Quality Report 2019/20
DATA QUALITY The Data Quality Policy has been updated during the year, and with the reestablishment of Data Quality Improvement Group (DQIG), the Information ,eam – along with the Data Warehouse and Clinical Applications teams – continue to work closely to monitor and improve the quality of data across the Trust. This includes identifying root causes of several data quality issues and is in the process of embedding these within the recording process, working closely with the Divisions and the Business Performance Teams while addressing the data quality. As part of this process, several new data quality dashboards and reports have been built and are being used widely across the Trust by different teams. The Information Team is conducting ongoing
Digital published data quality maturity
work to continue improving the data quality
index (DQMI) score for the Trust is 97.4%
through collaborative working with Operational/
(February 2020), compared to 85.5 in April
Clinical teams and Contracts and Costing teams.
Some of the data quality improvement activities include:
• A new version (v4) of Mental Health Services Data Sets (MHSDS) submission criteria has been implemented. MHSDS and improving access to psychological therapies (IAPT) submissions provide a wide range of quantitative and qualitative information about the services that the Trust offers, and data quality reports are generated to identify any anomalies.
• The introduction of data quality reports and investigations across data quality has resulted in reduction of the number of data quality issues pertaining to MHSDS submission (from around 15,000 to 1500
• The Data Quality Improvement Group meetings are held monthly currently focussing on improving data quality across the Trust. All the relevant stakeholders are included in this group ranging from Finance, Contracts, Clinical Applications, Costing, etc., to ensure all data quality issues are captured and addressed effectively in a timely manner.
• The Trust is promoting a data driven culture where several dashboards, including data quality reports, are being built by the Information Team to ensure data is available to the Trust teams on a near real-time basis to monitor their team performance and data quality.
in the last 8 months). The latest NHS