Scientific Day 2021 The 40th annual Scientific Day was held virtually on April 13, 2021. Scientific Day is an event where dental students, dental hygiene students, residents and graduate students present findings from their research projects or describe new and innovative clinical techniques. More than 30 posters were presented and over $11,000 was awarded in prize money to students who participated in the poster presentations and the Ishmael Essay Contest. Winners can be seen below.
Scientific Day Winners List
Dental Category:
Dental Hygiene Category: First Place: $500 award goes to Haley King, DH2 Dental Hygienists’ Knowledge and Usage of Probiotics in Dentistry Second Place: $250 award goes to Maryllely Chavez, DH2 Tobacco Cessation: Dental Hygiene Attitudes, Knowledge, Intervention Third Place: $100 award goes to Emma Brito, DH2 Prenatal Oral Health Education in Oklahoma
First Place: $500 award goes to Philip Morton, DS2 Esterase Activity on Varying Formulations of Adhesive Resins
Vanessa Smith, DH2 That’s Shocking! Electrical Stimulation for Treatment of Xerostomia Student American Dental Hygiene Association - $1,000
Second Place: $250 award goes to Elizabeth Jantz, DS2 Effect of Dental Bleaching with NF_ TiO2 Nanoparticles
Elizabeth Jantz, DS2 Effects of Dental Bleaching with NF_ TiO2 Nanoparticles Delta Dental of Oklahoma - $500
Third Place: $100 award goes to Caroline Graham, DS2 Comparison of Dimensional Changes and Fit of Occlusal Guard Materials
Emily Hackney, DH2 Oral Manifestations: Sjögren’s Syndrome/ Related Autoimmune Diseases Delta Dental of Oklahoma - $500
Poster Contest Philip Morton, DS2 Degree of Conversion and Surface Roughness of Experimental Adhesives Dentsply Sirona - AADR Trip (Atlanta)
Dr. Danielle Nici Esthetic Crown Lengthening: Treatment of Altered Passive Eruption Omicron Kappa Upsilon Probst-Felton Award - $500
Th e U n i v e r s i t y o f O k l a h o m a C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y / 2 0 22 M a g a z i n e