Osqledaren #3 2021/2022 MONEY

Page 24




Money can buy happiness if you spend it right. Rather than investing everything into stocks or getting yourself the latest iPhone, consider spending it on others. There’s ample evidence that spending on others actually makes us happier. It’s commonly believed that money can’t buy happiness. If your income surpasses a certain amount, a bonus won’t make much of a difference, right? It also seems as if the effect of money on happiness should wear off the more you earn. These ideas have actually been backed up by multiple studies. Money matters to some extent, but there’s a threshold after which it has no observable effect. Yet, money can buy most things that make people happy. If you’re well-to-do, you might have more time to spend with family and friends, which is crucial for one’s well being. Moreover, it’s well-established that people who are well off tend to have better health. In some sense, the outcomes of the studies on money are rather disheartening. In theory, we should be able to

buy happiness. Thus, maybe we should rephrase the question ‘Can money buy happiness?’ as ‘How can money buy happiness?’ While money allows you to build relationships, money can also buy happiness in a more direct way. In one experiment, university students at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver were handed a 5-dollar bill. Group A was instructed to spend it on themselves, whereas group B was instructed to spend it on others. As it turned out, many group A students grabbed coffee or had lunch out. In contrast, group B students got to treat their friends or purchased something for a stranger. At the end of the day, the students were called and asked how happy they felt. The results were rather clear-cut:



the students from group B reported significantly higher levels of wellbeing. In another experiment, participants were told to recall an instance when they’d spent money on themselves and others and were asked how it made them feel. Similarly, participants who reflected on some time when they’d spent money on others reported feeling happier. The second study involved people from both Canada and Uganda, but the outcome was pretty much the same. That is, regardless of cultural differences, spending on others makes people happier. The results aren’t revelatory. Undoubtedly, everyone has experienced the joy of giving during Christmas. However, it’s quite remarkable that the results are so consistent and reproducible across the world.

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