2019 College of Dentistry Magazine

Page 48


Albert F. Staples Society

The Albert F. Staples Society is the major student-led community service organization within the OU College of Dentistry. Our mission is to provide service to both the community and to the college. Through our different committees, we aim to serve while promoting interaction among students, faculty and staff. October was a busy month for Staples Society. Earlier in the month, we participated in an annual oral health fair opportunity at Stanley Hupfeld Academy. Student volunteers provided the elementary school community with free oral health supplies, oral hygiene instructions and intraoral/ extraoral screening exams.

American Student Dental Association

Pre-Dental Simulation Course This course was designed for pre-dental students to gain insight and learn hands-on what the clinical portion of dental school entails. More importantly, it is an opportunity to begin developing the hand skills that are necessary to succeed. Attendees got to work hands-on with various dental instruments, restore cavity preparations, use high-speed handpieces and much more. Students who complete the course have a better idea of what it takes to be a dental student and become a more competitive applicant.

In addition, we once again had the honor of hosting an annual Halloween party, where we partnered with the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oklahoma organization. Traditionally, we invite children and their mentors to the college, and this year, 46 children, an outstanding number, attended the event. OUCOD student volunteers donned costumes and set up different activities, such as cookie decorating, basketball, arts and crafts, and face painting for the kids to enjoy. Both events provided wonderful opportunities, allowing students to interact and give back to the community by using the skills learned at the college and connecting with children beyond the scope of dentistry. Dentistry, at its core, is a profession that calls for service, and we’re fortunate to have a platform such as Staples Society that constantly reminds us of our duty to serve others in dentistry and beyond. Amanda Akkari, Staples Society President


Casino Royale The fifth annual Casino Royale took place on Oct. 12, 2018, at the Skirvin Hotel in downtown Oklahoma City. Casino Royale is a social and interactive event featuring gaming tables, drinks, dancing, food and great prizes. Students dress up and enjoy a night of fun with classmates, friends, spouses, faculty and staff. It is one of the events students look forward to all year!

Th e U n i v e r s i t y o f O k l a h o m a- C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y / 2 019 M a g a z i n e

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