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THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12 DAVE’S STILL HELPING. Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption: Arts for Waiting Hearts @ The King Arts Complex Theatre, 867 Mount Vernon Ave, 614.645.KING (5464), FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6 www.thekingartscomplex.com: The exhibiFOUL-MOUTHED DIRTY BROAD OR FOUL-MOUTHED, tion will highlight art by youth ages seven to seventeen from Franklin County ChilDIRTY, BROAD? Lisa Lampanelli @ The Palace Theatre, 34 dren’s Services, inviting the viewer to gain insight into their hearts through creative W Broad St, 614.469.9850, works. Join the Dave Thomas Foundation ticketmaster.com: We’re writing this as a as they work to increase adoption awarehomage to the lady herself. Ready? Ok: ness and celebrate youth as they share “She’s big, she’s beautiful, she loves the gays. She’s like Kathy Griffin, if Kathy didn’t their vision of the future. 6p-8:30p; free! give a fuck. Join the Queen of Mean as she FRIDAY NOVEMBER 13, makes frequent references to her sexual proclivities, and even more frequent refer- WHOA-MAN? Miss Ohio Gay Pride pageant @ Axis, 775 ences to yours! Bring a tampon.” Whew! 7p; we don’t know the price, so get off your N High St, 614.291.4008, columbusass and find it! nightlife.com: Join Reigning Miss Ohio Gay Pride Penny Tration, many friends, and numerous contestants as they vie for the covSATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 eted title of Miss Ohio Gay Pride. There will KINDLY SHOW ME YOUR JUNK, PUNK. be boys in dresses, boys wearing someAndrew Christian Fashion Show @ Axis, 775 N High St, 614.291.4008, columbus- thing that looks like a dress, ladies, mannightlife.com: Join Nina West and the fine ladies, ladies who look like men, real men, Maria Garrison, and shims. Yea, I said people of Andrew Christian Modeling Agency for a sexy fashion show and a sexy shims. 7p Fri-Sat, 8p Sun; $10. underwear contest. Shake that ass, get discovered, have a few cocktails, explain it TOSH PIT all to your parents at a later date. At least Daniel Tosh @ Verne Riffe Center’s Capitol Theatre, 77 S High St, 614.469.1045: If it’s not porn...right? Right? Doors at 10p; you’ve seen Daniel Tosh on his hit Comedy $5. Central show Tosh.0, than you know that this guy is one funny mutha. He attended a STREET MEAT place called Astronaut High School, and atShort North Gallery Hop @ North High tributes his comedic style to growing up in Street from Goodale to Fifth Ave, shortnorth.org: You know the drill. Walk around Florida, which he calls “flat, hot and the fabulous Short North Arts District, take dumb.” Strangely, that’s also what I call my soon-to-be sister-in-law. It must be love. in the galleries, buskers, street-vendors, 7:30p &10:30p; $29.50-$32.50. and local freaks and geeks. Have a few cocktails, eat some food, spend some SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 money, and make at least one stop at Mike’s Grill at the intersection of High and PUCK YOU. Buttles. Tell them Frye sent you! 4-10p; Blue Jackets Foundation: Hockey Fest @ free. Nationwide Arena, corner of Nationwide and Neil, 614.246.2000, www.NationTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 wideArena.com: Join the Columbus Blue CANNES-MEETS-SUNDANCE-MEETS...CHILICOTTHE? Jackets and their wives for an afternoon of Columbus International Film & Video Fes- fun on the Ice. Proceeds go to the Blue tival @ Columbus College of Art & Design, Jackets Foundation, which benefits pediatric cancer, children’s health & safety, ed107 N 9th St, ccad.edu: Do you like porn, ucation and the development of youth zombies, upside-down mortgages, food,
hockey. If Klesla shows up, we’re there. 12- Neil, 614.246.2000, www.Nation6p; $20. wideArena.com: Come see the Radio City Rockettes as they kick down your rib-cage, grab your still-beating heart in their deliWEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 cate and effeminate hands, and promptly A LITTLE MAN-ON-MAN ACTION Dale Chihuly @ Athletic Club of Columbus, make you fall madly in love. Santa shows up, they serve cocoa, and sometimes 136 E Broad St, 614.221.3344, www.acthere’s a little snow...and no, that was not a columbus.com: Chihuly on Chihuly! Join the master of glass for the master class on cocaine reference. Though, these girls ARE success, both artistically and commercially. from NYC. Spin the wheel of destiny, I always say. 4p &7p; $49.50-$69.50 Enjoy a delightful luncheon, the company of the man himself, and the hospitality of FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27 the Athletic Club of Columbus! Glass blows! 12p-1:15; $40 for the general pub- GHOSTLY MENAGE A TROIS lic. Capa Presents: The Nebraska Theatre Caravan’s “Charles’ Dickens A Christmas FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20 Carol” @ The Palace Theatre, 34 W Broad “HOCK YOUR JEWELS, USE THE MONEY FOR St, 614.469.9850: A Columbus Tradition for STOOLS!” more than 30 years, join CAPA as we once International Gem & Jewelry Show @ Vets again visit Ebenezer Scrooge, his three ghosts, and one fucking adorable cripple! Memorial Center, 300 W Broad St, God bless us, everyone. Performances on 614.221.4341, www.fcvm.com: Jewels, gems, stones, rocks, pebbles, shiny bits of Friday at 7:30p, Sat. at 2p and 7:30p, Sun at 2p & 7:30p. $32. glass, granite shards, pieces of marble, priceless pieces by Tiffany, Lalique...We SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28 imagine this thing has it all. Bring your wallet, and get stoned. 12p-6p, Saturday PAGLIACCI, LIBERACE, LORD, I LIKE A HOT HIBACHI. 10a-6 p, Sunday 11a-5p; $7. THAT WAS JUST NONESENSE. Opera at the North Market @ North MarTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 ket, 59 Spruce St, 614.463.9664, northTICKLED FANCY AND A BOY NAMED USNAVI market.org: Come hear some of Columbus’ Broadway Across America-Columbus: In most talented Opera singers as you enjoy the Heights @ The Ohio Theater, 39 E State all the food and fun the North Market has St, 614.469.0939: Join Capa and Broadway to offer. Sad clowns, Madama Butterfly, Across America as they present the brilliant and grooms-to-be named Figaro not inmusical that swept the 2008 Tony awards. cluded. Singers from 11a-11:45a & 12:15p-1p; free! There’s a character named Usnavi, the owner of a bodega in Washington Heights. He was named after the first boat his par- WTF IS A TURQUASSIAY? SOUNDS FRENCH. ents saw when they arrived in America, Alexis Stevens presents Dirty-Sexy-Hunwhich actually said “U.S. Navy.” Something gry @ Axis, 775 N High St, 614.291.4008, about that tickles my fancy, and once my columbusnightlife.com: Join everyone’s fafancy has been tickled, it’s best to just fin- vorite Grove City girl as she debuts her first ish me off! Tuesday-Friday, 8p Saturday 2p large main stage production. With a cast and 8p Sunday 1p &6:30p; $20-$67. like Alexis, Vee Love, Anisa Love, Samantha Rollins, Paige Passion, Turquassiay, Cool WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 Ethan and the Royal Renegades, Danyel REDEEM THIS, BITCH. Vasquez, Rocko, Brooks, Mike M, and AJ, we Heaven and Hell: Soul Redemption @ can assure you it will be dirty, sexy, hungry, Wall Street, 144 N High St, 614.464.2800, and probably a couple of other things. www.wallstreetnightclub.com: Grab your Bring some dollars, drink some hooch, get angel wings, put on your horns and get down with the Queen of the GC. 9p; tables your dancing booty to Wall Street for this $40, general admission $5. CBus tradition. Demonic shadow dancers, heavenly satin climbing angels, DJs SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29 Michele and Mykal. What more could you TIGHTS? NUTS? SOLD. want? Come be redeemed before you go The Nutcracker with the Columbus Ballet home for turkey & family guilt. 9p-4a, $4. Orchestra @ The Ohio Theater, 39 E State St, 614.469.0939: It’s that time again! VIRGINIA WEST KICKS HIGHER THAN THESE BITCHES, Sissy boys, prissy girls, costumes, soldiers, AND SHE WEARS A CAT SUIT! bombastic music. It’s like Saddam HusRadio City Christmas Spectacular @ Na- seins Iraq. Don’t miss this adorable holiday tionwide Arena, corner of Nationwide and tradition! 2p &7:30p; $29.
polluted water and abject poverty? We thought you might. Check out the United State’s longest running film festival, the 57th Columbus International Film & Video Festival, which is being held primarily at CCAD. View film selections at chrisawards.org. Today through Nov 15. 7:30p10p; $5.
calendar outside NOV09b:Calendar
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 LUC BE A LADY Super Sunday Featurng Luc Tuymans @ Wexner Center for the Arts, 1871 N. High St, 614.292.3535, wexarts.org: Don’t miss the first Super Sunday focusing on Luc Tuymans, the Belgian genius, painter and allaround silver fox. Try your hand at oil painting, experience poetry, dance, and music inspired by his work and his subjects. Even sample a taste of his native Belgium, if you know what we mean. And you do. Galleries open 11a-6p, activities 1p-5p; free!
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