2018 New Faculty Dr. Ashley Cook, Comprehensive Care Dr. Cook graduated from OU COD in 2014 and went straight to practicing. In her short five years out of school, she discovered her love for educating the patients, which sparked her interest of teaching. Dr. Jeffrey Pierce, Diagnostic and Preventive Sciences Dr. Pierce joined the college after 24 years in private practice in Alva, Oklahoma. He graduated from the OU COD in 1994. Dr. Fabio Ritto, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Dr. Ritto completed his D.D.S. and OMS residency from Rio de Janeiro State University Medical School at Gama Filho University in Rio de Janeiro. He later earned his PhD at Campinas State University in SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Marni Russell, Operative Dentistry Dr. Russell earned her AEGD residency from OU COD after graduating from OU COD in 2017. She spends her time split between teaching at the college and working at a private practice in Edmond, Oklahoma. Dr. Shachi Shah, Comprehensive Care Dr. Shah grew up in India and graduated from Government Dental College in Ahmedabad, India. After moving the U.S., she completed her dental training form the University of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston, where she graduated in 2015. Dr. Shah now serves as a clinical assistant professor in the comprehensive care department.
Dr. Karen Tiwana, Operative Dentistry Dr. Tiwana earned her D.D.S. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and soon after, completed her AEGD residency in the U.S. Army at Fort Benning, Georgia. After being deployed to South Korea and finishing her tour of duty at Fort Myers in the Walter Reed Dental Command in Washington D.C., she started teaching dentistry part-time at the University of Louisville School of Dentistry. She also taught at Texas A&M Health Sciences Center, formerly known as Baylor College of Dentistry. She is now a clinical assistant professor at the college.
Promoted Faculty Department of Restorative Sciences: Dr. Nan Shadid Department of Diagnostic & Preventive Sciences: Dr. Susan Settle Department of Developmental Sciences: Dr. Tim Fagan Department of Surgical Sciences: Dr. Steve Sullivan
2018 Retirements
Ms. Susan Shelden, Implantology Susan earned her dental hygiene degree from OU COD in 1987 and worked as part-time faculty until 1990. After working at her family’s practice for 30 years, she came back to the college as an instructor. Dr. Robert Miller, Operative Dentistry, 36 years
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