2019 College of Dentistry Magazine

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Upon the arrival of her first child in 2013, she began working as a dental assisting educator at Community Care College. Later, she returned to clinical work with Drs. Beena and Tej Ladd, before beginning a career in a periodontal specialty practice. It was at Tulsa Dental Implants and Periodontics that Ms. Walk realized the full potential of a career in dental hygiene. She discovered she was not just a scientist and a clinician, but she was also an educator, a philanthropist and patient advocate of dental care. Ms. Walk was excited and motivated to be all of those things, as she and Dr. Trung Tran created their research-based hygiene program. She became certified in laser therapy and was one of the first hygienists to use subginigival air polishing technology in Tulsa. She and her team at Tulsa Dental Implants and Periodontics serve the community as a part of their vision and values at Oklahoma Mission of Mercy, Catholic Charities, James Mission, Day Center for The Homeless, Nightlight of Tulsa and Flights for Life. In addition, Ms. Walk served as the Tulsa County Dental Hygiene Society President from 2014 to 2015. She published a testimonial in Dental Products Report Magazine in 2016.

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Ms. Walk is also on the Tulsa Community College Dental Hygiene Program Advisory Board.

Stacy D. Walk, R.D.H.

She continues to work as a dental hygienist and professional relationship director at Tulsa Dental Implants and Periodontics.

Presenter: Donna L. Brogan, R.D.H.

She organizes the Tulsa Dental Hygiene Symposium and the Canady Spear Study Club.

She has been happily married to Kevin Walk for nearly five years and has been blessed with two boys, Carter and Parker, ages 5 and 2. From a very young age, Ms. Stacy Walk knew she wanted to pursue a career in dentistry. In the eighth grade, she started shadowing her local family practitioner and hygienist. In her junior and senior years of high school, she completed a dental assisting program, and started working for Drs. Jeff and Mary Parker while completing prerequisite classes before she applied to dental hygiene school. In 2011, Ms. Walk graduated with a bachelor of science degree in dental hygiene from the OU College of Dentistry’s Broken Arrow campus. That summer, she began her first job as a dental hygienist at Dentistry by Design in Tulsa.


She would like to give credit to her employer, Dr. Tran, because without him she would not have the opportunity to become the leader she is today. Ms. Walk would also like to give credit to Drs. Jeff Parker, Mary Parker and James Kessler and hygienists Amy King and Debbie Batson, all of whom had a very positive impact on her journey to becoming a dental hygienist. In recognition of her dedication to the dental hygiene profession, the Alumni Association honored Ms. Stacy Walk as the 2018 Young Dental Hygiene Alumna of the Year.  

Th e U n i v e r s i t y o f O k l a h o m a- C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y / 2 019 M a g a z i n e

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