NOVEMBER 2023: (GREEN) Our Town Gwinnett/Walton Monthly Magazine

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Holiday Matters: Make Your Holidays Stress-Free By Tana Poncsak

As soon as the kids roam the neighborhood for candy on Halloween, many of us start thinking (and maybe obsessing) about the upcoming holidays. After all, there’s cooking to be done, presents to buy, and plans to be made all while still working and going about our daily lives. And while the holidays are supposed to be meaningful and fun, often they turn out to be tiring, disappointing, and stressful. According to a December 2017 article in Medical News Today, some people can feel overwhelmed by the excess, expectations, and exchange and can become depressed during the holidays. The article goes on to say that a lack of time and money, credit card debt, and the pressure of gift giving can often contribute to stress during the holiday season. As mentioned in this article and cited by many others as well, one of the main causes for holiday stress can be linked to our expectations. We watch the holiday movies and see images of the picture-perfect holidays, and that becomes what we strive for. Anything less misses the mark. The answer can be as easy as keeping things simple and don’t over plan. But we all know that’s easier said than done. Here are a few things you can do to lower your expectations and keep things simple. • Make a realistic list of the things you need to accomplish to make your holiday special and meaningful. This shouldn’t be a long list. Try to keep this list at three to six things. Then make a second list of the things you would like to accomplish but aren’t necessary to make your holiday complete. • Try to simplify or delegate the things that need to be done to make the best use of your time. For example, you want to read the latest holiday novel, but you have no time. Try listening to the audio version while commuting to and from work. You may even be able to borrow it from the library for free using an app like Libby. • Don’t like outdoor decorating? Delegate it to the professionals. Some local landscaping companies may offer outdoor decorating during the holidays. • Don’t like to bake but need festive cookies? Leave the baking to your local bakery. • Have company coming into town for the holidays, but no time to clean? There are a number of cleaning services in the area you can call. • Need help wrapping? Hire a neighborhood teen to wrap your packages one afternoon. • Short on time for cooking the holiday meal? Have it catered by a local restaurant. Or if that’s totally out of the question, try cooking

November 2023 Our Town Gwinnett

some dishes using a pressure cooker or an air fryer and save the stove and the oven for dishes that need your extra attention. • You get the idea. Be creative and ask for help! • Don’t overwhelm yourself and your family with holiday activities. Pick a few that are manageable and let the others go. And even with the hustle and bustle of the season, remember to make self-care a priority. • With gift giving, it’s the thought that counts. Don’t feel like you have to spend a small fortune. A small thoughtful gift or handmade gift can be just as personal and meaningful than an expensive one. • Don’t compare your holiday to the holiday of others. The season is not meant to be a competition. • Be more thankful for the things you accomplish instead of sad about the things that you don’t get to on your list. You can look forward to the ones you didn’t get to for next year. • Always keep in mind the perfect holiday doesn’t exist. There are always things that are out of our control. • If loved ones can’t make it to your holiday celebration, keep in mind the holidays are a relatively short period of time within a year, and there are another 300+ days in the year giving us plenty of other opportunities to spend time with loved ones. Plan something for later when the timing is better and everyone can be more relaxed. At the end of the holiday, take some time to reflect. What went well? What didn’t go as well? Were there any surprises? And make notes for a head start on next year. Have a safe and happy holiday season!


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