a O r g a n i c

Continued on Page 48

La Fromagerie Henri Hutin, created in 1922 when young Henri took over the family creamery, just celebrated its 100year anniversary as it continues to be a

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Folios Cheese

W r a p s h a v e r e v o l u t i o nized the way w e e n j o y c h e e s e b y providing a guilt-free indulgence for c h e e s e a f i c i o n a d o s T h e i r l o w - c a r b ,

Continued on Page 42

In true Italian taste, Mooney Farms has innovated the new line of Bella Sun Luci Sauce S t a r t e r s t o h e l p b o o s t your broths, add depth to sauces and build rich f l a v o r t o e v e r y d a y meals Its concentrated

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J U N E 2 0 2 3 • S P E C I A L S H O W I S S U E
n I n t e r v
w i t h A y t u r A k s u , P r e s i d e n t , J u s t T h e Fun Part GN: Tell us a little about your company Get In on The Fun! BOOTH #5664 Continued on Page 46 Italian charcuterie company and indust r y l e a d e r R o v a g n a t i is proud to a n n o u n c e the launch of its exquisite line of gourmet salumi products, now available in over 3,000 Rovagnati Unveils New Line of Gourmet Italian Meats Continued on Page 48 B y M a D o n n a S c h m i t z , N a t i o n a l S a l e s M a n a g e r , Abdallah Candies A b d a l l a h C a n d i e s p r o u d l y i n t r o d u c e s R e t r e a t s T h e s e Abdallah Candies Introduces Retreats BOOTH #2245 Continued on Page 34 A t B e l e n T r a d i n g , f a m i l y i s i m p o r t a n t B e l e n Trading is a family business that wishes for nothing more than to be able to share the love Exotic Fruit from Belen Trading Continued on Page 34 GOURMET NEWS T H E B U S I N E S S N E W S P A P E R F O R T H E G O U R M E T I N D U S®
i e w


S avello USA Brings Produc ts from Italy to Americ a

BOOTH #2068

Savello USA is an impor ter of I talian cheeses, meats, oils, pasta and other specialt y items Founded in 1997, the company is family owned and operated with a focus on building relationships with producers,

Stonewall Kitchen’s 2023 July Launch

BOOTH #5906

M eet the latest and greatest from Stonewall Kitchen’s exceptional family of brands! Filled with premium produc ts and innovative lines, its July launch is sure to delight customers throughout the summer months and

O Olive O il & Vinegar Launches New EVOO

BOOTH #5255

O Olive Oil & Vinegar®, Califor nia’s premier ar tisan olive oil and vinegar maker, announces the release of its first batch of O Califor nia Organic Premium R eser ve Ex tra

Taste NY Celebrates 10 Years Promoting Best of NY State

In 2023, New Yor k State is proud to be c e l e b r a t i n g the 10-year anniversar y of Taste NY, its official “eat local, dr ink local ” program The program has grown significantly since its launch in 2013, br inging over

Unique, Ever yday Tropic al Indulgences from Las Olas

An inter view with Greg Power, Chief Executive O fficer, Las O las Confec tions and Snacks

GN: Tell our readers about Las Olas Confec tions and Snacks.

Henri Hutin Innovates with New Flavors & Pack aging

BOOTH #450

La Fromagerie Henri Hutin, created in 1922 when young Henri took over the family creamery, just celebrated its 100-year anniversar y as it continues to be a leading

The French Farm’s New Line of French O ils & Vinegars

A L’Olivier is a familyrun business with a histor y spanning several generations I ts founders, Amand Darbonne and Eugène Popelin, shared a love of nature and a curiosity for the incredible aromatic

Paesana – An O rganic S auce Like No O ther

BOOTH #1852

Paesana’s Premium Organic Pasta Sauces have all the delicious sautéedto -per fec tion flavor that ’s been in the S caramelli family since 1902 And because they ’re

Folios Cheese Wraps a Keto -Friendly Delight

Folios Cheese Wraps have revolutionized the way we enjoy cheese by providing a guilt-free indulgence for cheese aficionados Their low- carb, keto -friendly

Reimagine Craft Coffee

Today, coffee isn’t just caffeine in a cup; it ’s an experience that is defined by where the coffee beans are sourced from, how they are prepared, the technique used to brew the coffee and what is added to it Dripdash® recognized two

Pochat et Fils Tomme de S avoie PGI All About the Rind

BOOTH #336

Tomme de Savoie is probably one of the best-kept secrets of the cheese wor ld, at least in the United States!

This is a cheese that has it all: terroir, histor y, traditional

Mooney Farms Stirs Up the Paste Categor y

BOOTH #2750

In true I talian taste, Mooney Farms has innovated the new line of B ella Sun Luci Sauce Star ters to help boost your broths, add depth to sauces and build rich flavor to ever yday meals I ts concentrated tomato

Exotic Fruit from Belen Trading

An Inter view with Aytur Aksu, President, Just The Fun Par t

GN: Tell us a little about your company

AA: Just

BOOTH #5450 BOOTH #5090
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T H E B U S I N E S S N E W S P A P E R F O R T H E G O U R M E T I N D U S T R Y ® J U N E 2 0 2 3 • S P E C I A L S H O W I S S U E
The Fun Par t is one of our Get In on The Fun! BOOTH #5664 Continued on Page 46 I talian charcuterie company and industr y leader R o v a g n a t i is proud to a n n o u n c e the launch of its exquisite line of gour met salumi produc ts, now available in over 3,000
Continued on Page 48 By
Abdallah Candies p r o u d l y i n t r od u c e s R e t r e a t s T h e s e a m a z i n g
Introduces Retreats BOOTH #2245 Continued on Page 34 At B elen Trading, family is important B elen Trading is a family business that wishes for nothing more than to be able to share the love it has for
Continued on Page 34
Rovagnati Unveils New Line of Gourmet Italian Meats
Abdallah Candies

Just Jan’s: 11 Years and Counting

This M ay mar ked Just Jan’s 11-year anniversar y of launching our products into stores When I star ted down this path, little did I k now that it would be the most challenging and fulfilling career move of my life

felt just r ight Look ing back at all the food industr y folks I met, I’m so grateful to have experienced all sides of what it takes to go from mak ing my fig jam recipe in my home k itchen to proudly seeing it on store shelves for the first time Learning more about the business, the people in it and creating my own produc ts only continued to stoke my passion Things were growing fast, and I k new I had to br ing a trusted fr iend and one of Just Jan’s original taste testers on to join me

When K r is joined the company two years in, he brought new and inspired ideas to the table He had a vision to expand our line, using one of my fruit spreads as a star ting point In 2015, Kris created his original Tanger ine Sr iracha which garnered us a sofi™ Finalist Award in 2016 for Outstanding New Produc t I t remains one of our hottest requested items

S tonewall Kitchen’s 2023 Holiday Collec tion

Star ting out, I didn’t k now what I didn’t k now, so I met with fruit growers in central Califor nia, spent time with a food scientist learning the ar t of “scaling up” produc tion and wor ked to design pack aging for Just Jan’s produc ts that

Throughout the years, we have made some wonder ful retail par tnerships, friendships and won a devoted fan base of customers we are luck y to see again and again at regional shows

Continued on Page 48

The specialty food makers at Stonewall Kitchen are sweetening up the holidays with a few of their favorite things – gift sets, that is! This year ’s collection debuts with beautiful, timeless designs exclusively created by the in-house team. D ecked out with festive greener y and traditional plaids aplent y, these prett y presents are sure to be a joyful sight

Continued on Page 48

4 GOURMET NEWS Publisher Kimberly Oser President Tara Neal Vice President Abeer Abiaad President of Sales Anthony Socci Head of Production/Art Director Yasmine Brown Senior Editor AJ Flick Editor JoEllen Lowr y Customer Ser vice Heather A brecht Senior Account Manager Marcos Morhaim Logistics Manager Riley Usser y European Sales Enrico Cecchi Publishing office : 1877 N Kolb Road Tucson AZ 85715 520 721 1300/ Fax : 520 721 6300 Subscriber ser vices : Gourmet News P O Box 30520 Tucson AZ 85751 Gourmet News is published by Oser Communications Group ©2023 All r ghts reser ved Founder Lee M Oser www gourmetnews com A S P E C A L S H O W I S S U E O F

Mooney Farms D resses Up with Bella S un Luci Italian Kitchen Line

Mooney Farms launches an 100% Olive Oil Vinaigrette line in the spirit of I talian qualit y and Califor nia inspired flavors

made using 100% olive oil,” says Mooney “I love sharing my family ;s histor y and love for cooking Our new salad

Catalan Gourmet: Bringing the Best of Europe to the U.S. Market

Catalan Gourmet, a global organization based in New York that impor ts exquisite delicacies from small, ar tisanal producers in Spain, I taly and B elgium, is building br idges bet ween people and cultures through food The company exclusively par tners with producers who maintain traditional, sustainable produc tion methods and use only clean, fresh ingredients that promote health and cultural exchange Their carefully selec ted por tfolio includes olive oils, vinegars, seafood, spices, cheeses, cured meats, chocolates and condiments

The distributor is showcasing delicious foods from top European brands at this year’s show One is SAL de IBIZA, which offers premium sea salts sourced from Ibiza's nature reserve “Parc Natural de ses Salines d’Eivissa” and hand-harvested and ground using ancient stone mills From coarse sea salts to Granito with Chilli and Herbs, SAL de IBIZA offers diverse flavorinfused blends, such as Fleur de Sel, La Vie en Rose, a sofi™ Award New Product winner that is delicately refined with the natural aroma of rose petals They also offer a variety of potato chips, and their latest creation, La Vie en Rose, is also a sofi

Award New Product winner and a sofi

Award New Product of the Year finalist

SAL de IBIZA’s products are rich in over 80 vital minerals and trace elements essential for the human body, making them healthy and flavorful additions to any dish

Another name featured is M onte Nevado, a family- owned Spanish com-

pany specializing in 100 percent acornfed I ber ian cured hams They carefully review and classify each piece to ensure it has reached the peak of its aroma and flavor before it is ser ved Their produc ts are sold in the best establishments in Spain and expor ted to over 30 countries worldwide In addition, they offer a wide range of other 100 percent acor n-fed I ber ian cured por k goods, including shoulders and sliced selec tions

Catalan Gourmet ’s most recent addition, Belberr y, a Belgian brand known for its high- end fruit preser ves, jams, vinegars, ketchups and cheese pairings, is also displayed Belberry, formerly Vanderer fven, has expanded internationally and has even been named the pur veyor to the Belgian royal household They use allnatural ingredients, with no added colors or preser vatives, and are cooked in small batches to ensure the finest quality in ever y bite Their products are in some of the world's first-class depar tment stores, hotels and delis in over 60 countries

“ We proudly showcase this batch as a representation of our commitment to bringing the crème de la crème from Europe to the U S market,” says Alejandra Vasto, Operations M anager at Catalan Gourmet

For more information, visit w w w catalangourmet com or email info@ catalangourmet com Find Bellberr y, Montenevado and Sal de Ibiza at booths #444 and 448

STAR Double -S tuffed Jalapeño and G arlic Olives

A great produc t for your categor y!

B oth gar lic stuffed and jalapeño stuffed varieties are growing faster than the categor y and STAR has combined the t wo popular flavors into its new, colossal sized, flavor-packed olives.

I ntroducing STAR D ouble -Stuffed Jalapeño and G ar lic Olives. Har vested while still young, these large -sized olives pack a whole lot of flavor.

Featuring ar tisanal qualit y, these are

the per fec t balance of flavors, not too spic y and not too salty. Enjoy straight out of the jar, in charcuterie platters or use as a spic y garnish to your favorite drinks.

For more information, go to w w w .borgesusa.com.

Each salad vinaigrette features M ooney Far ms’ ver y own California extra virgin olive oil, coldpressed from the finest Ar bequina olives and specifically selec ted for the salad vinaigrettes from the family estate grove Then Mooney Farms adds only the best ingredients such as robust vinegar, orange zest and Califor nia raw honey, all blended with just the r ight combination of spices and her bs The three new 100% olive oil salad vinaigrettes are a natural fit for M ooney Far ms’ B ella Sun Luci I talian K itchen line, which features premium California- grown and M editerranean-inspired foods created from authentic family recipes “A recipe needs to be as good as my mother ’s or I’m not interested in mak ing it,” said O wner Mar y Mooney about the concept behind the new premium salad vinaigrette line “ There are enough low- qualit y salad vinaigrettes on the shelf ; we must offer the consumer something better! I am proud to produce these vinaigrettes

vinaigrettes fit in seamlessly with our existing B ella Sun Luci line that combines the authenticit y of simple, highqualit y I talian ingredients with innovative California flavors, and I am so thrilled to introduce them!"

For more information, go to w w w mooneyfarms com or stop by booth #2750

Fabrique Délices Introduces

Jambon de Paris with Rosemar y

Since 1985, Fabrique Délices has been making charcuterie in the spirit of conviviality and with traditional savoir-faire from its home in the San Francisco Bay Area. Ser ved for decades in the best restaurants, including the White House, professionals and home chefs alike need look no further than Fabrique's array of allnatural pâtés and traditional French products for a charcuterie board filled with flavor or a meal made with panache.

Fabr ique D élices has extended their classic Jambon de Par is French-st yle cooked ham line to include a fresh new flavor, Jambon de Paris with Rosemar y.

This three -muscle ham uses lean, low-fat, whole -muscle pork that is slowly tumbled according to the traditional French technique for 18 hours with several rest per iods The near ly day-long tumbling per iod helps build juicy flavor and silky-smooth tender texture Af ter tumbling, the ham is reassembled and delicately spiced with fresh spr igs of rosemar y before being sealed with a layer of pork sk in and then cooked sous-vide for up to 12 hours

Enjoy Jambon de Paris with Rosemar y in your favor ite sandwiches for a fresh

twist on traditional deli ham or incorporate it into a quiche or croque monsieur for a quick and easy lunch. Alternatively,

enjoy Jambon de Par is with R osemar y on a charcuterie board alongside other Fabrique Délices specialty produc ts like Duck Mousse, Black Truffle Salami (2022 sofi New Produc t Winner – Meat & Poultr y Categor y), Duck Prosciutto, Pork Rillettes or Jambon de Bayonne for a truly delightful spread

For more information, visit fabrique delices com, call 510 441 9500, email info@fabriquedelices com or stop by booth #636


The S pice L ab Introduces Pizza D ust and an O rganic Line of S pices

Among the many spice blends that The Spice Lab debuted this past year, Pizza Dust is one of the clear favor ites. This color ful spice blend is br ight and aromatic with ingredients including sea salt, garlic, onion, tomato, Aleppo pepper, fennel and nutritional yeast flakes. I t ’s a vegan blend where the nutritional yeast adds a cheesy flavor without any dair y. Tr y spr ink ling some of this delicious blend on deviled eggs, popcorn, baked potatoes, salad, macaroni and cheese, r ice and steamed vegetables Mix some of this blend into your favorite focaccia or biscuit recipe for a boost of flavor Stir some into some olive oil for a last-minute dip for bread and crudités

The Spice Lab is also introducing its line of organic spices at the show in booth #2174 “ We were pleasantly surpr ised by how well the complete organic set has been selling,” admitted Brett Cramer, one of the founders of the company The organic spices are sold both individually and in sets and packaged in handsome glass French jars with shaker tops and stainless steel lids The complete set makes a great graduation, wedding or new home gift

A woman-owned and family-run busi-

Get to Know Le Gruyère AOP

ness, The Spice Lab specializes in creating exclusive custom seasoning blends and pack aging organic spices. With its recent expansion of over 50,000 square feet and additional produc tion lines, The Spice Lab has 125,000 square feet and can now produce over 100,000 units a day. I ts extensive product line includes ar tisan salts, Spice Lab -branded award-winning seasonings and rubs, premium spices and dried herbs, natural sugars, Himalayan salt shot glasses, custom blends, pr ivate label and a wide array of corporate gifts

All of the produc ts by The Spice Lab are blended and pack aged in its SQF cer tified manufac turing facility in Pompano Beach, Florida The company has WBEN cer tification as a Women’s Business Enter pr ise, a USDA NOP Organic cer tification to pack age organic spices, as well as OU Kosher cer tification

The company ’s extensive line of sea salts, spices, seasonings and related products are sold by gourmet and specialty shops, major retailers and online through Amazon com and at www spices com

For more information, go to w w w spices com or stop by booth #2174

Aussie S elec t Australian L amb

Ready for a SLICE of the ac tion? Aussie Selec t® is a trailblazing brand of handcrafted, premium charcuterie featuring all-natural, pastureraised Australian lamb.

A car t-stopping new flavor experience for your customers, available in three flavors, pre -sliced and 4ounce/pack: Lamb Pastrami, Agave Rosemar y Lamb Ham and Tik k a Masala Lamb Ham.

All produc ts are Cer tified Halal, chefdeveloped and answer the call for unique food that reflec ts today ’s desire for new flavors and great taste, health

and wellness and sustainabilit y. Need more? Eight y-nine percent of consumers stated they definitely or probably would buy Aussie S elec t produc ts. Lamb is outgrowing all traditional meat offer ings and the total fresh meat categor y, and charcuter ie interest has increased 428 percent in the past five years.

For more information, go to w w w.world selectcuts.com.

Le G r u yè re AO P i s p ro d u ce d u s i n g raw m i l k a n d i s n at u ra l – t h e re a re n o a d d i t i ve s, n o G M O s a n d n o p re s e r vatives. Le Gruyère AOP is naturally gluten and lac tose free. Each wheel of Gruyère AO P i s a g e d fo r a m i n i m u m o f f i ve months before being released for sale and can be aged for between 14 and 18 months. I t can be kept for more than 24 months, for cheese lovers look ing for an e ve n s t ro n g e r f l avo r. A w h e e l o f G r u yè re AO P we i g h s b e t we e n 2 5 a n d 40 k ilograms.

What does AOP mean? Protected Des-

ignation of Or igin. To be considered AOP, you have to have a tradition, a limited produc tion zone, a name, a k nowhow and a histor y and a produc t.

Produc tion process has been maintained since the origins of Gruyère AOP back in the year 1115 and is stric tly respec ted by the milk producers, the cheesemakers and the affineurs who follow the rules of the AOP specifications.

For more information, go to w w w .gruyere.com or stop by booth #653.

Ariston Adds Risottos from Italy to Its Line of Produc ts

Are your customers pressed for time and look ing for a convenient and timesaving side dish for their family meal?

Ar iston’s R isottos makes it easy for you to do just that M ake this wonder ful dish at home within 18 minutes There are 6 5 ser vings per container

R isotto is a nor ther n I talian r ice dish made with a special high-starch, shor tgrain r ice R isotto is cooked in broth until it reaches a creamy consistenc y

Ar iston’s R isottos are available in four flavors: R isotto with Truffle, R isotto with Pumpk in, R isotto with Porcini Mushroom and Risotto with 4 Cheese

Th e r i s o t to s co nt a i n Ca r n a ro l i r i ce a s t h e m a i n i n g r e d i e n t C a r n a r o l i r i c e i s e v e n s t a r c h i e r t h a n a r b o r i o, s o i t m a k e s a t r u l y r e s t a u r a n t - w o r t h y

r i s o t t o Yo u c a n fo l l o w t h e s u g g e s t e d

i n s t r u c t i o n s o n t h e b ox a n d a d d wate r H o w e v e r, i f y o u p r e f e r e x t r a f l a v o r, Ar iston suggests you use beef, chicken o r v e g e t a b l e b ro t h Yo u c a n a l s o e n h a n c e t h e r i s o tto s by a d d i n g A r i st o n’s S e l e c t E x t r a Vi r g i n o l i v e o i l O n e o f t h e b e n ef i t s o f t h i s p ro d u c t i s t h a t i t i s g l u t e n f r e e a n d h a s n o a d d e d s a l t I t i s a l s o G M O f re e a n d 0 p e r c e n t c h o l e st e r o l I n a d d i t i o n , y o u c a n g e t c r ea t i v e w i t h t h e r i s o t t o s a n d p a i r t h e m w i t h o t h e r A r i s t o n p r o d u c t s Fo r e x a m p l e , t h e Pu m p k i n R i s o t t o p a i r s w e l l w i t h A r i s t o n’s R o s e m a r y o r B a s i l o l i v e o i l Yo u c a n a l s o a d d A r i s to n’s s e a s a l t s to a ny o f t h e s e r i s o t to p ro d u c t s

For more information, go to www ariston specialties com


D ave’s Gourmet L aunches New Line of Olive O il, Par tners with C hef Pii

Dave’s G our met is a company with decades of experience and exper tise in food produc tion and retail This trailblazer and food produc ts innovator has created a legac y brand well k nown to food lovers nationwide I t all began when Dave’s G our met became a pioneer in the super-hot sauce food space over 30 years ago

Since then, the company has also become a leader in the premium pasta sauce arena and recently launched a new single - estate grown line of Ex tra Virgin Olive Oil and Chili Olive Oil David Neuman, an olive oil exper t and President of Dave’s Gourmet, knows well that not all olive oil is created equal I t was this exper tise in the industr y that led to the new line being carefully curated with intention by O N A O O cer tified exper ts This delectable olive oil goes from the grove to being hand-picked and then crushed within hours Each bottle consists of a mono - cultivar, meaning der ived from one single olive var iet y This process encapsulates intensities and flavors that are rarely found in the United States Dave’s Gourmet Olive Oil is presented and shipped in a custom box that was made to fit each bottle

C rave Brothers C heeses Awarded

Crave Brothers Far mstead Cheese’s Chocolate Mascarpone took home Best in Class accolades in the Flavored S of t Cheese categor y at the 2023 United States Cheese Championships, with their Fresh Mozzarella placing in the Top 3 of the Fresh Mozzarella categor y This year ’s contest saw 2,249 entr ies from 197 producers representing 35 states Crave Brothers Far mstead Cheese’s Top 5 accolades by class and place are as follows:

• Open Class, Flavored Soft Cheeses: Chocolate Mascarpone (1st); Marinated Fresh Mozzarella (four th)

• Fresh Mozzarella: Fresh Mozzarella (second, third)

“I t ’s an honor to see our produc ts recognized on a national stage,” said George Crave, Founder of Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese. “ We’re proud of our award-winning legac y that spans each of our handcrafted produc ts ”

First-place Chocolate Mascarpone is

carefully inside Dave’s G our met Olive Oil pairs per fec tly with salads, vegetables, croquettes, bread, fruit, gr illing sauces, cheese and more Dave’s Gourmet ser ves both retail and foodser vice customers in the United States and internationally

Dave’s Gourmet has also joined forces with Chef Pii to help manufac ture and distr ibute the inter net-famous condiment creation k nown simply as Pink Sauce! This delicious, gooey pink- colored condiment took the inter net by storm when TikTokers across the world could not figure out what was in the sauce or quite how to describe it to others The sweet and tangy sauce made from dragon fruit and coconut cream using a wonder ful blend of spices and other yummy ingredients takes wings, sandwiches, hamburgers, hotdogs, pizza, salads, egg rolls, gr illed meats, veggies and more to a whole new level Now the Pink Sauce that America cannot get enough of can be found on shelves in Walmar t stores across the countr y and at davesgourmet com

For more information, visit w w w daves gourmet com or stop by booth #5228

Franklin Baker Boasts Extensive Por tfolio of Coconut Produc ts

Franklin Baker, Inc is the premier Philippine supplier of coconut ingredients to the global food and beverage marketplace for over 125 years Its products are produced from the freshest coconuts available, at one of its three manufacturing facilities, where proprietar y processing is utilized to ensure freshness and long shelf stability Franklin Baker controls the process from tree through shipment

Frank lin Baker is ahead of the game in produc t and process verification capabilities, operating microbiology laboratories that are accredited to ISO 17025 standards I ts pathogen detec tion system uses an automated method that uses polymerase chain reac tion (PCR) technology to detec t the presence of salmonella and listeria in produc ts and sur faces This technology focuses on specific DNA fragments, amplifying a target DNA sequence, and subsequent polymerization This advanced system is more sensitive than other microbiological methods, detec ting as low as one cell per 25- or 375- gram por tion Test results are out in less than 24 hours compared to more than five days using conventional methods

The manufac tur ing sites of Frank lin Baker are Grade AA & AA+ BRCGS cer tified, which confirms its commitment to maintaining the highest standards of food safety, produc t quality and regulator y compliance The BRCGS Global Food Safet y Standard (BRCGS) is adopted by over 22,000 sites in more than 130 countr ies, which makes Frank lin Baker “A Cut Above the Rest ”

Frank lin Baker offers an ex tensive por tfolio of conventional and organic coconut products to include desiccated coconut (natural, sweetened and

toasted), coconut water – single strength and concentrate, coconut milk and cream, coconut concentrate, virgin coconut oil, coconut flour, coconut sugar and other coconut products Bulk, foodser vice and retail pack aging is available

Frank lin Baker ’s ex tensive por tfolio of coconut produc ts hold wide -ranging third-par ty cer tifications and awards including, Non- GMO Projec t Verified, Fair Trade USA, BRCGS, USDA, JAS, and UE Organic, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 22000:2018, ISO 17025, HACCP, FDA Philippines, GMA-SAFE, AB PAO Accredited Testing Laborator y, SEDEX (SME TA), Kosher and Halal cer tified

Additionally, Franklin Baker holds the 2016-2023 Award of Excellence, American Master of Taste & Gold Medal Endorsement, as well as the 2018-2023 Beverage Champion by Chefs in America

Frank lin Baker is a co -founder of the Coconut Coalition of the Amer ica’s (CC A), a non-profit organization founded in mid-2017, largely to challenge negative perceptions about coconut products The CCA is dedicated to upholding sound and credible science, responsible communications and sustainable and transparent prac tices around all coconut produc ts Frank lin Baker is a member of the executive board, marketing and communication, and membership committees, as well as a technical advisor

Franklin Baker offers bulk, foodser vice and retail pack aging options to meet your business needs to forge a trusted coconut supply chain par tnership

For more information, email info -us@ franklinbaker.com or visit w w w.franklin baker.com.

the per fect way to add an elegant touch to ever yday recipes, including desser ts, charcuterie boards and fruit trays. Find recipes that feature the award-winning product on the Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese website, where you can also purchase their award-winning cheeses.

The U.S. Cheese Championship has been held biennially since 1981 2023 marks the 21st edition of the contest,

hosted in Green Bay, Wisconsin, by the Wisconsin Cheese Maker ’s Association. The contest is open to cheesemakers across the nation and is evaluated by a panel of skilled technical judges Cheeses are scored by flavor, body and tex ture, salt, color, finish, packaging and more

The Crave family farms 2,500 acres of produc tive land in south- central Wisconsin, growing soybeans, corn and alfalfa to use as nutr itious feed for their Holstein cows From the biodigester to water recover y and rec ycling, sustainabilit y is top - of-mind on the far m and

cheese factor y. The Crave Brothers Farm LLC and Crave Brothers Far mstead Cheese LLC use 100 percent green power and are car bon-negative businesses Crave Brothers Far mstead Cheese produces foodser vice and retail sizes of Fresh M ozzarella, M ascarpone, Par t-Sk im Mozzarella, Oaxaca, Farmer ’s Rope String Cheese and Fresh Cheddar Cheese Curds

For more information, visit www crave cheese com, email roseanne@cravecheese com or stop by booth #138


Chic ago’s Tempesta Ar tisan S alumi Continues Growth, Embraces Recognition

Upon arriving in Chicago from his native home of Spilinga, Italy, Agostino Fiasche embarked on another journey : to rediscover the full-flavored, spreadable salami ‘nduja (en-DOO -ja) of his native Calabria The search proved fruitless So naturally, Agostino did what any other enter pr ising immigrant would do in mak ing his own American dream With his son Tony, he created his own signature ‘nduja using only heritage Berkshire pork from midwestern producers

That was over a decade ago

I t ’s probably safe to say their first customers may not have realized just how much they longed for a traditional Calabrian salami The fier y culmination of fresh por k , local peppers and sea salt renders ‘nduja irresistible, after all Made to be spread like butter or added to sauces and other accompaniments, its versatility is nearly limitless

The Fiasche’s offer ings have continued to grow along with their recognition B ecause the qualit y of each and ever y produc t gets better with ever y passing year

For Tempesta Ar tisan Salumi, this year has been par ticular ly produc tive and equally as celebrator y I t star ted with

the G ood Food Awards bestowing praise upon the flagship produc t that star ted it all I n doing so, Tempesta became the first (and only) company in the United States to receive an award for its ‘nduja I t ’s true what they say : being first really does feel good

Since 2016, the company ’s Finocchiona, Speck , Pistachio M or tadella, Culatello and Wagyu Bresaola have all received honors by the G ood Food Awards, sofi™ Awards and Charcuter ie M asters, to name a few Tempesta’s handmade salumi is often the “housemade” offering for some of Amer ica’s most celebrated restaurants Specialty retailers ranging from Zingerman’s to Whole Foods, Eataly and Wegmans stock their cases with Tempesta B on Appétit magazine refers to Tempesta’s offerings as “legendar y ”

“ We are so grateful that the mar ket has found our offerings as enjoyable as

we have in providing them,” Tony Fiasche says “ There is a place for old world craf t to be reimagined I t ’s what keeps us motivated to make the ver y best And it ’s especially fulfilling when retail and wholesale customers, as well as our colleagues in the industr y, so

a new 20,000 square foot facility, greatly expanding cook ing capacit y for foodser vice and retail, and for the first time, a dedicated slicing line A focus on snacks marks greater expansion to Tempesta’s produc t roster in the new year

The company is on target to ex tend its streak of 25 percent growth year over year

Named af ter the R oman goddess of stor ms and sudden weather (and a nod to The Windy City) Tempesta

Ar tisan Salumi is the culmination of more than 100 years of family exper tise Rooted in the rich Calabrian legac y of making unapologetically authentic and inspired produc ts, Tempesta embraces local relationships, exceptional qualit y and an uncompromising focus on ar tisanal craf t The Fiasche family commitment endures in producing a full range of traditional I talian salumi of the highest standard.

clear ly recognize the Tempesta difference.”

As demand grows, so does Tempesta’s footprint. The company is construc ting

For more information, go to w w w .tempestaar tisansalumi.com or stop by booth #649.

Alternative Air LLC S ets High S tandard in C limate - Controlled C hocolate D isplays

Since 1996, Alter native Air has been producing thousands of displays for the food industr y. Alternative Air ’s climatecontrolled display case (63 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit) not only looks exquisite, but it also maintains the perfec t temperature and humidity levels to keep your chocolate as happy as your customers With a full lineup of fused glass, cur ved and straight glass displays, Alternative Air has taken the chocolate display case look to a whole new level M anufac tured in New Jersey, Alter native Air gives all chocolatiers many options for their display case needs Alternative Air can help with ever ything from fix ture layout and store design to

the final installation. What puts Alternative Air above the competition is that you deal directly with the manufacturer, giving you the best pricing and experience.

AA Fix tures also manufac tures refrigerated baker y/pastr y display cases (36 to 41 degrees Fahrenheit) in the same qualit y and craf tsmanship, to present your tasty baked goods Alternative Air also can manufac ture display counters, POS stations, cor ner stages, back wall units and more, giving your store that custom look and feel

For more information, go to w w w aafixtures com


Esc ape from the Ever yday with a Tropic al Taste S ensation

L a s O l a s Co n fe c t i o n s a n d S n a c k s d e l i ve r s o n i t s p r o m i s e o f h a n d c r a f t e d ,

c i o u s t ro p i c a l i n d u l g e n ce s f ro m A n a st a s i a Co n fe c t i o n s a n d Co c o n u t I s l a n d o f c e l e b r a t e d c o c o n u t p a t t i e s , t a f f y a n d u n i q u e l aye re d s n a c k s p r o v i d e u n p r e c e d e n t e d s e l lt h r o u g h t o t h e m a s s a n d s p ecialt y confec tioner y markets Las O l a s’ e n t i r e p o r t f o l i o a i m s t o d r i v e c u s t o m e r g r o w t h b y i t s co nt i n u a l co m m i t m e nt to b ra n d e xce l l e n ce, i n n ovat i o n , u n p a ra ll e l e d d i s t i n c t i o n a n d e x t r a o r d in a r y f l avo r s E a c h b ra n d d e l i ve r s i t s c o n s u m e r s w i t h a n e s c a p e f r o m t h e e v e r y d a y w i t h d e l e ct a b l e m o m e n t s f i l l e d w i t h t h e t a s te o f t ro p i c a l p a ra d i s e

For more information, visit w w w lasolasbrands com or call 407 816 9944

Just Jan’s Adds Baked Goods to Its Gourmet Line

If you asked Kris or me how we came to bak ing scones to add to Just Jan’s line of fruit spreads, neither of us could tell you They are such a per fec t complement to our spreads and curds, and it would seem like the most obvious thing in the world, but it took a global pandemic to push us into this new venture Supplies were getting scarcer and scarcer –ever yone in the food industr y felt it We knew we had to come up with a product that didn’t require relying on a manufacturer S omewhere in that process, the Just Jan’s scone was bor n, and we haven’t looked back since

Revolutionize Your Cooking with Dorot G ardens Flash-Frozen Herb Cubes

I n today ’s busy wor ld, convenience is key Tak ing the legwork out of preparation and offer ing a convenient, readyto -use produc t is D orot G ardens This innovative brand is the creator of flashfrozen packs of fresh, pre -por tioned herbs and garlic Now to season your favorite recipes, all you need is a cube of your favor ite spice and you can have full, fresh flavor S i n c e i t s i n c e p t i o n i n 1 9 9 2 w i t h i t s f l a g s h i p f ro z e n g a r l i c, D o ro t G a rd e n s has grown its por tfolio to include eight p re p a re d h e r b s : C r u s h e d G a r l i c, C r u s h e d G i n g e r, C h o p p e d B a s i l, S a u t é e d G l a z e d O n i o n s, C h o p p e d Cilantro, Chopped Dill, Chopped Parsley and Crushed Tur mer ic Where they a re g ro w n , t h e h e r b s a n d g a r l i c a re p i c k e d f ro m t h e f i e l d s, p ro ce s s e d a n d f l a s h - f roze n w i t h i n 9 0 m i n u te s o f h a rve s t , e n s u r i n g m a x i m u m q u a l i t y a n d freshness.

The Dorot Gardens frozen herbs and

gar lic are made without preser vatives and boast a t wo -year shelf life The herbs are per fec t for a vegan, kosher or halal lifestyle and are free from gluten, dair y, soy, nuts and ar tificial ingredients

D orot G ardens’ fresh-frozen her bs have become synonymous with convenience, freshness and flavor Gone are the days of washing, peeling, and chopping her bs – D orot G ardens simplifies the process by providing per fec tly portioned cubes that instantly enhance the taste of any dish With D orot G ardens, home cooks and chefs alike can effor tlessly add the desired flavors to their dishes, bringing them to life in a matter of seconds

These incredible her b cubes open a wor ld of culinar y possibilities. From mar inades and dressings to soups, stews, stir-fr ies and beyond, these flavor ful cubes and pastes can elevate any recipe. The versatility and long shelf life of Dorot Gardens' herbs make them an

In many ways, these cream scones are a return to the roots of Just Jan’s When I star ted the company, I baked scones for prospec tive buyers to sample my fruit spreads with, and many a deal was struck over a basket of these delicious scones Now, af ter all those years, Just Jan’s is finally bringing these incredible cream scones to mar ket Like the spreads that star ted the company, these scones are made by hand with minimal ingredients and no preser vatives We use real heavy cream and top them with tur binado sugar, bak ing the scones to golden brown per fec tion Just like our variety of fruit spreads when we star ted Just Jan’s, we k new we couldn’t have just one flavor of scone We now proudly offer a var iet y, from blueber r y-topped scones, to lemon-glazed scones, orange

invaluable freezer staple, providing endless inspiration for both ever yday meals and special occasions Creating delicious and aromatic dishes has never been easier

Dorot Gardens products can be found in the frozen veggie aisle of grocer y stores including Kroger, Walmar t, Trader

chocolate chunk , cheddar chive and more They are per fec t with our fruit spreads or a cuppa – one customer even said they were the best she’s had since being back home in England!

As our scones took off, I k new I wanted to continue expanding the Just Jan’s line of baked goods I turned to another baked good I used to make for meetings to show off the versatilit y of my fruit spreads: the oat bar Oats, brown sugar, butter, a little flour and some Just Jan’s fruit spread all bake together until they transform into a butter y, toast y, nutt y, sweet, slightly tar t, anytime treat We make our spreads for the oat bars fresh week ly, and we’re proud to offer cher r y oat bars, tr iple berr y oat bars and mango oat bars, with new, delicious flavors being developed all the time

From inspiration to creation, we at Just Jan’s combine passion, care and high- qualit y ingredients to craf t foods that take you home We have brought the same qualit y and passion to our baked goods as we’ve always brought to our fruit spreads, marmalades, curds and sofi™ Award-winning tanger ine sriracha We could not be more excited to continue spreading the goodness with future additions to our baked goods line – I’m sure there will be many more delicious inspirations to come

For more information, go to w w w justjans com

Joe’s, Safeway, Alber tsons and Whole Foods. For more recipes, nutritional infor mation and more, visit w w w dorotgardens com or follow @DorotGardens on Facebook and Instagram

For more information, go to w w w dorot gardens com

a w a r d - w i n n i n g c o n fe c t i o n s T h e d e l i -

CG Presents Bellucci EVOO: Pioneer in S ustainable, Traceable Olive O il

Catalan Gourmet, a New York-based impor ter of European ar tisanal products, is proud to present B ellucci, a Cer tified Or igins, I nc premium brand that has launched one of the first PGI EVOOs for the Nor th Amer ican mar ket Cer tified Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)

means that the olives were grown, milled and the oil bottled in the claimed origin

Bellucci EVOO is fully traceable and its commitment to sustainabilit y sets it apar t from other brands I n collaboration with ClimatePar tner, B ellucci has

Parmacotto: Celebrating Americ an Traditions with an Italian Twist

The challenge for foreign brands is always to blend with a new culture when they arrive in a new countr y. With this in mind, Par macotto came to the United States with one goal: to celebrate American traditions with an I talian twist.

Founded in Par ma, the brand was bor n in 1978, becoming famous for producing all types of salumi: from the wellk nown prosciutto and salami to the ones exclusive to the region The attention to detail has made the company stand out from the rest, producing its fine meats while maintaining its roots and sensitivity to the ar t of charcuterie

Nowadays, Parmacotto produces and sells high qualit y and cured meats on the Italian market: cold cuts, poultr y and cured produc ts, all charac terized by an accurate selec tion of raw materials I nside its four fac tories, traditional methods and recipes meet innovative and advanced processes, while respec ting the highest qualitative standards

Thanks to the new fac tor y in the United States, Par macotto LLC enters the overseas market with a wide range of top qualit y produc ts, tailored on tastes and lifestyles of the attentive and demanding American customers

For Parmacotto, the Parma area is not just a region, it is the stor y of who it is Join and Enjoy

Enjoying special dinners and meetings will always be per fec t to exper ience unique moments In I taly and America,

people have something in common: they both seek to connec t with people through food. Since Parmacotto arrived in 2019, it saw the oppor tunity to unite the two cultures, celebrating Italian gastronomy in Amer ica, br inging culinar y experiences to consumers.

taken the groundbreak ing step of becoming car bon neutral for some of its best-selling olive oils while reducing its footprint along the supply chain, from cultivation to pack aging They calculate year ly emissions from their produc ts, plan to reduce them and offset any remaining emissions by financing cer tified offsetting projec ts

B ellucci is distr ibuted in the United States by Catalan Gourmet and offers a por tfolio of E VOOs from I taly that are fully traceable, thanks to the integration of Oracle’s blockchain technology Customers can access infor mation about each oil ’s geographical or igin, har vest and production journey, providing complete transparenc y into the source of all of their E VOO produc ts Each bottle of Bellucci E VOO also includes a QR code that allows consumers to confir m the bir thplace and authenticity of their olive oil by vir tually visiting the I talian countr yside, getting to know the farmers and workers and determining whether the olives meet ex tra virgin standards

“ To d ay, b u ye r s a n d co n s u m e r s wa nt more than just nutr itional infor mation; t h e y d e s i r e t r a n s p a r e n c y t h a t t e l l s a stor y, guarantees integrit y, food safet y,

Bellucci Toscano PGI Organic EVOO, Olio di Roma PGI Organic EVOO and Sicilian PGI Organic EVOO are three of the finest EVOOs that Bellucci has to offer Bellucci Toscano offers a balance of intense spice and fruit flavors with rich tones of ar tichoke and almond Olio di Roma is har vested from small family groves in Lazio, Italy, and has hints of almonds and savory flourishes of tomatoes and herbs Lastly, Sicilian PGI Organic EVOO is celebrated for its grassy highlights and is made primarily from Biancolilla, Nocellara and Cerasuola cultivars

“Bellucci is an outstanding brand and a valued par tner for Catalan Gourmet,” added Luis Claramonte, Chief Executive O fficer and Founder at Catalan G ourmet “ Their pioneer ing effor ts towards producing climate -friendly ex tra virgin olive oil are setting a high bar for other companies and retailers to emulate ”

For more information, visit w w w catalangourmet com, email info@ catalangourmet com or stop by booths #444 and 448.

S mo’ Better Food Company O ffers S easonings for All Grilling & S moking Adventures

Smo’ Better Food Company is a new culinar y venture that aims to introduce a wide range of high- quality foods to the market The company was founded by Texas natives Susan Bar-S ela and her husband, Chef Alex Bar-S ela, and features a var iet y of spicey produc ts that add a revolutionar y t wist to any traditional plate

per ienced flavors from around the wor ld, and nowhere on Ear th did anything ar tificial taste really good The body k nows what it wants I t wants simplicity, freshness and fun – these are the essence of joy in food ”

How? Including its produc ts on people’s table, telling traditions and typical celebrations of the territor y with a touch of its own Parmacotto wants to be par t of the way of life of consumers, at moments when the values of the brand can stand out

Pa r m a c o t t o b e l i e v e s t h a t p e o p l e w h o a re l o o k i n g to t r y n e w t h i n g s a re t h o s e w h o a re a l s o l o o k i n g fo r wa rd to l i v i n g n e w e x p e r i e n ce s, b e i t t h ro u g h fo o d, e ve n t s o r o u t i n g s Th i s i s w h e re t h e b r a n d c o m e s i n t o g i v e l i f e t o A m e r i c a n d i s h e s t h a t a r e e n j o y e d i n s p e c i a l m o m e n t s Th e i n s p i ra t i o n Pa rm a c o t t o w a n t s t o g i v e c o n s u m e r s i s e n c o u r a g i n g t h e m t o t r y n e w f l a v o r s a n d m i xe s

Deli salumi is the per fect ingredient to complement American foods, adding a touch of flavor and tradition to gourmet cuisine that pleases palates at gatherings

For more information, go to w w w parmacottousa com or stop by booth #266

In 2018, Susan and Alex were teachers in a suburban school district Their baby girl, Lily, was growing into a promising young woman with incredible academic abilities and a wonder ful choir voice. Susan and Alex knew Lily deserved an education that would nurture and develop her talents, but they worried about how two teachers could afford to provide it.

When developing the Smo’ B etter Food Company concept, Susan and Alex k new they wanted to create produc ts not only to suppor t Lily ’s future but that they could share with her today. That ’s why ever ything in the lineup is kosher, non- GMO, and gluten free. And there are no MSGs, ar tificial preser vatives, colors or flavors.

Chef Alex Bar-Sela explains, “I’ve been cook ing for more than 25 years. I’ve ex-

The word “Smo’” comes from the Heart of Texas, with a little girl eating barbecue, looking up with stuffed cheeks and holding out her empty plate to ask, “S’mo, please!”

The company launched in 2018 with its flagship produc t line: rubs.

Unlike most spice mix tures that dominate and smother the palate, Smo’ B etter Food Company ’s rubs enhance the natural flavor of beef, chicken, wild game, seafood and vegetables. They ’re per fec t for smok ing, grilling and roasting your favorite ingredients.

Today, Smo’ Better Food Company offers complete lines of spice rubs, salsas, jerky, schmears, and cashews. Purchases can be made online at w w w.smobetter.com, in person at their retail shop in Terell, Texas, or at select HEB locations in and around the Dallas area.

For more information, go to w w w .smobetter.com.

a n d e t h i c a l p r a c t i c e s , ” s a i d K a r i n a M ino, Vice President of Sales at Catalan G o u r m e t

Mooney Farms S hakes Up the S


Categor y

Since 1987, three generations of the Mooney Family have passed down the time -honored recipe for craf ting premium sun- dr ied tomatoes in olive oil with authentic I talian her bs B ella Sun Luci is the only U S producer of sundried tomatoes packed in 100% olive oil and creators of the 100% olive oil vinaigrette line made using California ex tra virgin olive oil from the M ooney Family Estate Bella Sun Luci has been pioneering unique, highqualit y, delicious produc ts for over 36 years I ts expansion to the I talian Kitchen line is an oppor tunit y to br ing r ich I talian flavor and wholesome California ingredients into ever y k itchen

Now with the family ’s strong background in creating unforgettable M editer ranean-inspired flavors, it launches its new B ella Sun Luci ’s Sun Dr ied Tomato Tuscan Rub! I t is craf ted with real sun dr ied tomato powder made from tomatoes har vested and dried under the California sun The new Tuscan Rub packs a big flavor you cannot get from any other seasoning! Just coat your veggies with olive oil and

S ensational C ream S auces: S tonewall Kitchen’s 2023 July L aunch

shake on the rich flavor of I taly! This allpurpose, low-sodium blend is MSG-free

The fine food creators at Stonewall K itchen are passionate about craf ting quality condiments that ser ve to elevate any dish Thanks to its exper tise, your customers can bring worldly flavors to a wide range of mealtime favor ites with three new cream sauces M ade in I taly using only the finest ingredients, each one is cold processed for a super ior taste in ever y bite

First is the new Truffle Alfredo Sauce Rich, decadent and ear thy, black truffles add new savor y depth to Stonewall K itchen’s version of this luxur iously creamy classic I t will br ing a smooth, umami bite to anything it ’s tossed with – from freshly made fettuccine to slowcooked risotto, just to name a few Your customers will even love using it as a dipping sauce for sof t breadsticks or Parmesan- dusted rolls

a delicious addition to pasta dishes like layered lasagna and cheesy ravioli

Per fec t for seasonal gatherings, these

and features real sun dried tomato, garlic and onion I t is designed to stand out from traditional I talian seasoning, with ingredients that give your vegetables or pizzas a caramelized finish because of the natural sugar found in tomatoes

For more information, go to w w w mooneyfarms com or stop by booth #2750

Find a Per fec t Blend of Nature’s Best with Wonder Juice

In a time when health and wellbeing are at the forefront of pr ior ities, Wonder Juice stands apar t as an oasis of delicious nutr ition. This new line of juices, consisting of the cold-pressed juice brands Wonder Melon, Wonder Lemon, and Beetology, offers a delightful blend of fruit and vegetable juices, mak ing it a tast y and refreshing source of nutr ients. Each sip of Wonder Juice is packed with pure, wholesome goodness, in a way only nature can do.

A delightfully healthy option, Wonder J u i ce s a re m a d e f ro m a l l - n at u ra l, o rg a n i c f r u i t s a n d ve g e t a b l e s a n d a re ve g a n , g l u te n f re e, n o n - G M O ve r i f i e d, ce r t i f i e d f a i r t ra d e, k o s h e r a n d h a l a l. A n d d u e to t h e n at u ra l s we e t n e s s o f t h e i r f re s h i n gre d i e nt s, Wo n d e r J u i ce s are completely free of added sugars, artificial colors and ar tificial ingredients. B y pack aging its juices in reusable, rec yc l a b l e g l a s s b o t t l e s, Wo n d e r J u i ce maintains its commitment to the enviro n m e nt a n d to yo u r h e a l t h a n d we l lbeing The Wonder Juice line consists of three brands:

Wonder Melon

When it comes to staying hydrated, Wonder Melon is a refreshing and natural option Craf ted from succulent wa-

ter melons with other natural fruit and vegetable ingredients, Wonder M elon provides a thirst- quenching delight like no other. B y captur ing the essence of this beloved summer fruit, Wonder Melon creates a convenient and revitalizing dr ink that keeps you hydrated throughout the day. The watermelon-based Wonder Melon comes in three varieties: Watermelon Cucumber Basil, Watermelon Lemon Cayenne and brand-new Watermelon. Whether you're bask ing in the warmth of the sun or work ing at the office, Wonder M elon ser ves as a delicious and hydrating companion. Go to w w w.wonder melon juice.com for online ordering, distribution locations, recipe ideas and more

Wonder Lemon

Drawing inspiration from the tar t and delicious lemon, Wonder Lemon showcases the invigorating proper ties of this citrus fruit Packed with vitamin C, antioxidants and detoxifying qualities,

Up nex t is the Cacio e Pepe Sauce An iconic Roman dish, cacio e pepe translates to “cheese and pepper,” the t wo main ingredients behind this simple yet sophisticated offer ing I t delivers a creamy, subtle k ick to any dish where pasta is the center piece Plus, it ’s an ideal choice for perk ing up homemade recipes such as pizza bianca

Last but cer tainly not least is their new Mushroom Cream Sauce O ften described as “meaty ” in both taste and texture, mushrooms including shiitake and porcini var ieties add a hear t y flavor to this pantr y staple Featur ing a subtle, ear thy bite, it brings a savor y element to meats like sautéed chicken or ser ves as

Wonder Lemon suppor ts overall wellbeing The tangy flavor of lemons, combined with thoughtfully selec ted ingredients to cut the tar tness, creates a juice like no other The delightful juice is available in three flavors: Lemon Mint,

exquisite essentials complement Stonewall K itchen’s other I talian-inspired produc ts With a lineup of sauces that range from gar lick y mar inara to basil pesto to butter nut squash, Stonewall K itchen has ever ything your customers need for lending inter national flair to pastas, flatbreads and so much more

For more information, go to w w w .stonewallkitchen.com or stop by booth #5906.



Lemon Basil Jalapeño and Lemon Ginger In its convenient glass bottles, Wonder Lemon offers a zestful companion for your day-to - day routine, at home or on the go Order online and find more infor mation at w w w amazon com/

The most popular among the Wonder J u i ce l i n e, B e e to l o g y p a c k s t h e p owe r o f t h e b e e t a n d i t s re m a r k a b l e n u t r it i o n a l p ro f i l e i n t o a d e l i c i o u s bottle Beets provide an abund a n c e o f v i t a m i n s, m i n e r a l s and antioxidants, and ser ve as t h e fo u n d a t i o n fo r t h i s c o l dp re s s e d j u i c e B y s k i l l f u l l y combining the natural sweetn e s s o f f re s h l y h a r ve s t e d b e e t s w i t h o t h e r w h o l e s o m e f r u i t a n d ve g e t a b l e i n g re d ie n t s, B e e t o l o g y o f fe r s a ref re s h i n g e l i x i r t h a t e n e r g i z e s t h e b o d y a n d d e l i g h t s t h e taste buds B eetology is made in four flavors: Beet + Lemon + G i n g e r, B e e t + Ve g g i e a n d B e e t + B e r r y B e i t re cove r i n g from a difficult exercise or enj o y i n g a m e a l, B e e t o l o g y proves to be a compelling choice

For more information, go to w w w wondermelonjuice com, w w w amazon com/wonderlemon and w w w beet ology com com


Tor tuga Tennessee Whiskey S pice Cake

Tor tuga is a world-renowned brand that continues to lead the gourmet and spirit cakes categor y by heavily focusing on innovation and ensuring that its consumers are presented with innovative and new options

cent success with evolving from its world-famous rum cakes and creating a new cake with bour bon, the Kentuck y Bourbon Butter Cake, Tor tuga continues to explore the spirits world

From this evolution, Tortuga’s Southern Trio range was born, which consists of Kentucky Bourbon Butter Cake, Moonshine Apple Pie Cake and the newest addition, Tennessee Whiskey Spice Cake It is carefully crafted with Tennessee Whiskey ’s rich aroma and complex flavors and the distinct notes that emerge from the spices All three flavors are available in the standard sizes – 4 ounces, 16 ounces and 32 ounces

S chuman C heese Cello

S imple Pleasures Trays

Tor tuga has been doing business with the cruise channel, major big box retailers in Nor th America, depar tment and grocer y stores and the gifting sec tor for over 35 years Given the company ’s re -

impor tant fac ts: The experience of enjoying coffee has undergone an unbelievable evolution, and time has become a precious commodit y Dr ipdash’s vision was simple – it wanted to create a bold, smooth and convenient coffee

Kyoto Coffee was invented by Dutch sailors in the 1600s, re - engineered by Japanese ar tisans the following centur y and reimagined by Dripdash in 2018

Tor tuga’s new selec tion of spir it cakes are inspired by America’s oldest and traditional delectable recipes and give consumers the oppor tunity to exper ience unique flavors charac ter ized by bold notes and magnificent richness

For more information, call 786 817 6880 or go to www tor tugaimpor ts com

Kyoto Iced Coffee is a brewing process made using one drop of water at a time for 16 hours to extract the most pleasant flavors in coffee It’s known for having nuanced high-notes, a balanced body and a shock ingly smooth finish Dripdash is proud to be the first wholesale manufacturer of this style of coffee in the countr y with three distinct flavors options:

• Kyoto Iced Coffee: the original black coffee that star ted it all I t offers a rich body, triple -strength, and a shock inglysmooth finish

Af ter winning a gold sofi award for its Cello Copper Kettle Snack Packs, Schuman Cheese debuted a handful of produc ts last year, including Cello Simple Pleasures Trays

Carefully curated by cheese exper ts, each Simple Pleasures tray includes a selec tion of premium Cello cheeses paired with delicious quality snacks that can be enjoyed separately or even bet-

• Black Sesame Oatmilk Latte: tak ing Japanese flavors and adding sustainable alternative milk as the base, to create a Keto -fr iendly latte using sugar alter natives such as monk fruit Tastes like a milkshake, but with only 2 grams of sugar

• Lavender Maple Oatmilk Latte: for the plant-based folks, using a dair y alternative and maple syrup as the vegan and unprocessed sugar substitute. Tastes like a meditation that will keep you moving.

ter together Simple Pleasures Trays are pre -por tioned, ready to ser ve and made up of creative combinations of delicious flavors and tex tures that per fec tly complement each other These trays can be ser ved as an appetizer, or as par t of the popular grazing table trend

For more information, go to w w w schumancheese com

Dripdash crafts its beverages in small batches The most sought-after ingredients are used from dair y-free/glutenfree milk , to plant powered sugar alter natives, to the carefully sourced coffee beans Dr ipdash puts all of this into its brewing machine and the result is an elevated coffee exper ience that you can enjoy any where you are Bold Smooth Convenient

For more information, go to w w w dripdash com or stop by booth #5090

Abdallah Candies (Cont ’d. from p. 1) b r o a d e n t h e m a r k e t t o t h e d e l i c i o u s t a s t e o f t r a d i t i o n a l c r e a m s / s o r b e t s a n d a m a z i n g b i t e s i z e t o f f e e s . T h e s e i t e m s a r e i n t e n d e d f o r p e r s o n a l c o ns u m p t i o n v e r s u s a g i f t p a c k . S m a l l e r c a n d y p i e c e s a n d i n c r e a s e d n u m b e r o f c o n f e c t i o n s p e r c o n t a i n e r w e r e c o n s i d e r e d i n d e v e l o p i n g t h e i t e m ' s w e i g h t .

p o r t a b l e a n d r e s e a l a b l e c a n d y p o u c h e s a re t h e p e r fe c t s n a c k s i ze t o s e l f - i n d u l g e, e n j oy, re l a x , t a k e a b re a k f r o m t h e d a y a n d r e s e a l f o r a n o t h e r m o m e nt o f co nte nt m e nt l ate r. Th e R et r e a t s a r e b r i g h t l y c o l o r e d p a c k a g e s w i t h t e n v a r i e t i e s o f f l a v o r s . T h r e e a m a z i n g s o r b e t s : r a s p b e r r y, o r a n g e , a n d l e m o n , e a c h u n i q u e l y c re a my a n d s m o o t h w i t h o u t b e i n g to o s we e t . Two

a m a z i n g s e a s a l t c a r a m e l s : o n e m i l k a n d o n e d a r k w i t h t h e f a m o u s A b d a ll a h c a r a m e l c e n t e r. Fo u r t o f fe e s : E n gl i s h t o f f e e , b u t t e r a l m o n d t o f f e e , c a s h e w a l m o n d to f fe e, a n d n e w c i n n am o n c h u r r o t o f f e e , e a c h w i t h a s o l i d b u t te r y f l avo r a n d a n awe s o m e b i te o f c r u n c h . A l s o n e w to t h e l i n e i s a d e c ad e n t s m o o t h d o u b l e d a r k f u d g e R et re at . T h e i n s p i r a t i o n f o r t h e R e t r e a t s w a s t o p ro v i d e s m a l l e r b i t e s i z e d p i e c e s t o

The Retreats were recently introduced and have been well received by retailers and consumers alike Each of the 11

Retreat pack ages weighs approximately 3.75-4 ounces, and each is pr iced at $3.99 suggested retail. Abdallah Candies is a fifth generation, family- owned company producing quality confections in M innesota since 1909.

Visit Abdallah Candies at NYFF booth #2245. For more information, go to w w w.abdallahcandies.com, call 800.348.7328 or email ser vice@abdallah candies com

produce. Specializing in exotic and tropical fruits, B elen Trading is k nown for br inging the joy of fruits readily available in Latin America with the rest of the world.

WI th suppliers all over Latin America, B elen Trading has relationships with a large diversit y of people and an even larger var iet y of produc ts year-round. This way, Belen Trading can guarantee customer satisfaction and become a dependable and reliable source of produce for its clients

B e l e n Tr a d i n g s p e c i a l i z e s i n e x o t i c f r u i t . I t s p ro d u c e o p t i o n s i n c l u d e, b u t a r e n o t l i m i t e d t o : r a m b u t a n , d r a g o n f r u i t , s t a r f r u i t , m a n g o s t e e n , l o n g a n , p a p a y a a n d m a n g o. T h e p r o d u c e i s c a re f u l l y s e l e c t e d t o e n s u re t h e h i g he s t p o s s i b l e c a l i b e r a n d t a s t e . To a c h i e v e t h i s , f o u n d e r H e c t o r Fe r n a nd e z k e e p s c l o s e r e l a t i o n s h i p s w i t h e ve r y i n d i v i d u a l s u p p l i e r a n d p e r s o na l l y v i s i t s t h e m t o c o n d u c t q u a l i t y te s t s re g u l a r l y B e l e n Tra d i n g p r i d e s i ts e l f o n a l w a y s p ro v i d i n g t h e b e s t p o ss i b l e f r u i t t o i t s c l i e n t s B e l e n Tra d i n g i s n o t o n l y i nte re s te d

in shar ing exotic fruits with others, but o n e o f B e l e n Tra d i n g’s m o s t i m p o r t a nt g o a l s i s a l s o t o h e l p f a r m e r s i n L a t i n A m e r i c a n co u nt r i e s grow a n d b e co m e successful. O ver the past few years, the c o m p a ny ’s s u p p l i e r s’ b u s i n e s s e s h ave g ro w n e x p o n e n t i a l l y a l o n g s i d e B e l e n Trading, creating oppor tunities for not j u s t B e l e n Tr a d i n g a n d i t s c l i e n t s, b u t a l s o fo r t h o s e w h o a re re s p o n s i b l e fo r t h e e xc e l l e n t q u a l i t y a n d c a r e f o r i t s p r o d u c e T h e s e f l o u r i s h i n g r e l a t i o ns h i p s b e t w e e n s u p p l i e r s a n d B e l e n Tra d i n g a l s o h ave a p o s i t i ve i m p a c t o n

t h e e co n o my o f L at i n A m e r i c a n co u n-

t r i e s , a m i s s i o n B e l e n Tr a d i n g v a l u e s gre at l y.

Belen Trading aims to expor t tropical fruits all over the wor ld and help the hardwor k ing Latin Amer ican far mers become fairly compensated for their impor tant labor. With a large net wor k of skilled suppliers who also focus on qualit y and share the same values, B elen Trading became an increasingly dependable source for produce all over the countr y

For more information, go to w w w belentrading com

Belen Trading (Cont ’d. from p. 1) Craft Coffee (Cont ’d. from p. 1)

K londike C heese Company O ffers Buholzer Brothers Muenster

Klondike Cheese Company ’s Buholzer Brothers Muenster cheese is crafted by Wisconsin cheesemakers, at a familyowned plant that has been making cheese at the same location since 1925. The secret to Klondike’s exceptional quality is the combination of using state -ofthe ar t equipment, proprietar y recipes and time -honored traditions of cheesemak ing. Sourcing local cow ’s milk and high- quality ingredients, made in Wisconsin, so you know it can only be the best Muenster is an orange rind cheese that is semi-firm with a creamy texture that gets even creamier with age Per fect for grilled cheese, scrambled eggs or pizza Buholzer Brothers Muenster comes in a 6-pound loaf, 15-pound long john, 2-pound slices, 8-ounce chunk and an 8-ounce retail slice pack

The family of Buholzer cheeses, which includes Muenster, Br ick , Havar ti, Dill

C herr y Juice from Tabletree

Tur ns out the state best k nown for its big sk ies also has something to brag about on ground level, too Tabletree

M ontana’s Cher r y Juice uses Flathead Lake cher r ies, a touch of honey and a dash of cinnamon as its natural preservatives for an award-winning juice gaining attention wor ldwide G ar y and Susan Snow have developed a propr ietar y system that produces qualit y, healthy and nutritious products (expect new produc ts soon) Taken alone, the Cher r y Juice has nutr itional benefits, but is great for cook ing and cocktails

For more information, go to w w w tabletreejuice com

and gluten-free profile allows them to replace countless car b -heav y dishes, from the classic bread and tor tillas to more innovative options such as tor tilla chips and salad bowls

As a result, Folios Cheese Wraps are the ultimate low- carb, keto-friendly and gluten-free delight that has taken the culinar y wor ld by stor m. These lightly baked sheets of cheese offer a versatile and delec table option for health- conscious eaters and food enthusiasts alike. With their incredible taste and versatilit y, Folios Cheese Wraps have become much more than a keto community favor ite as they elevate any dish to new heights of deliciousness.

Folios Cheese Wraps are a dream come true for cheese lovers seek ing

Havar ti, Jalapeño Havar ti, Horseradish Havar ti and Gouda. Now you can have a full line of Buholzer Brothers Brand in

The Little Potato Company Working to Produce,

Farm Potatoes

S ustainably

your deli and dair y cheese cases

For more information, go to w w w buholzerbrothers com

I n addition to growing and selling the most delicious Little Potatoes possible, The Little Potato Company considers sustainabilit y in ever y decision The company has implemented numerous initiatives to lessen its impac t on the Ear th, from integrated pest management prac tices to water management to breeding programs

The Little Potato Company is an active member of – and the first fresh potato company to join – The Potato Sustainability Alliance, which is made up of farmers, supply chain partners, non-profit organizations and advisors working together to improve the environmental, social and economic aspects of potato production in the United States and Canada The Alliance is work ing on the biggest issues facing potato growers today : defining what sustainable potato production means and exactly how to farm potatoes sustainably

“ We, along with all the members of the Potato Sustainability Alliance, work together to develop more sustainable practices to ensure the long-term viability of our farmers, and to lessen our impac t on the planet,” said Steve M oorehead, Direc tor of Agronomy at The Little Potato Company

For instance, The Little Potato Com-

pany has developed a proprietar y breeding program that is focused on utilizing traditional breeding techniques to develop sustainable varieties that yield higher qualit y with more resistance to pests and diseases Additionally, it continually works to decrease water usage, including using rec ycled water in its sor ting and washing facility In terms of maintaining healthy soil, The Little Potato Company is meticulous about crop rotation, and it has long-term, multigenerational relationships with its farmers to ensure that they are constantly improving their potatoes and the land while using fewer resources The company ’s goal is to nur ture sustainable livelihoods for each farm and each family while providing better food for the whole world for generations to come Additionally, The Little Potato Company has reduced its plastic pack aging by 23 percent in its 1 5-pound bags

These are just some of the initiatives The Little Potato Company has undertaken to farm and produce potatoes as sustainably as possible and leave the Ear th better than they found it

For more information, go to w w w littlepotatoes com, call 780 414 6075 or email sales@littlepotatoes com

healthier alternatives to traditional tortillas or bread Each wrap contains only 1 gram of car bs per ser ving, mak ing it an ideal choice for those following a low- car b or ketogenic diet However, these wraps offer so much more than just dietar y compliance

I magine the possibilities! Whether you want to create tantalizing tacos, mouthwater ing quesadillas or even crispy pizza crusts, Folios Cheese Wraps have got you covered. They come in four delightful flavors: Cheddar, Jar lsberg, M ozzarella and Par mesan. Each variant brings its own unique charac ter and richness to your culinar y creations, ensur ing a symphony of flavors with ever y bite.

What sets Folios Cheese Wraps apar t is their exceptional versatilit y. These wraps can be used in a myriad of ways:

wrap them around your favorite fillings, stuff them with savor y ingredients, roll them up to per fec tion, melt them to create cheesy goodness, crisp them for a delightful crunch or even bake them into delec table masterpieces The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

Not only do Folios Cheese Wraps offer a scrumptious experience, but they also cater to dietar y preferences and restrictions. Being gluten free, they provide an excellent option for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. Their lowcarb nature also makes them a preferred choice for individuals look ing to manage their carbohydrate intake while still savoring incredible flavors.

These cheese wraps have captured the hear ts of food enthusiasts and health- conscious individuals alike. B y

embracing Folios Cheese Wraps, you can transform any ordinar y meal into a culinar y master piece Elevate your dishes with these wraps’ irresistible taste and tex ture and watch as they become the star of your k itchen

Folios Cheese Wraps have revolutionized the ways we enjoy cheese. With their low-carb, keto-friendly and glutenfree profile, they offer a guilt-free indulgence for cheese aficionados. Whether you’re following a specific dietar y regimen or simply seek ing culinar y inspiration, these wraps are a must-tr y. Let your taste buds embark on a journey of flavor and innovation with Folios Cheese Wraps – a true delight for foodies ever y where.

For more information, go to w w w .cheesefolios.com.

Folios Cheese Wraps (Cont ’d. from p. 1)

Produc ts From Arizona C hile Roasters

M cBroom M etal Wor ks, dba Ar izona Chile R oasters, is a family owned and operated manufac turer of steel construc ted chile and cor n roasters, for commercial or home use The company has been building roasters since 1999 and is still passionate about its products, its customers and its business

Ar izona Chile R oasters’ commercial chile roasters are made in four different commercial bar rel sizes to suit your business needs and/or customer base, and are offered with regular or food grade stainless steel bar rels expanded metal The three sizes of table top chile

roasters are designed for those customers with a need for a smaller roasting batch.

T h e w h e e l - m o u n t e d c o r n r o a s t e r h a s a ro t i s s e r i e o f s i x fo o d gra d e s t a i nl e s s s te e l t rays – h a n d c ra n k o r m o to ri ze d A l l t h e c h i l e a n d co r n ro a s te r s a re p i p e d f o r p r o p a n e g a s a n d i n c l u d e h o s e w i t h h i g h - p r e s s u r e a d j u s t a b l e re g u l ato r

Ar izona Chile R oasters combines exp e r t i s e w i t h t h e h i g h e s t s t a n d a rd s fo r customer ser vice and qualit y produc ts Whether you have a question or a conc e r n yo u’d l i k e t o a d d re s s, yo u c a n

well as being har vested and manufactured by traditional methods

count on Ar izona Chile R oasters to give you the attention you deser ve I t i s p a r t o f p ro v i d i n g t h e q u a l i t y c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e t h a t c u s t o m e r s h a ve c o m e t o k n o w f ro m A r i z o n a Chile R oasters

With roasters hand made in the United States, the manufacturer was selec ted for the state of Ar izona to display at the Made in America Produc t Showcase at the White House in July 2019

For more information, go to w w w arizonachileroasters com or contact D err yl or D aphne McBroom at 520 825 8717 or mcbroom@arizona chileroasters com

as well as taking a par tnership approach with customers The company takes great pride in the produc ts they carr y Savello str ives to pursue produc ts that best represent the countr y and region of or igin M any items car r y the prestigious cer tification of Protec ted D esignation of Or igin (PDO) and Protec ted Geographical Indication (PGI), as

richness of plants They both explored the countr yside in search of new aromatic plants to inspire new, vibrant flavors that would give a new lease of life to ever y home -cooked dish

In 1822, in the Marais distric t of Paris, pharmacist Eugène Popelin founded A l’Olivier He had one thing in mind when he began this venture: to introduce Par isians to the benefits of olive oil, which were little k nown at the time A l ’Olivier quick ly acquired an unr ivaled

cook ing bases gives your customers the secret ingredient to create restaurant qualit y meals at home with minimal prep time Bella Sun Luci Sauce Star ters begin with sun-r ipened tomatoes and are slowly combined with the just the right amount of herbs and spices to take all the guesswor k out of cook ing authentic I talian meals

“Our Sauce Star ter is a game changer for the home chef! With our bold and hear ty Sauce Star ters, you can create au-

cheesemak ing, local breeds of cows, delicate but unique taste, interesting appearance And yes, the interesting appearance – that rustic r ind that gives this cheese its original flavor – is probably also what prevents it from getting the success it deser ves

The natural rind that is unusual with its rustic gray appearance is what turns people away from that wonder ful cheese, but also what makes that cheese so special

At this year ’s event, the company is highlighting “i Bibanesi” – a brand from the Veneto R egion in Nor ther n I taly I Bibanesi proudly exhibits its exciting line of light and crunchy breadsticks that are packed with amazing flavor

Th e s e c h u n k y b re a d s t i c k s a re m a d e u s i n g “s l o w y e a s t ” s o u r d o u g h , 1 0 0 % e x t r a v i r g i n o l i v e o i l a n d o t h e r h i g h -

reputation for its exceptional selec tion of premium olive oils The company even received awards at the Expositions Universelles ( World Expositions) in Paris in 1867 and 1882

A s a f a m i l y - r u n b u s i n e s s s i n c e 1 8 2 2 , A l ’O l i v i e r i s a l l a b o u t c r e a t i n g a c o nn e c t i o n w i t h t h e l a n d B y f o l l o w i n g t h e s e a s o n a l c yc l e a n d re s p e c t i n g t h e i n g r e d i e n t s t h a t a r e p r o v i d e d b y n at u r e , A l ’O l i v i e r i s a b l e t o c a p t u r e a l l t h e e x q u i s i t e f l a v o r s a n d g i v e e a c h f i n a l p ro d u c t a p o p o f c o l o r a n d c h a ra c t e r

thentic I talian dishes fast with that allday simmered flavor Throughout the development of the produc t, our study concluded that today ’s shoppers need an affordable way to create delicious meals at home The concentrated cooking bases give busy and budget-minded consumers a full proof method to create the most flavor ful meals,” said M ar y Mooney, O wner of Mooney Farms

The easy squeeze bases debuted in three flavors: Tuscan Garden, Tomato & Pepper and Tomato & Basil, each making meal prep simple and fast to keep pace

O vercome your first impression and tr y the cheese with the “funk y rind” and become a “rind” conver t!

To m m e d e S a vo i e i s a m o u n t a i n cheese, but it is unlike most mountain c h e e s e s, a s i t i s n o t o f t h o s e c h e e s e s t h a t we re m e a n t t o l a s t t h ro u g h t h e n e x t s e a s o n s ; i t i s a s e m i - s o f t c h e e s e that will only last a few months I t does n o t h a ve a s t ro n g f l a vo r a c q u i re d t h ro u g h a l o n g a g i n g p ro c e s s, b u t more a delicate subtle flavor ver y much its own

M a d e i n t h e S avo i e re gi o n , w h i c h i s

q u a l i t y i n g r e d i e n t s T h e y a r e f r e e o f a ny fo o d p re s e r vat i ve s, c h e m i c a l a d d itives, emulsifying agents or GMO comp o n e n t s I n s t e a d o f b e i n g f u l l y m a c h i n e - m a d e , w h i c h c a n o v e r w o r k t h e d o u g h a n d r e s u l t i n a v e r y d e n s e p ro d u c t , i B i b a n e s i b re a d s t i c k s a re i nd i v i d u a l l y s t re tc h e d by h a n d, a l l ow i n g e a c h p i e c e t o b e e x t r a l i g h t a n d a i r y T h e y a re t h e n b a k e d a t l o w t e m p e r at u r e s t o g i v e t h e m t h e u l t i m a t e

A l’Olivier is committed to preser ving natural flavors in each product by ensuring each ingredient is respec ted and cared for during the production process A l ’Olivier ’s goal is to help consumers discover natural aromatic flavors that will bring harmony and flavor to ever yday dishes

To maintain the qualit y of the oils, A l’Olivier uses opaque pack aging, which protec ts the final produc ts from the light I ts signature pack aging is a stoneware bottle, created in 1822, but it has also expanded its designs to include

with today’s consumers’ habits Each flavor isn’t created equally; Bella Sun Luci prides itself by using only premium ingredients to achieve the best flavor while keeping budget-minded shoppers in mind Each Bella Sun Luci Sauce Starter is available in a resealable pouch for optimum freshness use after use Say goodbye to messy jars and wasted food! Using Sauce Starters is easy on your wallet and brings flavor to the table for everyone to enjoy!

About Mooney Farms & Bella Sun Luci

Founded in 1986, Mooney Farms is a

i n t h e Fr e n c h A l p s , t h e h i g h e s t a n d

m o s t e x te n s i ve m o u nt a i n ra n g e i n Eur o p e , To m m e d e S a v o i e i s m a d e w i t h t h e l o c a l m i l k f r o m t h e t h r e e l o c a l b r e e d s – M o n t b e l i a r d e , A b o n d a n c e a n d Ta u r i n e – co l l e c te d f ro m o n l y 7 0 0 m i l k p ro d u ce r s I t t a k e s 1 5 to 2 0 l i te r s o f m i l k to p ro d u ce a To m m e d e S avo i e T h e r i c h m i l k f r o m t h e h i g h p a s t u r e s w i l l gi ve i t s a ro m at i c f l avo r to To m m e d e S a v o i e , a n d t h e r e l i e s h a l f o f i t s r e c i p e’s s e c r e t T h e c h e e s e i s t h e n pressed but not cooked and then aged for a minimum of 30 days on a plank of

c r u n c h !

Available var ieties include: Or iginal with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Whole Wheat, Cappelli Durum Wheat, Organic K amut K horasan Wheat, Organic K amut K horasan Whole Wheat, R osemar y, Olives, Chili Peppers, Onions and Pizza Flavors

For more information, go to www savello usa com, email info@savellousa com, call 570 417 7113 or stop by booth #2068

a collec tion of small metal tins in an assor tment of colors

You can find a total of 14 different items on TheFrenchFar m com, which can be distr ibuted all over the United States and Canada All 14 items are being showcased dur ing the show at booth #5450

A l ’Olivier oils and vinegars are impor ted direc tly from France

For more information, go to wholesale thefrenchfarm com/a-lolivier, call 713 660 0577 or stop by booth #5450

third- generation, cer tified womanowned, family- owned company rooted in quality, integrity and family values that has grown to be the premier producer of sun dried tomatoes in olive oil in the United States The Bella Sun Luci line is best known for Sun Dried Tomatoes and Sun Dried Tomatoes in Olive Oil with a distinctively fresh and sweet flavor from being dried under the California sun and always packed in 100% olive oil

For more information, go to www mooneyfarms com or stop by booth #2750

wo o d Th e o t h e r h a l f o f i t s re c i p e’s s ec re t i s j u s t t h at ! A n a m a z i n g w i l d r u s t i c r i n d t h a t w i l l n a t u r a l l y d e ve l o p o n i t s outside and give it more bite as it ages I t l o o k s a b i t s c a r y, b u t i t i s a b s o l u te l y d e l i c i o u s i n s i d e

I n 2022, Pochat et Fils® was awarded the gold medal at the Concours General Agricole, the French version of the Oscars for cheese

For more information, go to w w w lactalisamericangroup com or stop by booth #336

The French Farm (Cont ’d. from p. 1) Tomme de S avoie (Cont ’d from p 1) S avello USA (Cont ’d from p 1) Mooney Farms (Cont ’d from p 1)

Just The Fun Par t (Cont ’d from p 1) with Just The Fun Par t

brands by my company, EverGreen USA, that I star ted after moving to the United States from Turkey in 2007 We created this snack to channel ever yone’s favorite par t of a classic sundae cone – the chocolate -filled bottom! We have spent the last year innovating our produc t line, and we can’t wait to showcase our new additions!

GN: What ’s new with Just The Fun Par t?

AA: Last year at Snack Expo, we showed off our original three flavors: M ilk , Dark and White chocolate This year, we are thr illed to announce six new flavors These flavors include Hazelnut Cream, Putter Butter, Strawberr y White Chocolate and Coconut flakes & M ilk Chocolate as well as S’mores Pumpk in Spice and Pepper mint will also be available for the holiday season I n addition to these new flavor editions, we recently launched our smaller grab & go 2 47ounce bags! The possibilities are endless

GN: Who is your target market?

AA: Simply put, we made this produc t for ever yone to enjoy! People of all ages have a distinc t memor y of the end of a sundae cone Whether you’re 8 or 80, you’ll remember rushing to the bottom to get that last chocolate -filled bite

GN: What is the nature of your distribution?

AA: We are the direc t manufac turer of Just The Fun Part We have seven production facilities in Turkey, where our product is delicately manufactured While we can expor t all over the globe, our main distribution center is conveniently located in our warehouse in New Jersey We house over 150 different items and Just The Fun Par t is always in stock!

For more information, visit w w w justthe funpar t com or call 551 333 1119 or stop by booth #5664

French producer and expor ter of softripened, pressed soft-ripened and spreadable fresh specialty cheeses, with brands including Belletoile, Brie Couronne and Tours de Paris Recognized a centur y later for its traditional craftsmanship, cheesemak ing exper tise and ability to meet the market ’s changing needs, La Fromagerie Henri Hutin is innovating in the Brie category Tours de Paris, k nown for its foil-wrapped wedges of Brie, has launched a 7-ounce oval format with two exciting flavors – 3 Peppers and

Mediterrean – in addition to Plain, showcasing a new packaging design, still recognizable with its prominent Eiffel Tower B or n at the tur n of the 20th centur y into a family of farmers and farmstead cheesemakers in Meuse, France, it was after World War I – at 22 years old – that Henri Hutin quick ly expanded the company ’s Brie produc tion to meet the demand he created across France’s nor theaster n region, having stretched his sales territor y to the nearby cities of Metz and Nanc y and earning his reputation as “master cheesemaker ”

how, combined with his perseverance –his first fac tor y burned down and the second was destroyed during WWII – allowed his cheese company to continually evolve in its produc tion of sof t-ripened cheeses Maintaining a focus on craf tsmanship and qualit y by using premium fresh milk and cream from cows in the Lorraine Valley, a region k nown for its agriculture and farmland, Hutin’s signature product, Belletoile, became the first triple -crème Brie expor ted to the United States in 1960

retired at the age of 75 years old and sold his company in 1978 to another family- owned fir m, Hochland Group (G er many) La Fromager ie Henr i Hutin has retained its founder ’s spir it and today not only maintains its excellent reputation, but continues to expand and progress by developing new produc ts and operating in a more sustainable manner, which includes renovating the production facility in Meuse, France, giving it state - of-the -ar t status

Stonewall Kitchen (Cont ’d from p 1)

well into the holiday season

Star ting things off on a sweet note is its new M alted M ilk Chocolate Sauce, which features the toasted, caramel-like flavor of malted milk powder for the per fec t dose of nostalgia in ever y bite

Fabulous on frappés and more, it ’s joined by seasonal treats like the endlessly munchable Chocolate - Covered

Virginia Peanuts, Cranber r y Pistachio Biscotti Cr isps and Pumpk in Spice Biscotti Crisps

Las Olas (Cont ’d. from p. 1)

G P : L a s O l a s C o n f e c t i o n s a n d S n a c k s h a s b e e n c a p t i v a t i n g a n d s a t i s f y i n g c a n d y l o v e r s f o r d e c a d e s w i t h i t s awa rd -w i n n i n g co l l e c t i o n o f wo r l d - f am o u s co n fe c t i o n s We o f fe r a t re m e nd o u s v a r i e t y o f u n i q u e , h a n d c r a f t e d c o n fe c t i o n s w i t h e x t r a o r d i n a r y t r o p ic a l f l a v o r s t h a t s t a n d o u t i n o u r c u sto m e r s’ a i s l e s, i m p a c t i n g t h e i r b o t to m l i n e

True to our promise of brand growth through innovation, excellence and un-

Hutin’s business acumen and k now-

Nex t, Stonewall K itchen is enter taining t wo new small-batch spice mixes from Urban Accents Their BBQ - Glazed Wing and Spinach Ar tichoke Dip Par t y Star ter Seasoning Blends bring glutenfree ingredients (think smok y papr ik a and nutty Parmesan cheese) to some of your customers’ favorite apps Ideal for game -nights, tailgating events and family bar becues, each tent comes complete with step -by-step recipes for mak ing stick y baked wings and ooeygooey dip wor thy of any celebration

Then, for the heat seekers and Tex-Mex

matched distinction, we are continually committed to handcrafting high quality candy and snacks Just this past year, we’ve launched many new produc ts across our brands, and 2023 will be the most exciting year for Las Olas Look for new produc ts and ingredients that exemplify the taste of paradise

GN: What are some of your most popular produc ts?

GP: Las Olas’ most popular produc t is our celebrated Anastasia Confec tions

the company proudly displays on the front of its transparent labels Paesana is also happy to share that these sauces are gluten free, kosher cer tified and (with the exception of its Vodk a sauce) Non- GMO Projec t Verified

M onsieur Henr i Hutin’s company prospered under his leadership until he

fanatics, there’s the new Spic y Mango Hot Sauce, Street Corn Salsa and Urban Accents Southwestern Corn on the Cob

Seasoning Blend These Taco Tuesday must-haves balance fruity, savor y and zesty notes to create tasty toppings for burrito bowls, tostados or elotes

And no table is complete without the new Napa Valley Naturals Organic Balsamic Vinegar Glaze and Urban Accents

Coffee Rub An unexpec tedly delicious dinner duo, the I talian-made glaze is crafted for drizzling over sides like caprese salad while the rub brings a won-

Coconut Patties, which have been produced in Florida for over 30 years One bite instantly takes consumers to paradise with the taste of the tropics

O u r Co c o n u t I s l a n d ’s Co c o n u t C a s h e w C r u n c h i s a n o t h e r c o n s u m e r favor ite – think tropical t wist on a classic br ittle At its launch in 2017, it was a w a rd e d s o f i ™ a n d M I N PA Pro d u c t o f the Year! I t continues to grow because it ’s an unprecedented produc t, and add i c t i ve – o n e t a s t e a n d yo u’ l l b e b a c k for more

And last but not least, Las Olas’ Gour-

o f O r g a n i c To m a t o B a s i l o r O r g a n i c

Vo d k a S a u c e i s a n a t t e n t i o n g r a b b e r,

h av i n g s i x o rg a n i c v a r i e t i e s o n s h e l f to c h o o s e f ro m wo u l d i n s p i re a c u s to m e r t o g r a b a f a v o r i t e o r t w o Pa e s a n a’s m o s t p o p u l a r s a u c e f l a v o r i s O r g a n i c

der ful depth of flavor to flame -broiled steak and other hear ty proteins

O f course, that ’s just a taste of all the high- qualit y offer ings that await your customers in this exciting launch From decadent cream sauces to gorgeous gifts and more, Stonewall Kitchen has a wide ar ray of new specialt y foods and fine home goods with which to stock your shelves

For more information, go to w w w stonewallkitchen com or stop by booth #5906

met Taffy is also one of our most popular produc ts Matter of fac t, produc tion has more than doubled over the last year We produce over 20 classic and tropical flavors, and also have the flexibilit y to create custom flavors Each piece is full of sweet bursts of flavor ; and, because we use coconut oil, it has a silky-smooth texture without the stickiness of typical taffy I t ’s truly a treasure for taffy lovers!

For more information, visit w w w lasolas brands com or call 407 816 9944

k i c k – h e n c e t h e c o m p a n y o f f e r s O rg a n i c Fra D i avo l o Fo r t h o s e w h o c rave a r i c h e r s a u ce, t h e re i s O rg a n i c S i c i l i a n G r a v y A n d g a r l i c l o v e r s c a n’ t g e t e n o u g h o f Pa e s a n a O r g a n i c R o a s t e d G a r l i c s a u c e

Paesana puts the same care in labeling its jars as it does in prepar ing its sauces Discer ning organic shoppers look for the USDA organic seal, which

Beyond the label, and for in-store convenience, the company has packed its jars in display-ready trays that make for an attrac tive store end- cap display This eye - catching store setup is unique and appealing, making the product itself the per fec t in-store adver tisement

W h i l e a n a t t r a c t i ve e n d c a p d i s p l a y

To m ato B a s i l, w i t h i t s f ra gra nt f l avo r o f b a s i l O r g a n i c M a r i n a r a h a s a t r a d it i o n a l r e c i p e r e m i n i s c e n t o f S u n d a y d i n n e r a t g r a n d m a’s T h e c r o w d f av o r i t e O r g a n i c Vo d k a s a u c e i s m a d e w i t h o r g a n i c h e a v y c r e a m t o a c h i e v e t h a t r i c h a n d c re a my t e x t u re Pa e s a n a wo u l d n’t fo r g e t t h o s e w h o l i k e a l i t t l e

Each delicious variety of Paesana Organic Pasta Sauce delivers a taste of the I talian countr yside I t ’s an organic sauce like no other – full of flavor!

For more information, go to w w w henrihutin com or stop by booth #450 organic, these nutrient-rich sauces contain only quality ingredients, including 100 percent impor ted I talian tomatoes, 100% extra virgin olive oil, garlic, onions and spices that are slow-kettle cooked Finally, the sauce is jarred at peak freshness to seal in the flavors per fected over generations

For more information to go w w w paesana com, email sales@paesana com, call 631 845 1717 or stop by booth #1852

Henri Hutin (Cont ’d from p 1) Paesana (Cont ’d from p 1)

Virgin Olive Oil, a robust, freshly pressed olive oil using Califor nia- grown, 100% organic Picual olives

O’s award-winning Premium Reser ve is a small-batch olive oil crafted from O’s local family farms’ har vest The Picual variety of olive is k nown for its tomatoey notes, with hints of ar tichoke and herbs that will pair well with tomato salads, red meats and summer soups

“ We are excited to have this flavor ful olive oil join our growing family of oils and vinegars, all produced right here in California,” says Paul R yzanych, National Sales Direc tor for the company “I n Sonoma, California, we happen to be in the middle of the world’s most spec tac-

$100 million in economic impac t to New Yor k State producers A ser ies of events is tak ing place across the state this year in recognition of milestones reached during Taste NY ’s first decade, and the program's continued success at showcasing the ver y best of New Yor k State’s farmers and food and beverage producers

Taste NY highlights the quality and diversit y of food and beverages grown, produced or processed in New Yor k State The program’s nearly 2,000 par ticipants – farmers and food and beverage

ular farm countr y with its rich land,” he said “ We have access to the best ingredients and are for tunate to be able to par tner with some of the wor ld ’s pioneering growers

“Just as impor tant to us,” says R yzanych, “is to provide produc ts that are sustainable, environmentally friendly and that maintain a small carbon footprint Our consumers want fresh, clean, pesticide and herbicide -free food So, it’s a happy coming together of consumer needs and our own company values ”

O is especially excited to announce that O California Premium Reser ve Extra Virgin Olive Oil has been recently awarded prestigious medals from t wo international olive oil competitions The New York International Olive Oil Compe -

producers – craf t fresh, local and delicious produc ts of all k inds Taste NY produc ts include a unique selec tion of New Yor k gour met food items like hot sauce, jams, coffee and specialty honey ; far m fresh produc ts like cheese and milk , maple syrup and produce; and locally produced beverages like wine, beer, cider, spirits, juices, kombucha and more Taste NY also mar kets New Yor k made novelty items and even bath and beauty produc ts

O ve r t h e l a s t 1 0 ye a r s, Ta s t e NY h a s s u p p o r te d i t s p ro d u ce r s p a r t i c i p at i n g i n t h e p ro gra m t h ro u g h re t a i l o u t l e t s, events, and sponsorships I n 2022, 311

tition awarded gold to this produc t and the Los Angeles International Ex tra Virgin Olive Oil Competition awarded a silver medal These judges chose O ’s robust olive oil, from a blind-tasting, as one of the best olive oils from around the globe

Additionally, O Olive Oil & Vinegar announces its merger with the well-known Italian olive oil brand Colavita® A trusted brand, family- owned Colavita star ted out in I taly mak ing I talian Ex tra Virgin Olive Oil, and now offers the widest selec tion of fine I talian produc ts in one place Colavita USA, headquar tered in Edison, New Jersey, has been impor ting and distr ibuting premium produc ts since 1979

O Olive Oil & Vinegar olive oils are

n e w p ro d u c e r s j o i n e d t h e p ro g r a m w i t h t h e i r p ro d u c t s fe a t u re d a t N e w Yo r k ' s we l co m e ce n te r s U n i q u e, l o c a l N e w Yo r k S t a t e p ro d u c t s c a n n o w b e fo u n d a t n e a r l y 7 0 re t a i l l o c a t i o n s across New Yor k State, including 11 regional welcome centers, air por ts, state parks, the Javits Center and more Taste NY has also par tnered with spor ts venu e s a n d h i g h - p ro f i l e e ve n t o rg a n i ze r s to bring Taste NY produc ts to hundreds o f t h o u s a n d s o f c o n s u m e r s a t m a j o r s p o r t i n g e ve nt s s u c h a s t h e P G A To u r, t h e 2 0 2 3 I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i ve r s i t y Spor ts Federation (FISU) Wor ld Univers i t y G a m e s a n d t h e S a r a t o g a R a c e

craf ted from 100% Califor nia- grown olives and family farmed with love They are crushed within hours of har vest to ensure high polyphenol and antioxidant r ichness I ts produc ts have been featured on The Food Net wor k , Top Chef, Good Morning America and in multiple publications such as Bon Appétit, Food & Wine, G our met and The New Yor k Times O’s produc ts have been honored with 17 sofi Awards by the Specialt y Food Association Sample the simple goodness of O at booth #5255

For more information, go to w w w ooliveoil com, call 888 827 7148, email sales@ooliveoil com, follow on Instagram @ooliveoilandvinegar or stop by booth #5255

Co u r s e Ta s te NY ' s fo o d a n d b e ve ra g e b u s i n e s s e s a l s o s u p p o r t t h e s t a t e ' s agricultural industr y by using New York g ro w n a n d p ro d u c e d i n g re d i e n t s i n their produc ts

As New York celebrates this incredible milestone – a decade of hard work and growth –New York farmers and producers are encouraged to join the Taste NY program and find oppor tunities to showcase their homegrown produc ts Businesses are also invited to discover the delicious, homegrown goodness of Taste NY

stores across 21 states including Texas, the East Coast and the M idwest The Paolo Rovagnati Line brings the authentic taste of I talian excellence to American families, offer ing a tantalizing depar ture from ordinar y cold cuts and deli meats With R ovagnati hams and salamis, creating premium quality charcuterie boards, sandwiches, sliders, salads, pizzas and more has never been easier or more delicious

Staying true to its heritage, Rovagnati remains unwavering in its commitment to upholding tried-and-true Italian tradition, resulting in the highest quality produc t Crafted in I taly and exper tly sliced in the United States, the Paolo

Just Jan’s (Cont ’d. from p. 4)

Rovagnati Line seeks to redefine premium deli meats in the American market

The Paolo Rovagnati Line includes an array of delec table offerings Indulge in the simplicity of Prosciutto Crudo, a dr ycured ham craf ted with three essential ingredients: meat, salt and time Experience the beloved cooked ham, Prosciutto Cotto, k nown in I taly as “Gran Biscotto ” Delight in the mild flavor and fine grain of Salame M ilano or savor the pepper y kick and coarse grain of Salame Napoli Discover the intense flavors of Hot S oppressata, I taly ’s most soughtaf ter salami, enhanced with spices like garlic and chili pepper. Recognizable by its br ight pink color and pear ly white spots, Classic Mor tadella offers a familiar yet indulgent taste. For those seek ing

R osewood Hotels, Post R anch I nn and Bristol Farms, to name a few.

The produc ts we’ve created over these past 11 years are just the tip of the iceberg and I’m so delighted and giddy about what's to come K r is and I both

variety, the Charcuterie Trio and Salame Trio provide a selec tion of typical I talian specialties, per fec t for shar ing with friends and family during aperitivo or as par t of a delightful charcuterie board

The cured products, including all three salamis and Prosciutto Crudo, are available in convenient 3- ounce pack ages, while the trios come in 6- ounce packages The cooked products, such as Mortadella and Prosciutto Cotto, are available in 4- ounce pack ages Prices range from $5 99 to $13 99 per package, depending on the specific produc t, ensuring that customers can experience exceptional quality at an accessible price point.

I n addition to the Paolo R ovagnati Line, R ovagnati introduces the Paolo Rovagnati No 1 Salami Sticks, available

k now this is only the beginning.

To o u r m a n y c u s t o m e r s , t a s t e t e s t e r s , s u p p o r t e r s a n d c h e e r l e a d e r s , w e c o u l d n o t d o t h i s w i t h o u t y o u .

For more information, go to taste ny gov and farmers’ markets. We have been fortunate to have our produc ts in so many incredible places: the Four Seasons Hotels, Williams S onoma, Sur La Table,

Stonewall Kitchen (Cont ’d from p 4)

under the tree

Take the Classic Jam Collection: bursting with merr y berr y flavor, these three popular spreads elevate breakfast staples like toast, pastr ies, oatmeal and more Elegantly pack aged in a white box featur ing green-and-red vintage tar tan, this ready-to - give gift is great for family and friends both near and far

And, while the holidays are cer tainly a time of giving, they are also a time of gathering Finding the right hostess gift can be difficult, but Stonewall K itchen takes the guesswork out of pick ing the per fec t present with delightful combinations such as its Cheese Pairing Collec tion, Bloody M ar y Collec tion and Salsa Collec tion Not only are they a delicious addition to any food table, but the beautiful pack aging makes each

Yo u r k i n d w o r d s , y o u r s p r e a d i n g t h e g o o d n e s s w i t h f r i e n d s a n d f a m i l y i s s o

one an ideal grab -and- go option when par ties star t to pop up Finally, don’t forget about sweet treats, a favorite par t of any meal! From ginger bread houses to candy cane cook ies, the holidays are filled with sugar y delights – and there’s no better way to finish off homemade creations than with the duo of best-selling sauces featured in the D esser t Sauce Collec tion

Thoughtfully pack aged in a plaid box

in three enticing flavors: Hot & Spic y, Classic M ild and With Smoke Flavor

These salami sticks are the per fec t onthe - go snack , allowing you to savor the timeless I talian tradition wherever you are Each pack contains 2 ounces of flavor-packed goodness and has a suggested retail price of $3 99

With Rovagnati’s new line of gourmet I talian meats, American consumers can now enjoy the authentic taste of I taly without leaving their homes Exper ience the ar tistr y, craftsmanship and extraordinar y flavors that have made Rovagnati a beloved name in the world of charcuterie for decades.

For more information, visit w w w .rovagnati.us.

m u c h a p a r t o f o u r s u c c e s s a n d we a re t h a n k f u l f o r e a c h a n d e v e r y o n e o f y o u !

For more information, go to w w w justjans com

featur ing a winter y pinecone design, this gorgeous gift recalls the coz y comfor ts of the season

With so many fun options to choose from, Stonewall Kitchen’s 2023 gift- giving collec tion is sure to spread holiday cheer to all

For more information, go to w w w stonewallkitchen com or stop by booth #5906

Taste NY (Cont ’d. from p. 1) Rovagna ti (Cont ’d. from p. 1) O Olive Oil (Cont ’d from p 1)

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