Cl us manual2010 ovs

Page 1




Legal Mandatory and Required Content*


Brand Identity Model


U.S. Brand Identity Model

Turnkey Tools*

3 1


Promotional Template







1 1

Typography and Color*

1 2


1 3





Logos and Lockups*


Coors Light Brandmark





Clear Space and Minimum Size

1 5


Partnership Lockups

1 6

Packaging Elements

1 0

Incorrect Use

*These sections are particularly important to the Field Marketing Team



Introduction We are pleased to bring you the Coors Light U.S. Brand Manual.


Within these pages you’ll learn the proper way to use our brandmark, logo lockups, typography, and color. You will also be given access to a CD of important art assets that will help you in your day-to-day responsibilities. These guidelines are designed to instruct and inspire you when you’re working on all Coors Light projects. They help define the Coors Light brand space and dimensionalize the brand into its core components. By using these guidelines to create all of our communications, Coors Light will project a consistent, powerful, and unforgettable expression to consumers that drives home our Rocky Mountain Cold® Refreshment essence. Thanks for your partnership in making Coors Light the world’s most refreshing beer. Coors Light Brand Team


Logos and Lockups

Coors Light Brandmark ®

This logo goes on everything. The Coors Light brandmark is our most important brand element as it encapsulates the brand essence: Rocky Mountain Cold® Refreshment. The following are a few general principles: • The mountains are a mandatory component that must always be locked up behind the Coors Light brandmark. • The size relationship and position of the mountains and the Coors Light wordmark are fixed and should never be altered. • Both stacked and horizontal configurations are available and can be used interchangeably. Base your choice on the available space. • The preferred brandmark is four-color. When possible, please set it against a silver background to reinforce that important equity. Note: The mountains should always be white unless the brandmark is in context with a cold activated primary or glassware, in which case they are blue.

U.S. BRAND MANUAL 2010 | Logos and Lockups | 5

Variations The Coors Light brandmark is the hero element on every communication. ®

The four-color Coors Light brandmark is our preferred version, available in stacked and horizontal configurations. To ensure flexibility, variations of the brandmark are available for different uses: • Simplified stacked brandmark • Simplified horizontal brandmark • Extended mountain stacked brandmark

Preferred Stacked Brandmark

Preferred Horizontal Brandmark

Simplified Stacked Brandmark

Simplified Horizontal Brandmark

Extended Mountain Stacked Brandmark

Extended Mountain Horizontal Brandmark

• Extended mountain horizontal brandmark The Rocky Mountain illustration can extend beyond the brandmark only when it can be contained within the format, and only on silver backgrounds, such as packaging. Whenever possible, the preferred four-color brandmark should be set against a silver background. If additional options are necessary, please choose only masculine colors except for blue because it is an equity of key competitors. For more details on color, see page 13. Each stacked and horizontal brandmark is available on the CD provided with these guidelines. It includes additional versions that have been created and optimized for multiple reproduction situations.

U.S. BRAND MANUAL 2010 | Logos and Lockups | 6

Clear Space and Minimum Size

Clear Space To make sure that the Coors Light® brandmark is visibly prominent, a minimal amount of space must be free of any text or graphic elements. The clear space area is defined by the measurement “A” as shown on the right. Wherever possible, try to allow for more clear space than this minimal requirement.

Minimum Size

Clear Space 1/5A

1/5A 1.25" A

Minimum Size Legibility of the Coors Light brand­mark should be your top priority in every communication. To ensure clarity and integrity, never reproduce the brandmark smaller than the minimum size shown to the right.


1/5A Stacked Version

Stacked Brandmark


1/5A 1.5" A

1/5A Horizontal Brandmark

1/5A Horizontal Version

U.S. BRAND MANUAL 2010 | Logos and Lockups | 7

Partnership Lockups: NFL


Coors Light has important relationships with other leading brands and has developed marks to communicate those consistently. ®

NFL The NFL marks can be used through Super Bowl XLV. After February 6, 2011, Coors Light will no longer be an official NFL sponsor. Promotional lockups may be used for packaging, pointof-sale (POS), apparel, and advertising. Additional lockup versions may be found in the enclosed CD.

Preferred Coors Light and NFL Lockup

Note: Use of these logo lockups or any NFL mark requires partner approval. Please contact the Coors Light Brand Team to facilitate.

Legal Mandatories When creating materials with the NFL shield logo without an NFL team name or logo, the following legal line must be included: ©2010 NFL Properties LLC. All NFL-related trademarks are trademarks of the National Football League.

Coors Light and NFL Lockup

When using NFL team names or logos with the Coors Light brandmark, with or without the NFL shield, use this legal line:

Team lockups are also available for Buffalo Bills, Denver Broncos, New England Patriots, New Orleans Saints, New York Giants, New York Jets, Pittsburgh Steelers, San Diego Chargers, and Tennessee Titans. Please contact The Integer Group for artwork.

©2010 NFL Properties LLC. Team names/logos are trademarks of the teams indicated. All other NFL-related trademarks are trademarks of the National Football League.

When NFL trademarks are present on Coors Light advertising applications, legal mandatories must be used for both the NFL and Coors Light.

Coors Light and NFL Team Lockup U.S. BRAND MANUAL 2010 | Logos and Lockups | 8

Partnership Lockups: NASCAR


Coors Light has important relationships with other leading brands and has developed marks to communicate those consistently. ®

NASCAR Promotional lockups may be used for packaging, POS, apparel, and advertising, but only in the forms shown to the right.

Legal Mandatories When creating materials with the NASCAR logo, the following legal line must be included: NASCAR® is a registered trademark of the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, Inc. Note: Use of these logo lockups requires partner approval. Please contact the Coors Light Brand Team to facilitate.

Stacked Coors Light and NASCAR Lockup

Horizontal Coors Light and NASCAR Lockup

U.S. BRAND MANUAL 2010 | Logos and Lockups | 9

Incorrect Use You can do your part to maintain the integrity and strength of the Coors Light brand by promoting correct use of brandmark lockups.


This page shows examples of the vertical/horizontal brandmark and Mountain Icon misuses that do not follow our brand standards. Always use the brandmark as provided; never alter it. These examples are not exhaustive. If you have any questions about correct usage of any brandmark or graphic element, please contact the Coors Light Brand Team to facilitate.

Do not change any colors in the brandmark. Always use the artwork provided.*

Do not leave out elements of Do not portray the Coors the brandmark, unless it is Light brandmark in smaller than the minimum size. different typefaces.

Do not move, distort, rotate, or resize any elements of the brandmark.

Do not violate the clear space of the brandmark.

Do not turn or rotate the Mountain Icon. Do not use in absence of context.

Do not use the Mountain Icon as a letter in a word.

Do not make patterns out of elements of the brandmark or the Mountain Icon.

Do not place the brandmark over busy images.

Do not place the brandmark over busy patterns.

Do not feature the brandmark in predominantly blue creative. Blue is an accent color.

Do not add items to elements of the brandmark or Mountain Icon.

The world’s most refreshing beer.

*The mountains should always be white unless the brandmark is in context with a cold activated primary or glassware, in which case they are blue.

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Typography and Color

Typography Just as graphic elements can communicate key brand messages, so can typography. Interstate is the official Coors Light® typeface; therefore, it is the only approved typeface for use across all marketing communications (e.g., packaging, point-of-sale, advertising, online, etc.) The Interstate typeface was selected for Coors Light because of its modern, youthful, and simple design, which is very consistent with the brand. Several type styles are available for use:

Interstate Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Interstate Black

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

• Interstate Regular is best for body copy • Interstate Black is best for headlines

Interstate Black Italic

• Interstate Regular Italic or Interstate Black Italic is best for emphasis

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

• When space is limited, use condensed versions of the above typefaces

Interstate Regular Condensed

Copy should be treated in black in the majority of instances. However, innovations copy should be treated in blue. Other colors in the palette can be used for secondary or tertiary messaging. For more details on color, see page 13.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Interstate Black Condensed

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz U.S. BRAND MANUAL 2010 | Typography and Color | 12

Color The Coors Light color palette helps us communicate our brand’s unique character. ®



Other than our brandmark, silver is one of our most widely recognized equities and should be used prominently in all visual communications. However, if not used properly, silver can become a dull gray. Whether using silver on packaging or as an accent color, apply lighting effects so it looks shiny and cold.

Besides being prominent in the brandmark, white is often used to represent snow to reinforce our Rocky Mountain Cold® Refreshment positioning.

Red Red is used primarily in our brandmark but can also be used selectively. Beware of overusing red as it can also signal “hot,” which is counter to our essence.

Black Black is a strong, masculine color. Use it as an accent color so that it doesn’t detract from our critical cold and refreshing communication. Coors Light Black for POS is a black color mix intended for POS use only.

Accent Blue While blue is effective at communicating refreshment, since it is the primary brand color for other beer brands, its use on Coors Light must be limited. That said, cold innovations should be called out in blue.

C O O R S L I G H T S I LV E R CL Silver Process Color (CMYK) Screen Color (RGB)

COORS LIGHT RED CL Red Process Color (CMYK) Screen Color (RGB)

(or PANTONE 186) 0C, 100M, 80Y, 0K 242R, 0G, 23B

C O O R S L I G H T B L AC K CL Black Process Color (CMYK) Screen Color (RGB)

(or PANTONE Black) 0C, 0M, 0Y, 100K 0R, 0G, 0B

C O O R S L I G H T B L AC K for pos CL Black

In lieu of the Coors Light colors listed throughout these guidelines, you may use the following PANTONE® Colors, the standards for which are shown in the current edition of the PANTONE FORMULA GUIDE. The colors, CMYK, and RGB breakdowns shown on this page have not been evaluated by Pantone LLC for accuracy and may not match the PANTONE Color Standards. Consult current PANTONE Color Publications for accurate color. PANTONE® is the property of Pantone LLC.

(or PANTONE® 877) 0C, 0M, 0Y, 40K 204R, 204G, 204B

60C, 40M, 30Y, 100K

COORS LIGHT WHITE CL White Process Color (CMYK) Screen Color (RGB)

White 0C, 0M, 0Y, 0K 255R, 255G, 255B

C O O R S L I G H T blue CL Blue Process Color (CMYK) Screen Color (RGB)

(or PANTONE 287) 100C, 70M, 0Y, 10K 0R, 55G, 150B

U.S. BRAND MANUAL 2010 | Typography and Color | 13

Turnkey Tools

Promotional Template

The Coors Light® POS template has been carefully developed to deliver a consistent brand message at retail and to bring to life the core brand equities and Rocky Mountain Cold® Refreshment. The elements that make up the Coors Light POS template are: Icy Silver Treatment Bottom silver band contains legal marks and legal copy Blue Sky Color gradient should mirror that of the printed secondary packaging Mountain Range (Photo-illustrated) Wordmark Always locked up with the main mountain peak, as shown; together, these form the brandmark

Guiding Principles

Icy Silver Treatment

• Place the main mountain peak over a dark portion on the silver layer (as shown in the example)

Mountain Peak

• Keep the size and scale of the spritz consistent when applied across various media

Blue Sky Wordmark Price Area

• Avoid a striped look on the silver layer by limiting the number of highlights and shadows • Avoid banding across the sky in the blue gradation

Custom POS and Additional Questions To design any custom POS materials using this template or for any other questions, please contact Hannah Davis, account executive at The Integer Group, (312) 595-2809. Note: Open format graphics are available on the Graphics Library.

Reflective Surface (optional) Provides a surface for products to rest on Blue Bar Communicates product innovations or sponsor’s marks (e.g., NFL shield) Black Bar Communicates the brand tagline or sponsor’s marks Condensation Background

Reflective Surface Blue Bar Black Bar Icy Silver Treatment


Packaging Elements Brandmark, Mountains, and Silver Arc Note: Package designs can only be created by the appropriate branding agency. The basic elements of the Coors Light® design (brandmark, photo-illustrated mountains, silver arc, and silver color) combine to form a distinct and easily recognizable style. Careful attention must be paid to their execution in order to ensure that the Coors Light brand is expressed as intended.

Mountain Main peak is treated as hero; peak overlaps silver arc and is centered to the CL brandmark — its relationship to the brandmark is fixed and should not be altered

Brandmark Depending on the panel, the brandmark is executed as either stacked or horizontal. The relationship of “Coors” to “Light” is fixed and should not be altered.

Photo-illustrated Mountains As the most powerful graphic element reinforcing Rocky Mountain Cold® Refreshment, the mountains are presented as hero relative to the brandmark. Their relationship and position to “Coors Light” is fixed and should not be altered.

Silver Arc The silver arc adds dynamism and energy to the overall brand expression. As with the other core elements, its shape, position, and relationship to the brandmark are fixed and should not be altered.

Silver Gradient Overlaps bottom of the mountain image and intersects lower third of “LIGHT”

Stacked Version

Mountain Uses landscape format; peak overlaps silver arc and main peak is centered to the CL brandmark — its relationship to the brandmark is fixed and should not be altered Horizontal Version


Packaging Elements Can Secondaries — Sustaining Prioritizing the various packaging elements will ensure that key messages are effectively communicated. To do that, follow this communication hierarchy: 1

Coors Light® brand (combination of brandmark, color, and other equities)

2 Innovation

SKU ID Proudly Brewed Statement Silver Arc, Mountains, and Brandmark See page 16 for details

3 SKU count 4 Mountain Icon

To protect the integrity and legibility of the Coors Light branding, it is recommended that the stacked brandmark be split horizontally between “Coors” and “Light”; similarly, the horizontal brandmark should be split vertically between “Coors” and “Light.” This may be necessary to accommodate packaging panels with flaps. Note: Treatment of the Cold Activation Window varies by SKU and does not appear on every panel.

Silver Gradient Screens of PANTONE Cool Gray 11 over bottom mountain image Innovation CL Blue, Interstate Black Italic locked up with Mountain Icon Mountain Icon

Face Panel

Benefit Statement Hero Product Stylized with slushy ice


Packaging Elements Can Secondaries — Sustaining Special care has been given to designing the alternate panels, given their inherent constraints. Since these panels commonly face consumers at the point of purchase, it’s extremely important to follow these standards to ensure that they are clearly recognizable as Coors Light.®

SKU ID Mountain Icon

The communication hierarchy is consistent with that of the front panel: 1

Coors Light brand (combination of brandmark, color, and other equities)


Top Panel

2 Innovation 3 SKU count 4 The Silver Bullet® (bottom panel only) 5 Mountain Icon

Technical Panel The various innovations are highlighted on one of the side panels


Packaging Elements Can Secondaries — Promotional For on-pack co-marketing promotions, it’s very important to strike the right balance between Coors Light® branding and the promotional messaging. We have established that communication/messaging relationship as 60% Coors Light/40% promotion. The communication hierarchy is as follows: 1

Coors Light brand (combination of brandmark, color, and other equities)

2 Promotion 3 SKU count 4 Innovation

Innovation Positioned in upper left corner Silver Arc, Mountains, and Brandmark Retains 60% communication hierarchy

Promotion Retains 40% communication hierarchy; located in lower third of panel

5 Mountain Icon

Maintaining this relationship will optimize the promotional communication while building the brand. Note: Use of any NFL® or NASCAR® mark requires partner approval. Please contact the Coors Light Brand Team to facilitate.


Packaging Elements Heritage Circle



Cold Activated Can Blue M ountains Signal I t’s Cold

When the Mountains Turn Blue It’s as Cold as the Rockies

Though our beer is no longer produced exclusively in the Rocky Mountains, our long history there will forever be an important part of the Coors Light® heritage. That connection also helps reinforce the high quality of our brew. The Heritage Circle is our symbol for visually communicating that tradition and is used exclusively on select primary and secondary packaging SKUs; it should not be used in any other media (e.g., POS, advertising).

Vented W ide Mouth For a Smooth, Refereshing Pour Frost Brew® Liner Locks in Frost Brewed® Taste

Ice Cold Refreshment Nothing’s more refreshing than an Ł ice cold Coors Light. Ł Our Rocky Mountain heritage and uniqueŁ Frost Brewing® Ł process deliver that Ł crisp, refreshing Ł taste you can’t findŁ anywhere else.



Packaging Elements Can Primaries — Sustaining Cans feature different graphics on either side, in part to bring increased visual interest but also to support different equities. The communication hierarchy for the side with the horizontal brandmark is as follows: 1

Coors Light® brand (combination of brandmark, color, and other equities)

2 Main innovation (Cold Activation)

Innovation Bar CL Blue Highlights innovation name(s) Thermal Ink Mountains PANTONE 2727 White ink turns blue when cold

Romance Copy

The Silver Bullet

Innovation Callout CL Blue Interstate Black Italic

3 Other innovation (Vented Wide Mouth®) 4 Mountain Icon When the Mountains Turn Blue It’s as Cold as the Rockies

The second side features a stacked brandmark and a more subtle communication of the innovation and reinforces The Silver Bullet® nickname. Romance copy is included on the side panel to reinforce our innovations and Rocky Mountain Cold® Refreshment essence.

Benefit Statement Interstate Bold Highlights the benefit

Cold Activated Can Blue M ountains Signal I t’s Cold Vented W ide Mouth® For a Smooth, Refreshing P our Frost Brew® Liner Locks in Frost Brewed® Taste

Ice Cold Refreshment Nothing’s more refreshing than an Ł ice cold Coors Light. Ł Our Rocky Mountain heritage and uniqueŁ Frost Brewing® Ł process deliver that Ł crisp, refreshing Ł taste you can’t findŁ anywhere else.

Heritage Circle

Mountain Icon U.S. BRAND MANUAL 2010 | TURNKEY TOOLS | 21

Packaging Elements Can Primaries — Commemorative Regions may initiate primary can programs commemorating partnerships or special events. A simple process has been established by the packaging design project manager (PDPM) and Landor, the Coors Light® branding agency of record, to ensure strong creative execution and proper balance between promotional and equity elements: Step 1: START • Field marketing manager (FMM) submits concept to START for review and approval • FMM begins preparing the business case Step 2: Creative Brief • FMM develops a creative brief and obtains approval from Brand before sending to Landor • PDPM develops and publishes the timeline and schedules review meetings • 28 weeks prior to the on-shelf date, FMM supplies Landor and PDPM with the approved creative brief and production-ready partnership logo (Mac®-based Adobe® Illustrator® file), logo standards, and final/ approved promotional copy, if applicable Step 3: Creative Development • Landor opens a job, creates an estimate for FMM approval, and develops a range of creative explorations

• FMM selects concepts for refinement and shares them with Brand

Cold Activated Can

• Landor refines designs, as necessary (1 round) CO M M E M O R ATIVE CA N

Step 4: Approvals • FMM, PDPM, and Landor share the recommended design with Brand and obtain written approval • FMM shares recommended design with promotional partner and obtains written approval; if applicable, Genesco secures approval from NFL® and NASCAR® • PDPM forwards recommended design to legal team for review and approval • FMM prepares partner letter and forwards to PDPM for Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) submission Step 5: Implementation • Landor prepares artwork for delivery to extension agency for mechanical production and subsequent production

Additional Questions

0 1 .1 2 .75

BEER • 16 FL.OZ. • 1 PINT (473ml)

Contact Candace Walters, PDPM, (414) 931-3596 Note: To feature any NFL marks or specific NFL team on a primary can, it must commemorate an NFL event and requires partner approval. Please contact the Coors Light Brand Team to facilitate.

• Landor presents creative to FMM and PDPM U.S. BRAND MANUAL 2010 | TURNKEY TOOLS | 22

Packaging Elements Can Primaries — Commemorative Like the sustaining can, commemorative/promotional cans have different graphics on each side — one side features graphics/iconography that support the promotion/partnership while the other side is dedicated to reinforcing Coors Light® brand equities. The side with the horizontal Coors Light brandmark remains unchanged from the sustaining can; the other side eliminates “The Silver Bullet®” below the brandmark to create space for the partnership communication while prominently presenting the stacked Coors Light brandmark. There is some flexibility in execution; however, the promotional panel must reflect the following communication hierarchy: 1

Promotional Panel

Main Innovation Promotional Designation

Sustaining Panel*

Cold Activated Can


Thermal Ink Mountains Thermal Blue to match PANTONE 2727 White ink turns blue when cold

Coors Light brand (combination of brandmark, color, and other equities)

2 Promotion/partnership 3 Main innovation 4 ”Commemorative Can“

Main Promotion Area

*For sustaining panel details, see page 21 0 1 .1 2 .75

BEER • 16 FL.OZ. • 1 PINT (473ml)


Packaging Elements Can Primaries — Commemorative For commemorative cans, there are no changes to the romance copy panel. In addition, all commemorative cans must be reviewed and approved by the promotional partner and brand marketing.

Promotional Panel

Main Innovation

Sustaining Panel*

Cold Activated Can

*For sustaining panel details, see page 21 Promotional Designation


Thermal Ink Mountains Thermal Blue to match PANTONE 2727 White ink turns blue when cold

Main Promotion Area

0 1 .1 2 .75

BEER • 16 FL.OZ. • 1 PINT (473ml)


Packaging Elements Bottle Secondaries Bottle secondaries are consistent with can secondaries and follow the same communication hierarchy: 1

Coors LightÂŽ brand (combination of brandmark, color, and other equities)

Equity Face Panel

Cold Activation Window Face Panel

SKU ID Proudly Brewed Statement

2 Innovation 3 SKU count 4 Mountain Icon Note: Treatment of the Cold Activation Window varies by SKU and does not appear on every panel.

Silver Arc, Mountains, and Brandmark See page 16 for details

Innovation Hero Product Stylized with slushy ice

Benefit Statement Silver Gradient Screens of PANTONE Cool Gray 11 over bottom mountain image Mountain Icon


Packaging Elements Bottle Primaries Despite subtle design differences, bottle primaries present a very consistent image as the can primaries and reinforce all of our key messages: 1

Coors LightÂŽ brand (combination of brandmark, color, and other equities)

2 Innovation 3 Mountain Icon

Mountain Icon

Metallic Silver Substrate

The Silver Bullet

Thermal Ink Mountains PANTONE 2727 White ink turns blue when cold

Mountain Emboss

Diecut Body Label Metallic Silver Substrate Innovation Callout Interstate Black Italic Metallic Silver Substrate Benefit Statement Highlights the benefit Thermal Ink Bar PANTONE 2727 White ink turns blue when cold Crown


Legal Mandatory and Required Content

Legal Mandatory and Required Content



The following legal line must appear on every piece of Coors Light® POS, print ad, outdoor board, web communication, radio commercial, television commercial, and business-to-business communication we produce.

We are increasingly using mountains to reinforce our key brand messages.


For permanent POS or installations, e.g., mirrors, neons, metal signs, the above legal line must be accompanied by the following: Property of Coors Brewing Company, Golden, CO

However, since our beer is no longer produced exclusively in the Rocky Mountains we need to be careful about implying that the Rockies are the single source of our beer. Therefore, we must include some communication to make that clear to consumers on all POS (semi-permanent and permanent papers) and advertising. Apparel and merchandise are the only exceptions. The following two options are acceptable:

Great Beer Great Responsibility™


Because corporate responsibility is so important to us as a brand, it is vital that we deliver consistency in both the message and graphic representations of our corporate responsibility identity. The Great Beer Great Responsibility™ logo has been selected to serve as the responsibility mandatory in all brand advertising, promotions, and packaging. Below are the preferred versions of the logo in both English and Spanish.

2 Feature prominently on the primary package: Cold As

Coors Light Cold As The Rockies® icon. The Rockies (This copy exists on the Cold Activated bottle, and we have a TTB-approved can that features Cold As The Rockies in a blue band at the top of the can.)

Additional Questions Contact Patti Beacom, MillerCoors Assistant General Counsel, (312) 496-2781 U.S. BRAND MANUAL 2010 | LEGAL MANDATORY AND REQUIRED CONTENT | 28

Brand Identity Model

U.S. Brand Identity Model Positioning Statement TO Premium light key beer drinkers with a desire to get the most out of life, Coors Light® is the beer THAT Refreshes your body like a blast of cold mountain air SO Your spirit is refreshed and ready for more BECAUSE It’s brewed in the Rocky Mountain tradition using the unique Frost Brewing® process

Brand Voice POSITIVE, CLEVER, EXUBERANT Coors Light speaks with a refreshing perspective. It has an energy and magnetism others don’t. It’s smart, high-spirited, and forward-thinking. It’s never juvenile, mean-spirited, or pessimistic.

Personification Our Rocky Mountain Guide who’s always inspiring our next adventure

Values (Believes)

Traits (Behaves)



Embraces the independent spirit in all of us.

Brings people together for good times.



Make the most of what’s in front of you.

Always on the front foot; doesn’t want to miss a thing.



It’s going to get even better than it is right now.

Teases the best out of every situation.

Signposts Iconic red Coors® script and silver color

Mountain Icon

Frost Brewing Process

Snow-covered Rockies

The Silver Bullet® (nickname)

Cold-focused innovation



Signposts Signposts are those associations that the brand has already or will become famous for. Through the years, these symbols have performed a crucial role in the communication of the brand. To drive their consistency, these symbols and programs should be embraced and used effectively in all Coors Light® communication. • Iconic red Coors® script and silver color • Inspirational snow-covered Rockies

Iconic Red Coors Script and Silver Color Synonymous with the “Coors mystique” that is associated with our rich history and traditions.

Snow-covered Rockies Convey the free spirit and attitude of the Rocky Mountains, as well as create a link to the Rocky Mountain tradition that Coors Light was built on.

Mountain Icon Gives a contemporary twist to the brand. Represents the energy of Rocky Mountain Cold® Refreshment.

The Silver Bullet (nickname) Not our tagline, rather our bar call.

Frost Brewing Process Leverage as a clear competitive advantage. Functionally props up Rocky Mountain Cold Refreshment positioning.

Cold-focused Innovation Continued symbol of our dedication to bringing you Rocky Mountain Cold Refreshment.

• Mountain Icon • The Silver Bullet® (nickname) • Frost Brewing® Process • Cold-focused innovation


Signposts Silver Color Other than our brandmark, the color silver is one of our most widely recognized equities and should be used prominently in all visual communications. It is also effective in reinforcing our cold and refreshing positioning.


Signposts Inspirational snow-covered Rockies The snow-covered mountains represent cold refreshment and our Rocky Mountain heritage. They represent the intangible feeling of energy and attitude that is associated with the Rockies and the impression that anything is possible. They are a critical differentiator for Coors Light.® The mountains appear cold, not frozen, with a beautiful blue sky above and the sun melting the snowpack. The contrast of hot sun on the cold environment is crucial.

Current Out-of-Home Computer-generated Images (CGI): The preferred image style to truly convey the cold refreshment of the Rockies. Used primarily for out-ofhome advertising but also appropriate for POS when not locked up to the Coors Light brandmark.


Two different styles of mountains have been developed for different media/purposes:

Computer-generated Images • Currently used in out-of-home advertising but also suitable for other media • Two versions currently exist – Mountain and Valley – and can be used interchangeably based on creative need • For access to images or if interested in creating alternative views, please contact Ben Feeney, Account Director at Draftfcb, (312) 425-5601 Note: Usage for all media excluding digital is restricted to U.S. unless negotiated separately.


Current Point-of-Sale and Packaging Graphic Representation: Appropriate for packaging and point-of-sale when locked up with the Coors Light brandmark.

Graphic Representation • For packaging and POS when locked up with the Coors Light brandmark U.S. BRAND MANUAL 2010 | BRAND IDENTITY MODEL | 33

Signposts Mountain Icon The Mountain Icon represents the active, contemporary side of the brand and a nod to the birthplace of Coors LightÂŽ, the Rocky Mountains. It takes time to build high awareness so that consumers recognize this icon as a Coors Light symbol. Therefore, it is not a replacement for the Coors Light brandmark and should be used as a complementary graphic element on appropriate communication pieces. To create the proper connection to the brand, the Mountain Icon must always be used in direct line of sight with our brandmark. The one exception is with apparel, where the Mountain Icon may appear by itself to create more badge value. The Mountain Icon has been designed to accommodate various applications, depending on size and level of reproduction.

Preferred Version For black or dark backgrounds, do not include an outline.

Glow Version For use on photography, or when the glow prints effectively.

Simple Black Version

Simple Reverse Version For rare cases when the icon is small and placed on a dark background.

The preferred silver version is designed for all materials that can effectively reproduce the gradation of the silver Mountain Icon, e.g., high-level printing, dynamic media, point-of-sale (POS). Whenever possible, it should be set against a silver background.

For use in small spaces or low-grade printing.

For medium to light backgrounds only.


Signposts The Silver Bullet


The Silver Bullet isn’t our tagline. It’s our bar call. As a nickname and bar call for the brand, “The Silver Bullet” may be included on all materials either locked up with the Coors Light® brandmark, or with the Coors Light brandmark and the Mountain Icon, as shown to the right. Use only the artwork provided when creating your communications.

Stacked Brandmark without Mountain Icon

Stacked Brandmark with Mountain Icon

Stacked Brandmark with Spanish Translation

In our Hispanic communications, always replace “The Silver Bullet” with its Spanish translation, “La Bala de Plata.®” As with the brandmark, the preferred executions are against a silver background. Other versions of the approved brandmark are optimized for both flexography printing and offset reproduction. All lockups are available on the CD provided with these guidelines.

Horizontal Brandmark with Mountain Icon

Horizontal Brandmark without Mountain Icon

Note: The Silver Bullet Train is currently leveraged in television advertising only; however, if you are interested in using it in other media please contact the Coors Light Brand Team to facilitate.

Horizontal Brandmark with Spanish Translation

The Silver Bullet Train


Signposts Frost Brewing Process ®

Our Frost Brewing process is not only unique and ownable to Coors Light,® it is also a functional support to our Rocky Mountain Cold® Refreshment positioning. We convey the special cold processes and recipe for Coors Light to ensure we deliver the world’s most refreshing beer.

The cold recipe: • Coors Light sold in the U.S. is never heat pasteurized • During our brewing process, we chill the beer down at various stages (lagering, blending, filtering, and packaging) to 34 degrees Fahrenheit or below • Aged cold • Filtered cold

Frost Brew® Liner

Cold-focused innovation Cold-focused innovations continually prove to our consumers that we have a relentless dedication to bringing them the most refreshing beer. They serve as a competitive advantage and a proof point that only Coors Light can bring you Rocky Mountain Cold Refreshment. Cold Activated Glassware

Cold Activated Bottle


Essence Our essence is the brand identity distilled to its core.


Rocky Mountains



• Ownable and invoke cold and refreshing imagery

• Cold ladders to refreshment and it’s an incredibly powerful beer insight

• Main reason key beer drinkers choose premium light

• Speak to Coors Light®’s heritage and convey a sense of attitude and lifestyle

• Through cold innovations and messaging we’re starting to own cold

• Has both physical and emotional sides

• To Coors Light, there is no such thing as refreshment without cold — it’s our way of doing refreshment


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