OSM 36.3

Page 40

lawn ornaments The fever for Lawn Ornament has never been higher. We’re not sure if it’s because there are so many out there, striving to be professional photographers, or if it’s for the free t-shirt for your troubles (it’s probably the cool t-shirt). We thank you for finding the rusted and forgotten buggies behind the garage, to those-near-mint, centre of the lawn types, and the modern rides left out back just waiting for snow. We want to see the lawn ornaments in your neck of the snowbelt; snap a photo and send it in. If your photo is selected and published, you will receive a freshly screened OSM t-shirt. Email your pics to our man Jake at info@osmmag.com Remember, curb appeal is nice...snowmobiles are better.

From Deep Within Mother Nature Bruce MacDonald from Ontario sent us a photo of this no-mobile that he found deep in the woods. It’s unclear if there is a track buried in the forty years of leaves or not, but one thing is for sure - and that’s, this baby isn’t going to fire up after a few pulls! And we’re sure she won’t drive her way back to the showroom. It’s obvious that the earth is slowly reclaiming this ski and seatless prize.



You never know what might be hiding on your own property. Mark Boncher’s father-in-law mailed this find into head office. Recently MB’s father-in-law was clearing a piece of real estate and this old Moto-Ski emerged. Battered by dense brush, thankfully protecting it for decades, this snowmobile was once again to see daylight. The clearing reveled a sever case of moss that had been growing all over the poor girl. Not sure if a few soap scum remover baths will clear up the outbreak. But we hold hope.

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OSM 36.3 by On Snow Magazine - ATV World Magazine - Issuu