OSU-Tulsa 2020 Special Fall Virtual Graduation Ceremony Program

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program Welcome.......................................................................................................Pamela Fry President, OSU-Tulsa Greetings.....................................................................................................G.T. Bynum Mayor, City of Tulsa V. Burns Hargis President, Oklahoma State University

Trudy Milner, D.O. OSU/A&M Regent OSU-Tulsa Trustee

Brett Lessley Chair, OSU-Tulsa Board of Trustees Inaugural ASPIRE Award Presentation – Captola Dunn.....................Pamela Fry Introduction of Grand Marshals and Conferring of Degrees................Pamela Fry Celebration of Graduates................................................................................Raj Basu Associate Professor of Management Advisor, OSU-Tulsa President’s Leadership Society

Graduate College...................................................................Sheryl Tucker Vice Provost, OSU-Tulsa and OSU; Dean, Graduate College

College of Arts and Sciences......................................................Glen Krutz Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Spears School of Business.......................................................Ken Eastman Dean, Spears School of Business College of Education and Human Sciences......................Stephan Wilson Interim Dean, College of Education and Human Sciences

College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology.......Paul Tikalsky Dean, College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology

Closing Remarks..........................................................................................Pamela Fry Alma Mater of Oklahoma State University.....................McCulloch and Ballenger o k l a h o m a s tat e u n i v e r s i t y a l m a m at e r

Proud and immortal, Bright shines your name; Oklahoma State, We herald your fame. Ever you’ll find us loyal and true, To our Alma Mater, O.S.U.

grand marshals Dr. Raman P. Singh is the recipient of the 2019 OSU-Tulsa President's Outstanding Faculty Award for Research. Singh is associate dean for engineering at OSU-Tulsa in the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology, professor and head of the OSU School of Materials Science and Engineering and director of the OSU-Tulsa Helmerich Research Center. His research interests include composites, experimental mechanics, mechanics of advanced materials, and sustainable production of energy from unconventional resources. Raman P.


Dr. Hongyu Wang is the recipient of the 2019 OSU-Tulsa President’s Outstanding Faculty Award for Teaching. Wang is a program coordinator and professor of curriculum studies at OSU-Tulsa. Since joining OSU in 2001, she has developed a national and international reputation in the field of curriculum studies, particularly in the research area of curriculum theory, international curriculum dialogues, social justice education, East/West inquiry and nonviolence curriculum. Wang also received the 2018 OSU-Tulsa President’s Outstanding Faculty Award for Research. Hongyu


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OSU-Tulsa Health Education and Promotion major Alec Puckett is one of 52 students named as Seniors of Significance by the OSU Alumni Association for the 2020-2021 academic year. Puckett is an active member of OSU-Tulsa's President's Leadership Society and served as vice president of the OSU-Tulsa Health Promotion Club. He has demonstrated a passion for service to the community by organizing food drives for Tulsa CARES and OSU-Tulsa’s Campus Cupboard in addition to volunteering at the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma and Southern Hills Rehabilitation Center. Puckett plans to continue his education by pursuing a master’s degree in athletic training. The Seniors of Significance Award recognizes students who have excelled in scholarship, leadership and service to campus and community and have brought distinction to OSU.



OSU-Tulsa is proud to honor Captola Dunn, chair of the Ellis Walker Woods Memorial Committee, as its inaugural ASPIRE award recipient. The OSU-Tulsa ASPIRE Award is presented to community members who embody the spirit of OSU-Tulsa’s mission as a premier metropolitan, urban-serving public research university. Each letter of ASPIRE stands for the university’s six goals: Access to education, Service to the community, Premier Programs, Innovation, Research and Economic development. Dunn’s commitment to community and education make her the ideal initial recipient of this award. She was born in Arkansas and moved to Tulsa when she was a young girl. She graduated from Tulsa’s historic Booker T. Washington high school in 1949, and during her time there was profoundly impacted by principal Ellis Walker Woods and his dedication to his school and his city. The idea for the E.W. Woods memorial began in the 1980s at a backyard barbeque in Los Angeles where Dunn, her husband Al and their friend Richard Gipson, all Booker T. Washington alumni, decided that their former principal needed a memorial to recognize his contributions to Tulsa and to his students. Al Dunn and Richard Gipson passed away before the memorial was complete, and Captola continued the work to realize their vision. The memorial was dedicated in August of 2019 on the OSU-Tulsa campus, site of the original Booker T. Washington High School. Each of the monument’s pillars lists the names of students who attended during Woods’ tenure as principal from 1913 through his death in 1948, including Dunn. The memorial is now entrusted to OSU-Tulsa to maintain. Giving back to the community is a value Dunn lives by. Her contributions include serving as president of the Los Amigos Chapter of the Telephone Pioneers of America, a volunteer organization, and as part of the Tulsa Retired and Senior Volunteer (RSVP) Program. She also participated in OSU-Tulsa’s Black Wall Street History course and took part in an intergenerational dialogue as part of the John Hope Franklin Center for Reconciliation’s 2020 national virtual symposium. Through her dedication and commitment, Dunn has ensured future generations will remember the history of their community and those who built it.

t h e t r a d iti o n o f ac a d e m i c d r e s s The costume of those in the inaugural academic procession has a specific symbolism that dates back to at least the 14th century. In 1895, academic institutions in the United States adopted a code of academic dress that has been revised from time to time. The dress of institutions in other countries varies, and there is not a worldwide code, but the basic elements are present in all academic costumes. THE GOWNS

The bachelor’s gown has long pointed sleeves. The master’s gown has an oblong sleeve open at the wrist (or some older gowns may be open near the upper part of the arm). The doctorate gown has full-length velvet panels on the front and three velvet crossbars on each sleeve in black or in the color distinctive to the subject of the owner’s degree. The gowns are black except for a few instances in which the doctoral gowns are a color representing the institution that conferred the degree. THE HOODS

The hood, draped over the shoulders and down the back, indicates the subject to which the degree pertains and the university that conferred the degree. The level of the degree is indicated by the size of the hood. The velvet binding of the hood is the color designating the subject of the degree. The lining of the hood is the color or colors of the institution conferring the degree. The lining of the doctoral hood is revealed more than the master’s hood, and much less is revealed in the bachelor’s hood. THE CAPS

In the United States, the black mortarboard is commonly used. The tassel fastened to the center of the cap is normally worn in the left front quadrant of the cap. It may be black or the color appropriate to the subject of the degree. The tassel for the doctoral cap may be of gold thread.

OSU-TULSA OSU-Tulsa provides students in Tulsa the opportunity to complete an Oklahoma State University bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral degree or graduate certificate. OSU-Tulsa offers degree programs in areas including business, education, engineering and technology, human services and liberal arts. Students also participate in research that impacts Tulsa-area businesses, communities and families.

g r a d uat e co l l e g e MASTER'S

Caleb Lincoln Biles Stephen A. Cochran Lisa M. Devins

Jacob Jehan Mahmood Beverly Morris John W Story, II

Martin J. Wind Matthew William Yockey

co lle g e o f a r t s a n d sci e n c e s BACHELOR'S

Sarah Grace Baker Alexandra Dale Banning Kate Bartholomy Malaykumar Shitalkumar Bhakta* Megan J. Bosch Joshua James Bourbonnais Marlina Dean Byrd Mackenzie Lorraine Cabral Nhia Chang Michael Andrew Collins Mackenzie Ann Cook Katelyn Nicole Cooke Messina Eve Daniels Kayla Davis* Mayon Aziz Didway Shantel Louise Dixon Ashley Elizabeth Duncan Samantha Elizabeth Fields Zaine Alexander Gibson Allison Margo Gorospe Emma Elizabeth Grantham Ronald Todd Harper Jr

Jacob Hinchey Patrick James Hooker* Gregory Ayers Hosterman Morgan Houston Alexis N. Howard Meghan Hurley John Andrew Jeffries Melody Jennings Garrett Anders Jensen TaWyana JaNaye Jones Stephen Christopher Keil Lauren Baker Langston Jennie Lloyd Amanda J. Lowe Jazmine Macon Jeffrey Scot Mayhill Anne Elizabeth McVay Monica Mendoza Destiny D. Newbold* Makenzie Moran Newton* Allan Thanh Nguyen* Confidence Zora Simone Omenai

Kara N. Osborne Latiffany D. Patrick Allison R. Patterson Jessica Lyndsey Payne Heather Marie Peaslee Meredith Michele Pierson* Hannah Nicole Quinten Benjamin Henry Rao Katelyn M. Redman Deavon Daniel Richardson Alina Rosinsky Kamilah H. Scroggins Cody D. Smith Dillon James Travis Sherry J. Troutman Alexis Claire Vanepps Nicholas Wesley Verdea Seth R. Vincent Haley Michelle Walston Richard Keven Worley Jordan M. Wright Nathaniel Evan Zimmer

spears school of business MASTER'S

Charles T. Ames Joseph Aaron Appelbaum Jared S. Bates Nikhil Behl Jacob William Brumbaugh Alexander Gavin Bycroft Andrew John Carroll Doug Castle Matt Castner Kinsey L. Clemmer Daniel Steven Dickie Chandler Leon Eidson Sean Michael Everett Kathryn Elizabeth Flanary Robert Flanary Kelsey Lorraine Frank David Patrick George Micah Ruth Gibbons

Jose Daniel Gonzalez Angulo Aldave, Sr. Keith Austin Helt Carolyn Haver Jansen Mark E. Jensen, Jr. Alexander Evan Johnson Edmund Clarence Jones Gabriel Dean Kahne Paul Kawaoka Jason Shi Keim Bryan Mitchell Kepford Balapavan Kommareddy Jeffrey K. Lord Tyler Seth Martin Aaron M. Martin Brad Edward Martin Garrett Charles McKinney Kevin J. McWeeney

Joshua Aaron Meyer Alexandria C. Platter Nicholas William Pond Logan Price Jared Winston Rencher Brooks J. Robison Aron Romasanta Jonathan Scott Schneider Grace Marie Scott Jaclyn Elizabeth Slattery Jordan Faith Spencer Christopher James Sullivan Layna D. Tarpalechee Pau Tuang Franklin Ifeanyichukwu Uba Sasha L. Unkel


Cece Bobbili Whitney Layne Braden

Jon Brandon Robbins Susan Richelle Savoy

Rifayat Nizami Showrav

Brendan Paul Brunk Jason C. Bruno Orville Elbert Bryant Ashlea Bumgarner Keeley Michelle Burcham Kayla Michelle Cartwright Cody Jo Cheatham Christina B. Cheney Lian S. Cing Poss M. Compton Tara J. Coonce Colleen Zoe Cooper Avery Vallen Culbertson Kimberly Ann Cunningham Katie DeLong LaDonna Kay Diaz Christopher Richard Dickey Brennen Wayne Dinkel Sylvian Do Jacob J. Douglass

Isaac A. Elliott* Emagene L. Enzbrenner Brea Aissa Ermis Joshua A. Ferguson Shayle Jo Finch Matthew Paul Finnan Kimberly A. Fisher David A. Francis Antoiba Vancellia Fuller Megan E. Gallagher Jeremiah C. Gardner Katherine Suzanne Gerhardt Kirk A. Givens Michael L. Givens Mallory Nicole Goetz Ashton X. Goudeau Fabjana Grass Katelin Alexis Cyan Gumble


Maryann Abapo Drew R. Adney Lisa Cheyenne Akins Iman Alhlou Alec H. Allphin Mohammed M. Almutwalli Michel A. Alvarado Josh An Magdalena Esperanza Anaya Landon Ashinhurst Kenneth Badilla Tamara Denise Barnes Douglas Eugene Beck Julie Bobino Jordan Patrick Bogart Campbell Boulanger* Anita Faye Boykins* Derrick Lee Brown Charles I. Browne. III

spears school of business BACHELOR 'S (CONT'D)

Alaina B. Hall Katelynn Hamm* Sara Catherine Hansen Matthew Todd Hart Kirk Damon Hatfield Terry Daniel Haws Dalten Michael Alva Hendrickson Jordan Herl Andrew David Higganbotham Lauren Elizabeth Hillhouse Barbara Joyce Holmes Chandler LarHea Hudson Kari Jean Hutchcraft Stephanie Reann Jouett Isaiah G. Justus Richard Terrelle Kernal Amanda Rose Kroboth Taige Moore LaForest Josabet Landeros Vy Tu Thao Le Trung Cat Austin Le Jesse R. Lewis Sophia K. Mackey Rebeccah N. Major Colton J. Mann Madalyn Danielle Martin Casey Lee Martin Ricardo Matheus Lal Hming Mawii David M. Meacham Kimberlee D. Medlock* Chandler Dewitt Moczygemba Derek Moffitt Mackenzie Michelle Moody Kati Kathleen Moore* Francesca LaVallee Morrone Rose Ncuab Moua Rannek C. Murray* Cary Newberry Cara Louise Nicholson Jon David Norman James Walter Marshall Ogletree

Khylilah Olabode Bradlee Richard O'Neill Jaikob D. Park Robert Bradley Parker Christina P. Parkhurst Stephanie Jane Peck Timothy Mark Pernell Cole Austin Petrich Nikkie Duy Pham Marisol Pimentel* Elizabeth Pineda Alex Jacob Rada Ibraheem G. Rahhal Jeffrey Thomas Smithee Reavis Lori Briana Reed Madeline Catherine Regan* Taylor Elaine Reynolds Gabriel Patrick Richey Candace Robbins Marissa Ann Robertson* Jackie Romero Cory Lynn Sales* Damion A. Sayre William D. Selfridge Brady Alexander Sestak Chloe Elizabeth Shell Zach Shreffler* Brendan Tyler Siebert Savannah Elise Siegenthaler James Michael Siggins* Altrina Renee Simpson Chishoua Jasmine Siong* Lindsey Kaye Smith Tyler Ray Smith Taylor Leigh Spears Matthew Thomas Stenslie Alexander Jack Strain Khadijah D. Swisher* Amber C. Thomas Austin Thomas Tanner Eugene Thompson Jared Lee Tindel Sara Catherine Tipton Sierra N. Toland Tarra Lynn Trent

Ngin Lam Tuang Mosiah Vang Mahalakshmi Venkatesh Makenna Visconti Anthony Michael Voth* Angela M. Wallace Summer Lynae Washington* Jana Watson Breanna N. Watson Glory T. Wells* Sarah Rushing Whisenhunt Katelynn Carole Widner Kimberly Junae Williams Tamiera Bonai Williams Brandon Don Williams Kelsey Ruth Williams Erica Elaine Wilson Richard Gregory Winsworth, II Devon Eugene Witt Whitney Dawn Wold* KC Xiong Sykeo Xiong John Yakush Kameron Wolfgang Younger Omar Yousef

college of education and human sciences DOCTORAL

Michelle Ann Baker Kim Castaldi Jennifer Leigh Dunaway Jarilyn W. Haney Rhonda Elaine Hlavaty

Jericho L. Hobson Latoya Rochell Johnson Brian A. Jones Amy R. McCready Jessica Ann Noonan

Wendy L. Perry Jerrett D. Phillips Marla Joanne Robinson Lynett Michelle Rock Henry Brian Thompson

Emma L. Keller Rebecca Christine King Hailee M. Labron Alexis Payton Lamb Heidi M. Launius Jacquelyn Lemon Dominique NC Lewis Samuel F. Lytal Marty J. Markve Kimberly Michele McCallum Savannah Dawn Miller Mary Murray Shelley J. Olds Danielle N. Ottinger Holland Kate Palmer Kelsey Nicole Lee Patzkowsky Adam Clayton Peterson Anthony Picard Michelle Lee Rahn Emily Elizabeth Ramsey Leandra Rasmussen Kara D. Rockholt Mariah L. Russell Molly C. Sanders Hayden Scott

Christopher Korey Scott Merrily Jamison Shelby Stacey Renee Shives Myles T. Shives Bridget Silva Rashmi Singh Makayla Nichole Smith Steven Louis Staroscik Lauren Ann Stauffer Mollie Elizabeth Stowe Meghan Stroman Dustie Leann Swaim Erika Renee Tarrant Susan R. Terhune Harley Thomas Richard Quinn Thompson Camille Louise Thurston Julie Tucker Callie Breanne Updike Victoria A. Vargas Robert Alfred Wakeley, III Marci Anne White Debra Lynn Dearman Williams Resha M. Williams-Vo Charles Lynn Wilson


Caitlin Elisabeth Akeman Lauren A. Anderson Samantha Marielle Aponte Michael S. Backora Yewande Adetutu Bakare Jessica Ann Beebe Robert Vincent Bentele, Jr. Jessica Lynn Blodgett Rose Angela Buchanan Lora Amelia Buechele Christina Starzl Da Silva Amy Michelle Dunn Amy Eikenberry Tammi Lyn Ellis Hannah Elizabeth Fernandez Julia Gardner Mackenzie Lynne Gaut Sidney Dawn Gibe Chanda Gibson Emily Feild Gilley Drena Elise Goree Emily F. Gulick Janelle Lane Hanson Tasheika S. Heath Kathryn L. Horton


Ross Allen Bowman T. Don Crall Jo Anne Flory

Laura Elaine Gibson Jens Erik Jespersen Amy Renee Lee Michalcik

Emily Jane Mortimer Clinton J. Sago Aaron R. Sturgeon

college of education and human sciences BACHELOR'S

Kaitlin Mary Alexander Makenzie H. Adams Cesar Andaverde Samantha Jo Blake Aleksandr Sujoy Carson Raigan Caruthers Mang Chang Chris D. Clifton Christopher Don Elliott Karisa Nicole Engle Myriah Brooke Ewing Denise G. Feltnor Michael Allen Fischer Joseph Dale Franco John Steven Gardner Kaili Eden Gilbert Tyler Davidson Gnose

Rebecca Haney Maghen C. Hartshorne* Elizabeth Denise Hembrey Hollye M. Jackson Sarah Laurette Karimian Jia Kemendo Eric Vu Kien Emily K. Lacina Carlecea Littlejohn Marc Anthony Lowden Elena Lubowsky James Allen Matney Shawn Patrick McKinnon Teri J. Nutt Rachel Marie O'Connor* Courtney Michael Ortiz Elianna N. Pando

Brian Poulin Alec Dalton-Shea Puckett* Bryan Andrew Renfro Mason Daniel Rogoish James Eli Rumple* Matthew Anthony Sanders Alexandra Jenneth Spechler Grace Mae Taylor Cecilia Vera Ryleigh Brooke Webb JaMecca Nicole Wiley Amanda Carol Willison Bailey Elizabeth Zeigler Shannon Marie Zellers

college of engineering , architecture and technology DOCTORAL

Blaze Allan Heckert

Gijun Seo


Morgan Jennings Cornish Korey Herrman Katie Hoffman

Aaron Laney Charles Parker Gizem Gul Topal

Brad White

Michael J. Green Christopher Guidry Austin Wayne Haddock Kaitlyn Henry Jordan Kyle Hillyard Dillon Kyle Imhoff Michael Harold Jumper Trevor Allen Kaase Kyle Kangas Colton G. King Ghislain Maxine Thomas Laisney Michael W. Lanphier Lisa I. Leonenko Cameron Reed Creager Lipich Omar Lopez Hernandez* Addison A. Maddox Brandon R. Maris* Jonathon Maris* Zachary A. McCaslin* Wesley Cregg McGinnis Sean Rowland McLaughlin Felicia M. Moore

Kevin P. Murphy Fred E. Ndimgwango Ha Tan Nguyen Tam Nguyen Jason David Northern Kevin A. Pagan Daniel Perez Erik Osvaldo Perez Seth A. Arthur Phillips Ryan S. Rutherford Luigi Angelo Salemi Jairo E. Sanchez Colin P. Shoun Daniel J. Sifuentes Robert A. Sky-Eagle David Davinci Stone Clinton Sung Switzer Derrik Blaine Totty Dmitriy Udovenko Christopher C. Vallery* Sergio Alan Valles-Palacios Arun Antony Wilson Yelena Baskakova Wilson


Nicholas James Bartel James M. Baugh Jeremy L. Beitzel Leila BeltrĂĄn Richard C Brosseau, III Devin Christopher Call Amanda Kristine Carroll Marcelo Cepeda Layne Easton Claggett Tlaloc M. Contreras Conner J. Copeland Daniel Cotten Bryant DeShea Cox Grant Robert DeCelle Justin Keith Dillon Kyle Andrew Edens Spencer Jacob Ford Justin Suade Gaddis* Alan Garcia Kris Garis Matthew A. George Mohammed Othman Ghanma Suhas Gowda

* OSU-Tulsa President’s Leadership Society member Oklahoma State University is very proud of all our graduates. Every effort is made to include all known graduates in this program. If there are errors or omissions, we apologize. The names provided include all students who registered for graduation or submitted a reservation to OSU-Tulsa before Dec. 9 at 5 p.m.


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