Where to travel in 2018
Business Awards winners
Dastaan, Epsom’s best business
MGSO4 Festival
True taste of Italy • Banstead Arts Festival • Tips for a wardrobe detox • Edible gardening New season at Epsom Playhouse • Epsom Business Awards winners
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14 10
10 Detox your wardrobe Time to get your closet organised 11 Classical concerts Stellar line-up at Banstead Arts Festival concerts 14 The Good Life Dig in and grow your own food 17 Spring season Playhouse programme unveiled
20 Celebrating success Winners of Sutton Business Awards announced 22 Pack your bags The hot destinations for 2018 25 Design archive New book celebrates work of Vaughan Oliver 34 Curry kings Dastaan crowned Epsom’s best business
4 Editor’s Tips 16 Coffee Page 28 Schools
Features 6 7
Taste of Italy Spaghetti Tree scoops national award A year of discovery MGSO4 Festival 2018
Gerry Devine | Tel: 0203 858 0084 Mob: 07710 574 479
FHW Events & Marketing Ltd 7c West Street, Ewell Village, Surrey. KT17 1UZ Tel: 0203 858 0084
Teresa Whitfield |
Published by: FHW Events & Marketing | Printed by Direct Colour | ©2018 FHW & out&about magazine. While we endeavour to make sure that all published information is accurate, the publishers cannot be held responsible for mistakes or omissions or any loss resulting from non-publication of an advertisement. While all reasonable care is made to ensure accuracy of information, the publisher accepts no responsibility for the views or claims made by any of the contributors, advertising or editorial content included. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited. The views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of ‘out&about’ or the editor. Terms and conditions apply. Please recycle your magazine.
Cover Image
Frosty leaves on a cold winter’s morning Shutterstock
Hello January and welcome to our first edition of 2018. The new year abounds with possibilities. Whether that is the chance to strike out with a business venture, try a new pastime or discover a new part of the world to fall in love with.
Discovery is also the theme of this year’s MGSO4 Festival as it celebrates the 400-year anniversary of Epsom Salts.
Book fair
Browse thousands of second hand titles including antiquarian, outof-print works, children’s books, fiction and nonfiction at Epsom’s popular charity book fair. Held over three days, the book fair supports national and local charities and organisers are hoping to top last year’s fundraising total of £36,000. A collection of CDs, DVDs and records will also be on sale. Open February 15 to 17 at Epsom Methodist Church, Ashley Road, Epsom, 01372 728535.
We all love a panto, and if you didn’t get your fix over the festive season then Pilgrim Pantomime has a treat in store. Snowy, a reworking of the classic fairytale Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, delivers the usual one-liners alongside a karate-chopping heroine, a deliciously villainous pantomime dame, not to mention a camp Magic Mirror. It runs from January 24 to 27 at Banstead Institute, High Street, Banstead.
Not just for laughs
Gagging for Laughs returns to headline Comedy@The College on February 16 with three top comedy acts. As well as raising a few belly laughs, the comedy night hopes to raise some pounds in aid of Age Concern Epsom & Ewell.
Epsom Salts (magnesium sulphate or MgSO4) were originally derived from mineral water that sprang up in a local field in 1618. The discovery led to Epsom becoming England’s first spa town, known for its artists and entrepreneurs. The week-long MGSO4 arts festival returns in July and will showcase the work of Greg Harradine. We discover the inspiration behind the art work commissioned for the festival. We also look ahead to a new season of live theatre and entertainment at Epsom Playhouse as well as a stellar line-up of classic concerts hosted by Banstead Arts Festival Society. Plus there are top tips on how to give your wardrobe a new year detox and the destinations that should be on your travel radar for 2018. Finally, many congratulations to the finalists and winners of the Epsom & Ewell Business Awards, which we were once again proud to support. Happy new year and may it be filled with new discoveries.
Last year’s event at Epsom College was a sell-out, so book your tickets in advance
Sparkle add some
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Family-run restaurant named UK’s best Italian
Spaghetti Tree in Walton-on-theHill has been named the UK’s best independent Italian restaurant. Run by the Romano family, the restaurant prides itself on offering fresh, authentic Italian home-cooked food. Now it has been recognised as the country’s best independent Italian restaurant by the 2017 Pizza, Pasta and Italian Food Association (PAPA) Awards.
The PAPA Awards were established 28 years ago to recognise excellence and encourage innovation in the Italian food industry. Owner Maria Romano said: “We are a small, family-run business and to be recognised in this way is a fantastic achievement for us. Our aim is always to deliver the best we can and to have this recognition from the PAPA Award judges is a great boost.”
Samantha Day of the PAPA Awards said: “Spaghetti Tree has built a tremendous reputation and the judges’ comments have solidified the hype. Maria and the team offer an incredible experience where visitors can enjoy an authentic taste of Italy.” Comedian Dominic Holland and chef Theo Randall presented the awards at a gala dinner at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in November.
BANSTEAD IN BLOOM Congratulations to all involved in Banstead’s Village in Bloom entry which scooped a silver award in its first foray into the annual competition. After receiving lots of positive comments and advice from the judges, the committee are looking ahead to this year’s entry and encouraging everyone to get involved in improving the village and their environment. Banstead Community Junior School received a gold award and was the overall winner in the South and South East Britain in Bloom schools’ competition.
A YEAR OF DISCOVERY Epsom’s MGSO4 Festival returns this summer and will showcase a new work by composer Greg Harradine A new musical composition marking the 400-year anniversary of the discovery of Epsom Salts will form the centrepiece of the 2018 MGSO4 Festival. Composer and performer Greg Harradine was chosen as the winner of the festival’s open arts commission on the theme of ‘discovery’. Greg, who is originally from Norwich but now based in Chessington, was selected from a diverse crop of proposals that came in from across the UK. In an original approach inspired by the chemistry of Epsom Salts – magnesium sulphate or MGSO4 – Greg will be composing a new musical work by converting the atomic numbers of magnesium, sulphur and oxygen into musical notes.
This new work, written for piano and cello, will retell, through music, the story of the medicinal salt’s discovery in 1618, which led to Epsom becoming England’s first spa town, visited by artists, musicians and entrepreneurs. As well as the chance to hear Greg’s piece performed in July, there will be opportunities to attend his workshops at the festival; schools, community groups and local musicians will also be able to get involved in Greg’s musical project in the months beforehand. Greg graduated from Kingston University in 2010 after achieving a first-class degree in music technology and composition, and has been writing music and performing around the country ever since. He has won several awards for previous compositions, including the Cameron Mackintosh Resident Composer Award in 2014, and was a finalist in the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Songwriting Competition in 2015. Festival Director Maria Reeves said: “Greg’s idea really stood out as an original way to share the story of the discovery of Epsom Salts 400 years ago. He is a very talented young composer and we can’t wait to hear what he comes up with. “The festival team will be working to ensure that as many people as possible can get involved in some way in such an exciting arts project.” This year’s festival will run from July 2 to 8 and feature a programme of creative arts events at venues across Epsom and Ewell.
Look out for further details on the MGSO4 website, and to find out more about Greg Harradine’s work visit
SPIRE ST ANTHONY’S LAUNCHES A SPORTS INJURY CLINIC We are becoming a nation of cyclists, runners, weekend league team sports players and even competitors in ultrachallenges; Britain has caught the fitness bug. The team at Spire St Anthony’s Hospital have been treating athletes of all abilities and from all sports for many years and has recently launched a specialist sports injury clinic to help patients get a faster diagnosis and course of treatment. One 30-minute consultation with a sports physiotherapist will diagnose the injury and direct patients to an effective treatment, with no GP referral required. Charlotte Summers, Head of Physiotherapy at Spire St Anthony’s Hospital explains: “We know that fast diagnosis and recovery is what people want. They want to return to their achieved levels of fitness and performance as soon as possible with minimal disruption. Some severe sports injuries such as a torn ACL (knee ligament) can require orthopaedic surgery. An early diagnosis and referral to an orthopaedic surgeon means that athletes start post-operative rehabilitation sooner, ultimately decreasing the length of time away from their sport. “Physiotherapy and individualised rehabilitation programmes are key to a full recovery from sports injuries and orthopaedic surgery. It is really important you regain full strength through your whole body, target any reduction in balance and body awareness whilst ensuring that your exercise programme is adapted to prepare your body to return to your specific sporting activity.”
Mr Kumar Kunasingam is a foot and ankle Orthopaedic Surgeon at Spire St Anthony’s. He also has a specialist qualification in sports medicine. “The benefit of this new clinic is its unique access. No patient will wait weeks or months to be seen. Instead a more pleasant and peaceful review will be undertaken at an appointment to see a focused specialist who will help diagnose, reassure and start immediate management. A specialist physiotherapist or consultant orthopaedic surgeon will make a full diagnosis or initiate and predict accurately a course of treatment. This wonderful niche resource aims to start your recovery right from first contact! Having been on both sides of this fence we have aimed to trim the fat and get patients fixed fast! “Following the recent £30m investment, this hospital offers surgeons the very latest facilities and our patients benefit enormously. For example, my less invasive technique for a torn or ruptured Achilles tendon, a very common sports injury, traditionally took six months to recover from following extensive surgery. Now I’m seeing patients active again in as little as 8–10 weeks postsurgery and a bespoke physiotherapy plan.
a poor blood supply in this area and hence the reason the Achilles can cause patients so much trouble. The game changer is that this procedure effectively steals the blood supply from a neighbouring muscle, bathing and nurturing the fixed rupture in nutrients promoting rapid healing.” Medical experts are warning people to be aware, whatever their sport and levels of fitness, and not to fall foul of injury and end up with a lengthy weekend wait in A&E. The enthusiastic increase in activity means specialists are witnessing significant increases in sports injuries ranging from a sprained ankle to torn ligaments. For more information, or to book an appointment with a sports physiotherapist (initial appointment and assessment £60) at Spire St Anthony’s Hospital, call: 020 8335 4646
Spire St Anthony’s Hospital, 801 London Road, Sutton SM3 9DW
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801 London Road, Cheam, Sutton, Surrey, SM3 9DW
Is your wardrobe fit to burst with clothes that are too big, too small or just never worn? January is the perfect time for a clear out
We’re all guilty of a bit of hoarding, but it seems that when it comes to our wardrobes once the doors are shut we forget what is inside. According to research, the average wardrobe holds up to 100 items of clothing, a fifth of which have never been worn. The new year is a great time to clear out your closet and assess which outfits make the cut and which need to go. Here’s some tips to help you take control and organise your wardrobe. Take everything out
Yes, everything. It’s only by looking at each item that you can make an objective decision about whether you wear it. Be ruthless
If you have not worn an item within the last two years then it is time to let it go. The same goes for shoes. Do you love it?
It is easy to become sentimental about clothes. A successful detox requires
focus and a good dose of honesty. So ask yourself, do you love the garment? If the answer is not a quick fire ‘yes’ then it no longer needs a place in your wardrobe.
is a good way to free up space and organise your wardrobe. Pack clothes in vacuum seal bags to keep them clean and dust-free ready for summer or winter.
Does it still have the tag on?
Get organised
Impulse purchase or another shopping mistake, either way if you have bought something and never cut the shop tag off then it is safe to say you will never wear it. Think tailoring
Keep your wardrobe organised by grouping clothes together – shirts, trousers, dresses – in size order. Ensure all your garments are on hangers or neatly folded in drawers so that they can be easily seen and accessed.
Sometimes all that is needed is a little TLC and a spot of clever tailoring to bring an item that you love, but that no longer fits, back into use. Take time to try garments on and assess if they can be altered. If not then it is time to say goodbye. Discard tatty garments
Clothes with holes, stains, missing buttons or broken zips are just taking up valuable space in your wardrobe. Unless you truly love it, ditch items that cannot be repaired. Store seasonal items
Separating your clothes into seasons
Sublime MUSIC
Rare chance to hear all five of Beethoven’s cello sonatas as part of Banstead Arts Festival’s winter season of concerts
Image: Felix Broede
Leonard Elschenbroich has been described as one of the most charismatic cellists of his generation. The German-born musician, who trained at the Yehudi Menuhin School in Surrey, will perform Beethoven’s cello sonatas, written at three distinct stages of the composer’s career, on February 10. Accompanied by pianist Alexei Grynyuk, a virtuoso soloist as well as accomplished chamber musician, it will be a rare opportunity to hear all five of Beethoven’s cello sonatas as part of Banstead Arts Festival’s winter season of concerts. Stephen Oliver, chairman of Banstead Arts Festival Society, said: “Banstead’s Community Hall, seating 200, provides an ideally intimate setting in which to encounter the great works of the chamber music repertoire. Why not join us to experience them for yourself ?” The final concert of the season, on March 10, reunites tenor James Gilchrist and pianist Anna Tilbrook. Their performance of Schubert’s Winterreise, a haunting portrayal of melancholy and madness, is not to be missed. To reserve tickets, priced £12 adults, schoolchildren free, call 01737 350288 or email Image: Luke Nugent
A better way
TO DIVORCE/SEPARATE Caroline Mills writes about the benefits of mediation
There are many issues that will need to be resolved once the difficult decision to separate has been taken. How will we arrange things for the children? What about the finances? What will we do about the family home? Who is going to apply for Divorce?
What are the benefits of mediation?
A family mediator is a neutral third party who is trained to help a couple resolve issues surrounding their separation, such as finances and the children. Mediation can also assist grandparents and other family members who may be involved closely with the family.
• Mediation gives the parties the power to address issues between themselves and make their own solutions for dealing with matters rather than having a decision ordered by the court. • Mediation provides a controlled and managed environment to discuss difficult issues. • All aspects of separation can be covered in mediation – finances, children and the divorce – rather than potentially having separate court proceedings for each issue. • By communicating with each other directly, mediation can help people to move on from the relationship with dignity and look ahead to the future, rather than dwelling too heavily on the past. • Mediation is child-focused and the welfare of the children is put at the forefront of any discussions. • Mediation is generally less expensive as the mediator’s hourly rate will be split between the clients. • Mediation is often quicker than negotiations through solicitors or the court process. Provided all parties are available, and the information needed to progress is gathered efficiently, sessions can take place at a much swifter pace if so desired.
There is usually an initial one to one meeting to assess suitability for mediation and then the mediator will arrange a joint session with both clients. Each session should be tailored to suit the particular issues of each couple – accordingly, the number of mediation sessions necessary will depend on the volume and complexity of the issues being discussed.
Most mediators will recommend that clients also retain the services of a solicitor in the background. Once both parties are content with the proposals the mediator will prepare a clear summary for them called a Memorandum of Understanding. The mediator will also provide a summary of the financial information (an Open Financial Statement) if the finances have been discussed. The parties can then
Often the thought of an acrimonious battle is more than a couple can take at such a difficult time. However, there are alternatives to the traditional court process, which can be used to settle differences. Family mediation is one of the most common alternative forms of dispute resolution for separating couples; in fact you now cannot take a case to court unless you have first explored whether mediation could assist. Even if the court process has been commenced or solicitors instructed to negotiate on your behalf, mediation can still be used as an effective tool to narrow the issues between you.
ADVERTORIAL review with the paperwork with their solicitors. After legal advice has been received and if both parties are still happy with the proposals, the solicitors will convert the summary into a legally binding document and oversee any necessary implementation. To ďŹ nd out if mediation may be suitable for you, please feel free to contact me to discuss your options. Peacock & Co have gained a reputation for providing clear, practical and reliable legal advice throughout South West London and Surrey. As a result, the firm has built a strong base of loyal clients, many of whom have been kind enough to recommend our services to others. Most of our new clients come to us by personal referral either from existing clients or fellow professionals such as accountants, financial advisors, surveyors and estate agents.
Caroline Mills is a partner and mediator in the family department at Peacock & Co and has been working at the firm since 2001, practising exclusively in family law since she qualified as a solicitor in 2003. Peacock & Co was founded in Wimbledon Village in 1991 and opened an office in Epsom in May 2017.
Gwynne House, 11 West Street, Epsom, KT18 7RL 020 8035 0388
The Good LIFE
Dig in and learn the skills to grow your own fruit and veg
The 1970s sitcom The Good Life extolled the virtues of a simpler, more sustainable way of life. Rising food prices, a desire to know the provenance of our food, farming methods and a move towards healthy eating has also fuelled an increase in the number of people wanting to grow their own food. After all what can be better than picking home-grown vegetables from the garden and serving them for dinner? But, if like Tom and Barbara you are starting from scratch and are daunted by the prospect, then a food growing course could hold the answers.
The next course will be held at Carshalton Community Allotment, Colston Avenue, Carshalton, starting on April 21 and is held from 10.30am–12.30pm. It costs £75 and can be AQA level 1 certified, with certificates provided for an additional fee.
To book on the course or for more information visit
From preparing your growing area and feeding the soil, to planting and weeding techniques, the theoretical side of the course, run by Carshalton charity EcoLocal, covers the skills needed to successfully cultivate your own crops. Run over six weeks, the course also teaches plenty of practical skills so that you can be confident growing fruit and veg in your own garden, allotment or small plot. Everyone taking part can also seek advice from an experienced tutor. EcoLocal runs a number of community projects which aim to equip people with the skills and experience needed to grow food locally, reducing waste and food miles and ultimately turning us from solely consumers into producers.
Flavours that will blow you away
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Born in Dehradun, India, nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, and having refined his natural flare for Indian cooking with extensive training in Mumbai, Head Chef Nand Kishor has taken Dastaan from strength to strength. Serving a variety of curry house staples and modern twists to traditional Indian cuisine, all freshly sourced and shimmering with spices. Join us for a Christmas meal like no other “You can’t fault it - the best food in the local area, it’s brilliant.” “If you are within reach of Epsom then do yourself a huge favour and make a beeline for this terrific restaurant. The standard of food here is exceptionally high, and the locals must barely be able to believe their good fortune at gaining a restaurant of such a level.”.
Monday: Closed Tuesday - Friday: 5pm - 10:30pm Saturday: 12pm - 2:30pm, 5pm - 10:30pm Sunday: 12pm - 2:30pm, 5pm - 9:30 pm
Dastaan Indian Restaurant | 447 Kingston Road, Epsom, KT19 0DB 020 8786 8999 | |
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NEW YEAR QUIZ 1. What name do the Scots give to New Year?s Eve? 2. The best-selling record in 1956 was recorded on New Year’s Day in Nashville. What was the name of the song?
3. Dilapidated (8) 9. Embed (5) 10. In what way (3) 11. Highest mountain in Crete (3) 12. Act of oscillating (11) 14. Captures (5) 16. Sever with the teeth (4) 17. ----- Combe, Somerset village (5) 19. Particular (6) 20. Evergreen tree (3) 22. Technique (6) 23. Arab chief (5) 25. Inhabitant of Serbia (4) 26. Wished (5) 28. Petty (5-6) 30. Unit of electrical resistance (3) 31. Relatives (3) 32. Informs (5) 33. Mobster (8)
1. Limousine (4) 2. Food flavouring (7) 4. State of being equal (8) 5. Go to bed (6) 6. Meaningless (9) 7. Express gratitude (5) 8. Moves through water (5) 13. Broad-brimmed straw hat (8) 15. Qualified (8) 18. Fencer (9) 21. Military aircraft (8) 24. Inhabited by ghosts (7) 25. Reptiles (6) 26. Handkerchief (5) 27. Fork (5) 29. Prescribed amount (4)
Turn to – Pg 33 for the answers 16
3. Which two European countries declared their independence on January 1, 1993? 4. Traditionally, what do people in Portugal eat when the clock strikes 12 on New Year’s Eve? a. 12 grapes b. 12 sardines c. 12 oysters d. 12 almonds 5. Which 1972 film and mega box office success took place between New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day? 6. The traditional New Year Ball Drop takes place at which New York City landmark? 7. The European Economic Community (EEC) was first established on January 1 of which year? 8. What name is given to the Jewish New Year? 9. Which American President issued the Emancipation Proclamation on New Year’s Day 1863? 10. What does "Auld Lang Syne" mean?
NEW SEASON From opera to comedy, amazing feats of magic to endurance in the ring - it’s all on the programme at Epsom Playhouse Live music, comedy, drama, magic and more awaits audiences as Epsom Playhouse unveils its new season of shows. The theatre has released its spring programme, which has a little something for every age and every interest. January kicks off with a retrospective look at the life and career of the king of rock ’n’ roll, Elvis Presley. The Elvis Years charts the musical – and emotional – highs and lows of Presley’s journey from his early years growing up in Mississippi to his legendary Las Vegas concerts. The Mitford sisters were never destined to be housewives. Diana was married to Oswald Mosley and a lifelong fascist. Unity was a close friend of Hitler’s. Jessica was a dyed-in-thewool communist. Deborah became Duchess of Devonshire. Nancy was a novelist and Pamela kept chickens.
The women are the subject of a new one-woman show by playwright Gail Louw. Performed by Heather Long, this intriguing drama follows the Mitfords through the worldchanging events of the 20th century. From siblings to mother and daughter relationships. Dame Esther Rantzen will be in conversation with her daughter, the presenter and journalist Rebecca Wilcox, in an intimate interview looking at the veteran broadcaster’s career, personal and family life.
Stand-up acts
A host of top-name comedians will also be stopping off at the Playhouse this spring. Stephen K Amos, Lucy Porter and Griff Rhys Jones bring their shows to Epsom as well as the satirical newsreader Jonathan Pie. There is also plenty of homegrown talent on display. Epsom Symphony Orchestra will be performing Holst’s masterpiece The Planets at its concert on March 3, which features awardwinning violinist Johanna Röhrig. While Ashtead Choral Society, under the baton of musical director James Henshaw, chorus master of the English National Opera, present a collection of opera classics including the Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves and Pearl Fishers’ Duet. Not to mention the return of Close Up Magic and the ever popular All Star Superslam Wrestling and the Playhouse has those long, dark nights covered.
See the full spring programme online at
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A PROSPEROUS 2018 Chamber chairman David Duncan outlines how businesses can benefit from added support On behalf of the team at Sutton Chamber I am delighted to wish you a prosperous 2018. The past twelve months have been challenging for businesses of all sizes, the uncertainty over Brexit negotiations and the weak political position following the general election have prompted businesses to hold off on investment and encouraged a lot of people to reign in their spending. As you might expect this made the trading environment for our members more challenging than they would have hoped. Cuts to local council budgets haven't helped either. However, we have cause to be positive about 2018. A number of large developments across the borough start to be completed this year, and our business community continues to inspire great entrepreneurs and start-up companies. Our recent Sutton Business Awards recently culminated with a fantastic ceremony at the Holiday Inn. The gala dinner was attended by both our Members of Parliament, senior council members and officers and a whole host of talented business owners from across the borough. Rewarding our successful companies and entrepreneurs serves to highlight what a vibrant and fertile trading environment we benefit from in Sutton. In 2018 we will launch our Awards again in March, host our annual business expo, and organise a variety of networking events and business support workshops. At £99 membership of Sutton Chamber remains very good value, and we continue to be inspired by the growth and development we see in our members. Non-members and guests remain warmly welcome at all our events; if you have not attended
one of our networking events please visit our website for more information in forthcoming opportunities. Whatever you business, we wish you a prosperous and profitable 2018.
Membership from £72.00 per year
Benefits of Joining: Make and meet new clients Promotion and marketing opportunities Share Business best practice to ensure success Access to training and workshop opportunities Access to Local Authority officials and elected members Discounted rates of advertising in new
Building Local Business | Networking | Opportunities To find out more information call 020 8770 3173 or visit:
Winner - Jace Catering & Training Ltd. Highly Commended – The Raj Highly Commended – Haweli of Belmont Commended – Fireaway Pizza
Winner - Presto Performing Arts Highly Commended – Bourbons Coffee Shop Highly Commended – Jancett Childcare
Winner - J A Autos Highly Commended – NW Electrical Commended – The Raj
Amanda Cherrington, Colin Newton & Richard Johnson Special Commendation – Junior Johnson
Winner - Sutton Community Farm Highly Commended – R Watson Heating & Plumbing
Winner - Sharp Fitness Highly Commended – Bourbons Coffee Shop
Winner - Ambience Home Highly Commended – Bourbons Coffee Shop Highly Commended – J A Autos Commended – Just Love Brownies
BEST BUSINESS FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE Winner - Love Teeth Dental Practice Highly Commended – Ambience Home Commended – NW Electrical
Winner - Neil Wadsworth Highly Commended – Neal Milson Commended - Rhiannon Ray
BEST BUSINESS FOR INNOVATION & GROWTH Winner - Jancett Childcare Highly Commended – Millie Whizz Commended – Fireaway Pizza
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winners advert T&L.indd 1
13/12/2017 09:02
Wanderlust From Chile to the Causeway Coast, here’s the destinations that are hot for 2018
Image: Stuart Stevenson photography/Getty Images
The festive season is a distant memory and the long, winter months stretch ahead. It’s no wonder January is the month when our thoughts turn to escaping to warmer, sunnier climates.
of choice for those in the know. A new crop of Michelinstarred restaurants and a burgeoning arts scene has added to its charms.
But which destinations should be on your radar? Pack your bags and discover the places the experts think we should be visiting in 2018.
As Tokyo prepares to host the 2020 Olympic Games, the spotlight is very much on Japan. Visitor numbers are on the up with cities like Kyoto and Osaka drawing big crowds. But there is so much more to the country which so successfully marries its history and traditions with futuristic tech. Head off the beaten track to explore Japan’s natural scenery and culture.
From the towering Andes to the wilds of Patagonia, Chile is a country of extremes and truly breathtaking scenery. Its beating heart is the uber-cool capital of Santiago, packed with trendy restaurants, bars and nightlife. New non-stop flight routes have made travelling to the South American country easier than ever as it celebrates 200 years of independence in 2018. Portugal
With its golden beaches, Mediterranean weather and firstclass golf resorts, Portugal has long been a holiday destination
Tallinn, Estonia
Estonia’s capital, Tallinn, tops Lonely Planet’s list of best value destinations for 2018 and it’s not hard to see why. This small city has a fairytale quality with the Old Town a mix of mediaeval streets, grand squares and church spires that are best explored on foot. Experiences and activities in Tallinn are also a fraction of the cost that you would pay in larger cities.
Image: LucVi / Shutterstock
TRAVEL Hamburg, Germany
Often overshadowed by Berlin, Germany’s second biggest city, Hamburg, is staking its claim as a destination for cultural connoisseurs. The recently completed Elbphilharmonie concert hall not only looks like a work of art, it is renowned for being one of the most acoustically advanced concert halls in the world. Throw in café culture, hipster bars, fantastic seafood, a wealth of museums and the world’s largest model railway and there’s every reason to visit.
Image: SeanPavonePhoto/Getty Images/iStockphoto
New Orleans
For a city that knows how to party, expect New Orleans to put on quite a show as it celebrates its 300-year birthday in 2018. A melting pot of cultures, food and musical influences, the city has slowly rebuilt itself following the devastation of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 with new restaurants, art galleries and boutiques popping up. Seville, Spain
Food, art, history, architecture and a background role in Game of Thrones – Seville has it all, which might be why Lonely Planet singled it out as the city to visit in 2018. The capital of Andalucía hosts the European Film Awards in 2018 and will also be celebrating the work of homegrown artist Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. Mexico City
A true mega-city, the sprawling metropolis of Mexico City has the most museums of any city in the world. Its historic centre has been designated a World Heritage site by UNESCO and is home to luxurious palaces, Baroque architecture, traditional bars, canteens and restaurants and incredible nightlife. In 2018, Mexico City is the World Design Capital, showcasing how it is using design to tackle the challenges of urbanisation.
Belfast and the Causeway Coast
Only in Belfast can you discover the story of the world’s most famous liner, Titanic, from the people involved in her conception and construction. The city’s docklands, now home to the Titanic Quarter and award-winning Titanic Belfast, are just one stop on Belfast’s tourist trail, which takes in a wealth of architecture, art and history. A short hop, skip and jump away is the Causeway Coast, described as one of the greatest coastal drives, taking in glens, rugged scenery and the natural phenomenon of the Giant’s Causeway. New Zealand
Long before it was cast as Middle Earth in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, New Zealand attracted tourists looking for adventure. And it remains the same today, aside from its natural beauty, the country has activities for everyone from walking tours, cycle trails, surfing and caving to the more adrenaline-fuelled white water rafting, skydiving and zip wires.
Image: Matt Munro/Lonely Planet
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WORLD AS A CANVAS Artists’ work on display 020 8641 6455 - - A collection of original paintings and works will go on J AatAutos Ltd are run an independent used Car display Bourne Halla family this October. Featuring contemporary based in Sutton, Surrey. We pride ourselves on and dealership classical works, painted in oils, watercolours and acrylics, good customer service, so why should you buy from us? the exhibition will showcase the creative talents of members We are a long established dealership with no sales staff. of Epsom and Ewell Art Group. We want to make car buying a fun experience with a no
The autumn exhibition is oneenvironment. of the highlights of the group’s pressure annual calendar of events and this year will include works by We offer great priced all personally sourcedStevens. and hand Richard Seymour, Ednacars Kyriakides and Barbara picked. There will also be a chance to see artist Dominika Klimczak’s fantasy and science fiction art works. Dominika was honoured in 2012 by the British National Science Fiction Society for excellence in her fantasy art work Bazuka. The exhibition runs from October 20 to 31 at Bourne Hall, Ewell, between 9.30am and 5pm. Admission is free so pop along and be inspired.
Preparation Millie Whizz is proudfor togrammar announceand a brand tests at new,independent purpose builtschools’ classroom providing excellent tutoring experience in a bright, Common Entrance at 11+ and 13+ warm and comfortable environment. The new classroom is fully equipped Summer Intensive Course with an interactive whiteboard allowing full access to Bev LourencoSelected to GCSE on-linesubjects resources. For further to visit please Small group information sessions, or providing a caring contact Millie Govekar at focus on learning environment with a Autumn exhibition: Epsom and Ewell Art callaspirations. 07824 643184 individual needs or and
Group, Bourne Hall, Spring Street, Ewell M 07824 643 184 T 020 8642 8047 E Based in Cheam, Surrey
w w w. m i l l i e w h i z z . c o m
DESIGN COLLECTION New book celebrates work of designer behind iconic Pixies and Cocteau Twins album covers A two-volume collection of designer Vaughan Oliver’s work is to be published this spring after a successful crowdfunding campaign. The book by Unit Editions will include previously unseen works from an archive spanning four decades. Over that time Oliver has amassed a vast body of work. It includes proofs, record labels, original artwork for album covers, videotapes, books and sketchbooks that he has kept and stored. The archive is currently held at Epsom’s University for the Creative Arts, where Oliver is a visiting professor. A successful Kickstarter campaign raised more than £90,000 in pledges last year to ensure that a book detailing the archive could be created. Oliver is one of the most iconic graphic designers of his era. After studying graphic design at Newcastle-upon-Tyne Polytechnic, he moved to London and started his career in the packaging design departments of Benchmark and then Michael Peters & Partners.
But it was a chance encounter with Ivo Watts Russell, owner of the independent record label 4AD, that led to a 30-year creative relationship. Creating album covers for iconic bands such as the Pixies, the Cocteau Twins, Lush, the Breeders and This Mortal Coil, Oliver’s work was seen by millions around the world. He has said: “I try to make images where you don’t always get ‘the message’ straight away – but these things leave a hook in you. Leaving some space for interpretation is important.” His work has been shown at galleries across the world. In 1992 he exhibited a retrospective collection of his work in Nantes, France. Its success led to further shows in Paris, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Athens and UK. Images: Courtesy of Unit Editions
Vicky Ellis, the school’s Headteacher, writes about what parents can expect from the school – learning at Banstead Prep
“As an Early Years specialist by background, I place great importance on giving our youngest children an appetite for learning by ensuring that everything they do in the classroom excites them and feeds their minds through opportunities to try new things.
For many parents, prep school is the launch pad for 11+, scholarship exams, grammar school entry or other forms of secondary education but I think it should be far more than that. Throughout their experience at Banstead Prep, girls and boys will be invited and encouraged to learn about the sciences, language and culture whilst developing their own selfconfidence and mastering their reading, writing and maths skills. We are so fortunate that we have the facilities to make this happen and the specialist subject teachers to provide a curriculum that goes far beyond what most prep schools can offer. Our pupils will then progress to their secondary school of choice knowing that they will thrive there – whatever their interests.” For more information, please contact Adrienne Forster, head of admissions on 01737 363600 or 26
A new, co-educational independent prep school for girls and boys aged 2-11 SUTTON LANE, BANSTEAD
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EXPANSION PLANS Proposed £3million scheme to create new senior school in Leatherhead Downsend School has unveiled plans for a £3million expansion to enable it to create a new senior school. The Leatherhead school currently teaches pupils from reception to year 8, but does not have the capacity to offer a GCSE programme to students in years 9 to 11. A £3million scheme to build a creative arts centre and improvements to the site has been developed in partnership with Cognita, which owns the independent school. Headmaster Ian Thorpe said the building would create the space needed to allow Downsend to expand in
readiness to welcome year 9 pupils from September 2020. “Over recent years, so many of our parents have expressed genuine sadness that their children could not continue at Downsend beyond year 8. We are delighted to remedy this and immensely proud to be bringing about this next phase of Downsend School’s history.” Plans have been submitted to Mole Valley District Council for approval.
An artist’s CGI impression of how the new Creative Arts Block could look.
NURTURING YOUNG MINDS Small class sizes and a stimulating curriculum help children thrive at Ewell Castle the needs of their children from aged three right through to 18, all within the picturesque Ewell village.
Ewell Castle is a happy school that offers outstanding pastoral care to children in its nursery, pre-preparatory, preparatory, senior school and sixth form. Parents may be surprised to discover that Ewell Castle offers the convenience of a successful coeducational day school that will meet
The vision of the school is to inspire and nurture its pupils to achieve within a happy, family friendly atmosphere. The needs of the pupils come first, staff have high expectations and strive for excellence in everything, so as to achieve every pupil’s potential or beyond. Care, consideration, honesty, integrity, fairness and tolerance are valued. Self-esteem is enhanced and all aspects of personal development
are fostered throughout the school. With an ethos in which each child’s achievements are acknowledged, valued and celebrated, the school is not an academic “hot house” however, its pupils thrive academically as a result of the small class sizes, a varied and stimulating curriculum, an extensive extra-curricular programme and strong support systems which nurture their confidence and self-esteem. The school offers open mornings throughout the year. For dates and further details see the school website
INSPIRE | NURTURE | ACHIEVE An independent co-educational day school for pupils aged 3-18
Ewell Castle School With an ethos in which each child’s achievements are acknowledged, valued and celebrated, pupils thrive academically as a result of a varied curriculum, an extensive extra-curricular programme and outstanding pastoral care
Whole School Open Morning Saturday 27th January 2018 10am - 12noon For further details and to pre-register please visit our website 020 8394 3576
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CAREERS GUIDANCE Sutton High School achieves Career Mark Gold Award Sutton High School is delighted to have been awarded the Career Mark Gold Award for the fourth year running, and to have been the first independent school in the country to achieve this prestigious award. It is external recognition of the high-quality careers education, information, advice and guidance provided at the school. We want our students to make wise, well-informed choices, suited to the individual. We encourage our girls to be ambitious, to be challenged and to be excited about future opportunities and to this end, we provide a strong careers curriculum offering personal guidance and support. We have developed a structured programme of dedicated careers lessons, stand-alone activities
and individual guidance interviews for girls in Year 7 upwards. Developing self-awareness, exploring a broad range of occupations and developing decision-making skills which can be applied to subject and career choices are central to the careers programme. Information evenings for parents are a regular feature, making them aware of the careers and higher education process. Career Mark commented: “Sutton High School is to be commended for its consistent commitment to the provision of high-quality careers education and guidance over many years.�
CHEF INSPIRES NEXT GENERATION Great British Menu star visits Manor House School pupils Great British Menu star Emily Watkins visited Manor House School in Bookham to inspire the next generation of gourmet chefs.
Three years ago, Emily competed in the BBC’s Great British Menu and won a place in the final banquet at St Paul’s Cathedral with her fish dish.
Executive chef Emily, who worked with Heston Blumenthal at The Fat Duck, runs the award-winning Kingham Plough in Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire. It regularly features in the UK’s top 100 restaurants and top 50 gastropubs lists.
She visited the selective independent school to address Year 9 Food Technology pupils on the opportunities her industry offers and how to excel at a career in food and nutrition. Manor House School’s Head of Food Science Kay Tercan said: “Bringing a star chef like Emily to the school was a great way to inspire the girls.”
dietetic assistant, health psychologist, nutritionist, food writer, food law manager plus a wide range of roles in the hospitality industry.
For more information contact Manor House School on 01372 458538.
Manor House offers Food and Nutrition studies (Food Preparation and Nutrition) to GCSE level – leading to career opportunities as a microbiologist, laboratory technician, Fleur, Form Captain #FutureLeaders
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11/12/2017 10:56
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1. Hogmanay. 2. Heartbreak Hotel. 3. Czech Republic and Slovakia. 4. 12 grapes. 5. The Poseidon Adventure 6. Times Square. 7. 1958 8. Rosh Hashanah. 9. Abraham Lincoln. 10. Times gone by.
Indian restaurant crowned Epsom’s best business
“Dastaan means 'story' and Epsom has definitely become a part of our story.” It was the second gong of the night for the team, which also collected the Best Business for Food and Hospitality award. Other winners on the night included Grow Cook Enjoy, Core Wellness Centre, Jessica Rea Millinery and Tate Recruitment.
Dastaan - Winners Best Overall Business Dastaan Indian restaurant has taken the "Best Overall Business" title at the Epsom and Ewell Business Awards. Run by award-winning chefs Sanjay Gour and Nand Kishor, the restaurant in Ewell opened a little over a year ago and is already making a name for itself with its take on authentic Indian food. The pair met at the Michelin-star Indian restaurant Gymkhana, which they arrived at having worked at a number of top restaurants – Chef Gour was with Angela Hartnett at Murano before stints at the Corinthia Hotel and Royal Opera House, while Kishor worked at restaurants in Mumbai before heading up Trishna in London.
The London Prosecco Company was named Best New Business. Set up in 2016, the Ewell-based company is owned by FHW Marketing and Events, which publishes out&about magazine. Director Isabella Harding said: “It has been an amazing year for The London Prosecco Company, achieving some successful contracts that have enabled us to grow into a flourishing new business so quickly. I would like to thank the team for all their hard work and look forward to what 2018 has to bring.” And there was a special award for Steve Whiteway to honour a career spanning more than 37 years at Epsom Coaches.
Sanjay Gour said: “The entire team of Dastaan is earnestly grateful for the recognition that we have received for our hard work, because I am very sure that every other nominee for this award was as capable if not more, of winning these awards. “Since the opening of Dastaan last year the amount of love and support we have received is amazing. We hope it continues and we are able to serve scrumptious Indian food for many more years to come.
The London Prosecco Company - Winners Best New Business
EPSOM & EWELL BUSINESS AWARDS He received the Outstanding Contribution to Business Award in recognition of his work with the company, which he joined in 1980 as a trainee coach driver after completing a carpentry apprenticeship. He went on to become a shareholder and managing director of the business, which was recently taken over by Gardiners NMC. MP Chris Grayling, who set up the awards to recognise and celebrate business excellence in Epsom and Ewell, said 2017 had been another fantastic year. “We had a really good mix of winners again who are a great tribute to the depth and variety of the local business community in Epsom and Ewell. “Congratulations to all the winners and runners-up for all their hard work and success. Special congratulations to Steve Whiteway, it was fabulous to honour the career of such a respected business leader. I know he intends to continue to play an active role in the business community, his expertise will no doubt be highly sought-after. “I am particularly delighted that Dastaan has been awarded the Best Overall Business and Best Business for Food and Hospitality 2017. Dastaan only opened its doors in Ewell earlier this year. Multi-award winning chefs Sanjay Gour and Nand Kishor have created such impact and excitement with top class Indian cuisine and customer service in Epsom and Ewell. They are worthy winners and I recommend them to all.” The winners received prizes including a tour of the House of Commons, a full page advertisement in out&about, membership of Surrey Chambers, a business session with ActionCOACH and annual membership to thebestof Epsom & Ewell for the Best New Business winner.
Winners: Best New Business The London Prosecco Company Best Business in Ashtead Gladstone Design Best Business in Epsom and Epsom Downs Tate Recruitment Best Business in Ewell and Stoneleigh Jessica Rea Millinery Best Business for Customer Service Core Wellness Centres Best Business for Commitment to the Community The Wheatsheaf Best Business for Commitment to the Environment Grow Cook Enjoy Best Young Entrepreneur Ben Maidment, Ben's Butchery Best Business for Food & Hospitality Dastaan Best Business for Design or Technology Still Moving Overall Best Business Dastaan Outstanding Contribution to Business Steve Whiteway
Overall winner Dastaan also received £1,000 worth of radio advertising courtesy of award sponsor Radio Jackie. The awards ceremony was held at the University for the Creative Arts on November 16.
supported by:
Steve Whiteway - Outstanding Contribution to Business
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