2019 College of Dentistry Magazine

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Dr. Raymond A. Cohlmia, dean of the OU College of Dentistry, is joined by Dr. Jason Sanders, senior vice president and provost of the OU Health Sciences Center and dean emeriti Dr. Russell J. Stratton and Dr. Stephen K. Young.

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On Sept. 7, more than 150 Dean’s Circle members, faculty, alumni and students attended the Dean’s Circle Dinner and Alumni Awards held at the Montellano Event Center in Oklahoma City. Six new Dean’s Circle members were recognized, as well as 11 Dean’s Circle Silver and three Dean’s Circle Gold members. The night started with a cocktail hour, during which Dean’s Circle members and honorees had the chance to catch up with old classmates and current students while listening to a string quartet. Later, Dean Raymond A. Cohlmia presented the following alumni awards: Young Dental Hygiene Alumna of the Year, Dental Hygiene Alumna of the Year, Young Dental Alumna of the Year, Dental Alumnus of the Year, and the Stephen K. Young Distinguished Service Award.


Dr. Terry Cotterell, Dr. Onur Kadioglu, Dr. Frans Currier and Dr. Larson Keso

Th e U n i v e r s i t y o f O k l a h o m a- C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y / 2 019 M a g a z i n e

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