Elementary Education

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ELEMENTARY EDUCATION The Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education degree prepares students to stimulate life-long learning and enrich the quality of life for youth by teaching grades 1-8, including the subjects of mathematics, science, reading/language arts, and social studies. The degree program integrates classroom curriculum with field experiences in schools, including a full-semester clinical internship. Upon degree completion, graduates are recommended to the Oklahoma State Department of Education for full teacher certification and are prepared to take certification exams in other states, if applicable. Tulsa students have an opportunity to participate in the Urban Education Program, a cooperative effort between OSU and Tulsa Public Schools. DEGREE REQUIREMENTS • 40 hours must be upper-division. • A 2.75 overall and major GPA with a minimum grade of “C” in all major and professional core requirement courses. General Education courses require a minimum grade of “C.” • At least: 60 hours at a four-year institution; 30 hours completed at OSU; 15 of the final 30 or 50% of the upper-division hours in the major field completed at OSU. Limit of: one-half of major course requirements as transfer work; one-fourth of hours earned by correspondence; eight transfer correspondence hours.

HOW MUCH WILL IT COST? OSU is one of the best values in the Big 12 and has lower tuition and fees than many Tulsaarea schools and online-only institutions. Students taking 15 credit hours (full time) will pay approximately $6,807.75 per semester in tuition and fees and an estimated $630 for books and supplies. (Estimates based on 2021-2022 tuition and fee charges. Books and supplies will vary based on classes taken each semester.) OSU-Tulsa offers financial aid, scholarships and tuition waivers, with several dedicated specifically to transfer students. Possible options for Elementary Education majors include: • OSU-Tulsa Transfer Tuition Waiver Scholarship or • Regents Distinguished Transfer-Waiver Scholarship


TRANSFER MAP COURSES INCLUDE • Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary and Middle School • Teaching Reading in the Elementary and Middle School • Introduction to Visual Arts in the Curriculum • Literacy Assessment and Instruction • Teaching Mathematics at the Primary Level

Evening, hybrid and online courses make it easy for students to pursue a degree while working.

HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE? Use this chart below to see how long it will take you to complete your bachelor’s degree at OSU-Tulsa if you transfer with 60 credit hours from your two-year institution. If you transfer with fewer than 60 credit hours, the number of semesters will increase accordingly. CREDIT HOURS/SEMESTER










You can increase the credit hours you take each semester by taking classes online or in a hybrid format, where classes meet one or two times in person and the rest of the time online.

Contact the OSU-Tulsa Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid at 918-594-8273 or tulsa.financialaid@okstate.edu to learn more. YOUR MAP. YOUR DEGREE. YOUR CAREER.

Your Map to Success

Steps to take on your way to earning your OSU degree in Tulsa: FRESHMAN YEAR @ TWO-YEAR SCHOOL Meet with your academic advisor. Meet with an OSU-Tulsa academic counselor. OSU-Tulsa has representatives on TCC campuses regularly and academic counselors can meet by appointment. Follow OSU-Tulsa on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to keep up on events and activities.

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SOPHOMORE YEAR @ TWO-YEAR SCHOOL Complete admissions application to OSU. Meet with your academic advisor. Meet with an OSU-Tulsa academic counselor to discuss how the credits you’re taking will transfer. Connect with faculty at OSUTulsa to learn more about the program and introduce yourself. Your OSU-Tulsa academic counselor can help with this. Submit your FAFSA with school code 003170 along with your OSU application to be considered for scholarships and financial aid. Attend Transfer Day in the spring or fall to finalize your transfer to OSU-Tulsa.



Meet with your OSU-Tulsa academic counselor to choose your classes.

Meet with your OSU-Tulsa academic counselor to make sure you’re on track to graduate.

Network with your peers and build experience for your resume by joining a student organization.

Complete graduation application prior to the beginning of your final semester.

Consider adding a minor to gain additional skills or pursue your unique interests.

Volunteer or complete an internship to gain valuable experience in your field.

Polish your research skills by attending workshops at the OSU-Tulsa Library.

Consider participating in research with faculty.

Research graduate degree and certificate options. Connect with OSU-Tulsa Career Services to explore internship opportunities and discuss your career goals.

Transfer admission requirements: 2.00 GPA for 60+ hours; 2.25 GPA for 24-59 hours; 2.25 GPA plus high school admissions requirements for 7-23 hours.



• Elementary School Teacher • Middle School Teacher • Tutor • Guidance Counselor • Librarian

• Public school districts • Private and parochial schools • Libraries • Tutoring companies • Daycares • Colleges and universities

Attend Career Services workshops for job searching, resumes and interviews, then attend the OSU-Tulsa Career Fair. Apply to jobs or graduate programs. Walk in OSU-Tulsa’s Graduation Ceremony.

• Freelance teaching work • Non-profit and community organizations • Museums

Some of these careers may require extra training or education.

SALARY POTENTIAL In 2020, OSU Elementary Education graduates reported an average salary of $26,360 and a high salary of $38,000 per year. - HireOSUGrads.com

GRADUATE STUDY Elementary Education graduates often continue their education by pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree or graduate certificate. Related graduate programs available at OSU-Tulsa include: • Counseling (master’s) • Educational Leadership Studies (master’s) • Educational Psychology (master’s) • Teaching (master’s)

• Teaching, Learning and Leadership (master’s) • Education (doctoral) • Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (doctoral)

• Educational Psychology (doctoral) • School Administration (doctoral)


OSU-TULSA PROSPECTIVE STUDENT SERVICES 918-594-8355 | tulsa.info@okstate.edu | tulsa.okstate.edu/transfer Interested in pursuing this program at OSU in Stillwater? We can put you in touch with a transfer admissions counselor.


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