Oklahoma State University-Tulsa Library Vision Report 2019

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O S U -T U L S A L I B R A R Y



21ST CENTURY ACADEMIC LIBRARY... ACADEMIC SYNERGY ... unites technology, staff and study facilities in one place. Commuting and non-traditional students have jobs, home and family responsibilities, so they come to the library to focus on academic work, get help and meet with classmates for group projects.

TECHNOLOGY ACCESS ... gives students the tools they need to succeed. Students are expected to create digital media projects, group presentations and multimedia capstones. The academic library provides internet access and laptops, cameras, Smart Boards and other curriculum-specific technology.

INFORMATION LITERACY ... teaches users how to find appropriate, relevant and factual information. Students and researchers need guidance to discern quality of information and access appropriate sources. The academic library offers classes, workshops and one-on-one tutorials. The OSU-Tulsa Library provides informational literacy instructional sessions to an average of 1,500 students each year.

RESOURCE GATHERING ... curates relevant online and physical collections. Librarians create resource guides that help users navigate an extensive collection of journals, books, articles and more. Special collections are unique resources for primary research. OSU-Tulsa Library Resource guides received more than 6,600 views in 2017-2018.

RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP ... supports the entire research process. Students, faculty and visiting scholars receive assistance with forming hypotheses, literature searches, copyright and citation verification and scholarly publishing and data management. OSU-Tulsa Reference Librarians served more than 2,800 patrons in the 2016-17 school year.

ACADEMIC OUTREACH ... engages the campus and community. The library presents academic programming and opportunities for university researchers to share their research with the public.

AN ACADEMIC LIBRARY FOR AN URBAN COMPREHENSIVE RESEARCH UNIVERSITY The OSU-Tulsa Library has served our downtown Tulsa campus since the creation of the original University Center at Tulsa in the 1980s. The current library space is relatively unchanged from that time, designed around print books and journals. However, the library’s mission and offerings have evolved dramatically.



The number of persons* who have walked through the doors of the OSU-Tulsa Library in 2018. *A single person may be counted more than once if they enter the library multiple times.



1 million+


The number of hours the OSU-Tulsa Library is open each year, making study space, resources and research assistance available when our students need it.

Total number of resources available through the OSU-Tulsa library, including electronic and media titles shared with Stillwater.


Total number of online journal searches in 2017.

The total number of items held in the OSU-Tulsa Library’s archives, including collections on the Tulsa Race Riot and Route 66. OSU-Tulsa archival contents have been used in books, movies, newscasts and national displays.

The increase in students using OSU-Tulsa Library Group Study Rooms from 2006 (240) to 2018 (2,438).


The number of Tech-to-Go items (laptops, chargers, cameras, wireless hot spots) checked out by students since the program began in 2015.

Today’s academic library is an extension of the classroom and sets the tone for scholarship on campus. As library services evolve to meet new curriculum demands and research trends, so must the library space rise to the challenge to become the place where learning happens.

Lynn Wallace,

OSU-Tulsa Library Director


THE OSU-TULSA LIBRARY WILL TRANSFORM ITS SPACE TO MEET THE NEEDS OF THE 21ST-CENTURY RESEARCHER Executive Summary from Service Desk AND URBAN COMPREHENSIVE UNIVERSITY View STUDENT. The new OSU-Tulsa Library will promote academic synergy, bringing together specially designed facilities,

The concept will update building systems, which for the most part are original to the building: tools, technology and staff.

The transformed spacereplacement will offer: • Library’s The plan recommends of all HVAC systems and plumbing fixtures. The existing

mechanical plumbing while well• maintained, are beyond their anticipated • Collaborative andand individual studysystems, space that An area to engage with technology includingservice data life. In addition, the HVAC system serving the eastern portion of the Library was originally encourages deep concentration in quiet study visualization, digital humanities, media recording areas, interactive in group collaboration and distance Therelibrary will be space, room toand has designed forwork classrooms, which have considerably differentlearning. needs than rooms and convenient to open resulted in thermalaccess comfort issues for Libraryaccommodate occupants. new technology as needs evolve. computer spaces. A multi-purpose room to host workshops, • Modifications to the existing fire protection•systems have been suggested for improvement. • Access to and enhanced preservation of the lectures and other academic programming. The most significant is the replacement of the fire alarm system with all new components Executive Summary View from Public Computers OSU-Tulsa Library’s unique special collections.

including the control panel to satisfy current code requirements. It is also recommended that a new fire suppression system be installed in Archives Storage, to limit potential damage in case of fire or water discharge. The study recommends replacing the electrical service panels and installing a new, more efficient LED lighting system.

A total project cost target of $5,000,000 has been established by the University. This figure is based on renovating the entire Library, which is just under 28,000 SF, and targets a 35% soft cost allocation with the remaining 65% allocated for construction. The implementation timeline for the project is dependent on fundraising, therefore a design and View from Public Computers View inside Quiet Study OSU-TULSA LIBRARY VISION STATEMENT construction schedule is not included in this report. During the study, it was concluded that working The OSU-Tulsa willLibrary be the intellectual on thespace Tulsa for campus, facilitatingofresearch and learning toward a solutionLibrary for the to vacate center its existing the duration the renovation with innovative services, technologies, physical and online space and content that fosters creation, collaboration should be explored further. and engagement.

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