2009-08-01 outlook calendar

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• • • • • • • • • outlook’s sponsored events • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • about town • • • • • • • • bus Zoo & Aquarium, 614.743.0104, www.columbuszoo.org: Enjoy an after hours MMMMM, MMMMMM, BUENO Sabor de Columbus @ Columbus event at the Zoo featuring music Zoo and Aquarium. The Hispanic by the Nate McDonagh Band, food and beer provided by Barley’s Chamber of Columbus proudly announces its first annual Sabor Smokehouse and Brew Pub. 21+. de Columbus event, showcasing $35 through Aug 23, $45 after. more than a dozen of Columbus’ Order online or call Subha Lembach. best in Hispanic and Latin cuisine, Sabor de Columbus (Taste INTUITION TOUR of Columbus/Flavor of Columbus) SAT, AUG 29 WED, AUG 5 Jamie Foxx @ Vets Memorial is a fun and exciting evening of Center, 300 W Broad St, food, music and dancing all with BEASTMASTER IS IT ‘AHH-MISH’ OR ‘A-MISH’ 614.221.4341, www.fcvm.com: Latino flavor and flair. Participat- Ferret Buckeye Bash @ Vets Separate from the World @ Memorial Center, 300 W Broad St, 8p; $49.75 - $69.75. He’s hip, ing vendors include Costelo’s Thurber House, 77 Jefferson Ave, he’s hot, and he’s here in the Puerto Rican Cuisine, Garcia’s In- 614.221.4341, www.fcvm.com: 614.464.1032, www.thurberCbus. You’ll kick yourself later if ternazionale Restaurant, Nicole’s 10a-5p; $5 adults, $1 children, house.org. Join former college $12 family. Come spank and you don’t attend, and then see Catering, El Vaquero, Azteca chemistry professor-turned-mys- the bootleg You Tube vids of him Catering, Baja Sol Cantina, Bar- stroke some weasels, learn why tery writer Paul Gaus as he reads going all sweaty and shirtless. you should never put them in your rio, Casa Sazón, Cazuelas Grill, from his latest book, Separate La Michoacana, Panaderia Oax- pants, and get a nose full of ferfrom the World. After retiring from SAT, AUG 15 ret funk at this pet extravaganza. aqueña, Perfect Plate Catering, the College of Wooster, Gaus and Starliner Diner. Tickets are began what has become a popu- CO-ED VOLLEYBALL THURSDAYS THROUGHOUT $25 and can be purchased by lar series of mystery novels set in Ronald McDonald House Volley- calling the Chamber at AUGUST Holmes County, Ohio. Gaus will ball Fundraiser @ Flannagan’s 614.255.6085 or online at read from his sixth and latest Dublin, 6835 Caine Rd. Slap The Wexner galleries may be www.columbushcc.com. book in the Ohio Amish Mystery around some balls in the “fun” or closed, but there’s plenty of film series, a spellbinder that explores “competitive” bracket to help to be watched @ Wexner Center FRI, AUG 21 the rift between two Amish fackeep families safe and warm for the Arts, 1871 N. High St, tions in the wake of a murder and while their children battle the MORE RIDICULOUSLY GOOD 614.292.3535, wexarts.org. LOOKING PEOPLE suicide. Gaus lives in Wooster, devastating effects of illness. Check out this lineup: Ohio, and lectures widely about www.digitforthehouse.com. Cocktails for a Cause @ COSI, Amish culture. Guests are asked 333 W Broad St, 614.228.COSI, Urban Cowboy, (James Bridges, to bring their own blankets or WE’RE NOT PEDOPHILES www.cosi.org. Join Dress For Suc- 1980) - The Graduate, (Mike lawn chairs for seating at Singing Buckeyes Harmony cess Columbus at this first anNichols, 1967) Thurber House. Parking is free Camp Show @ Vets Memorial nual gala event. Guests will enjoy Thu, Aug 6, 7p and 9:25p after 6p at the meters on Jeffer- Center, 300 W Broad St, a Roaring Twenties themed affair son Avenue. In case of rain, the 614.221.4341, www.fcvm.com: with cocktails, date auction, Jackie Brown, (Quentin Tarantino, picnic will move to the State Auto 7:30p-10:30p. fashion show, live bands, and 1997) - Fast Times at Ridgemont Insurance building, 518 E. Broad more. Benefits Dress For Success High, (Amy Heckerling, 1982) Columbus, an organization that St. Complimentary tour begin at MON, AUG 17 Thu, Aug 13, 7p and 9:40p 5:20p; the picnic starts at 6:15 offers personalized professional RIDICULOUSLY GOOD LOOKING PEOPLE p.m.; and the reading is at 7p. dressing services for disadvanGrand Re-Opening @ McFadNew 40th Anniversary Print! Easy This year Thurber House is coltaged women returning to the lecting canned and boxed goods den’s Restaurant & Saloon, 1576 workplace. Tickets and informa- Rider, (Dennis Hopper, 1969) N High St, 614.294.2200, Thu, Aug 20, 7p at each picnic to donate to the tion at www.mcfaddenssaloon.com. Mid-Ohio Food Bank. $25/15/5. www.cocktailsforacause.eventbrit Brand new patios, tvs, stage, Wex Drive-In e.com. dance floor and menu. Check it O Brother, Where Art Thou? (Joel SAT, AUG 8 out! Coen, 2000) SAT, AUG 22 CRAFTS AND CRASHES Thu, Aug 20, Dusk, Wexner Center Roller Girls Get Crafty @ Ohio THE DANIELSES MAKE IT OFFICIAL NOT THE ANAL KIND Plaza I Do @ Johnson County Iowa BeadStreet USA @ Vets Memorial State Fair, Family Fun Pavilion. Courthouse. Michael & Robbie do Center, 300 W Broad St, Join the Ohio Roller Girls and Magnolia, (Paul Thomas Anderthe deed in the Hawkeye State ... 614.221.4341, www.fcvm.com: Columbus Crafty Cotillion at a son, 1999) Purchase everything from custom Thu, Aug 27, 7p handmade expo from 12-7p, and then they get married, too! The spiritual ceremony will be in made beads to jewelry and equipbuy a variety of unique handmade goods from over thirty indie Columbus in Sept for friends and ment. 10a-6p; $6. Through Aug Dustin Hoffman and Anne Banfamily, but the (not our resident) 23. craft vendors. Vendors include croft as Mrs. Robinson, the Columbus-based favorites such state-sanctioned knot tying ocmovies’ definitive cougar. Songs FRI, AUG 28 curs here. as AmyD, Umbrella Girl Producinclude “Mrs. Robinson” and tions, Poshta Design, Stinkybomb “Sounds of Silence.” (108 mins., DON’T FORGET THE PEANUT BUTTER Soap, Clinton Reno and Anne Hol35mm) Brew at the Zoo @ The Columman Jewelry Design. With prices TUE, AUG 4

ranging from pocket change to a dip in the savings pool and goods BREAKFAST CLUB as varied as fine art ceramics CYP CLUB Speaker Breakfast @ from Cynthia Vardham to croChamps Lennox, 1827 Olentangy cheted mustaches from Wholly River Rd, www.cypclub.com: Craft, there’s handmade options Local guest speaker Andrea Apfor everyone’s taste and budget. plegate offers business advice Free, once you get into the Fair. while you mow down breakfast bagels, pastries, and coffee. FRI, AUG 14 7:30a-9a; $5.


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