Dogswell style guide

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Dogswell style guide bring out the awesome in your dog

JUNE 2014

Contents Introduction ii Overview Who we are What we believe Pet owners & pet profiles

1 2 3

Logos Components 4 Orientation 5 Color variations 6 Minimum size 7 Clear space 8 Incorrect usage 9 Color Palette Primary and secondary


Typography Primary and accent


Illustrations Ingredient and bar code


Packaging Introduction 13 Overview 14 Vitality 16 17 Panel-by-panel overview Elements 18 Resources

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Introduction Brands don’t need to go out for a walk or get a good scratch behind the ears, but in their own way they need to be nurtured and cared for to reach their full potential. With this in mind, we’ve created a whole new identity for our brand that will allow us to stand out in the marketplace and better serve our product lines. These guidelines have been developed to introduce you to our logo and the various graphic components that make up our new visual system. Just like any other system, the components need to be put together in the right way to get the desired effect. This will help us treat the new Dogswell and Catswell visual identity as consistently as possible, because how our brand is visually communicated and perceived is our responsibility.

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Overview Who we are We are a premium pet food and treats company built on the belief that better nutrition leads to a longer, healthier and happier life for dogs and cats. Dogswell was founded by Marco Giannini, who grew up with a white German shepherd named Emily that developed dysplasia. Out of the difficult and unpleasant experience of giving her pills, Marco realized there was a need for functional benefits built into pet treats—making it easier for dogs to eat and enjoy. Marco decided to expand on this concept of “functional benefits” and founded Dogswell, which revolutionized the treats market with the advent of the bestselling Happy Hips. Since then, we have evolved from a dog treats company to a pet nutrition company, adding healthpromoting ingredients to all our products.

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What we believe We do not just sell dog food. We help dogs live long, healthy, happy lives and we will never do anything that could negatively affect that. We will never forget that a dog becomes a pet only when it has a relationship with a human; we’ll never prioritize one over the other, but treat them as equals.

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Pet owners profile. It’s no secret, they love their dogs. Dogs are truly an integral part of their family and they have a strong emotional connection to them. And yet, pet owners intentionally don’t treat dogs as humans. Because they’re not. They’re dogs, with specific needs. Our owners understand this and respect it. After all, it’s why they consider themselves pet owners. Not pet parents.

Pet profile. From shelter dogs to pure breeds, from big dogs to small dogs—all are welcome here. At Dogswell, we look at every dog’s need from a holistic point of view. There’s a product for every one of them out there. So, no matter if Rex needs to watch his hips when chasing seagulls, or if Monty just needs to be as healthy as possible, Dogswell can help.

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Logos Components Here’s our new logo. It’s the “face” of our brand. We really like the way it looks so please don’t abuse it by changing, stretching or distorting it. Our logo has two components: the symbol and the wordmark. Except in extreme cases where the wordmark might need to appear alone, these components are rarely separated from one another, kind of like a dog and its collar. Each of these components has been carefully drawn and their relationship to each other carefully proportioned—they should never be altered or distorted.

Dogswell symbol

Trademark symbol Dogswell wordmark

While the trademark symbol (™) isn’t considered one of the logo’s components, it’s always present when reproducing the logo. Don’t remove it! The Catswell logo is made up of the same components except, of course, the symbol is a cat’s face.

Catswell symbol

Trademark symbol Catswell wordmark

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Our logo is oriented in two ways: vertically and horizontally. The vertical logo is preferred and is used in most applications. The horizontal logo is used only when there’s not enough vertical space for our preferred logo. Each logo has been carefully drawn and proportioned and should never be altered or re-created. The width of the Dogswell wordmark (indicated by X) remains constant but the size of the Dogswell symbol differs between the vertical and horizontal orientations.


Small use configuration In addition to the vertical and horizontal logos, we’ve created a small logo configuration (see page 6 for minimum size details). The only difference between the preferred version of the logo and the small use version is the trademark symbol’s size has been increased for added legibility.

Small Use vertical logo

Small Use horizontal logo

These same logo orientations and configurations have been created for the Catswell logo.

1" 1"

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Minimum size

Small use vertical logo at minimum size

Preferred vertical logo at minimum size

The logo can be scaled up really large, as large as you need, but it should never be used at sizes smaller than the recommended minimum sizes shown here. When the logo needs to be 1/2" wide to 1" wide, use the small use version; use the preferred logo when the logo needs to be larger than 1". In special cases, like promotional items, the small configuration may be reduced to less than the recommended minimum size. These cases need to be carefully considered and shouldn’t be done willy-nilly. Since the wordmark is the same width in the horizontal logo as in the vertical logo, the same rules apply to the horizontal versions. The same minimum size rules apply to all the Catswell logos too.

1/2" 1"

Small use vertical logo at maximum size


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Color variations There’s only two color variations for our logo: positive (preferred) and alternate. Our positive logo, the one we want used most often, is Dogswell Brown and is placed on a white or light-colored background. The alternate, or reverse variation, is white. It’s preferred usage is against an orange background. When reproduction is limited to black-ink printing, such as newspaper advertising, it’s okay to use the alternate logo on a black background. Sometimes it needs to be on a brown background and that’s okay too. Do not use the alternate logo on any other color backgrounds. These same color variations have been created for Catswell.

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Preferred variation - Positive

Alternate variation - Reverse


Clear space We all need a little breathing room sometimes and so does our logo.


This means leaving plenty of space around the logo for maximum visibility. Clear space is just what it sounds like: space that’s free of text, imagery or other graphics that could distract from the logo. Clear space is derived from X, which is measured by the height of the wordmark. Minimum clear space must always be at least 1X all around the logo.

x x x

Clear space rules are the same for all color variations and configurations. These same rules apply to the Catswell logos too.



x x x

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Incorrect Usage There are a lot of ways to misuse our logos. Here are some examples of things you shouldn’t do – because it’s bad for our brand and it’s just plain embarrassing.

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Do not mix the Dogswell and Catswell logos

Do not use the bar code illustrations without the bar code

Do not alter the configuration of the logo elements

Do not change the color of the logo

Do not change the background color

Do not use the logo on patterned backgrounds

Color Palette Primary and secondary We’ve got two color palettes: primary and secondary. Basically, we don’t want you using any other colors. This assures that our customers can recognize our goodies on store shelves just by the colors we use on our packages.

Primary palette Dogswell Brown

Our primary palette consists of four core colors: Dogswell Brown, Dogswell Orange, Dogswell Red and Dogswell Blue. Brown and Orange are used in the two color variations of our logo.

Dogswell Orange

Pantone 7159

Pantone 165

CMYK 55/60/65/40

CMYK 00/67/99/00

RGB 094.075.060

RGB 255.103.031

All four primary colors also define the various product lines. Our primary palette is supported by five secondary colors, used as accents, that are specific to flavor names on our packages. We’ve included four-color process mixes (CMYK) for the secondary colors. Additional accent colors can be added as needed for other flavors.

Dogswell Red

Dogswell Blue

Pantone 485

Pantone 2184

CMYK 10/95/100/0

CMYK 80/30/0/12

RGB 218.041.028

RGB 045.130.209

Secondary palette Duck

In lieu of the Dogswell colors listed on this page, you may use the PANTONE® Colors, the standards for which are shown in the current edition of the PANTONE formula guide. The colors, CMYK and RGB breakdowns shown on this page have not been evaluated by Pantone for accuracy and may not match the PANTONE Color Standards. Consult current PANTONE Color Publications for accurate color. PANTONE® is the property of Pantone LLC.

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Typography Primary and accent Our typefaces are friendly and casual, kind of like us. They help us make our stuff look consistent—from kibble to treats. It’s important to use our fonts consistently so our customers can tell our goods apart, but still know they’re ours. Our primary typeface is Apex Rounded. It’s a modern, sans serif typeface, which means it doesn’t have those little”feet” at the tops and bottoms of the letters. We use this typeface for important things like headlines, body copy and legal text because it’s easy to read. It’s available in OpenType format and a web font for both Mac and PC platforms. Use only the weights shown. We don’t want to confuse folks by using too many different weights. Accent font We’ve also selected an accent typeface: The Hand. As suggested by its name, it’s hand drawn, reinforcing the artisanal feel of our packaging. It also adds a playful flair to subheads and large body copy. We use only the bold weight of this font. At large sizes (approximately 40 pt. and larger) we use the typeface as is, but at smaller sizes we add a 1/2 pt. stroke to make it sturdier. If you find that The Hand typeface is missing a certain punctuation character, simply add that character from Apex Rounded Book or Medium.

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Primary font

Apex Rounded Book Apex Rounded Medium Apex Rounded Heavy Accent font

The Hand Bold Accent font with 1/2 pt. stroke

The Hand Bold

Illustrations We use two types of illustrations in our system: ingredient and bar code. They help convey a playful, but solid offering for caring pet owners. Ingredients illustrations Our ingredient illustrations—besides being yummy looking—are crisp, clean and clear. They reflect the pure, wholesome contents of the package. Our hand-painted illustrations of food imagery are eye-catching, reinforce our hand-crafted nature, and help us stand out from other pet food packages. This illustrative style is always realistic with a natural-looking drop shadow to ground the drawings. Use the example on this page as a stylistic guide when creating ingredient illustrations. Bar code illustrations We’ve created a set of illustrations that are used only with the bar code — acting as a sign-off on our packages. These illustrations add a lighthearted and humorous detail to our packages. They show our best buddies active and at play. They’re always silhouetted in Dogswell Brown and are placed right on top of the bar code. They sometimes even interact a little with the bar code itself. These are the only bar code illustrations available. Please don’t create additional ones and don’t use them anywhere else. The bar code illustrations are used only with the bar code to keep them fresh and unique and to support the message of a healthy, happy pet. Because that’s what we’re all about, right? If space for the bar Dogswell style guide — JUNE 2014 12

Packaging Introduction Our products are the most important part of our brand and the biggest point of connection with our customers. Our packages should show a consistent use of color, type and illustration in such a way that they become instantly recognizable on store shelves. The hand-crafted feel of the art should be maintained on all packages. The way our packages look should not reflect only their wholesome, healthy ingredients, but express who we are as a company. Our packaging is our best opportunity to shine and offers a glimpse into what matters most to us—creating products that allow pets to lead happy, healthy lives. After all, if we eat well, shouldn’t our best friends? Use the exhibits on the following pages as a guide to create packages for our product lines that exemplify our new design system.

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Dry food

There’s a lot of variety in the food we offer. Not only is there dog food and cat food but there is dry food, wet food, and treats. We also have food that offers different functions. These are indicated by different background colors: Happy Hips (blue); Vitality (orange), Super Boost (red), and Live Free (brown). Of course, the Catswell product line follows the same system.

Wet food

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Packaging Our Treats line not only has three different functions but also comes in a variety of forms: jerky, bars, squares, strips, grillers, solos.*

Happy Hips TEAR HERE

resealable package



fOR HIP & JOINT WELLNESS Wit h Glucos a mine & Chondr oitin CA






Treats for adult dogs

Net Wt 12oz (340.2g)


This section of layout subject to change


Vitality TEAR HERE

resealable package




for HOLISTIC wellness Wit h Vita mins A & E and fl axs e ed CA

Fres h DUCK #1 Ingredi ent

No Artificial Color s, Fl avor s or Pres ervatives


DUCK Breast Treats for all dogs

JERKY Net Wt 15 oz (425.2g)



* Note: packages shown on this page are subject to change




for HOLISTIC wellnes s R aw Fr e ez e Dri e d for M a xi mum N ut ri ent R e t ent i on CA

Super Boost

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resealable package

1 0 0% N at ur a l

Onl y on e In gr e di ent




Treats for aLL dogs

Net Wt 1.5 oz (42.5g)



Vitality The Vitality line has two levels: good and better. The “good” level is our standard healthy food. The “better” level is premium and leverages the “good” system architecture but reduces the amount of white on the package. It also features additional nutrients such as glucosamine and, more importantly, is grain free.

Food good better

Treat good better TEAR HERE

resealable package




for HOLISTIC wellness Wit h Vita mins A & E and fl axs e ed CA

No Artificial Color s, Fl avor s or Pres ervatives


DUCK Breast Treats for all dogs

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Fres h DUCK #1 Ingredi ent

JERKY Net Wt 15 oz (425.2g)

resealable package



for HOLISTIC wellnes s R aw Fr e ez e Dri e d for M a xi mum Nut ri ent R e t ent i on CA




1 0 0% N at ur a l

Onl y on e In gr e di ent




Treats for aLL dogs

Net Wt 1.5 oz (42.5g)



Panel-by-panel overview Here is a look at how the package comes together on all five sides. Shown here is the dry food package.

When The Hand typeface is used small it gets a 1/2 pt. stroke added

When The Hand typeface is large it does not get a stroke.

All lines and frames are the same thickness throughout the entire package

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The flavor circle is color coded to the ingredient


Elements The ingredient and bar code illustrations, hand-drawn frames, flavor circle and Crafted in the U.S.A. symbol are some of the elements that give the packaging its look. The flavor circle appears on dry and wet food packages. It always contains “CAGE FREE” in Apex Rounded Heavy typeface and a flavor descriptor in The Hand typeface. When The Hand typeface is approximately 40 pts. and larger (as shown here) it has no stroke; when it is used smaller than 40 pts. it has a 1/2 pt. stroke. The basic flavor colors are provided on page 10, but new colors can be added as needed. The Crafted in the U.S.A. symbol is a unique hand-drawn illustration that visually conveys an important attribute of our brand. It should be included on all packages that contain food made in the United States. It is available with a brown outline (positive) or a white outline (reverse). The handcrafted frames offer a rustic, hand-drawn look while providing structure to the information on the package. The handcrafted frames and lines should retain the same thickness throughout each package.

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Resources For more information about the content included in this guide, please contact the Dogswell team:

Sue Bowen Senior Graphic Designer

Henna Sherzai Senior Brand Manager

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