Tiki Oasis San Diego 2019 program

Page 1

Front Cover

August 7-11


The Golden Tiki

Purple Orchid

Frankies Tiki Room

80s Club

Pagan Idol

Pagan Idol

Double Down Saloon

Table of Table of Contents Contents

Back to the Beach

By Bo Bennett Rock of the 80s



Music + Mayhem 12 By Bo Bennett Educators 24 Music & Mayhem 12 This year’s Tiki Oasis theme, “Catch the New Wave!” is an obvious nod toward Schedule 36 Educators 26 Surf music: In the 1980s, simultaneous to New Wave, was the “Second Wave” in the Schedule 38 Vendor Marketplace Maps 44 swell of Surf Music history, the charge was mainly led by Los Angeles bands like Agent Map 46 Seminars 50 Orange, Jon & the Nightriders, The Insect Surfers, or the gimmicky Surf Punks. This new sound in Surf incoporated the contemporary Punk and New Wave ethos of louder andBurlesqueVendor Marketplace Dancers 71 48 faster, and these Surf bands appeared on bills alongside Punk and New Wave bands.Disc Jockeys Seminars 54 80 Burlesque Dancers Index to Advertisers 99 75 Meanwhile, many New Wave bands favored simple riffs found in 50s Rockabilly and 60s Disc Jockeys you 101 84 Surf Music. Some had very overt Surf influences such as The B-52s (“Planet Claire”) Thank and The Go-Gos (“Surfing And Spying” with The Ventures). And of course there was a huge early 1980s Rockabilly Revival sparked by New Wave Rockabilly acts The Stray Cats and The Polecats in the UK and The Blasters and others in the US. At Tiki Oasis 2019 we have wrangled a wide variety of acts that relate to 1980s New Wave with a surf or exotica twist, “Second Wave” Surf legends, and a few original “New Wave”-ers to create a totally radical weekend that will leave you stoked!

oe D y b a B d n a Otto

Index to Advertisers


Thank you



Tiki Oasis Producers Otto & Baby Doe von Stroheim


Program Production & Design Rob Roy & Jason Weckerly

Sponsorship Tiki Oasis Producers Christi Crowe, Marketing Otto &FLAG Baby Doe von Stroheim Publicity Program Lee Joseph, Reverberations ProductionMedia & Design Rob Roy & Jason Weckerly Illustrations Derek Yaniger Sponsorship

Christi Crowe, FLAG Marketing Website Design HeelGrinder Publicity

Lee Joseph, Reverberations Media Illustrations Derek Yaniger Website Design Beguiled by Design


How Rock of the 80s Gave Birth to Back To The Beach

Bo Bennett


aybe you were alive in 1987. August, 1987, to be exact. That’s when the epic beach party flick Back To The Beach finally hit big screens across America. And not just drive-in theaters! This was a big studio production (Paramount), featuring a rocking soundtrack album and a bitchin’ New Wave POSTER full of surfin’ and swingin’, skanking and thrashing, HOT!!! ACTION, bold neon, and everything but production design subtlety in full display. I had been tracking the creation of this movie for almost 5 years working in radio in the early 80s, I was riding shotgun when “ROQ of the ‘80s” radio (KROQ Pasadena) crash-landed in Los Angeles. My next door neighbors in Venice were in the band Suicidal Tendencies. They knew what I knew: In 1983, there was only one godhead in LA music… DJ Rodney Bingenheimer!

Rodney on the ROQ was the eclectic crockpot from which Back To The Beach simmered and was belatedly served. It was the strange, sometimes perverse, alchemy between DJ Rodney and the semiretired former Mouseketeer Annette Funicello (played out on the airwaves of LA) that eventually lead to the last Beach Party film seeing the light of day.


Continued on Page 96

Trader Vics


s r a c i n & i s m u m e h e M y S Ma

Thursday Night Special performance

Gerald Casale



The Hula Girls

Gerald Casale is a musician, composer, music video Featuring director, and vintner. His music thehulagirls.blogspot.com career spans more than The Hula 40 years. Gerald found Girls formed in 2008 and have been busy playing their fame in the late 1970s self-described “hulabilly” music all over Southern as co-founder and bass player of the legendary new California. The group’s sound is up-tempo hapa-haole, wave band Devo, formed at Kent State University tiki, and surf-themed music, all filtered through the in the early ‘70s. His interest in wine started when late 1950’s and early 60’s rockabilly, surf, and rock n’ Devo moved from Ohio to California where he met roll! The Hula Girls are Spike Marble on guitar and lead several cutting edge restaurateurs and became a fan vocals, Shorty Poole on upright and electric basses, of California cuisine and the wines that went with Gary Brandin on steel guitar, and Doug Sanborn on it. In 2012, Casale produced his first vintage of wine, drums! They are always accompanied by their Hula-Abearing the name The 50 by 50. Go-Go dancers. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_Casale


Judd Finkelstein

Judd “The Fink” hosts a Burt “Fuzz” Nutley weekly radio show and oversees the hospitality Burt plays guitar for The experience at Judd’s Hill winery. As the Tiny Bubbles and The 16 drummer/vocalist of the 1980s wineEyes. His past musical country power punk trio Squirrely associations include Wisteria, bassist/vocalist for 1990s Doc And The Pods, The lounge-punk pioneers The El Guapos, Cybermen, and The El and currently the ukulele strummer/ Guapos. When he’s not vocalist for the old-timey hapa haole combo The Maikai designing tiny pieces of Gents. Tiki Oasis 2019 marks the world premier of his new electronic glass for your car, he designs and band, The Tiny Bubbles, the music of DEVO gone Hawaiian. builds fuzz and distortion pedals. www.facebook.com/MaikaiGents 12 areapiratarec.bandcamp.com/album/look

s r a n i m e S Agent Orange

rf e The dful to punk/su ive sinc y a han y original o is one of onl continually act cene. The first e frantic energ i s r h n t t k e e power who have be est Coast pun r sound with come to defin a s ta W of band st days of the fornia surf gui ula that would to deliver with , li m ie s pe the earl the melodic Ca vented the for ange continue America, Euro r n e i h O t n e i comb Agent Orang sound. Agent , Canada, Sou , S of punk e County punk tours in the U f g o n the Ora ding schedule acific Rim. n e d n a P never facebook.com/agentorange.net

Drifting Sand Debora Iyall of Romeo Void Debor Iy and lyri all was the sing a c e punk ba ist for 80’s pos r tnd Rom eo Void from Sa n Their 19 Francisco. 8 “Never 2 single Say Nev er” was a bold p r dance c ovocative lu alternat b, college/ iv and MT e radio, V hit. Iy all’s Native A m heritage erican unique made her punk-p among stereoty as she chall oet-go e p lyrics an es with her lo nged female ro ddesses ok and d delive her una ck singer ry. bashed

NorCal’s and S Drifting lay p sing and ut o songs ab rks, a h birds, s aves, w perfect floats, sea driftingsand.com r e e root b itney! They r ’ with B ide your n i f r u s going prov er, and s summer and he coast with t a w e u i stars, bl hat every day drivin’ down t e sun’s out and t r o e f . Th v belie ndtrack urf-pop sounds ing Sand! u o s ’ n i beach new wave s out for Drift n their fu up but, watch ’s the surf



El Vez is the Latin sensation that is sweeping the Nation, and the world! A modern multicultural hybrid of Americana & Mexicano, he is more than entertainment, he is a thinking man’s Elvis, a post-modern King with a Latin twist, the Chicano experience presented and told through the songs of Elvis. He has appeared on The Tonight Show, Oprah, MTV, HBO, CNN, and Live with Regis & Kathy Lee. He has even been a question on Jeopardy!

















s r a c i n & i s m u m e h e M y S Ma Insect Surfers 2019 ma r 40th an ks the niversa ry of Insec t Surfer s, “the pla n Earth’s et lo running ngest m surf ban odern d insectsurfers.com Active s ”. ince the n wave er ew 1979, th perform eI a and hav ed throughout nsect Surfers h in the US a e appea a latest re red on o nd Euro ve c p v o issued o rd Datura Mo er 45 releases e n . collecti purple vinyl, on has been sp Their on of ra e a re track long with the cially new CD s titled Living F ossils.

Intoxicats , s, Minnesota t li o p a e n in l nigh , and M uai, Hawaii ze one steamy tropica , a K m o fr g to MTV Originatin re born of a rum ha with access aturing e d n w la ts Is a ic ’s x n Into . Fe illiga the picture i. Picture G at Tiki Inik ited bar tab... you get ra, Prince’s NPG and m est and an unli he Brian Setzer Orch ith a twist! T w f o ty members a dance par e r a ts a ic x more, Into intoxicats.com

Jesika von Rab bit, the v former ersatile front-w and o Joshua T prolific songstr man e r Rabbit h ee’s trailblaz ss of e a albums s released two rs Gram si s In her t nce the group’s olo wo-piec demise. e full-ban d live co electro and Jesika h nfigurat a i of bills s shared a dive ons, with Wa rse list EoDM, S Melvins nda J ,J tr Boy Geo rge twe ohn Doe, and mawberry Alarm ackson, et interpre C a tation o ed his followe ny others. Upo lock, The rs the v bassist i f “Do Yo n releas i s Tiki O asis vet u Really Want deo of her bea e, eran, Le u t e Joseph o Hurt Me”. Jv tiful R’s .

Jesika von Rabbit



Joey and his Showmen ginal This ori AL C 1962 SO d is an b based itator m not an i d only e t i . or lim mentals u r t s n i to urf ir pre-s erations e h t d n e l en wmen b with several g lture, o h S s i ls dH cu Joey an ntals and voca t coast beach g band, s e i e instrum es: the 60’s w ica, and 40’s b est Coast t r and gen , 50’s rock, exo ssified as the W a 50’s R&B a sub-genre cl g n i creat tinyurl.com/JoeyTheShowmen Beat.

Jon & the Nightriders e Jon & Th rs e Nightrid 1980 n i d forme de, i s r in Rive , by surf a i Californ torian s i h c musi or of h t and au rated st The Illu hy of Surf ap Discogr hn Blair. o J Music, albums/CDs imed hat lly accla red the spark t d a c i t i r c ight side style leased e and were con rest in sixties- tal e r d n a en inte The b 80s and ‘90s ave” of re surf instrum o the w 9 1 w e e h t n o t “ m s in d . Many ontinue a secon ignited ntal surf music wake, which c e instrum llowed in their o bands f ay. d n prese t facebook.com/JonandtheNightriders

s, rly 1980 ed a e e h t In nclud ?” was i r e e u Q You Girl. nny Are al film Valley usical h o J “ t i tton’s h e semin ns and m Josie Co undtrack of th irky stylizatio electronica, u , o on the s nown for her q p to rockabilly ond. She has o y k s, Josie is ntation from p garage and be n of the B-Girl , e o n i r m s i e a Inv otes exper ounge, West cluding s, with liner n n l i , s p m m u a g b al sw on theme s d seven recorde on of B-movie ti a collec aters. Josie is W h n by Joh elect dates wit s playing r band which la her stel keboardist s e includ ssler formely e Paul Ro reamers and c of The S oots. R d e Twist

Josie Cotton


Rum Fire

s r a c i n & i s m u m e h e M y S Ma King Kukulele

r, an, acto rgy who i d e m o le and c res to ele is a inexorable ene nging hapa hao movie premie nd fish l u k u K od , si ith its a King eleist w und the world s from Hollywo ut tropical fru ritten for l u k u d o an bo gw ar ow l song a ,” a son formed ds of sh has per ongs at all kin a promotiona Don’t Eat Poop s not used. s a ed I novelty d. He compos ir, as well as “ e latter song w n a h a F l T Disney range County ublic Health. P O for the rnia Board of fo the Cali


Los Tiki LosPhantoms s are an m o t n a h Tiki P a; all that is Los Freneticos p enigm the grou s i n w o S ince kn e 2008, C ordoba, ers com m b m e m Argenti nds fro n from ba n scene Frenetic a’s Los la o the Cata heir image been w s have T hi (Spain). akable; crowds pping facebook.com/lostikifans t into a is unmis ks and frenzy w s the i skull ma ollar coats. rock jackets, are their hy th t f i r a u r s t S e c s h b leopard they exisit in t Link Wray, Lo eir live shows instrum rid of o y t e Th l l n g a t losfreneticos.bandcamp.com Music arly referrin a punk edge. toms have just he rock, be al t e n i l “T at, c a genre, tc., and giving ng.Los Tiki Ph del Talismán ( punk, i e o t Spaghet Western Champs to be devasta ms y el Misteri Their al t , i d o a e t b n r n u d m El Son surf mu nomina rumou heir Tiki Pha n Mystery). id sic t a Rock Ar ted on the cat o que Perdura . eleased ms and Talism r e w t i g s a o o t s ry of Albu nt most im Tiki Pha portant m by the Gard Best New el Awar prize of giving t ds h m nationa em a great reco usic in the co (the untry) l level. gnition MongoLounge at the rnest rids, the ea tlet, b y h w e n iable y ou quest for v cisco de-evolutionar lling le b o n ir e n s fa Fra In th nd of thing ehind San chemists b have taken “the sou sultant concoction: , e Mongoloid made it swing. The r over ice and served d d n e r a u o po apart” ge. It’s Dev Mongoloun t. wearemongoloid.com 18 with a twis

s r a n i m e S Motu Nehenehe Polynesian Dancers

Here’s Par Avion something sp e your Tiki Oasi cial for s “lei over”. Pa Sunday morning r instrumental Avion, an eclectic trio featuring Rebecca Ram Bernard Yin, ire be taking off z, and Derek O’Brien, will po resident, Bern olside at 11:30 AM. An L.A . ard grew up in Many years a go, he freque San Diego. nte backyard tik i-themed part d Otto’s ies Angeles whil facebook.com/VivaParAvion e tiki was stil in Los l a lo v e o ry k o undergrou ut for spec motunehenehe.com to join them ial guest musicians or hit nd affair. Be on the for a surf sess u ds” in ion later in th p the band if you care “Beautiful Islan s n ea m e e eh es day. d en Motu Neh sed group provi in ba go ie D n Sa is d classes Tahitian. Th entertainment an Samoan. ce an d n ia es n Poly and ian hula, Maori Tahitian, Hawai They wear pink miniskirts, white vinyl go go boots The Devil-Ettes & petite hand made devil horns. Sassy, sultry and sweet The Devil-Ettes provide good, clean fun for all ages! These go-go goddesses have gained notoriety for “settin’ the fringe a flyin’” at their wacky, wickedly wild high-energy shows. Keeping the lost art of retro dances alive since 1998, these gals are living masters of the most vivacious dances from the vortex of the heyday of 1960s including the Hully Gully, the Twist, the Frug, the Watusi and oh, so many more great dance steps! In addition to numerous performances in their hometown of San Francisco, the girls’ fancy footwork has taken them to Las Vegas, NYC, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Seattle, Austin and beyond! Honest-to-goodness GO GO DANCERS! Right here before your very eyes. You’ll think you’ve died and gone to Go Go Heaven. devilettes.com

The Fleshtones


rock decades, garage . They’re one r u fo r e v o s n it all t spa In a career tha Fleshtones truly have done y’ve played on e e h th T superheroes al CBGB bands, r Ian McKellen n gi ri o g in in a m of the final re ort-lived MTV show while Si s the last band to sh s l’ o and wa rh Andy Wa their jamming, ter’s Windows on the r e v o re a e sp e rade Cen s read Shak at the World T edible about The Fleshtone rm o rf e p y cl li incr pub y music yet fort er, what’s most World. Howev tting out some of their best brand new limited pu ir is that they’re career, as evidenced by the tshade”. h ir ig e N th y d years into Pipe” b/w “La ’ in y a 19 “L e gl n edition 45 si

s r a c i n & i s m u m e h e M y a S M The Greasy Gills

asy The Gre Gills are l il an all-g ntal e instrum ’ ‘n reverb d roll ban thern r from No a. i n r Califo w Their ne mia se ng from amous u r p s n o e inf lecti ring Col session with th s Martians, at p S e h T s release, ous recording ster of the Bo o e F n a ” t y spon ugs-o-Plent ttle. Evan “M t Studios in Sea n No-Cou

The New Waves Out of the ash es such beloved lo of ca artists as Apoll l o 14 and The Verm comes The New in Waves. Forme d 2013 by Mr. Ge in ra “Turbo” Proct ld or, The New Wave s new wave mu set out to recreate and pay sic. Taking cue homage to s fr The Ventures, The New Wave om godfathers of surf, s wave songs an d reproduces th take all your favorite new em as ‘60s surf classics. facebook.com/thenewwaveslv




s r a c i n & i s m u m e h e M y S Ma The Night

s. as it get the c i t n e h e as aut formed one of g a r a s e m i Times have lowin ight T p The N Neumans, they e Workers. Fol their first u o r g e Miracl ar with a garag of The L.A. are g ex-members ups since The eturned this ye that combine le g r ts ro Featurin rican revival g shelves, they s 12 vicious cu imminent sin . n e K e e r a best Am that flew off th Records featu skills. Expect up was in the U g o o 5 debut 4 We Go on Outr real songwritin d while the gr e d e h r r t LP. He f the ‘60s wi el State, reco o b the best n the British la o release

The Outta Sites


Coming out of facebook.com/theouttasites H garage rock an ollywood California, The Ou tt d and bass, all to British invasion featuring m a Sites are an exciting band in e a scheduled to b great back-beat. They are lodic harmonies, twangy gu the style of 1960’s itar, groovy org currently work e released in th in a radio shows a nd college stati e fall on 2019. Their music is g on their fourth full lengt n h album ons across the on active rota tion on many U.S. and Europ popular e.

The Surfrajettes urf instro s c i l e d e nd psych all-girl hermy, Sarah a , and r e i m e r ’s p e US le, S Toronto beat flair. Nico Canada and th ords, they e r a s e t stern n, up de Rec frajet The Sur e with a moder wds all over ea Heels on Hi-Ti foursom ave wowed cro elease, Cha Cha r Amber h ir debut CDEP world over! e h h with t to win fans t e are sure



Barreflag Rum

Don Papa

Home Bar Guide to Tropical Cocktails

Tonga Hut

s r a c i n & i s m u m e h e M y S Ma ses. m relea eloved u b l a t a gre hb ith four se of their muc e band is w d n a , h The Tikiyaki Orchestra a ce 2008 ry of the rele mmemorate, t n i s s e c a To co ivers udien owing a he 10 year ann Jungle Jetset! w n e e r the has b ting t chestra stra is celebra ngin’ Sounds fo pressing of r O i k a i e l iy The Tik Tikiyaki Orch ond album, Sw a limited viny vinyl, which g e n u i The sec l . releas Sounds on b Oasis 19 ’ i n Swingi ailable at Tik he Tikiyaki T av will be Stroheim calls t Exotica n es Otto Vo as “The great praise a h r t g Orches he world”. Hi tikiyakiorchestra.com t band in indeed!

Tim Polecat Tikitronic


Hailing from Sa n TikiTronic wa Diego and Los Angeles, s formed by “r eco studio enginee rs” Rick Roess vering ler (Freddy Canoe) and An dy Coconut). The Tolley (Captain du of equipment; o uses a unique arsenal M theremin, ana oog synthesizer, balafon, log drum pads, ukulele, electric and sl id and ‘80s classic e guitars - to reinvent 1970s s. live performan TikiTronic’s high energy ces are not to be missed!


up in d with at grew ndon, obsesse -fi TV, fifties c e l o P ci Lo Tim British s n North nd The suburba n comic books, d punk. His ba e early n America ly, ‘70s glam, a chart hits in th ke a a l i rockab had several UK uccess with “M d 13 Cats e s s Polecat international 1990s Tim form d garage n ‘80s and ith Me”. In the into the surf a in Palm s Circut W ssed boundarie im now resides lecats, o T o r . who c ne of the era urs with The P o e t c rock s nd currently . a io 25 Springs Tim Polecat Tr e h t and

s R o t a c u d E Alison Marae

Alison Marae is a musician, choreographe r, recording artis t San Diego Musi and c nominee. She Award has sung and danced he r around the wo way rl her little ukule d with le Paris, London in , NYC, Hawaii, Los An geles, Sa n Francisco, AlisonMarae.com Portland, Diego. Marae and San ukulele, voice als ,d alongs in San D ance and host ukulele strum o teaches iego. and sing-

Bo Bennett Bo Benn e a profes tt is s social w ional o a long-t rker; ime surfer, fo Waikiki rmer l guard, r ifeadio persona lity a He is an nd model. of surf m av usic, Alo minutia ha shirt id collector ( h o p e s and ar f ully stil package ca l i ) n . H t h e e has a BA original ne Film Pro i n Work. B duction and a Television an M d o asters i h a s liv for the past 30 ed in La Mesa n Social years. Californ ia facebook.com/bo.bennett.129

Charles Phoenix

Charles Phoenix is a showman, tour guide, food crafter, and author. He is known for his live comedy slide show performances, madcap Test Kitchen videos, “field trip” tours, and colorful coffee table books, all celebrating classic and kitschy American life and style. On TV, Charles has appeared as a judge on Food Network’s Cake Wars: Christmas. He’s also guested on Storage Wars, Jay Leno’s Garage, Conan, and Martha Stewart, and is often heard on NPR. The Los Angeles Times says, “Call him the King of Retro,” and LA Weekly anointed him “the Kodachrome King.”

David “Dr. Skipper” Marley charlesphoenix.com David “Dr. Skipper” Marley is a former Disneyland Jungle Cruise Skipper and stand up comic who teaches history at California State University, Fullerton. His books, Skipper Stories: True Tales from Disneyland’s Jungle Cruise, and its brand new sequel, More Skipper Stories, are the first oral histories of a Disneyland attraction. He is a member of the Hyperion Historical Alliance, a group of scholars who work with the Walt Disney Company. Under the name Dr. Skipper he is an artist who makes facebook.com/drskippermarley 26 Disney and Tiki inspired creations.


n n nd olynesia i Restaurant, a Lovely has bee g across North P a s a n p ’ i a i u h H D c level. ly grew ist, tea he Bali Di’ Love erforming at t he competitive ought-after art t p s dancer, s to perform at 0 years and is stralia! 2 u e continu dance for over Philippines & A g teachin to as far as the , a c Ameri EricOctober Eric missdilovely.com s art egan hi , scribb r e b o Oct s a child career a n his bedroom bling o s parents i walls. H fans of his t o Eric Hainline were n ks. Unor early w y the initial b daunted reviews, he With c art criti to pursue more tha ed n continu deavors 30 years n e of ericoctober.com c artisti hed out into experien c n ce and bra painting, in compu is , ter hatntly, he w e drawing ing, sculpr technolo d r n u a C , . do ly art k gy, printma mblage, fabric forces him to October is wild home n l e i . s ture, as his fevered bra e and ceramics and the origina s improvem e e s n l t ptur at hi e , ture crafting, and custo ever per scul entury tiki cul t and hopes th a p E m n r ic o Hainline acquired focusing ic about mid-c the movemen avors. knowled a great blend of has de ast red enthusi art that inspi his artistic en execute u ge necessary to im skills and n n i a i nique tik Polynes oth is reflected i projects agine and b . r o love f facebook.com/Tropicamping

Garret Richard

Garret Richard left a care er in under Julie Reiner at Monk radio to pursue his love of exotic cocktails. He wo rked ey built a following culminatin Bar in 2011 before moving to Prime Meats where he g in his Tiki Takeover series opening team of The Happ iest Hour and Slowly Shirl . In 2015 Garret joined the ey inj both programs. Currently, he helms his award-winning ecting his passion for Tiki in Room. He recently joined popup, EXOTICA, at Raine the s La by Dave Arnold and Don Le opening team at the newly opened Existing Conditi w ons e. instagram.com/garretjrichard


s R o t a c u d E

Ifn Whendy is a b perform urlesque er and M from S C has bee an Francisco an n a prof essiona d costume l d 2009. Sh weirdo since e a strolli moonlights as ng char acter at large ev e a make nts, so being up trick of whiz is also h looks fr er trade! With om 80’s Wav New Movie V from Fa e to 1920’s vam i with a t i housand xen; Ifn Whend ry Queen to Ho p, rror y is the faces! gal

Ifn Whendy


JDobbs Rosa y in’ Budd k n i r d d Your ol osa has been R as s b JDob rections er. i d l l a n going i can rememb rov p he long as f of onstage im ark l a r h e l i p a de and starts with tra odd a c e d a re an hat more th ce, a resume t ccess TV to mo d-up in t o g ’s e a n n i H experie to ently w h public comedy n, goes throug aigslist, to curr nt for diving in bbs a r a o handym riptions than C ith his pench is own fun, JD W job desc n production. s and making h to chat with e o n animati rtable situatio ow as an excus scene that he’s z i o h f k S i Cru m t unco iki Talk eirdos in the a goofy Santa T e h t d create ol cats and w e he was just o c all the c essed with sin s been ob n surfer kid. i facebook.com/jdobbsrosa Mounta

A Classic Paradise/SHOPVDM

Don Q

s R o t a c u d E Jeff “Beachbum” Berry

5 ine’s “2 nalities z a g a he M erry is t d the il Perso Imbibe One of uential Cockta “Beachbum” B tiki drinks an ar-restaurant e n b in ff fl Most In st Century,” Je inning books o a New Orleans ars. Food & W b a , w t of the P seven award- y’s Latitude 29 f the USA’s bes the New York o rr d of le author Beachbum Be oy named one experts,” whi ’s been profile f f b f m o y e u r ’s J a r ks.” e; he owne quire and Pl ld’s leading tiki drin usiast Magazin r s f o E o w h s c e e i h h n th w ft Jo . Wine En f “one o ic Radio Indiana calls Jef es him as “the SA Today and National Publ U d it Times c shington Post, S Television an a B P W d on in the feature n e e b o als


John Blair Jochen Hirschfeld

Jo Hirschfe ld is a fi chen lmma and pho tograph ker who tra e vels the r world h u interest nting down in about c g stories ocktails , crafts, a n He is pa d oddities. r early tik t of the i and dire revival c docume ted a n about th tary e vanhagen.de phenom tiki enon which w rel titl a Lost. Ma e of The DVD o eased in 2012 u s nder th f TIKI ny also e Vo his alter kn ego, the ow him under l. I / Paradise Hagen“ th adventu . rous Mi e name of ster “Va n

John , a writer Blair is , and r produce ho has w t s guitari ificant n g made si ions t u b i contr ory of t s i johnblair.us to the h ightriders The N f Jon & s of o r e d n the Fou l books, dozen es for many s i e H . c ot ra si surf mu as written seve rovided liner n ordings. c p h and he articles, and compilation re e c n i magazi ctive surf mus e retrosp

Joshua Levin

Joshua is an 11-year-old boy who loves 80’s new wave music. He is excited to share his passion for new wave with kids of all ages. Joshua plays guitar and skateboards in his spare time. He is part of the tiki scene assisting his mom to vend at various tiki marketplaces throughout the year. Joshua attended Tiki Oasis for the first time in 2018 and thought it was totally tubular!


Karen Kelly Finlay w ill once again be “Hiphipahula” hosting the The T i ki Oasis Club an Reilly & “Trader” B When s d Storytelling s ook he’s not eminar. Tom Morgan p sipping mai-tais oolside in a ca elly fta restaura o rgan & K illy are o nts with r exploring cla n M m o e T she’s re ssic her girl ical ahula” R a “Hiphip Guide To Trop tails! Area ev ding her storie gang, r k s e ome Ba ir original coc home H fetes as nts and throwi at Bay e h T , n th ook g at f the Mid-Cen e co-founder g fabulous e new b res over 150 o ent bartendin on, h t f o s of The r i p u tury Sup autho , which feat r time s cktail revolut ekly a star-s i p e e h r t C s e l l l i u o c tu b Cockta Kelly chroni of the craft c ch hosted we e questio dded extravag Potluck, i d nable fo anza of Tom an during the rise pus Room, wh e author of Th tures odstuffs in Valle a m s th jo . tiki bar em Kirby’s Ru Sven Kirsten, e book also fe und. Alibi Bo , CA visit Kare When h h t ro . T s a g . r s n a d n o amo any ye s the forewor home tiki bar m her favo kshop. Tiki Oa at r o f s t sis is rite hol partie Tiki, provide f the cooles iday. o Book of shots of some r tropical-cocktails.com facebook.com/alibibookshop glamou

Karen Finlay

Oceanic Arts


s R o t a c u d E Kiki

the ley and er e k r e B wn o in Lovelace ga Studi riving Studio O ns to be the o Y & s e ar Pilat tor for The Th 7, which happe l-Ettes! l l e t s r e n i n er of In ess Growth Me Yoga since 200 oupe, The Dev n w O e r h t n t t s i s e s e i r u c Kiki ad B g For e go-go dan teachin r and Le Founde She has been i Oasis with th . ik Program she came to T r first yea



Martin S. Lindsay

Miriam Caldwell & Victoria Caldwell

In s, the 1950 & Miriam aldwell’s C Victoria ilma was V mother Cafeteria’s ’s n Clifto otographer. staff ph r passing, the After he iscovered classicsandiego.com sisters d other’s diaryofvilma.com their m diaries d i d n M a artin S. Li c art ds of raphs. He lectures on director, culinary historian ndsay is an and hundre e-seen photog history of the nd ,a r d er-befo into the and ic Seas a to Tim Ferriss’ esign and history. Martin ha nd author. s contributed nev ired, they dug Clifton’s Pacif , where Vilma a bestseller The f 4of Ninety Years Hour Chef and Insp lden Era rking on radise o o t tiki-pa glamorous Go e. They are wo visual history f Classic San Diego Tiki, 1928 is the author s o l ’s an v s. -2 llywood sought true lo other’s diarie restaurants an d celebration of Polynesian 018, a o H d cu era ir m Martin has ove bars from the San Diego/Tij lture, Tiki her cam ook about the uana region. r 37 years of e b xpe design. His desi gn firm serves rience in branding and foodservice an th d restaurant in e San Diego arts communit MeduSirena y, dustries.

the Fire Eating Mermaid

A trailblazer via underwater “mermaid” performance, and poly pop entertainment, this former Bunny Yeager model, Mai-Kai dancer and Mystery Girl has been performing & producing underwater Mermaid and Aqua-Burlesque shows at Ft. Lauderdale’s Wreck Bar for the last 14+ years. When not underwater, MeduSirena can be seen performing as a taiko drummer and in variety of stunts; from fire eating to wing walking! She’s gained notoriety as a photographer & infamy through her lousy folk style paintings. A lifelong fitness enthusiast, Marina facebook.com/FireEatingMermaid.Marina 32 has taught kickboxing, Power Yoga, and even Retro Aerobics!

Nicole Pacheco

Nani Maka

Nani Maka (“B Nicole P ea a studied traditio utiful Eyes”) is a lifel checo nal hula in o Wailuku, Mau crafter ng ia and with Princess nd performed maker. Le S Kaima in their i and Willie matchy he is a Royal Hawaiia m n Revue. She wa enthusi atchy sa ast, and earliest of the mong the sews all le of Mai-Kai Myste gendary h ry Girls, and er and h stitchcraftonline.com performed wit husband er h ’s Loma Duke at Kui Lee and a She rec th ently st loha wear! Plaza South Se e Roney art a custom as aloha w ed Nikolani, Beach when it Show of Shows in Miami m a ea king ma de tching c r business on to become buted in 1959, then went s h i r aftan t s th . P e star of the Y olynesian Ro Ni as the leading owner o cole’s day job s and lady in the Sou om. A Bunny Yeager model, ankee Clipper i th sh appeared in th sewing f StitchCraft, a s the e Frank Sinatr Seas Cinema film, Pagan Is e was cast s h t land. She also a film, A Hole in Petal udio and fabr ip in the Head. ic store uma, CA .

Pam Kueber


Pam Kueber is the creator and publisher of RetroRenovation.com, a website focused on helping owners of mid-century homes find resources and inspiration to renovate them in period style. The New York Times in 2011 called the site “the go-to destination for enthusiasts who want to restore houses built during the post-World War II boom.” Kueber launched the site in October 2007 after she had struggled to find resources to renovate the kitchen and bathrooms in her own 1951 colonial-ranch house. She uncovered many hard-to-find products and after she was done, she decided to share her research with others.

Ram Udwin

Ram Udwin is the founder and creative mind behind Boy Drinks World, maker of fine cocktail bitters, tinctures, and other delightful things. Ram is a professional craft cocktail bartender, spirits expert, educator, Tikiphile and sometimes rum judge that is enthusiastic about all things related to drinking well, when not sipping rum and slinging bitters by the pool. boydrinksworld.com


s R o t a c u d E Randy Avon

father gn Randy the Mai-Kai , ran the gift with his grand lt Disney’s desi d e n for Wa starting an Avon ew up i dy push Avon gr Pualani Mossm waiian culture was inspiration erto Rico, Ran their a u , n mother rominent in H i Village which for Rums of P y Tiki locales i s i h e r r p r n e s a a g i l whe d a a y SE Man 1976. is famil he legen tarted L shop. H ossman who s performers. As ited many of t es from 1973 to is M v f George rk, to a host o wide. He has v f Representati a o n for his p ai brand natio Florida House K e h i t a the M nd served in a hayday Stuart Sandler

Stuart Sandler la unched the Randy Fo nt Diner Tarlow fo n t foundry in Randy Tarlow is the founder of 19 9 6 . Inspired natural Liquid Alchemist b y A m e erican th of t d proponen popular syrups. A dedicate y and member of mmunit culture of the global cocktail co Guild, he has tended s r’ de en 19 rt 30s–1960s, he Ba . the U.S ge programs ra ve be ed ct h re a s created more di bar and is experience th fontdiner.com 12 20 In e. ob th gl an 500 origina around the l ra tu l na of d a line typefaces for th led him he create ive to the artificial e at rn te al gr a an p as h e ic bl d la e ai syrups si av gn e in arket that wer reputation as dustry, and solidly establish products on the m so an advocate for th e designer. In 20 e premier retro display type d a to us. Tarlow is al of health and fa 0 4, ce Sa ndler launche offering retro importance d . M ry is st te du r in R e gr e ic tr a rv p o liquid-alchemist.com wellness in the se Tarlow can complement his hic design software product , y o s ri nd to gi Ra n t a is l typefaces. Mis features a suit for Liquid Alchem adventure riding, g te in r el R e av e tr tr o t o f P no h n o toshop Whe ram, Hour vector a cocktails on Instag rtwork, and o plug-ins, Snappy be found posting h his dog Otis Redding. rigi the world-ren e wit owned artist D nal serigraphs from and spending tim erek Yaniger.

Sven Kirsten


It was his love for visuals that inspired Sven to collect and photograph the remnants of the forgotten culture of Polynesian pop in America, leading him to identify the Tiki as its icon. As a hunter and gatherer of lost artifacts and ephemera of this phenomenon, he began to see the pattern of a unique art form, publishing his findings in The Book of Tiki in September 2000. For the first time, the book presented all the aspects of Tiki style-- its design, graphics, architecture, social culture, and cocktail mixology. The book put Tiki firmly on the map of American pop culture and is regarded as the standard work on the style. In 2007, Sven followed suit with his second book, Tiki Modern, then with Tiki Pop in facebook.com/sven.kirsten.39 2014, and The Art of Tiki in 2017.

The Inferno Room

s R o t a c u d E Tiki Lindy


Based out of the San Francisco Bay Area, Tiki Lindy is a long time bartender and private events caterer in the rum and tiki world, and is seen conduction tiki popups nationwide. She is most recently notable as the author of Tiki Lindy’s Field Guide to Pupus, Tidbits & Exotic Provisions, a first of its kind collection of tikiinspired food recipes. She additionally is the event coordinator and product rep for BGReynolds cocktail syrups.

Trader Brandon & Typhoon Tommy

Trader Brandon, the man behind Trader Sams, was the head decorator and writer for both Trader Sam’s Enchanted Tiki Bar & Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto. Typhoon Tommy is a themed entertainment scenic artist and designer of Suffering Bastard in Sanford, Florida.


Malahat Rum

Vanessa S. D’Amelio

Rise and of the C Fall l Produce ash r Vanessa , “ D’Ameli Sessa” o is a Bay Are a music jo artist, u poptheory.com photogr rnalist, apher, and foundin in the Bay Are strategist. As a technology a g the Bay team for the z suburbs, she w teenager ine The Area mu as on th Si si e the ‘80s . D’Ame c scene and its ren documenti l ng io has d politica and pol l cl oc iti from th cs in various lo umented music imate in eB ,m ca D’Ameli ay Guardian t l and internati ovies o Rollin o’s Pop o g Stone nal rags Theory film and . b In eg p hey hav artnered with an focusing eff 2011 e releas o Chip Ba ker. Tog rts on ed full f on The e eth Cla at Nancy a sh, Johnny Th ure documenta er, unders, nd curr r ently ha Sid and ies docume v e ntaries in pre a a number of nd post -produc tion.

Film Noir Festival

e l u d e h c S



Tiki Oasis is taking over the entire restaurant for this event! Buffet dinner available Emcee: King Kukulele Co-Sponsored by Don Q Rum + Sapporo Beer




5:00 PM

Doors Open, Registration & Will Call

Bali Hai Entrance

5:00 PM

Disc Jockey: DJ Swankenstein

South Pacific Room

6:00 PM

King Kukulele

Lanai Stage

6:15 PM

Jesika von Rabbit

Lanai Stage

7:00 PM

The Greasy Gills

Lanai Stage

8:00 PM

Los Freneticos

Lanai Stage

9:00 PM

Los Tiki Phantoms

Lanai Stage

9:00 PM - Midnight

Disc Jockey: Anja & Mike Stax

South Pacific Room

Tiki Oasis Shuttle Service All Weekend Long! • Tiki Van (619)646-8629


e l u d e h c S TIME




8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Tiki Oasis Yoga with Kiki Lovelace

Grassy Courtyard

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Tiki on Black Paper with Eric October

Peacock Room I

9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Hale Akamai, Part 2: Foam Tiki and Panel Carvings with Eric Hainline

Peacock Room II

10:00 AM - 11:00 PM

Registration & Tiki Mug Pick-Up

Grand Hanalei Ballroom Foyer

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Tiki Oasis 10th Annual Art Show All original artwork is for sale Open to the public!

Grand Hanalei Ballroom Foyer

Noon - 2:00 PM

Disc Jockey: Paul Cinnamon


1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Hula with Nani Maka and MeduSirena


1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

(SPECIAL EVENT) Tiki Tasting, Session One

Peacock II

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Disc Jockey: Lee Joseph


3:00 PM

Miss Tiki Oasis 2019 Poolside Strut – Meet all the finalists!


3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

(SPECIAL EVENT) Tiki Tasting – Session Two

Peacock II

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Disc Jockey: Nuria


5:30PM - 7:30 PM

Hanalei Luau featuring LIVE entertainment by Motu Nehenehe Polynesian Dancers

Grand Hanalei - Coral/Reef

Disc Jockey: Vanessa Burgundy

Sushi Bar

Sponsored by California Rum Festival with Don Q, Pusser’s Rum, The Real McCoy, Rum Fire, Patron, Liquid Alchemist Natural Syrups, Zaya Rum, Plantation Rum, Rhum Clement, Bounty Rum, El Dorado Rum, Denizen Rum, Malahat Spirits + Modern Times Beer

Sponsored by California Rum Festival with Don Q, Pusser’s Rum, The Real McCoy, Rum Fire, Patron, Liquid Alchemist Natural Syrups, Zaya Rum, Plantation Rum, Rhum Clement, Bounty Rum, El Dorado Rum, Denizen Rum, Malahat Spirits + Modern Times Beer

Presented by Trader Vic’s + Phillips Distilling Co. Signature Tropical Cocktails by Pagan Idol + Bar Kindred

6:00 PM - 10:00 PM


Location: Main Stage Emcee: King Kukulele 6:30 PM

Tikiyaki Orchestra “Swingin’ Sounds for the Jungle Jetset” 10th Anniversary album release show!

Main Stage

7:30 PM

Miss Tiki Oasis Contest hosted by El Vez & Miss Tiki Oasis 2018 Ruby Champagne

Main Stage

8:15 PM

The Tiny Bubbles (featuring Devo’s Gerald Casale and Judd “The Fink” & Burt “Fuzz” Nutley of The Maikai Gents) with The Hula Girls

Main Stage

9:00 PM

Tikiyaki Orchestra

Main Stage

10:00 PM - Midnight

Tiki Talk Show Live from Tiki Oasis

Peacock II

Sponsored by Don Papa


e l u d e h c S TIME




8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Hangover Yoga with El Vez

Courtyard Grassy Area

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Sing Along with King Kukulele


9:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Disc Jockey: Becky & Nikki (Bubblegum & Other Delights)


9:30 AM - 2:00 PM

Tiki Tike On-Campus Classroom, 2-10 years old. Lunch Provided.

Cove Room

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Lalani Hawaiian Village Waikiki with Randy Avon

Peacock II

10:30 AM - Noon

Ninety Years of Classic San Diego Tiki with Martin S Lindsay

Grand Hanalei - Harbor/Lagoon

10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Tiki Oasis 10th Annual Art Show All original artwork is for sale Open to the public!

Grand Hanalei Ballroom Foyer

10:00 AM - 11:00 PM

Registration & Tiki Mug Pick-Up

Grand Hanalei Ballroom Foyer

10:30 AM - Noon

Field Guide to Tiki Decorating LIVE! with Trader Brandon & Typhoon Tommy

Peacock I

11:00 AM - Noon

Hula with Di’Lovely


11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Walt Disney Discovers Tiki with David “Dr. Skipper” Marley

Grand Hanalei - Coral/Reef

11:30 AM

Live Music: Drifting Sand


Noon - 2:00 PM

(SPECIAL EVENT) Wine Appreciation with vintners Judd and Jerry Peacock II

Noon - 3:00 PM

Disc Jockey: Tiki Thomas

Sushi Bar

12:15 PM - 3:00 PM

Disc Jockey: djgirlgroupgirl


12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Enid Collins Inspired Treasure Box with Nicole Pacheco

Peacock I

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Create a World of Tiki in your Home Bar with Pam Kueber

Grand Hanalei - Harbor/Lagoon

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

5th Annual Cabana Crew Strut, meet in the atrium by 2pm!


1:00PM - 2:30 PM

Ingredients Matter: Guide to Drinking Well with Randy Tarlow

Grand Hanalei - Coral/Reef

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Tiki Tot Playroom, FREE! Tiki Crafts and Activities. For Potty Trained children ages 2 – 9 years old

Cove Room

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Secret Diaries of a Clifton’s Cafeteria Camera Girl with Miriam & Victoria Caldwell

Peacock II

3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Tiki Oasis Storytelling with Karen Finlay

Grand Hanalei - Harbor/Lagoon

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Disc Jockey: El Nova

Grand Pacific “Loft”

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Disc Jockey: Will Torres


Sponsored by Jonathan English’s Red Fassionola

Sponsored by Don Papa Rum

Co-Sponsored by The Fifty by Fifty + Judd’s Hill

Sponsored by Licor 43

Co-Sponsored by Don Q Rum + Patron Tequila with Liquid Alchemist Natural Syrups

Sponsored by Monkey Shoulder


Sponsored by ILove80s.com with Trader Vic’s

e l u d e h c S TIME




3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Disc Jockey: Swankenstein

Kona Room

3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Disc Jockey: Flashback George

Sushi Bar

3:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Indoor Marketplace Preview Must have Event Ticket for Entry!

Kona Coast, Grand Pacific “Loft” & Lahaina Ballrooms

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

The Heart of Tiki with Jochen Hirschfeld

Peacock I

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Mai Tai Roa A’e! with Jeff “Beachbum” Berry

Grand Hanalei - Coral/Reef

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

10th Annual Tiki Oasis Sip ‘n’ Shop

Lanai Suites

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Disc Jockey: Paul Cinnamon

Grand Pacific “Loft”

5:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Tiki Tween Party Room. Games, Pizza, Popcorn and a Movie

Cove Room

6:00 PM

Official Tiki Oasis Limited Edition 2019 Tiki Mug sale Tiki Mug designed by Eekum Bookum

Grand Hanalei Ballroom Foyer

6:00 PM - 6:45 PM

Live Music: TikiTronic

Sushi Bar

6:45 PM - Late

LuxuriaMusic DJs spinning

Sushi Bar

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Disc Jockey: Professor Rex Dart

Grand Pacific “Loft”

Sponsored by Sapporo Beer

Co-Sponsored by Trader Vic’s + Phillips Distilling Co. with Real Ingredients Co-Sponsored by Don Q Rum, Patron Tequila, The Real McCoy, Rum Fire, Zaya Rum + Sapporo Beer with Tonga Hut, The Grass Skirt, Zombie Village, Forbidden Island + Miss B’s Coconut Club


Emcee: King Kukulele 5:00 PM

Tiki Oasis Welcome

Main Stage

5:15 PM

The New Waves

Main Stage

6:00 PM

The Insect Surfers

Main Stage

6:45 PM

The Surfrajettes

Main Stage

7:45 PM

Jon & The Nightriders

Main Stage

9:00 PM

Agent Orange

Main Stage


Featuring DJ Howie Pyro Spinning All Night Long! (Lagoon Room)

Lagoon Room


e l u d e h c S TIME




9:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Tot & Tween Group Photo


9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Disc Jockey: DJ Bigtikidude and Emilio

Car Show

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Tiki Oasis 11th annual Car Show & Marketplace

Parking Lot

9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Disc Jockey: Jon Burchard


9:30 AM - 2:00 PM

Tiki Tike On-Campus Classroom, 2-10 years old. Lunch Provided.

Cove Room

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

“Back to the Beach” with Bo Bennett

Grand Hanalei - Coral/Reef

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

New Wave Ukulele Strum & Sing-Along with Alison Marae


10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Totally Tubular – Intro to New Wave Music for Kids with Joshua Levin

Peacock II

10:00 AM - Noon

Disc Jockey: El Nova

Grand Pacific “Loft”

10:00 AM - Noon

Tiki Oasis 2019 Book Signing

Grand Hanalei Ballroom Foyer

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Outdoor Marketplace – Vendors selling their wares!


10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Tiki Oasis 10th Annual Art Show – All original artwork is for sale… Open to the public!

Grand Hanalei Ballroom Foyer

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Indoor Marketplace – Vendors selling their wares!

Kona Coast, Grand Pacific “Loft”, & Lahaina Ballrooms

10:00 AM - 11:00 PM

Registration & Tiki Mug Pick-Up

Grand Hanalei Ballroom Foyer

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Let’s Get Physical with MeduSirena

Grand Hanalei - Harbor/Lagoon

11:00 AM - Noon

Liquid Sky – 80s Make-Up Class with Ifn Whendy

Peacock I

11:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Disc Jockeys from LuxuriaMusic

Sushi Bar

11:30 AM - 12:15 PM

Live Music: TikiTronics


12:15 PM - 3:00 PM

Disc Jockey: Shindog from New Wave City


Noon - 1:00 PM

Conversation with John Blair of Jon & the Nightriders

Atrium Gazebo

Noon - 1:30 PM

Riffs & Spiffs: How to Craft Your Own Cocktail with Tiki Lindy

Peacock II

Noon - 1:30 PM

New Traditionalists with Garret Richard

Grand Hanalei - Harbor/Lagoon

Noon - 2:30PM

Disc Jockey: Howie Pyro

Grand Pacific “Loft”

1:00 PM

Tiki Swizzle Swap, featuring Matchbooks & Coasters


1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Tiki Oasis 10th Annual Art Show Artist Reception

Grand Hanalei Ballroom Foyer

1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Disc Jockey: After School Special

Car Show

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

From Punk to Urban Archeologist: My Tiki Evolution with Sven Kirsten

Grand Hanalei - Harbor/Lagoon


Sponsored by Sintax

Sponsored by Reál Ingredients + Pusser’s Rum

Sponsored by Rhum Barbancourt with Cocktail Kingdom

Sponsored by El Dorado Rum with The Grass Skirt

e l u d e h c S TIME




2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

3rd Annual: Aloha Caftan Society Meet-Up

Outside, in front of hotel lobby

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Tiki Tot Playroom, FREE! Tiki Crafts and Activities. For Potty Trained children ages 2 – 9 years old

Cove Room

2:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Disc Jockey: Will Torres

Grand Pacific “Loft”

3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Tiki Oasis Book Club Tapping the Source by Kem Nunn with host Karen Finlay


3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Disc Jockey: DJ Will’mer


3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

The Rise and Fall of the Clash with Vanessa S. D’Amelio

Grand Hanalei - Harbor/Lagoon

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Tiki Pairing Parlour

Peacock I & II

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

The Home Bar Guide To Tropical Cocktails with Kelly “Hiphipahula” Reilly & “Trader” Tom Morgan

Grand Hanalei - Coral/Reef

4:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Meet Miss Tiki Oasis

Car Show

5:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Tiki Tween Party Room, Games, Pizza, Popcorn and a Movie

Cove Room

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

DJ Zombierella

Sushi Bar

Sponsored by Malahat Spirits

Sponsored by Sapporo Beer

Co-Sponsored by Rhum Clement, Don Papa Rum, Pusser’s Rum, Malahat Spirits, Licor 43, Seven Caves Distillery + Monkey Shoulder with Kona Bar, p. o. p. candy co. + More!

Co-Sponsored by Rhum Clement + Rhum J. M


Emcee: King Kukulele 5:30 PM

Costume Contest – kids and couples

Main Stage

5:45 PM


Main Stage

6:15 PM

Costume Contest – ladies and gents

Main Stage

6:45 PM


Main Stage

7:15 PM

The Devil-Ettes

Main Stage

7:45 PM

The Outta Sites featuring Debora Iyall of Romeo Void, Tim Polecat

Main Stage

9:00 PM

Josie Cotton

Main Stage


Presented by ILove80s.com! Special New Wave Dance Party! 10:00 PM - 2:00 AM

Featuring DJ Will’mer and DJ Jedi Spinning All Night Long!

Lagoon Room


e l u d e h c S TIME




9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Disc Jockeys: The Stately DJ Wayne Manor & DJ Hardly Quinn

Car Show

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Tiki Oasis 11th Annual Car Show

Parking Lot

9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tiki Tot Tour with King Kukulele


9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Disc Jockey: El Nova


9:30 AM - 2:00 PM

Tiki Tike On-Campus Classroom

Cove Room

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Disc Jockey: Nuria

Grand Pacific “Loft”

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Tiki Oasis 10th Annual Art Show All original artwork is for sale… Open to the public!

Grand Hanalei Ballroom Foyer

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Indoor Marketplace – Vendors selling their wares!

Kona Coast, Grand Pacific “Loft” & Lahaina Ballrooms

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Outdoor Marketplace – Vendors selling their wares!


Las Vegasland with Charles Phoenix

Grand Hanalei Ballroom

11:30 AM

Live Music: Par Avion


Noon - 1:00 PM

Kiddie Cocktail with Stuart Sandler

Peacock II

12:15 PM - 3:00 PM

Disc Jockey: Astro138


1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Disc Jockey: Paul Cinnamon

Grand Pacific “Loft”

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Uke Jam with King Kukulele


1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Disc Jockey: Zorch

Car Show

5th Annual Tiki Oasis Bartender Battle

Peacock II

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Tiki Tot Playroom, FREE! Tiki Crafts and Activities. For Potty Trained children ages 2 – 9 years old

Cove Room

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Disc Jockey: Professor Rex Dart


3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Disc Jockey: Will Torres

Grand Pacific “Loft”

For Potty Trained children ages 2 – 9 years old

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Co-Sponsored by Don Q Rum + Real Ingredients

Co-Sponsored by Rhum Barbancourt, Rum Fire, El Dorado Rum, Barrelflag Rum, Seven Caves Tiki Gin, Real Ingredients + ABSENTE Absinthe Refined


Emcee: Otto von Stroheim 5:00 PM

Registration & Tiki Mug Pick-Up

Grand Hanalei Ballroom Foyer

6:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Disc Jockey DJ Tony Tiger spinning between bands all night long!

Grand Hanalei Ballroom

6:00 PM

Doors Open

Grand Hanalei Ballroom

7:00 PM

The Night Times

Grand Hanalei Ballroom

8:00 PM

Joey and His Showman

Grand Hanalei Ballroom

9:00 PM

The Fleshtones

Grand Hanalei Ballroom


Sapporo Beer





9:59 PM














9:59 PM






Polynesian Luau (Thursday Only) The Islands Restaurant Hanalei Snack Shack


Islands Sushi and Pupu Bar

Hotel Lobby

Hotel Lobby

Food Trucks

Car Show

Lagoon Patio

Late Night Tacos

East Atrium





9:59 PM


Mustache Mike's Italian Ice Cart Odd Rodney

Unique handmade Tiki goods

Ohana Outpost

Tiki Art, Vintage Clothing and More

Organic Jewelry By Allie

Colorful, funky jewels hand carved in tagua nuts and rainforest seeds

Creative metal work with Tiki flair

Post & Beam

Retro art of iconic Mid-Mod architecture

Princess Madison Designs

Tiki jewelry, tropical hair flowers and fascinators, handmade bags and hats

Dionysus Records

Glassware, original art, prints and other Creepy Tiki goodness. LPs, CDs, 45s, Exotica, Surf, Garage, Rockabilly and more


Fine Art paintings, hairflowers and hat fobs

Double Trouble Apparel

Modern, Retro, Pinup Clothing & Accessories

Smokin' Tikis

Hand-Carved Tikis, masks and more

Dr. Skipper

SneakyTiki Boutique

Fancy Fruits

Unique Disney and Tiki Culture inspired creation Carnivorous alien plants and light up Tiki hair flowers

Frog Island Tikis

Crazy Cool Tikis from the Pacific Northwest

Sunny Dunes Antique Mall

Gecko'z South Sea Arts

Tiki Mugs and authentic Hawaiian art

Sweet Siren Designs

Grass Shack Traders

Vintage Hawaiiana & Accessories to Island Living

Tiki Broker

Grider Co.

Handmade Cast Metal Art & Cocktail Goods


Hawaiian Import

Made in Hawaii Pottery and Hand Painted Coconuts

Tiki King Tiki Oasis Merchandise Tiki tOny

High end vintage clothing from the 1930s to 1960s 100% Tiki soy candles and and hand crafted picture frames Tiki, vinyl records, comic books and collectibles Nautical meets Horror meets Vintage inspired with a Tiki Twist Hand carved wood molded concrete and molded plaster Tikis and masks Original beachcomber and Tiki decor for parties and movie sets for sale Neat handmade Tiki and Ukulele stuff since 1994 Get your souvenirs and official Tiki Oasis gifts for your friends and relatives back home Whimsical driftwood carvings, art, mugs, and cocktail glasses created by artist Tiki tOny


Tiki mugs, pendants and T-Shirts

Bali Mantra

Exotic handmade jewelry and tropical clothing

Boy Drinks World

Bitters and extracts for cocktails!

Ceramics by Carol Coolgee

Ceramic Tiki mugs handmade in California with Aloha Authentic Hawaiian and Polynesian Island Antiques and Collectibles

Desire Magneto Devon Devereaux Art

Homère Clément Tiki Mugs

Hula Hideaway Art ILove80s.com

Limited edition Tiki mugs while supplies last Colorful and rum-soaked Tiki Art. Vintage-framed prints and artwork Like, totally tubular merchandise from 80's themed Nightclubs in Southern California!

Spring Candles

Back at Tiki Oasis with their delish Italian Ice


Surfboard carvings, Tikis and more

Très Noir Eyewear Co.

Fine quality handmade eyewear

Johnnie Velour Ceramics Liquid Alchemist Natural Syrups

Wheelthrown, handcrafted ceramic art for your home and Tiki lounge Small batch syrups made from natural ingredients

Vintage Surf Natural Bamboo Frames

Vintage Hawaiiana and Tahitian art, natural Bamboo frames, art on wood panel Wild Tiki apparel for men, women, and children. Handmade in San Diego

Loco Lindo

Vintage Inspired Clothing Made in the USA

mFrankm Carvings

Unique hand-carved Tikis from exotic hardwoods, and idols + jewelry Handcrafted sterling silver jewelry inspired by the islands of the South Pacific

Moni Tapu Jewelry


Volcano Designs




9:59 PM


Tiki wooden coasters, beer tap handles, light up plaques, bottle openers and more

All The Shiny Things Amber Ray Accoutrements California Lustre Donnaland Vintage Variety Kymm Bang! Atomic Crush Mookie Sato

All your Vintage and Costume Jewelry needs

MTKahuna Vintage Polynesia The Oblong Box Shop

Sparkling flowers for hair of anywhere!

Pop Culture Explosion!

Custom swizzle sticks and vintage fashion for sun + travel Vintage Clothing, Accessories, Jewelry and Novelties Mid century inspired gravel art wall panels and decor for your Tiki or retro pad

The Shameful Tiki Room Tiki ceramics, shirts, music and more

Original Tiki art painting, printing and more

Vintage Tiki and Hawaiiana clothing, jewelry, and accessories Vintage inspired clothing featuring novelty print designs by Denialle Von Fitch. Records & Music, Exotica, Surf, Lounge, Rockabilly etc

Tiki Siren

Tiki pendants & hair accessories

Tiki Tommy Tikiology Trading Co.

Vast stock of vintage Aloha wear, Mid-Century Tiki collectibles, Shag art and Polynesian artifacts Hand-carved traditional Tiki artifacts with a dash of enchantment


Art book, Original art, canvas and paper prints, and Tiki mugs


One of a kind headdresses.


Custom mugs, pendants and artwork

NORM Daniels

Buzz Rhino

Poster Pop Inc

Eric October Gonesville the art of Reesenik Iconic Atomic

Unique Hawaiiana, Hand Cast Tikis, Fountains, Mugs & Lamps Original tropical-themed midcenturyinspired paintings and prints The best in classic post war vintage clothing and accessories for men and women! Original art including: ceramics, paintings, paper sculpture, pendants, and more A whacky collection of Tiki, monsters, beatniks and exotica all gathered in one booth Vintage Hawaiian and other clothing and accessories for ladies and gentlemen

Steady Clothing Tahiti Gil’s South Seas Trading Co. Tee-Ki Togs

Mahalo Tiki

Unique Tiki Art, Mugs, and other unique items

Tiki Diablo

Mele Tiki Guys Mr. Smiley's Emporium of Zazz

Tropical and island themed Christmas ornaments, gifts, and original painted art Curated Vintage Tiki, Clothing and other fun oddities.

Tiki Objects by Bosko

Whimsical Island Lifestyles in Oil Paint and Fun. Original Art and Prints by Artists SHAG, Vince Ray, Doug Horne, BigToe, and others Vintage and Hawaiian barware, houseware, Hawaiian clothing and accessories Novelty print Aloha Shirts and skirts made here in San Diego Look Hip & Sharp! Get the look with men’s button ups 2 for $90 Tiki, Polynesian culture, Disney and nostalgia art and enamel pins Handmade, unique, and limited statement Jewelry in Exotic and Mid-Century styles. Fine crafters of escapism. Ceramics, barware and carvings Polynesian Pop Wood carvings and Ceramics by Bosko

Tiki Tiki Monster

Tiki mugs and other Tiki collectibles

Vintage Gal Boutique

Handmade vintage inspired collection and latest trends

Clee Sobieski Clever Vintage Clothing

Lilli Von Lava Retro Ruthie





9:59 PM


Apparel for women and men inspired by travel and fashion

Crafty Frida

Handmade retro-inspired collectibles

Jeff Granito Designs

Bright Tiki inspired art prints, pillow covers, pins, t-shirts, barware, and more Hand-carved shoes and accessories for women - like no others in the world The finest handmade vintage inspired accessories for men and women Fresh, all-natural butter crunch, handmade in small batches Consciously curated vintage clothing and accessories for men and women!

Lucky Lou Shoes Match Accessories p.o.p. candy co. Redhead Sadie Vintage

Shima Ceramics Stiletto Pin-Up Cosmetics TikiSwag Zac’s Attic Ron Monster Sex and Monsters

Next-level handmade Tiki Mugs. Expect fresh designs and exceptional detail. A retro-inspired cosmetic line with a modern edge, vintage costume jewelry and more Tropical reproduction clothing for Men and Women Vintage & Premium Clothing and fine and costume jewelry Tikis, Lamps, Pendants, Magnets, Prints and Paintings Tiki-themed comic books, prints, pins, patches and the first-ever "Magic Zombie Glass!"

grand PACIFIC FOYER VENDORS Culture Cove Fonts in Paradise/ Johnny Aloha

Custom Glassware, Apparel, and Merchandise including Tiki Oasis T-Shirts and Posters Mark Jonathan Davis AKA Richard Cheese AKA Johnny Aloha

Shag Pop-Up Store Tiki Oasis Merchandise

Meet the artist Shag and shop his pop-up art store Pick up your Tiki Oasis Merchandise including glassware, clothing and fanny packs!


Thor Art

Pinup, Rockabilly and Tiki style clothing for all sizes Original art, prints and Tiki mugs inspired by the South Seas and mid-century pop culture. Art Works and collectible mugs of Tom Thordarson A.K.A. "THOR"

Tiki Bongos

South Seas Apparel, Mugs, and Vintage Kicks


California Artist brings wonder, whimsy and a heavy dose of mystery and nostalgia

A Pin Up’s Closet

Pin-Up clothing, accessories and gifts

Rockin’ Bettie

B. Rex

Mid-Century modern inspired art, pins, glassware and more Handcrafted jewelry using reclaimed vintage and vintage inspired materials Welcome to the wonderful world of TIKI and other tropical delights Handmade, vintage and vintage-inspired fabric Tiki bags, aprons, and accessories Paintings, drawings, prints, custom Tiki mugs and other surprises

The Art of Doug Horne

Badland Beads Crazy Al Heidiline Ken Ruzic Tiki Art and Stuffs





9:59 PM


Free Free Admission Admission • • Food Food Trucks Trucks • • Beauty Beauty Bungalow Bungalow Live Live Tiki Tiki carving carving with with OB OB Tiki Tiki • • Top Top Disc Disc Jockeys Jockeys Pin-Up Pin-Up Photos Photos with with Vixen Vixen Photography Photography Saturday11am 4pm Saturday

Matchy MeetMatch Miss Tiki Oasis Parade hosted by Dottie Deville

Saturday 4pm

Saturday 11am Meet Miss

Matchy Match Tiki Oasis Parade hosted by


Dottie Deville


Judge's Choice Most Tiki Kids Choice!




k o o B g n i n Sig

Cats like us


10:00 AM - Noon

Grand Hanalei Ballroom Foyer

BigToe, AKA Tom Laura David “Dr Skipper” Marley Derek Yaniger Jeff “Beachbum” Berry John Blair Martin & Rebecca Cate Martin S. Lindsay Notch Otto von Stroheim Shag Stuart Sandler Sven Kirsten Tiki Lindy Tom Morgan & Kelly Hiphipahula Reilly Trader Brandon & Typhoon Tommy AND MORE!


Rhum Barbancourt


s r a n i m e S Thursday


Find out why Kiki Lovelace was recently nominated Best Yoga Teacher in the East Bay by Oakland Magazine! Come to this 60-minute Forrest Yoga class and release tension and pain, and build strength. We’ll focus on healing moves for the hips, neck, and shoulders, leaving you feeling revitalized and refreshed after your travel day, and ready to parrrtaaay! ​‘ Bring a yoga mat or towel, sunglasses or a sun hat and your water bottle. Kiki loves working with beginners so come one, come all!

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM • Courtyard • FREE

Hale Akamai, Part 2: Foam Tiki and Panel Carvings Back by Popular Demand! Ready for some real hands-on Tiki Bar Home Improvement? Let’s go back to that big box hardware store and grab new supplies. We will instruct and demo the use of foam and concrete tubes and other unique materials to show you how to solve your personal Tiki carving needs for those tough spots in your own home tiki bar!

9:30 AM - 11:00 AM • Peacock II • $15 Entry included with BOTH Cocktail and Deluxe passes

Tiki on Black Paper

Professional artist Eric October will instruct you, step-by-step, to create your own piece of 8x10 tiki art using the technique of colored pencils on black paper. You’ll be provided with all the tools and materials needed to create a ready-to-frame piece of art!


9:00 AM - 10:30 AM • Peacock I • $20

Entry included with BOTH Cocktail and Deluxe passes

s r a n i m e S Thursday

Hula with Nani Maka and MeduSirena Join this one hour class in the Atrium to learn classic Hawaiian Hula from South Sea Cinema movie star and legend Nani Maka along wtih MeduSirena the Fire Eating Mermaid. Wear comfortable clothing you can move in. Grass skirt optional.

Tiki Tasting 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM • Atrium • FREE Sample and taste a variety of sips curated by Tiki Oasis just for you. Interact one-on-one with makers and brand ambassadors representing new products, and some of our old favorites. Decide for yourself which ones you fancy in your next Tiki cocktail. Featuring tastings from Bounty Rum, Denizen Rum, Don Q Rum, El Dorado Rum, Liquid Alchemist, Malahat Spirits, Modern Times Brewing, Plantation Rum, Pusser’s Rum, The Real McCoy, Rhum Clement, Rum Fire & Zaya Rum.

SPECIAL EVENT not included with any other ticket. 1:00 PM AND 3:00 PM • Peacock I and II • $25 Includes a Collectible Tasting Glass Compliments of the California Rum Festival.

Tiki Talk Show Live from Tiki Oasis Be a Tiki Star, or watch as we interview the Stars of the Tiki scene. Live Audience. Official Venue. Bigger Guests. Crazier Chances. Dumber Comedy. Audience Participation. Tiki Talk Show was born as a room party idea that got out of hand. We shot a two-hour live-to-tape late night-style talk show. Some guests were scheduled Tiki Luminaries and some just wandered up looking for a drink and some fun. This year we take Tiki Talk Show to the next level. It’s more of a performance than a seminar, but everyone is guaranteed a whole lot of fun!

10:00 PM - 11:30 PM • Peacock II • FREE with wristband


s r a n i m e S Friday Wake up with El Vez

Hangover be gone! Get your body moving in this early morning stretch class. El Vez will lead you through a gentle warm-up that will wake you up and get your body, mind and SOUL ready to take on the rest of the Tiki Oasis weekender! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…. let’s go!!

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM • Courtyard • FREE

Sing Along with King Kukulele

Warm up those pipes and join us for a sing-a-long with our very own Mayor of Kaunakakai, the one and only King Kukulele. You’ll not only learn how to pronounce humuhumunukunukuapua’a, but sing it too! All ages and singing (dis)abilities welcome and encouraged!

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM • Atrium • FREE

Field Guide to Tiki Decorating LIVE!

Grab a paintbrush and join Trader Brandon and Typhoon Tommy as they take you on a hands-on tour of The Field Guide to Tiki Decorating. You’ll create a little rusty or aged masterpiece of your own, perfect for your home bar.

10:30 AM - Noon • Peacock I • $15

Entry included with BOTH Cocktail and Deluxe passes


s r a n i m e S Friday Lalani Hawaiian Village

The most historic, informative, most authentic 1940s Waikiki history presentation will happen at Tiki Oasis when members of the Mossman family share their incredible history. Honorable Randy Avon, his sister, and his brother in law will share stories of Lalani Hawaiian Village, and their Hawaii relatives including Don Ho, Sterling Mossman, Former Justice and OHA Board member Boyd Mossman, first Cousin, Kimo Kahoano, and of course the “Face of Hawaii”, their mom Pualani Mossman. Avon will also share dozens of examples of Pualani Mossman when she was the Original poster girl for the Matson Line, featured Star at The Hawaiian Room at the Lexington Hotel in NYC, Broadway Star and the star of the first color movie made in Hawaii! She was also the motivation for the song written by Alex Anderson in 1940 “Lovely Hula Hands” and Honored by the Hawaii Legislature at the Millennium as “The Face of Hawaii” of the Century.

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM • Peacock II • $15

Entry included with BOTH Cocktail and Deluxe passes

Max’s South Seas Hideaway

s r a n i m e S Friday

Ninety Years of Classic San Diego Tiki, 1928-2018 Join host Martin Lindsay in celebrating the history of Polynesian pop culture, tiki restaurants, bars and cuisine from San Diego and Tijuana. Learn more about the people who’ve brought us good times, food and exotic cocktails in tropical settings for over 90 years. Martin will share new research, urban archeological finds, and images in this fascinating visual survey.

10:30 AM - Noon • Grand Hanalei - Harbor/Lagoon • $15 Entry included with BOTH Cocktail and Deluxe passes

Tiki Farm


Sex and Monsters

11:00 AM - Noon • Atrium • FREE Di’ Lovely is not only Miss Tiki Oasis 2017 she also grew up as a Polynesian dancer, performing at the Bali Hai Restaurant, and continues to perform hula at the competitive level. In this entry level class come and learn the graceful, enchanting, mesmerizing hula. Not only is this class FUN, it’s great low impact exercise that keeps the body flexible and fluid. Wear comfortable clothing.

Walt Disney Discovers TIki Dr. Skipper is back with new tales about Disneyland’s Jungle Cruise! This time he will talk about the artists and inspirations behind the creation of Disneyland’s Adventureland and the Jungle Cruise. From the imaginations of Disney artists such as Harper Goff and Rolly Crump to the first gallery exhibition of tiki art, the inspiration came from many sources. Marley will also be sharing wild stories from the early years of Disneyland from his new book More Skipper Stories: True Tales from Disneyland’s Jungle Cruise.

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Grand Hanalei - Coral/Reef • $15 Entry included with BOTH Cocktail and Deluxe passes

Richard Cheese

s r a n i m e S Friday

Ingredients Matter: Guide to Drinking Well Hosted by Randy Tarlow from Liquid Alchemist, this seminar covers the importance of choosing quality ingredients when making cocktails; examining spirits, liqueurs, syrups, juices, and ice; why we choose fresh and premium vs artificial products; how these ingredients affect the taste and presentation of cocktails. And most important, how to drink well to prevent a hangover. Guests will leave with the understanding of what they are actually consuming and why they should be discerning when ordering a cocktail, how pricing for quality products is justified, and health-conscious options for the long party weekend.

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM • Grand Hanalei - Coral/Reef • $50 Entry included with Cocktail pass • This seminar is 21+

Enid Collins Inspired Treasure Box The ‘80s were all glitz and glamour but there was someone in the ‘60s who was all about sparkle and she was Enid Collins. Nicole Pacheco will teach you about this amazing woman and her jeweled handbags and accessories. In this hands-on workshop*, you will learn to create an Enid Collins inspired treasure/jewelry box. Kits will be available for purchase and include a pre-stenciled wood box and all the gems you need to master your creation. If you have an original Enid Collins, bring it and we’ll take a group photo next to our new creations! * NOTE: Kits are can be purchased for $20 at the door. 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM • Peacock I • $15 Entry included with BOTH Cocktail and Deluxe passes

Create a World of Tiki in your Home Bar Pam Kueber of Retro Renovation is ready to reveal all the secrets of creating a world of Tiki in your home. Starting with six blank walls — yes, the ceiling matters, too! Learn how to tackle the process of creating a tiki paradise so that you too, can transform any room in your house into your own great escape. Based on interviews with professional tiki bar designers and homeowners who shared lessons from their projects, plus countless hours of research to create her own “Mahalo Lounge”, Pam has distilled this creative project into seven distinct steps. You’ll hear about tiki-theory essentials, design concepts, options for materials and where to get them, the big no-no’s, and more. Creating a home tiki bar can be an intimidating project – “more is more” here, but you can do it if you take it step-by-step!


1:00 PM - 2:30 PM • Grand Hanalei - Harbor/Lagoon • $15 Entry included with BOTH Cocktail and Deluxe passes

El Dorado Rum

Grass Skirt


s r a n i m e S Friday

Wine Appreciation with vintners, Judd and Jerry Winemakers Judd Finkelstein and Gerald Casale invite you to join them as they make wine approachable, and break down the intimidation factor surrounding the world of wine. Get wine-confident! You’ll learn sensory techniques and food pairing tips, gain knowledge of common grape varieties, hear engaging stories, and have some laughs throughout. Of course, all of this will be accompanied by an array of their wines The 50 By 50 and Judd’s Hill winery.

SPECIAL EVENT not included with any other ticket Noon - 2:00 PM • Peacock II • $50

In the 1930s visionary restaurateur Clifford Clinton established the world’s first Polynesian themed cafeteria, the Pacific Seas. It was a tiki aficionado’s holy grail and was a premier tourist destination. Clifton’s hired a team of female photographers to take souvenir photos. Vilma was determined to blaze a path to success using her brains and Hollywood-starlet looks. Vilma’s daughters share hilarious diary entries that reveal a fiercely independent Camera Girl whose aspirations eventually led her down a criminal path. Will Vilma escape with her good name? Attend this one-of-a-kind illustrated lecture and find out!

Aloha from Vilma! The Secret Diaries of a Clifton’s Cafeteria Camera Girl

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM • Peacock II • $15

Tiki Oasis Storytelling

Entry included with BOTH Cocktail and Deluxe passes

What was the first/best/worst concert/show you went to? Did your parents drop you off? Did you sneak out? Did you use an entire can of Aqua Net getting ready? Did you see a band before they got big? Did you have a crush or obsession? Did you party like a rock star? Were YOU the rock star? Come share your story! In Hawaii, the ancient art of storytelling is called mo’olelo, and like those customs of old, and new storytelling series like The Moth and Mortified (“Mor-tiki-fied”?), we’re inviting you to get up and tell your story from the 1980s. Come tell us about your favorite or most memorable concert experience OR total BONUS POINTS if you have a Tiki story from the 80s, whether it was funny, embarrassing, or just plain cool. (Bragging is, like, totally allowed.) And if you’re too shy shy (never say never!) and don’t want to perform*, just come and listen… Don’t you forget about it and join us! *Participants will fill out entry cards (and waivers for recording) upon arrival, and then chosen to get up and “perform” by raffle. All stories should be told, not read -- it’s part of the spontaneity and fun.


3:00 PM - 4:30 PM • Grand Hanalei - Harbor/Lagoon • FREE

11th Annual

CAR SHOW Tiki Oasis Car Show


s r a n i m e S Friday

An exploration of what makes tiki, Tiki. Follow director Jochen Hirschfeld on his personal hunt for a conceptual structure in Tiki. This seminar will start with the basics of the genre, the visual style and the storytelling approach of Tiki … but then dig deeper to discover an underlying core … a core that holds it all together. Tiki was a big part of pop culture in the past. We see that Tiki continues to reinvent itself and will continue to be reinterpreted in the future. Understanding the heart of Tiki will help us on the way.

Mai Tai Roa A’e!

The world’s most famous Tiki drink is 75 years old this year … and so is the war over who invented it. Trader Vic claimed he invented the Mai Tai in 1944. Bandleader Harry Owens claimed he introduced the Mai Tai to the world in 1954. And Don The Beachcomber said he invented the Mai Tai way back in 1932. At the risk of getting fragged in the crossfire, Beachbum Berry will examine the evidence and serve up samples of different Mai Tai recipes — including Vic’s 1944 Mai Tai, still “da kine” after all these years!

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Grand Hanalei - Coral/Reef • $50


Entry included with Cocktail pass This seminar is 21+ Complementary Trader Vic’s Mini Mai Tai Glass Included with Admission

The Heart of Tiki

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM • Peacock I • $15 Entry included with BOTH Cocktail and Deluxe passes

s r a n i m e S Saturday

How “Rock of the 80’s” gave birth to Back to the Beach How “Rock of the 80’s” gave birth to Back to the Beach Bo reveals the strange genesis of the last beach party movie and cult classic, Frankie and Annette’s Back to the Beach (1987), which gained popularity via the influential Rodney on The Roq show on L.A.’s KROQ and helped re-cast the former Mouseketeer (Annette) as a New Wave hipster icon. See how this lead to a “totally NEW WAVE movie experience”, combining elements of 60’s kitsch, suburban punk, and sometimes bizarre underground fetish material with ‘80s stars Pee Wee Herman, Fishbone, & Lori Loughlin of Full House plus stars of the ‘60s such as Don Adams, Connie Stevens, Bob Denver, Alan Hale, and Dick Dale.

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM • Grand Hanalei - Coral/Reef • $15 Entry included with BOTH Cocktail and Deluxe passes

New Wave Ukelele Strum and Sing-Along

Sonoma Syrups

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM • Atrium • FREE Bring your own uke and Get Into the Groove! Join Alison Marae and friends as you strum, sing and play new wave music on your ukulele! Playing the ukulele makes you feel good!

65 sonoma_syrup.quarter.indd 1

6/26/17 8:30 PM

s r a n i m e S Saturday

Totally Tubular- Intro to New Wave music for kids Here’s an introduction to the 80’s, its’ new wave music, fashion, and the overall scene, taught, like totally, from a kid’s point of view! This seminar include slides, music and some fashion from, like, the totally bodacious decade evahhhh, the 1980s!!

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM • Peacock II • $15 • Under 17 FREE Entry included with BOTH Cocktail and Deluxe passes

From Punk to Urban Archeologist: My Tiki Evolution Famous author Sven Kirsten (Tiki Pop, The Art of Tiki, etc) reveals his roots: Before Sven Kirsten discovered tiki, pop music was a big influence on his artistic sensibilities. From the Stooges to punk and German new wave, his love for weird artistic expression informed his career and life choices that led him onto the path to Tiki Culture. See hitherto unseen images of young Sven in the various phases of an aesthetic evolution that made him become the pre-eminent missionary of tiki culture and get insights in his early research in Tiki Archeology.

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM • Grand Hanalei - Harbor/Lagoon • $15 Entry included with BOTH Cocktail and Deluxe passes

Let’s Get Physical with MeduSirena A like, total nod to the exercise fads of the 1980s. MeduSirena the Fire Eating Mermaid will get your body moving in this stretch and fitness class. Wear comfortable clothing you can move in. Leg warmers optional.


10:30 AM - 11:30 AM • Grand Hanalei - Harbor/Lagoon • $10 Entry included with BOTH Cocktail and Deluxe passes

Liquid Sky - 80s Make-Up Class Neon eyelids and layers and layers of blush… the 1980s were filled with expression, especially when it came fashion and 11:00 AM - Noon • Peacock I • $15 to beauty. From Entry included with BOTH Cocktail the colorful and Deluxe passes lids and bright lips, in this seminar we will share with you some of popular makeup trends of the 1980s BUT we will also give you tips and tricks to achieving some of the most notorious avant garde looks of this fashionable decade.

Conversation with John Blair of Jon and the Nightriders

Noon - 1:00 PM • Atrium • FREE John Blair is both a noted Surf Music Historian and an accomplished surf guitarist. His band Jon and the Nightriders was the earliest surf revival band, formed in 1979. John is a serious musicologist and historian, widely published and sought after, and author of many books on music history. Discussion moderated by Jonpaul Balak.


s r a n i m e S Saturday Riffs & Spiffs: How to Craft Your Own Cocktail

Bump & Grind Kitten de Ville has been teaching the art of Burlesque to women around the world since 2006. Kitten’s classes and workshops offer a friendly and supportive atmosphere to build confidence and to learn the classic art of the tease while finding your own creative style.

Come learn what makes a tiki drink different from a tropical drink and how to make your own spinoff of the tiki classics. Join mixologist and author Tiki Lindy on this fun exploration of what makes a balanced and tiki-inspired cocktail while trying a few Tiki Lindy original riffs.

Noon - 1:30 PM • Peacock II • $50 Entry included with Cocktail pass This seminar is 21+

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM • Peacock I • $15 Entry included with BOTH Cocktail and Deluxe passes

Johnnie Velour

New Traditionalists Can cutting-edge science revive Tiki’s forgotten cocktails? How does 21stcentury style bartending restore flavors that were lost to time? Learn techniques such as brix adjusting, acid manipulation, and clarification to unlock some of tropical drinking’s modern mysteries. See host Garret Richard apply these ideas to several golden age favorites and explain the process he goes through behind the bar to craft the perfect drink. Guests will compare and contrast recipes learning how these new techniques can be used in their home bars. Find what it takes to craft that all-elusive classic drink and become a New Traditionalist.

Cocktail Kingdom

Noon - 1:30 PM Grand Hanalei - Coral/Reef • $50

Entry included with Cocktail pass • This seminar is 21+

Tiki Oasis Book Club This year the Tiki Oasis Book Club will be reading the “surf noir” 1984 National Book Award Finalist novel, Tapping the Source by Kem Nunn! Considered to be thee seminal surf novel, it’s got it all: SOCAL in the 1980s! Surfing! Punk rockers! Murder! Mystery! Mayhem! Grittier than Gidget but just as bitchin’, this is going to be a fun-funfun one to discuss!

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM • Atrium • FREE

Hawaiian Import

s r a n i m e S Saturday

The Rise and Fall of the Clash: The Secret History and Breakup of the Biggest Band in the World

This is The Clash in the 1980s - Picking up where the band fell apart, The Rise and Fall...tells the rarely told story of the ultimate rock ‘n’ roll tragedy, the end of The Clash, after they made it to Shea Staduim and were on their way to taking over the world! Followed by a Q&A with Executive Producer Vanessa S. D’Amelio.

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM • Grand Hanalei Harbor/Lagoon • $10 Entry included with BOTH Cocktail and Deluxe passes

Tiki Pairing Parlour We invited a limited number of spirit brands to bring their favorite pairings to Tiki Oasis and offer you a taste. Enter the Tiki Pairing Parlour and sample traditional and unusual combinations of rum, whiskey and more based on unique flavor profiles, countries of origin, or just because we like it! Have the good taste to find out what combinations enhance each other’s flavors, creating a more satisfying and enjoyable taste experience overall.

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM • Peacock I & II • $25 Entry included with Cocktail pass This seminar is 21+

The Home Bar Guide To Tropical Cocktails Join the pros, Tom and Kelly, as they explain the creation of their latest cocktail tome, The Home Bar Guide To Tropical Cocktails, from concept to printed book. The process took over two years! They give you an insider perspective of what it takes to bring a published book to fruition. From choosing over 150 original recipes, to the art and photography gathering process, through collaborating with a European book publisher, and working within layout requirements. They will also give a practical tutorial on syrup making. Q&A will be encouraged. Includes one of Tom & Kelly’s cocktails.


3:30 PM - 5:00 PM • Grand Hanalei - Coral/Reef • $50.00 Entry included with Cocktail pass • This seminar is 21+

s r a n i m e S Sunday Tiki Tot Tour Create lasting memories for your kids with the annual Tiki Tour of the Crowne Plaza (formerly the Hanalei Hotel). The kids will have a blast as they tour the hotel grounds with King Kukulele meeting up close and personal many ‘tiki’ friends. Every year this event features many (secret-to-the-tots) Tiki celebrities!

9:30 AM - 11:00 AM • Atrium • FREE

Hawaiian Shirt Dude

s r a n i m e S Sunday Charles Phoenix

California Rum Fest 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Grand Hanalei Ballroom • $25

Entry included with BOTH Cocktail and Deluxe passes Be prepared to hit the jackpot when Addicted to Americana author, Charles Phoenix roasts and toasts vintage Vegas! With his keen expertise, unbridled enthusiasm, and eagle-eye for oddball detail, Charles lavishes spirited commentary on spectacular, never seen before Kodachrome color slides taken by tourists visiting Sin City in the 50s and 60s. Explore Vegas as a great big theme park of Arabian Nights, Wild West, Futuristic and, oh yes, Tiki style, when the Sands, Stardust and Silver Slipper were superstars of the strip. See the gambling halls, restaurants, showrooms, swimming pools, and electrifying neon signs that made them pop culture icons. Book signing following the show – Charles signs copies of his latest book, Addicted to Americana!

s r a n i m e S Sunday

Kiddie Cocktail

Calling all junior mixologists! Join us for a swingin’ master class on slinging up some tasty Kiddie Cocktails! Learn more about the coolest-ever collection of fabulous drink recipes in every flavor and style under the sun; sharp and tangy, smooth and sweet, fizzy but never flat, crisp and fruity, or rich and creamy, all minus the hooch! Surprise your friends with a Kosmic Kooler, get the party started with a Dream Punch or cruise to Hawaii with a Little Pink Pearl. You’ll also find tips on setting up your own kiddie cocktail bar with advice on choosing everything you’ll need to make your cocktails look as amazing as they taste! Come and wet your beaks with Kiddie Cocktails book author Stuart Sandler for an afternoon you won’t soon forget!

Noon - 1:00 PM • Peacock I • $10 • Under 17 Free Entry included with BOTH Cocktail and Deluxe passes

Uke Jam

Join us for the annual Tiki Oasis Uke Jam! King Kukulele will be hosting this session, in the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Atrium. There is no fee to join in, and don’t worry about being experienced in your playing, just bring a ukulele. You never know who will stop by!

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM • Atrium • FREE

San Diego Bartender Battle

The Ultimate Fighting Championship, the Celebrity Death Match, the Thunderdome - none of these contests of grit and skill included cocktails. Shame on them. The Tiki Oasis Bartenders Battle will pit some of the best bartenders in San Diego against each other in a no-holds-barred, head-to-head cocktail throw-down. Sample some of the best, most innovative tiki cocktails in San Diego while you cheer on your bartending champion. They all may battle but only one can win!

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM • Peacock II • $25

Entry included with Cocktail pass • This seminar is 21+


Tiki Oasis has collaborated with Avanti Shirts of Hawaii to create Aloha Shirts, Tea Timers and Kimonos in 100% Crepe de Chine silk. Avanti high-quality shirts are inspired by original classics from the 1930’s, 1940’s and 1950’s are “postcards of paradise.”

Available only at the Tiki Oasis booth.

Model: Bo Vixxen

Fabric design and custom labels by Mookie Sato.

e u s q r s e e l c r Bu Dan Amber Ray

Angie Cakes

New York City facebook.com/Amberrayc


Bo Vixxen

San Francisco instagram.com/bovixxen

Tiki Oasis Host


Courtney Crave




e u s q r s e e l c r Bu Dan If’N Whendy Tiki Oasis Host

San Francisco


Jolie Goodnight




Kitten de Ville

Lola Demure

Hollywood kittendeville.com

San Diego


Mayo Lua de Frenchie

Milly Marie


1 7/22/19 mayoluadefrenchie.com


San Diego


8:54 PM




e u s q r s e e l c r Bu Dan Miss Catwings



Miss Isabelle Marie

Las Vegas


Jeff Granito

Molly Moonstone




Moxie Gold



e u s q r s e e l c r Bu Dan Nikki Knockout



Nina Josephine



TIKI OASIS: social media

Peepshow M Tiki Oasis Host

Ruby Champagne


Long Beach



Ruby Joule

The girl can’t Help it



e u s q r s e e l c r Bu Dan Scott Levkoff aka Mr.Nobody Tiki Oasis Host

San Francisco


Stormy Leigh



Lucky Lou Shoes

Tana the Tattooed Lady

Real McCoy Las Vegas


The Jigglewatts Burlesque Revue



D is cJoc keys After School Special

ka pecial a rdon is s S l o o h c S Las Vega o DJ After tin aka Clash G Golden Tiki in weekdays and tiki e e ar ca Mark M sident DJ at Th rt, covering th style of exoti a n e r D w current Professor Rex spinning his o boot! e e o b d t i l alongs unch. He wil n of ‘80s 45s tio Br Sunday th a nice collec i weird, w facebook.com/TheOnlyDJAfterSchoolSpecial

Anya & Mike Stax

Any spin the and Mike Stax a utmo garage, st in ‘60s f and psy reakbeat, ch 45s. T he two are i band Th n the e and Mik Loons e the long has run -lived and mu ch magazin -loved e Ugly Th , ings, which p r enthusi esents as in-dept tic and instagram.com/45astro138 h article s about “ ugly-things.com w sounds ild dimensi from past ons”.

Astro138 enjoys Astro138 g rare n collecti re cu s b and o uns a r d 45s an called b nightclu t the a Wailing Van Nuys n i instagram.com/45astro138 Go-Go a host on also Js. He is nday night D d n a s band ry Mo ses live tion Radio eve der the name a c w o h un that s ord Associa In Radio e c e n R u T l y n n Vi To 9pm PS from 8- e. r Radioco

Becky & Nikki (Bubblegum & Other Delights) Bubblegum isn’t a Four Letter Word. BGOD is a monthly radio show on Dublab. com that proves this by playing these catchy pop tunes along with songs of different genres (like punk, ‘60 girl groups, and glitter rock) and discussing their commonalities. Becky and Nikki are your bubbly and brainy hosts who break it all down. 84 instagram.com/bubblegum_od

DJ Nuria

Bigtikidude and Emilio

Jeff Hanson (Bigtikidude) is Nuria D a J’d veteran surf D Madrid J. He is n the organizer in Mala ights of saña, yearly Surf Gu the workin ita g 101 Convention r indepen for and d also books ban record ent d labels for The Huntin s gt like Mu ns Beach Interna on tional Records ter Surfing Museu , m’s Animal R R e u Surfing Sunday c n o n r e 2010 he ’s r DJ’ing r by day. After ds, and Record series at the H C a m h dventur i t Chat Clu B es inclu oving to LA in b pier througho , H J o o des stin e l ’s, the B lywood ut ts a F r i s k the summer. H h l e P F y a r , Clifton nther C y, El Pa at the DJ partner Em is Mexico City su l radiso ’s u b. Ho and ilio Nav most pr rf ivileged wever, she ha most recently , on North Sea Su band Los Grainders. Both h a is in the T Oasis te s ave also DJ’d rf Radio. am of D to be counted always felt th he as one o e Js since 2013. f the Tik i northseasurfradio.org/big-tikidude northseasurfradio.org/emilio facebook.com/Swampfire.room



nd first a onthly at e h t “ Shindog of New Wave City ty, dm ave Ci tclub”, hel W w e h ig fN d DJ o t running n n a , t s s nge , ho moter and “the lo o r p o is c e party” ndog c DJ Shi st 80s dan Francisco. o n a forem t Club in S the Ca

DJ Will’mer

DJ Will’mer has been an ‘80s DJ since 2002 and is currently holding residencies at New Wave Bar, Totally ‘80s Bar, That ‘80s Bar and Club ‘80s. He has also done guest sets at ‘80s Attitude, in Long Beach, KROQ Almost Acoustic Xmas, Highrollers Scooter Rally and Lost ‘80s (Mandalay Bay) in Las Vegas, and Temecula Balloon & Wine Festival. facebook.com/djwillmer


D is cJoc keys DJ

DJ Zorch has been spinning wax in the Los Angeles area for the past 15 years. His passion is to give life to forgotten songs of the past. Zorch Obscure 45’s are what drive his addiction and he goes to great lengths to find the black gold. When’s he’s not spinning records for a live audience he’s doing it on his internet radio show, Delinquent Beats. There you will discover a plethora of tunes that you never knew existed. He’s got something like 30 something volumes up for your listening pleasure, go check out the archives at www.mixcloud.com.


djgirlgroupgirl DJ Girlgroupgirl has been doing a show at WFM years. She specializes in female-oriented so U for the past five un modern females with similar sounds. Curren ds from the 1960’s and residencies at Bar Pi tly, she has monthly nk regularly DJs in NYC and The Whistle Stop in San Diego and and L.A. Her favorite dance is the WATUSI!! djgirlgroupgirl.blogspot.com !

Pussers Rum

El Nova


El Nova has b ee over 13 years n DJing around Los Ange le and plays a m ix of 45s from s for and ‘60s. the ‘1950s

Forbidden Island

Farbror Fuzz

r dance all o g o sg als etime Jing festiv m o s D d an en is a DJ who has be rs. z z u F r y ea Farbro slo, Norwa e past 15 y h O t from urope for over E facebook.com/farbrorfuzz

Latitude 29

D is cJoc keys Flashback George

Howie Pyro

Intoxica Radio host Howie Pyro has be records since his pare en collecting nt him to garage sales as s started taking a kid. His love of monsters & weirdness dr records that are just ew him to buy being discovered toda y as obscure gems. Pyro sp & 60’s rhythms from ins primitive 50’s 45’s roll era. Pyro has trav from the deep underbelly of the original rock & eled the world as a m us recorded and writte n with such diverse ar ician, and he has played, tists Ronnie Spector, Joey Facebook.com/GeorgeFlashback Ramone, Rancid, Gene as Johnny Thunders, sis P-Orridge, Danzig Generation, Kid Cong ,D o Po Vega and others. How wers, Debbie Harry, Jayne County, Alan Flashback George is a vinyl DJ who ie taps into his 30,000 + odd records every w specializes in 1950’s and ‘60s, rock and roll, eek on Intoxica on Lu strong collection of xuriamusic.com surf, tittyshakers, obscurities, and tropical music. He is also a fan and collector of 9:42 PM burlesque.half_horiz.pdf 1 7/22/19 jellsmayhemsgarage.podomatic.com anything to do with tiki culture, especially vintage tiki.

TIKI OASIS: Burlesque Show


Lee Joseph

DJ -7 0 bs, In 2019, h celebrates 2 numerous clu e heard on his Wednesdays, 5 p t b , Lee Jose DJ, spinning a rently, he can uriaMusic.com l Club with his a a u r k x years as nd festivals. Cu n show on Lu nthly Desert So s bass with Jesi w a y o o a , a l D m s i the ee p Med event er Sideways nder of alm Springs. L verberations u d o n f U o r c e e P he Ov ut dR is also t ords an CA. Tonga H PM, and r Bob Deck at h Dionysus Rec f Joshua Tree, e o t DJ partn it, and runs bo esert paradise b d b i von Ra iding in the h s while re dionysusrecords.com

Paul Cinnamon LuxuriaMusic is amon LuxuriaMusi c g of Inter the pioneers net rad io. Since it s 2000, L inception in ux earliest uriaMusic’s a adopter nd most avid s people have been who po ss a high l evel of ess popculture co especia nsciousness, ll ’50s-thr y about ough LuxuriaMusic.com ’80 s music and Such fo entertainmen of the s lks a tatio t. knowle dgeable n’s air staff: a lso form the b asis diverse professi group o , su f o compris nals who curat music enthusia pere s e Luxur iaMusic the various ge ts and ’s eclect n ic alche res that my.

Paul has been spinning vinyl since he was in high school, with mentor Olaf Jens a/k/a The Vinyl to L.A. da City. He moved on va Ne FM R M KV at r ge ows and Aven ts for various punk sh se n ee tw be s in sp to he where always looking to add ow sh es ro He e or M o on KXLU’sN Jungle Hop party! the mix for a swinging


Professor Rex Dart

Professor Rex Dart has been grooving the Las Vegas lounge scene since 2001 and is the resident DJ and good time purveyor for the exotic Golden Tiki in Las Vegas. He specializes in surf rock, jump blues, and swinging lounge barn burners. Rex can also be seen and heard at the world famous Double Down Saloon, and the enchanting Frankie’s Tiki Room. rexdartpresskit.tumblr.com


Flag Marketing

D is cJoc keys J Pete (aka “D a l t t e z n i ) is We nstein “ Swanke , Toronton Canadia fessional o r p based ey, vintage k Disc Joc pert, and x music e f music o r curato antly n i predom original g spinnin ords c e r e vinyl ery larg s v a m o fr 50 on of ‘19 collecti tyles. of s e range d i w a g nnin ords spa c e r s 0 ‘8 facebook.com/DJSwankenstein


Switched on Audrey

Swit On Audrey ched st record coll arted ec at age eight. ting years later Ten sh Bomp Reco e met rds’ garage guru G Shaw and b reg ecame fixated on ‘6 0 garage, Brit s is and psyche h R&B, delia. Soon after, sh began spinn e ing in the ‘60s scene in mid-80s underground Holly late Samba, Tro r became an aficionad wood. Audrey p o of Boss icalia, an stop at coll ecting reco d other Latin sounds. a Nova, rds; she has She doesn’t collection fo ah c contributed using on designer Ru uge vintage clothing di m at the Skirb any items to the Fear Gernreich and has less all Center in Los Angeles. Fashion exhibition facebook.com/teekitogs

Rockin’ Betty

D is cJoc keys The Stately DJ Wayne Manor & DJ Hardly Quinn Stately DJ W The Manor cut ayne h is teeth in th Tokyo wh by the disco ere he moved after his e clubs of mind was b 5678’s. On th very of Teengenera lo te a , t G jo uitar Wolf a wn urney, he g “sensei” an nd a in with surf & d started hosting his ed several Japanese the Bat. On his garage bands like Th own House of Myste DJs as amass 45s a return to his home st e Fadeaways, Ed Wo ry events n Hardly Quin d met his accomplice ate of NY, Wayne con ods & Theee ti , th n who seek s out raw ‘1 e foxy red-headed tr nued to wave. Since 97 ic th mixed with en this sonic duo has 7 punk sounds and syn kster DJ sets of pun thpop new b e e n spinning ka in kitschy sa mples whic nd post-punk in uniqu 60’s garage & exotica h Hudson Vall e ey and bey grab the attention the ways like throwing ond. ir audience s in the facebook.com/statelydjwaynemanor

Tiki Oasis 2019 Tiki Mug

created by

Eekum Bookum

ist, musician, and DJ. Tiki Thomas is an established art sted in tiki at a very his intere His grandparents helped spark He it has been his life long passion. young age, and as a result, and to Tiki Oasis in 2006, and have it vis t firs his er aft is tik g vin started car from his s village, in turn making a living since participated in the carver musician r, do olved with Tiki Oasis as a ven art!. He has been also been inv bles! exotica to the Tiki Oasis turnta of e lov his ng ngi bri w no is and

Tiki Thomas


Vanessa Burgundy Vanessa began DJing in 2006, as curator of th Hollywood and has be e annual Elvis/Bowie Birthday Bash and Luau in en Cool” by Brat Magazin Djing ever since. Dubbed the “Reigning Qu e, party, Tequila Tuesda Ms. Burgundy cultivated the infamous, un een of y at the Dragonfly Cl derground instagram.com/vanessaburgundy ub years. Most recently she captains the ship for two at Pacific Seas tiki bar with partner in rock Clifton’s , Victoria Rawlins. Her style ra nges from 1920s hot jazz, and lounge, sock-hop oldies, desperate and exotica soul, primitive rock ‘n’ roll, ‘70s glam and danceable glitter, new wave, dark wave, an drogynous ‘80s, thra sh, trash and everything in betwee Tony the Tyger n!

Will Torres

DJ of the Will is the itive im Wild n’ Pr ing r tu a show fe mentals, o wild instr 0s rock ‘6 1950’s and m and th y h r ‘n’ roll, garage, l, u blues, so on a and exotic rg. Will .o Radiocore esident r e is also th of the t s DJ and ho lub. C Kicksville


Disc Jocke y Tony the T y (Haunted ger House Au-Go-Go /M Machine) ind w be back ill spinning s oli garage-fuz d z 45’s all Su nday night.


D is cJoc keys Zombierella

DJ Jedi

DJ Jedi is a is the currently Zombierell of surf th r for THAT e resident DJ bass playe esser 80 M & Grill. He s Bar & Totally 80s rock band also ’s B is e h The Depec also the Club DJ fo ar Chups. S th n y s f o t h r r she’s a pa he Bleak the Morris e Mode Convention T s wave duo Besides at the Ava ey/ Smith’s Conven and tion lo . s n in r e Engine rd has been on th Hollywood. DJ Je o c e r a ’s e di e DJ circu that, sh spinning a J, it D fo a d r n y t a e collector me! from Pica at all the hot spots ars ti ss r e ft a time other club os, Geckos Night Clu nights. b, Club Me tro and m facebook.com/thezombierella any


Jonathan English

Trader Morts

Arizona Oasis

APRIL 23rd - 26th

2020 Hotel Valley Ho, Scottsdale aztikioasis.com

Continued from Page 10 For Annette, the early 80s New Wave period was an unanticipated renaissance; a respite from “Love Boat” cameos and Skippy Peanut Butter ads. Exposure to a new young, hip audience took her into instant icon status: Queen of Ska, Punk Pineapple Princess! During this period, she had several punk-rock songs written about her (“Annette’s Got The Hits” by Redd Kross, “I Hate Surfin’ In HB” by D.I., “Beach Blanket Bongout” by J.F.A.) that became instant classics on Rodney’s Show. “Jamaica Ska”, a one-off song she recorded in 1964, was played so often it became one of KROQ’s top-rated songs of 1983, right up there with tunes by Culture Club and New Order.

surf-punks and music-loving hipsters?

Back To The Beach becoming a classic of the “genre” (Beach Party Musical Parody?) was a long-shot from the beginning. The story of the film’s journey from radio interview talking point to big-studio extravaganza plays out much like a plot-line to Beach Blanket Bingo. Who would’ve thought, 32 years after its release, Back To The Beach still checks all of the boxes for nostalgic boomers,

Bo Bennett is a professional social worker; a long-time surfer, former Waikiki lifeguard, radio personality and model. He is an avid collector of surf music, Aloha shirts and arcane minutia (hopefully still in the original package). He has a BA in Television and Film Production and a Masters in Social Work. Bo has lived in La Mesa California for the past 30 years.




Kahuna Tiki

Licor 43

Let our team of highly skilled beauticians transform you into the pin-up goddess you are meant to be!



Wednesday - Sunday


Beauty BouTiki

Bungalow, Crowne Plaza

WALK-INS WELCOME! Stop by and make your Appointment.

Moni Tapu



To Our Miss Tiki Oasis 2018 Winner TIKI OASIS: 2018 Miss Tiki Oasis Highlight

Ruby Champagne

Tiki Iniki


REAL Ingredients

TIKI OASIS: 2020 teaser

Index to advertisers 80s Clubs 5 A Classic Paradise/SHOPVDM 28 Avanti 74 BHOF 79 California Lustre 96 California Rum Festival 72 Cats Like Us 52 Cocktail Kingdom 69 Crafty Frida 97 Don Papa Rum 23 Don Q Rum 29 Double Down Saloon 8 El Dorado Rum 61 Fentimans 52 Film Noir Festival 37 FLAG Marketing 90 Forbidden Island 87 Frankie’s Tiki Room 4 Girl Can’t Help it, The 81 Golden Tiki, The 2 Grass Skirt, The 61 Hawaiian Import 69

Hawaiian Shirt Dude Home Bar Guide to Tropical Cocktails Inferno Room, The Jeff Granito Designs Johnnie Velour Ceramics Jonathan English Company Kahuna Tiki Latitude 29 Licor 43 Lucky Lou Shoes Malahat Rum Max’s South Seas Hideaway Moni Tapu Oceanic Arts Old Harbor Distilling Co Pagan Idol/Zombie Village Pretty Dress Company, The Purple Orchid Tiki Lounge, The Pusser’s Rum Real Ingredients Real McCoy, The


23 35 78 68 94 97 87 98 82 36 57 99 31 23 6 and 7 104 3 86 102 83

Rhum Barbancourt 53 Richard Cheese 59 Rockin’ Bettie 91 Rum Fire 17 Sapporo Beer 45 Sex and Monsters 59 SHAG 21 Sintax 20 Sonoma Syrup Co. 65 Starlite 99 Stroh Rum 31 Tiki Farm 58 Tiki Iniki/Intoxicats 101 Tonga Hut 24 Towanda Tiki 96 Trader Mort’s 94 Trader Vic’s 11 Viva Las Vegas 108 Walt Disney Family Museum /Tiki Night 106 and 107


The Pretty dress Company

Thank You

Otto and Baby Doe would like to sincerely thank everyone involved in the Tiki Oasis event: the artists, volunteers, bands, vendors, car show exhibitors, seminar instructors, disc jockeys, sponsors, go go dancers, hostesses, the Bali Hai and The Crowne Plaza staff and of course our emcee King Kukulele. And to our amazing staff (listed below) that spend many weeks and months working to make sure you are all having a great experience at Tiki Oasis! We would like to acknowledge the generous contribution from Polynesian cultural ambassadors that paved the way for current Tiki lovers - the affable Randy Avon and Nani Maka. As always, we thank our children Vander and Dash who trade their family summer vacation for Tiki Oasis. Baby Doe & Otto von Stroheim Tiki Oasis Producers

AV Team

Chad Majer Danny Ludington Stephen Schnare Wiggles

Beauty & Pin-Up Team Jim Knell Lola Demure Miss Catwings Scott Saw

Burlesque Team Abel Garcia Joyce Tang Martini Bombshell

Car Show Team Dottie Deville Mary McNally Scott Melcer

Decor Team Cobain Loid Matt Reese MP Tom Byrne

Headquarters Team

Byron (Security Manager) Charlie Lee Chloe Drane Eileen Baranosky Eric Yelsa Ikabod Jason Weckerly Jim Giddings (GM) Jocelyn Sia Lee Joseph (Public Relations) Mariam Pelletier Wakeman Rob Roy Ruthie Wahlborg

Marketplace Team Casey Jones Nicole Kolebear Tanya Anaya Thomas Regalado

Merchandise Team Ikabod Mary McNally

Photo/Video Team Albertine Feurer Chris Bonomo John Gefrom Vaxon Films

Registration Team Adrienne Karin Julie Dougherty Matt Ferrill

Social Media Team Deb Mae Eric Musick Sonia Clerc

Seminar Team Deb Mae Drew Cornelison Kira Cornelison Melissa Yelsa

Stage Crew

Bob the Soundman David Egan Lynn Leslie Nevada Tanoa Stewart Zach and Crew (SEAS)

Special Events Charlie Lee Chris & Karen Garland Chris Ledford Kim Silva Pilar Deer Scott Harrison


Christi Crowe - FLAG Marketing Dionne Kemp - FLAG Marketing

Volunteer Team Burnie Gipson Karen Evangelista Ruthie Wahlborg


Walt Disney Family Museum

Walt Disney Family Museum

Viva Las Vegas

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