OurHealth Charlottesville & Shenandoah Valley Magazine - November/December 2018

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November • December 2018 ourhealthcharlottesville.com


OurHealth | The Resource for Healthy Living in the Shenandoah Valley and Charlottesville


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THE IDEAL DOCTOR AND PATIENT WISH LISTS: 7+7 WAYS TO MAKE DOCTOR-PATIENT RELATIONSHIPS HEALTHIER TO HELP EVERYONE These wish lists give patients and doctors seven ways to increase communication, improve the doctor-patient relationship and produce better outcomes for both.





Presenting the 4th Annual OurHealth Charlottesville & Shenandoah Valley's Best Bedside Manner Awards, recognizing 258 doctors and providers in 67 specialties. Everyone likes to think they’re a great driver once they get behind the wheel. The bad news is many drivers on the roadways in Virginia are still a danger to themselves and others.



Community ON Social Media! Write us, tweet us, or tag us today! #OurHealthCharlottesville











10 The Pulse | People. Places. News to Know. 14

Calendar | Things to Do in Charlottesville during November and


Health Scene | Happenings. Who’s Who. Trending.


Eight Steps to a Healthy Winter for Seniors: In Virginia, the winter months bring more than holiday shopping. Cold temperatures, snow storms and flu season all come along for the ride — and they can put the health of Charlottesville's seniors at serious risk.

December for your Mind, Body and Soul

12th Annual Step UP for Down Syndrome 5K & Family Festival Raises Over $170,000.

79 Health A-Z | Insight. Awareness. Mindfulness for the Whole Family.

79 – Diabetes Looks Different in Men and Women: Diabetes is one of the diseases highly influenced by hormones. Since hormones affect men and women so differently, the warning signs for diabetes and how to prevent and treat it are often different than they are for men.

20 Volunteer Spotlight | Heroes. Champions. Community Minded. When Emily Lewis retired, she wasn’t done helping people. As part of a team of therapists, Lewis contributes her time and skill to an organization that improves the lives of thousands of women in Charlottesville and the surrounding communities.

22 Q&A on Health | Questions. Answers. Knowledge. 6

OurHealth | The Resource for Healthy Living in the Shenandoah Valley and Charlottesville

Aging Well | Wisdom. Dignity. Support.


Funny Bone | Spot the Seven Differences







McClintic Media, Inc. Steve McClintic, Jr. | steve@ourhealthvirginia.com Jennifer Fields Hungate Karrie Pridemore Tori Meador Laura Bower Melody Robbins


Divyangkumar Gandhi, MD Katherine Oxford, DPT, OCS Amy Randolph, PA-C Amit Shahane, PhD Hope White, RRT


Tracy Corntazer Lisa Kroulik Jennifer Lamont Katharine Paljug

ADVERTISING AND MARKETING Cindy Trujillo | P: 434.907.5255 cindy@ourhealthvirginia.com Kim Wood | P: 540.798.2504 kimwood@ourhealthvirginia.com SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are $19.95 per year. To receive OurHealth Shenandoah Valley & Charlottesville via U.S. Mail, please contact Jenny Hungate at jenny@ourhealthvirginia.com


COMMENTS/FEEDBACK/QUESTIONS We welcome your feedback. Please send all comments and/or questions to the following: U.S. Mail: McClintic Media, Inc., ATTN: Steve McClintic, Jr., President/ Publisher/Editor: 303 S. Colorado Street • Salem, VA 24153. | Email: steve@ourhealthvirginia.com | Phone: 540.387.6482 Ext. 1 Information in all print editions of OurHealth and on all OurHealth websites (websites listed below) and social media updates and emails is for informational purposes only. The information is not intended to replace medical or health advice of an individual’s physician or healthcare provider as it relates to individual situations. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ALTER ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF YOUR DOCTOR. All matters concerning physical and mental health should be supervised by a health practitioner knowledgeable in treating that particular condition. The publisher does not directly or indirectly dispense medical advice and does not assume any responsibility for those who choose to treat themselves. The publisher has taken reasonable precaution in preparing this publication, however, the publisher does not assume any responsibility for errors or omissions. Copyright © 2018 by McClintic Media, Inc. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. OurHealth Charlottesville/Shenandoah Valley is published bi-monthly • Special editions are also published • McClintic Media, Inc. • 303 S. Colorado Street, Salem, VA 24153, P: 540.387.6482 F: 540.387.6483. MAIN: ourhealthvirginia.com | ourhealthroanokenrv.com | ourhealthlynchburg.com | ourhealthrichmond.com | ourhealthcharlottesville.com | Advertising rates upon request.




The Pulse


Announcements UVA Health Joins National Medicaid Transformation Project UVA Health System is partnering with more than 20 other health systems in the AVIA network’s Medicaid Transformation Project to develop financially sustainable solutions to improving the health of the nearly 75 million Americans who receive Medicaid. The • • • •

project will focus initially on four healthcare challenges: Behavioral health Women and infant care Substance use disorders Avoidable emergency department visits

As Virginia prepares to expand Medicaid coverage to as many as 400,000 Virginians, it’s an ideal time for UVA to be a part of an initiative like this, says Jeff Keller, Chief Innovation Officer for UVA Health System. “This is a great opportunity to partner with our fellow member health systems in the AVIA network and really go deep into challenging issues facing the efficient delivery of care to patients covered by Medicaid,” Keller says. Like many of our peer institutions, people insured through Medicaid are a core segment of our patient population in

terms of our mission and our role in the community. The timing of the AVIA initiative coincides with the expansion of Medicaid in Virginia, which is ideal in making sure UVA is bringing best-in-class delivery models to bear to best serve these patients.” The two-year project will be led by AVIA, the nation’s leading network of health systems working together to innovate and transform by unlocking the power of digital solutions. “These health systems are ready to have an even greater impact – by scaling sustainable care models and capabilities that can significantly improve the health of the underserved,” says AVIA President Linda Finkel. Improvements to Medicaid will have a significant effect on healthcare both in Virginia and nationally. According to AVIA, Medicaid is the health insurer for 1 in 5 Americans, finances 50 percent of U.S. births and is the No. 1 payer for behavioral health. Keller thinks some existing programs at UVA may be able to enhance care for Medicaid patients. “There are a number of initiatives in process at UVA that we believe will benefit Medicaid patients, including our Community Medicine Initiative as well as digital platforms for addressing access issues in chronic disease management, like our PositiveLinks app for patients living with HIV,” he says. More Information: www.aviahealthinnovation.com/medicaidtransformation-project/

New Locations, Mergers and Acquisitions New Prosthetics and Orthotics Practices Open in Charlottesville


OurHealth Charlottesville & Shenandoah Valley



UVA Health System has opened a new prosthetics and orthotics practice in Charlottesville, located at 1490 Pantops Mountain Place, Suite 105. The practice is open Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – 5 pm. Walk-ins are welcome, but appointments are preferred, which can be made by calling 434.243.4670. UVA Health has four other prosthetics and orthotics practices in the area, including Ivy Road, Battle Building, UVA Culpepper Hospital and UVA Zion Crossroads Medical Park. More Information: www.uvahealth.com/locations/profile/prosthetics-orthotics-pantops

OurHealth | The Resource for Healthy Living in the Shenandoah Valley and Charlottesville

University of Virginia Health System has opened a new neurosurgery clinic to bring high-quality, convenient neurosurgery care to Haymarket. UVA Neurosurgery Haymarket is led by neurosurgeon Nevan Baldwin, MD, who will initially focus on treating patients with spinal conditions using the full range of treatment options, including minimally invasive surgical procedures. “We’re pleased to be adding Dr. Baldwin’s expertise to our neurosurgery department, and we’re excited to offer patients in Northern Virginia easier access to our neurosurgery Nevan Baldwin, MD team,” says Mark Shaffrey, MD, chairman of UVA’s Department of Neurosurgery. “Our hope is the Haymarket clinic will be convenient for patients wanting to receive the quality care provided by UVA, but not able to take the time to travel to Charlottesville.” As Baldwin cares for patients in Haymarket, his goal is to create “a maximum patient experience.” “When patients leave the office, I want them to feel that their entire experience was as good as it could possibly have been,” he says. “This means that they were treated promptly and with respect at the reception desk, that they were seen quickly, that they received a thorough, attentive exam and that they left with a clear explanation of their condition and a good understanding of the next steps.” Dr. Baldwin says that Haymarket Medical Center is an ideal location for this neurosurgery practice. “We will be delivering care in the context of a forward-looking community hospital with strong operating room staff and the resources to provide the clinical support we need,” he says. Select patients may need to have their surgeries performed at UVA Medical Center in Charlottesville, Baldwin says; if that is required, they will be able to receive their preliminary testing and follow-up care in Haymarket. The clinic is located at 15195 Heathcote Boulevard, Suite 150, in Haymarket on the campus of Novant Health UVA Health System Haymarket Medical Center. More Information: Call 571.636.6000 or visit www.uvahealth.com/locations/profile/uvaneurosurgery-haymarket.

UVA School of Medicine Neuroscientist Receives Prestigious NIH Director’s Pioneer Award A UVA School of Medicine neuroscientist who is transforming our understanding of the brain’s relationship to the immune system has been awarded the prestigious Director’s Pioneer Award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH. Jonathan Kipnis, PhD, chairman of UVA’s Department of Neuroscience and director of its Center for Brain Immunology and Glia (BIG), will receive more than $5.6 million in research funding over five years as part of the award. The prize recognizes scientists with outstanding records of creativity as they pioneer new approaches to the biggest challenges in medical and behavioral research, with the goal of funding work that could have a transformative effect on human health. Dr. Kipnis’ Pioneer Award is the first received by a UVA School of Medicine researcher based on research done at UVA. Jayakrishna Ambati, MD, of UVA’s Department of Ophthalmology, also received the prestigious award prior to joining UVA. “The National Institutes of Health Director’s Pioneer Award is a tremendous accolade. It recognizes innovative research with real potential to improve the human condition – exactly the type of work we want to nurture at the UVA Health System,” says Richard P. Shannon, MD, UVA’s executive vice president for health affairs.

Jonathan Kipnis, PhD

David S. Wilkes, MD, dean of UVA’s School of Medicine, noted the significance of Kipnis’ findings. “This award is a wonderful recognition of the exciting work being done by Dr. Jonathan Kipnis,” Dr. Wilkes says. “He and his department are revolutionizing how we think about the brain, the immune system and the relationship between them. It is truly pioneering research, with dramatic potential to change how we view and treat neurological disease.” Dr. Kipnis says he plans to use the award funding to “try to understand the language of how the immune system talks to the brain, and how the two systems impact each other’s function.” By understanding that language, he says, doctors may be able to manipulate one to affect the other in the battle against neurological disease. “Every system in our body is controlled by the brain and is nurtured by the immune system, so it is inconceivable that the brain is not controlling the immune system and that the immune system is not supporting brain function,” he says. In 2015, Dr. Kipnis identified lymphatic vessels connecting the brain to the immune system, vessels long thought not to exist. His recent research has demonstrated the critical role of the vessels in aging and Alzheimer’s disease. His latest finding identifies the vessels as a potential avenue for treating multiple sclerosis. More Information: www.uvahealth.com www.OurHealthCharlottesville.com



UVA Opens Haymarket Neurosurgery Clinic

Awards and Recognitions

The Pulse

New Locations, Mergers and Acquisitions

The Pulse


Announcements Augusta Health Foundation Reaches Emergency Department Addition/ Expansion Fundraising Goal The Augusta Health Foundation Board has announced that the Moments MattER campaign for the Emergency Department addition and expansion has reached its $2 million goal. “We are thrilled to have met the Moments MattER goal, and are grateful for such a supportive and giving community. The Emergency Department is used by the entire community, and it’s been exciting to have so many people come together to support the project,” says Robin Crowder, Chair of the Augusta Health Foundation. In early September, a community mailing met with a very positive response. “Throughout the campaign, we’ve had great involvement from our physicians, employees, Board Robin Crowder and volunteers. But it’s very fitting that the response to our community mailing is what put us over the top. This support from our patients is humbling,” says Tami Radecke, CFRE, Executive Director of Augusta Health Foundation. “Moments MattER has been the first capital campaign by the Augusta Health Foundation. Throughout the course of the campaign, we’ve developed many new relationships with Tami Radecke, CFRE individuals and organizations, and these new relationships have led to a successful campaign. Some of these individuals have served on our Campaign Steering Committee, which was chaired by Jim Perkins, PhD. They have worked tirelessly to promote the campaign. They are the reason we have been successful.” Now that the Campaign Goal has been reached, any additional funds raised by the Moments MattER campaign will still go directly and completely to support the Emergency Department project. Construction of the 17,000 square foot addition to the Emergency Department has been completed and is in use. Renovations on the original Emergency Department are in process, and when complete, will integrate into the addition. All work is planned for completion by late summer, 2019. More Information: www.augustahealth.com

Announcements Charlottesville-based Babylon Launches ‘Next Generation Home Appliance’ with its Micro-Farm Charlottesville-based start-up Babylon has announced the launch of their new hydroponic home appliance, the Micro-Farm, a personal indoor farm that grows fresh organic produce at the touch of a button. The groundbreaking appliance brings the farm closer to your table, providing greens, herbs and vegetables that are healthier, tastier and more nutritious. Regular, store-bought produce – even organic – is harvested weeks before it ends up on the grocery shelf, leaching important vitamins and antioxidants, and losing most of its nutritional value by the time it reaches your plate. The Micro-Farm enables users to supplement their food supply through a plug-and-play system that grows crops from seed-to-harvest with minimal maintenance, notifying you when the crops are ripe for picking. The Micro-Farm grows organic produce free from pesticides and preservatives, and with no plastic waste, food waste or food miles. The appliance operates efficiently and sustainably, using over 90 percent less water and energy than conventional farming whie producing plants that grow twice as quickly, year-round. Babylon’s Micro-Farm is the first hydroponic home appliance in the U.S. The Micro-Farm is now available to pre-order, with delivery scheduled for Spring 2019. More Information: www.babylonmicrofarms.com


OurHealth | The Resource for Healthy Living in the Shenandoah Valley and Charlottesville

The Pulse


Carilion Clinic will open a new VelocityCare urgent care clinic at White’s Travel Center (2440 Raphine Rd., Raphine, Va.) in early 2019. In addition, Carilion will begin managing the pharmacy at the travel center. “Our travel center serves nearly 2 million visitors every year,” said Bobby Berkstresser, owner of White’s Travel Center. “For many of the truck drivers, scheduling medical visits is not an option. This will provide them instant and convenient access to care without disrupting their busy travel schedule.” Berkstresser broke ground on the new facility at the end of July. Upon completion, Carilion will lease 6300 square feet of the total 8300 square foot facility, offering urgent care access and a new pharmacy space. “Because Carilion’s mission is to improve the health of our communities, we are always looking for the best ways to serve our patients, and do so in a way that is convenient for them,” says Chuck Carr, Carilion vice president. “This location is unique in that we can better meet the needs of the Raphine community while also serving the many travelers who wouldn’t otherwise have easy access to quality care.” The facility will be located off Interstate 81 at Exit 205. The site does not yet have an address; however, the building will be at the corner of Steeles Fort Road and Commerce Park Drive. It will serve as a resource for both the surrounding community and those traveling along I-81. More Information: www.carilionclinic.org

Jashoman Banerjee, MD Avery Buchholz, MD Reproductive Medicine and Surgery Center of Virginia, PLC Winchester | 866.540.5190 www.rmscva.com

Neurosurgery Neurology Chapman-Smith, MD Charlottesville | 434.243.1539 Charlottesville | 434.924.2706 Neurology – Stroke Division www.uvahealth.com www.uvahealth.com Charlottesville | 434.924.2706 www.uvahealth.com

Joseph Carrera, MD


B. Kent Diduch, MD

Kathleen Dunbar, MD

Carilion Clinic Family Medicine Waynesboro| 540.949.8241 www.carilionclinic.org

Meena Kannan, MD, MPH Neurology – Multiple Sclerosis Charlottesville | 434.924.2706 www.uvahealth.com

David Lapides, MD

Amy Malek, MD

Rebecca Puetz, PA

Jordan Rosen, MD

Alexander Salomon, MD

Savita Srivastava, MD

Nina Stewart, NP

Indumathy Varadarajan, MD UVA Cancer Center Charlottesville | 434.924.9333 Cancer.uvahealth.com

Cynthia Wells, NP

Augusta Health Urgent Care 833.AHC.HLTH (833.242.4584) www.augustahealth.com

Pediatric Associates of Charlottesville Charlottesville | 434.296.9161 www.charlottesvillepeds.com

Augusta Health Gastroenterology Fishersville | 540.245.7360 www.augustahealth.com

Augusta Health Urgent Care 833.AHC.HLTH (833.242.4584) www.augustahealth.com

Augusta Health Transitional Care Fishersville | 540.245.7054 www.augustahealth.com

For More of The Pulse Visit:


Neurology Charlottesville | 434.924.2706 www.uvahealth.com

Child and Family Psychiatry Augusta Health Charlottesville | 434.924.2241 Internal Medicine Fishersville www.uvahealth.com Fishersville | 540.213.2630 www.augustahealth.com

Augusta Health Occupational Medicine Fishersville | 540.245.7520 www.augustahealth.com

Do you have health-related news to share for The Pulse? Send to Stephen McClintic Jr. via email at steve@ourhealthvirginia.com.




Carilion Clinic Brings New Services to White’s Travel Center






Join Kristin Koch, AuD, owner and audiologist at Evolution Hearing, for an informative presentation about the advantages and disadvantages of new, over-the-counter options available for hearing health and whether they are right for you or your loved ones. FREE | 10 am – 11 am | The Center | 491 Hillsdale Drive | Charlottesville More Information: www.ourhealthvirginia.com/events/hearinghealth-november-2018




Join Leslie Bouterie, associate beekeeper at James Monroe’s Highland, for a lively presentation about the fascinating world of honeybees while discovering some of the potential health benefits you may not realize this sweet nectar can offer. Leslie will also discuss the Highland Bee Project, which provides valuable pollinators for area farms and gardens. Following the presentation, enjoy local honey tasting. FREE | 11 am – 12 noon Northside Library | 705 West Rio Road | Charlottesville More information: www.ourhealthvirginia.com/events/beekeepingnorthside-november



#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving and the widely recognized shopping events held on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving. One of the best ways to get involved is by learning how you can give back to our own community. Search www. givingtuesday.org for a list of organizations, charities, events and more in the Charlottesville and Shenandoah Valley areas that you can help make better today!


www.OurHealthCharlottesville.com FOR EVEN MORE HEALTH RESOURCES!


OurHealth | The Resource for Healthy Living in the Shenandoah Valley and Charlottesville

Personal Contribution From you living room, office or even your car More information: www.ourhealthvirginia.com/events/ giving-tuesday-2018


In pursuit of a healthy approach to local transportation, the Charlottesville/Albemarle community is doing its part to be better-connected for walking and biking by making our sidewalks and byways safe and welcoming for everyone. Join Jefferson School African American Heritage Center and the Piedmont Environmental Center for an evening with Professor Charles Brown, an educator and urban planner who describes himself as a street-level researcher. Charles will share results from his groundbreaking studies on the intersections of race, gender, class and mobility, along with historical perspectives and ideas for moving forward to help make Charlottesville the kind of community it wants to be. *The event is free, but space is limited. Please register in advance. FREE | 6 pm – 8pm Jefferson School African American Heritage Center 233 4th Street NW | Charlottesville More information: www.ourhealthvirginia.com/ events/walking-andbiking-with-charlesbrown



Spend the day at UVA examining the history of one of the oldest professions – nursing. Learn about the rich history of this medical specialty from esteemed UVA School of Nursing faculty and hear about compelling research that uncovers little-known history about the School. Participants will also take a guided tour of the current exhibit: The UVA Health System: 200 Years of Research, Learning, and Care, and engage in small group discussions with faculty. $125 | 9:30 am – 4 pm Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library at UVA 160 McCormick Road | Charlottesville More information: www.ourhealthvirginia. com/events/100-years-of-research










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Project Oleksandr by Noun


Project Oleksandr by Noun

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Start the holiday season off on the right foot with this festive 5K run and walk while supporting the local chapter of the American Cancer Society in its mission to connect cancer patients to local resources, programs and services. All proceeds from the run will be donated to the American Cancer Society. Sponsorships are still available! $35 | 8 am – 10 am | Gypsy Hill Park 600 Churchville Avenue | Staunton More information: www.ourhealthvirginia.com/ events/run-run-rudolph-2018



Join the Department of Urology at the School of Medicine at UVA and Charlottesville Track Club for an all-male run/walk to encourage men to be more active and to fund prostate cancer research. The race, founded by Bill Steers, MD, who was the Chair of the Department of Urology at the School of Medicine at UVA until he lost his battle to cancer at the early age of 59, honors his vision and dedication to men’s health initiatives and cancer research. Individual and team race entries by age are available. All participants receive a Men’s 4-Miler winter running hat! $15 - $45 | 7:30 am – 9:30 am Scott Stadium (start line) | 1815 Stadium Road | Charlottesville More information: www.ourhealthvirginia.com/events/bill-steers4miler-2018

JOIN OURHEALTH ON SOCIAL MEDIA We want to hear from you! #OurHealthCharlottesville


OurHealth | The Resource for Healthy Living in the Shenandoah Valley and Charlottesville



Are you interested in becoming a foster or adoptive parent, but don’t know where to start? Here is your opportunity! DuPaul Community Resources holds sessions on the second Wednesday of every month to help guide you in your deeply important decision to help children in need. If you live in the greater Charlottesville area and have an interest in fostering or adopting, this is one meeting you won’t want to miss! FREE | 6 pm – 8 pm DePaul Community Resources 1020 Carrington Place | Charlottesville More information: www.ourhealthvirginia.com/events/fosterparetn-meeting-december-2018


Habitat for Humanity of Staunton, Augusta and Waynesboro is partnering with United Way of Greater Augusta to host a series of FREE financial wellness classes, taught by Sarah Landram from DuPont Community Credit Union. Learn how to budget your money, what affects your credit score and ways to improve it along with how to establish a spending and savings plan. FREE | 8 am – 12 noon United Way of Greater Augusta 24 Idlewood Boulevard Suite 106 | Staunton More information: www.ourhealthvirginia.com/events/ financial-wellness-december-2018



Join Ann and Jason from Formula Complete Fitness Studio for this bootcamp-style workout followed by a friendly beer at Random Row Brewing Company. If you have to miss this particular Monday, no worries, as Ann and Jason offer this workout EVERY Monday evening! All ages and abilities welcome.




Similar to First Aid and CPR, Mental Health First Aid helps individuals to support those experiencing mental health problems and aids in getting people the professional help they may need. This interactive 8-hour course teaches a 5-step action plan to offer initial help to people with the signs and symptoms of mental illness, or in a crisis, connect them with appropriate professional, peer, social or self-help care.

Free | 6 pm – 7 pm Random Row Brewing Company 608 Preston Avenue | Charlottesville More information: www.ourhealthvirginia.com/ events/boot-camp-and-beer-december-2018

For More Events Visit:


$25 | 8 am – 5 pm Region Ten | 500 Old Lynchburg Road | Charlottesville More Information: www.ourhealthvirginia.com/events/ mental-health-first-aid-december-2018

Do you have an event that our readers simply must know about? Tell us about it by emailing Stephen McClintic Jr. at steve@ourhealthvirginia.com. Please submit your information at least three months in advance to be considered for publication in the magazine.








12TH ANNUAL STEP UP FOR DOWN SYNDROME 5K & FAMILY FESTIVAL RAISES OVER $170,000 On Saturday, October 6th, 1,338 walkers and runners, 1,372 donors,108 sponsors and 188 volunteers joined together and helped to raise more than $170,000 for the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Richmond (DSAGR) during its 12th Annual Step UP for Down Syndrome 5K & Family Festival. Participants of all ages enjoyed a 5K course through Bryan Park in Richmond, live music by the band Premiere, exhibits from more than 30 vendors and sponsors, including Glen Allen Supermarket, the event’s presenting sponsor, and a variety of family friendly entertainment that was held at the Acca Shrine Center in Richmond. The DSAGR is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that benefits the lives of individuals with Down syndrome and their families through individual and family support, education, community awareness and advocacy. DSAGR was founded in 1983 and currently serves over 500 families who live in 52 counties throughout Richmond and Central Virginia, Williamsburg, Charlottesville and the Central Shenandoah Valley. For more information about DSAGR’s extensive education and social programs offered, as well as volunteer opportunities, visit www.dsagr.org or on Facebook at www.facebook. com/DSAGRichmond.


OurHealth | The Resource for Healthy Living in the Shenandoah Valley and Charlottesville

Health Scene • HAPPENINGS www.OurHealthCharlottesville.com




Emily Lewis



When Emily Lewis retired, she wasn’t done helping people. “After forty years as a psychotherapist, I had learned a great deal,” says Lewis. “It seemed a shame not to offer my assistance to others still needing help.” A former colleague, who volunteered as a therapist at The Women’s Initiative, a non-profit in Charlottesville providing mental health services to women regardless of their ability to pay, suggested that Lewis give the organization a call. She instantly knew it was the right fit. “The energy of the place and of the staff was very warm, professional and focused on being of deep help to clients,” says Lewis. Soon, she began volunteering as a therapist once a week. That was three years ago, and Lewis has been dedicated to her work with The Women’s Initiative ever since. As part of a team of therapists, she contributes her time and skill to an organization that improves the lives of thousands of women in Charlottesville and the surrounding communities.

Challenge into Change

“I have the incredible reward of sharing in people’s transformational journeys.” - Emily Lewis -

Healing from Trauma In her professional life, Lewis was a psychotherapist and trauma recovery specialist. In hospitals, community clinics and private practice, Lewis helped clients break the patterns created by trauma and develop new, healthy ways of coping with life’s challenges. 20

Trauma victims, she points out, carry the effects of their experience with them for the rest of their lives. It affects everything from personal relationships to financial decisions to physical health. Recovering from trauma can be a long process. But through her work, Lewis experienced firsthand how therapy helped clients heal both their inner and outer lives.

OurHealth | The Resource for Healthy Living in the Shenandoah Valley and Charlottesville

Lewis’ experience was exactly what The Women’s Initiative was looking for. For eleven years, the organization has offered vital mental health services to local women. Most of these women have experienced significant trauma, including domestic abuse, poverty and human trafficking. Through a combination of counseling, education and social support, The Women’s Initiative serves thousands of people every year.

More than 90 percent of those women live at or below the poverty line. The Women’s Initiative would struggle to offer affordable services were it not for volunteers like Lewis. As one of a dozen pro bono therapists, in addition to the 11 therapists on staff, she helps the organization ensure every woman who comes in can receive help, even if they can’t pay for it.

VOLUNTEER Spotlight •

“Charlottesville is a healthier community because of the large number of women seen at The Women’s Initiative who have turned “challenge into change,” one of the touchstone ideas of the agency,” says Lewis. “Here, they meet clinicians who understand the difficulties trauma can cause as they carry the burdens of those wounds for years, decades, a lifetime. They find clinicians who will listen to them, support their struggle to find direction and hope.”

Helping Her Community Thrive, Even in Retirement

Serving the Community Volunteering at The Women’s Initiative, says Lewis, has been an immensely rewarding.

“To me it is very satisfying that my expertise and experience as a clinician can continue to make an impact, even in my retirement.” She also encourages other retirees to serve their community through volunteering. “Reach out to nonprofits that you value and ask how you can support them,” she suggests. “Helping others is a prescription for improved emotional and therefore physical functioning.” But even more than the benefit for herself, Lewis is grateful for the chance to make a difference in the lives of the women with whom she works. “I have the incredible reward of sharing in people’s transformational journeys,” she says. “What a privilege it is to be allowed to share that journey, to witness people thriving and transcending.”

To learn more about

The Women’s Initiative,

including volunteer opportunities, visit www.thewomensinitiative.org.


More at OurHealthCharlottesville.com



Questions. Answers. Knowledge.

CROHN’S DISEASE can attack anywhere in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract – from

the mouth to the anus. It can also involve skin, eyes or joints. Because there is such wide possible area of involvement,

diagnosing Crohn's disease can be challenging.

What is the difference between CPAP and BiPAP therapy?

What are the winter symptoms of seasonal depression?

CPAP and BiPAP therapy are two types of treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which is a type of sleep apnea that occurs when your throat muscles intermittently relax and block your airway during sleep. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) is one single continuous pressure that is used as an air stent to keep the muscles of the throat and soft palate from obstructing the airway. This will allow the patient to continue breathing through the night and eliminate most apneas/ hypopneas. Typically, CPAP is the goto for treatment of OSA.

For many individuals, the seasonal change from summer to fall or fall to winter can bring about changes in mood. Formerly called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), individuals diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder with Seasonal Pattern (MDDSP) experience a host of symptoms that can interfere with many areas of their lives. A primary component of MDDSP involves the beginning and end of a depressive episode at specific times of the year, such as beginning in winter and ending in spring. This seasonal pattern of depression must have occurred during at least a two-year period, without any nonseasonal episodes of depression occurring during this period. Individuals with MDDSP often experience symptoms that include reduced energy, oversleeping, overeating and weight gain. These symptoms are in addition to more common depression symptoms such as a general loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities and feelings of worthlessness and guilt.

Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) is used in the same way as CPAP. BiPAP has two pressures, one on inhalation and one on exhalation. BiPAP is typically used with patients that need higher pressures or have a low oxygen saturation when on CPAP. BiPAP is often found to be more comfortable than CPAP at the higher pressures. BiPAP can also be ordered for a patient to treat other disease processes where CPAP is an ineffective treatment.

Hope White, RRT

Director of Sleep Services ABC Health Care Richmond | 866.363.3678 www.abc-hc.com

- Divyangkumar Gandhi, MD -

Amit Shahane, PhD

UVA Health System Behavioral Medicine Center Charlottesville | 434.924.5314 www.uvahealth.com

Why is Crohn’s disease sometimes misdiagnosed? Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease of the digestive tract. There are several reasons it can be difficult to diagnose. Crohn’s disease can attack anywhere in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract – from the mouth to the anus. It can also involve skin, eyes or joints. Because there is such wide possible area of involvement, diagnosing Crohn's disease can be challenging. The most common symptoms of Crohn's disease include chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue, weight loss or anemia. Many of these symptoms are vague and overlap with symptoms of ulcerative colitis. When the inflammation is confined to only the colon, differentiation with ulcerative colitis becomes more difficult. A gastroenterologist, though, can notice important clinical clues during a colonoscopy. In such cases, Crohn's disease diagnosis is easier. Finally, there is not just one test to diagnose the Crohn's disease. Patients are likely to go through multiple tests and procedures like blood tests, fecal tests, colonoscopy and CT or MRI. A gastroenterologist has to integrate all this information to arrive at a clinical diagnosis of Crohn's disease.

Divyangkumar Gandhi, MD

Augusta Health Gastroenterology Fishersville | 833.AHC.HLTH (242.4584) www.augustahealth.com


OurHealth | The Resource for Healthy Living in the Shenandoah Valley and Charlottesville

Q A ON HEALTH • Knowledge



Questions. Answers. Knowledge.

While guttate psoriasis is relatively uncommon, up to



of patients with the condition have

had a recent streptococcal infection. It is more common in patients under the age of 30.

Is it possible that my pelvic floor problem will just go away over time?

Can strep throat and other winter illnesses affect my psoriasis?

Generally speaking, no it won’t. In fact, it can be progressive and get worse over time. The pelvic floor is defined as layers of supportive muscles that hold the pelvic organs and span from the tailbone to the pubic bone. The function of the pelvic floor is to support the bowel, bladder and uterus, assist in urinary and fecal continence, aid in sexual performance (orgasm), stabilize connecting joints and act as a venous and lymphatic pump for the pelvis.

Yes. While guttate psoriasis is relatively uncommon, up to 80 percent of patients with the condition have had a recent streptococcal infection. It is more common in patients under the age of 30. The outbreak can be a person’s first episode of psoriasis, which can last several weeks to a few months, may recur, or can develop into the chronic plaque-type of psoriasis. The rash appears as multiple, discrete, drop-shaped scaly, salmon-pink hue papules primarily on the trunk, but can develop anywhere except the palms and soles. Diagnosis of guttate psoriasis is usually done clinically, however, with a first-time outbreak, a biopsy may be necessary to rule out the more common rash of pityriasis rosea. Treatment normally includes topical steroids and/or UVB light therapy. Since psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder, the common winter cold or flu can also be a trigger for a psoriasis outbreak.

If the pelvic floor is overly tight, it can cause pelvic pain, painful sexual activity, challenges in emptying your bladder, constipation or urgency/frequency in urination. If the pelvic floor is too loose, then there isn’t enough support against gravity, which can lead to organ prolapse, pelvic or back pain, urinary incontinence or fecal incontinence. Therefore, it is recommended to get screened by a urogynecological medical provider and a pelvic floor physical therapist in order to correctly diagnose and treat your problem.

Amy Randolph, PA-C

Savola Aesthetic Dermatology Center Fishersville | 540.451.2833 www.savoladermatology.com

- Amy Randolph, PA-C -

Who can benefit from supplemental insurance? Supplemental insurance coverage can be purchased to fill in gaps of insurance coverage or to pay you money in certain medical situations. Supplemental insurance policies help pay for many expenses that aren't covered by your primary health insurance. Medicare Supplements come to mind when hearing the word supplemental insurance. Medicare Supplements fill in some gaps of coverage that Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B do not cover. Medicare Supplements are sold through various health insurance carriers and can be purchased direct through the carrier or through a local broker. You can also visit www.Medicare.gov to search all plans available to you. Another type of supplemental coverage is known as a critical illness policy. Typically, the insured person receives a preset amount of money to cover certain costs. There are various plans and carriers to choose from for critical illness policies. Be mindful of policy exclusions and limitations. Contact a local agent to see if they offer this type of coverage and if it will benefit you.

Katherine Oxford, DPT, OCS Virginia Urology for Women Richmond | 804.330.9105 www.uro.com

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Tracy Corntazer

Virginia Farm Bureau Health Care Consultants Charlottesville | 804.290.1115 www.vafb.com

Q A ON HEALTH • Knowledge



The Ideal

Doctor and Pa


Wish List

7+7 Ways t o Make Do Relationsh ctor-Patien ips Healthie t r to Help E veryone We’re all o

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OurHealth | The Resource for Healthy Living in the Shenandoah Valley and Charlottesville

it what an office vis the system dictate in th wi d s an ge rs en all cto Certain ch etty. Both do e. And it isn’t pr lik ks es loo tic y ac sta pr l e ar or hospita ineffective healthc enges that create patients face chall k of sinking. and put us all at ris highly t relationship are the doctor-patien t ec aff ly can at th on t s ge No . Challen h outcomes nder positive healt hi n can ca d ey an th g in rs, at ro frustr medical er late into serious ns n tra tio s ge ica en un all m m ch these own in co costs and a breakd tra ex ly y tru ar e ss ar ce ne ey th un cause want to know d patient. Doctors doctors between doctor an tients must trust pa t better, while ge s o-way nt tw tie e pa tiv ec ng helpi lives. So, eff d sometimes their an h, alt he eir th with essential. communication is munication can doctor-patient com e tiv ec eff to s er t models and Most of the barri ey. Reimbursemen on m d an cy cra au e they could be blamed on bure b doctors of the tim ro ) HR (E s rd co re nts. Primar y electronic health ips with their patie sh ion lat re g rin ste just doing EHR be devoting to fo six hours each day of e ag er av an d factor, is only care doctors spen work, albeit a huge sy bu tic cra au re data entry. But bu are today: ts affecting healthc one of the elemen

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On the other hand, too many overburdened doctors really don’t have the time to listen to exhaustive lists of chronic ailments or complicated symptoms. With half of their day spent on clerical drudgework, their time isn’t being treated as a valuable commodity by the system. Although this infuriates many doctors and negatively impacts patient care, most have come to accept it. But patients feel rushed, interrupted and “talked down to” a lot of the time. Doctor surveys show that, on average, 42 percent of all doctors across the nation report feeling burned out. Doctors who specialize in critical care, neurology and family medicine report the highest numbers at 48 percent.

Similarly, patients are guilty of not listening to their doctors as well, with some patients afraid to speak up or ask questions when they don’t understand something. This creates another barrier to better healthcare when a patient won’t or can’t comply with treatment because of a lack of understanding.

Does Your Doctor Seem Exhausted? Doctors are required to respond to the needs of demanding patients and an even more demanding healthcare system, while finding time for intellectual stimulation, professional growth and connecting on a personal level with their patients. It’s no wonder so many are feeling burned out. In fact, doctor burnout is at an all-time high. Many doctors blame the sheer amount of EHR work and the interference of the doctor-patient relationship by insurance companies and non-medical health managers as the driving force behind their burnout.

To doctors, being forced to get permission to order life-saving medications or procedures for extremely ill patients is beyond demoralizing. One doctor in a recent study called it a “circus.” And it’s one reason a growing number of physicians are leaving traditional insurance companies behind to practice direct pay or concierge medicine.

How Insurance Companies and Healthcare Managers Have Become the ‘Bosses.’ Doctors are trained to diagnose, prevent and treat illnesses. They should be making the decisions in patient’s healthcare, but they’re not. Insurance companies question orders and often exclude medications or treatments they determine are too expensive, whether the patient is in dire need or not.

A 2017 survey by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) showed that patients perceive there are forces greater than the doctor who are dictating patient care. And they felt these forces – insurance and pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies, and Congress – have a greater impact on their treatment than their own doctor.

Doctors and insured patients face strict regulations, push back and flat out denials that impede access to quality care. Just because a patient is insured, it doesn’t mean he or she has access to necessary, quality healthcare. Additionally, sky high deductibles, ballooning drug costs and increasing denials of coverage for an ever-growing number of medications and procedures are making both costs and delivery of care unmanageable for patients and doctors alike. Between insurance companies and an army of health administrators to answer to, doctors are no longer the ‘boss.’ Doctors and insured patients face strict regulations, push back and flat out denials that impede access to quality care. Just because a patient is insured, it doesn’t mean he or she has access to necessary, quality healthcare.


Even though doctors and patients know there are other forces shaping the healthcare system, they agree the partnership between doctor and patient is the most essential element in a quality healthcare system, according to the AAFP survey. Both doctors and patients can help right the ship with stronger patient and self-advocacy, trust, accountability, follow-through and, most of all, effective communication. While 86 percent of doctors and 89 percent of patients saying they need more face-toface time, both sides are responsible for improving the quality of care in the time they do have together. These doctor and patient “wish lists” foster the hallmarks of a good doctorpatient relationship while increasing quality of care and doctor-patient satisfaction.

OurHealth | The Resource for Healthy Living in the Shenandoah Valley and Charlottesville


7 Ways to Be a Great Patie

: A Doctor’s WishnLtis t

The Ideal Doctor and Patient Wish List

Be as concise as poss ible so we can make the most out of the vis it.

Managed care forces doctors to see aroun d 40 patients a day gives patients appro so that ximately 15 minutes – and usually less – to concerns. Bring a bu discuss lleted list of specific concerns and quest prioritize them in ord ions and er of most pressing . Bring a written rec the medications you’r ord of all e taking, with dosag es, as well as record needed. Be accurate s when when describing sym ptoms.

Know that “Dr. Google” didn’t go to school like I did.

While doctors are ha ppy for patients to get as much inform they can to make mo ation as re informed decision s, people need to rem that because they go ember ogle their symptoms online doesn’t mean know more than the they doctor who has had years of school and training.

Be honest with me.

If you withhold inform ation that can affect your health, your do won’t be able to tre ctor at you effectively an d you’re wasting yo time and theirs. Be up ur own front about all the rea sons for your visit. Do don’t care about yo ctors ur lifestyle, unless it’s a danger to your he alth.

Partner with me by pa rticipating in your own care.

While doctors want you to trust them in guiding you, the want you to do yo y also ur part by actively questioning things understand or agree you don’t with. Don’t leave the office with unanswere and reasonable – qu d– estions.

Know that you’re not powerless in the exam room.

Getting your voice he ard is more effective in fostering a robust patient relationship doctorthan passively accep ting whatever the says. Question proced doctor ures, supply costs and medication cho you don’t feel comf ices if ortable.

Be accountable for yo ur own choices and lifestyle habits.

Diabetes medicine can only go so far to he lp a patient who’s sta each day eating donu rting ts. In other words, pa tients must be accou for their diet and exe ntable rcise habits, without expecting a pill or treatment to erase an other unhealthy lifestyle.

Above all, Comply

While it’s good to qu estion things you do n’t agree with or unde if you and your docto rstand, r create a mutually ag reed upon treatmen follow through with t plan, it. And, if you don’t comply, be honest wit doctor and tell them. h your They can’t read your mind and may believ treatment failed wh e the en, in reality, it wasn’ t followed.

Treating patients req uires elaborate documen tation to fulfill regulations an d protect against Medicare or insurance audits.

50 percent

This means doctors are spending around 50 percent of their day on EHR, or desk work.

27 percent

That only leaves abou t 27 percent of their day to spend with patients, accord ing to a 2016 study in the An nals of Internal Medicine.

59 percent

In research conduct ed by Stanford Medicine, as many as 59 percent of docto rs polled think EHRs “need a complete overhaul.”

40 percent

Forty percent of do ctors see “more challenges wit h EHRs than benefits.”




: r o t c o D r e t t e B 7 Ways to BeAa Patient’s Wish List me. Don’t interrupt only got to speak for 12 seconds

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te pectations illustra These different ex n tio and communica the uncertainty d an een doctors disconnect betw in th e challenges wi patients. And th rening the docto healthcare threat g in go ip are not patient relationsh or , r doctor visits away. But longe ’t on the horizon isn “slow medicine” g rs. So, fosterin for most docto r ge on tion and str better communica is relationships interpersonal h improving healt imperative to s it’ , tients. In fact outcomes for pa h alt he improving imperative for rs too. cto outcomes for do or with these doct Do you agree sit Vi ? ts sh lis and patient wi virginia.com www.ourhealth thoughts. and tell us your at should As a doctor, wh prove their im patients do to patient, a As ? office visits great doctor? what makes a

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person with care Treat me as a and empathy. time to explain

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Is YOUR FAVORITE DOCTOR OR PROVIDER Missing From the List of Winners? In the Charlottesville and Shenandoah Valley communities, there are thousands upon thousands of exceptional doctors and providers who are just as committed to providing exceptional bedside manner to their patients as the winners on this list. If you feel your doctor or provider is deserving of recognition for his or her excellent bedside manner and would like to receive reminders of when voting will open for the 2019 Best Bedside Manner Awards

Presenting the 4th Annual OurHealth Charlottesville and Shenandoah Valley Magazine’s Best Bedside Manner Award Winners

so you can nominate him or

The OurHealth Charlottesville and Shenandoah Valley Magazine’s Best Bedside Manner Awards are widely considered by doctors and providers as the most meaningful and cherished recognition they receive because it comes from patients and peers in our community. Throughout the month of March this year, the public was invited to visit www.ourhealthcharlottesville.com to cast their votes for their favorite medical providers in 67 medical specialties who they feel exemplify excellence in bedside manner – a medical provider’s total approach to patient care that encompasses the attributes of professionalism blended with compassion and attentiveness and the ability to communicate with concern and empathy.

and subscribe to our

her, please visit ourhealthcharlottesville.com e-newsletter.

For 2018, more than 20,000 votes were cast, which were tabulated by a third party firm to determine the first, second, third and honorable mention winners in each specialty. Please join us in congratulating the 258 doctors and providers in Charlottesville and Shenandoah Valley who are 2018 Best Bedside Manner Award winners. If you have any questions, please submit via email to info@ourhealthvirginia.com.






Charlottesville Allergy & Respiratory Enterprises Charlottesville | 434.295.2727 www.cvilleallergy.com

LARRY BORISH, MD UVA Asthma, Allergy and Immunology Charlottesville | 434.924.2227 www.uvahealth.com

GRETCHEN BECK, MD Blue Ridge Allergy & Asthma Charlottesville | 434.977.NOSE (6673) www.blueridgeallergy.com


R. STEVEN PENCE, MD Allergy & Asthma Associates of Virginia, PC Harrisonburg | 540.442.1000 www.allergyandasthmaassociates.com

In the era of increasing demands on physician time and between juggling multiple hats, compassion fatigue and burnout are real issues. Physicians should be constantly mindful of the need to be technically competent, kind, empathetic and compassionate listeners. A genuinely caring approach on top of an accurate, cost-effective diagnosis and management plan always enhances patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes.





FIRST PLACE GEOFFREY HENSON, MD Anesthesia Associates of Augusta Fishersville | 540.332.4329 www.augustahealth.com

KRISTIN KOCH, AUD Evolution Hearing Charlottesville | 434.227.4100 www.evolutionhearing.com

I am honored to receive this award for the fourth time. I believe that everyone deserves to have a wonderful experience in this often confusing and overwhelming area of healthcare. Getting to know each patient and truly listening is invaluable in making recommendations that are customized to each person's needs.





ALBERT CHAKER, MD Albemarle Anesthesia PLC Charlottesville | 540.777.1147 www.albemarleanesthesia.com

SWEN ERIC LASER, MD Anesthesia Associates of Augusta Fishersville | 844.328.2779 www.augustahealth.com




GARY RAKES, MD Allergy Partners of Charlottesville Waynesboro | 540.949.5154 www.allergypartners.com/charlottesville

GEORGE RICH, MD UVA Health Charlottesville | 434.924.9508 www.uvahealth.com



JULIE FARRAR-HERSCH, PHD Augusta Audiology Associates Fishersville | 540.332.5790 www.augustaaudiology.com

TAMMY GARBER, AUD Hearing Health Associates Charlottesville | 434.422.3202 www.hearinghealthassoc.com


A. TUCKER GLEASON, PHD UVA Audiology Charlottesville | 434.924.2050 www.uvahealth.com

KAREN KLOTZ, HIS Virginia Hearing Group Verona | 434.260.8007 www.virginiahearinggroup.com




JAYME STOKES, MD Sentara Martha Jefferson Bariatric Care Center Charlottesville | 434.654.5260 www.sentara.com/weightlosssurgery

UVA Surgical Care Charlottesville | 434.243.4811 www.uvahealth.com

A good bedside manner is important to me because it is an outward sign that you care. I always try to treat my patients how I would like a physician to treat my mother, wife, or child. Having a good bedside manner promotes trust between the surgeon and patient, which helps improve communication and ultimately high satisfaction and outcomes.

OurHealth | The Resource for Healthy Living in the Shenandoah Valley and Charlottesville

2018 Best Beside Manner Awards


FIRST PLACE ARUN PRAHASH, MD Augusta Health Cardiology Fishersville | 540.245.7080 www.augustahealth.com

Good bedside manner is an attitude; it reminds me that I am there to help and assist the patient and not just provide information or to share my professional knowledge and skills. It enhances the humanity of the personal interaction. It is the right thing to do.

ANNA BAER, MD Cardiovascular Associates of Charlottesville Charlottesville | 434.293.4072 cvilleheart.com


JAIME ESCANELLAS, MD UVA Specialty Care Augusta Fishersville | 434.243.7121 www.uvahealth.com

TIM WILLIAMS, MD Cardiovascular Associates of Charlottesville Charlottesville | 434.293.4072 www.cvilleheart.com



JAMES BERGIN, MD UVA Heart and Vascular Center Charlottesville | 434.243.1000 heart.uvahealth.com



FIRST PLACE TODD ROBSON, DC Robson Chiropractic Staunton | 540.248.5711 www.robsonchiropractic.com

As a physician, I always try to keep in mind the Golden Rule – how would I want to be treated? Would I want a doctor to get me better as quickly and efficiently as possible? Would I want a doctor who values me as a person and not a number?



STACY CLARK, DC The VA Chiropractic and Natural Health Center Waynesboro | 540.946.2311 www.vachirocenter.com

SAMUEL SPILLMAN, DC Balanced Chiropractic & Physical Therapy Charlottesville | 434.293.3800 www.balancechiropracticva.com

THIRD PLACE BRIAN PRAX, DC Prax Family Chiropractic & Massage Charlottesville | 434.977.5433 www.chiroprax.com

SCOTT WAGNER, DC Scott Wagner Chiropractic and Sports Medicine Charlottesville | 434.978.4888 www.scottwagnerchiropractic.com

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FIRST PLACE KATELYN BLONDINO, MS Sentara Martha Jefferson Charlottesville | 434.654.8399 www.sentara.com

We want to make sure all our patients feel comfortable asking questions, learning about their medical care, and being part of the caregiving process. We also want all patients to leave Sentara Martha Jefferson feeling well cared for, as if they were treated like family, and that starts at the bedside.



OurHealth | The Resource for Healthy Living in the Shenandoah Valley and Charlottesville

SECOND PLACE MATTHEW THOMAS, SCM UVA Health Charlottesville | 434.924.8739 www.uvahealth.com


SECOND PLACE MARGARET SIMAN, MD MDVIP Staunton | 540.213.0311 www.mdvip.com

FIRST PLACE SAMUEL CAUGHRON, MD MDVIP Charlottesville | 434.328.2853 www.mdvip.com





LARRY BRANNON, DMD Larry Brannon, DMD Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Charlottesville | 434.974.4555 www.drbrannon.com

JAMES LEE, DDS Lee Family Dentistry Charlottesville | 434.293.9916 www.leefamilysmiles.com

Pantops Prosthodontics Charlottesville | 434.977.9836 www.pantops.org

I am honored to receive the 2018 Bedside Manner Award. In today’s hectic, hustle-bustle world of medicine, the art of listening to the patient has almost gone away. As a prosthodontist, I take the time to make the patient feel welcomed, get to know their story and understand what is most important to them. When patients are comfortable enough to share what they value, I can start to help them the most. Having a great bedside manner means truly listening to the patient, showing empathy and respect, thereby building trust. This trust ultimately leads to the best possible care, which is what everyone wants.

2018 Best Beside Manner Awards


THIRD PLACE ANITA NEEL, DDS Aesthetic Dentistry of Charlottesville Charlottesville | 434.984.3455 www.cvillesmiles.com

DENNIS CALVANO, DDS Dental Health Associates Staunton | 540.248.2500 www.mydentalhealthassociates.com



WILLIAMS POTTER, DDS South River Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Waynesboro | 540.943.1222 www.southriversmiles.com

ANITA BELL, DDS Stuarts Draft | 540.337.1324 www.anitabelldds.com

THIRD PLACE Good bedside manner is important to help build trust between the health care provider and the patient. It's important to actively listen, engage the patient and have genuine concern for the reasons they are in your office. It's all about helping people, getting them the answers they need, reassurance and doing everything you can to help restore their health.

DAVID SWETT, DDS Swett Dentistry Charlottesville | 434.979.3940 www.swettdentistry.com






DJ BICKERS, DDS Charlottesville | 434.984.6400 www.djbickers.com JACK KAYTON, III, DDS Dr. Jack T. Kayton: Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Charlottesville | 855.599.5581 www.dentistrycharlottesvilleva.com


JEFFERY HODGES, DDS Albemarle Dental Associates Charlottesville | 434.293.8944 www.getaperfectsmile.com

We appreciate the recognition, but it is really a team award for a team of truly dedicated, patient-centered dental care workers who make our doctor's attention to the patient paramount.





JESSICA MOORE, DDS Children’s Dentistry of Charlottesville Charlottesville | 434.260.6836 www.childrensdentistryofcharlottesville.com

KEVIN CLIFFORD, DDS Crozet Pediatric Dentistry, PC Crozet | 434.205.4587 www.crozetpediatricdentistry.com

Staunton | 540.213.2244 www.cavityfreekid.com

THIRD PLACE The first half of my job is to create healthy dental habits and restore children's teeth. The second, and equally important half of my job is to provide an enjoyable and welcoming environment for children to relate to their dentist. A nurturing bedside manner builds trust and a strong relationship between the patient and doctor that will carry throughout adulthood.

AARON STUMP, DDS Charlottesville Pediatric Dentistry Charlottesville | 434.975.7336 www.cvillepediatricdentistry.com




FIRST PLACE (TIE) DEBORAH ELDER, MD Charlottesville Dermatology Charlottesville | 434.984.2400 www.cvillederm.com

Bedside manner is so important to me because I value my relationship with my patients above all else. I enjoy getting to know my patients and sharing stories over the years about our families, travels and lives, because it helps me provide better care and it also makes my work more interesting and meaningful.

FIRST PLACE (TIE) KRISTEN SAVOLA, MD Savola Aesthetic Dermatology Center Fishersville | 540.451.2833 www.savoladermatology.com

I’ve always been a firm believer that the human side of medicine is critical to the best outcomes. Why? Because a patient that feels connected to their health team communicates more easily, relaxes, and is better able to focus on their own ability to contribute to the healing process.



JOHN HENDRIX, MD Dermatologic Surgery of Central Virginia Charlottesville | 434.979.7700 www.dermsurgcv.com

ANNA MAGEE, MD Charlottesville Dermatology Charlottesville | 434.984.2400 www.cvillederm.com


HANNAH PIERCE, MD Albemarle Dermatology Associates Charlottesville | 434.923.4651 albemarledermatology.com

CHRISTOPHER SCOTT, MD Dermatology PLC Charlottesville | 434.296.0113 www.dermplc.com


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CYNTHIA MOORE, MS, RD, CDE, FAND UVA Health Clinical Nutrition Charlottesville | 434.924.2286 www.uvahealth.com

Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital Charlottesville | 434.654.7009 www.sentara.com


AMANDA TERILLO, RDN Amanda Terillo Nutrition Counseling, LLC Charlottesville | 434.872.3285 www.amandaterillo.com




LILY HARGROVE, MD Ivy Family Medicine, PLC Charlottesville | 434.202.7830 www.ivyfamilymedicine.com

Blue Ridge Family Practice Charlottesville | 434.409.3637 www.blueridgefamilypractice.org


Good bedside manner is important to me because I want each patient to feel welcomed and comfortable when they come to see me. Knowing my patients well allows me to better care for them.

JOY SPIEKERMANN, MD HouseCalls PLC Charlottesville | 434.953.7404 www.cvillehousecalls.com





DAVID FOSNOCHT, MD Augusta Emergency Physicians Fishersville | 540.932.4444 www.augustahealth.com

ROBERT COCKE, MD Augusta Emergency Physicians Fishersville | 540.932.4444 www.augustahealth.com


CHRISTOPHER HOLSTEGE, MD UVA Health System Charlottesville | 434.924.5185 www.uvahealth.com

Augusta Emergency Physicians Fishersville | 540.932.4444 www.augustahealth.com

I am honored and thankful to have received this award. A good bedside manner helps us to be able to understand and communicate with patients. Sitting down to empathize and talk with our patients is at the core of being a physician and what makes being a physician very gratifying.

WILLIAM BRADY JR., MD UVA Health Charlottesville | 434.924.2231 www.uvahealth.com





JESSICAH COLLINS, MD Augusta Health Diabetes & Endocrinology Clinic Fishersville | 540.245.7180 www.augustahealth.com

ALAN DALKIN, MD UVA Diabetes and Endocrine Clinic Charlottesville | 434.924.1825 www.uvahealth.com

UVA Diabetes and Endocrine Clinic Charlottesville | 434.924.1825 www.uvahealth.com


I believe the relationship between the doctor and patient, whether it’s for 10 minutes or 10 years, is vital. Listening to the patient and earning their trust is key to providing the right care.

NELLY MAYBEE, MD Augusta Health Diabetes & Endocrinology Clinic Staunton | 540.245.7180 www.augustahealth.com





Our food preferences and choices are, in part, rooted in our family history and traditions, so it’s important for people to feel comfortable talking about their food environment and relationship with food. It’s to everyone's benefit if we are relaxed, so I set aside plenty of time for a nutrition consultation in my comfortable office.







2018 Best Beside Manner Awards





MARK VAGNETTI, DDS Piedmont Endodontics Charlottesville | 434.260.7025 www.piedmontendova.com

Grover Endodontics Charlottesville | 434.975.2603 www.groverendo.com

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THIRD PLACE Most people are not excited about getting a root canal, so bedside manner is important in establishing a collaborative relationship between doctor and patient. My goal is to understand the patient’s concerns and explain the best treatment options, then together, make a decision that everyone is confident with.





LAURA STUMP, MD Family Medicine of Albemarle Charlottesville | 434.973.9744 www.fmoa-online.com

DEIRDRE DONOVAN, MD Downtown Family Health Care Charlottesville | 434.817.1818 www.downtownfamilyhealthcare.com


WILLIAM MURRAY, MD Sentara Forest Lakes Family Medicine Charlottesville | 434.654.4600 www.sentara.com




Middlebrook Family Medicine Middlebrook | 540.887.2627 www.middlebrookfamilymedicine.com


CAROLYN HERRING, DMD Fishersville | 540.886.0531 www.carolyncherringdmd.com

Bedside manner is a communication style that facilitates the doctor-patient interaction. There are two important aspects. The first is listening and the second is explaining. Listening means understanding the patient’s concerns and complaints, as well as appreciating their expectations and desires. Explaining requires that the physician put into understandable phrases the reason and the meaning of medical tests, medical procedures, and most importantly, the treatment plan. In summary, bedside manner exemplifies the art of medicine that physicians need to master in order to effectively treat their patients.

JAMES LAGRUA, II, DO Carilion Clinic Family Medicine – Fort Defiance Verona | 540.248.3413 www.carilionclinic.org

WARREN QUILLIAN, MD Pantops Family Medicine Charlottesville | 434.979.4440 www.Pantopsfamilymedicine.com JAMES REID IV, MD UVA Health – Waynesboro Primary Care Waynesboro | 540.942.1200 www.uvahealth.com





CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS, MD Reproductive Medicine & Surgery Center of Virginia, PLC Charlottesville | 434.654.8520 www.rmscva.com

LAURA SMITH, MD Reproductive Medicine & Surgery Center of Virginia, PLC Charlottesville | 434.654.8520 www.rmscva.com





ALAN BRIJBASSIE, MD Sentara Marth Jefferson Medical & Surgical Associates Charlottesville | 434.654.5260 www.sentara.com

EMILY CHRISTMAN, MD Charlottesville Gastroenterology Associates Charlottesville | 434.817.8490 www.cvillegi.com

Reproductive Medicine & Surgery Center of Virginia, PLC Charlottesville | 434.654.8520 www.rmscva.com

Everyone in our practice cares and we show it.

Charlottesville Gastroenterology Associates Charlottesville | 434.817.8490 www.cvillegi.com

The demands of modern medicine should never outweigh the importance of listening to our patients. Our practice is focused on making patients feel comfortable, assuring that we understand their individual concerns and providing the care required to improve their health. The physicians, advanced practice practitioners, nurses and staff at CGA strive to do this every day!

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THIRD PLACE CYNTHIA YOSHIDA, MD UVA Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Charlottesville | 434.297.5759 www.uvahealth.com

LAWRENCE COMERFORD, MD Augusta Health Gastroenterology Fishersville | 540.245.7350 www.augustahealth.com

2018 Best Beside Manner Awards




DAVID CHESLER, MD Charlottesville Family Medicine Charlottesville | 434.973.1831 www.charlottesvillemedicine.com

Albemarle Square Family Healthcare Charlottesville | 434.978.2126 www.albemarlesquarefamilyhealthcare.com





ANDREW ROMANO, MD Sentara Martha Jefferson Hematology and Medical Oncology Associates Charlottesville | 434.654.8390 www.sentara.com

JAMES BOYER, MD Sentara Martha Jefferson Hematology and Medical Oncology Associates Charlottesville | 434.654.8390 www.sentara.com


RESHMA KHETPAL, MD Augusta Health Cancer Center Fishersville | 540.332.5960 www.augustahealth.com

UVA Cancer Center Charlottesville | 434.924.9333 cancer.uvahealth.com

Assisting patients who face serious illness is a privilege and a responsibility. One’s bedside manner, and that of the entire care team, must instill confidence and comfort that all is being done to ensure the best outcome.

BRIAN BELYEA, MD UVA Children’s Hospital Charlottesville | 434.924.8499 childrens.uvahealth.com




COSTI SIFRI, MD UVA Health Charlottesville | 434.982.1700 www.uvahealth.com

Augusta Health Infectious Disease Fishersville | 540.213.2630 www.augustahealth.com



Adding a caring heart to a science-oriented brain brings great advantage in the healing process. Your patients know when you are truly engaged to help them feel better, and they appreciate it.

BRIAN WISPELWEY, MD UVA Ryan White HIV Clinic Charlottesville | 434.982.1700 www.uvahealth.com





LAURIE ARCHBALD-PANNONE, MD UVA Health University Physicians JABA Charlottesville | 434.964.1333 www.uvahealth.com





JEFFREY DAVIS, MD Internal Medicine Ltd. Charlottesville | 434.977.7950 www.internalmedicineltd.com





JOHN “JAY” SNYDER, DO Augusta Health Primary Care Stuarts Draft | 540.245.7870 www.augustahealth.com

RICHARD BRANTLEY, MD Fox & Brantley Internal Medicine Charlottesville | 434.244.5684 www.foxandbrantley.com


BARBARA POST, MD UVA Health Northridge Internal Medicine Charlottesville | 434.243.4500 www.uvahealth.com

LOUISA HANN, MD Sentara Blue Ridge Internal Medicine Charlottesville | 434.654.4550 www.sentara.com



JONATHAN SWANSON, MD UVA Children’s Hospital Charlottesville | 434.924.5428 childrens.uvahealth.com

UVA Children’s Hospital Charlottesville | 434.924.5428 childrens.uvahealth.com

THIRD PLACE Caring for the premature and acutely ill newborn population and their families is not only an honor but a partnership. Having a good bedside manner fosters trust and respect and promotes family-centered care.




BRENDAN BOWMAN, MD UVA Dialysis Orange Orange | 540.661.3011 www.uvahealth.com

MARK OKUSA, MD UVA Kidney Center Clinic Charlottesville | 434.924.1984 www.uvahealth.com

The patient-physician relationship is complex and relies on effective communication. For patients, it’s often difficult and even frightening to share something as personal as their health with someone outside their family or friends. For physicians, our manner—including our warmth, laughter, asking about their work, family, how their garden is growing . . . simple questions seemingly unrelated to medicine—creates the necessary familiarity that allows us to practice safely and effectively.

THIRD PLACE MITCHELL ROSNER, MD UVA Kidney Center Clinic Charlottesville | 434.924.1984 www.uvahealth.com





JAMES BRENTON, MD UVA Children’s Hospital Charlottesville | 434.924.2706 childrens.uvahealth.com

GUILLERMO SOLORZANO, MD UVA Neurosciences and Behavioral Health Center Charlottesville | 434.924.2706 neuro.uvahealth.com



JENNIFER BURNSED, MD UVA Children’s Hospital Charlottesville | 434.924.5428 childrens.uvahealth.com


Augusta Health Shenandoah Valley Neurology Fishersville | 540.932.5878 www.augustahealth.com


KAREN STARR, MD Sentara Martha Jefferson Internal Medicine Charltotesville | 434.654.8930 www.sentara.com


Sentara Martha Jefferson Medical & Surgical Associates Charlottesville | 434.654.5260 www.sentara.com



Too often in today’s medical interactions there are many distractions that can occur, ranging from the need to use the EMR, insurance and financial barriers, and at times disjointed care from seeing multiple clinicians, even in the same practice. Promoting a comfortable, positive and at times, enjoyable evaluation with a good bedside manner can be very helpful and meaningful to patients, family members and the clinician.

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DAVID MCCOLLUM, MD UVA Neurosciences and Behavioral Health Center Charlottesville | 434.924.2706 neuro.uvahealth.com


TIFFANY GREENBERG, FNP Augusta Health Primary Care Fishersville | 540.332.5687 www.augustahealth.com

KELLY MAUPIN, FNP Albemarle Square Family Healthcare Charlottesville | 434.978.2126 www.albemarlesquarefamilyhealthcare.com


TINA RUTT, NP Charlottesville Family Medicine Charlottesville | 434.973.1831 www.charlottesvillemedicine.com

Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates Charlottesville | 434.979.2121 www.obgynassociatescville.com

I try to take the time to get to know my patients well so that together we can individualize their care.

KELLY OWENS, MD Jefferson OB/Gyn Charlottesville | 434.977.4488 www.jeffersonobgyn.net

KELLY VINCEL, CPNP Pediatric Associates of Charlottesville Charlottesville | 434.296.9161 www.charlottesvillepeds.com



AMI KEATTS, MD, FACOG, CPPS Augusta Health Care for Women Fishersville | 540.213.7750 www.ahcfw.com

MARK BROOKS, MD The Woman’s Center Fishersville | 540.932.5577 www.thewomanscenterva.com


DANA REDICK, MD UVA Midlife Health Charlottesville | 434.243.4720 www.uvahealth.com

EDWARD WOLANSKI, MD, PC Charlottesville | 434.293.9800 www.wolanskigyn.com *Gynecology services only



KAREN MARTIN, NP Augusta Health Care for Women Fishersville | 540.213.7750 www.ahcfw.com

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SIVA THIAGARAJAH, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates Charlottesville | 434.979.2121 www.obgynassociatescville.com


2018 Best Beside Manner Awards








PAUL MCCONNELL, MD EyeOne Staunton | 540.213.7720 www.eyeoneva.com

MOHIT NANDA, MD Virginia Retina Consultants Charlottesville | 434.978.2040 Waynesboro | 540.949.9080 www.virginiaretinaconsultants.com

Charlottesville Eye Associates, Ltd Charlottesville | 434.977.5160 www.charlottesvilleeye.com


A good bedside manner begins with respect for the patient. I try to treat them the way I would like to be treated.





SHANNON FRANKLIN, OD Crozet Eye Care Crozet | 434.823.4441 www.crozeteyecare.com

JOSEPH DIGIROLAMO, OD Primary EyeCare Charlottesville | 434.977.2020 www.cvilleeyecare.com


CHELSEA JOHNSON, OD Primary EyeCare Charlottesville | 434.977.2020 www.cvilleeyecare.com

Primary EyeCare Charlottesville | 434.977.2020 www.cvilleeyecare.com


ASHLEY SCHAUER, MD Blue Ridge Ophthalmology Charlottesville | 434.295.3227 www.blueridgeeyemd.com

ANDREW COLLINS, MD Blue Ridge Opthalmology Charlottesville | 434.295.3227 www.blueridgeeyemd.com

Great bedside manner is essential in the doctor-patient relationship. It allows me to listen to the patient and assures the patient that they have been heard. Creating this bond helps convey a diagnosis while garnering treatment compliance and overall success.

KATHLEEN CLARK-GELBURD, OD Vision Tech Optometry Center, Inc. Waynesboro | 540.949.7126 www.waynesboroeyedoctors.com

DOUGLAS WEISS, OD Weiss Eyes Palmyra | 434.591.0262 www.weisseyes.com

ORAL SURGERY FIRST PLACE TODD BRANDT, DDS, MD Blue Ridge Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Fishersville | 540.886.2956 www.blueridgeoralsurgery.com

Providing excellent bedside manner requires active listening, honest communication, integrity, and dedication to treating the whole patient, not just the illness. I believe successful surgeons are not only affable and able, but also begin each day with a promise to provide care to each patient as if they were a family member.



CARLOS IBANEZ, DDS Charlottesville Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center, PLLC Charlottesville | 434.295.0911 www.cvilleoralsurgery.com

WILLIAMS BIGELOW, DDS Staunton | 540.213.8750 www.bigelowstauntonoralsurgery.com

THIRD PLACE COREY BURGOYNE, DMD Blue Ridge Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Fishersville | 540.886.2956 www.blueridgeoralsurgery.com


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PETER EISENHARDT, DDS Central Virginia Oral & Facial Surgeons, PLC Charlottesville | 434.973.3348 www.cvofs.com






BART WEIS, DDS Charlottesville Orthodontics Charlottesville | 434.971.9601 www.charlottesvilleorthodontics.com

My goal is for you to have the most attractive smile and best bite for the rest of your life.



DAVID HAMER, DDS Hamer & Hamer DDS Orthodontics Charlottesville | 434.298.0188 www.cvillebraces.com

CHANDA ASHLEY, DDS Ashley Orthodontics Staunton and Waynesboro | 540.885.6815 www.ashleyortho.com

THIRD PLACE MARKUS NIEPRASCHK, DDS Mill Creek Orthodontics Charlottesville | 434.977.9473 www.millcreekortho.com





JOHN HALL, MD Sentara Marth Jefferson Orthopedic Services Charlottesville | 434.654.5575 www.sentara.com

GEORGE GODETTE, MD Augusta Orthopedic Surgery Staunton | 540.885.1281 www.augustaortho.com

Charlottesville Orthopaedic Center Charlottesville | 434.244.8412 www.cvilleortho.com



I feel connecting with patients is a very important component of bedside manner. By doing so, I can help the patient understand their condition and treatment options, which involves them in making the decisions important to their individual needs.

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THIRD PLACE D. BRIAN DEAN, MD Shenandoah Valley Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Fishersville | 540.932.5850 www.shenandoahvalleyorthopedics.com

STEPHEN GUNTHER, MD Sentara Martha Jefferson Orthopedic Services Charlottesville | 434.654.5575 www.sentara.com DAVID BRIAN WEISS, MD UVA Health Charlottesville | 434.243.5432 www.uvahealth.com





STEPHEN EARLY, MD UVA Children’s Hospital Charlottesville | 434.924.5934 childrens.uvahealth.com

BRADLEY KESSER, MD UVA Health Charlottesville | 434.924.5700 www.uvahealth.com


PAIGE POWERS, MD Piedmont Otolaryngology Charlottesville | 434.220.0045 www.entdoc.com

Keefe Centre, an ENT/Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Laser Center Fishersville | 540.245.7028 www.drkeefeent.com

We are all fortunate to live in an age of ever-advancing technology used for diagnosis and treatment. However, they are only tools and lend to a confusing array of choices for patients. The most important aspect in the practice of the art of medicine has always been and continues to be the engagement that must occur between patient and physician. This builds trust and honest communication, the building blocks necessary to arrive at the best clinical decision for the best outcome available to the patient.

JAMES DANIERO, MD UVA ENT Clinic Charlottesville | 434.924.2040 www.uvahealth.com

2018 Best Beside Manner Awards






JARED DAVIS, MD Augusta Health Pain Management Clinic Fishersville | 540.332.5747 www.augustahealth.com

MATTHEW HOLLAND, MD National Spine & Pain Center Charlottesville | 434.979.0163 www.treatingpain.com

Paine and Spine Center Charlottesville | 434.328.2774 www.painspinecenters.com





I believe in listening to our patients and respecting their input. This results in outcomes that best improve their quality of life.

RICHARD BENJAMIN MESSINGER, MD Charlottesville Pain Management Center Charlottesville | 434.295.3600 www.charlottesvillepainmanagementcenter.com





TIMOTHY SHORT, MD UVA Palliative Care Clinic Charlottesville | 434.924.9333 www.uvahealth.com

JOSHUA BARCLAY, MD UVA Palliative Care Clinic Charlottesville | 434.924.9333 www.uvahealth.com


LESLIE BLACKHALL, MD UVA Palliative Care Clinic Charlottesville | 434.243.3922 www.uvahealth.com

Hospice of the Piedmont Charlottesville | 434.817.6900 www.hopva.org

Excellent bedside manner is one of the most important skills we can possess as a clinician. Being able to respectfully share space with patients, bring comfort and dignity to healthcare delivery, and appreciate and respect the individual journey and experience of each patient ensures they receive the most compassionate care possible.

PATRICK BAROCO, MD Augusta Health Transitional Care Fishersville | 540.245.7262 www.augustahealth.com




PETER DEAN, MD UVA Children’s Hospital Charlottesville | 434.924.9119 childrens.uvehealth.com

UVA Children’s Hospital Charlottesville | 434.243.3697 Childrens.uvahealth.com

Engendering trust and demonstrating compassion with patients and families is essential to our job. It creates an environment of teamwork that is truly the best way to manage the patient’s health.







GRETCHEN BRANTLEY, MD Piedmont Pediatrics Charlottesville | 434.975.7777 www.piedmontpediatrics.net

ROBERT GUNTHER, MD UVA Augusta Pediatrics Fishersville | 540.932.0980 childrens.uvahealth.com


STEVEN MUMBAUER, MD, FAAP Valley Pediatric Group Verona | 540.885.8143 www.valleypediatricgroup.com


Pediatric Associates of Charlottesville Charlottesville | 434.296.9161 www.charlottesvillepeds.com

JAY GILLENWATER, MD, FAAP Pediatric Associates of Charlottesville Charlottesville | 434.296.9161 www.charlottesvillepeds.com

I have the privilege of taking care of children and young adults when they are healthy but also when they are scared, sick or in pain. It is my goal that through kindness and respect, we can work towards a positive and trusting doctor-patient relationship.

KARYN WOLFE, MD, FAAP Pediatric Associates of Charlottesville Charlottesville | 434.296.9161 www.charlottesvillepeds.com

SECOND PLACE DANIEL KELLY, DMD Daniel and Ellen Kelly, DMD Charlottesville | 434.977.4592 www.cvillekellydentist.com



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FIRST PLACE DAVID KRESE, DDS Charlottesville | 434.971.8159 www.davidlkresedds.com

THIRD PLACE DARLENE NICKOLETTI, DDS Charlottesville Periodontics Charlottesville | 434.529.8885 www.cvilleperio.com




DAN SULLIVAN, DO Augusta Health Spine Clinic Fishersville | 540.245.7400 www.augustahealth.com

UVA Health Charlottesville | 434.243.5622 www.uvahealth.com

A good bedside manner is so incredibly important. It promotes a strong doctor patient relationship, greatly facilitates open communication, and goes a long way in providing reassurance and support at a time when it is so often needed. I want patients and their family members to know that I am listening and very much care.





TOBIN FORBUS, MS, PT, DPT Synergy Rehab and Wellness Verona | 540.416.0530 www.synergyrehabandwellness.com

BRYAN ROMIG, PT Barren Ridge Physical Therapy Fishersville | 540.949.5383 www.barrenridgept.com

Pivot Physical Therapy Charlottesville | 434.245.6472 www.pivotphysicaltherapy.com

THIRD PLACE While technology has provided huge medical advances over the past decade, it is important to never lose the human connection. I believe that communication and the ability to establish a relationship are the most important tools that a physical therapist can possess.

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REBECCA SCHOCK, MPT Spectrum Physical Therapy Charlottesville | 434.817.4100 www.spcetrumtherapy.com




KATHERINE LOOSE, PA-C Charlottesville Dermatology Charlottesville | 434.984.2400 www.cvillederm.com



I feel that bedside manner is my opportunity to connect with my patients on a personal level. Establishing a personal connection helps me gain my patients’ trust and have a positive impact on their health. These relationships are the most important part of my practice and what makes me enjoy my work the most.



LEIGH MANN, PA Carilion Clinic Family Medicine Staunton | 540.885.3525 www.carilionclinic.com





AMY MARTIN, PA-C WellFamily Medicine Charlottesville | 434.962.6234 www.wellfamilymed.com

HONORABLE MENTION DENISE JACKSON, PA UVA Pediatric Otolaryngology Charlottesville | 434.924.0123 childrens.uvahealth.com




BRIAN SHOWALTER, MD Sentara Martha Jefferson Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery Charlottesville | 434.654.8920 www.mjhplasticsurgery.org

Asfa Plastic Surgery and Medical Spa Harrisonburg | 540.432.0303 www.asfaplasticsurgery.com

An open and honest doctor/patient relationship is very important from the beginning. When I listen to my patients and take their concerns into consideration, it makes them feel at ease and they are more comfortable to ask questions. With open communication, patients are more apt to trust my recommendations and insight, which in turn makes the patient more satisfied with their visit.

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THIRD PLACE STEPHEN PARK, MD UVA Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Charlottesville | 434.982.0251 www.uvahealth.com

2018 Best Beside Manner Awards


FIRST PLACE JONATHAN BLACK, MD UVA Plastic Surgery Clinic Charlottesville | 434.924.5244 www.uvahealth.com

Good bedside manner establishes the foundation of the doctor-patient relationship. My hope is that patients see me as a person who cares about improving the life of another person.

SARA KALTREIDER, MD Eyelid & Facial Aesthetics Charlottesville | 434.244.8610 www.eyelidandfacialaesthetics.com

J. JARED CHRISTOPHEL, MD, MPH, FACS UVA Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Charlottesville | 434.243.9391 www.uvahealth.com





PODIATRY FIRST PLACE JOSEPH DISABATO, DPM Virginia Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates Charlottesville | 434.977.8040 www.vfasa.com

The best part of my job is meeting new patients and helping them with their foot and ankle problems. SECOND PLACE


CHRISTOPHER STEWART, DPM Central Virginia Foot & Ankle Laser Center Charlottesville | 434.979.0456 www.cvillefootankle.com

ROBERT BAGLIO, DPM Foot & Ankle Specialists of the Mid-Atlantic Charlottesville | 434.295.4443 www.footandankle-usa.com


MARYELLEN WALTZ, DPM Central Virginia Foot & Ankle Laser Center Charlottesville | 434.979.0456 www.cvillefootankle.com

HEATHER SNYDER, DPM Albemarle Family Foot & Ankle, PLLC Charlottesville | 434.979.0728 www.affapodiatry.com






NASSIMA AIT DAOUD TIOURIRINE, MD UVA Neurosciences and Behavioral Health Center Charlottesville | 434.243.0570 neuro.uvahealth.com



Dr. Lewis Weber & Associates Charlottesville | 434.963.0324 www.weberpsychotherapy.com


I feel that the cornerstone to having good bedside manner is treating each person with the respect, dignity, and integrity that I would want for myself and my own family members. What I have found is that if I am able to find the good in someone, and speak to those best aspects of their person, they will have more ability to show those qualities to me and others.

THIRD PLACE DAVID MEYER, DO Augusta Psychological Associates Fishersville | 540.949.4202 www.augustapsychological.com





KATHERINE KNAPP, LPC Creative Integration Therapy Charltotesville | 434.260.3501 www.creativeintegrationtherapy.com

GINNY HARRIS, MAED, LPC Valley Hope Counseling Center Waynesboro | 540.941.8933 www.valleyhopecc.org

Thriveworks Charlottesville | 434.812.4009 www.thriveworks.com

THIRD PLACE My view of bedside manner in the context of mental health is that of creating a safe environment where a client feels they can share anything they need to without judgement or negative consequence. It involves building trust over time. Many people come to therapy with secrets that have been harmful and toxic to them, sometimes for many years, which they have never felt able to share with another person. The bedside manner of their therapist can make all the difference in their healing process.

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EMILIE THOMAS, MA, LMFT Valley Pastoral Counseling Center Waynesboro | 540.943.8722 www.valleypastoral.org

C. LAURA GONZALEZ, MD Augusta Health Pulmonology Fishersville | 540.245.7190 www.augustahealth.com

SECOND PLACE ALEXANDER SCHULT, MD Sentara Martha Jefferson Medical & Surgical Associates Charlottesville | 434.654.5260 www.sentara.com


THIRD PLACE To be able to provide accurate diagnosis and compassionate care, it is important to gain the patient’s trust and confidence. This helps in putting the patient at ease and empowering them to participate in the healing process. This is important now more than ever as EMRs hinder this interaction. It is imperative to make the patient feel that there is a human being listening and caring for them at the other side of the computer screen. At the end of the day, it is a physician-patient relationship, not a computerpatient relationship.

2018 Best Beside Manner Awards


ERIC DAVIS, MD UVA Health Charlottesville | 434.924.0000 www.uvahealth.com

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HONORABLE MENTION JASON LAWRENCE, MD Augusta Health Pulmonology Fishersville | 540.245.7190 www.augustahealth.com

ANTHONY CRIMALDI, II, MD Central Virginia Radiation Oncologists Charlottesville | 434.654.8125 www.sentara.com



ROBERT KYLER, MD Shenandoah Valley Radiation Oncology Associates Fishersville | 540.245.7100 www.augustahealth.com

EINSLEY-MARIE JANOWSKI, MD, PHD UVA Cancer Center Charlottesville | 434.982.6278 cancer.uvahealth.com


I believe bedside manner is important because nothing is more memorable than compassion.

SYLVIA HENDRIX, MD Central Virginia Radiation Oncologists Charlottesville | 434.654.8125 www.sentara.com

PAUL READ, MD UVA Cancer Center Charlottesville | 434.924.5191 cancer.uvahealth.com





JONATHAN CIAMBOTTI, MD Charlottesville Radiology, LTD Charlottesville | 434.654.7106 www.crlsurgical.com

ALAN MATSUMOTO, MD UVA Radiology and Medical Imaging Charlottesville | 434.243.4961 www.uvahealth.com

UVA Radiology and Medical Imaging Charlottesville | 434.924.9401 www.uvahealth.com


Patience is the key to a successful visit: the most useful information is often revealed when you least expect it.







UVA Rheumatology Clinic Charlottesville | 434.243.0223 www.uvahealth.com

I do my very best to treat each patient as if he or she were one of my family.

THOMAS ZUMSTEG, MD Blue Ridge Radiologists, Inc. Staunton | 540.886.0988 www.augustahealth.com

SECOND PLACE ASTRUD LEYVA, MD UVA Rheumatology Pantops Charlottesville | 434.243.0439 www.uvahealth.com

THIRD PLACE M. SCOTT HOGENMILLER, MD Augusta Health Rheumatology & Osteoporosis Clinic Fishersville | 540.245.7170 www.augustahealth.com





UVA Sleep Disorders Center Charlottesville | 434.924.0000 www.uvahealth.com

CHRISTOPHER WINTER, MD Charlottesville Neurology and Sleep Medicine Charlottesville | 434.293.9149 www.cvilleneuroandsleep.com

THIRD PLACE Time spent talking with patients is invaluable to the wellbeing of both the patient and the physician. Thank you to my patients and their families for sharing their stories; it is an honor to receive this award.

ELIZABETH FOREMAN, MD Sentara Martha Jefferson Medical & Surgical Associates Charlottesville | 434.654.5260 www.sentara.com





RAMON ESTEBAN, MD Shenandoah Valley Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Fishersville | 540.932.5850 www.shenandoahvalleyorthopedics.com

STEPHEN BROCKMEIER, MD UVA Sports Medicine Clinic Charlottesville | 434.243.7778 www.uvahealth.com

UVA Sports Medicine Clinic Charlottesville | 434.243.7778 www.uvahealth.com




When I am seeing a patient in the office for a consultation or in the operating room performing a complex surgery, each and every one of my patients deserves my full undivided attention and focus to provide the best care possible to meet their high expectations and speedy recovery.






JACK OTTENI, MD Shenandoah Valley Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Fishersville | 540.932.5850 www.shenandoahvalleyorthopedics.com




LEORA YARBORO, MD UVA Heart and Vascular Center Charlottesville | 434.924.2158 heart.uvahealth.com

UVA Heart and Vascular Center Charlottesville | 434.982.4301 heart.uvahealth.com

THIRD PLACE We dedicate ourselves to the medical needs of our patients. But we need to be equally dedicated to our patients’ safety, comfort and dignity, and appreciate their anxiety. We should speak with our patients the way we would with our friends and loved ones in times of need; with compassion, understanding and when appropriate, a sense of humor.

GORAV AILAWADI, MD UVA Heart and Vascular Center Charlottesville | 434.924.5052 heart.uvahealth.com




ZACHARY GREGG, MD Sentara Martha Jefferson Medical & Surgical Associates Charlottesville | 434.654.5260 www.sentara.com

Augusta Health Surgery Fishersville | 540.245.7705 www.augustahealth.com

Bedside manner is a very important part of patient-focused care. There are multiple beneficial effects of maintaining good bedside manner for healing and recovery. It enables the physician to team up with the patient to navigate challenging medical situations together.

OurHealth | The Resource for Healthy Living in the Shenandoah Valley and Charlottesville

THIRD PLACE TRACI HEDRICK, MD UVA Health Charlottesville | 434.243.2670 www.uvahealth.com


WILLIAM FAULKENBERRY, II, MD Shenandoah Valley Surgical Associates Fishersville | 540.332.5999 www.svsainc.com

JOHN JONES, MD Virginia Breast Care Charlottesville | 434.984.6121 www.vabreastcare.com


WILLIAM THOMPSON, MD, FACS Shenandoah Valley Surgical Associates Fishersville | 540.332.5999 www.svsainc.com

Augusta Surgery Fishersville | 540.332.5909 www.augustasurgery.org

In an era with growing distractions, it is becoming increasingly difficult to connect with your patients on a human level. Yet it is this basic human connection that ultimately allows one to provide compassionate care.



BOBBY CHHABRA, MD UVA Hand Center Charlottesville | 434.982.4263 www.uvahealth.com

THIRD PLACE A surgeon’s office can be scary for patients. It is our job to put them at ease, offer them some choices, and treat them as we would a family member.

FIRST PLACE MARK SHAFFREY, MD UVA Neurosciences and Behavioral Health Center Charlottesville | 434.924.1843 neuro.uvahealth.com

NICOLE DEAL, MD UVA Health Charlottesville | 434.982.4263 www.uvahealth.com

SECOND PLACE JEFF ELIAS, MD UVA Neurosciences and Behavioral Health Center Charlottesville | 434.924.0451 neuro.uvahealth.com

THIRD PLACE Bedside manner is so important to me because it facilitates the four most important components of the doctorpatient relationship: listening intently, understanding, communicating effectively and developing trust.

JASON SHEEHAN, MD UVA Gamma Knife Center Charlottesville | 434.924.8129 neuro.uvahealth.com




Charlottesville Hand Surgery Charlottesville | 434.984.4263 (HAND) www.cvillehand.com




ANNEKE SCHROEN, MD UVA Breast Care Center Charlottesville | 434.924.9479 www.uvahealth.com





2018 Best Beside Manner Awards


Local health. Anywhere you go. OurHealth magazine is Shenandoah Valley and Charlottesville’s only resource entirely dedicated to delivering information about local healthcare services and healthy living topics. Pick up our print edition at more than 650 locations throughout the area or get the digital edition by visiting

ourhealthCharlottesville.com .

JOHN HALL, MD Sentara Martha Jefferson Orthopedic Services Charlottesville | 434.654.5575 www.sentara.com

UVA Sports Medicine Clinic Charlottesville | 434.243.7778 www.uvahealth.com

People visit a physician because something is wrong, whether it be an injury, a sickness, a debilitating condition, etc. As an orthopaedic surgeon, I may not be able to fix everything, but the least I can do is treat my patients with respect, dignity, and kindness. I want patients to know that I am on their team as we battle whatever injury brought them into my clinic.

JACOB YOUNG, MD Sentara Martha Jefferson Neurosciences Charlottesville | 434.654.8960 www.sentara.com

Good bedside manner is important because it lets patients know that they matter. Our bedside manner should encompass not only our medical knowledge but give us the opportunity to form a relationship with our patients as we develop trusting bonds to help them return as quickly as possible to their highest level of function.




CHARLES GOFF, MD, FACS Shenandoah Valley Surgical Associates Staunton | 540.332.5999 www.svsainc.com

Sentara Martha Jefferson Medical & Surgical Associates Charlottesville | 434.654.5260 www.sentara.com

Look for OurHealth



It’s all about the patient-physician relationship, so I keep my patients first and value their trust in me. I like to keep the computer out of the exam room so I can give my full attention to the patient.

THIRD PLACE JOHN LIGUSH, MD Sentara Martha Jefferson Vascular & Vein Center Charlottesville | 434.654.1700 www.sentara.com/vascular

SECOND PLACE TRAVIS SMITH, DO Augusta Health Urgent Care Fishersville | 540.932.4000 www.augustahealth.com

FIRST PLACE WILLIAM TALBOTT, MD MedExpress Urgent Care Charlottesville | 434.244.3027 www.medexpress.com

THIRD PLACE ROBERT CHILDERS, MD Carilion Clinic Velocity Care Lexington | 540.462.3950 www.carilionclinic.org






WILLIAM LEE HEREFORD, MD Augusta Orthopedic Surgery Staunton | 540.885.1281 www.augustahealth.com

FIRST PLACE Augusta Health Spine Clinic Fishersville | 540.245.7400 www.augustahealth.com








2018 Best Beside Manner Awards





KATHIE HULLFISH, MD UVA Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Charlottesville | 434.924.2103 www.uvahealth.com

Patients come to us often with very sensitive concerns. We need to establish trust and confidence when we first meet and throughout the provider-patient relationship. I want my patients to feel like they are heard and respected — not only as patients but also as people. It is a privilege to be in this caregiving role.

FIRST PLACE FRAZIER FORTENBERRY JR., MD Charlottesville | 434.244.5722

SECOND PLACE ELISA TROWBRIDGE, MD UVA Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Charlottesville | 434.924.2103 www.uvahealth.com

SECOND PLACE WILLIAM JONES, MD Blue Ridge Urological Associates Fishersville | 540.332.5926 www.blueridgeurological.com





Providing care for uncomfortable conditions requires bedside rapport and communication skills. A specialist’s role is to support and counsel their patients about options, diagnostic testing, surgical treatment, and long-term healing. My goal is to provide the best professional care and guide each patient through this healing process.

OurHealth | The Resource for Healthy Living in the Shenandoah Valley and Charlottesville

JULIAN FAGERLI, MD Urological Associates, Ltd. Charlottesville | 434.295.0184 www.cvilleurology.com






39 Beam Lane | Fishersville | c 540.213.7750 110 Houston Street, Suite C | Lexington | c 540.463.7751 f Augusta Health Care for Women | w www.ahcfw.com

Why Should You Choose Augusta Health Care for Women? As local experts for all general and high-risk OB/GYN needs, the physicians and certified nurse midwives at Augusta Health Care for Women have offered consistent, compassionate care to all women in the Fishersville and Lexington areas for more than 36 years. Augusta Health Care for Women is committed to assisting patients in making informed decisions regarding their health through careful and respectful listening combined with the latest techniques of proven effectiveness – the hallmarks of their philosophy. Augusta Health Care for Women offers both Traditional Obstetric Care and Centering Pregnancy Care options for expectant mothers as well as gynecologic care services for all ages.

Physicians of Augusta Health Care for Women: (From Left to Right) Ami Keatts, MD, FACOG, CPPS Dane Larsen, MD, FACOG | Molly McQuigg, MD, FACOG Dana Porter, MD, FACOG | Thomas Wills, MD, FACOG

What is Traditional Obstetric Care? This option allows you the choice of experiencing prenatal care the way it has been managed for decades with either a physician or certified nurse midwife. Most women are familiar with this method of receiving prenatal care with 13 routine prenatal visits. Following your confirmation of pregnancy and/or New OB appointment, you will begin your one-on-one care with a healthcare provider. Visits are typically scheduled one visit at a time and can be scheduled Monday through Friday at varying times between 8:20 a.m. and 4:20p.m. Traditional Care is offered by both Certified Nurse Midwives and Physicians at either the Fishersville or Lexington office.

What is Centering Pregnancy Care? Centering Pregnancy® is an exciting way for women and their families to get prenatal care. Women spend more time with their healthcare provider (two hours at each visit) and with other pregnant women, which gives them a chance to learn a lot more about pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting. Centering Pregnancy is a valuable way for you and your partner to learn support techniques for labor and post delivery. Not only will you be supported by your healthcare provider, but you will also build bonds with the other moms and grow a support system that could last a lifetime.

What Type of Training Do Certified Nurse Midwives Receive? Augusta Health Care for Women’s certified nurse midwives are each master’s-level prepared and are nationally certified as nurse midwives in accordance with the American Midwifery Certification Board and The American College of Nurse Midwives. Each midwife holds both an Authorization to Prescribe Medication License as well as a Federal DEA number. They provide both obstetric and gynecologic care, and they attend births only at Augusta Health.


OurHealth | The Resource for Healthy Living in the Shenandoah Valley and Charlottesville

Certified Nurse Midwives and Nurse Practitioners of Augusta Health Care for Women: (From Left to Right) Elizabeth Cox, CNM | Caitlin Jenkins, CNM Karen Martin, WHNP | Debbi Meslar-Little, CNM Leah McCown, CNM | Catherine Quick, CNM | Kari Somers, CNM Heather Soper, CNM


CHILDREN’S DENTISTRY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE 1470 Pantops Mountain Place | Charlottesville | c 434.234.4082 f ChildrensDentistryOfCharlottesville | w www.childrensdentistryofcharlottesville.com

What is the Philosophy of Children’s Dentistry of Charlottesville?

Sports Injury Prevention: To help protect your child from sports injuries, we offer custom-made athletic guards.

Sealants: Our safe, gentle approach to tooth sealants can reduce your child’s cavity risk by up to 80%.

Dental Emergencies: If you are a current patient and have a dental emergency, you may contact us for emergency services 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 434.270.0552.

Who Are the Doctors of Children’s Dentistry of Charlottesville?

On-Going Care and Maintenance: Through regular appointments, we can fix problems before they cause serious damage to your child’s teeth. Our on-going care plan includes regular cleanings and exams, dental x-rays, fluoride treatments and consultations with our experienced dentists.

Our multi-disciplinary medical team includes two pediatric dentists, three general dentists and two dentist anesthesiologists: Brad Green, DDS, David Herce, DDS, Eric Johnston, DDS, Jessica Moore, DDS, Kimberly Tran, DDS, Jose Urresti, DDS and John Will, DDS.

What Experience Does Children’s Dentistry of Charlottesville Have Working With Special Needs Children?

What Services Does Children’s Dentistry of Charlottesville Offer?

We have over 30 combined years experience working with children affected by: autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, seizure disorders, anxiety/depression, cleft lip and cleft palate, heart defects and other physical, cognitive and mental disabilities.

At Children’s Dentistry of Charlottesville, we’re not just concerned about your child’s teeth; we’re concerned about his or her well-being and overall health. Our passion is serving children, and in support of this passion, we are driven to provide an environment that is friendly, nurturing, and fun and where our patients and their families are always treated with the kindness, dignity, respect, compassion and empathy they deserve no matter their age or background.

We provide a wide variety of dental services to children of all ages, including those with special needs. Some of our services include: •

Dental Exams: All dental exams include: orthodontic assessments, dental x-rays, checks for diseases, including infection and tooth decay and gum disease evaluation.

Cleanings: Remove plaque deposits from teeth – even in the hardest to reach spots and polish teeth to remove stains and rough areas.

Restorative Care: Tooth decay affects nearly everyone – no matter how well they brush or floss. Our dentists help treat tooth decay and restore your child’s beautiful smile. Our restorative care services include: Xomposite and amalgam fillings, crowns and bridges and other minimally invasive treatment options.

Does Children’s Dentistry of Charlottesville Offer Sedation Dentistry? We offer varying levels of sedation to meet the needs of all of our patients and our #1 goal is to make sure that your child is as safe as possible. Our sedation services include: nitrous oxide, conscious sedation, IV sedation and general anesthesia.

Servicios Dentales para Niños Charlottesville En Children’s Dentistry of Charlottesville, creemos que todas las personas son especiales. Creemos que los pacientes son más que un par de dientes. Todos merecen ser tratados con gentileza, dignidad, respeto y compasión – ¡nuestra pasión es atender a los niños!




1139 East High Street, Suite 203 | Charlottesville c 434.817.8484 | w www.cvillegi.com

Who is Charlottesville Gastroenterology Associates? For more than 35 years, Charlottesville Gastroenterology Associates has been committed to providing exceptional, patient-centered care for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases. Our six highly experienced physicians, advanced care practitioners, and support staff work hard at combining state-of-the-art medical expertise with a team approach to providing health care services that are courteous, efficient, and compassionate. Our work has earned the trust and confidence of thousands of patients and their referring physicians.

What services does Charlottesville Gastroenterology Associates offer? Conditions we treat include abdominal pain, inflammatory bowel disease, acid reflux, constipation, and many others. We offer an array of in-office procedures, including professionally-staffed anesthesia services such as monitored anesthesia care, a deeper level of sedation that provides greater comfort and safety during colonoscopy and upper endoscopy. In-hospital procedures are performed at Martha Jefferson Hospital in Charlottesville.


Elliot Smith, MD Charlottesville Gastroenterology Associates announces the addition of Elliot Smith, MD to their practice. Dr. Smith is a graduate of the Drexel University College of Medicine and completed residency and fellowship training at the University of Virginia. He is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine with professional interests in general endoscopy and reflux disease. Dr. Smith is now accepting new patients.

In addition, we offer access to clinical trials that provide an opportunity to pursue investigational treatments at the cutting edge of medicine.


Arun R. Mannem, MD | Diego A. Gomez, MD | Emily M. Christman, MD | Daniel J. Pambianco, MD | David H. Balaban, MD




CHARLOTTESVILLE ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY 183 Spotnap Road, Suite C | Charlottesville c 434.244.8412 | w www.cvilleortho.com

What Does Charlottesville Orthopaedic Center Pledge to its Patients?

What Types of Services Does Charlottesville Orthopaedic Center Provide?

To Keep You Moving From Head To Toe – that’s our pledge at the Charlottesville Orthopaedic Center. Physician-owned and patient centered, we’re dedicated to providing you with high-quality orthopaedic care so that you can always enjoy doing the things that make your life rich and meaningful, whether that’s running a 10K, getting back to work, or playing with your grandchildren. With the appropriate type and level of care and rehabilitation, we help you restore movement and strength – and optimism.

Dr. Nielsen works with patients in both Charlottesville and the surrounding communities treating musculoskeletal conditions in a variety of categories including: Hand, Wrist and Elbow, Shoulder, Hip and Knee, Sports Medicine, Minimally Invasive Orthopaedics, Fracture Care, Joint Replacement, Stem Cell Therapy and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP).

Who is David Nielsen, DO? Dr. Nielsen obtained his degree in medicine at the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in Kirksville, MO. He completed a residency in Orthopaedic Surgery at Ohio University in Dayton and a fellowship in Hand, Upper Extremity and Microvascular Surgery at the University of South Florida in Tampa. Dr. Nielsen served on the staff of the hand section at the Shriner’s Hospital for Children in Tampa prior to founding the Charlottesville Orthopaedic Center. He specializes in the medical and surgical treatment of all musculoskeletal conditions of the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand, as well as general orthopaedics. Dr. Nielsen has met the rigid standards of the Certificate of Added Qualification in hand surgery, in addition to being board certified in general orthopaedics. As well as having served as the Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery at Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital, he belongs to numerous national and regional societies, and he lectures locally as well as across the country. Dr. Nielsen enjoys spending quality time with his wife and daughter in addition to traveling, cooking, music and various outdoor and sporting activities.

To learn more about related conditions for each service, visit www.cvilleortho.com/services.

Does Charlottesville Orthopaedic Center Offer Emergency Appointments? Yes. For non-life threatening orthopaedic-related conditions such as sprains and fractures, you can avoid waiting in the ER and see an orthopaedic specialist first, when you need it most. For emergency appointments and additional information, call 434.244.8412.

Which Insurance Plans Does Charlottesville Orthopaedic Center Accept? Charlottesville Orthopaedic Center accepts most insurance plans, including many of those accepted by Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital, such as: Aetna (non-HMO), Anthem, Cigna, Humana, Medicare, Optima Health, Optimum Choice, Tricare/Champus, United Healthcare, VHN, Worker’s Compensation (with advanced approval from your worker’s compensation carrier). We’re happy to file insurance claims for your plan if it’s not one of those on our list.

Is Charlottesville Orthopaedic Center in the Monticello Community Surgery Center Network? Yes. As active proponents of improving the state of healthcare, we’ve joined the Monticello Community Surgery Center Network. Being a part of this Network demonstrates our partnership with other physicians, specialists, doctors, and surgeons who are committed to the same standards of fair pricing and exceptional service.

Dr. Nielsen is caring, has wonderful bedside manner, and he explained everything in detail regarding our son’s recent injury. His staff is outstanding and the ease of

appointments is amazing.

- Deborah, parent of son treated by Dr. Nielsen www.OurHealthCharlottesville.com



DERMATOLOGIC SURGERY OF CENTRAL VIRGINIA SPECIALISTS IN MOHS MICROGRAPHIC SURGERY 902 E. Jefferson Street | Charlottesville 1151 13th Street | Waynesboro c 434.979.7700 | w www.dermsurgcv.com

What Does Dermatologic Surgery of Central Virginia Specialize In?

Who Are Dermatologic Surgery of Central Virginia’s Physicians?

The physicians of Dermatologic Surgery of Central Virginia specialize in the treatment and removal of skin cancers including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma through Mohs micrographic surgery, and other surgical and non-surgical techniques.

John D. Hendrix, MD: Dr. Hendrix is a board certified dermatologist through American Board of Dermatology and a Mohs Micrographic Surgeon with more than 20 years experience diagnosing and treating skin cancers. He has performed over 20,000+ Mohs surgeries on malignancies such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. Dr. Hendrix is a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology and the American College of Mohs Surgery. He received his medical training and completed a research fellowship at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and his dermatology residency and Mohs fellowship at the University of Virginia.

What is Mohs Micrographic Surgery? Mohs surgery is a highly effective, specialized procedure to reliably remove skin cancer cells without sacrificing healthy tissue. Mohs is 99% effective in curing most skin cancers – the highest cure rate among skin cancer treatments. During the procedure, a physician removes tiny slices of tissue and examines them under a microscope to determine which cells are cancerous and which are healthy, this allows them to remove additional tissue only where the cancer was found, until it’s eliminated. This is absolutely critical when the skin cancer is located near or on the eyelids, nose or lips. Less tissue removal results in a smaller wound, more simple repair, quicker recovery and minimal discomfort for the patient.

Why Should You Choose Dermatologic Surgery of Central Virginia?

Jennifer Tromberg, MD: Dr. Tromberg is a board certified dermatologist through the American Board of Dermatology and a Mohs Micrographic Surgeon specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer. She also performs skin cancer checks and other dermatologic surgery such as nail surgery. She is a Fellow of the American College of Mohs Surgery, a Diplomate of the American Academy of Dermatology, and a Member of the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery. She completed her medical training at the University of Florida, her dermatology residency at the University of Virginia, and her Mohs fellowship at the Arkansas Skin Cancer Center.

At Dermatologic Surgery of Central Virginia, effective communication is at the heart of everything they do. They take a personal, caring approach with every patient. Our staff will craft a treatment plan and explain it in detail to you before the day of your procedure, so you know what to expect when you arrive. The end result is a compassionate and professional experience that respects your time, your health and your dignity.

Dermatologic Surgery of Central Virginia specializes in Mohs Micrographic Surgery, a microscopic procedure used to remove cancer cells from normal skin.





c 434.284.3472 | Charlottesville | c 540.416.0927 | Fishersville

w www.drkeefeENT.com

Celebrating 26 Years in Practice, The Keefe Centre Still Strives To Be a Model of Care That Is All About YOU. We are fortunate to live in an age of ever-advancing technology used for diagnosis and treatment. The number of tools and choices available can be overwhelming and hard to make sense of. That’s why our mission is to empower our patients by giving them the information they need to understand and evaluate the different approaches that will result in the best clinical decision and best outcome. It is also why we have continued to add an array of energy devices that give options for non-surgical, minimally invasive procedures and treatments to the practice.

A Designated “Early Implementor” of New Technology Dr. Keefe has been involved in the development and utilization of new technology, from Diode lasers adapted for use in ENT procedures (now standard of care across the country), one of the first trained in the country for the use of Balloon technology in the sinuses (also now considered standard of care), and the only otolaryngologist (ENT) in the area to offer PROPEL, a dissolving steroid sinus stent proven to be effective in the treatment of sinus disease, to our latest addition, Profound, the only bi-polar energy device on the market for skin tightening in one treatment that achieves 37% of a facelift.

Schedule a Free Consultation Call to schedule your free consultation with Dr. Keefe, now at two convenient locations: in the Medical Office Building at Augusta Health in Fishersville at 540.416.0927, and just off the downtown mall in Charlottesville at 434.284.3472.



PANTOPS PROSTHODONTICS 404 People Place, Suite 301 | Charlottesville c 434.977.9836 | w www.pantops.org | f f g f f

What is Prosthodontics? Prosthodontics is the field of dental specialty involved with restoration and replacement of missing teeth and/or facial structures, including crowns, bridges, veneers, dentures, and implants. Prosthodontics is about more than replacing missing teeth though. It’s about taking control of your oral health by entrusting your well-being to a specialist with advanced training and expertise in state-of-the-art technology as well as tried and true methods. Prosthodontics is personalized, precise dental care that transforms lives.

Why Should You See a Prosthodontist? Prosthodontists are the “architects of the smile” and are usually referred to as the “quarterback” of the care plan for your oral health. They collaborate with your general dentist and other dental specialists to ensure that you receive the best, most effective treatment possible. Prosthodontists are dental specialists who have received 3 years of additional training in the diagnosis, restoration and replacement of missing teeth, to achieve a unique understanding of the dynamics of a healthy smile and mouth. This specialized training must be completed through an American Dental Association (ADA)-accredited program, and it involves learning state-of-theart treatment techniques and procedures for multiple complex and diverse dental conditions.

What Services Does Pantops Prosthodontics Offer? Pantops Prosthodontics’ experienced team pays close attention to detail to ensure that you receive the highest quality of care possible. They strive to provide you with a welcoming, professional environment, and utilize the latest dental technologies to ensure precision and excellence in each treatment provided. Pantops Prosthodontics offers preventative care in addition to a variety of prosthodontic services to treat an array of conditions, including: Atrophy and Denture Difficulties, Cleft Palate and Congenital Conditions, Dental Attrition, Esthetic Dental Services, Night Guards and Bite Splints, Oral Effects of Eating Disorders, Dental Veneers, Teeth Whitening and Xerostomia (Dry Mouth), and Teeth-in-a-day with Implants.


OurHealth | The Resource for Healthy Living in the Shenandoah Valley and Charlottesville

Who Is Pantops Prosthodontics'

BEN B. ROSS, DMD, FACP Dr. Ross grew up in the rolling hills of rural west Tennessee, where he learned the value of hard work and determination. He attended Vanderbilt University for his undergraduate studies, where he graduated cum laude. It is there that he became interested in dentistry while majoring in neuroscience. He attended Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in Boston, MA, for dental school, where he graduated magna cum laude. Dr. Ross then joined the US Army Dental Corps in 2002, where he was one of three officers selected for residency training in Prosthodontics at Fort Gordon, GA. He completed his prosthodontics residency in 2006 and obtained his board certification from the American College of Prosthodontists in 2007. While on active duty, Dr. Ross was stationed at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC, and at Fort Belvoir, VA, where he instituted computer-aided surgical implant guides for wounded warriors and service members who were in need of his specialized dental care. He was deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Enduring Freedom from 2010-2011. He continues to serve his country in the US Army Reserves. Dr. Ross is a board-certified prosthodontist and a Fellow of the American College of Prosthodontists. He also holds memberships in the Academy of Osseointegration, the American Dental Association, the Virginia Dental Association, and the Shenandoah Valley Dental Association.

While on active duty, Dr. Ross instituted computer-aided surgical implant guides for wounded warriors and service members who were in need of his specialized dental care.


PEDIATRIC ASSOCIATES OF CHARLOTTESVILLE EXPERT PEDIATRIC CARE – SEVEN DAYS A WEEK 1011 East Jefferson Street | Downtown | c 434.296.9161 1522 Insurance Lane, Suite A | North Office | c 434.974.9600 2411 Ivy Road | West Office | c 434.296.8300 71 Jefferson Court | Zion Crossroads | c 540.406.4100 w www.charlottesvillepeds.com

What services and treatments are offered at Pediatric Associates of Charlottesville? Pediatric Associates of Charlottesville is a private practice clinic whose doctors, nurses and staff specialize in the care of infants, children, adolescents and their families. We have daily office hours, as well as evening and weekend hours for emergencies. All of our physicians are certified by the American Board of Pediatrics. They also have fields of interests in certain pediatric sub-specialties including adolescent care, allergy, asthma, attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), infectious diseases, anorexia and sports medicine, to name a few.

What specialty services are offered at Pediatric Associates of Charlottesville? Pediatric Associates also provides specialty services with an on-site audiologist, adolescent nurse practitioners, lactation consultants and newborn nurse practitioners. Our hospital affiliation is with Martha Jefferson Hospital where we admit newborns and sick children. Many of our doctors are on the Instructional Faculty at the University of Virginia where they do research and teach medical students, nurse practitioner students and resident physicians.

Providers at Pediatric Associates of Charlottesville: Now Open Pediatric Associates is excited to announce the opening of its fourth location in Zion Crossroads. Through continued regional growth, Pediatric Associates strives to provide convenient access to exceptional pediatric care. The office, located at 71 Jefferson Court, is now accepting appointments.

PHYSICIANS (From Left to Right): Carlos E. Armengol, Jr., MD Lori W. Balaban, MD | Gemila H. Bouber, MD | Alaina Brown, MD Sheila F. Davis, MD | Jay M. Gillenwater MD | Teresa H. Hashisaki, MD Amanda Jones, MD | Sarah E. Knight, MD | Amy Malek, MD Katherine D. Mika, MD | L. Paige D’A. Perriello, MD | Marion Szwedo, MD A. Robert Trundle, MD | Paul P. Wisman, MD | Karyn E. Wolfe, MD CLINICIANS (From Left to Right): Casee Dorsey, PNP | Jennifer Fontenot, PNP Kelly Vincel, CPNP (not pictured) Marian Fredner, MS, CCCA/FAAA







CHARLOTTESVILLE ORTHODONTICS Hollymead/29 North | c 434.245.9601 Downtown/Pantops | c 434.971.9601 Zion Crossroads | c 540.832.6630 w www.charlottesvilleorthodontics.com | f f g f

Orthodontics For All Ages At Charlottesville Orthodontics, we believe that everyone deserves to have a smile to be proud of and that’s why we offer orthodontic treatment for patients of all ages. Whether your child is a candidate for early orthodontic treatment or as an adult, you’re ready to begin straightening your teeth, we offer a wide range of orthodontic solutions and we are ready to evaluate which treatment option best addresses your orthodontic needs and fits your lifestyle.

The Best Orthodontic Technology For Your Smile Because we are dedicated to providing our patients with the best orthodontic treatment, we aim to stay informed about the latest advancements in orthodontic technology. In doing so, we feature a comprehensive set of orthodontic options, from traditional systems and time-proven methods, like metal braces, to revolutionary and cutting-edge technology, like Invisalign, clear braces, and impression-free digital scans.

Call us for your complimentary orthodontic consultation. We look forward to helping you achieve a smile you can be proud of!


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GLADLY ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS. Who is Edward T. Wolanski, MD? Dr. Wolanski is a board-certified OB/GYN who has been supporting the healthcare needs of women for more than 30 years. Having discontinued only the obstetric part of the practice, Dr. Wolanski is now focused on gynecologic care supporting the healthcare needs of women throughout their lifespans. He treats the person, not the medical condition, and supports women in developing healthy lifestyles through good nutrition and exercise. This respectful method allows women to participate actively in decisions involving their healthcare.

What happens during a well-woman exam? Dr. Wolanski provides well woman visits offering you the opportunity to ask questions and to express and explore any concerns you may have about your reproductive health in general. The exam includes a pap smear with HPV testing if indicated, pelvic and breast exam, screening for diseases, assessment of your general lifestyle, and plans for reproduction or contraception. When appropriate, Dr. Wolanski can order additional testing if needed, for example lab work or radiological imaging.

What conditions does Dr. Wolanski treat? Dr. Wolanski offers both routine preventative care and treatment for a wide range of conditions of the reproductive system including cervical conditions, colposcopy, hormonal conditions, ovarian conditions, perimenopause/menopause, STI/STD, uterine conditions and vaginal and vulval conditions and birth control options (IUD and Diaphragm). Dr. Wolanski is highly trained in performing surgical procedures including uterine ablation, hysteroscopy, hysterectomy/salpingooophorectomy, laparoscopy, D&C and laparoscopic tubal ligation. All surgeries are performed at Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital.

What pregnancy-related services does Dr. Wolanski offer? Although Dr. Wolanski no longer provides prenatal care or labor and delivery services, he does offer treatment of various pregnancy-related conditions including pregnancy confirmation and initial workup, treatment of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and fertility issues.





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In the Charlottesville area, there were 2,108 TRAFFIC CRASHES in 2017. Throughout Virginia, 20 percent of all crashes in 2017 were caused SOLELY BY DISTRACTED DRIVERS. Everyone likes to think they’re a great driver once they get behind the wheel. And, in terms of national statistics, Virginia drivers aren’t the worst. You may disagree, especially if you commute, but the state doesn’t score too badly against the rest of the nation. That’s the good news. The bad news is many drivers on the roadways in Virginia are still a danger to themselves and others. Drivers are distracted, impaired, inexperienced and otherwise not taking care of their own health and safety, let alone being mindful of everyone else who’s on the road with them. Throughout Virginia, there is a car crash every four minutes. Practicing common-sense defensive driving techniques reduces accidents and potential fatalities but even good drivers get distracted. Here are quick tips for staying safe and healthy behind the wheel.


STAY AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS. Pay attention to the road, other drivers, pedestrians and other objects at all times. Don’t give up control of your car to your phone, a conversation or other distractions. Don’t engage with aggressive drivers. Avoid them.

2. DON’T COUNT ON OTHER DRIVERS TO WATCH OUT FOR YOU. Assume that other drivers will run red lights, skip through stop signs or block you from merging. Because they will.

3. FOLLOW THE 4-SECOND RULE. Always leave 4 seconds of stop time between you and the car ahead of you, since that’s where the greatest chance of a collision is.

4. AVOID AGGRESSIVE DRIVING. Speeding, weaving through traffic and tailgating are not helping you get to your destination any faster.

Knowing how to drive defensively is key. But other habits affect your driving skills as well. Here are some healthy habits for yourself, and your car, that keep you safer and make you a better driver. www.OurHealthCharlottesville.com




4 WAYS YOUR OVERALL HEALTH IMPROVES YOUR DRIVING SIGHT. Your vision is directly related to your ability to drive well – but it’s not all about how blurry a sign appears. Your eyes should be able to spot immobile and moving objects, see things near and far, be sensitive to contrasts so you can see in low light conditions, and have good depth perception.

Distra cted drivin risk f g is o actor s for ne of apps youn the m can ger d ain help estab rivers your lish g . The se o youn od ha the ro g dr bits a ad: iver nd be safer • on LifeS aver TrueM otion Famil y Mojo


AT&T DrDistracted driving is one of the iveMo de SafeD main risk factors for younger rive drivers. These apps can help Focu s by TeenD your young driver establish good rive habits and be safer on the road: •


TrueMotion Family


AT&T DriveMode


Focus by TeenDrive

Use your smartphone to your advantage to help you keep both your car and yourself safe. These apps can remind you when to change your oil or track your fuel usage:

Some of these issues are not apparent just by looking around you, even if your sight isn’t blurry. Regular eye exams by an optometrist or ophthalmologist will tell you if your vision is impaired in any way for driving during different conditions. SLEEP. It’s the one thing that plagues most of us – sleep deprivation. Getting more, better quality sleep at night will help you be a safer driver the next day. For a huge portion of the population, however, getting enough sleep isn’t that simple. Studies show that 40 million Americans suffer from obstructive sleep apnea and don’t even realize it because the condition is severely underdiagnosed. If you wake up perpetually tired even after getting a normal amount of rest, or you tend to get drowsy when driving during the daytime, a sleep test can determine whether you suffer from sleep apnea. It can even save your life. Not only do sleep apnea sufferers have up to five times the risk of being in a serious car crash, they also have a higher chance of suffering a heart attack, stroke and diabetes. STRESS. More than 132 million people in the U.S. commute to work each day, and they all seem to be on the road with you at the same time. Whether you’re white-knuckling it or calmly sipping a coffee on your commute each day, the drive can cause your stress hormones to rise even if you aren’t aware of it. Reclaim control over your drive by keeping anger in check, listening to relaxing music or podcasts, and being mindful that you can’t control the traffic or other drivers. SHAPE. Are you in good shape and what does your fitness level have to do with driving? A lot. Are your neck and shoulders flexible enough to turn your head to look around you? Exercising and keeping flexible will help you get in and out of your car more easily, as well as increase your range of motion so you can see blind spots or scan your driving environment with more ease. Even if you have 20/20 vision and you exercise regularly, there are risks everyone faces while driving. Distracted driving while on our cell phones is a hazard for people of all ages, simply because everyone has a cell phone. But risk factors differ across age groups and gender.

Car Minder





TEENS AND YOUNG ADULTS. By far, the biggest risk to everyone driving is newly licensed, inexperienced drivers. They have the highest crash and death rates than other groups of drivers. Teen drivers ages 16-19 are almost three times likely to be in a fatal crash.





Distracted driving – texting, using cell phones, carrying several other passengers in the car Speeding and reckless driving, like following other cars too closely Being male. Males are twice as likely to die in traffic accidents at this age than females. Not using a seatbelt. Night driving. Crash statistics are highest for this group after 9 pm


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To combat these statistics, the CDC’s Graduated Driver Licensing Program helps teens build driving skills and has been proven to reduce fatalities and crashes among new drivers.

ADULT DRIVERS. This group’s likely risk factors are driving while under the influence

Are You Really a Healthy Driver?

of alcohol or drugs. While crash statistics for drivers with more experience under their belt get better.





Distracted driving from cell phones and texting Drowsy driving Over-reliance on vehicle safety technology Women spend more time on their phone while on the road than men Men speed and drive more aggressively than women

SENIOR DRIVERS. Like teen drivers, senior motorists are more negatively impacted by engaging in secondary tasks while driving, like talking on a cell phone. Further, cognition, vision, hearing and reaction time all diminish as we get older.

DID YOU KNOW? Throughout Virginia, there is a car crash EVERY FOUR MINUTES.

The number of drivers aged 65 and older is increasing as more people live longer in the U.S. and here in Virginia. According to the Federal Highway Administration, almost 7,000 seniors are killed in traffic crashes each year.





As drivers get older, it’s important to take precautions to stay safe on the road. Seniors should:



Who drives better… men or women? Although the gap is narrowing, studies show men are far more likely to engage in reckless behavior behind the wheel. A study conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety showed that, during a forty-year period, twice as many men died in car accident casualties than women. It’s true that men drive 6,000 more miles each year than women, which accounts for a rise in their crash statistics. But men are also far more likely to speed, avoid wearing seat belts and drive while impaired.

Keep physically fit and schedule regular screenings

Manage chronic conditions that may interfere with driving ability

Put the cell phone and other distractions away

Keep driving skills updated

Know their limitations.

For all drivers at any age, defensive driving skills and healthy habits will keep you safer on the roadways. But the health of your car is just as important. Here are four quick safety tips for making sure your vehicle is in top shape as well:

4 QUICK SAFETY CHECKPOINTS FOR GOOD DRIVERS WIPER BLADES – Drivers tend to let these work way past their shelf life, which creates a serious driving hazard. Ninety percent of all driving decisions are based on visibility. Replace blades every six months and keep your windshield clean.

OIL AND FLUID CHECKS – The oil is the life of your engine. Know how to check oil, transmission fluid and engine coolant so your engine doesn’t overheat.

CLEAN HEADLIGHTS – Clear, bright headlights can give you four more seconds of reaction time. Make sure they’re bright and not clouded.

TIRES – Nearly 250,000 accidents each year are caused by underinflated tires. Know how to check your tire pressure to prevent blow outs and get more mileage out of them. Use a gauge since you can’t tell by just looking at a tire whether it is under – or overinflated. A digital speaking tire gauge makes the process simple.


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Aging Well







In Virginia, the winter months bring more than holiday shopping. Cold temperatures, snow storms and flu season all come along for the ride — and they can put the health of our local seniors at serious risk. “One of the best things you can do for your health in the winter is to get a flu shot,” says Jessica Cooper, a registered nurse, oncology certified nurse and Senior Service Navigator at Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital in Charlottesville. Last winter was a particularly bad flu season, with more than 80,000 people in Even with a flu shot, the U.S. dying from flu or flu-related complications. “There is also however, the winter now a specific flu vaccine for seniors 65 and older that will reduce the risk of complications, such as developing pneumonia,” says Cooper. months still cause “Seniors should get their pneumonia vaccine every five years.” increased health risks

due to cold weather, isolation and dangerous conditions outdoors.

Even with a flu shot, the winter months still cause increased health risks due to cold weather, isolation and dangerous conditions outdoors. And poor health puts a severe financial burden on seniors who may already be living on a fixed income through doctor’s visits, home care expense, and additional prescriptions. It also puts a financial burden on the rest of the economy: according to the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the cost of healthcare is rising sharply as more baby boomers enter their senior years.


On top of the monetary cost, poor health can lead to long-term complications, keep you from staying active or cause depression. It also forces seniors to make a difficult decision: stay at home and risk symptoms becoming worse, or go to the hospital. “For seniors, a single hospitalization can be life-changing, leading to deterioration of muscle strength and loss of independence,” says Cooper. “It’s critical to stay out of the hospital and to maintain your health.” Of course, if you are seriously ill or injured, an emergency room is the best place for you to be. But you can prevent things from getting that bad by taking eight steps to protect your health, stay safe and keep active during the winter months.

1. Think About Temperature, Inside and Out Find a Flu Shot Clinic Near You by scanning the QR code provided. 74

One of the biggest risks seniors face during the winter months is as simple — and dangerous — as becoming too cold. If you’re over 65, your metabolism has likely slowed down from when you were younger, which means your body is producing less heat. This makes

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- Jessica Cooper

If you have to go outside, dress in loose layers, including heavy socks. “Wear a hat and Scarf,” Cooper recommends. “You lose a lot of body heat when your head and neck are uncovered.” Come in from the cold regularly to give your body time to warm up.

Cold is also dangerous inside if you don’t have adequate heating or experience a power outage. The National Institute on Aging (NIA) warns that seniors with existing health conditions are even more at risk, as well as those who live alone and don’t have anyone else helping to monitor the temperature. When inside, wear warm layers, including socks. Keep the heat set at least on 68 degrees, the NIA warns, even if you are tempted to turn it down lower to save money. If you are worried about paying your heating bill, you can contact the Virginia Department of Social Services for assistance by calling 800.552.3431. You should also avoid alcohol, which can make you feel warmer than you really are. Instead, drink plenty of water. “Hydration is just as important in the cold as the heat,” explains Melinda Noland, the Wellness Center Director at the Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community in Harrisonburg. “Seniors might not feel that need to consume water as regularly as they should, but you can get light headed, fatigued and your blood pressure can go down when you get dehydrated.” Staying hydrated allows your body to regulate its temperature more easily, along with preventing other complications.

2. Pay Attention to Your Mood Winter can also put your mental health at risk, says Noland. This is particularly true for the 28 percent of adults over 65 who, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, live alone. “Seniors have a tendency to isolate themselves,” she says. “You can get a little stir crazy.” Seniors are also prone to loneliness around the holiday season, says Leigh Mann, a physician assistant at Carilion Clinic Family Medicine in Staunton. “Seclusion, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) related to shortened daylight and loss of loved ones can all contribute to poor mental and emotional health,” she explains. Mental health struggles affect more than 34 million American seniors, according to the organization Mental Health America, and seniors dealing with depression are more at risk for isolation, poor physical health and suicide. Older patients with depression also have healthcare costs that are 50 percent higher than those without mood disorders. Yet 68 percent of adults over 65 report knowing little or nothing about depression, and only 42 percent would seek help from a doctor rather than trying to handle it themselves. But depression, anxiety and other mood disorders are health problems that should be treated by a doctor the same way as a heart condition or the flu.

Eight Steps to a Healthy Winter for Seniors

Scarf. You lose a lot of body heat when your head and neck are uncovered.”

20 times

The colder the weather is, the more at risk you are for hypothermia, which can be fatal. In fact, cold weather kills 20 times more people than hot weather. In January 2018, Virginia experienced one of the coldest months since the 1980s, and news stations reported multiple instances of people freezing “Wear a hat and to death when caught outdoors.

Aging Well

it easier to become dangerously cold. “One of our concerns with seniors during the winter months is hypothermia,” says Cooper, a condition which happens when your body temperature gets dangerously low. “Being outside in the cold or even being in a very cold house can cause hypothermia.”

Cold weather kills 20 times more people than hot weather.

January 2018

In January 2018, Virginia experienced one of the coldest months since the 1980s.

Freezing to death

News stations reported multiple instances of people freezing to death when caught outdoors.

34 million

Mental health struggles affect more than 34 million American seniors.

50 percent

Older patients with depression also have healthcare costs that are 50 percent higher than those without mood disorders.

68 percent

About 68 percent of adults over 65 report knowing little or nothing about depression.

42 percent

Only 42 percent of seniors would seek help for depression from a doctor rather than trying to handle it themselves.

“Seniors living in rural areas could have a higher risk for being isolated and developing depression,” adds Cooper. “They should reach out to neighbors or friends living nearby, join a www.OurHealthCharlottesville.com


Aging Well




Constant worry or stress Feeling “empty” or sad all the time Feeling despair or hopelessness Loss of interest in everyday activities Feelings of guilt or worthlessness


Insomnia or persistent oversleeping Difficulty concentrating or making decisions Thoughts of death or suicide Physical problems with no apparent cause, such as stomach pain or headache

senior community center and utilize technology to help stay connected to family and friends.”

3. Talk to Your Doctor Sooner Rather Than Later If you have health conditions like diabetes or a heart problem, your body is already working hard to stay healthy and fight off illness. A second, untreated illness might be more than your immune system can handle.

If you suspect you are getting sick, go to the doctor sooner rather than later.

“The strain on the body with an already existing health problem can increase when an additional illness is acquired, such as in someone who may have asthma and then gets the flu,” explains Cooper. “The flu exacerbates the asthma, causing them to be hospitalized, and then could lead to them getting pneumonia.”

If you suspect you are getting sick, go to the doctor sooner rather than later. Don’t try to selfmedicate for more than two days, even if you think your symptoms are mild or an injury isn’t serious. You should also see your doctor quickly if you notice new or increased symptoms of an existing condition. Telemedicine services, which are available through many hospitals and primary care practices, can be effective way to check in with a doctor during winter, especially if the weather makes it difficult to leave the house or you want to avoid the hospital. “Most seniors have at least one chronic disease or illnesses,” says Cooper. “Telemedicine can help providers to keep an eye on things such as blood pressure, blood sugar, your weight, and so on, from your own home so that you do not have to constantly come back to the office.”

4. Find Safe Ways to Stay Active Exercise is important in every season, but it becomes difficult in the winter. “Winter limits exercise outside, which can worsen mood, sleep and overall well-being,” says Mann. Cold temperatures, snow and ice can also lead to falls, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports is the leading cause of death and injury for seniors, including hip and arm fractures, as well as head injuries. The costs of these injuries adds up: in 2015, the CDC reports, the total medical cost of falls in the U.S. was $50 billion. READ THIS EDITION OF

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“There is a fear with seniors for falling, so they might choose not to participate in activities out of this fear during winter months,” explains Noland. “There are concerns about individuals who aren’t able to get up after the fall if they’re alone. Even if they didn’t injure themselves, they might not be able to get up.”

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“If you can’t get outside, don’t just sit and watch television. If a commercial comes on, march in place until the show comes back on.”

• Eight Steps to a Healthy Winter for Seniors

“Commit to continuing to exercise,” recommends Mann, even in winter. If you’re going outside, wear appropriate footwear, such as walking shoes or winter boots with good traction, and stay in well-lit areas that are cleared of snow and ice. She also suggests visiting a mall or gym, which provide safe, warm space for walking and exercise.

Aging Well

However, if you don’t exercise, you lose balance, flexibility and muscle, all of which contribute to falls as well. Exercise also improves your sleep, keeps your heart healthy and lowers your risk of depression.

- Melinda Noland

Even if the weather prevents you from leaving the house, you can still stay active, says Noland. “If you can’t get outside, don’t just sit and watch television. If a commercial comes on, march in place until the show comes back on,” she suggests. “With exercise comes endorphins, and endorphins improve your mental health.”

5. Focus on Hand Hygiene Experts say that one of the best things you can do to prevent dangerous winter illnesses is both simple and easy to forget: washing your hands. “Wash your hands with soap and water,” Mann advises, especially when using the restroom, preparing food, eating or spending time in a public place like a restaurant or shopping mall. “Washing your hands, that’s such a big thing,” says Noland. “Whether you’re sick, whether you’re in public places, that’s the number one way to prevent the spread of disease.”

6. Care For Your Heart In the U.S., around 84 million people suffer from some kind of heart disease, which causes nearly 2,300 death per day. Cardiovascular diseases and stroke cost $327 billion every year, and that number is rising. Seniors are more at risk for heart disease that other groups, especially in the winter, when cold temperatures constrict blood vessels in the body and increase the chances of a heart attack. Overexertion from shoveling snow and illnesses like the flu also increase your risk of heart disease.

According to the CDC, washing your hands regularly with soap and water is the best way to prevent the spread of diarrheal and respiratory illnesses, including the flu. For seniors who already have weakened immune systems and other health problems, even a simple cold can cause complications that require a trip to the emergency room. Hand washing can prevent these dangerous complications.

To protect your heart, stay warm indoors and out and get any vaccines your doctor recommends. “Have others shovel snow if you have a history of cardiac conditions,” recommends Mann. If your doctor says it is safe for you to shovel snow or exercise outside, take frequent breaks to rest and warm up. And watch out for warning signs such as sweating, becoming overheated, shortness of breath or chest pains. If you notice any symptoms of heart trouble, get medical help immediately.

7. Be Prepared for Bad Weather Virginia winters can be unpredictable, with sudden storms and freezing temperatures. All this bad weather can pose a severe safety risk for seniors.

Cold temperatures, snow and ice often leads to falls, which the

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports is the leading cause of death and injury for seniors.

“You have snow and ice, but even the rain like we’ve been having can increase slip hazards for seniors,” says Greg Nesselrodt, the Director of Construction Management at Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community. Unsafe conditions inside and outside can lead to falls or injuries, which are especially dangerous during bad weather when emergency services may be slow to respond. “The key thing is to be prepared.” He recommends that seniors make arrangements ahead of time for snow removal, repair any steps or walkways around their homes, have handrails by stairs and keep ice melt on hand. Inside, he says, pathways should be kept clear of clutter and extension cords. www.OurHealthCharlottesville.com


Aging Well


Jessica Cooper, RN

Oncology certified nurse and Senior Services Navigator at Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital

Leigh Mann, PA

Carilion Clinic Family Medicine – Staunton

Greg Nesselrodt

Director of Construction Management at Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community

Melinda Noland

Wellness Center Director, Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community

It’s a good idea to keep a space heater on hand for very cold days, but be careful about the type you choose. Electric heaters should have an automatic shut-off function in case they become too hot. If you’re using a wood-burning stove or kerosene heater, says Mann, you need to pay extra attention. “Stoves or kerosene heaters come with risk of burns or carbon monoxide exposure,” explains Mann. “Have a If you know a storm is carbon monoxide detector installed in coming, check with your the home. They can be bought at most retail stores, are fairly inexpensive and pharmacy about filling can save your entire family.” prescriptions early. Winter storms or icy roads can also prevent seniors from getting to the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions, which is especially dangerous if you take regular medication to manage a condition like heart disease or diabetes. If you know a storm is coming, check with your pharmacy about filling prescriptions early. You can also ask your pharmacist about filling prescriptions for three months at a time, rather than just one. Even once a storm ends, be cautious about venturing out if there is ice and snow. “Don’t take unnecessary chances,” says Nesselrodt. “Stay inside until the weather and the roads clear up.”

8. Ask For Help When cold weather limits your ability to leave your home, care for your property or run errands by yourself, many seniors feel a loss of independence. But one of the best ways to stay safe and healthy in winter is to ask for help when you need it. “Don’t be afraid to ask family or friends to check on you during cold weather,” advises Cooper, especially during an emergency like a winter storm. “If a power outage leaves you without heat, try to stay with a relative or friend.”

Expert Contributors Jessica Cooper, RN, oncology certified nurse and Senior Services Navigator at Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital Leigh Mann, PA, Carilion Clinic Family Medicine – Staunton Greg Nesselrodt, Director of Construction Management at Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community Melinda Noland, Wellness Center Director, Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community

Sources Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – www.cdc.gov Mental Health America www.mentalhealthamerica.net

During bad weather, everyday chores are safer with someone accompanying you. Filling prescriptions, getting to doctor’s appointments and heading to the grocery store are all things that family and friends can help with. If you don’t have nearby family, your local board of aging can connect you with transportation, home aids and other services. You can contact the Virginia Office for Aging Services at 804.646.1082 to be directed to your local board of aging. Whether you are turning to a close friend, an adult child or a volunteer, it can be difficult to ask for help. But when spring arrives and you are healthy enough to get out and enjoy the sunshine, you’ll be glad you did.


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National Institute of Aging www.nia.nih.gov Reuters News Agency – www.reuters.com Richmond Times – www.richmond.com The Lancet Journals – www.thelancet.com United States Census Bureau www.census.gov US News – www.usnews.com

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in Men and Women words | LISA KROULIK

Although you probably know what hormones are, you might not have heard of the medical specialty of endocrinology. The simplest way to connect the two is to think of endocrinology as a study of hormones.

HORMONES: [ HAWR-MOHNS ] noun Chemical messengers that affect your sleep, moods, body temperature, stress level and physical growth. They develop in one area of your body and then travel through your bloodstream to another area.


Since hormones affect men and women so

Appetite and whether someone becomes obese

differently, the

Regulation of glucose levels

warning signs for

Bone growth

diabetes and how

Level of alertness

to prevent and

When puberty begins

treat it are often different than

A person can develop one of several major diseases when his or her hormones don’t function as they should. Diabetes is one of the diseases highly influenced by hormones. Since hormones affect men and women so differently, the warning signs for diabetes and how to prevent and treat it are often different than they are for men.

they are for men.

Women, Diabetes, and the Role of Hormones Women’s hormones go through significant changes as they approach menopause. The steep decline in the estrogen hormone makes it more difficult for women’s bodies to keep blood www.OurHealthCharlottesville.com


Health A-Z


glucose levels at a healthy level. That’s why middle-aged women have a higher risk of developing diabetes than younger women. Even if you haven’t started showing signs of menopause yet, it’s a good idea to have your doctor check your blood glucose levels every year after age 45.

Other Risk Factors of Diabetes for Women It’s important to pay attention to the risk factors for diabetes no matter what your age. Some of the most common ones include:


Being overweight or obese


Family history of diabetes


Frequent sensation of thirst


You have frequent bouts of urinary tract infections (UTI)


You need to urinate more frequently


Your vision is blurrier after eating foods high in carbohydrates



to have your doctor


Your thinking feels confused or foggy

check your blood


You feel hungrier than usual

Even if you haven’t started showing signs of menopause yet, it’s a good idea

glucose levels every year after age 45.

While these are the most typical symptoms of diabetes in women, some women are entirely asymptomatic (showing no symptoms) and others experience more unusual symptoms. For example, you may lose weight without trying, have little interest in sex, notice that your wounds heal more slowly and struggle with insomnia. These symptoms don’t necessarily mean that you have diabetes, but you should always report any new symptom to your doctor. He or she will order the appropriate tests to confirm or rule out diabetes.

More than 12 percent of the population of Virginia has diabetes. Unfortunately, nearly one-quarter of them don’t know it. More than one-third of Virginians have pre-diabetes. That means they have many of the risk factors but their blood glucose doesn’t measure high enough yet for a diagnosis.

How is Diabetes Diagnosed?


The plasma glucose test is the most common way to diagnose diabetes. For this test, you need to fast from all food and drink for at least eight hours. You then visit a laboratory for a blood draw. If you’re non-diabetic, your reading should come back at 100 mg/dL or less when fasting.


Some doctors also use an A1C test to measure your average blood sugar over the last three months, and most consider a reading above 6.5 to indicate diabetes. If you do receive a diagnosis, your doctor will repeat both tests at each check-up to ensure that your blood glucose is at healthy levels.


Completing an oral glucose tolerance test is another way to diagnose diabetes. For this test, you drink a beverage containing glucose and your doctor measures your blood glucose level two hours later.


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Diabetes Treatment Options

If you’re overweight or obese, your doctor will advise you to lose weight. You should also start an exercise program if you’re sedentary and overhaul your diet to balance your carbohydrate intake with other nutrients. Many women find it helpful to meet with a dietitian shortly after their diagnosis for guidance on meal planning.

Diabetes Looks Different in Men and Women

The type of medication you take depends on if you have Type I or Type II diabetes. Type I is typically diagnosed earlier in life. It requires taking daily insulin injections and careful dietary monitoring. Treatment for Type II diabetes usually involves dietary and exercise interventions first and then adding an oral medication if those changes don’t do enough to help stabilize blood glucose.

Diabetes Prevention Strategies Even if you have pre-diabetes, you could reverse it and not go on to develop diabetes by making some significant lifestyle changes. Regular exercise not only helps you lose weight, it reduces blood glucose and increases your insulin sensitivity, as well.

A fitness program that contains both resistance training and aerobic exercise may be the most beneficial. Even if you can’t do that, going for a walk every day in Virginia’s mild climate can dramatically improve your health. Increasing fiber and whole grains in your diet are also effective at lowering blood glucose. Some good food choices to make include beans, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Although following a fad diet such as the glycemic index or a low-carb diet might be tempting, it’s best just to make healthier choices every day instead.

Diabetes can be frightening, whether you have received a diagnosis or simply think you might have it. In either case, focus on controlling as many risk factors as you can and working closely with your doctor to achieve good health.


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Alternative Hair Solutions


Alzheimer’s Association

67 American Heart Association 3

Augusta Health

58 Augusta Healthcare for Women 42 Blue Ridge Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 56 Blue Ridge PACE 73 BMW of Charlottesville 23,50 Carilion Clinic 41

Center for Advanced Gynecology


Center for Neurorehabilitation Services


Central Virginia Foot & Ankle Laser Center


Charlottesville Eye Associates, Ltd.

60 Charlottesville Gastroenterology Associates 61

Charlottesville Orthopaedic Center

59 Children’s Dentistry of Charlottesville 9

Can you spot the SEVEN differences between the two cartoons?

Craig Builders

62 Dermatologic Surgery of Central Virginia 66 Edward Wolanski, MD, PC 33 Evolution Hearing

Be the first reader to email us describing what the seven differences are and you will earn the satisfaction (and bragging rights) of having your name in print in the next edition. OK, START YOUR SEARCH! Email info@ourhealthvirginia.com with the subject line Funny Bone Charlottesville.

48 Eyelid & Facial Aesthetics 43 EyeOne 25 Fork Union Military Academy 71

Lexus of Richmond

83 Medical Facilities of America 34 Melody Robbins Photography 17

Our Lady of Peace

64 Pantops Prosthodontics

Visit www.OurHealthCharlottesville.com or our Facebook page @OurHealthCharlottesville and sign up for our e-newsletter for more fun games, quizzes and contests to win great prizes!

65 Pediatric Associates of Charlottesville

43 Primary Eyecare 81

Rebecca's Natural Food


Rosewood Village

36 Savola Aesthetic Dermatology Center, PLC. 7

Sunnyside Communities

63 The Keefe Centre


47,84 University of Virginia Health System



of Charlottesville

Margaret was the first person to email the correct seven differences in last issue’s Funny Bone. For the full list of answers visit our facebook page @OurHealthCharlottesville.

UVA-Encompass Rehabilitation Hospital

39 Virginia Farm Bureau 49 Virginia Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates 44 Virginia Prosthetics 57 Virginia Urology



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